Is it just me or did everyone here start hating this game when it became popular?

Is it just me or did everyone here start hating this game when it became popular?

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It happens to every game here, once the consensus it's reached that it's a good game all the bitter shitposters come out to be contrarian.

It's a japanese game with fanservice in it, which means no one is allowed to praise it on Yea Forums

>It's okay when red dead redemption 2 does it

>fanservice in it
Not that much, is there even anything bar 2B's outfit?

That's all you need to turn Yea Forums into obnoxious retards that can only think with their dick.

"Everyone here" voted it the 2017 Yea Forums game of the year in like ten different categories. You're thinking of a small minority of habitual contrarians and a couple faggots who think the only way to get people to talk about their favorite game is to post a bait OP LARPing a reseteraposter.

Yoko Taro games should be praised for their brazen sexuality. I really liked how the Yorha and the machines are depicted as seeing no difference between sex and violence which is why you can interpret 9S as simultaneously wanting to kill and fuck 2B.

I bought this when it was on sale a few months ago, I regret not getting this sooner. Excellent game. Definitely worth the $40 they want for the Yorha edition.

>no difference between sex and violence
That's the first I hear of this. Got any examples?

It's The Witcher 3 all over again

guess thats why they're all women

basically anything that is good that goes from niche to popular gets this treatment.

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>The machines imitate sex by slamming into each other
>9s plays out his fantasy in the digital realm by repeatedly penetrating 2B with his sword as she writhes on the floor

Did you do Jackass's side quest?

Jackass tells you the adrenaline sent through the body while in combat is the same euphoria humans had having good sex.
Basically androids killing shit feels really good to them.

Typical contrarian behavior. It's similar across the all boards. And actually contrarianism, peaked in 2018. Rught now you don't even need to explain why X is bad. Just call it rebbit/resetERA/SJW/tranny

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why do people get so upset that everyone likes something?

I started hating the game after ending A. Whoever thought it was a good idea to have to play through the game a second time with a new character is retarded

Because they then have to stop and think what makes it hard for them to socialize with others. When panty crawler moe is only like by a niche crowd you can rationalize your tastes in things is why you are excluded but when everyone loves panty crawler moe you are stuck in a constant realization that people just don't like you and your hobbies or beliefs have shit to do with it.

I've actually tried to discuss that with someone that thinks that way, and their reasoning is that it is human nature to associate bad thoughts with people you dislike, and not doing that means you are mentally ill.

You get a new perspective on the story and a couple new side quests.

It just wasn't fun for me, especially since I only bought it because it had Platinum's name on it and the combat was the most disappointing part of the game. I quit about an hour into route C and haven't touched it in a year. I might start a new file since I don't really remember much about it. I don't really care if anyone else likes it, but the combat had the depth of a puddle.

It's probably just you. You being a huge baby over people having different opinions than you, the typical Automata/Tarofag behaviour.
I hated this shit on my initial playthrough.

>fandom does nothing but spam porn of the game, never once talking about the actual game
>discard it as shit

Perhaps next time you'll consider that your actions have consequences.

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Donr bother with it

Voices of praise tend to fade a lot faster than resentment.
I'm going to claim that I've disliked it since I played it on launch though. It's the most disappointing game of all time. A dream-team product that completely fell flat for me. Not to mention the reception makes me feel like I'm going insane.

>I only bought it because it had Platinum's name on it
there's your problem
it's a Taro game first, Platinum 2nd

I don't hate the game, but I hate everyone who plays it, because they just bought it for the ass and didn't even play the first one, being the normalfaggot zoomers they are.

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>normalfaggot zoomers
Only normalfags say shit like "zoomer". I do agree with you though, I hate the fanbase but like the game.

That's one of the major problems with the game is that Taro didn't hand the gameplay entirely off to Platinum and injected some his own stupid anti-fun ideas in there, but it's also a really weak Taro game. It's nowhere near as crazy as his previous works and unlike Nier (which it makes obnoxious callbacks to constantly), it has an extremely weak cast of characters. It's like Platinum and Taro came together and they watered each other down. The gameplay isn't Platinum good and the story isn't up to the level of other Taro memgames.

Because they still think it's 2008 and are scared of "gaiafags" will somehow come and take over their board. That's what it boils down to. It's pathetic and yet very damaging since because of this line of thinking, they can't discuss openly discuss anime like we discuss video games.

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Would Yea Forums really do that? Just hate something because it became popular?

I like the game but I have zero respect for the shitty fanbase, 99,9% of which didn't even play the original and only got pulled in because "of muh annie may waifu ass. look at me, i'm such a weeb now ECKS DEE"

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Kinda funny since the place seems to be flooded with shounen faggots and seasonal reddit scum now.

The main problem is that it's both a bad Taro game and a bad Platinum game.

Only resetera, discord trannies and soigoys hate it.

They'll claim it's the fanbase or that 2b's ass is too big.


By everyone you mean Yea Forums?
In overall consensus about this game is that it is great.But I'd point out that it is not as good as they make it out to be.The map was small,the plot was reliant on plot-twists and ''surprises'' but you end up predicting 90% of the stuff.The boss battles are one of the weakest in the genre + soundtrack aswell.Especially soundtrack,sure,weight of the world is kino,but the background soundtrack is just boring esperanto alongside instrumental acoustic guitar + some other instruments that display a quiet setting which is true for a depopulated world but still does not push the right strings on me as other hack-n-slash do.
This game also takes itself too seriously,the characters deliver you borderline philosophical speech and you end up thinking if Yoko Taro actually believes this shit.

As far as hacl«k-n-slash goes:
Story:God of war (the old one)
Soundtrack:Metal Gear rising revengeance
Gameplay:Devil May Cry or Bayonetta
Setting:God of War
Bosses: Metal gear rising revengeance

I liked the setting more than Nier and the characters almost as much as Nier. And the game is much less reliant on repeating the same shit over and over

you're thinking about how much you want to **** 2B aren't you

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No I knew it was mediocre at best from the demo.

It being a cinematic experience with no gameplay doesn't help, either.

I actually prefer original Nier, but Automata is also fantastic. I'm disappointed that Emil wasn't a part of the story.

I bought it for A2's abs and I played the first one, Drakengard 1 and 2.

How's the enemy variety? I'm a bit curious in the game, but from what I gathered in the demo, all you were fighting was brown trashcans.


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I like the setting more too, but the scattered ideas with untapped potential don't prop up the rest of the package when it's underdeveloped. The characters are massive wastes. 9S is the only one who gets enough screentime to take meaningful actions and change, but he's a psychotic shit in the process of undoing himself and I can't sympathize with him because of all the dumb reincarnation baggage the story carries. Which, by the way, means that both the story and the backstory are heavily reliant on repeating the same shit over and over.

What is the point of rpg elements in this game? All the customization is done through memory chips and weapon upgrades which don't have anything to do with leveling.

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It's to gate content behind level gates. They don't want you doing every "shared" sidequest on route A so they jack up the numbers.
Some areas are also locked behind level gates but most of them don't even open up until the main quest sends you there.

Why should I trust anyone in the fandom who says that the game is good? Their viewpoints have been tainted by obvious bias.

>this game has sexy asses, so it's a 10/10 masterpiece
>games like Contra and Gradius don't have sexy women? FUCKING 0/10 SJW PROPAGANDA

It's hard listening to someone who thinks this way.

>the combat had the depth of a puddle.
Whenever I see b8s like this, I wonder what kind of games you folks even play in comparison.

How about games that require 500+ APM and don't just sell because "OMG MUH WAIFU"

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I really doubt Plat-fags have ever even touched a gran-strat title of any sort.
It's also piss easy to see who has or has not even played the game.

>I really doubt Plat-fags have ever even touched a gran-strat title of any sort.
Considering that they call the genre SJW shit because, and I quote, "not enough waifus" I'm not surprised to hear that.

>the game that will give you osteoarthritis faster is automatically better

Unironically this. What good is a game if it isn't pushing you to your limit?

Sekiro and DMCV

Nice history revision. We've always hated this game.

So way more streamlined 1-trick pony games?

Yeah they really should have just done away with that, all it does is fuck up the balance.

>1-trick pony game
What did he mean by this?

You mean games that reward you for mastering their mechanics and have more depth than Nier's shallow combat.

Yoko Taro is a pretentious weirdo. Automata is extremely underwhelming when it comes to actual plot.

>hahah lets make a platinium game with very few boss
don't know what retarded got this idea.. The best thing about nier was the boss fights but they were so few that i just dropped it. The open world is just ps2 tier:
>items on ground are glowing light
>quests: find mr x/go from a to b fast/get me the item y...,
>fighting lacked so much impact, you can just do the magic dodge move forever
>2.5d very weak plateforming segments
Good for it that people loved ,i really love the studio and don' t want it to go under.
But really the game set the very low compared to bayonetta or metal gear rising

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Taro's previous games all felt like very different experiences, while Automata felt like it was trying too hard to recapture the magic of Nier and pull at your heartstrings. And while the gameplay is objectively better it's just simplified typical Platinum combat, I'd have preferred the game try to be more of it's own thing because this just makes me want to play Bayonetta or something instead.

Yeah, thanks to the same shitters who complained about the board being too mean, like the redditfag you're replying to.

>games like Contra and Gradius don't have sexy women
>What is Otomedius
Try a little harder next time.

>games like Contra and Gradius don't have sexy women? FUCKING 0/10 SJW PROPAGANDA
No one has ever said this, ACfag.

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Yeah I'm sure those games would be way better with a bunch of shitty schmup sections.

my relationships

I didn't buy it because of the ass that would be a waste of money, I bought it because a friend said it was really good

i dont hate it desu plus 2B's ass is nice, it was very good

Lewd dialogue, A2 strips some of her clothes with her berserk mode and is really sexualized... was there any fanservice for Popola and Devola?

People just love hating on popular things. The normies overhype it and when people obviously don't even like the game genre or thematics, they'll whine that it's the game itself is bad and not that their taste are different.

Yeah basically.

Apparently using the names of philosophers for characters who lambast that particular philosopher's ideas is "not subtle" and "baby's first psychology" even though some of those ideas are pretty fucking complex and I'd like to see most people on Yea Forums come up with a scenario using robots to make that philosophy demonstrable in both a straight, surface-value way and also at the same time undermined by its own hypocrisy and inapplicability to actual, real life.

That's also an allegory for the player. Think about it.

When you kill shit on a screen, you feel good. It releases endorphins. Sure, easier games are more numbing compared to an in-depth one-on-one like Dark Souls but you still get those endorphins; you can also become quite numb to sex when you have it every day. The fact that "sexual violence" is even a term is proof enough that they are intrinsically linked.

As far as I can tell, isn't that also meant to be deconstructive? In every game, skills and new abilities are just "locked" behind levels or quests. The data exists on the CD or system. You don't really "learn" them, you just get allowed to use them. Automata's microchips take that literally; as long as you can get the chip, you can do the thing.

He's talking about the levelling mechanics which just boost your base stats and do nothing else.

Same reason you never hear shit-talk about Dragon's Dogma here.

Oh, okay.

Well, the only answer I can think of for that is simply the fact that it's part of a game series; the previous one of which used the same leveling system, and like some of the weapons and motifs, it stuck around.

That's what Yea Forums does.

Except you don’t in Automata because the combat is boring as shit.

I only started and finished it in the last 2 weeks. Didn't expect it to be as depressing and existential as it was, was great.

Lol sure call others zoomers and post pokemon pics like a literal zoomer at the same time

This whole waifu thing you're freaking out about is only a small corner of the fandom that exists exclusively online, had nothing to do with sales or the real life discourse on the game

Having robotic strawman stand-ins literally named after what they’re representing is the most basic bitch way possible to do that. The actual way to do that which respects the intelligence of the player/reader/viewer would be to construct the scenario in such a way that the audience is the one who is guided to the conclusion themselves. Automata’s approach is like if in Animal Farm, Napoleon was just called Stalin. Being completely on the nose with your ideas and how they’re presented only impresses retards, which is the entire problem with Automata as a whole, neatly demonstrated in microcosm by the robot philosophers.

>real life discourse
>im fucking plying

>Having robotic strawman stand-ins literally named after what they’re representing is the most basic bitch way possible to do that.
You have to consider the context.
Philosophers are fairly niche; it's doubtful that even those fairly well-versed in philosophy knew every single one. Case in point, the two ancient Chinese philosopher bosses that combine into one near the end.
Additionally, the setting is one of the distant future where the concept of philosophy has lost all meaning because humans are extinct.
Finally, the literal context of it being a video game released in the 2010's; an era where few people having time for in-depth philosophy or even traditional book-reading. Everyone has hyper-fast internet but instead of using it to discuss high concepts like the ancient Greeks, they use to post memes and porn and insult one another.

>Automata’s approach is like if in Animal Farm, Napoleon was just called Stalin.
I take your point, but I personally think the use of "Napoleon" is pretty on the nose as well. In addition, if Napoleon HAD been called Stalin, it's not as if that would have undermined the entire point of that narrative, is it?

It just seems very odd to dismiss the otherwise extremely well-constructed little diorama of a world in Automata "because they were too on-the-nose with the names". It's petty.

Casualizing the writing is exactly as egregious as casualizing gameplay. I don’t give a damn about how accessible the themes are to casuals, streamlining the themes of a game ruins it for me.

Allegories, metaphors, references, whatever, they add to the complexity and depth of a work BUT only if you obscure them in some way and make them your own story. It’s depth because the audience has to dig deeper, learn more, and know more in order to get what you did there. Their experience through interpreting and discussing interpretation pulls them in, engages them, and means they come away from the story with more meaning because they put in the effort to try to understand not just ‘what,’ but ‘why.’ As soon as you explicitly tell your audience, you rob them of that process. It’s why Animal Farm is a satire and not a history textbook. If Napoleon were called Stalin, it would undermine the point of the narrative entirely, because then it’d just be about Russia. That one layer of obscuration, the Stalin stand-in not being called Stalin, gives the story a claim to universality. If everyone forgot about the communist history tomorrow, the book still has a reason to exist because the pig isn’t named Stalin.

This is my single biggest problem with Automata. And to spell it out for you, it’s not just that it’s on the nose with its robot philosophers, it’s on the nose with absolutely everything.

Stop posting this. It's untrue.

Why were the ball machines named after chinese philosophers?

Wasn't it like, the characters that fought against them had that respective one's philosophy in mind at the time?

Other than that, there's the obvious symbology of them being white and black and them coming together at the end like the yin-yang which was originally a taoist symbol.

when is the first one getting a pc release

Sure it's on the nose, and I think you're right. Its still just about the only game to even mention Kant or Sartre in any capacity, let alone A-AAA status games. It isn't perfect by any means, it's relatively basic in a lot of regards. But it's still pushing the envelope in the right direction.

>"Yet, to bring an analogy, during your school days there might have been a girl or boy that you liked, and they might not have been the most beautiful or funny. You weren’t quite sure what the reason was, but you just liked that person for who he or she was. NieR is kind of a off-beat and strange game, but just like that memory of the first boy or girl that you liked back then, Yoko-san hopes that it will have a very fond place in your memories and in your hearts." -taro, basically.

Game isn't perfect but man does it have a lot of character... Kind of like godhand in a way?
Plus if the beginning of (c) didn't set your blood on fire, or the (e)nd of yorha didnt crush your soul, you need to reevaluate why you play games.

yeah but 2butt