What was it like being high level

When I was a kid I never got to the point of being a crazy high level or crazy rich in games like Runescape etc, but I have memories of it. I remember all those fags that used to hang out st that castle place in Runescape dressed up and chat shit to the rest of us. Or a crazy high level joining a server and he would have like an army of people following him. Help me imagine what it was like since I missed out on it as a kid and teenager because I was out socialising and fucking chicks

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I had the sword of a 1000 truths


>be me always mid lv in runescape
>maxed some weeks after eoc
>everyone quits the game
>don't wanna quit because time spent
>don't wanna start playing osrs because took me several years to get maxed in rs3

thanks jagex

Your own fault for not playing wow

It's like there's always more to do and that you're caught in a meaningless rat race of post-99 experience competition. The same drive that pushes you to Max in RS when 90+ in most skills will suffice is the same drive that will push you to try and be the first to 200m exp in a skill. It's really pretty bad.

A few years ago it was pretty cool and it meant something. These days XP rates are pretty crazy and it's easy to get tons of bonus xp even without buying keys. Being maxed today is not indicative of any skill.

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the same is gonna happen when classic releases

When was it ever indicative of skills?

same happens every expansion when all of your loot and accomplishments gets tossed in the trash.

Thats it, of you have played on expansion to the end, you have played every one prior and upcoming, its always the same


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Do you wildly lure

I mean years ago having the levels meant you could just brute force content because that's how the game was designed. Theres more nuance now and just because you're maxed doesnt mean you can say, solo Ambassador or base tank Yaka.

I have been both "high level" and rich. I was a hardcore raider throughout classic and burning crusade, but there was like a 9 month wait between Black Temple and Sunwell so I spent a lot of time playing the auction house and making money during that time. I had around 250k gold by the time Sunwell came out. This was during a time where people struggled to reach 5k for their epic flying mount.
If you are "high level", random people will whisper you all the time, asking for help in content far below your level. If you are "rich", you will get hatewhispers for messing with the economy and lots of people will beg for gold since word gets around that you are rich.

Did you ever change any noobs life?

It's kinda sad that Zezima isn't the legend he used to be, hell I even went bossing with him once. Nowadays that one guy you used to look up to as a kid is a Twitch streamer and there's no more charm to him.

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If people were nice enough, I would help them with heroics, but I had a zero tolerance policy towards retardation and slacking. If I had to help them, all of them would have to give their best effort. I also did some Karazhan runs with less hardcore guilds which they appreciated. I did bankroll two people's flying epic mount (2x5k gold), but they were exceptionally nice players that I encountered.

What a sperg you could have gave stuff to a bunch of low levels

WoW never had and will never have the kind of serverwide prestige top ranked Runescape players like Zezima and The Old Nite had

>a hot dog is a sandwich

You really think so?

I dunno, back during TBC I did a lot of walljumping/mountainclimbing and was pretty big on the lore while also do some light RP (On a PVE server).
I ended up becoming somewhat of a server celebrity, even had a couple of apprentices I taught my shit to.

What is kinda sad is that Zezima is still playing runescape.

Like what? Giving random people leveling gear is a waste of money since they just outlevel it eventually, besides most good leveling gear back then were bind on pickup quest rewards or dungeon drops. I could run people through dungeons for drops, but then I would have to invest time instead of cash. I was also a hardcore raider which was a large moneysink. I had a lot of guildmembers whose real life suffered because they had to play so much in order to earn money for hardcore raiding and I didn't want to become one of them.



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I got into a debate with my ex in the middle of a Mcdonalds over whether a chicken sandwich is a burger or a sandwich. She's not American and we were in her own country so I was willing to accept maybe there were differences.

But it's right there in the name right? Burger is ground meat. So she confidently asks the Chinese lady behind the counter who says "It's a sandwich." which it fucking is.

Now a hot dog does not fit burger status but it's clearly not a sandwich either.

The purest sandwich is just bread and cheese
prove me wrong

What does he do now?
I remember he said he would just do it on another account or something. If OSRS servers shut down I imagine he'd just kill himself

You get bored, the most fun is being a noob

>lvl 138

It's a fake!

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You and your ex are autistic. A burger is a type of sandwich. A hot dog is a type of sandwich. You know why? It’s sandwiches between two halves of bread. Even if it’s the same bread.

He actually wasn't going to do that and would do something entirely different