>3 shitty fighting games in a row.
Call me maybe
The gameplay in SFV and Infinite is fine. They just thought it was fine releasing SFV unfinished so it broke the games's neck.
It's what happens when you start making games for a passionate and somewhat niche fanbase instead of the knuckle-dragging masses.
We can call it a return when they make another good Fighting game
Notice how RE2 is an actual horror game with heavy puzzle elements. Resident Evil 7 is similar. DMC5 is straight character action. And Monhun is whatever the fuck monhun is. They're all unapologetic in their direction.
>Don't like horror games? Then fuck off we're not the game for you.
Do people really believe the gameplay is good in SFV? I mean MvCI is just broken dogshit, but SFV is a laggy slow piece of comebacky shit.
Only re2-7 are good though
I'm very happy to see that capcom is finally returned after street scam and mvc downward spiral
My hope now it's that capcom make a new excellent fighting game like a darkstalker or a fresh street fighter IV or even Alpha 4.
but in my heart there is hope for a War of the gems II
where is my Dragon's Dogma 2, capcom?
Unironically soon, I can feel it.
>The gameplay in SFV and Infinite is fine
Please fuck off and die.
>everyone forgets Megaman, probably the oldest company mascot along with Ryu
Too bad these two are still not fully redeemed. Imagine a great 3d conversion of Megaman like Mario got (not Sonic) to modernize the series.
Reminder that anyone that thinks these scores are bad is retarded. A score of 50 is classed as neutral, anything 80 or above is amazing.
RE has sucked since 4 mate. The remake looks good but it also looks like it is only because they are reusing the same good game design of the original. Wouldn't count it for just that
Monster Hunter is a really boring series. I played Tri and 3U and didn't play that long with either. Too much downtime between the actual action, I'd prefer if the items didn't matter but not using them really fucks you over after a while. And having to upgrade the weapons with some snoozy mining and collection bullshit zzzzzzzzz
And DMC series is a fucking meme. Why does everyone suck its dick so much? It's the aesthetics right? It's not even that hard and in every title you've got at least one if not several weapons that are so broken that nothing can harm you anyway as long as you have the sense to dodge occasionally
Capcom is overrated. The most overrated developer
now i'm curious. what do you like to play, user?
Next gen.
I'm torn between getting Dark Souls Trilogy pack or Resi 7/Origins Bundle/REmake 2.
Both cost the same. Which one should I get?
>not available on Epic
It's trash.
please respond
Mostly games made before 2006. Gaming already wasn't looking so hot but that was roughly the last point the hobby as a whole was salvagable, though clearly long past its peak.
On Netflix
>literally hasnt played RE2make
meanwhile after beating both Claire A - Leon B, and Leon A - Claire B, on Standard, im now doing Assisted difficulty run throughs now, and its, dare i say, fun.
easy headshots, shit tons of ammo, and a bit more relaxing than Standard.
havent had this much fun in a while, at least since maybe late game Dying Light
Imagine trying so hard to fit in
>It's what happens when you start making games for a passionate and somewhat niche fanbase instead of the knuckle-dragging masses.
But Monster Hunter World is right there.
Imagine enjoying modern videogames
I know that DD really wants to be Berserk, but did they really have to copy the part about getting a shitty cg anime?
at the very most, 9 years
at the least? 3
>shitty games made for people with shit taste
>cg anime
If I could erase one thing from existence, this would be it.
>P-please care about w-what I think!
Fuck off.
ok tell capcom to stop making safe choices for games and lets see how that turns out
Definitely do hardcore when you can.
You cared enough to respond, youngling. It's pretty much only 8-13 year olds who will put up with modern games these days
I love that you didn't name a single game because you're so insecure about your own taste.
>unga bunga old good
They didn't dumb the game down. They just removed some of the tedium.
that's a tough one, user. they all offer great replayability. the downside for souls is that the multiplayer base is probably near dead for most entries whereas RE has a shit ton of side content, not to mention perfecting runs if that's your thing. it's up to you really.
Itsuno has been teasing it all throughout DMC5’s PR cycle and recently said he had a new project in the works now that DMC5 is finished. Not to mention the Dragon’s Dogma anime announcement recently. It’s happening, but it’s obviously in early preproduction and thus 3+ years away.
Capcom historically gets better when their Fighters become a mess. Just look at the early to mid 2000s, The fighting game division there suffered either by sales or quality but they killed it in the other divisions like Megaman X/Zero, DMC series, RE, Okami, God Hand and Onimusha all started booming during the dead years of their fighting game division
Literally the best video game company in business right now.
>dying light
i really hope 2 lives up to the hype. i really did not like the ending of the following, it was interesting but i wanted redfield to come out on top
>Megaman X
>Early/mid 00s
Still doesn't make up for the years of garbage and scummy practices. Dmc5 is my GOTY but capcom is still a scummy piece of shit company no matter what.
maybe user means xz/zero. i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
You can't go wrong with either but I'd say that it depends on whether you're in the mood for Action RPG or horror.
It's ZX, and those games were mediocre. It was Battle Network that knocked it out of the park.
the comeback happened in the last years, namely with the release of MHW. RE7 was a good game, but it still came out in a time where Capcom didn't understand what the fans want.
SFV and MVCI were still made in times where Capcom pretty clearly pumped all their money into MHW's development. Reminder that ono literally said that Capcom doesn't have enough money to make SF 5, and they only started making it because Sony started somewhat funding the project.
now that they are financially stable again it's only a matter of time before the inevitable big budget new SF running on RE engine comes out
Why list a ton of games you will just shit on because you are severely butthurt? That timescale answers your question, so live with it ;)
>"I only like old games, they don't make good games like that anymore"
>shittalks a company that was one of the most influential and productive companies in gaming back then
stop trying this hard
>i like old games so i must like all old games
Also what part of "overrated don't you understand?
DMC5 is westernized garbage and MHW is casualized garbage.
RE2 and RE7 are ok though.
But it's 90 on the uncucked version of the game. PS4 score went down because it was censored by Snoy California.
This would be a complete renaissance for capcom if the fighting game division wasnt a flaming dumpsterfire atm
Fighting game division is still handled by an outsourced studios.
It's the cycle of Capcom. The fighting game division must die so that others may live
>meanwhile Konami ditched videogames for cheap gambling
>Bethesda single handedly ruined what little reputation they had with one single asset flip scam
>Bioware died years ago but only now it's becoming painfully obvious to people
It all feels weird as fuck
>muh scummy practices
pretty much every "scummy practice" capcom did was just something the retarded gaymer mob didn't understand and overreacted about it (mml3 cancellation, umvc3 launching early, sfxt dlc)
otherwise capcom never implemented manipulative business practices, no lootboxes or pressuring microtransaction bullshit, no massive downgrades /misleading marketing
>remake, sequel, sequel, sequel
>still pushing this sfv is bad meme, even though it's the best rated fighter this gen
I mean it's no usf4, and the inevitable REngine sf6 will be better most likely, but you should really cease this overreaction bullshit by now
there is also no such a thing as "fighting game division" at Capcom, it's more like fighting games are handled as side projects
how is DMC5 westernized when the game is literally DMC4 but with a lot more content?
Why are T7 user scores so low for all three platforms?
You're talking to secondaries that don't play the game and can only judge from the aesthetics. And even then they screech when they see Nero's anime as fuck DT appearance.
Not that guy but MvC:I is mechanically the most sound Mahvel game. I actually played it and I'm not parroting twitter memes about the shitty roster and ugly graphics.
I hope that the new director fix the fighting game division i want a good sfvi, and darkstalker 4, why not.
A lot of people didn't liked the roster because it didn't have all the characters from past games, despite every character in the game was unique, didn't like the few single player content and the supers, basically the only people that didn't like tekken 7 where casuals, everyone else likes the game.