Try to be ready

Something will happen today

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>CTR is the Epic Store exclusive

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Playable trophy girls, let's go.

Will they announced that they stop being retards and fixed the physic?
Nha they'll probably more maps that looks nothing like the original

>> *Google Stadia

yeah they will show another stupid character transition or another map, nothing out of the ordinary
let me get a hype trailer

R1 + L1 turbo Will be broken, won't it?

Yes of course, it will happen that It will have Yaya Panda as a playable character


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How do you know?
Trophy girls, Tawna, N. Brio, Koala Kong would be nice. I think Pinstripe and Komodo Joe were already re-confirmed by a leaked select screen pic recently

I can't wait to play the same game again I've been playing the last 20 years. God forbid they make new content for Crash Bandicoot.

Will Coco become real?

wtf i love her

I've been playing CTR all these 20 years too. Feels good man

>not NTR
And dropped

post your mains

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The game will be shit, CTR will remain the king of kart racing

Based, N. Gin was my main too. Just as good as Coco but perfectly acceptable for children who aren't quite comfortable with deliberately picking female characters in video games yet.
Were any of the unlockables in their "type"? I don't think they were. The game is seemingly stacked with the "top speed" types.

Yeah. A character trailer. The same thing we've been getting every friday

Does the original CTR have "dynamic" speed settings?
Vehicles in SonicART go faster when you set the difficulty harder and playing faster is always fun.

Cnk and CTTR tracks and Characters in NF!
>>Or not

the physics and mechanics wont be 1 to 1
it will not be as fun or feel as good

Not that I'm aware. You go pretty fast anyway and there are plenty of techs that you can use to reach max speed

You never would have been satisfied no matter what so nobody cares

Pretty sure it just means AI rubberband more