
Can From recover from this? It scored lower than Dark Souls II and Bloodborne.

>IGN says it's easier than any other Souls game
>confirmed to be very short
>no replayability and worthless NG+
>no weapons and armor to find, what you have in the beginning is it
>zero online in any way, not even something like gravelording or invasions of any kind - nothing at all
>boring setting of sengoku Japan with all the predictable tropes you could imagine

Attached: flopiro.jpg (219x146, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's goty user. It's a better action game than DMC5 too lol

>not even 90

Uhhhhh... yeaaaah I don't think so.

blunder of the eon

kys Barry

This is pretty bad considering how bad DaS 2 was.

>activision involved

There you go
Its just a cash grab

Sorry retard, not Barry. FFXV is trash, Kingdom Hearts 3 is trash and Sekiro seems to be joining those ranks...

It'll go up.

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Do you consider DeS, DaS, DaS 3 all to be blunders? If not then you shouldnt trust reviews in the first place

Nah, FFXV is exceptionally trash compared to the other games.

It's over for From

No character customization, no buy.

>thread opens with bait


t. ranny

Which one is the bigger casual filter, Central Yharnam and Papa G or the first few hours of Sekiro?

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>No character customization, no buy.

There's no reason to play hard games without RPG elements.

Announcing sage is a reportable offense. I am not saying that I would report your post as doing so would be a reportable offense in itself, merely pointing out that you are breaking the rules of Yea Forums good sir

what about overcoming difficult foes? Does that not feel good without your precious RPG elements

Fuck this cunt. Don't use your snap seed till round 2. Where the fuck do I get snap seeds?

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>all the tears from RPG subhumans now that they can't overlevel and bruteforce the game


>playing a single-player game simply for the challenge
literally kill yourself

Why do you fags care about what the metacritic score is? Can't you form your own opinions?

Yeah I'm glad I pirated this.
the setting is boring, we've seen thoses feo japan 100 times already, the map design is pretty much Nioh. I finished the boss Way of Tomoe and I've yet to really enjoy the game

Friendly reminder that IGN is less casual than Yea Forums
The day Yea Forums got exposed beyond belief

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uhmm user do you even like video games?

True, tey should have made another Souls game, European medieval is undereppresented

they should have made an Ice Age themed game. Now that would be a sweet setting

I mean sarcasm aside, I still find myself more bored of the generic Japanese setting filled with castles against a cherry blossom backdrop or wooden pagodas on fire with me fighting some samurai, demon yukata woman or oni statue in them than I did with the classic souls setting

I don't get these troll threads. What do you get out of this?

I wish this was a more traditional action game like NG in regards of gameplay. The parry+counter shit gets old really fucking fast.

What makes you think it's a troll?

>easier than a soul game
>No hp and no damage, gets 2 shoot by any bosses basically playing as if you were SL1
>no iframe on dodges
>and there's 3 dodges jump/side step/shield that you have to alternate according to the attack
>have to maintain the momentum more aggresively than in BB so the ennemy doesn't lose his stance metter and your whole fight was all for nothing
This guy exposed himself as not going further than lightning archer.
or maybe he means the world difficulty, it's true that the trash mobs are pretty easy and you can easily stealth and grab to safety.

When are you DMCucks gonna fuck off?

Never even played the game.
Try again.

ok, so how the fuck do I deal with the bull?

>Taking mainstream reviews seriously lol

just keep sprinting

>IGN says it's easier than any other Souls game
proving the didn`t actually play it past the first deflection tutorial

Hm yeah either that or... hmm.. maybe even an IGN trannyjourno is better at video games than you?
Nah, right.. that can't be... that would be embarrassing for you

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use wooden column to shield your ass

Is this how all criticism towards the game will be disregarded?

>tfw pulling off the Sekiri Counter against the Shinobi Hunter

It's great, reminds me of the final boss of Wind Waker. But that purple ninja in the bamboo place can suck my dick.

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What criticism?
If anything IGN is the one saying the game is easy. Yea Forums is whining while being shit at the game but tries to cope by claiming the IGN reviewer probably only played for 5 minutes.

79 and below means its shit
80-89 means its good
91-99 means the reviews are paid

>>IGN says it's easier than any other Souls game
I can guarantee you they've completed the tutorial level and nothing after that.

They might have also gotten "journo" version of the game or skipped all mini bosses.

>running jump attacks literally do 0 damage to this bull. constantly "toro"-ing him slapping his ass in mid-air with bloodsplatters and everything at least 50 times. not even a dent in his health.

Considering the IGN guy said he's going to try out NG+ now after finishing the game that seems unlikely, Coper McCopington

Hopy cope batman
Just face it, you are shit at games

haha lets just put a million trash mobs with the boss, i'm sure it will be a fun experience!

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Still not as good as the new God of War, the true king of action games. See me after class, From.

>Juzo le pochard
>playing in Reddit

every other reviewer says it's significantly harder than the souls games.

What's more likely, a fucking IGN journo being good at video games or him being a lying sack of shit?

What happened? How is 89 seen as bad now? 50 is a neutral stance on a game and now we live in a world were a rating of 89/100 is seen as a bad thing

Just what in the ever loving fuck happened?


on est d'accord c'est de la merde, difficulté artificielle

Take out the archers with shuriken and carefully pull him towards the pond, the shield guys will stay behind and you can focus on the fatso

OnlyAfro has already beat the game. Its been only a day man. Even casual shit like Dark Souls 3 took a few days for most people

Show me five reviews saying it's harder than all other Souls games

Have you played the game or do you just make your opinions based on reviewers and anonymous posters?

>now we live in a world were a rating of 89/100 is seen as a bad thing
Where have you been for the last 8 or so years? People have been screaming that anything under 95 is unfiltered shit for the longest time now.

The scale goes: 100-91= alright, 90-00= literally unplayable ride to hell tier garbage, unless it's a game I like of course, then ratings are useless anyway

>worse than bb and ds2
>better than des, das and das 3
Does this make it bad? Also are you implying critics ranked the series correctly?

Ive played the game myself. Why would i listen to Yea Forums thats even finding a hard time against the fucking ogre? Yea Forumsis unironically fucking bad at video games. Why do you think people hear talk about visual novels so much?

prep him with fireworks

0-80 Not worth it at all, simply avoid entirely
81-90 Worth a pirate
91-94 Worth a purchase
95-100 Must buy for any ludophile

Does that mean Yea Forums should only be playing Nintendo, naughty dog and rockstar games?

Dark souls 2 has the most mechanics in a dark souls game

This big beefy boy


Minus Naughty Dog who get a +10 SJW movie bonus and thus have a falsified score, yes

You're really stupid if you think its like that. Yea Forums doesnt play ANYTHING, just complains about politics.

I seen more controllers broken here for Hino Enma in Nioh where the game stopped being Dark Souls and became Onimusha

Central Yharnam fucked me so hard, starting as deprived with a cane was a bad idea.

>+80 points nintendo bonus
>+50 points for rockstar
Yeah no, the last good game was Ms Pacman, everything else is unfiltered garbage

Everyone knows that Yea Forums is actually fucking terrible at video games.
Just see all the VN threads.
All the threads about Diablo 3 vs PoE
Souls threads
And now this. Literally worse at Sekiro than some numale.


You forgot Yea Forumss allergy to fighting games

With the constant bitching about no coop I expected this, people are used to being carried by 3 summons and overleveling to hell and back like the bloodborne platinum guy

>Central Yharnam and Papa G or the first few hours
I spend like hours trying to get to the first boss.
Once I beat him it was all smooth sailing from there.
Only real ussue I had were the woods+ shadows of yarnham and rom, because I had no idea where I was going and I can't handle a crowd.

Trailers get shown
>wow look at this baby tier difficulty LMAO fuckin sois
Game comes out
>this game is shit, it's too hard
Every single time

It's 92 on pc. But yeah I'm 6 hours in and not liking it a lot

>defeat 4 bosses
>vitality goes up by 1

So I'm 10% healthier? wtf?

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It's really true. I've realized how awful Yea Forums is at actually playing games some years ago and it keeps showing.

>Every single time
What? Very few games releasing these days are hard.

It happened with Nioh. The sheer butthurt at release was hilarious.

>92 on PC
Holy shit I didn't know it was that bad, will from go bankrupt after this fucking ridiculous failure?

Fight one boss and think OK time to enjoy exploration. 10 meters ahead there's another boss.


With multiplats you look at the score of the platform where the bulk of reviews are. Usually that's the PS4 with PC and Xbox only getting a few reviews up on metacritic.

im just not having fun spending 10 minutes to go back to the boss only to die again and repeat forever
especially when I want to go fast but lose one life in the process because i didnt stealth kill the 7man pack

The game is 4/10 at best anyway

Nah. Console versions suffer from frame pacing issues. Pc doesn't. So that's where the correct score will be.

Have you tried not being shit at video games?

What area?

>because Im bad everyone else is too

>admitting you're so bad you've never even done an SL1 run in Dark Souls

>spend 4 minutes stealth killing the 7man pack
>kill the 2 guys in the house
>get to boss
>have to kill the 6 adds
>die to boss
I think I'll just go back to my twitch shooters, I don't have the patience for these kind of games, die and retry with 10 minutes walks are not fun for me

nah it's better and has way more to do.

Sekiro's difficulty compared to previous Souls games is like MHW's difficulty compared to previous MH games

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What the hell am I suppose to do with the big white snake after I stab it in the eye? I'm assuming they want me to swing around on the branches and land on its head? Accept the swinging altitude is so imprecise and the snake just flails around so much.

It's genuinely not hard to figure out how to circumvent the thing better, user.
I'm not defending the game, it's a poor boss design regardless, but it's far more effective to

>kill first archer
>hook to roof
>hook to next roof
>run across roof to the end and duck
>lose aggro
>go down and stick to rocks heading into water
>talk to samurai to help keep some aggro
>literally 2-shot all the ads (3 hits on the torch dudes)
>can now fight boss

It's still a roundabout way, and annoying, but far better than clearing that first pack

Eh, Anthem had terrible reviews and yet it's apparently Biowares second best selling game

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Wouldn't even be surprised if it's true. Marketing is one hell of a drug.

i just ran from it upwards when it started to lose shit and it's gone

the fights are still boring
its all memory, its impossible to read if a move will be one or two hits unless you memorize it

>Breeze through all Souls games and NiOh
>Sekiro is kicking my ass
Maybe it is because I'm stuck with kb+m but Goddamn I fucking suck at deflecting.

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Is it cracked yet? I wanna at least try it.

pirate where

Yes, before it even launched.

The bosses have specific movesets. If he starts a combo he will finish it unless you interrupt it with a stagger or a deflect

It's pretty simple

Me too man. I never liked parry based systems so I never got truly gud at them.

I'm also getting old so my reflexes aren't what they used to be.

>want to pirate but too lazy to even check the tracker

Being poor is not an excuse to also be stupid

So its harder but also plays better? Neat.

Stay mad, DMCfags

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>gorillion leachers
May as well wait for a sale in a few months; it'll be quicker.

The parry system is harder in this game, you have to parry multiple times in a row.

Sometimes it does 1 hit, sometimes 2, sometimes even 3 and animations are so shit you dont have the time to react unless you memorize it
I get hit all the times when its a 3 hits, every moves have the same animation

Just fyi, the only reason the score is below 90 is because "Hardcore Gamer" gave the game a 4/5 which metacritic translates into 80 despite the fact that the site doesnt do decimals so they literally only had the option to give it 80 or 100

>$60 wasted

How the fuck do i beat the sumo dude?

I genuinely do not understand the system.
>Half-deflect an enemy
>Wolf staggers back and puts his arm up and I'm unable to deflect even though my posture is only halfway full
>Those quick punches enemies do that seem to ignore guard and deflecting and are a crapshoot if they'll follow up their attacks with it or not
Currently at the first flashback and the guys with the axes just baffle me.

>IGN says it's easier than any other Souls game
Difficulty isnt what mades the Souls games good, and this isnt a Souls game
>confirmed to be very short
There are enough 500 hour games already
>no weapons and armor to find, what you have in the beginning is it
>zero online in any way, not even something like gravelording or invasions of any kind - nothing at all
>boring setting of sengoku Japan with all the predictable tropes you could imagine

ok this is clearly bait
Have you retards ever played a non-souls From game

It's easier though, because if you parry too early you just block and take 0 damage. in ds if your parry missed you took a claymore to the face.

>cant use controller thanks to broken garbage ass jap port
>still rocking that shitty 60fps cap
>input lag feels like almost a half second when you're trying to jump and not as bad but still awful on parries and attacks

wow I'm really not liking this game

nobody cares user

it would be the same for other games too anyways

>yfw you didn't waste 60 bucks

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Wow great post you absolute imbecile

ds4windows for ps4 controller.
It takes some fiddling, and you have to turn on "hide controller" in the settings, but it works.

There's some sort of "poise" for those axe guys aside from the posture meter. You have to hit them twice to stagger them. At least that's how I think it works.

It's fucking annoying that you get stagger for the tiniest hit but opponents can keep on trucking.

Metacritic is such a joke. Every single review on sekiro there has been "the game is a step up for fromsoft" and yet the overall score is lower than DaS 2. Its just proof that reviewers just pull numbers out of their asses. They might aswell roll a dice

>step up from Souls
>actually has way less features than Souls games

Now this is epic

I was having much easier time in ds though, it just one hit so you prepare and concentrate to it and done, here it's confusing as fuck.

It's a great action-adventure game, better action-adventure game than DMC5, but as a pure action game DMC5 prevails as the best one.

>2 ghosts left in the area
>shat the bed 3 times, no confetti left

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>tfw getting too old for action games

I knew this day was coming but it still sucks

>Tetris has less mechanics than mass effect andromeda
>its still a better game
hmm weird its almost like you cant evaluate a game by the number of lines of code it has

Just use xbox360ce installed in the sekiro file and you're good, user.

There's a npc close by who helps you kill the mob quick.


>>spend 4 minutes stealth killing the 7man pack
come on user

There's two axes guys you have to stealth kill, the other mooks are just torch wielders and archers you can r1 spam to death

yeah I'm using it but the camera keeps spinning and it's because of some gyro shit which I've already tried and failed to disable

No MH game after FU is hard.

MH3U without the 3DS add-on joystick Gobul would like to have a word.

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I fucking love how fast this game is, you guys are just too fat and slow to have fast enough reflexes

Whole thing has been KINO so far and I'm only an hour in.

How in the fuck people are saying that boring as Lothric in DS3 was better I do not know

Sekiros entire combat system is a pleb filter, filthy Gaijin are too fat and slow to be fast enough

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Sexuro is way harder since you have to adapt to jumping/dash/parry mixups and be really quick. BB ain’t that hard until you hit Gascoigne. While first mini boss in Sekiro (outskirts) is already Gascoigne level. Now imagine how hard is first boss.

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Same people complained about the combat in Nioh and it´s the fastest battle system in a souls-like game yet. Seems like a lot of people prefere slow and clunky combat.

Based npc

>tfw wasted 4 upgrade points on estus +1 upgrade
>still same healing
Wtf bros...i got scammed?

4 Prayer beads don't increase the amount you heal by, it increases your vitality and posture.

I meant upgrade points, there is a skill that increases estus healing, first one for 4 points, second one for 5 points.

How the fuck do I pick up the gold glowing things from enemys what even is that stuff?

Why do people have so much trouble with the Ogre?

>fire attack
>he staggers
>get a bunch of attacks in
>fire attack
>burn status inflicted
>get a bunch more attacks in
>easy dodge then continue attacking
>oh the bars full

ffs it's not Cleric Beast

Lol not even close kiddo

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cope harder fag

If I wanted to play an action game I'd play DMC5, which I did. I ain't gonna buy a pseudo action souls shitter game with half the content like character creation, armor, weapons, and stats building removed. The combat just isn't fun enough to support a game by itself.

>got metallic Sekiro card
>can't sell it since i forgot to rebind my tablet app

Dark Souls II should have like a 79, I don't know why the fuck its score is so high

near water


30 min in it was fun. But now every single enemy needs perfect parry or block or half your hp is gone. Oh yea, every mob is like 5-7 guys.

>spend a good hour trying to beat first boss
>continue on
>curbstomp a dude on a horse
is the butterfly lady not the first boss

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Dark Souls will literally never be surpassed. It's not PERFECT PERFECT, but it's as close as a game can possibly get and I don't see how From could ever top it.

Bloodborne came the closest but fell just short due to the terrible invasions, the bad and boring covenants and the lame chalice dungeon lego rooms. Very good attempt though.

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how much vitality does that one skill that gives you vitality for killing blows give?

im farming the ability that gives you hp every time you deathblow.
>Shitters had SO much trouble with fucking cleric beast
Just his posture should tell you his cheese. He's slouching forward with hands dangling in front. So hit him from where his hands aren't dangling (back). Killed him 2nd try, in first attempt he jumped and one shotted me.

Xth for kamikaze jihad ninja of EEEEUUUUUOOOOOOWW

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Shut up nigger, that pasta is invalid now. I'm playing the game and having a blast with it. Seeth more, faggot.

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I thought my game was glitching the first time that fucker was shooting towards me

Sekiro is slow and clunky, though. Nioh is the only game in this 'genre' that feels precise.

>Maybe if I just call it pasta that'll let me disregard any criticism haha le seethe le reddit


Glorious death, i didn't even mind rezzing

In what world is an 89 bad? This shit is in every single metacritic thread. What the fuck is wrong with this board?



And this is why ds4windows is a trash software. Barely ever works. Just buy a refurb x1 controller from Ebay for $30.

Is it possible to cut down that rope?

Games nowadays only get scored between 75 to 95 with only extreme outliers going under 75 or over 95

So that's a 20 point range.
On that scale an 89 is barely "somewhat okay"

while op is retarded to claim 89 is bad, 50 has never ever been neutral. Generally it's best to assume reviewers are reviewing around a A-F grade scale where anything under 70 is considered failing.

Is the flashback castle estate supposed to be a late game area? The boss was fucking insane.

tfw not having fun
guess i'll just go back to playing runescape

If it's so easy, why are so many people on Yea Forums whining that it's too hard? Is Yea Forums really worse at video games than games "journalists"?

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no, sadly
You either have to lure and immediately hide behind a wall or block it
Sometimes one of them goes explosion though, that'll fuck you up

Lady Butterfly? She's supposed to be the 2nd boss after Gyoubu
I think the progression goes:
>real world until before chained ogre
>past world until you get axe+flame prosthetic
>real again, fucking said ogre with flame until after the first main boss (Gyoubu)
>past again, wrecking Juzou then LB
