LMAO enjoy your memecloud version PCfag

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RDR2 might be the only game that won't be affected by the lag. Input latency is already so horrible, what's a few more milliseconds?

I'm sorry, where is the source for this?
Also well, no mods means I'm just going to stick with the PS4 version then.

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i already saw the full cutscene movie on youtube, theres no need to play it

guess I won't be buying your game then, rockstar. Oh well, plenty of other games to play

Rockstar has never made a PC version at launch ever

Max Payne 3

It's an overrated, shitty movie game anyway. There's no point in doing any of the challenges, hunting, fishing, or side missions. The side missions are just annoying, and you can easily finish the game with your starting weapons. The so called "unique" stranger encounters are generic, recycled events that pop up during the worst times like when you're trying to get shit done. If you don't do them the NPCs will keep appearing just to piss you off. Oh, and this game has the worst controls out of any game I've played. Not exaggerating. Save your money. The MCC is coming soon anyway.

I didn't miss out.

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[citation needed]

The point is to have fun you fucking contrarian idiot.
Ironic that you call it a movie game and then criticize the fact that it has hours of non-story content made to be enjoyed for the strength of its ability to immerse you, because it doesn't drop a bunch of useless gear or some shit.

Pretty sure max payne originated on pc

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>There's no point in doing any of the challenges, hunting, fishing, or side missions
there's no point in playing videogames too, user. your point?

And? he said rockstar never releases a pc version of the game alongside the console version ,and I was saying that's wrong.

>Ugh I can't watch side content on youtube like the cutscenes

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Every Rockstar game before GTA 3


>Google's streaming platform
>another walking simulator
Okay. They can have it honestly.

When their library is big enough I might activate a subscription for one month. Assuming the thing works in the first place of course.


kys faggot


Yeah no

Google is bad news.

Google would have to pay Shitstar and Take2 literally LITERALLY over $150 million NOT to release RDR2 on PC as compensation for potential profit losses.

Let's assume Take2/Rockstar would release an improved and enhanced PC version for $60 a pop. Going by how memed and hyped that brand is we can easily assume and calculate with 3 million sales on PC. This number is the BARE MINIUM what this title would sell on PC.

So $60 * 3000,000 = $180 million in revenue. Now if we take a look what GTA V sold on PC alone, which is something like 25 million units iirc PLUS the insane amount of cash they make on shark cards on PC
You could easily double all these numbers.

So Google would have to pay T2/Rockstar about $300 million to not release RDR2 on the PC but on their turd streaming service instead

I would really love to see that.

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Keep coping


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The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>your opinion doesn't matter
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>it's only the beta
>Online review scores
>reddit spacing
>angry PC gamer
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>it's a single player game
>it's not a twitch shooter
>nobody complains about x
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

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The gameplay is bad and ruins the fun. I don't want to kill rats in a bar, help some tranny get his animals back, chase some midget through a forrest, etc. Not something an outlaw would do. There's no point of hunting or breaking your controller fishing, because there's no real rewards and you can easily beat the game with the first weapons you have. Because of the retarded backwards clock mechanic there's no reason not to use the cattleman or schofield. It's the illusion of "things to do", but it's pointless. I an understand why a child would like this game though.
Missing the point.
You actually can. Also, RDR2 is so pathetic that if you purposely fail the mission enough, the game actually gives you the option to skip the mission, then watch another end cutscene. IE, movie game.
lol don't forget to add contrarian

>I don't want to kill rats in a bar or help some tranny get their animals back
Then... don't?

>no real rewards because you can easily beat the game with the first weapons you have
You can easily beat most games with the first weapons you have in most games. This is not an argument.

And challenges unlock outfits and equipment that improve your stats

The game just wasn't for you, why are you an excessively bitter faggot about it?

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Google makes billions in revenue so honestly hundreds of millions isn't much. I think for your tiny poorfag brain to understand how much 300 millions is for them, it's like you buying a cup of coffee for $3 at Starcucks but then imagine you would get those $3 back and more over the course of the years by selling your coffee to other people little by little.

>go back to Fortnite/ADD/short attention span
yes, RDR2 is very slow paced and there is very little instant gratification. you would probably not enjoy it if you are expecting any.
literally nobody says this, fuck off
>X is better than RDR1
yes, just about every aspect of 2 is better than 1. Missions, gameplay, story, music, map design, and more.
>only beta
the online sucks, yes, everyone knows it
>reddit spacing
nice bait
>review scores
they don't matter but they're fun to shitpost with
>muh immersion and realism
there's literally nothing wrong with immersion and realism you dumbfuck
>Tendie and PC console wars shit XD
fuck off

Is anyone going to ask for a link or are you all just as retarded as ever

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>checklist consists of I like game
Sad many such cases

RDR2 basically plays itself with absurdly long animations and autoaim anyway

Pssst you can turn it off if you're not a casual.

>wehh im miserable and there's no point to doing anything wehh ill just play gaylo