>Play a multiplayer game for years
>It's easily among your all-time favorites
>One day a forced patch ruins it forever
What's her name?
>Play a multiplayer game for years
>It's easily among your all-time favorites
>One day a forced patch ruins it forever
What's her name?
l4d versus
Well it happened to me with runescape with EOC but to be honestly fair it started going to hell before that when they took away wildy basically and the ability to trade for any amount
I know there is oldschool runescape but i've had my time
WoW, TF2, SC2
Basically all ongoing online games are going to be ruined eventually
Mortal kombat X
Thst fucking armour wakeup patch killed the game for me
Star Wars Galaxies, they gave her the proper pinball machine treatment :(
The latest patch in the Demonsoulsborne game.
Team fortress 2
>yfw sandman nerf
>wow when they nerfed to hell retri paladins at burning crusade
>ragnarok online when they add the fucking cooldong and global coldown mechanic
>many times in warframe
my own fault for playing shitty games
The ones that made me leave were that gay matchmaking one and when they nerfed the dead ringer and degreaser
>scunts and clutch spies still seething
>tfw the only way to play the good version without all the shitty updates is to play the shitty PS3/360 version
Ragnarok. Renewal.
Ace of Spades - Gave players more than one weapon
Shattered Horizon - Gave players more than one weapon
Planetside 2 - Lattice
Guild Wars 2 - The New Player Experience
>engineer can't pick up buildings
>spy can tauntkill while cloaked
>stickybombs outclass everything
>"best version"
SW Galaxies
Guild Wars getting a sequel
World of Warcraft
Runescape, Tribes Ascend
What ruined it? I'm still having fun with realism versus.
Tribes: Assend homogenizing the 3 class types, I like the new flexibility and still miss the old system.
Easy: TF2
>tfw that poor old guy died
f2p update killed the game
mann conomy too
League of legends season 4
u wot?
Dota 7.00
Imagine losing 7-1 at the only thing your country is known for while hosting the biggest event of the world in your most iconic stadium.
The Secret world.
holy shit funcom fucked that game hard
>tfw his two sons went to Russia and made a photo of them holding the world Cup trophy replica with his signature hat on tip of it.
it will never not hurt, that i can't fight zombies again
experimental ruined everything
>be me in 2009
>playing TF2 on 360 every day
>would just farm kills in 2fort to satiate adolescent bloodlust, the level of play being impressively horrible
>become notorious enough to have my gamertag namedropped on GameFaqs
>eventually meet some people that surprisingly aren't mouthbreathing retards and can competently play
>finally a challenge!
>play TF2, L4D, and many more over the years together with them
>eventually meet up in real life
>still talk on steam
what a ride life is.
Not really a "Forced" patch necessarily, unless you liked playing online/local tournaments, but Street Fighter 4 AE really killed my enthusiasm for the game for a long time, basically until Ultra.
Nosgoth as they literally shut down the servers
i'm still sad
I'd say the hats, but i guess you enjoyed overwatch like stuns in a fast paced game
PlanetSide 2 OMFG update
Here it is
demoman main spotted
I liked nosgoth, but I just couldn't stand playing with retarded teammates all the time
I didn’t quite play it for years but it’s got to be UC2 multiplayer.
> first release
> great MP game all around for a game with a good SP already
> scrubs complain that ttk is too high and they can’t kill because they miss most of their shots
> high ttk encourage burst fire and head shots
> one single patch greatly increase weapon damage
> Game is fucking ruined
> everyone just twitch and spray
> super weapons become more broken since sniper and deagle can one shot anyone at any body part instead of headshot only
> PvP mp proceeds to be shit in UC3 and UC4 due to load out format and broken progression unlocks system for broken perks and weapon unlock ( with microtransaction to boot)
Also any big esport games always get ruined by dev nowaday because they nerf and buff in a cyclic way to keep the meta at top level “ fresh” but never really want to make the game balanced and fun
>it's everyone elses fault except mine
if yur mates play stupid, you have to adapt
Fuck, bro.
how are you supposed to do that, when the game relies on teamwork?
Adapting to your teammates should be your second priority, the first one being playing good, adapt to your retarded team in order to win user.
Or play with a steady group that will stop being retarded in the long run.
Star wars galaxies
WoW except it was not "one day", it was gradual. So gradual that I could lie to myself and pretend the game was still good because by the time the next bad change came along it had been a while since the last bad one and I had gotten used to it. Took me until Warlords of Draenor to drop the game.
>If Brazil won he migh have held on to life
>he got to see them win
It wasn't so bad, really.
>just adapt to teammates throwing bro
You sure do make it sound easy, user. If you end up 1v5 or some shit in a game do you just "adapt" to that as well?
WoW, Dota 2, Battleforge, Duelyst, Global Agenda
The problem with Nosgoth was that half of the game (playing as humans) wasn't as fun as the other half, and the shitty f2p business model it had from the start.
Its a shame the game never stood a chance, razielim were so fun.
Firefall. Anyone here who played the game know exactly which update it was
Lawbreakers 1.4
though I suppose I missed the "for years" part
>play a multiplayer game for years
>it's easily among your all-time favorite
>it doesn't stop being great but you just get more and more burned out on it and tired of it until you eventually quit
CS:GO when they removed the ability to talk to the enemy team of voice chat
Damn shame too
Fistfull of Frags
it's a western source engine game with primarly hitscan guns
it used to be that walking would give you very small penalty for accuracy so it played much different than CS, but now only reasonable accuracy is when you stand so it plays like CS with different weapons
for me it was when they """fixed"""" righteous bison
I was't that much of soldier player, but it was my favorite weapon
image for your attention
pic looks like he's holding a giant golden dildo
TF2 Meat your Match update.
It ruined the game forever in my region to the point it is unplayable.
Star Wars Galaxies.
Dota 6.8 whenever they added comeback gold and xp, the game was never the same and 7.0 was the nail on the coffin.