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why? why...

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It's a pirates life for me.

>Another great game ruined by faggots
I fuck dudes and not even I'm as much a faggot as devs that do this

Only the best themes and music allowed in this thread from now on


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Nice paragraph long retardese run-on sentence there. I like how you completely omitted the source so we can't see that it's /pol/fuckboi-conspiritard-propaganda.com or some shit like that.

ps. have sex incel

>tranny vampires confirmed

Alright, now I'm h

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I'm gonna slaughter any I meet.

Y-You'll still buy it, right Yea Forums? Who cares Restera are going to proudly buy it?
I still think this guy is retarded for how hard he tried to push "boner" culture.

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What is this? Propaganda for ants?

>ps. have sex incel
Have hetero intercourse

If the games not that bad about this shit I still might play it but I'm not getting it day one, that's for sure. That said I wouldn't be surprised if Mitsoda is a sjw faggot now and Avellone loves guzzling soi.
Left can't meme.

>Have hetero intercourse
engage in consensual sexual contact with a member of the opposite gender

>decide your gender pronouns in character creator
Off to a great start.

thank god Im not an alt+right incel.
looking forward to the game.

Good god what a fucking awfully written paragraph

Rudiposter tried to warn you cucks but you didn't listen.
this guy writes like shit.

>rpg takes social problematics in account
>it's a bad thing somehow
escapism is for retards, I'd rather have a game that do something with reality. You're not even sure that this game will be sjw or anything, it might as well be against degeneracy.

Oh no, sweetie... honey..

It's almost like the game needs to know how to refer to your character

>escapism is for retards,

>play video games

People that claim only Liberals hated Bush are as stupid as people claiming only reps hated Clinton.

>are you male or female?


famous for never being political

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video games shouldn't be escapism, that's what I'm saying you dumb ape
read my post again

>WoD vampires
Pick one

The season-pas dlc shit they showed off already made it a 90% sales keysite candidate. Now it can go straight to the pirate category.

Colonialism w-what's that

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Honestly there is barely any room for sexual intercourse in a game about walking corpses, unless you're playing Toreador, and even then, I'm pretty sure most of them dont have sex anyways.

There's political commentary and there's virtue signaling.

now they do and there's even romance options now

Did you just save the thumbnail? You dumbass.

Avellone might be a SJW in disguise but his writing so far has been free from it, or if inserted at least in not obnoxious ways like his peers like to do it. Sucks that most of the time when he writes for something the majority of his stuff gets cut out nowadays adn the little that remains still manages to outshine whatever the otehr writers put into the game.

>escapism is for retards

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lmao bait thread

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Depends, there are the occasional ones (couples in mutual blood bonds, Albigensians, Setites) but the general idea is that the Kiss is tantamount to intercourse/rape

>escapism is for retards,
>play video games
Either you're a legit brainlet that doesn't understand his own fucking post, or whatever english lessons you had were ultimatley wasted on you.



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>People are mad about vampires being faggots
>When vampires have been faggots for god knows how long
Why is it in the last five or so years any game that gets even a little bit of fan hype gets retarded band wagoners jumping on a shitting up the place

based angry gamer making resetgender tourists seethe hard. this guy is the next quartering, you fags will be making shill threads about him every day now huh lmao

Excuse for your failures and adding Europeans as villains.

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dont you have places to shoot up and children to kill?


>implying people are angry that gaympires exist and not because you can't dismiss them without getting bad boy points

The game literally has a line right after that shitting on republicans

I looked at the article, the part where he mentions about masculine subversion, just broadening it.
>“She also said that they’re trying to broaden Bloodlines 2 from the more masculine power fantasy of the original, so that it appeals to way more people this time.”
I'm still going to be on the fence until I see some actual gameplay for it, and unless that looks really good until it actually comes out to see how bad it actually is.

different character and before it

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Where? The only line I recall where they outright make fun of them is when you're in a bar telling a bartender "bad" things you did, and you can say you voted republican one time.

do you even know the definition of escapism you retard? a game doesn't have to be fantasy or completey disconnected from reality

Normie genocide best day of my life.


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vampire the masquerade along with all white wolf games have always been heavily leftist
if you don't understand the source material you can fuck right off, normalshit

above your post
hazy memory my apologies.

>muh tourists
I saw this shit in another thread retard. Doesn't mean I have to think One Angry Faggot can do no wrong.

Sorry, call to prayer soon.

Why is this One Gamer so ANGRY?

>do you even know the definition of escapism you retard?
>a game doesn't have to be fantasy or completey disconnected from reality
You definitely don't know what escapism is.

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Thats a good thing, Avellone has been shit for a while now, people only care because he did one pretty good thing one time.

>Mad about getting bad boy points
>In a game where you play as an immortal psychopathic killing monster surrounded by worse immortal psychopathic monsters doing awful shit just so they can feel something

>Doesn't mean I have to think One Angry Faggot can do no wrong.
Just because you don't like the site doesn't mean they're lying.

>vampire the masquerade along with all white wolf games have always been heavily leftist
>if you don't understand the source material
Follow your advice and fuck off.

Everyone in Europe had to get through this at some point as well, yet they are not sitting on their asses demanding gibs.

>adn the little that remains still manages to outshine whatever the otehr writers put into the game.
Next time, read a post to the end before showing off how retarded you really are.

I'm not saying he is lying about bloodlines 2. I just think the boner culture thing he tried to push with MK11 which also looks shit was retarded, and he isn't good at writing articles.

"the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy."
a game doesn't have to be escapism, once again

Yes, this is my point exactly.

Ok then, when is europe giving back the trillions they stole from africa and south america to fund the Enlightenment

you guys are a bunch of comedians

>H-He's slightly better then the rest of these shitty writers though
What a achievement! Now kindly fuck off Avellone cuck.

>tfw when whitewolf was closed because a lorebook stated that the faggothunt in Chechnya was a cover-op for vampire running the country and both Chechen officials and LGBT groups were pissed about this
one saying this was all a lie and a NATO psyop the other because they were using an actual tragedy as fluff for a tabletop RPG

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Yeah, thanks for proving my point illiterate retard.

give an exemple of the two

I can't imagine a world where a dude working on entertainment software things that it is his call to talk politics or to be "on the right side of history" or whatever the fuck these retards think

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oh so you're fucking retarded and you think the company has suddenly "changed" by making the same leftist shit it always has, only now your contrarianism has swung you to the right wing and you notice it
end yourself retard