According to Famitsu, this game sold more copies on its first day than Kingdom Hearts 3. How is that even remotely possible!
According to Famitsu, this game sold more copies on its first day than Kingdom Hearts 3...
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marie rose
because only fags and niggers like kingdom hearts
Is this coming out in the west, or do I have to buy the jap version?
Also, what’s the difference between the paid and free version?
it probably has an Asia version with english subtitles, the original DOAX3 also didn't get an official release in the west but you could still import and play it in english
It’s English in japan now, isn’t it?
I love her. I want her to be my girlfriend.
It’s not coming. But jap version has English.
And the Asia English doesnt have an eshop so you cant get any DLC. Just import the JP version
stop liking anime titties
Anyone know if Senran Kagura Peach Ball is in English too?
If I’m switching regions, I may as well get both
No, it's not, but that one will certainly come over.
Because KH doesn't have Marie Rose.
Larxene is cute though
>go to my.nintendo to switch region
>site tells me I have to give up my balance
>have like 40 euros there because I bulk trasnfer money rather than have half my bank statement be video games
What the fuck is this, I never saw this when I was switching regions last year before the online changes.
I’m pretty sure funds and gold points just stayed in the other region’s eshop and were still there when I switched back.
Kairi is flat and has no ass
Wow just imagine how tanned you’ll be in summer
Why won't they release this in the west?
KH3 is not a good game.
It would be awkward + thousand more reasons not to.
Switch-fags desperate for games
>It would be awkward + thousand more reasons not to.
such as? there are plenty of buyers. the market is there.
So she's completely shit compared to Marie Rose, who has both
JP has english too this time
Marie Rose that's how
Anime tittys
Post more mari-san
Marie love
i want to tickle her belly
I want to lick it
I cant comprehend japs thinking patterns. On one hand they are trying to build a brand similiar to street fighter, push it to EVO and on other hand they maje literall porn games casting the very same characters they want people to take seriously as fighting game protagonists.
Are they dumb?
me too but i also want to see her cute reactions
They're trying to cater to completely different markets. This was very evident in the PR for DOA6, where the message they sent out when doing interviews for western media was completely different from what they said to japanese media. It was absurd to watch as Shimbori, who got stuck with this impossible mission, had to balance on an knife edge, downplaying fanservice for sjw western game journos eager to find anything they could to castrate the series they've had a hateboner for for years. And then having to play up the fanservice as much as possible for the japanese media, while also trying to be surreptitious about it in case anything got back to YOU-KNOW-WHO back in the West. It didn't work, since the sjws regularly were watching and reporting on all the lewd stuff going on in Venus Vacation and using that to try to attack Shimbori's messaging and DOA6 as insincere.
Not enough minnie lewds
user, that was quite a huge load on my face!
Why don't you lick it clean and we french kiss?
>tfw HD rumble
As much of a meme as it is, it's kinda amusing. I though it was gonna be total trash.
Let's be realistic for a second.
I love DOA and even I can see the issues with trying to make a "legitimate" fighting game while also using those same characters in high quality paid and F2P fanservice games.
People are fine with the sexy Street Fighter designs because they aren't used in fanservice games.
DOA's issue is and will always be trying to cross the beams instead of just taking the DOAX games, taking out the DOA part and just selling high quality fanservice games using original characters and iconography
street fighter, tekken, soul calibur and even mk up until the newest one, all had tiddies and sexy females but for some reason doa gets shit on?
DOA is a legitimate fighting game and there's absolutely nothing wrong with the DOAX series.
I agree on both points, but it's a matter of public appearance.
You can't sell something professional and legitimate while also purposefully associating it with something viewed as sleazy by the public and get away without damaging the former.
Other fighting games don't advertise sexy spinoff titles with their characters outside of KOF.
Westerners don't seem to be able to accept that things can be similar but different, despite their glorification of 'diversity'. DOA gets shit on because people don't like that a fanservice-heavy series has a fanservice dedicated spin-off. The old axiom 'if you don't like it, don't play it' doesn't seem to be enough to keep people from judging the fighters negatively because of the volleyball/gacha games. DOAX sells on the strength of the popularity of the DOA girls, it wouldn't work without them (people don't get into VV for the exclusive girls). They have nothing to do with each other beyond using some of the same characters. Itagaki planned Xtreme as a way to see the girls outside of their official jobs as fighters, but that apparently goes right over the heads of a lot of people, who insist that Tina is a WRESTLER, Kasumi and Ayane are NINJAS, and Kokoro is a MORON, and that's the end of where they like to think about them as characters.
>titties sell better than garbage
Post more Marie. I have to go do a final exam then I'm gonna jack off later.
>Not jacking off in the exam
Still waiting for an accurate Marie ERPer
>You can't sell something professional and legitimate while also purposefully associating it with something viewed as sleazy
mk is literally nothing but goreporn but somehow it is ok?
I want to see her cute reactions to me licking it
It's an oral exam. No fucking puns it's for a special topics in physics class.
wish you luck user
I don't like gore or mk but I'm not the one in charge of western sensibilities or public opinion.
Also MK has never once tried to be anything but a gore fighter and has always advertised itself as such.
It also doesn't have a line of "sexy gore fest" games running alongside the mainline titles
Marie has a cute butt
Marie has a cute c*nny
But she's 18
Everything about Marie Rose is cute anons
Not her tits. They're sexy.
still cute
it doesn't has to be one or another. it's both sexy and cute
You can make another profile on your switch and connect it to a different account with a JP region so you dont have to lose your funds.
I want them in my mouth
Why is there so little r34 of this cutie?
Not in a main game
Not enough western exposure, and she's pretty generic looking.
What's the difference between this and the original? How censored is the PS4 version? Trying to decide if I should buy it.
Holy fuck that looks delicious!
How in the hell is she anymore generic looking that the others? Her design looks more unique that Marie Rose or Honkers, I'd say.
>Cute giggly butts and titties
I wonder why too.
Are those the actual in game feet models? looks better than doa 6
PS4 version of Scarlet has no tengu fans (so no jiggling the boobs/butts with your controller), no jiggle lotions (you're stuck with the default jiggle), some suits that don't have malfunctions where they previously did, and you couldn't cause them to happen anyway without a tengu fan.
My opinion is unless you're a Switch player desperate to play this (why?) just wait until we see what their future plans are then get Fortune after Misaki and Leifang are added to it.
Brown hair, brown eyes, fairly normal personality. She's the Hitomi of the Xtreme series, without the added benefit of being a cute karate girl.
I think this pic is doctored, the lighting definitely looks a lot different. I don't have Scarlet myself to check, though what I have seen looks identical to Fortune.
is there a full video of this?
By Japanese standards flat blonde with twintails and pink-haired with big tits are about as generic as it gets. I could agree with "plain", but that can be unique in itself in such a lineup.
Does this have NiCO?
There's a full video game for it
No, but I can make one.
No. Maybe in the future. I imagine they have plans to add her somehow, but it would require them to remake her with the DOA5 models that Xtreme3/VV uses.
please do!
No, they removed the gross excessive sexuality from DOA6 like the big boobs and bikinis and kept it strictly for DOAX
It's not much. Just a pose in the picture mode.
What's she bouncing around for?
is this from VV or DOAX3?
It's one of Hitomi's win poses in X3 actually
X3. Presumably Scarlet has the same thing, though I have jiggle lotion on Marie's boobs (can't remember what level, either 2 or 3).
Ayane version for comparison. Max jiggle lotion applied.
That makes sense. Hitomi is incredibly cute.
they kinda look like fake tits
They're just incredibly perky
>nico with doa5 models
She would look better
>what’s the difference between the paid and free version?
Free version only let's you play as Kasumi and you only have access to her set of swimsuits (purchasable with in-game currency).
You can buy the other girls separately but if you like most of them, you might as well buy the whole game.
There is already a mod for doa5. she looks really bad
I want her to have my quarter German children
>How is that even remotely possible!
KH doesn't promote adequate social values, it's just a childish fantasy tainted by american hands.
Dead or Alive X3 educates japanese citizens and shows them what is truly important, cute girls, procreation, artistic hobbies like photography and healthy physical activity.
ok so which has more content? VV or X3?
The Switch version looks surprisingly okay.
The only drag would be the frame rate but even that is okay (no Vita levels of slideshow).
On balance X3, but you will be missing the exclusive VV girls and swimsuits.
Source to famitsu?
Strangely, ive only noticed the framerate dipping in menus. I would think if anything it would have a hard time during volleyball with 4 characters on screen but it does perfectly fine. When moving quickly between places and menu options though sometimes the game slows to a crawl for a second or two. I wonder why.
This malfunction is confirmed censored out of PS4 Scarlet, but perfectly fine on Switch along with some new ones that also reveal a micro bikini top.
After all it's based on assets that originated on 360/PS3 hardware, but that aside Koei Tecmo has been gradually getting better at Switch development lately.
Im gonna try VV first since it's free. i was ok just lurking doa threads just for Marie images if i get addicted to it i blame you for posting this user.
I bought 3 copies by accident I'm guessing everyone else did too.
So what is the DLC?
I bought the game but didn’t notice receiving anything
Still kinda bullshit it's 30fps though. I mean there's four characters on the screen, tops, and the environments are small, almost entirely static backgrounds. Don't tell me that shit's too much work when Smash is doing 8-player matches with stage morph and explosions fucking everywhere at a 99% stable 60fps.
Smash models have way less polygons.
The code in the game? It's a costume for the new girl. Blue/White one piece with a cat tail and ears
Isn't there a dress for Leifang too?
So is there a pay-to-avoid-grind thing going on in the owner shop? I try the eshop button on both my regular account and the jap one set to the moonrune eshop, but both of the throw error messages.
>So is there a pay-to-avoid-grind thing going on in the owner shop?
no, there are additional owner suits to buy girls with either ingame money or real world money that rotate every 2 weeks
What code?
I’m talking about the dlc on the eshop.
The ones bundled with the game.
When you pay with real money (Premium Tickets) you guarantee that the recipient of whatever you bought will accept it. It is a way to pay-to-avoid-the-grind of having to earn money then work towards getting the gift accepted (spamming gifts through the hotel every night is the easiest way and you don't have to pay to re-wrap rejected gifts). You'd have to be a sucker to use real money though.
Do you mean the girls/casino things?
Those are 'usage rights'. The bundle they sold was the F2P game(not released by itself yet) along with 'rights' to everything to make it a copy of the retail release. The only other DLC available right now are Premium Tickets and Pole Dance Tickets. Both are a scam meant for the lazy.
Suits bought with Premium Tickets are not guaranteed to be accepted. To do that, you must also buy the special wrapping paper, only able to be purchased with Zack Tickets, as well.
Because you can read bad fan fiction for free on the internet.
Oh alright, thanks.
I don’t need to pay to win because I’m a real gamer so I cheated by abusing save backup
Japanese version has English this time so a much better choice than Asia. Especially if you are some console warrior going on about a boob jiggling item since Asia switch doesn't have an eShop.
Free version is Kasumi only and no Casino at night
If you already own Fortune on PS4, the two girls added are going to be DLC and you're just wasting money.
Are you sure? Unless they changed it; it's supposed to be automatically wrapped with that paper when you spend Premium Tickets.
In fortune the wrapping paper could be chosen while buying.
Hey guys just finished my exam
Got an A+, hell fuckin yeah
can she ever be stopped?
Can you stop the sun from exploding?
by turning all men into gays
>implying she won't just convert them back
she makes that bed look huge.
There aren't enough volleyball games out there
You really think people play it for the volleyball?
marie rose is truly the worst thing to ever happen to DOA. what a shame
it’s just sonyfriends coping with no jiggle
The world reknowned Ikea meatballs.
Based and redpilled
Thanks for reminding me, OP. Just bought the JP Switch version from Play Asia.
Do normies like Marie too? Or is it just pedoanons
Isn't VV on PC Japan only?
Would it be so hard to just add an option, in the options menu. Where you can toggle a "SFW mode" where all costumes default to the regular clothing and outfits, black voids or pants are added under skirts, jiggle/skirt physics are disabled or toned way down, and its just there to focus on the fighting?
That way anyone who wants the fanservice can just enable and leave that option on, and the trigger SJWs can turn it off and fuck off.
JP text only, but you can still play it in NA. There's a halfassed English UI translation mod out there too.
How much is each girl? I only wanted Marie anyway.
there is a guide on how to download it if you don't know japanese
Just ordered a copy. The balance is tipping even further.
Is it fun? I've only played DOA5 and 6 before, I don't know what this one is like.
on DOA6? 3.99
Not him, but I was impressed when I saw that. more or less a 4$ fighting game for me
On Scarlet.
If you like watching your waifu play volleyball then it is fun
The gameplay is mostly clicking and hoping for the best, other half of the game is taking pics
It's a grindfest. Some of the mods make it worth it because of some of the photo locations (in the shower, on a bed, etc) and some of the suits are A+, but the game itself is ass. It's only volleyball. It's okay if you don't mind watching other stuff on one monitor and skipping matches on a second one.
The PC gacha game Venus Vacation is mostly just menu navigating. You don't actually play anything, you just set up stats and watch/skip the AI playing Volleyball to get to the results. You spend hours/days accumulating points then try your luck at the lottery to hopefully unlock a new girl/suit. The PS4/Switch games have a few different mini-games you actively play, and any suits you want you just save for and buy/gift directly. Both games are a massive grindfest.
There is already an option to do that in DOA6, If you don't want jiggle for some reason you can turn if off.
But SJWs need something to complain about to stay relevant and DOA is an easy target.
VV is the only Xtreme doa i've played i didn't knew you could buy girls on scarlet
Thanks. Seems to be free for PC, so no harm in trying it.
Marie needs new hairstyles
Fortune also had a free version. And 5.
So is scarlet on PS4 just DOAX3 with 2 more characters?
These games dont sell out their iconic characters to hgames spinoffs. They protect their brand from this shit. Have you ever seen some capcom spinoff where whole gameplay was oiling RYU only in speedos or applying sunbathing oil on Cammys cheecks?
Only DOA is so retarded they release shit like doaX.
See above. Exactly for the reason they released doax nobody even gives a chance to doa. It will always be just fap bait game.
>big boobs are gross
Yes, and censored/removed content (only on PS4). It's a huge disappointment if you've already played Fortune. The only improvements are a slightly larger money cap(which is still fucking stupid) and slightly more money/xp for doing things.
Are you kidding? Plebbit have no appreciation for DFC.
There's a free version of Fortune on PS4 (Asia version has full English), and a free version of Scarlet is planned for Switch (should have English as well).
i know i meant the extreme spin offs. VV is the first i play also i got suprised at how enjoyable the music is.
I'm PC only, really, but thanks user.
When's the Steam release? Or PC in general? If I'm going to buy a game for ass and titties, by god it better be on a system where it's moddable.
What's up with honkers face in this cover
What is she thinking
They will never put X3 on PC and have it compete with Venus Vacation
I made it on MMD
you got a blog or something I can follow?
Just wait when you find out the hard way she is garbage tier. Who would have thought that short arms / legs resuts in extremly poor reach, low weight makes your character prone to juggling even from F rank players and she has slow combos on top of it.
Just wait for some doa6 mod. It has replay with free camera. I bet there will be replays with porn scenario in them.
Please can you do one with Honkers sitting on Marie's lap?