Why is it so... boring?
Why is it so... boring?
cuz you suck dick
because you haven't played long enough
Because your a fag
I'm like 6. At hirata estate. Locations remind me of nioh and its bland stages. Combat is a drag.
*6 hours in
Combat is better than DMC5 or Nioh tbqhwyf
Skipping this one and waiting for Code Vein desu
It's true. Enemies actually do shit in sekiro.
objectively BASED
you can actually lose so it's automatically better than dmc5
>skipping this one
okay, you don't have to like it
>waiting for Code Vein
Yeah, I'm afraid so. Nioh and DMC have shitty boring enemies. It least sekiro throws some interesting enemies at you.
Cause u a fag
It's japanese.
Does Sekiro have loli vampires? Thought so. It only has fujo bait.
The weeb is strong in you
Kind of looks like a mix of Tenchu and Dark Souls, the maps feels like a long series of interconnected hallways, stealth kills trivialize much of the game. The platforming is repetitive and unsatisfying.
You're retarded tbqhwyf
was this made by their b team? it sucks
I actually feel this abit. I think it comes from the fact on how dealing damage works. It takes too long to deal with poise and some bosses need to be dealt with pure damage. The problem is it becomes an endurance battle when everything you deal is almost chip in either. Prosthetic arms help alot in their respective fights but they feel detached because they feel like a resource more than your main arsenal. They can feel abit cheap.
yeah same as ds2 and ds3
>literally dark souls 2: 2
why is every fight a fucking mob fight?! fucking why?! why is every boss surrounded by 30 fucking goons?! this is so god damn unfun
dont play like dark souls they said
rolling around doesnt work they said
Just abuse stealth. Most real bosses are one on one later.
Stealth? You mean stealthkilling one dude, running away for 10 minutes, then repeat?
even the obligatory "stone throw" distraction item only works like 1% of the time
Hit them with the face to bait them out of the group. Read the description. I can reset aggression in 30 s too. You should even have trouble with mobs once you learn to deflect.
I knew this was a possibility. I was just hoping for a new bloodborne tier experience
I stayed away from gameplay and discussion for a while but when I saw it was so close to release and there was almost no hype for the game I suspected it was going to be a let down
Its like Nioh lite. Kind of has the same basic swordplay but you cant do cool shit and every enemy takes forever to kill
good post
It's alright thought. Hard to adapt to mechanics and bosses with hard to read attacks. I think they did well expanding on souls. Each boss plays like a puzzle that it sorta reminds me of Demon Souls. Some bosses are weak to a respective prosthetic. Some bosses needed to be chipped out since they don't really have posture. Some bosses you have to consistently parry to beat them. It's what most Soulsfag wanted.
Stealth killing is part of the game you double nigger
Filthy bastard. Clean your nails.
I don't think it's boring but I'm not having any fun either.
It's mostly an excercise in frustration.
A part of the game that completely ruins it.
arent you busy being cucked by grannies?
>stealth kills trivialize much of the game
I wish, they didn't even get stealth right
t. has only played Human mode like a faggot
Isn't that what Souls was in the start until everybody adapted?
give me a from game set in the crusades and it's politics or a medieval fantasy where i can slay gobs
>stealth kills trivialize much of the game
Not really. That's how the game is designed.
You stealth kill the miniboss' first health bar and you fight him in combat for the other half.
Dude. DH and SoS isn't that hard. DMD is a bit harder but just with bosses. You never die against mobs. You're an idiot if you die to a Judecca or a Fury.
It's so weird. The game is easier than Nioh but it's tedious.
The combat is challenging, but in the worst way possible. It's like somebody made a parody of how Soulsborne games are just pattern recognition. It's literally just learning the parry patterns.
I might actually rank this below Souls 2 as the worst in the series. I'm at the mandatory poison swamp part, and every single boss fights has just left me feeling empty. There's been no sense of accomplishment beating this game, because every fight feels more like a chore than a challenge.
I'm 7 hours in, does it get better?
Because you are an adderal wired zoomer with the attention span of a goldfish?
It's a stealth game.
Brainlets have no patience.
No. It gets more of the same. It's just how the game plays. Be aggressive and recognize attacks while dealing with humans and being patient and chip against beast types.
>It's a stealth game.
ayyy lmao
It's a poorly made stealth game and a poorly made rhythm game all in one.
And since there are sometimes stealth encounters before the shitty rhythm game boss fights, and since mobs can now follow you into the boss arena, failing at one means you have to repeat both of them.
>It's a stealth game
Then why can't I 100-0 bosses with stealth?
Does the sword come out?
after playing so much of dmc I find this so boring. the combat is alright but everything feels so repetitive
It's not boring,but Nioh for example feels much more entertaining and satisfying to play
Japan is a very boring setting
Post proof that you have finished DMD in DMC5.
inb4 lame excuse
its just not fun. the entire time you are siting and waiting to parry which just feels boring and cheap at teh same time. god forbid you atempt a poke or 1-2 combo the enemy will poserape you with no rhyme or reason. also they should have maybe colour coded the moonrune tells.
a full dev cycle wasted on this game too and there wont be new one for 3 to 4 years again. at least well get nioh
I think I like nioh more
>implying DMC5 is a hard game
top tier bait
Not gonna lie, as a dark souls vet I'm glad to see this failing, at least Miyazaki will start work on DS4now
In exchange for combat freedom, Sekiro is tight and balanced while every mistake is costly. I think they improved on Souls' mechanics well. I probably suggest you drop it if you beat some of the bosses and don't get any sort of satisfaction. This game has some classic Fromsoft bullshit though. Some grabs and attacks track unrealisticly.
This goes for you as well.
I agree with this. The moonrune tells is already a visual clue and getting hit by something you haven't seen before since you're not sure if it's a sweep, grab or thrust is pretty disheartening and bullshit. If you do see the real visual tell for the first time, You're probably too late to react.
is it better than Tenchu 1 or not?
>people actually think this is better then Nioh
I can't tell if people are just in the moment since Sekiro just released, haven't played Nioh, shitposting, or genuinely think this? Like I can't even compare the 2, and the only thing I question Sekiro being better then is DS2. Which is at at the bottom.
yea its letter opener
So who's behind all the shitposting? Legit autists who hate on the game despite not even playing it or mad Nintenlards who tell themselves that they don't want it anyway?
Is there some kind of mechanic I am missing for bosses? I feel like they're all pretty poorly done except the human-sized.
I'm at the drunkard big fat boss and I don't understand how this game wants me to play. If I parry his attacks, my balance gets more damage than his, my coutner does piss balance damage and in many ocasion I won't even be able to counter as it pushes me so back the reach of my attacks is too short. The grab is wonky as fuck and will TP me in his hands and if I take jsut one hit more than half my life will go away.
Is this normal? I find it very weird how easy it is to kill any human enemy, even those with several deahblows, but the moment something bigger appears balance goes of the roof.
Japan is a pretty boring looking place for a video game setting because you know what to expect going in. Also in 10 hours nothing 'epic' has happened yet, and the OST is completely forgettable
I'm not really sure how much I like the posture mechanic for bosses either. It works well for normal enemies, but with bosses it's just like 'how long can I keep timing this correctly', then you stab them and win
I also feel like I've pretty much explored everything in the combat now, and everything else is just 'more options' or passives, but not necessarily progression
Also the loot is fucking garbage. I can't even be bothered to use the consumables it's shoving in my face because there just aren't enough quick slots. I'll never know why this game doesn't have the back button quick access slots like BB + DaS3. They should really add that shit
>spam parry
>worst in the series
it's not part of the soulsborne series, fag
but i'm playing it and it really becomes boring after a few hours
>when the day finally comes where you know that the attention seeking tripfag you filtered is a literal nigger too
today was a good day
Sure thing, Nincel
Keep hitting him. The more he loses health, The slower it is regens. On one point, It stops regening until you get rid of one red pip. Use your posture as a resource. Some of his attacks will push you back if you block it. This allows you to dodge the next attack to make sure your posture isn't broken. It's also possible to stealth his one pip. Then call the NPC to gang up on him.
people who wanted another dark souls and try to play it like that. from soft despite distancing it from the souls games has been type casted to hell because of the souls series. you could prob have a new armored core and people would complain its not soulsy enough
It sorta plays like Dark Souls. Some bosses you have to play like Dark Souls with your infinite stamina. Human bosses generally "play" the game though.
Much less boring game
Post tier lists
Bloodborne > Sekiro > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
>>literally dark souls 2: 2
Thought the same while playing, probably the reason why its so good.
I hate smash and Nintendo, the game is super boring, and I will also tell you why it is: it's the low quality sound of the sword, combined with r1 spam.
I feel the game needs better feedback for succesful blocks/parries, half of the time I don't know if I blocked correctly or not.
And thanks for the info, was about to just spam oil and fire since I was getting tired, will try to sneak around.
Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls > Sekiro > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3
>eeds better feedback for succesful blocks/parries
is the giant particle effect + sound cue not apparant enough for you?
Can do no kill runs (sans bosses) or is it MGR invisible wall tier?
>Prosthetic arms help alot in their respective fights but they feel detached because they feel like a resource more than your main arsenal.
this is my biggest issue. prosthetic weapons dont seem like a weapon but like a skill or ability and not in a good way. Dark souls weapons are basically 4 types of attacks while in sekiro they more or less just give you one and an attack you will only use sometimes
They really needed to put more than one weapon in the game.
BB > DS > DS3 > Sekiro >>> DS2
Never played Demon Daddy but I do like it's lore and style
Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Nioh > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3 > Sekiro
>It gets good after 12 hours
people like this should be ass fucked
Honestly, no. Regular parry has orange particles and the high pitch sound, while regular block has less particles and a lower sounds, but at least to me they sound pretty alike. Could be due my eharing issues but I also feel it's lacking in the visual department.
There's walls but they are all before a boss/semi boss enemy. Also the first 2 bosses have a lot of adds with them so I don't know how you plan on no kill run.
Look at the reviews scores. Casuals are eating it up, there's no way Yea Forums doesn't go full contrarian mode in under a week. And for good reason, they literally just added tiny stealth mechanics, a bunch of shallow contextual movement, and has the same shallow combat with way less customization.
I really hope another team is working on sci-fi souls and Miyazaki goes over to that to finish it up for next year.
Also fuck anyone who said Acti wouldn't affect things. No killing npcs in the hub, time stops in menus, no moving while talking, prompts to show who is friendly from a distance, tutorial prompts everywhere.
Why the fuck do I have to hold a button to "suck up" items from fallen enemies? Is there ever a case I wouldn't want to pick up gold?
It's like if you had to manually cut the souls out of every enemy in dark souls. It's fucking dumb.
Why are soulsfags so butthurt about this game now?
First they were shitposting in every single Nioh thread and how Sekiro will be the best game ever and now all they complain how hard and boring this game is and how it isn´t just Dark Souls again. They even hate it so much that they call it Nioh lol
They're afraid that Sekiro surpasses Souls
Played until my first death at the castle in the past and refunded. Feels like the game wants me to have fun with really weak stealth and grappling hook mechanics, while stripping all the fun from the rest of the series.
I think it's to make it harder to assassinate someone and get away quick, but you can just hold it while sneaking away so idk.
Because it's disappointing. Nioh was from another developer and had great combat. Sekiro stripped away all the rpg elements and shit, and yet its combat is dumbed down to timing challenges if anything.
money is a drop. you still get souls (exp) automatically
Use your tools and items
ive gotten worse, i was near the stairs close to killing him and he teleports to my side as i dodge and dropkicks me off the stairs, its like he fucking flew to me as well
The combat is the only thing that works. Everything else feels like terrible AC mechanics.
>I share a board with these shitters
just git gud my man, if you can't react that fast you either need to play some more or you need to play some more
Spotted the zoomer with zero integrity who must be fed with the "muh challenge" in order to feel any form of gratification from the game. So what ends up happening you go and spamming 3 moves because "it works" and use golden orbs "because they exist" and dont bother with higher ranks "because I just want to beat the game" and dont even make me start on you trying to do anything even remotely impressive with your arsenal of 100 moves where you never even tried more than half of them.
The formula is not only stale but was never as solid as most fans claim it is.
even AC has better stealth mechanics these days
Dark Souls 1 > Demon's Souls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest
LMAO even the combat is terrible compared to Nioh. Hell, even though it's more basic I would prefer souls combat, because you can dick around with different builds. This game is horrible
People like this series because of the RPG elements and exploration. This game only has the latter.
Speak for yourself. I never gave a shit about the RPG elements, just lore, exploration and combat.
Feels like an arbitrary "make it different from Soulsborne" change like how holding guard makes posture recover faster, or losing half your EXP/money from dying instead of corpse running. That's not to say that all of the changes are arbitrary, obviously not, but some were clearly just thrown in.
I like how Yea Forums can't get its fucking story straight. Does the stealth trivialize the game or is it useless? Is it 30 hours or 10 hours? Is parrying broken or is it useless? You people keep changing your fucking stories. This reminds me so much of Bloodborne's launch.
I played alot until I got to the mountain ape. This game really tests my patience with waiting to see what a boss really does and inact a counter. I still think it's bullshit how unreadable some sweeps are. The problem with it is if you only see the tell for the first time and you decide to jump, You get fucked over by a thrust move or a grab. Not really the pinacle of fun design. Madam Butterfly was probably the best boss design wise and animetion wise I've fought. No wonder they used her in the previews.
It's balance in a way that it's useles in some situations but really good in others. Stealth is really good in dealing against one pip of health to mini bosses while it's impossible to do to the main bosses due to how the fight starts.
>stealth kills makes the game easir
It's almost liek you're removing enemies and reducing the number of threats.
Why do you guys still push that this should be a souls game and not it's own thing?
Imagine being this fucking mad the game is good
Bloodborne was literally all Japan Studio. They even came up with the idea. Same for demon souls.
>Spent 3 hours running ogre again and again
>Say game might be a little boring
>DMC zoomer accuses you of having short attention span
>Full dev cycle. They literally released bloodborne two years after ds3 and ds4 one year after Bloodborne.
From software never made good combat. Don't know what people expected. They will shill it anyway, even if it's shit like all soulsborne.
Fromsoft made passable punishing combat. They built a culture around it so any criticism is answered with "Git Gud" without addressing if it really is a flaw. Nothing will change since normies barely care about it. They assume the game is fair in wrecking them since they saw somebody else easily beat it.
Oh I wasn't arguing about "muh artificial difficulty" or "punishing die and retry". Just that the combat never felt satisfying/fun. And still like a motherfucker I played all of them.
Anyone got a non-Codex torrent? Codex installers always give me "isDone.dll" errors, tried everything from registering the .dll files to doing it in safe mode, nothing works.
Try googling like non negroes?
>in the moment
Possible. Maybe first few hours of sekiro are like old yharnam. Then game becomes kino.
I did and I tried ALL of those steps, nothing worked.
>quickly install a vm with win 7 or some shit
>Let game extract
>Put those files in original os
I'll probably do that, but it obviously would have been a lot faster if there just was a 3dm cracked version or something.
I unironically love it. The story has me hooked so far lot of interesting things I want to see pan out; time travel, everybody's weird infections, also what's with the dude under the bridge in the tutorial area is that a reference to some sort of Japanese folklore
I heard you get a bad ending if you die a lot. Can anyone confirm if it's by simply dying or by using the resurrection mechanic? If it's the latter I'm never using resurrection.
>Metal Gear Solid isn't a stealth game because I can't 100-0 bosses with stealth
Was this guy supposed to be super hard? Holy fuck he's pushing me in
I stopped after 7 straight hours at the monks
Wasn't feeling it with the shaman boss, probably going to drop it. Had some fun though.
It's not tenchu at all even if it's share similarities.
He is meant to teach you about the red attacks. He is a little hard, but it's to really drive in the point that you NEED to follow what the game wants you to do.
git gud
It's just every retry is so annoying you either have to face the ninja fucks or go back and forth to kill the annoying gun squad.
I'm enjoying it. I understand why some people might not, tho.
From dick suckers will always regurgitate the same shit, if you say something bad about it.
this game is insanely hard.
fuck ign.
this is probably some bait for dmc-fags but since ive never played those games im just gonna tell you that combat in nioh is infinitely better. and i do mean infinitely
I feel like I lucked out but still JESUS this game is hard but it's GOOD
Anyone got any advice on killing the bad ass rider boss?
He just constantly rides in and out of combat and demolishes my shit.
Also anyone beat the purple one armed samurai dude in the Hirata estates?
Tried to take him on but you can't parry his kicks and he fucks you up in two hits.
I see..
How does the game hold up with K&M ?
Obviously trying to do cool shit is the better way to play the game but you can't say it's hard if you can beat it easily even if it's not in a fun way.
its a from game
Nobody ?
I don't know how the other from games plays on K&M. Only tried them with a controller.
Speedrunners use M+KB for souls.
>I don't know how the other from games plays on K&M
they dont
neither does this
>I'm like 6
Because it's more precise when you're oob ?
Ok, I'll try with the pirated version and see by myself then.
I actually stopped playing once I beat the tutorial boss but the game told me I had to lose anyways.
I absolutely hate that shit and it tells me how shit the entire game will be
Wish I pirated it becaude Activision just stole my money.
>barely iterated Souls combat
Please fuck off Fromsoft
I don't want to risk more dragonrot fighting lady butterfly but the only other route I've found ends with the headless which is a dead end. Is she the only way forward or is there another boss/area I can do?
>this game is too har- I mean boring
t. assblasted souls babies
Yes. Also you can break the game's design with keyboard. Normally in Fromsoft games your movement is influenced by the camera and every action you take moves the game camera. KB souls fags can do 180 degree sprints while the camera is unlocked yet still remain set at the same target point before the maneuver. Its broken.
its unplayably hard with a controller. You're gonna drop the game fast with kbm.
Every single one of his moves are manageable except for that, holy shit. When I finally beat him, I just got lucky that he never did that fast dive grab.
>its unplayably hard with a controller.
We'll see.
Ok at least that shows they aren't as retarded as some devs who makes the camera controls the same way with a mouse as with a controller.
all of these games are boring to me. investing hours into a game just to slash a sword at the right time. BORING
i don't know where to go after meeting headless
i killed him on the first try, the ogre took like 40 minutes though
Said the guy who will have 30 "forgotten all ready?" posts in the next week
So how does it work, if you die too much does the NPC die or are they just sick ?
Do the NPCs ever die of dragon rot?
Boring setting, Combat never feels fair (going both ways) unless just fighting a samurai general or a shinobi hunter, Animations are shit, Most characters aren't very interesting to talk to, and the world feels strangely small. I had more fun with Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 somehow.
I just finished the monk temple and I'm not feeling it, maybe it's because it's all so japanese that I cannot connect with it, it's all so spiritual and shit I don't know half the shit the characters ramble about, at least with dark souls it was fantasy and you knew it was all made up shit but here you have soldiers crying about war and it's supposed to be this deep or something but I'm just killing faggots and saying "I'm sorry", ok?
you're supposed to jump. Even the tutorial tells you that
It's also fantasy made shit. It's only set up in the sengoku era because there was a lot of wars at that time and Japan wasn't unified yet so it's a good time to put a fantasy setting. Think of european medieval fantasy, it's usually only inspired by a specific period of middle age with some anachronisms.
I’ve died a shitload and no one has died yet. So far all it has done is drop my unseen aid chance.
Japanese historical settings are just fucking boring, is what I think he's trying to say, and it's true.
unseen aid is the second-worst mechanic in the game. it guarantees plebs lose everything while good players keep most of their stuff which they dont even need because theyre good. got it completely ass-backwards. japs are retarded
And what I'm trying to say is that it's not historical. Also boring for you faggot, not everyone have the same tastes.
but I don't give a flying fuck about the little boy that's the problem, in dark souls you are rescued by a knight and hear his dying wish so you are "well shit at least I should figure out what he died for" and then you slowly uncover the plot of the gods, it's a lot more interesting than "dude save this faggot because fuck you", they had the golden opportunity to make a more story driven game with a fixed character that talks and what do they do with it? generic war shit, nobody fucking cares it's all so mundane and boring
he said historical setting not historical game you fucking retard, the setting is based on real world sengoku period and that's fucking boring, hearing the same FWEEEEE every 2 minutes fuck off, even dark souls 2 has more memorable music
>but I don't give a flying fuck about the little boy that's the problem
I don't give a fuck either. The story of Sekiro may not be interesting (for the moment at least, I'm still at the beginning) but that doesn't make all japanese historical or fantasy settings boring. See Way of the Samurai or Tenchu.
Onimusha 6 when
Gib tiddies
See the post under yours, what does Sekiro =/= what possibilities the setting of the game have. The setting is also very far from the historical period.
Did the remaster sell well ?
I just can't get the fucking timing on the thrust step thingy.
Am I the only one who thinks its really not that good?
Nioh was set in the sengoku period and it had good music.
Read the thread.
That's cool and all but where the fuck is Otogi 3?
Can someone help me out. I'm looking for information that merchant Anayama wants, where do I eavesdrop in which location?
who cares about Code Vein characters, they wear retarded gas masks all the time so you can't even see them
Probably because Yea Forums is not a collective you fucking sperg.
No, rewarding good play is a good thing. It’s just a little bonus for doing well.
Jesus fuck Snakeeyes is insane
The entire game is a mish-mash of a bunch of different mechanics and design philosophies that From does not have the skill to put together and complement eachother so they just force them to work by making the player HAVE to use them
Stealth in the game is piss easy and abusable and pretty much the anti-thesis of fun but if you don't stealth in certain areas the game will do everything in it's power to fucking kill you with a fuckton of enemies.
The Parry mechanic is a poorly implemented trait and can be easily spammable against mobs and would be for bosses but to "fix" this they made most of the bosses in the game have unparryable moves that have purposefully weird and unnatural animations so that you can't fucking tell what the enemy is going to actually do before it's too late.
The Skill tree is literal fucking Skyrim-tier. No specific skill or upgrade in the trees actually mean anything by themselves but the effects compound on eachother so eventually you'll go from a sorry, poor sap who does shit for damage to a fucking invisible god that can kill anything by literally sneaking up to them in plain sight and there's really no transition to it whatsoever.
Lastly the poise mechanic is a fucking joke and people are reporting bugs and glitches with it. I myself have experienced one where I was trying to parry a specific mob and I waited too late (I think idk what caused this) and my poise damage went from zero to broken instantly.
The Shinobi tools is also a laughable fucking excuse to try and bring some difference in the game especially when they are all weak as fucking shit and, with the exception of using the Axe against shielded enemies, have no real effect on how you're going to face enemies.
It's like playing a game that has had 5 different developers on it and none of them relayed what they were trying to do. There's so many fucked up shit in-between too that the whole game just falls apart after playing it for a few hours because it just gets frustrating.
yeah the half assed stealth mechanic sucks
>franchise dies twice
muh Sekiro a hack & slash game muhh
I'm at the footsteps of ashina castle and have plenty to of oaths to choose from and still need to beat the drunkard and butterfly, but to be honest the game isn't doing it for me.
>stealth my way through everything
>kill every single enemy on the map
>mini-boss/boss kills me with one hit
>respawn and rush to boss countless of times ignoring all the enemies I previously so carefully killed
>get to new area and repeat
Absolute masterpiece...
They went overboard with the enemy tracking, jesus fucking christ. Even enemies you're not supposed to parry do a 360 to hit you.
man, what a letdown
>waiting for [enemy] to attack so you can parry
fucking zzz
That's exactly how Souls games go. Miyazaki literally does it again.
>dodge the ogre grab
>still grabs me despite me behind behind him
Thank you dark souls
>N-n-niohniggers btfo!!!!
That really worked out.
extremely easy. press forward so ur walking towards enemy and B when attack lands. I have a hard time missing it.
Whilst you could say the player was at fault for not jumping or being too close I find this shit pretty funny how he just fucking flips direction.
This guy and Juzou the drunkhard had horrible hitboxes. The drunkards headbut was especially retarded.
>waiting for [enemy] to attack so you can parry
>enemy swings randomly because fuck you
>die in one hit
I swear I'd be playing something else but there is absolutely nothing else to play.
If you dont mind cheesing it, the riders AI does not work well in tight corrridors. Go near the gate where he came out of and slash him when he gets stuck.
>And what I'm trying to say is that it's not historical.
You're fucking dumb. IT's a game based on the Sengoku era of Japan, that isn't fantasy. The setting itself is based on reality, but the side parts that go into it, like dragonrot and giant bulls and centipede demons, is obviously fantasy. LEarn how to read, you fucking idiot.
No, it's really not that good but it's not bad either. Solid 7/10 IMO. not even close to GOTY material, though.
Fuck the shit I will just go to a game cafe and play bloodborne for the first time and pretend it released instead of sekiro.
>The Shinobi tools is also a laughable fucking excuse to try and bring some difference in the game
I obviously expected the firecrackers to help a lot with the Bull, but it was basically a waste because it didn't stun it for long and the damn things posture meter hardly went up. Hitting it int he head stunned it better and made the posture meter go up faster.
Why the fuck do you want a 4th Dark Souls game when only one of them was good, you total fucking pleb?
You didn't get what I wrote. I wanted to say that you can't shit on the sengoku period and say that it's a boring setting just because you played sekiro which setting is a fantasy rendition of that period so far from being realistically or historically accurate.
I'm ESL and I think I didn't use the word "historical" correctly, that's where the comprehension problem come from.
It's like fast food. It's a good meal originally but people go again and again to the same shitty restaurants like macdonald. They don't want something new or better and even some will complain while still returning.
>food analogy
Same shit can be said about TV series that drags on and on but people still don't want it to end.
>taking 3 hours to beat ogre
theres weird dual progression I found, in the memories and in the world. You want to progress theough them at the same time, youll not increase your damage/health and skills enough to deal noteworthy damage to minibosses if you just pick one and keep going. Youll know your in the weong place if it feels like an endurance fight, thats what that miniboss drunkard was like for me since I had only 3 sipps and no stat improvements. Went back after first attack increase and it felt normal.
Dont know if your referring to normal enenies being chip fights, they all die after two deflects or 3 attacks barring fat ntr ogres.
It's more like going to that restaurant that's never open to get some nice food then finding out they've replaced some of that good food with mcdonalds shit and still charge the same price.
Trash game, luckily I pirated it.
Literally anyone that has played Nioh past the first five hours could stomp this game into the ground with minimal effort.
>then finding out they've replaced some of that good food with mcdonalds shit and still charge the same price.
But sill going there even if you eat shit.
Because you haven't actually played it and are just here to shitpost.
So do you guys play this in weeb voices?
I played Nioh up to the second DLC and i've had a bit of a hard time with this for the four hours i played.
Thats just juzou, he doesent build up any posture damage and is pretty much the only one I found myself doing this with, because hes big slow doesent guard. Try doing it with others, you wont get very far.
I don't want to call you incompetent, but fucking apply yourself.
Because the stealth parts and the action parts do not flow into each other very well. You either do one stealth kill, alert everyone in the area, run away swinging around like a retarded japanese spiderman and wait for them to reset or you kill one, alert everyone in the area, and then try to take on a big group of dudes in a combat system clearly designed around 1v1 battles. And every boss/mid-boss kills you in one or two hits which sends you back to the checkpoint where you've got to clear all the annoying regular enemies again the same way.
this fagggot doesn't even know that he can run in Sekiro.
Hirata estate is fucking gorgeous. You could have named almost any other part and been correct.
>mfw just bought this game and saw this thread now
D-d-did I make a m-m-mistake?
These action games are kinda dull. They're so game-ish. Just run around for hours beating up enemies. It's just not interesting to play as an adult.
Yeah fuck games
Yes. I haven't tried the dub in my language but it's more fun to hear japanese.
unlike in epic store you can request refund before 2 hours gametime
Is Nioh better than this game?
>literally posting spoilers
fuck is wrong with you?
A lot of people cheesed Nioh with ninjitsu. If u played it without trivializing the bosses then yeah this game is a breeze.
See by yourself and don't let anons influence your choice by forcing you to like it or to hate it.
>No weapon looting
>No armor looting
>No character customization
Jeez i wonder
>having fun
>fight spear user
>all nuance in the combat goes away and the game becomes hehe you parried? Hold 6 more attacks that are unblockable so the practical solution is jumping away like a faggot
cause theres no online, youre totally alone.
>Code Vein
I watchef the gameplay trailer yesterday and it looks like a worse darks souls...
>the way to parry spears is to dodge
>but if you dodge in a certain direction you just get hit instead
hi david thanks for detroit on pc
I have not been hit jumping back ever, I’m assuming the long thrusts can hit you but those are actually telegraphed
>hack and slash genre
i dont know what you were expecting
its easy to step on their spear when they thrust. get the ability from skill tree.
I'm having more fun than I've had on any soulsborne but then gain I play games the way they are supposed to be played and don't head canon meaning. All this game had to do to be "boring" to most souls players is to be less breakable or more difficult and they did both so I don't expect people to like it (unless they understand the actual point of video games).
It's not more difficult, it's just the nature of the difficulty changed. Instead of spamming roll you spam parry. I mean for fucks sake you can even revive yourself 2+ times if you die, that in and of itself makes the game easier.
Give it to me straight, is it shit?
If you've ever played a souls game before, yes.
fucking this
we all called it, and Yea Forums just fucking proved they were the casuals everyone knew they would be
You honestly just have to jump instead of using sidestep to dodge it. The game's advice to use sidestep to dodge grab attacks is bullshit.
why are you just shit at the game?
Yes, just go play Nioh instead.
Does the chinese symbol say "jump" because I cant tell what it says?
the gameplay is unironically better than dmc,
in dmc you spam 1 button and enemies get stunlocked until they're dead because muh "too badass to lose"
in sekiro if you spam attacks you'll get killed in seconds, also positioning actually matters
Yet another gruff white male protagonist.
lol is she seriously one of the final bosses?
>Also anyone beat the purple one armed samurai dude in the Hirata estates?
I ran when I saw him and he fell down the corridor where you walljumped up, then I just climbed back up to de-aggro him, dropped behind and stealth backstab killed him.
He's obviously a black woman.
I didn't use ninjitsu or sloth, just magic buffs.
I suck at parrying and you don't have to parry in Nioh.
does this game have better feedback than Fury? I found the que to parry or whatever in Fury too unintuitive
I'm having way more fun with Sekiro. Nioh was pretty shit and cheap.
>Interesting enemies
Pick one and only one. No, giant man that ignores hitboxes does not count.
the revive is there to offset the fact that you cannot recover your lost cash/exp when you die.
>dmcfag memes because he has no arguments
as expected
>Fuck the notoriety and reputation we've built for ourselves as a company making good ARPGs the last decade, let's just make a watered down AC lite weeb parryfest even when Nioh did it better, earlier
Wake me when BB2 or a new Souls title is announced
>in dmc you spam 1 button and enemies get stunlocked until they're dead because muh "too badass to lose"
You have either literally never touched a DMC game in your life & just want to post to fit in, or you havent played DMC on a mode past Human.
Either way, neck yourself
Are you implying anything is actually a threat to you in DMC?
You “fight” against the style meter, not actual enemies. I suggest a series like SSX if you want a superior combo game.
well sorry, I mean 2 games in dante must die
the attack button and jump button to float along with the enemy you're hitting so the others can't reach you
everything else is there just to look flashy
I think Sekiro's combat is extremely simple but fun and satisfying, however DMC5 is the best action game of the year so you're out of your mind
Post a webm of yourself playing DMC5 in DMD and spamming one button.
I'm a few hours in. When do I get a new weapon? Getting kind of bored of the katana
Lmao. Nice bait.
How fucking new are you?
play on DMD first before posting your opinions on DMC5
Not bait, I want to use another weapon like this axe. How long until I get it?
You have only one weapon, it's the katana. All the other stuff are upgrades to your arm.
stop pretending dmc gameplay is anything more than a glorified QTE with "mash O to kill with style"
No one said that Sekiro is historically accurate you fucking illiterate nigger, all people said was that the game was based off of a real historical era then you had a sperg attack over it. Kill yourself.
>i'm ESL
Yeah, it shows
>you can't shit on sengoku because you played sekiro
No, I'm saying Sengoku japan is boring because i've actually looked into it you delusional illiterate weeb. Fuck off.
And think if you are actually implying that enemies threaten your character.
>dmcfag has to ask people to play the game for him since he actually can't
lmao you cinematicfags never dissappoint me
if they wanted to add other weapons to sekiro what could they add that wouldn't fuck up the shinobi/stealth?
>fight a giant ape
>then fight a headless version of the same boss. His body is now controlled by a centipede
Nice originality
This shit has made me take a break from the game. That fucker one hits you pretty much, u barely have enough fire shit to kill him twice, you can only chip at him, you can only dodge while moving back. You cant roll under his attcks or to the side and the moonrunes block the visual part which is annoying.
why make the game have an agility focus if I cant roll under attacks but only away where I get no advantage. You cant even block this guy so rolling is the only option which is fine in DS and BB as you do decent damage and have fair healing. Here you can only chip, have DS2 level shit healing and cant dodge properly.
>No one said that Sekiro is historically accurate you fucking illiterate nigger
I know, just saying that you can't make an idea on that period just by playing sekiro.
>No, I'm saying Sengoku japan is boring because i've actually looked into it you delusional illiterate weeb. Fuck off.
What is Way of the Samurai, what is Tenchu.
I don't see that webm anywhere. Do you even have DMC5? Atleast post proof that you bough the game man.
Do you ever unlock the ability to scope out the area and mark/tag enemies? Finding it difficult to spot guys and keep track of where they are
I honestly don't understand the point you're trying to make with quoting the other guy
Wikipedia list cool stuff.
>controls feel clunky as shit
>dodge jump and grab are 3 buttons
>combat is R1 R1 R1 R1 dodge R1 R1 R1 dodge
>mobs including mini bosses can be cheesed by running away and letting them reset
>no different armor types
>arm weapons feel useless
>all those steamers who shilled how this game would make you rethink how to play souls like games who died 20+ times to the ogre boss
>mfw bloodborne 2 could have gotten more attention instead of this garbage
should've just made it japanese dark souls/bloodborne instead of completely changing the gameplay desu
Why are you putting Sekiro in with Souls games? It's not a Souls game. You may as well start putting in all the Armored Core and King's Field games while you're at it. God I hate Souls zoomers.
>post proof that you bough the game
I didn't, just pirated it and still felt ripped off since it's more of the same cheap garbage as previous games
you should pirate it too since clearly you haven't played it and only talk based on meme hype
Anyone know how to beat those nigger voldo faggots? The bigger versions of the crawly dudes who throw knives at you in gimpwear.
Every other boss is simple, but these guys rape me utterly. If you block you get poise broken, if you dodge you get stabbed the second your i-frames run out.
Sekiro > DS3 > DeS > BB > DS1 >>>>>>>>> DS2.
>there was almost no hype for the game
*citation needed
The centipede bosses?
Just mash deflect and jump over the sweeps, they have shit all posture.
Am I supposed to fight Madame Butterfly as my first real boss?
Is it for seppuku?
Anyone know how to deal with the second phase of Guardian Ape? He's been kicking my ass non stop for like 2 hours.
>Dodge is supposed to be the counter to death grabs
>Hitboxes are so fucking huge it doesn't care if I dodge at all
feudal japan is inherently boring.
Every feudal japan game:
>guys with swords, some have straw hats
>the same exact "songs"
>torches and sticks and all kinds of shit made of crap wood
>the same exact bony ninja swordsman with his straw hat, skinny knees, bare feet and weird crow voice
>the same houses from every game, many will be burning because feudal Japanese people did nothing but set houses on fire
>some leaves and/or snow
>one or two pajama women who stand around with their hands clasped, looking worried
And that's pretty much it
>stealth kill one enemy
>the entire village comes after you
>katanas are fucking shit for crowd control so you have to resort to hit and run
>minibosses take literal minutes to kill, which makes it all the more boring if they aren't even hard to deal with
>Yea Forums has immediately gone full contrarian and hates it for every single miniscule autistic reason
It's a good game, then. Thanks. Gonna buy it.
nigga the problem is you consume so much japanese content that you're numb to the culture and setting
you're a disaffected weeaboo
>get told it isn't a souls game
>expect a souls game
>mad it isn't a souls game
>actually fucking mad that three things that SHOULD be different buttons aren't just one big clunky contextual button
>doesn't even know how to properly play
>wants bloodbore 2
shit opinions all around
But it's not. The game tells you the best way to deal with death grabs is to jump on their head. Are people retarded? I've seen tons of people make this mistake.
this is the problem with games set in feudal Japan, I already knew what I was getting before I could play it. Games set in Europe can be as different as Bloodborne is to Dark Souls. It's just a fucking boring setting for a game.
>It's my fault as the consumer & not the developers that alot of japanese-themed vidya is composed of the same shit design wise, and this excuses them from having to be creative
Please go suck on batteries in traffic.
Have sex.
Is there any reason to get ps+ for this game? The messaging system works through enemies right?
Hirata is like thesecon scenario, one hourin and im there... im doing something wrong?
also remember when ps+ wasnt needed for multiplayer?
No, that's what the game tells you to do for sweeps. it gives you a very straightforward RPS solution of Parry thrusts, Jump sweeps, Dodge grabs.
well you can just jump between scenarios so who the fuck knows
also hirata is causing flash backs to the nioh level with burning chinese mansion filled with burning wheel skeletons
It's fun in its simplicity, comparing it to DMC is apples and bananas
>meet new npc
>die once
>he now has the coughs
I am the disease.
>I know, just saying that you can't make an idea on that period just by playing sekiro.
Okay? I never said I got that to that conclusion from playing Sekiro you illiterate fucker.
>What is Way of the Samurai, what is Tenchu.
Boring settings.
>>I am the disease.
No shit dude, this is explained to you pretty early on. It's planescape all over again, when you die a bunch then you have to use other people's life force to revive yourself.
Anyone else having occasional issues with the parry not working properly? Sometimes I press the button but Wolf doesn't parry. I'm even timing it properly.
This was explained at the start of the game, retard.
So does anybody actually know how many times you can die without getting the bad ending?
>feudal japan is inherently boring.
but i still like it for some reason.
Would like to see something in meiji/taisho era though, only one of the yakuza games and devil summoner raidou do those periods on the top of my heard
Why do they wear the mask?
>See footage of the serpent boss
Now I've seen that Yea Forums dislikes it, I actually want to get this game now.
>mad it isn't a souls game
>combat is R1 R1 R1 R1 dodge R1 R1 R1 dodge
and I would like to have rise of roman empire era rpg
>nigga the problem is you consume so much japanese content that you're numb to the culture and setting
that's the lamest argument i've ever heard in regards to this
That also does sound like a nice take with that setting for a game idea
>he fell for $60 Demon Souls skin pack #5
based and cringepilled
But it is a Souls game. It is nakedly, blatantly a Souls game. A stupid swing button, the ability to jump and swim, and no customization doesn't mean this isn't a worse Bloodborne with the serial numbers filed off.
I think it's fun :)
I liked souls for the that yes, and rpg elements arenmy necessary, but having a bunch of weapons to try out was fun. Only having the katana, with the prosthetic being support sounds like replay value isn’t as strong.
based but a little cringe
Because it has no variety.
This. FROM combat without the weapons and RPG elements to design your own playstyle is just plain dull.
FROM is really showing their true colours with this game.
The ultimate pleb filter
>reeeeee game won't let me win right away 2/10
>who do you serve
>i-i-i can't tell u
>not suspecting she is evil
Couldn’t they go pre-Heian or something? Ancient Japan, straight swords, writing is all in Chinese
you can literally spam the parry (L1)
but you have to watch your posture if it isn't a perfect parry
the dodge is utter shit, zero iframes
It is tho
He's not questioning why it's happening he's making a point about how it feels. Fucking both of you are retarded.
You were inbetween his hands when the animation started, learn how to time your dodges properly and don't blame the developers for your inability to grasp the mechanics
>the dodge is utter shit, zero iframes
Lies, I've i-framed through multiple mook attacks.
Prove me wrong
If the game is only playable on the non standard difficulty setting it's poorly designed
>an entire historical time period is "boring"
Holy shit kys zoomer
That’s where historical weapon simulator comes in, but Sekiro only lets you use a katana as your main.
reminder that everybody bitching about this game is doing so because they fucking suck and don't have the patience to git gud. NO shield spam. NO pyro bullshit. NO magic trickery. No BB side stepping. For the first time you have to parry and if you can't you will die every time.
it is incredibly inconsistent
also, tracking is BAD in sekiro.
You can tell its B team who made this because of how many engagements is just you vs many dudes at once because that's how you make things hard.
>Game says "sidestep to avoid grabs"
>do so
>still get grabbed
Fucking kill yourself, retard. The ogre isnt even the worst example of tracking, Lady Buttery fly's drop attack is a 50/50 whether it lands or not even if you do nothing but press circle. Arrmored Knight is another one. This shit is Dark Souls 2 levels of trash when that launched as well, but I guess because Miyazaki worked on this we can't bury it with B-team memes, right?
Why the fuck would you make a combat system that revolves around parries and the posture system and then throw in bosses that are just giant health sponges that don't do anything you can parry or posture damage like the Blazing Bull.
How likely is it to beat the tutorial boss first try? I barely put a dent in him, I feel like a scrub. I thought after beating Bloodborne dlc bosses with ease this wouldnt be too bad.
Going in blind, highly unlikely.
Do we get any variety in later parts of the game, like in terms of locations? Because so far (just defeated the hirata estate boss) feels very samey
I just killed the ogre, who's the tutorial boss? Ive had zero fun but the difficulty isnt even hard.
Combat is mostly;
>Jump away
>let them come to you
>hit them 3 times
Repeat till the guy is dead.
I got pretty bored so I'm just running forward right now.
There's the snowy cliffs with the yeti and gun people, and there's the autumn monk temple. Seems like there's still around 2-3 areas on the map I havent been, but yeah most of them will be snowy.
It's like Nioh but with shit combat.
What do you think of the world and level design in sekiro so far to you? Is it really like DS1?
Sengoku is overdone, classical/ancient Japan is underappreciated
The guy in the beginning who cuts your arm off.
Even the dialogue is slow and drawn out. It makes you want to sleep.
It's ok, haven't found any looping areas yet, but the Ishida castle has spots where you can turn around and see an area from earlier in the game.
So what's the Blighttown/Farron's Keep/Forbidden Woods of the game?
The combat is just so fucking dull when you just do the same combo over and over.
What's actually the general consensus on the difficulty vs the other souls games? I'm 6 hours in and I feel like I'm bashing my head up against a wall in a way I haven't felt since I played my first souls game. I don't know if it's objectively more difficult though or if my experience in the other games is just handicapping me.
It's tedious design disguised as "difficulty" like Dark Souls 2
it's souls but without any cheese strategies for bosses
your weapon has a static upgrade path to it and will never deal much damage
Kinda disliking it so far, and death affecting npcs and probably endings and etc make me feel like resetting every 3 deaths
Yes, Sengoku Japan is fucking boring. Stay mad.
The concept is interesting but they fucked up with execution.
The combat is like nioh, if nioh had satisfying combat that made you feel like you're actually powerful, and not feel like you're using a wooden stick throughout the whole game. only 1 hour in though, hopefully it has more enemy varieties than nioh. Love the stealth element in the game, but i feel more like a samurai more than a ninja, why didn't they just make it a full stealth game, seems like fromsoft wanted to try something new, but was too pussy so they added souls element to b8 the normies, also the camera is shit, it's just as bad as bloodborne's. so far it's an 8/10 game, i hope it becomes better and better as i progress.
Is it difficult or is it moreso tedious?
>he doesnt know
You learn the cure to dragonrot literally 3 hours in lmao. Keep restarting tho autist.
Latter, some enemies being build to counter the player characters abilities. The Taekwondo Ninja guy in purple is pretty tough at times.
I'm currently at hidden misty forest, does the level design become more interconnected later on?
Levels very rarely loop around themselves and there has been only one or two different routes you can take.
The game is more linear than DS3, which was already more linear than any other game before it.
I'm not sure. Took me an hour and a half of attempts to kill the first boss I encountered outside of the tutorial(the ogre), but that was mainly because I had to unlearn trying to roll through his grabs(which is what I always did in the other souls games). Also I don't know if I've just missed stuff but depending on which attacks hit me I only ever had a maximum of 4 possible mistakes before permanent death.
looks like it plays like shit from what I've seen and I usually know a bad game when I see one.
well shit the further I got was 2 h and 50 min in and dying to lady butterfly
this is how you don't play Sekiro when
Why don't I have three revival things after beating lady butterfly? I already had two and after beating her you get the item that says it increased revival powers, but I still only have 2. Does it increase the amount of health you get after reviving?
If you mean the first time, he's at the top of the castle.
>all the low-skill casuls complaining
lmao I fell to the river after my father died. Now the path is closed and I can't get up there, any help?
>i don't know how From Soft dev cycle batchs work
they work on multiple titles at once and then they release them year by year in usually a pattern of three
the tutorial bored me a little, the pop up screens and frame stuttering on base ps4 are annoying.
but it's amazing
see any bamboos? thats where you have to go. into a cave
already 10x better than the dark souls ""estus flask" collectible
Oh I already went there, I though it would lead me to other place. Thanks though
Listen to your master you baka shinobi
At the tower in the castle, follow the smoke signals, double baka
What the fuck man I found it extremely near by kuro's room. I was lead off because there is another trail that is longer
Epic store has the same refund policy
But nice try
Your little shota boy literally tells you
>hey go through this window and follow the smoke signals to find the old lad.
There is exactly one window and 3 smoke signals, did you lose your brain along with your arm you paraplegic wolf?
Dude I see way more than 3 smoke signals and some lead way off
Honestly, I killed his mooks first and stealth killed one bar, then I called in the cavalry with that one guy and charge attacked over and over before the drunk killed my dude.
The AI is actually comically bad. I didn't kill some trash mobs from before the drunk, and my dude just said he was going to take a rest after the drunk was killed, then two bowmen saw us and shot my ally, but he didn't react at all. He actually just walked around the area while I killed off the bow and swordmen, at one point just standing next to the final trash mob enemy as he stood in the water. Literally just standing next to them while the enemy threw bottles at me, because the AI has no idea how to navigate the map and walk around obstacles.
I'm killing nearly everything by just slashing over and over until I get the automatic deathblow. I honestly think the combat in the PS2 Tenchu games was more interesting, and it had a much more interesting stealth and stealth-kill mechanic.
The game so far is a little dull and I suspect I won't be replaying it. If the skill tree that I've seen so far is everything you can get then I will be very disappointed. Half of them just seem to be passive.
>Get to the bull
>parrying is useless because of the chip damage and burn
>turn off lockon and R1 R1 dodge around his ass
>literally can't do a single thing to me until it unfucked itself out of the pattern
>already nearly dead at that point
what a shitty boss lmao
There is more than the two you have, but I think most of the combat arts aka actual moves will be in scrolls you buy. I've seen some for a over a thousand which is annoying because you don't know what the fuck it does till you buy it
>divine confetti lasts 10 seconds
>there's like 5 in the whole game
>game expects you to first time all the spectre mini-bosses and bosses
Does dying or ressurecting give rot?
oh lord
It's Soulshit.
Is there really not any kind of emote/flourish/swag button? Not being able to sheath your sword like a badass ninja after killing a strong enemy is a missed opportunity.
someone help a retarded brainlet . I torrented it but now I don't know what to do with the files
yes, its babbys first pirate
Regardless of faggot negative commenters, code vein has way more potential than sekiro after seeing the dumpster fuel that the game actually is
Rip no bloodborne tier to be found here
Should have prepped it first.
Run setup perhaps.
the game sucks so you may want to delete that
I'm literally shocked that Yea Forums isn't liking this game.
Like I'm actually really genuinely disappointed and sad. I was looking to get this. Ugh.
You can still refund and download the codex if you want but its really not worth the time looking for the link and downloading it
Download it and then add the crack to your folder.
This is so bad, miriki counter is just completely unreliable this game is so trash
Normal enemies might as well kill themselves automatically and boss/mini boss enemies have way more health than they should turning all encounters into a trivial snoozefest or a long grind
I genuinely hope this wasn't the game they have been working on with the "soulsborne-esque formula" that had been leaked years ago. 1 was that VR shit, 1 was this and there was supposed to be another one.
I really fucking hope this garbage uninspired piece of trash that looks like Nioh on an even tightier budget wasn't the main thing because jesus christ.
The game is good. Fuck off you salty So(y)nyggers.
Landing a midair axe hit is so satisfying
Where do I find snapshot seeds?
It's not Yea Forums, it's So(n)yggers shitting on the game cause it's not a Sony exclusive.
I hope the fat retard monk isn't good for anything cause i sent him to the dungeon
Starting the game, it says default language is Japanese
did they make different subtitles for Japanese audio or is it just dubtitles?
So you're literally in the first two areas of the game lmao.
The locations get crazier the further you go.
For fucks sake you retards, you're playing the game wrong and making it boring for yourself if you are actually doing chip damage to bosses by playing passive and poking. It's far more interesting AND you will have an easier time with the boss, if you play very aggressive. Do combos and parry their combos. You just have to learn the timings.
I played all the souls games and Bloodborne and desu it is boring. A decent game in these modern times tho but coming off of Re2 and Dmc it's dissapointing.
Is there any online interactive feature at all, akin to the messages/bloodstains in DaS?
You people are so
Its not the games fault you are sitting around waiting for them to attack so you can parry, fucking attack them retard. Then when they parry your combos and counter attack, parry those.
Blame yourself, you're the one playing it an unintended, unfun way.
Are you surprised that Yea Forums is shit at videogames?
No they stripped down all online featurea, can't even have fun writing down magnificent chest or reading peoples bait, let alone pvp or anything with any semblance of a replay value
>fujo bait.
this man Yea Forumss
Just stop posting already, its obvious you didn't play the game at all since you're lying that is has the "same combat again" when it is literally nothing like Souls combat.
Whats the point of giving them a second health bar when you backstab them anyway?
I fucking hate these niggers on the rooftops so much
>when it is literally nothing like Souls combat
Ya it's shit.
Thats the fucking name of the game at least one thing they did ok
>people complaing about R1 spam in DS3
>people now complain about L1 spam in Sekiro
No retard, it says danger, you're supposed to use these two things you have called eyeballs, look at what kind of attack the opponent is doing and react correctly.
If they are doing a low sweep or low grab, then jump over it. If they are doing a thrust attack, parry or mikiri it. If they are doing overhead attacks, you can parry or sidestep them.
The game literally tells you all of this in pop up tutorials.
Is there a very slow day/night cycle or is it just advancing time of day as I move on in the story?
The only Shadows are the Shinobi. A general getting double whacked doesnt male much sense.
Only the combat works.
Level design, atmosphere, music, cutscenes, characters, dialogs, everything else sucks.
spam R1 hold stab
>combat is R1 R1 R1 R1 dodge R1 R1 R1 dodge
No it isn't retard fag. If you're playing it like that then why the fuck are you whining about the game, its you that is retarded. The game literally tells you to parry everything.
But it literally isn't that. That LITERALLY doesn't work in Sekiro. You are a faggot who has not even tried to game. Stop shitposting because everyone can see through your lies.
literally this
to add the combat is great, as long as you're doing 1v1s and the mechanics work like theyre supposed to
add a single additional enemy and now the combat falls apart, anymore and your spending most of your time kiting around
it doesn't help the level design that its straight linear corridors and some chokepoints designed to force you either run past them or fight them head on
The game tells you to act logically depending on how the enemy is attacking. The ogres jump grab obviously should be jumped over, not sidestepped. Use your brains.
It's not a boss you know, it's just an elite mob.
The devs should obviously have functioning animations, not 90 degree teleports but this is From.
>boss fights are just 10-15 minutes of the same 3 metal clanging sound effects on loop
Thank god I pirated this game. This shit is headache inducing.
It is far better than boring dodge-R1 Souls combat. Sekiros combat feels way more satisfying.
It is true that the Ogre tracks too much in that one attack, but it is also true that you are supposed to jump over it because it is a low attack, not sidestep it. You didn't listen to the tutorials.
git gud
we need a mod to remove the dragon AIDS bullshit
im literally too stressed to play now
Jesus Christ Yea Forums is absolutely full of the most spergy, autistic retards on the internet huh.
Now its valid criticism of a game that sword clash sounds give you a headache? Obviously the fault here is in your head, not the games audio. The sword clashes sound very satisfying.
Just cure them. You get a cure few hours into the game and can buy more of them from vendors to cure your NPCs whenever. And besides it seems to take a very large amount of deaths before anyone would die of Dragonrot, I was stingy with my Dragonrot cures and didn't use in ages, still everyone alive.
Yes user, having the same exact 3 sound affects play twice a second is very great game design!
Anyone else really dislike the divine confetti mechanic? Loving the game so far though, but Mibu village is pushing my shit in.
What do you do after you give the fat monk the white flower?
Boys I’m getting massive dopamine hits off of final beating these bosses after 80 tries. Holy shit this is greater than any other feeling.
>no chain and sickle
>no Sai
>can't really see caltrops yet
Unless more tools appear as we go along further than the first ending, it's sort of disheartening to see some ninja stuff absent
>jump grab
He does a regular grab, too, which is the one with retarded tracking
20-30% is fromtards who replayed from games so many times that no matter what they’re going to complain it’s too easy. If you know the story of the top Everquest guilds who nolifed the end content so much that they would clear anything the devs threw at them in days, this is the same.
60% is turbocasuals who struggle with the first miniboss and will find anything from software does too difficult and unfair
The rest are the ones enjoying the game.
You beat it on your first try? Interesting
2 mil in just two weeks, seeth more boyos.
You can Mikiri counter his charged kicks. Those do a ton of posture damage to him. he actually dies pretty quickly if you learn his moveset
Is there a way to turn off the arrows on enemies heads? Also are there NPCs who can fight with me?
>purple dude
I ran back, jumped into the water and when he followed me, he just died in the fall. At least I think that's what happened: I received an item and the guy was gone.
Sekiro is the definition that its not so much important what your characters move set is but more what your enemies can do to you.
Not that the move-set in the game is actually that limited. You defiantly have more options in combat than older souls titles.
But as stated what makes the game good is that enemies to an extent act like real life aggressive people and creatures and varied moves to can even coach you of guard you sometimes.
Bosses are defiantly some of the best in the series.
I liked blood-borne but man a lot of its bosses just has shitty thrashing animations that where hard to avoid when fist time fighting them on top of shitty frame-rate.
Glad I didn't preorder, now that the hype is dying down people are coming forward and admitting Sekiro is nothing special.
Because one weapon, no builds, no worth while progression. Skills are boring, your magic hand is boring.
Every single fucking miniboss in the game is Royal Rat Authority. Let that sink in. It's so fucking bad I can't even believe it. You have to spend like 10 mins killing every enemy except the miniboss then you get to try to fight them where if you fuck up at all you die. Absolutely horribly designed game.
>We removed stamina!
>Your posture bar works as a very slow recharging stamina bar
God the combat just feels shit. Worse than Bloodborne, worse than Nioh.
>Every single fucking miniboss in the game is Royal Rat Authority
>Worse than Bloodborne
>implying bloodbourne was bad
Oh nice we're having a Japanese Assassin's Creed thread