More powerful than the Oculus Quest
>More powerful than the Oculus Quest

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Other urls found in this thread:

be honest it looks good

Why cardboard? Why fucking cardboard?

It's been done before

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because it's for children and they like making shit

This one will make Labo big like Nintendo had originally envisioned.

That explains the starter edition with just the goggles and blaster.

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This shit's so embarrassing.

Labo is for kids, not smash players.

Top right

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This, let it quietly die off like the virutal boy did, don't give it attention.

Anyone over 12 who like this is a beta male onions cucklet.

>only 4 buzzwords
you gotta step your game up

All VR is a laughable gimmick that makes you insta incel. it might aswell be elephant shaped

I'm honestly surprised that Nintendo is still trying to push this shit. I figured they would have quietly dropped the price, and forgot that the whole thing happened by this point.

I think this is the last of the initial Labo batch since we saw the Elephant and Bird Toy-Cons in the first trailer.

This one will be the big hit.

Cheap, light easy to mess with easy to throw away
No one wants to spend 400$ on LEGO Labo

are ninniggers self aware this is fucking pathetic.

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Fuck you: you no nieces have nigger.
My nieces loved the house project

the shittiest part is you have to constantly hold the console to your face with the super sniffer 3000

wait till you see the labo home

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I forgot this device existed.

Would make a submarine periscope game concept if I worked at Nintendo.

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what the fuck are you even supposed to do with that

So it's just a regular nintendo fans.

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Garage VR is the only thing in this worth a damn. It's like a discount Dreams while I wait for that game to fucking get released already

>Haha look at the woman with a totally neutral expression!
The saddest thing about Labo is goons on Yea Forums trying desperately to make it a TORtanic.

I like how these threads and the shitposting only happen because Nintendo. If sony did this exact thing nobody would be talking about it.
So yeah, you're obsessed. seek help

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The Switch hate threads have been pretty common as the system continues to be successful. A huge portion of Yea Forums wanted it to be a failure but then the opposite happened, and now we're stuck with nonstop hate threads. Even innocent "what are you playing on your Switch" threads get invaded by fags.

>A huge portion of Yea Forums
nah, just a very vocal minority

nah it's just people making fun of adults playing this sort of shit

I doubt people mind little kids having fun with cardboard

Shitposting is the modern-day Voodoo doll

You have to be retarded not to recognise the ingenuity and creativity behind these concepts. Don't worry, save your praise for when Sony make a "grown up" knock off in 10 years painted black for the alleged chads and players *guffaw*

>labo was supposed to fail
>it doesn't and they make more
>Yea Forums seethes even harder

okay but you're probably the fat 20 something year old playing with these

Impossible. It's not out yet

>360p per eye in VR mode
>Advertisement runs the game at 1080p
It's ok when nintendo does it.

You know she's only making this face because some creep decided to take a photo right

The VR Garage is gonna be so fucking sick.
If Nintendo would let me buy a custom set with just the Piano and Elephant thing
that'd get me the music sequencer, peripheral creation, sculpting software and VR game creation tools.

I couldn't give less of a shit about the minigames, I just wanna make shit and the creation software side in general seems to be really fun to fuck around with.

>that'd get me the music sequencer, peripheral creation, sculpting software and VR game creation tools.
you probably don't have a PS4 but all that stuff will be in Dreams with more customisation

In the trailer, yeah, I can admit it looks like a worthwhile selection of actual games with gameplay comparable to most of what PC VR has (i.e. so far pretty much fucking nothing outside of some hour long play-once games). Showed off plenty of unique ideas I'd actually want to try on PC with the gear I already have. And the drawing software in the trailer looked like a small-scale Tiltbrush, too. Even better than it in some regards.
But then you look at the hardware and the only thing to say is oh no after you consider how it'll be to look at and play for real.
>No 6DOF, only gyro rotation and janky accelerometers and IR sensors, and the head rotation isn't even on the head part, it relies on tying down one of the controllers.
>Less than half of a single 720p screen per eye.
>60 fps max.
>Screen that was not made to be up to your eyes will not look good that close no matter what lens you plop in front of it
>Doesn't even come bundled with the most basic of headstraps, meaning you have to physically hold it.
And so on.

>Fun stuff made for actual children is embarrassing to me REEEEEEE!

Do you lose your shit at lego too?

Already own very powerful PC and Switch and decided to wait for PS5 if that gets BC.
I'm not buying a PS4 for a handful of exclusives Sony's AAA games also do not cater to my tastes at all anymore.
But yes Dreams looks cool and I'm not knocking that shit til I tried it. I hope more people get jobs from stuff like this or Little Big Planet. Snake Pass started out like that.

As a musician I'm personally just really reliant on using instruments, synths and whatnot almost like toys until I get inspired.
It's why sometimes I like to just get stuff like a melodica to play around with, because it's more fun than having my eyes glued on my DAW/screen.
There's something about the to like nature to Labo that seems like a unique experience while also just something to playfully get motivated to make things.

It also helps that the Vehicle Kit looks like straight up pilotwings shit. If only this shit wasn't so expensive.

Once again, LABO gets praised everywhere for its creativity and innovation. Not a single negative review exists anywhere.

Based Nintendo.

No one is trying to make it that, simply because it's Nintendo and their shit rarely fails on the scale of TORtanic
But you have to admit that grown ass men playing dress up with cardboard is pathetic

I'd like to know how Nintendo address the problem of motion sickness and that feeling of tilting over when you're automatically moving.
That bazooka game sorta looked like that. I also heard VR is not something children under a certain age should fuck with because of eye damage.

It's a budget, literal throwaway VR for people who don't want to commit to full gear but do want to dick around. I can see the appeal

so they made pokemon snap without pokemon?

fucking retards, why do they always do the bare minimum and pass up EASY ways to do something cool??

>I hope more people get jobs from stuff like this or Little Big Planet. Snake Pass started out like that.
actually the principle designer of Dreams was hired because of the crazy shit he made in LBP1. And I'm pretty sure the studio is already in talks to hire a few people who made standout stuff in the Dreams beta. It's pretty cool to see

>As a musician I'm personally just really reliant on using instruments, synths and whatnot almost like toys until I get inspired.
sounds like you would enjoy Dreams audio tools, they're designed for experimentation. even as a non-musician I was able to make some pretty cool sounds

>I'd like to know how Nintendo address the problem of motion sickness and that feeling of tilting over when you're automatically moving

Its designed for short fun play sessions. Thats how Nintendo were able to get the age 7+ rating.

so a cop out in other words.

>VR camera
>not Pokeyman Snap

Look, no matter your opinion in this, you have to agree the elephant+3D painting is 10/10 idea. Adding on custom gameplay somehow makes it even better.

Its a fun little thing for kids. Did you actually think Nintendo were attempting a genuine full VR experience on the fucking Nintendo Switch?

Exactly. Why are they so fucking retarded? It would have been trivial to get pokemon in there even as a quick cameo and the internet would have exploded.

It's not a dedicated VR machine. You cannot have the same level of expectations between this and PSVR/Occulus/whatever.

'its a fun little thing'
'they dont have to try'
'i will eat their shit regardless'

t. nintendoybrains

One of my biggest quarms with original Labo was the trash-tier software. At least here the things will be interesting to look at in 3d, and it seems like there's a lot of variety / minigames / customisable stuff in the software this time round.

You're both clueless.

who is the one that is clueless faggot? they went to the trouble of making a game exactly like snap and didnt put in pokemon

Look at this seething baby.

Meanwhile, Nintendo gets tons of praise and acclaim - reinforcing their reputation as one of the most creative and innovative company's in any industry - and also generating a sweet new revenue stream for themselves.

Cry more you dumb little child.

>implying that manchildren online eating their shit as always is the same thing as true acclaim

u must be wrong in the head if u genuinely believe this my son

Have you noticed that Nintendo keep Labo details and announcements separate from their actual video game announcements?

Did you notice that?

Can you possibly guess why they would do that? Do you have any understanding of how branding works? Nintendo do.

>that manchildren online eating their shit

What are you talking about? I will never buy Labo. Its for very young children. But I still support Nintendo for attempting cool things like this.

Why does it upset you? Because its NINTENDO? Cry more baby, you're the perfect mental age for Labo.

what the shit r u talkin about, they showed 60 games in this trailer fuckface

Nintendo makes toys aimed at children.

Sony makes toys aimed at ADULTS.

I can tell you which is more embarrassing.

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>cool things like this

Labo is a scam, selling cardboard for $60 a set to dumb normie parents wanting to appeal to their equally dumb toddlers, like yourself.

smells like onions

now edit the tablet into a switch

Feel free to show me any Nintendo Direct which features regular games AND Labo.

I don't even need to check. Because it doesn't exist

who said anything about regular games shitbag, it should be on the games collection. snap is a minigame anyway


Oh wow haha

You fly. It's by far the simplest design, but I presume the gust of air whenever you pedal gives that extra sense of illusion sensory feel that makes it the most immersive. It's the little things that makes the most difference when doing VR.

>the gust of air whenever you pedal
That's not the bird thing that's the jumping thing.

>literal dildo gun

it's s-s-s- so cool when sony does it

>literally rendering under 360 pixels per eye
>have to hold it against your face

If you buy this and don't have children you're pathetic

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god I fucking hate nu-Yea Forums

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I should have known nintendo would do VR gimmicks better than everyone else

they are basically the kings of gimmicks

quest costs more than Switch + labo combined ............... and you have no choice but to use it as a dust collector after you get bored. whereas Labo, you can burn it.

sorry if we dont all lick nintendos dirty shit covered dick as they piss on us u onions faggot

mmm Onions. so, so good.

>I sure am glad RE2, KH3, DMCV and Sekiro aren't coming to the Switch
>Labo update YAAAAAAY
>my elbows hurt

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Quest will get actual VR games user and will make a good porn machine

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The wind pedal is used for both. The fast bird game uses both bird and pedal.

Like all VR

don't try and sell me on VR it's a meme. At least Nintendo are self-aware enough to not take it seriously

Switch is more powerful than Quest.

>Quest will get actual VR games user
VR games are barely games in and of themselves.

Ah, that explains why one of the expansion packs bundles them.

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It literally isn't nintentard

This is the red-headed stepchild of the packs. Everyone will be getting the elephant one to draw 3D art and puzzling.

How are sonyfags jealous of a game Nintendofags don't even want?
It boggles the mind.

Nvidia Tegra X1 is more powerful than Qualcomm Snapdragon 835

The 835 is overclocked and fan cooled, comparing its performance vs what you get in a low voltage 5mm phone is retarded

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that things pretty interesting tho
at first i had no idea what it was used for, but having it blow wind in your face is a neat effect for VR

>as powerful
So it's weaker than the switch.

I wouldn't exactly call $80 cardboard "cheap"

Do you people still push this false narrative that the Switch isn't more powerful than PS3/Xbox 360?

you can get smaller sets for cheaper though.
Also this is retarded because even on release only that dumb robot kit was 80 bucks afaik.

$40 for the VR Goggles and Blaster sounds reasonable but I want there to be a guarantee of other VR content on the Switch (i.e. 360/180 videos on the Youtube app)

Let's not kid ourselves, you're not getting any of that with Labo.
Maybe once they make a rail shooter you get to use it but I don't think anybody who invests into these things expects anything more than the premade games and garage.

not gonna happen because its for 'short fun experiences' only.
i.e. maximum profit with minimum effort

but the fact that they're releasing the goggles and Blaster as a separate cheaper package implies they want those to be used in other titles.

you're giving them wayyyyyy too much credit my dude

or maybe I'm not giving them enough

you guys do realize it's for kids right? it's not intended for creepy old fucks who're going to bing bing with them

Yes bro. Let's us show them our LABO collection. Post your's bro.

Are they really expect people to step on that flappy cardboard?

You couldn’t TORtanic this
It’s literally no popular enough
This is like trying to TORtanic some shit indie game like why would anyone give a fuck?

They had a pedal in the 3rd Labo pack.

It could also just be because the blaster is the only game really worth playing.

>not the Elephant

could say the same of any game in the universe. But i'd have to call you a woman.

It's 20 dollar (high quality) cardboard + elastic bands + infrared stickers

Garage is the only thing of note though

I tried VR at a friends house for the first time the other day
after playing like 7 games the sculpting software was the most fun still to me.

no, this thing is literally for little kids, you trying to equate all games as equivalent to this is just stupid

We’ve had polls and even with confirmed cheaters the numbers are 65% like and enjoy the Switch
20% have no strong opinion
15% Think the Switch and Nintendo as a whole should crash and burn.
Remember this is with active cheaters

lets face it u dumfuks would buy an actual lump of shit if it had marios face on it

No ammount of gameplay improvements will make me sit through the awful superhot story again.

It's a new product. They didn't know how to price for something like this. I'm sure if the orders were reversed and we gotten the robot last, it would be priced better and a more robust garage functionality.
yo that's pretty dope. didn't even know this stuff existed. I wonder if devs use this stuff to sculpt 3d models

yea, hence why the VR goggles are not $80 cardboard.

"didn't know how to price"
read: didn't know how much they could gouge their gullible fanbase for

Plus the motion sickness is unironically reduced by the cardboard
You’re hands still have something to hold and your brain won’t freak out as hard

It felt like you're a 3D graffiti artist. It's pretty awesome.

you'd be surprised.

no as I already know incels watch mlp

And you'd buy a lump of shit if Snoy ran a $3bn marketing campaign making you feel like you're the chad of the universe for owning said lump of shit. More the fool you.

I fucking guess LEGO is a scam too
So are stuffed animals and action figures
Fuck off nigger

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>but sony
you spend to much time in your own thoughts in some sort of echo chamber

Because it's better than making 10 different plastic peripherals that only have one game each

>LEGO is a scam too
>So are stuffed animals and action figures
Indeed they are

I’d rather buy Labo

60fps 720p vr minigames packed in cardboard contraptions, I wonder who's the target audience...

It’s just shitposters
If anything Switch/ Mustard fags are starting to become indistinguishable

Yeah, Nintendo are not about inclusivity. Arrest anyone over the age of 5 who looks twice at a Labo product.

you're free to do anything you want but people will judge you for it

it's just like watching mlp and you know it

I don't think it's much more powerful than those consoles though

I'd categorize it with those consoles rather than ps4 or xbox one in terms of performance

You’re childhood was miserable and you should’ve killed yourself when you had the chance

if this was a thing back when I was ten or twelve it wouldve blown by dick right off.
this is way better than the digital toy crap we had then.

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If I was worried about people judging me I'd have given up computer games a long time ago. In fact I don't remember any point where they weren't accompanied by nagging and/or stigma.

The question you should be asking yourself is are you a slave to other people.

It's difficult to agree with that when the other day I had to for some reason argue in another thread
why it's ok to play Turok on the Switch and not on PC for 4K and mod support. For fucking Turok.

>>playing shooters on console
>calling people mentally ill for enjoying gyro aiming
>"lmao play it in 144hz, who plays games in 60fps get with the times"
>"dude play it with some dumbass mods that don't matter when playing a fucking N64 game"
>"lmao go play your inferior version nincel"

Are you blind?
The board meta is PC for Multiplats Switch for convenience
You don’t need a 1080 ti to run Baba is you
That shit looks like it could run on a TI-86 calculator like OG Doom does

I brought it for my nieces and the piano was easily my favorite
The fact I would play uptown funk with about 90% accuracy is fucking mind blowing
please explain to me what in this video is worth having secondhand embarassment for.
Because all I see/hear is sick music playing.

perhaps, for some reasons you people tend to argue by equating everything as black and white, but a real shocker to you might be that people do not exactly view pc gaming and this as the same

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I don't know what you're talking about

I could be posting a picture of John Cena holding a Switch and would make as much of a point as you are here.

again you're categorizing different things as the same

>categorizing in the first place

He's obviously having a stroke take pity on the poor guy

Why is nobody developing a Crazy Machines clone in VR?

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yeah you're definitely one of those people who lack self awareness, I think you're free to play with dolls if you want to but you'd have to be retarded to not realize people will view you differently

I don't know what you're on about?
Posting an image of a buff paid celebrity holding a console as a point to prove the target audience for said console
is just as much of a retarded argument as looking posting a picture of a chris-chan tier mentally ill person being representative of a consoles target audience.

Next you tell me the majority of Elder Scrolls fans have a Skyrim logo tatoo, because you found an epic funny collection of those on reddit one day.

not only that but playing switch and playing labo specifically are different things

was for


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well I am not talking about the target audience of the console but instead the target audience of labo which is fucking obviously not john cena

look at the seething snoyggers
don't you have a new cool video game to play on your PS4? Why are you here obsessing about nintendo?

dunno who you're talking to other than your imaginary enemies but for instance I had a switch and I think that labo is not for me and instead very very obviously designed around a young audience

Playing le funny robot game and buying a cheap vr kit to make your own games for youtube views are also 2 different things.

Most adults who got into labo, apart from the morbid curiosity and novelty behind it, got most of their usage out of Labo Garage or the music sequencer.
Reading some of the posts in these threads makes me think of things like Mario paint music covers and how those were always seen as really cool,
yet Labo's much more advanced and interesting creative tools are somehow frowned upon here.

It really shows the narrative that people want to push here nowadays and how categorizing people into camps of whatever's easier to make fun of is all this board is now.

yeah and mlp has a deep and thought provoking narrative kids would miss so it's for adults and so on

there actually already are a few titles where you can do exactly that and also gmod has VR support as of last year

do research user, stop asking to be spoonfed with posts like this

You're really insecure.

yeah I'd have to be chris chan to not be insecure in your world

Oh there is plenty. Don't even have PSVR but thats miles ahead of this child toy

I will say this, I know a guy who owns a rift and i only really knew about a handful good VR games because people mentioned them here,
it says a lot about how shitty the market for these games is when people who actually own these things aren't aware of what you're describing as easy to find.
I mean, sure a google search with the right terms on hand will get you far, but VR is still young, a lot of people kinda do need to be inspired in terms of what to actually look for.

The guy I know didn't know jack shit about Sprint Vector and he now thinks it's the best VR game, didn't even consider playing a game like that.

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and yeah I'll openly admit that this is going too much to towards the chris chan territory for my taste

"my world" seems to be living rentfree in your head,
it shows how immature you observe people and what they do to get their rocks off.
You argue the same way thots on twitter judge people who enjoy videogames to begin with.

how so? I mean yeah just as much as chris chans world would

>"my world" seems to be living rentfree in your head,
>it shows how immature you observe people and what they do to get their rocks off.
>You argue the same way thots on twitter judge people who enjoy videogames to begin with.

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let me ask you, is there ever a point where you think it's pretty normal to start wondering what the fuck some people are doing? not telling people can't do what they want to but don't you agree that even for you there's something that's starting to appear pretty fucking weird

so why are you not playing them?

nice $600 dust collector bro.

The Aim controller is nice and all but fuck Sony for taking all the unsold Moves from the PS3 era and marking them up as "VR accessories" now

>whatever's easier to make fun of

well yeah but that's what happens in playgrounds and workplaces. It's something Sony tap into a lot. You not seen that "why settle for good enough" tagline of theirs? you think that's accidental?

It's just pseudo psychology marketing BS and has fuckall to do with what wer'e here to talk about which is an elephant shaped $80 cardboard

please direct me to said $80 that gets you 1 unit of elephant shaped cardboard.

I started caring a lot less once I found out artists that draw the most degenerate garbage will live wealthier and happier than I ever will.
I will however not nearly have as much of a hard time understanding how someone would want to grab a labo kit for the cheap if it's for the garage shit.
There are artists that have used modded NES and Gameboys for chiptune sounds, people will always find cool shit in these things and that's what justifies its existence to me.