>Spring Sale
GOG-chan, please. I still didn't play games from last Winter Sale yet...
>Spring Sale
GOG-chan, please. I still didn't play games from last Winter Sale yet...
...anybody have recommendation for new buys, tho?
>email from gog
>items on your wishlist are on sale
>oh wait. nevermind
>I already downloaded all of those from GoD
god sells games?
Is Gun worth five eurodollars?
>GOG has a sale
>already own everything i care about
i wish they'd spend more time appealing to developers instead of trannies
hmm maybe I should finally buy Dragon's Dogma
I heard it was good
What do you want? Any specific genre?
The GOG version is not up to date and never will be.
oh yea I forgot about that, thanks
I will probably get Anno 1701, to finish my collection of the series, and Clive Barker's Undying since lately I find myself really enjoying old shooter. Unreal, Serious Sam and Requiem avenging angel were great for me. Any other worth noticing shooter on the sale?
Also, not shooter, but anyone played Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption? It seems to be completely overlooked because of the other vampire game.
I don't recall ever playing the Heroes of Might and Magic series, but they seem to be highly rated. Should I jump in at 2, 3, or buy both?
Buy both
Most of the fans will tell you H3 is the best, so out of the two you should pick 3, but H2 itself is still great game, with less deep gameplay but imo better artstyle than 3
Gun is a very fun game, but it's very crash prone on pc, it's not very long, and the devs are defunct. it's not worth any money, really, unless you REALLY want to see what inspired a lot of RDRedemption mechanics.
Battle Chasers if you want to experience turn based JRPG combat but in good.
The game is fun, but be aware it fully expects you to do the same dungeons several times and is even somewhat made with a second playthrough in mind.
>in bed, sleeping off a stomach bug
>get notification from google (not an email, a full on android notification) that Heroes of Might and Magic games are on sale
>wake up 2 hours later, think it was a fever dream
>get to work
>check up on GoG
>it was real
what the fuck man
I shouldnt be surprised that google knows I wanted to buy these games
On sale: everything I already have
Not on sale: my wishlist
>Battle Chasers
What a boring fucking game.
Should i buy the Neptunias games?
10/10, wold protect from train molesters.