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Other urls found in this thread:

Just beat Juzou. How do I get into the locked door down the stairs after the Idol Statue?


From does it again. How could I be surprised?

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I wanted this to be good. I wanted it so bad.


>you truly are...Sekiro, The Shadow that Dies Twice

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>is the game hard?
It's just this.

really From? come on

And it is good

How did reviewers even beat this game

How do you beat the bull?

some just stopped 25% -50% into the game. Idk how others finished it. Shit is dick breaking hard

>get a Bionic Arm™
>have a flashback to 3 years ago
>have a Bionic Arm™ in the flashback

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>Ting Ting Yooooooo

Fuck this game sucks, literally Bing Bing wahoo but samurai. Worst pirate

Shit Souls game(even has the equivalent of bonfires) with stupid parry everything mechanic

Just deflect
For some fucking reason you can deflect it

>have a flashback
it was time travel, retard. pay attention

Time is convoluted in Sushiland

Dark souls but with even less mechanics

You're experiencing a past memory, idiots.

it's not dark souls i understand
i get that they didn't want more than 1 weapon

but for FUCKS sake, why the fuck did they not give you more tools to deal with blobs?
this stealth mechanic barely is functional and yet that's the only way you can manage having to clear hordes of enemys, going at them one by one, kite kite kite
the game is actually pretty great when you are dueling a enemy/boss 1v1

as soon as you add more than 1 to the mix it just becomes a slog to go through, that fucking boss with 10 enemies to kite off? just lmfao

game is really good in some parts, but its severely lacking in map design and enemy placement (this is only a problem because the game forces you to only 1v1 everything)

>go to flashback estate
>get my ass handed
>maybe I'm supposed to do this later
>go back to snow estate
>get my ass kicked

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>Shit Souls game

oh okay that was easier than i thought
i figured i wouldnt have enough hp since it still damages you but he staggers easy

>wakey wakey user you're not playing dark souls anymore

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You'll burn yourself out if you reply to all shallow bait

it's a souls game

did you get the key from owl

don't reply to shitposters

No, where can i find him?

>boss with grab attacks that you have to dodge like in souls, not parry
>wake up call

The bull is really weird, he just kills you instantly when you first meet him but after you understand what you're supposed to do he just awkwardly dies in 2 seconds, he doesn't even have 2 hp bars

here's your Seven Ashina Spears bro.
This is fullproof, only time I had to cheese a boss so far. People are probably right and he's best to save for later, but his bead was my 4th so I got more health out of it

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>dodging the leaping superman grab

yeah sure you did

though when you realize sprinting is better than dodge, hes pretty easy

God I can’t wait to get home and play. Luckily I get home at 2 to 2:30 so it’ll be unlocked. Didn’t feel like VPN

>meet the owl
>he just randomly dies
Am I really supposed to believe he won't come back later?

Instead of jumping off the bridge into the river, keep going across it

Ok, thanks bro.

user press jump and not side-dodge

What do snap seeds do in the bell area boss fight?

>Gracious Aggression
is this book worth saving up for? sounds COOL

>doing pretty food
>only have two of the dragonrot things
>get to butterfly
>die 12 times
>barely get her at half hp 2nd stage
Fuckin nothing like the other bosses, i cheesed all of them and got a free stealth hit but you can't do that to granny FUCK

>i cheesed all of them and got a free stealth hit
I bet you summoned in Souls too, nerd

I didn't use summons at all in souls, but at least in souls i didn't feel like a fucking monkey being toyed around with by a woman the age of my entire family tree combined

Any way to make button prompts on PC appear as Dualshocker instead of XBone controller buttons?

Why the fuck am I stuck at 20fps?

I don’t have dual monitors, and my onboard graphics are turned off through my bios.

Anyone else here with this problem, it’s pissing me off

I killed lady butterfly, centipede, armored knight. Where am I supposed to go? I'm stuck

Whoever decided to make a tanky boss that just spams unblockable grab attacks with stupidly huge amounts of tracking and a fucking retardedly large hitbox needs to die.

so is it good?

>this guy is still mad about the ogre

I've played for 8 hours and only managed to counter 1 single sweep attack so far

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This guy gets it, if there wasn't 30 trash enemies near every mini boss perhaps the game would be enjoyable

meh, but I've sick of From's schtick for a while now, just more of the same, and I think the art direction is pretty lame

no it's shit


We all know the answer, bud. Every single one of us.

>Game keeps freezing for a second and also crashing

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What were you cooking user?

>counter sweeps like no one's business
>ignore Mirikiri upgrade
>get it
>start dashing into sweeps

>doing pretty food
>i cheese all of them
>granny FUCK

what did he mean by this

Its the Dark Souls 2 on the inside that counts not the Dark Souls 2 on the outside.

They get rid of ghosts and ghoulies and all things frightening. You ever play Ghoul Panic?

Post yfw

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That one webm proves nothing you twat. You dodged the wrong way and were in his grasp, janky animation isnt gonna make you right. Get over it you looney toon


Can you, like, watch some gameplay or something? Even pirate the game? I'm loving the game so far. It's pretty refreshing for me and I'm planning to buy it today.

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Timing is a little hard to get used to early on, does it become second nature after a few hours?


I mean you are a nigger and I love the game but the hitbox and the tracking on those grabs are horseshit. You can defend it all you want it doesn't change a fucking thing.

I can love something and see its flaws.

Yep. If you assume reviewers didnt finish the game at least once you're an idiot.

This game is rly pretty

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is jizuo supposed to be your first boss or am i doing something wrong here

He's really fucking tough if you try and fight him as soon as you find him. I came back after I got a couple upgrades

How do I get to the headless ogre and where is the purple shinobi? Also, anyone get to the shinobi guarding the entrance to the poison pit area? It’s like another fucking blight town poison water everywhere thanks From you just can’t resist huh? Overall having a blast.

the rest of the game has looked like shit so far, tho

No, I want to go in blind.
I'm gonna play it regardless, downloading now, I just wanted to know the general reception.

Do you guys think this is easier or harder than Souls? I keep changing my mind.

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Hey so I'm like 8 hours in where do I get the shuriken arm

where do i go after the big fuck armoured guy with 2 musketeers and the midget that just screams I get a little bit ahead, reach a note and then there's nothing.

Ive had more trouble with Ashina than any souls boss. Also this game is unrelenting, constant bosses with very few breaks. I love it, but Id say its more challenging than souls

Fodder is easier, bosses+minibosses harder. That's what I'm on right now. There's less stats in this game, so being underlevelled is less of a thing. It legitimately just feels more skillfull than dark souls.

Well, here's mine.
[spoile]Me rike/10[/spoiler]

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It's like dark souls 2 had mandatory stealth sections. Shits not fun

And it is. Best thing they've ever put out, Soulsbabby, and also the hardest.

Go down the left of the broken bridge and keep going down

oh holy shit i feel like a fucking retard, for some reason my brain thought that bit was just an endless drop, not more ground,
Cheers user

wtf? I don't get it. I didn't use resurrect because people said that you could get the Rot if you resurrect too many times so I just picked "die" option most of the time and still got the Rot Essence.

Rot works exactly the opposite of what you said

Resurrecting = good
Dying = bad

That's lame. Gonna have to restart my game now

but is it only dying after resurrecting or dying at all?

Dying at all

You get it from getting killed period.

If you get sent back to a shrine, dragonrot occurs. Period

it's like bloodborne but with awful controls

you can also just keep following his rear right leg, and spam firecrackers

just don't die lol

>play sekiro
>get my ass kicked
just another day

Can you beat the boss dude at the start where you're supposed to lose? I went in spamming shit and did hurt his HP a bit before he whooped my ass. Wanted to restart to try again but went to bed because it was late. I'm thinking it might be like the black knight in the Undead Burgh.

Any tips on General Tenzen? Hes pretty retarded moveset wise.

I see.
I suppose I should go with the strategy of using the resurrect to high-tail back to the nearest bonfire.
or I would if the game stopped crashing every 5 minutes

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Dragonrot is really not that bad, you can cure it. Judging by the bosses in this game they definitely expect you to die a lot. Just look at the shitters in these threads

There is no bonus for beating him but yes you can.

Anyone else with the 20fps problem?

>and also the hardest
I'm still early, but I don't think this is going to end up as difficult as Last Raven.

>I suppose I should go with the strategy of using the resurrect to high-tail back to the nearest bonfire.

The amount of times i got hit badly by Bazuso and then just ran back instead of dying is very easily in the double digits, sadly.

Then what's the point? They could have given a small bonus for being a hindrance to him before he mops the floor with us.

Im looking to trade sekiro eu steam code. Anyone can recommend good place?

Supposedly has to do something with dual monitors or so I've seen people say. For me it crashed directly afer the intro cutscene and loading screen if I don't play on windowed mode.

Yeah me too, shit's unplayable.

Holy fucking shit, the minibosses are no fucking joke. This game is EASILY their hardest one yet. Feels like playing Demon's Souls for the first time again.

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I want to fuck Japanese Big Boss!


>game doesn't have native DS3 support

Fucking WHY. What is wrong with those people, do I have to guess what button is what with DS4Windows again?

Game is fun but Blazing Bull may be one of the most terribly designed enemies in any Fromsoft game. It's not even a matter of difficulty, it's just straight up poorly made

Agreed its awesome. The pacing of this game is just nonstop, its boss after boss after boss

>Everyone bitching about the staircase Ogre
>Mfw getting my ass handed to me by General Tenzen

I'm having problems with spear mobs. I bought the skill that is supposed to counter thrusts with B by stomping the weapon down, and the're definitely thrusting but when I press be I just get hit.
I pulled it off twice and then never again

>Bed of Chaos
>Royal Rat Authority
>The Boss that was just 3 NPCs
There are worse boss fights.

Do people really think Demon's Souls was hard? It was the easiest of the souls games for me.

Its on hit like deflect, so it has to be on point. If you do it too early or too late you either dodge and get hit or just get hit.

Works fine on my dual monitors, but I'm using Borderless Gaming to play in a borderless window

when "Souls" wasn't a thing yet and it was just Demon's Souls

Since he uses a nodachi its pretty easy to just wittle down his posture. Its also possible to get a sneak kill on him after killing everyone else. I have a clip if you want to see what I did

I think you have to be holding a direction while you hit O

go for it

Your 1st souls game will always be your hardest one. At least, for most people.

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>playing with english dubs
you had it coming

Sneak attacking bosses is this game's summoning

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That tied-up ogre took an embarrassing amount of times to beat, didn't take until my 20th try before I realized rolling out of the command grab did jack shit and that jumping was the way to go.

>Jump back anticipating a grab
>Get drop kicked

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can we talk about how the music is absolute dogshit
what the fuck happened

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Gimmick enemies kill more people than well designed ones. Staircase Ogre just grabs over and over and is unresponsive to any attack you make that isn't fire and has a lot of health. Tenzen is just an aggressive motherfucker but he can be parried, deflected and you can take half his health off before the fight even starts meaning you really only need to get him once rather than twice.

Getting grabbed just feels stupid and the enemy is designed around just being an annoying cunt and making fighting it as unsatisfying as possible. Of course people are going to bitch about it. Same reason people hate the bull. Its just tedious and annoying. Fighting other minibosses and bosses feels intense but those just feel like a chore.

>nearly beat butterfly first try
>now i can't even beat her first phase
this is the worst fucking feeling

You mean junzou? The guy that has 2 normal adds that the npc guy kills for you and 2 shield guys that you oneshot with the axe?

>sneak attack miniboss and reset
>think I can just sneak attack him again
>he healed

gay desu

No dual monitor here pain in the ass

Yeah hope this gets sorted, don’t wanna fuck with the PS4 for this


I'm glad you found something to be elitist about

>No Sekiro in my town.
>If I will buy it in shop I will pay 10 dolars off.
>Closest shop with Sekiro available is 110 km away

Kill me Yea Forumsaggots

Where the fuck do you live?

for jap trad (when it is) the music isn't bad
the issue is that japanese trad music is fucking laughable from a western perspective

... I obviously meant ds4 support.

I literally just got him. Just cheesed him by keeping a distance and taking a shot at him every time he did a move, keeping an eye on his moveset.
I'm guessing From's idea was for you to learn the combat through them, since they have slow build up, but it's just too punishing.
He almost never used the signature thrust move, so I didnt have an opportunity to counter. Instead it was a slash, that ended up in me jumping 5 meters away, because you cant move and jump in place. Or he used his down-up slash or jumping slash, which are rather fast.

Literally killed him on first try, the grab is incredibly slow and easy to dodge unless you hug him. I punished him with whirldwind slash every time I dodged and occasionally the fire tool combined with oil.

I know thats wrong because I've heard traditional japanese soundtracks that are good

he fucking knocks himself out lmao

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>stupidly huge amounts of tracking and a fucking retardedly large hitbox needs to die.
Welcome to FromSoft enemy design over the years.
Shit has gotten lazier with every game they've made in the past few years


Has anyone beaten the purple guy in the tower in the first bell memory?

I cannot beat this fucker

And it is? You retarded?

His only dangerous move is the lunge grab which has insane tracking. If he spams it he becomes infuriatingly annoying.

I used Firecrackers until they ran out every single time and the fat fuck never did this, only reared itself. What the fuck?

what toaster do you use?
I hace almost constant 60 fps with a fucking 1060 6gb, cmon man

that's his posture broken animation
but he did like 70% of his posture bar by charging a wall

j-pop isn't traditional japanese music

Ran into him once, got hit once, nearly died and then ran off the ledge to escape and died from the fall.

I suspect he is a motherfucker.

kill ingeniuously

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When do I get the bloodsmoke ninjutsu from the previews and shit? That shit looks so cash and broken
Also saving for the recover health on death blow, is it good? I dont wanna get it and have the heal be jack shit

Yeah he took me a few tries, he has some unusual attacks. Just gotta lower his health and get the deflect timings down. The reward is worth it tho.

how did you manage to de aggro him?

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So what is the charm you get for carrying 3 healing pellet?


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hes vulnerable whenever he kicks

also i found the first prosthetic skill useful (shuriken into cutter)

"inspired by classical japanese yadda yadda"
I'd like you to go look up some actual japanese traditional music.

What's the difference between praying at the sculptors buddha thing and just going there via the normal bonfires

Yeah its an incredibly useful skill

Ok now tell me how to do that for the bigger purple guy

>Get Mikiri to counter poke for days
>Eh how bad could it be?

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jumped down then came back up

i did that four times reeeee

That man is a baller and probably has a bigger dick than any other elite

Buddha is slower. The only point of the Buddha shrine was to send you there the first time.

iwasaki could probably release a song using nothing but pre-recorded samples of him taking a fat ogre shit and still make it sound good

I legit don't even know how to get close to this guy

I posted what I did earlier in the thread. tl;dr wait until later or oil+flamethrower

You are a poor excuse for a weeaboo if you think this is actual traditional japanese music

This with the screeching and the OOOOOOOoooOooOOo japanese history is baller as fuck but their music sounds like shit

and you think Sekiro is?

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>get Mikiri counter
>go up against the spear boss
>game reaches new level of fun as we just swing at each other, deflecting and parrying every hit until someone fucks up
1 on 1 fights were what this shit was made for, the group combat shit sucks ass.

Its certainly more accurate

dumb weeb

>"don't worry that there's only one weapon, you've got the prosthetic arm instead of additional weapons"
>prosthetic arm is a fucking useless gimmick that consumes ammo and isn't worth using for anything other than the gimmick enemies that are only there to make you use the arm

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Combat arts, bro.

>that consumes ammo
Ammo you get by defeating enemies.
Is Royal Guard a useless style too now?

That is bullshit and you know it. Royal guard and Prosthetic weapons have nothing in common.

shuriken breaks up combos and can cancel perilous attacks
axe can break stances
firecracker can give you a quick breath to heal
flamethrower + oil can let you stack dps quickly

they're all pretty useful lad, makes boss fights a load of fun when you're switching styles like a madman

In pretty sure some user said the hyperarmour axe is extremely useful against a boss (dunno which one). My point is that these tools will come in handy.

found my new favorite tool

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haven't used it once

yeah when used you assume a stance for two seconds and if you get hit during it you take 0 damage, do a little dash out of danger and then follow up with a strong attack and it doesn't consume any spirit tickets if you fuck it up and don't get hit

God the fight with the shinobi in the well is cancer on the camera

where is this Mist raven located?

In the memory, where you find the purple ninja


Personally find it really useless.

>get the flamethrower
>It's shit

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I don't understand the resurrection mechanic. Why have it in the game? Is it some kind of a invisible difficulty setting. Hard = not using resurrection, Easy = resurrecting?
If you're meant to resurrect then why no just make game easier or double the health bar? I just don't see how resurrection benefits the gameplay

Am i the only one that thinks the spear parry is way too easy?
All they have to be doing is running at me, and i press b and run into them and it auto-parrys it

how do i unlock the skill tree? is it somehow missable?

This game only makes me realize how fucking casual I am. The counter windows are pretty big and yet I'm still fucking it up. Still trying to kill that Shinobi Hunter dude.

use oil

Dragon rot.

kojima tier design choices across the board
>he's a ninja with a robot arm
>when he dies he can come back to life to trick everyone
>his robot arm has a grappling hook and a teleporter in it, oh and a flamethrower too :D:D
>you can press a button to hear people talk to each other
>AI don't notice all of their friends missing or dead on the ground
>press X to loot
>did I mention that there's a spooky deep mechanic that revolves around death and... does nothing?
MGR all over again. good thing i loved that game

can you turn them off?

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>install a new graphics card yesterday
>notice some nasty screen tearing artifacts today
Although they only seem to appear on the desktop, like when watching videos or scrolling the pages. But games seems to look fine, or I just didn't notice them in-game yet.

So where are people getting the idea that Emma is Half-Dutch?

>aggro him
>run back to idol but don't rest
>he turns his back
>backstab him
>now he only has 1 healthbar left
>burn the Gaijin with fire arm
heh, nothing personal Miyazaki

So, do you actually respawn like in Souls, or do you reload when you die?
I.e. if you do a suicide run to grab some treasures, do you keep them?

>go back to the well after the bull
>there's an NPC inside the well
>attack him by accident


How many times the it take you to beat lady butterfly?

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I killed him on my third try and literally jumped zero times and dodged through all of his grabs except for one.

no suicide runs
if you die, you have a "get back up" mechanic
if you die again, you lose half your shit and don't get it back. also, your friends all come down with dragon herpes.


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oh misunderstood you
you keep items but not cash / xp

That's not what I was asking.

I still haven't beat her. Decided to leave her for later.

Did anyone manage to kill the headless dude? I just run for my life.

Still can't kill her after an 1 hour of trying.

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>flame vent
>boss is already on fire
IQ: 300+

He's speed of sound sonic, i swear.
btw you don't even have to fucking attack him, just speaking to him again sets him off, i learnt that the hard way.

3, honestly you faggots need to chill on "this is so hard" meme

I am so bad at this game. I'm having a really hard time killing the drunkard guy. Also the area before him is really tedious to get through, the mob of enemies never stops being annoying

>go to hole on top of well thinking i can get a cheeky drop on him
why the FUCK not

>Press X to ring bell

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I will ask just in case, but i assume kb+m is unplayable?


get fucked

I'm on lady butterfly and can pretty consistently get to her phase 2 and even hold my own, but i can't seem to pull a win because she always gets her posture back in the free downtime she gets from summoning her minions. how can i keep the pressure up while avoiding all those little shits?

I killed Drunkard like a pussy by backstabbing all his mooks 1 by 1 and deaggroing by running away. Then when he was alone I talked to the guy and spammed spin2win on his back.

Should I feel bad?

>smallest area to fight any boss in to date
>he's also a fast as fuck sword bro who don't stop for no wolf
hey From uhhh what the fuck

How do i put weapon on fire?

>can't even get her to phase 2
>she has adds

Ok, I'll come back later. I can't defeat her.

I'm thinking of doing the same thing purely because it's such a pain in the ass to get to him with like 15 different enemies. Not fun.

What guy?

Just learn her patterns user, she doesn't have that many. also you can parry her from the air ground stomp attack.

Adds on bosses are the worst shit they can do to this game i think

There's a guy you can talk to at the entrance and he'll be a meatshield

R1 immediately after R2, I believe.
You might need an upgrade for that though.
I haven't played the game yet, just using my knowledge of the preview footage.

Yeah whatever you fucking from drone. Is there an “experience” counter in the bottom left? Can you level up at a hub or at the resting spots? Are there balls to the wall bosses but really have one pattern over and over? Is there some “time is convoluted bullshit?” World tendencies? Wew. You’re right. TOTALLY not a souls game.

>Adds on bosses
What are "adds"

I just can't damage her, she keeps kicking my sword. Teach me how to git gud

It doesnt wor ive tried like 10 times and nothing. I guess i have to unlock something

adds, as in additional units, or something like that. basically just more enemies coming in mid fight

B-but dude it has stealth it is totally tenchu!

You don't kill her by damaging her, user. you just keep parrying her shit until her meter is up and you 1hko her. It's fine to occasionally slap her just to keep her meter from deteriorating but your main source of meter buildup should be from parrying her attacks

Is there any way to take the big mallet fuckers head on or do you have to backstab them

no :)

You guys lied. You said it'd be easy. It's way too hard :(

When she jumps in the air to throw her shit stars, she will sometimes initiate a mid air jump - throw a faggot star then to hit her in mid jump, she'll fall to the ground and you can hit a bitch then

yes it's the last skill in the tree

I fucking give up. Im a complete skillet. This game is impossible for me

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Ah, a new hope.

Now I need to decide if I try her or the longsword dude in the well first.

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you didnt let Gensai die, did you Yea Forums?

>Easier than Souls... so actually playable. Thank you, From. Your first game I will finish since Enchanted Arms.
Based IGN baiting retards

im surpriced at how well this thing runs on my old 1050, im happy, game is really fucking good, gameplay and atmosphere are on point, but cant help but feel how much I miss a new dark souls while playing sekiro, the lack of armor and weapon variety really affected it.

And it will come like a flood of pain
Pouring down on me
And it will not let up
Until the end is here
And it will come through the darkest day
In my final hour
And it will never rest until the clouds are clear
Until it finds my dreams have disappeared
My dreams disappear

Does the katana moveset expand at all beyond just the prosthetic followup moves and combat arts?

*blocks ur path*

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Did anyone beat the first boss without dying yet? What happens? Does he cut off your head anyway?


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*backstabs him*

someone throws a shuriken offscreen, you get distracted and he cuts it off

Anyone found Patches yet?

And he calls himself a honoraburu samurai? Faggot.

>Emma isn't barefoot

Miyazaki is losing his touch

the first fucking mini boss you fight after gaining the ninja arm fucking killed me so much it gave the sculptor hobo dragon herpes for some reason.


I dont think I have it me bro
dark souls is basically candy crush in comparison to this game

HEY user

What the hell is this granny

>You don't kill her by damaging her, user. you just keep parrying her shit until her meter is up and you 1hko her.
Is this a meme? when I tried to damage bosses' postures it barely goes up and fade quickly if I don't spam r1 like some mongrel in pvp
nigga I've been hitting ONLY at the healthbare when there's a short window and I just beat Way of Tomoe
have I legit been playing this game wrong since the fucking start?

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I was enjoying the game until I came across the fucking shinobi hunter miniboss
How the actual fuck do I beat him? He does so much damage, the run up to him is insanely long and there's like 2 regular mooks backing him up


The enemies take more posture damage the lower their health is. So you want to attack as well as deflect.

>£60 for a 7 hour game

Hes litterally bloodstarved beast all over again. Hack at him until he does a windup and dodge into him at an angle. Actually he's even easier because you can use your flamu no jutsu to stagger his stupid ass. The only real cancer thing about him his that his diving grab hitbox is too wide to dodge unless you're already close enough to him to exploit the really short windup window.

>I've been hitting ONLY at the healthbare when there's a short window and I just beat Way of Tomoe
Based soulchad

>Mfw fighting the boar
>Guess I will use firecracker
>Only works half the fucking time
What the fuck

So the Shinobi Hunter at Hirata Estate is supposed to be the casual filter, r-right?

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Can someone explain how dragonrot and its effects work?


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Only until the casual realizes that you need the spear-specific parry
then it becomes a fucking cakewalk

Everything is a casual filter in this game.


I refunded it on Steam after playing 10 Minutes. Damn this game sucks.

How do I disable Vsync?!

You need to learn a new parry technique to beat him
It's pointless so far, you give characters black lung but there's a way to reverse the effect.

I'm convinced this is the case
Every new miniboss is a new pain in the ass

Still died like bitch after
but it works

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>that Long-Arm Shinobi in the pit you wake up in during the tutorial
God damn you don't even get a free stealth hit on him like most mini-bosses.

Do they get worse each time you die or each time you use the instant res?

Does this have NG+ or any sort of replayability outside of the multiple endings?

There should be a broken window on one of the roofs.

you can backtrack later

This seems like a split for two side quests. You lure him and he dies, or I assume you don't lure him and something happens with him later since he is following some sound

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Is Sekiro the Dark Souls of Soulskiroborne games?

Each time you die, it seems, they don't get worse but more people are effected. Resurrecting yourself doesn't seem to hurt them.

Anyone knows why my DS4 controller won't work? Fun thing is the touchpad lets me move the camera during the game.

How did you get that dialogue option?

Go to the abandoned dungeon and talk to the medicine lady there, then come back to this guy

Did you launch through big picture mode? Check the big picture settings for PS4 support in the controller options iirc

I killed him user.
nothing super important, but fuck him.

>S N A K E E Y E S

Blazing bull more like blazing bullshit, can't even land a hit

It's in the back of the castle, not sure if you can reach it without destroying every flying ninja.

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Oh so the game doesn't punish you for using instant come back but instead you are punished for needing to respawn at the last checkpoint marker? Opposite of what I thought would happen.
But it is reversible then? Any benefits for putting in the work to reverse it?

>every time you die, all the characters in the world start getting more and more sick from a disease
Did I get that right? Because that's a pretty depressing mechanic.

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I'm giving herpes to the whole galaxy but I'll defeat this guy

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Yes i did, i can't wrap my head around what the problem here is. I also tried DS4 Windows, inputmapper but the game just recognizes the touchpad lol.

Oh boy. We're going to see some webms of those ogre grabs in Sekiros shitpositng threads. I'm getting serious DS2 ogre flashbacks

You can cure it.

Miyazaki is a fucking hack that can't escape Blighttown.

How hard is it to cure it? It even worth doing?


It's pisseasy to cure. Though I'm not sure how many cures there are in the game.

daily reminder if you cured the dragonrot you fucked up

You have to do it on a person to person basis?


>people saying the game can be beaten in 15 hours
>only seen 4 areas in 6 hours
Guess I'm retarded

Everybody in one go.

wait what?

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>fall off some cliffs
>fall off other cliffs
>Fade to black and immediately spawn back at top of cliff

Good. Was concerned I would have to run around playing doctor every time I died.

Only miniboss that I hate is the mounted Spearman. No idea how I'm supposed to find an opening, seems like his cooldown for combos is nearly instantaneous.

When can you farm Divine confetti? It last for like 10 seconds and it sin't enough to kill headless.

Lady Butterfly is filtering me hard

I'm not missing some shit with this where it's like that Demon's Souls boss that keeps rezzing?

If I kill her again will she fucking stay dead?

make sure you have the prosthetic technique that lets you press r1 as you grapple for extra damage
also use fucking firecrackers, the game tells you user.

Every fucking mini boss is somehow fucking annoying to deal with outside of the basic humanoid generals

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You have to kill her 2 times. During 2nd phase she spawns adds and launches homing missiles at you.

>Posts a game ost as an example of national traditional music
OH NO NON ON O NO what the fuck is wrong with weebs

big guy of the seven spears hit me so hard the game crashed

she is easier when you use those snapping seeds the guy tells you about (gets rid of all the spawns instantly)


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It's funny how things work out. I just complained on Yea Forums, went back to the game and beat him first try using none of those techniques and only 1 Gourd.

well here
I stopped playing sekiro like dark souls and it's 3 times easier (and at least 1,5 funnier)
thanks bro

Just run like a retard from the adds and when she destroys them hide behind pillar.

the english dub is actually not bad. It's no worse than any Soulsborne game

>cheese 90% of the game so far by stealth killing, leave area, stealth kill etc., even the purple cloaked mystery nigga in the memory, even the fat nigga
>get to horse nigga
>cannot stealth kill or leave area
>mfw he's the most satisfying part of the game so far because of it
>moves are well telegraphed, patterns are memorable, requires you to use every defensive option youve learned
>only managed to send me back to the bonfire 3 times before I iced him
Every boss should just be like this guy instead of 3 kilometre grab box having ogres

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Just keep running, eventually you'll come out the other side. I did the same thing trying to escape from the terror boss warrior

Cute feet!

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>people thinking they are safe from dragonrot
>just cure it lol what could go wrong?


Somehow the controller "works" but it won't let me do anything in the menu's and the camera just spins around ingame, i can walk around but not jump/do any other actions. Please help.

My fucking 970m is giving me constant 60 in most areas on high, sekiro is a miracle

no, you're fucking retarded

All the souls games have legit english screen/stage actors doing voice work for characters that make sense being british/euro sounding

The sekiro voice over is awful western american accents paid for by activision not using any of the fucking english talent from uses normally

what makes this fucking worse is its a game set in japan, you shouldn't even get the option to have english VA

Think you meant this

lmao where is this?

seriously if you wussed out and cured dragon rot almost straight away you literally missed out on the transformation skills at the end of the game

The game literally turns into Otogi and you can fly


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Why does the snap seed do absolutely nothing

So what the fuck was the hint telling me for the horse boss? I tried using the flame prosthetic but it did jack shit, is it a different prosthetic being referred to in the eavesdrop?

Try it on the second phase of butterfly.

>Mfw bell giant's moveset

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I'm getting slow ass frame rates with a Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU
Literally less than ten frames per second.

It honestly sounds fine. I bet you haven't even tried it. Only eavesdropping soldiers ever sounds bad sometimes. I'm fully aware of the stage actors used in the other games as I played the shit out of them

Get a divorce.

I think that's the intended strategy actually. Bugs Bunny style.

The retarded babies with hammers tire themselves out too.

I give up
I can't beat butterfly
I barely managed to get her to second phase once

I failed you bros

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Should I even keep on trying to pursue Lord Juzou or should I just go back to Ashina for now?

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It's probably fine to switch to it during the second playthrough but like the game literally defaults to nip VAs.

I honestly don't think they beat it.

>tfw i'm not the only one getting my ass whooped by red faggot Tenzen
Early game was fucking hard, i tell ya. Now rhythm is kicking in for the parries and sheit
For those who have trouble with him:
>don't bother with adds
>shuriken and kite him to the little building off the cliff that has a note stuck in it
>grapple the far-off branch, wait until aggro dies
>grapple back, stealth and deathblow him
From then on it's git gud time, i was pretty retarded then only dodging when his well-telegraphed nodachi overheads is ez parries

I beat ber first phase my first go. Its been an hour since that.

>Gourd 0
I know that feel

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meant to reply

Tenzen is piss easy. Just stealth kill your way to him until you can shave off one bip with a drop down.

no, they're not fine, because the problem is you're statistically american and think you're fucking corny accent is fine

its not, american accents are so fucking overplayed at this point that literally everytime anything uses them now it just takes me right out of shit and I literally can only hear people in a recording booth with their sennheisers on reading a script, I'm very fucking aware I'm listening to people talk not the illusion of characters in a videogame talking


The plot of this game is literally, I mean literally Sword of the Stranger Movie
what the fuck miyazaki

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Any piratefags have a fix for DS4 yet?

Like, at least 15 tries my dude
She's my first main boss, and after her going to Gyoubu felt like child's play going 4 tries to beat the horsefucker

>sekiro so hard
Yeah no shit dark souls would be hard too if you only had 1 fucking estus all the goddamn time. There's no reason for healing to be this scarce

what in the fuck am I supposed to do to the guys with the double edges in the shaman area?
this deflect bs you guys keep talking about does barely shit to their meters, and they block every single attack I do.


32 tries so far against butterfly
managed to get her to second phase twice

send help

Just get the NPC to help you.

the fuck was this nigga's problem?

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its called stealth, also all bosses can be parried

You haven't tried it. They sound barely different from the stage actors, I hardly hear these accents you're so mad about. Central characters like Wolf and the Sculptor actually sound good

How do I beat the headless guy?

You want cheese?
dodge left into one attack, repeat

How in the fuck am I supposed to kill Snakeeyes?

>cannot kill the spear guy right at the beginning of the game

You literally should have 3 flask by the time of your first boss (Gyoubu), and 4 by your 2nd (LB)

Get Mukiri counter :^)
Also immortal boi is a best bro, learn your thrust countering

Just time your shurikens properly against Butterfly you god damn knobs. And use snap during the second phase.

game recommends Japanese voices but did they make subtitles for it?

Is that tunnel in the moat by Ashina Castle leading anywhere? Its just a dead end for me, but seems like its there for a reason.

Which part are you in, the one where you stealth around the cave while he heatseek missiles your ass?


Who cares about your shit opinions.

shurikens only knock her for a split second, don't even have time to get to her

>Midget faggots with giant hats to block their bodies from view
Possibly the worse idea in the game.

Is there a reason not to use the cure immediately?

Literally just entered notBlighttown.

Fucking cunt can see me from a mile away.

You'll die 50 time to butterfly and respread the curse

American accent is not corny

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How do I get more anti illusion things if I waste all I have?

He died almost immediately.

Why would anyone play a game not in their native language? Why would anyone want to read all the dialog while listening to over-exaggerated Japanese grunts and huhs and the same grumbly masculine voice for every tough guy character?

use the axe

>people having trouble with butterfly
I got her into a pattern where I literally just strafed to the right (her left) and she just kept whiffing allowing for an easy r1 and then repeat. If she jumps into the air knock her down with a shuriken and quickly get to where she fell for a free followup

bros... everything kills me... where do I go...

is there a demon like enemy that has a very fast twitching head like they usually do where you can't sneak behind him because his head just twiches like crazy


>ITT: soulsfags dont know about tenchu

I've already found a way to cheese every single mini-boss in the game (so far) and the video game is now easy-mode

those two are the worst fucking voices you retard, literally awful californian sounding shit

so subtitles are not from english dub they made new ones right?

>spend 10 minutes stealthily clearing the miniboss's goons
>miniboss kills me in 10 seconds
>have to spend another 10 minutes clearing the fodder trash again
fuck this shit where 's my Dark Souls IIII Miyazaki

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I only played for a couple hours and have gotten around the first two areas (Ashina Outskirts and Hirata Estate), haven't died yet but haven't gotten to a boss yet either.
Does it get harder? The only hard part seems to be the extremely low health. I was never great at parrying in the other Souls games, but in this the timing seems pretty easy so far, and it also seems that there's no punishment for hitting the parry button early since you could just hit it again immediately. Could be wrong though.

What's the significance of having to collect money manually? Do you get rewarded for not using this mechanic? I don't understand why it's not on autopickup

>design a girl
>call it a boy
>make him our lord
What did Miyazaki mean by this?

Because japs put up with english voices in Dark Souls so I'm gonna return the favor.

it means he has patrician taste

I started with plugging DS4 then launching the game, controller did not work. Quit game, unplugged controller, launched DS4W (I have some outdated version too), plugged the controller, launcher the game - works perfectly.

Have no idea, didn't try english dub.

Can you press and hold the guard button to parry, so in case you're too early, you'd just block instead?
Or do you absolutely have to tap it and release in order for it to be registered as a parry?
Do you keep your guard stance after a parry? If the enemy does multiple consecutive strikes in quick succession, can you parry the first one, and guard the rest? Or is your guard stance knocked back by the clash of swords in a parry?

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post it

The same reason you'd watch maybe a european film in its original audio you fucking dubfag.

How's the exploration? Is it rewarding? Are there multiple paths?

Is there any way to jump to the cave that's on a ledge after the "turn back" message and the divine confetti pickup?

what is this dragon disease mechanic this game keeps reminding me about? am i supposed to do something to help those afflicted?

its dark souls 1 map design

But in movies the voices are actually coming from the actors so it makes sense to do that. All videogame voices are "dubbed" anyway because the voices aren't being made by the virtual characters



Too much path

sprint around minibosses moving inwards to attack and strafing outwards, parrying if necessary

doesn't matter how fast or annoying they are, i've managed to kill everything so far without breaking a sweat or taking a long-ass time

as long as you're always sprinting and being careful with your hits the video game is finished

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I wouldn't really say that as they are both designed very differently based off the fact that you can jump and climb terrain in Sekiro.


If the game starts default on a particular language then that's what I'm going to use since clearly that's what the devs intended for the player to experience. Sekiro starts in japanese. So I play it japanese. If it started in english then I would have played it in english.

>new From game
>new mechanic
>immediately get massively and repeatedly btfo
It took me like ten hours to adjust to Agility in DaS2. How long will it take me to figure out Posture?

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Is there any way to get the the game to show me dualshock 4 prompts instead of xbox controller prompts?

I'm playing with a DS4 and it's a bit confusing when X on xbox and X on DS4 are different buttons

more authentic video game experience

does unseen aid stop dragonrot from spreading if its triggered? im not really seeing the point of the mechanic since you'd be dying to get unseen aid procs anyway

w-where do i get another thing to heal the dragon aids?

It's just Ki from Nioh, but simplified.

Can't you buy it from the shop?

Okay what the fuck From where are the cute girls? The only ones so far are Emma and Kuro. Everyone else is either an old man or a god damn grandma.


How interconnected is the world?

God fucking damn I'm in love with this game. Combat feels so good if you do it right, the fights are tense and feel rewarding, the NPCs you come across are interesting just like in Souls games. It really feels like Souls except from the combat which has been changed in a good way

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>Lone Shadow Swordsman
how the fuck

please tell me there is a way to disable the fucking pop up everytime you pick up something, I DON'T NEED A REMINDER I KNOW WHAT IT DOES GOD FUCKING DAMN IT

>1 hour on juzou
>not even killed the first hp bar
is it time to uninstall?

>alright I beat this boss first try
>second phase with another TWO health bars

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How're those tight spaces working for ya user? Just spam firecrackers and the flame shit.

what shop?

Cuter than Emma that's for sure.

Yes. It gets much harder.

Are those even useful against human enemies?

>buy this game on a whim for PS4, what's the worse that can happen
>enter gameplay
>that framerate
uh oh

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Never played Nioh.
My ass is getting reamed like aluminum. Fuck.

That info broker, at least I remember seeing it there.

The map design iz pretty good I feel but because there are no weapons or armor to pickup exploring feels like a waste of time, very rarely is there going to be something cool at the end of that road you're taking

Was the horse rider a major boss? I've beat him the first try meanwhile I had to quit butterfly because I died like 20 times

Ashina Arts seem fucking amazing. Anyone tried them already? Should I save up skill points for those?

ok done

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Go beat the mounted boss

for anybody who's having trouble with lady butterfly you can use shurikens to make her blunder and fall when she's doing her backflips or jumping, Also when you hit her stage two she actually has to do the clicky thing with the butterflies for the illusions to spawn so if you stay super aggressive she never summons them

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How many gourds should I have before facing butterfly? I have 3.

isnt posture just another word for poise... which one of us is retarded?

The one where you get health on deathblow is very good to save gourds

>Mask Fragment Dragon is 5000 gold
>Mask Fragment Right is 7 treasure carp scales and in 7 hours I have seen 5 of them
Anyone else found more masks?

I beat her with that amount, ideally you go Gyoubu first then buy one gourd seed off the crow merchant next to the area you unlock after him, so x4 against obaasan

no posture in this games is the real hp bar. You fill it up and enemies die

ok how the fuck do i take out the illusions in the old lady bossfight?I already used the item and can't find another

Guys should I worry about Dragon Rot or not? Serious answers. I have been dying a lot.

>die once
>suddenly three fucking NPCs get dragon rot at the same time


lmao pc babies can't adapt

>It honestly sounds fine
It's fucking american.

Is it playable on kb+m?

Would it actually help you if we told you that it's really bad and you need to stop dying? Just go with the flow on your first playtrough and see where it leads

Just run around or use the whirlwind slash pre-emptively. Stay far from her pillar camp, and when she snaps her fingers to send all those things at you just run around the map and pillar camp. She can't break your posture with a single combo so just block while the flying lights hit the pillar

In the same sense that DaS is playable on M+Kb

>Teleports behind you and grabs you
heh nothing personnel shinobi

because the dub is of horrendously poor quality

No. Maybe someone will make a mod for it like with RE2R though

Man spears are fucking brutal in this game.

so it is perfect and surclasses controllers? amazing thanks

Didn't play DaS so still don't know the answer

Can someone give me advices for the juzou fight
I perfect block everything but it just doesnt work, he just keeps throwing shits at me and never staggers
He hit me 4 times in a row I can't perfect block the 4th hit

That seven spear miniboss is insane. His sweep attacks and clip you in the air even if you jump them

The thrust counter that costs 1 skill point is basically one of the first things you should get

I unironically can't wait fof Vaatis lore videos

Can't you "wall jump" off of enemies to get higher and do some extra posture damage on them?

>almost killed headless fuck
>starts spinning
>sword clips me through the ground because enemies are not allowed to have weapons rebound obstacles and will always go through and hit you anyway

simply epic
fucking trash game

It has always been this way in Souls and all other games. How haven't you adapted yet? Is this your first year playing video games?

>enemy just dies
doesnt it like make them "stunned" and let you do a finishing move? are they guaranteed kills or what?

If you aren't doing so already, get your free stealth attack off so its just one bar.

>start encountering rooftop ninjas
Oh god, i'm gonna get EEEEUUUUUOOOOWW'd aren't i

>it was always trash so they are not allowed to ever improved it
lmao cuck

Which tool is this? I thought it would be the hat or mini-sword but its not.

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I always do that against minibosses but I think I'll try


some enemies have multiple healthbars
breaking posture and doing execute deletes 1 healthbar.

Hirata estate is optional, right?
So I can explore everything else and return later to beat the shit out of that monk dude, right?

Wait till you see these the flying niggas

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So the flaming Bull miniboss thing has stopped me in my tracks. I just can't fathom a pattern to attack.

Sure feels like I am senpai

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the one on the horse that's in a trailer?

Yes, but you REALLY will wank the tools if you didn't get both
Firecrackers stun him for a hot second so you can start doing health damage

What do you even get from beating butterfly
it's an empty room

You're supposed to dodge, not jump

I got two of those Droplets for Dragonrot, should I just use them if the NPCs at the temple starts coughing?

Stay on a corner or in the door, the AI gets kinda messy, use the firecracker to startle him, you can stagger pretty easily

>tfw there's 2 other ninjas hanging in the rooftop before it

They're called nightjars apparently, and you can differentiate which rooftops are safe and which are their nests by the smoke signals, one NPC you rescue along the way give this hint :^)

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Dragonrot, not even once

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What happens if I use the first boss memory to increase my attack? Do I have to beat it again?

Hirata has the axe doesn't it?

It's either finger whistle or feather whirlwind

know that feel

Yes, and the flame vent

>Avoid attack by a good solid 3-4m
>No user because you jumped that massive gap between you and the grab is irrelevant
>Never mind that you teleported back into his hands that's normal

Jump is also a dodge you fucknuckle it has a bunch of i-frames

>several NPCs have mentioned a big guy with armor you can use the spear to destroy
>found spear
Haven't found this guy, nor the rat-killing guy Badger says is up in a tower near the armor guy killing rats.

Is the world interconnected. Answer someone.

Where's the target for the Assassination note? I cleared whole Asahina castle and never found the target

Can anyone post a pic of headless? I feel like I've missed that boss even though Im very far in the game

Is this the kamikaze diagonal jihad ninja that wrecked the earliest streams? kek

Nope, nothing works and the camera spinning along with touchpad movement is gone too now so i guess the controller isn't registered anymore. Welp fuck this game i guess.

Same here someone send help.

Yes you fuck, there's even a world map

For those anons that stuck at Butterfly milf, a good way to beat her is to attack and never give her breathing room.
She always kick back after you attack 3 times, sometime 2 so use that to counter and keep attacking.
If you miss, she will do her combo but you can counter her final head kick.

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just turn off gyro you fucking retard this happens in every game

After the first mini boss, instead of going down the valley that had to white snek go to the right side

Holy shit I just found Headless. How do I beat this motherfucker?

lure the adds one by one
ideally get a distance closer combat arts, helps massively in picking off
after all his adds are gone, run back and deaggro
immediately stealth his ass = 1 bar gone
the 1 bar left, you coop with the NPC by the pond


You can beat him?! But he has no HP

>find bell
>bell says not to ring it
>ring the bell

How fucked am I?

I dont know why youre being retarded on purpose, have you never played a videogame before? The game tells you which defensive options you must take to guarantee avoiding damage from specific moves. You can reeeee about intentionally disobeying the game's intended mechanics or you can get the fuck good. That grab is meant to grab shitters who jump instead of dodging.

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I got both of those, and hit a brick wall with Juxou and the Shinobi Hunter
Nice to know it's optional