>Play a multiplayer game for years
>It's easily among your all-time favorites
>One day a forced patch ruins it forever
What's her name?
>Play a multiplayer game for years
>It's easily among your all-time favorites
>One day a forced patch ruins it forever
What's her name?
l4d versus
Well it happened to me with runescape with EOC but to be honestly fair it started going to hell before that when they took away wildy basically and the ability to trade for any amount
I know there is oldschool runescape but i've had my time
WoW, TF2, SC2
Basically all ongoing online games are going to be ruined eventually
Mortal kombat X
Thst fucking armour wakeup patch killed the game for me
Star Wars Galaxies, they gave her the proper pinball machine treatment :(
The latest patch in the Demonsoulsborne game.
Team fortress 2
>yfw sandman nerf
>wow when they nerfed to hell retri paladins at burning crusade
>ragnarok online when they add the fucking cooldong and global coldown mechanic
>many times in warframe
my own fault for playing shitty games