Why is this game never talked about? I've been playing it for some time now and i'm hooked, the amount of content it has is amazing. It's pretty much Stardew Valley in 3D
My Time at Portia
I hate the artstyle and can't stand looking at the 3D models for very long.
Some other anons commented about the "awful crafting system/progression" or something but I never played it long enough to stumble upon these issues.
>Harvest Moon clones are now "like Stardew Valley"
i-is harvest moon really that old now?
The Natsume split seems to have really hurt the franchise. Haven't seen any interest in either branch since.
So old it's not even called Harvest Moon anymore. But hey, at least Rune Factory is coming back.
Shit artstyle. Some kind or Minecraft crafting shit I hate. 0/10 I'd rather play harvest moon
My pc can't run it.
It can't run skyrim.
One day I'll have money and play the games I'm not able to right now
>bachelors are all ugly
Hard pass. I'll wait for Rune Factory 5.
I tried it. For a game with lots of walking it... didn't feel good. Refunded after 1.5 hours. Maybe I'm too autistic about this. but I consider the feeling of traversal in games like this to be important.
not really the main focus is more on building stuff for the town than farming, it's fun tho, but after 100 hours I'm a bit burned out.
holy fuck dude just pick up a 970 or something. you could make a budget build for under 600
I know its kinda weird for other games, but for a farming/ community building game, burning out at 100h sounds pretty bad
Most SoS/RF only burnt me out at at least 1k hour, and even stardew only burnt me out at 300
not everyone has severe autism, user
Don't mind me, just posting the superior cozy town-building game
Because it's a really mediocre game.
Tell me whats better about it. I'm not patronizing you I am genuinely curious. Tell me about it.
Closer to Minecraft in terms of customizability in environments, better soundtrack, and the gameplay is generally more involved. It's early access though, so naturally you should be apprehensive about it, but if they keep working on it I could see it becoming top-tier.
Is it multiplayer? And if so, is the multiplayer functional, or is it dogshit
its not even autism user
lets take the time speed in account, a day is around 20-25 min, an in game year has 120 days, so thats 60-70h a year
And these games should have contents that is enough for at least 2 years, so its just 120-140h
That's not counting replay for another girl, another build, for weird shit etc
its just the nature of the genre to be long lasting like building game/roguelite/...
I believe it is multiplayer, but I'm not sure on how the netcode is. I can say for sure that they definitely need to optimize the majority of the game better than they currently are if they plan on being successful