Best looking games of this gen according to DigitalFoundry:

Best looking games of this gen according to DigitalFoundry:
2013 - Ryse
2014 - Infamous SS
2015 - The Order 1886
2016 - Uncharted 4
2017 - Horizon Zero Dawn
2018 - God of War
And this year it'll be The Last of Us.

Notice how there isn't a single PC game?

Attached: 927185.jpg (3840x2160, 2.45M)

Other urls found in this thread:

No dev ever takes advantage of the PC architecture. Lmao, sucks for them.

Ryse is on Pc you doofus

What a shit list.

What a joke. Multiplats on PC look better than those games. Especially Horizon that looks like a joke with its draw distance of eternal fog.

Attached: ACOrigins-2017-10-28-00-14-06-594.jpg (3840x2160, 1.52M)

Kingdom come looks better than all of them

Attached: 523253253.jpg (2048x1152, 938K)

>best looking games
>all fucking teen-oriented storygame bullshit that belongs on Yea Forums
Gaming is dead.

Notice how there isn't a single good game?

God of War is good though.

Multiplats objectively look the best this gen, DF is just outing themselves as shills once again.

Attached: Watch Dogs 2 2018.06.18 - (3840x2160, 2.25M)

gameplay > anything in games > shit > graphics

PC has no exclusives so no games take advantage of its power unlike PS4


Also, including PC games is unfair. They all win by default, it's just a technical fact.

It wasn't in 2013.

Nice downgraded trash game

Attached: Kingdom-Come-Deliverance-Screenshot-2018.03.04- (1024x576, 104K)

Multiplats still look better than those games when played on PC.

>kill same boss 10times collecton the game

I guess
fucking LEL
>Uncharted 4
sometimes looks really sometimes like shit
wtf really?

It's a shit list.

Mediocre at the best as the other GoWs

Yes GoW has good graphics

The Order still looks better than most new PC games

Attached: order22.jpg (3840x2160, 2.44M)

Still a great game. Every fight is a joy because the combat is good.

Attached: gowps4.jpg (3840x2160, 532K)

It's better than any game Nintendo/MS has made for like a decade. How is that mediocre?

PC games have always looked best since 1999, DF are paid shills. They say sub-30 FPS is stable if it's a Sony exclusive

DMC V looks better than all the games on that list

Good but not best of 2018.

nice joke

Attached: God of War_20180429150649.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

The Order proves that cinematic graphics done right look great

You were saying?

Attached: OCZq6dG.jpg (1024x576, 206K)

>The Order 1886
26fps of boring gameplay

Graphics have peaked. There is no way to improve them without going as realistic as possible.

That the released game looks nothing like this that's why you keep posting screenshots from the kickstarter alpha/beta

Attached: 379430_screenshots_20190318015111_1.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Now post a video of actual gameplay instead of some bullshot from photo mode.

You're retarded. Stylistic games are benefitted hugely by graphical progress.

Thats from the release, but ok, whatever helps you sleep at night.

dmcv has a shitty artstyle and all levels have super low detail

only good thing are the character models

Attached: 1552824485430.png (645x773, 11K)

>Uncharted 4

Attached: u4 elena.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

Last of Us 2 is a 2020 game & multi plats have looked as good as exclusives for a while now

Metro Exodus & DMCV compare well to Sony exclusives, DMCV beats them in facial animation too

Her youth and soul gone

Ryse and Order are movies and Uncharted and GoW are muh cinematic experiences. None of these even have an especially great art direction.

Then why is that screenshot in this imgur album from 2016 when the game came out in 2018?

Attached: 6b405268e23e09cc94cfdc596552d749.jpg (1047x1977, 1.67M)

Seeing her and Nate so happy makes my soul gone...I'm sad now

Attached: U4 Nate and Elena.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Gameplay and cutscenes were seamless in that game

>h-haha all these console games with no pc port look better on console!
your point exactly? are you trying to say every game who exists in both console and pc looks better in pc all the time? thats correct
imagine how these games would look and run in pc

>shitty artstyle
>low detail

Oh god you're blind! See a doctor, fast!

and it was a fucking garbage game in every regard, curious.

those volumetric rays got downgraded in a patch

lmao what?

Attached: 1523554370075.jpg (1921x2160, 2.32M)

yeah this looks amazing. totally better than any other game

Attached: 601150_screenshots_20190311162304_1.jpg (1680x933, 908K)

Spoken like a true PCtard.

I never understood people who claim GoW looks good, finished the entire game and not once was I wow'd by the graphics.
I had more "wow" moments playing TLoU remastered.

Because it's a scripted corridor game, same reason why Detroit looks great, speaking of it's coming to PC

Time travel? Fucked if I know.

Uncharted 4 still has the best looking character models by far

Attached: Nate Uncharted 4.jpg (1912x1009, 331K)

This was a weird insight into the daily lives of Chad and Stacy.

looks like shit and worse than pretty much any pc 2013 multiplat
always looked like shit
>order 1866
fair enough
>uncharted 4
rise or tomb raider pc looked better
are you kidding me? it doesn't even look as good as other ps4 games. infinite fog and shitty character models. looks worse than AC: unity.
>God of War
fair enough

A bunch of fucking sand and trees. Where is the design? This is why no one takes you seriously. You obsess over technicalities while possessing no fundamental concept of what actually makes a game look good.


Attached: comfyrizon.jpg (3840x2160, 3.6M)

If i wanted muh graphics id just go outside u loser

Those are some especially weak choices.

Attached: 474960_screenshots_20180312052400_1.jpg (3840x2160, 774K)

Post an actual gameplay screenshot of Crysis

They look great in cutscenes and model viewer but in-game characters look like shit

Attached: IMG_20190322_064541.jpg (1920x1080, 352K)

>fair enough
nigger out of all these games gow easily looks the worst

Attached: God of War_20180430005655.png (1920x1080, 3.13M)

too bad you need a nasa super computer to run crysis with those gfx

Attached: u4 Nate.jpg (1340x754, 67K)

>Notice how there isn't a single PC game?
Because game 'journalists' don't play actual games. They play movies. Agreed they look great for their platform, but that's also their main selling point. PC games generally focus on performance and gameplay. Games like CS;GO favours 144Hz, doesn't care about graphics. RTS also care more about gameplay than eyecandy.

And again, the best looking 'games' are still on PC. But they're not AAA games. They're like graphical projects where you can move around a bit, so they don't count.

>according to literally who


On a side note, not a single one of those looks anywhere near as good as Crysis still. Better luck next time?

Hate to break it to ya kiddo, but that's in-game.

The PS4 really needs more VRAM, the textures on most games are terrible.

That QB screenshot was in-game lmao
UC4 looks shit

Attached: unchartedf.jpg (1920x1080, 475K)

Tbf crysis was programmed for shit and can't even run very well on modern hardware, plus a lot of the geometry was really rough on the eyes

Attached: 262264-crysis-windows-screenshot-cruising-around-in-a-jeep-with-my.jpg (1024x768, 207K)

Holy fuck do you get off on posting this shit? Why do you even keep breathing?

in-game models still look damn good

Attached: u4 nate ingame.jpg (1920x1080, 2.41M)

Attached: 1550264316642.jpg (800x800, 172K)

Because a PC game from 2007 looks better than all of them, but is too old to include in the list

Attached: Crysis 1.jpg (1280x720, 335K)

Stay mad

Attached: 5567437.jpg (1920x1080, 499K)

Prove it faggot.

Meanwhile, 11 years ago

Attached: Crysis 1 map.jpg (1692x720, 162K)

2019 it's Metro Exodus year

Attached: 47244696_1949087232067266_7447169637594228312_n.jpg (640x640, 55K)

>Nate and Elena = Chad and Stacy
You must be pretty insecure

How come no other game has been able to do forests right?

Nice ps2 game

Have you ever been outside, user?
The world looks like that

In game: Metro Exodus by far with RTX on
Cutscenes: DMCV & Detroit Become Human

Attached: sam1c1jlb.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

Look at all that beautiful auto-generated foliage. Truly a master work of visual design.

Oh really? What's it like living in fantasy PS2 land you gigantic faggitron?

This is actually from the E3 build, the final game isn't quite that good

>The Order 1886

That game didn't look good though? I remember there being controversy about the final product having fucked up lightning and stuff, there were pictures comparing it to pre-release footage.

Also it looked like a blurry mess in general, having ultra-HD textures on characters doesn't mean shit if anything past 5 meters looks like it's covered in vaseline.

Nice PS2 textures

You are stupid as fuck, no point replying to you anymore

I don't us my PC to watch movies

Attached: 1553100478826.png (633x874, 123K)

Prove it

Attached: uncharted-4-elena.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Oh, is someone upset? Take a pill you fucking pussy.

Attached: there-is-nothing-more-deceptive-than-an-obyious-bait-19334029.png (500x522, 82K)

looks worse than Infamous

Attached: infamous-screen1-pc-games.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

Nice deflection, didn't expect you to make an argument anyway. Have fun with your PS2 tier shitty looking games.

The best looking games are always driving games,
there's nothing easier than creating a car, some tarmac, weather and sky effects and some foliage and buildings for surroundings.

>In-game Metro Exodus
You mean quantum break

Attached: 474960_screenshots_20180312052607_1.jpg (3840x2160, 593K)

>that hair
Nice PS2 hair

Attached: 151572086411.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

Yeah okay but what are the best looking GIRLS this gen. ?

It also means you don't have to make shit look good because you're supposed to drive at high speeds all the time

Attached: dudclub.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

Who hurt you, m8?

If it looks good when you're playing then that's the entire point. Complaining otherwise is like pausing a film during special effects and criticising things that your eye was never going to notice otherwise

How has no-one brought up RDR2 yet?

Attached: RDR2 John.jpg (1920x1080, 536K)

Nice PS2 post faggot

and still shits on Metros characters even during cutscenes

Attached: 20190216202801_1.jpg (3840x2160, 785K)

Another faggot deflection post? No-one hurt me but I'm about to hurt you, in the butt.

This, what the fuck

>The Order 1886
Opinion discarded

Attached: 1549393221644.jpg (550x299, 15K)

Why does no one makes good optimized graphics for PC games? Seems like even though games like Uncharted 4 only run at 30 fps they're still on a $300 console, whereas to get a game that looks as good as that running well on PC you'll have to spend a lot more.

Nice PS2 titties faggot
Nice PS2 comeback, get real you tool

a true mystery... not

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181028033843.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)


thanks for agreeing bro, metro truly looks like ass

Actually ryse is on pc.

Anyway, what's the point when it's below 60 fps? Console is for children.

Way to PS2oot your horn, fag-lord.

I've also noticed how half of those are interactive movies and how they decided which games looked best based on how realistic their graphics looked.

Well PS2 ur mum

Long and short of it, consoles are WAY simpler to optimize for since you know the exact hardware of each one and can cut certain corners, whereas pc requires more meticulous edge case testing to account for different hardware architecture

>how they decided which games looked best based on how realistic their graphics looked.
I know right, people just don't get the artsyle of BotW bro. It's like they just don't get us man.

Attached: botw vs rdr2.jpg (1918x2162, 1.09M)

>Yea Forums babies think looks are entirely about the level of graphical fidelity
The pure autism of you faggots never ceases to amaze me

Crysis doesn't have out-of-engine cutscenes aside from the opening. Sorry, little buddy.

Damn bro, you took it PS2 far


Attached: proof.jpg (382x491, 28K)

I notice there isn't a single good videogame.

Done. Now you prove that every console screenshot posted thus far is in-game.

This was fun (ps2)

I too enjoy putting words into other people's mouths. BotW looks like shit, yeah and RdR2 is a beautiful game but that has nothing to do with how realistic their graphics are.

Done? the only thing you've done is prove that you're an idiot

When will consoles get sweetfx?

>BotW looks like shit, yeah and RdR2 is a beautiful game but that has nothing to do with how realistic their graphics are.
How so?

It's illegal to post a download of a full game for you to try.

And all you've done is prove you're an idiot who hasn't played Crysis. Out-of-engine shots don't exist for the game. It has no out-of-engine cutscenes aside from the opening which I mentioned, and you'd know that if you weren't a zoomer.

You can tell it's not prerendered, there's aliasing on the leaves ffs. Do you even play videogames? Why are you here?

I can't find a link to the article or twitter post with this list? Is it BS?

I already own it bitch, and have beaten it twice. It runs and looks like ass

Wait hold on. Have you never played Crysis? Do people actually believe it's a cutscene and not rendered in real time?

Fuck, if I remember right Crysis even has a demo. Just download it, it can't look too bad if you have a modern PC anyways.

because pc doesnt have anyone who owns the platform and will pay studios 100 million for an exclusive

>a list made by a literal who is some kind of authority because it validates my shitty opinions
You could've written this list and it would still be as fucking irrelevant as it is now.

they picked rdr2 as the best looking game of 2018, though.

Lol, exactly. It's an old game, I'm sure his mom's laptop can run it

All you've done is post bullshots instead of actual gameplay screenshots, sure it's in-game but you take the camera so far above the level that of course it's gonna look good dumbass.
Post an actual gameplay screenshot
Eat my ass buddy

Attached: Screenshot (810).png (298x127, 71K)

fucking idiot. It's always the same two screenshots that are both prebaked filtered shit. I've seen you BTFO before by actual screenshots from ingame, yet here you are posting the same old stuff.


>half of those are launch tech demos with little other than graphics

My mom doesn't own a laptop but I'll try it out on your mom's here in a second

BotW's shading and lowres textures paired with that shitty filter makes a would-be magical world look dull, meanwhile RdR2's incredible lighting and attention to detail compliment the setting and make the whole thing feel like an actual western.

If you have the game and you obviously played it, why don't you take a screenshot with it maxed out to prove us wrong? Not difficult.

Why don't you guys post actual screenshots to prove him wrong instead of whining like little bitches?

Because I'm not the one defending it dumbass. Why would I go take screenshots when you're the one arguing that it looks good? Are you retarded?

All parts of the game after hitting "New game" is in engine. I had a shit PC when I first played Crysis, and I can tell you for sure based on the frame rate I had that the intro with Rosenthal on the radio is in-engine.

That is gameplay, retard

30fps vs 60fps

short of it, you don't need a PC beyond a PC to get similar graphics
a 7850 from 2012 can run the same quality as PS4 at 1080p/30fps

*beyond a PS4

Modded Skyrim is better

>only run at 30 fps

There is your answer

>those giant black bars taking up 1/3 of the screen
>those jaggies

What's your idea of Chad and Stacy?

A couple who's only redeeming qualities are their looks

Attached: Chad and Stacey.jpg (1201x844, 212K)

Honestly what's wrong with this request? It's a cute photo and then there is this random fatso in the background making it look very trashy.

Some can be very social people. Since you know they are constantly encouraged to speak up and are rewarded for it.


Attached: 1516439689315.png (920x900, 227K)

WOW fucking bigot. He has a glandular problem, it's not his fault he just so happened to photo-bomb these asshole's engagement picture. It's not like they're not gonna be divorced in 6 months anyway

every time i see this picture all i can focus on is the fucking hair, what the fuck is that hair supposed to be? tiny thin dreads? it pisses me off

It's not considering it's by looks. Plus, all sony games are perfect and look mind blowing

Do you guys factor in animation when deciding whether or not a game looks good?

Attached: u4 melee.webm (640x360, 870K)

It makes a lot of sense actually. When your target is 24/30fps is easier to dump resources into games looking good.

It does run like ass. But that was not the argument. All of its cutscenes are realtime rendered in-engine. You asked for proof regarding something that you should know to be true because you allegedly own the game.

there are people here who will tell you crysis looks better than the webm you just posted, and they will only use cherrypicked screenshots to show you. I really hope you aren't genuinely asking anyone here about their graphical opinions

ND games have terrible animations from a gameplay perspective. MGSV has superior animations.

No only eye candy still frames, and pre release screenshots.

Attached: mg1.webm (640x360, 500K)


I hope you're joking. MGSV has stiff as fuck animations, you can shit on ND all you want but animations are the one thing they do really well.

Attached: Uncharted 3 melee.gif (300x200, 475K)

Their animations are terrible when actually playing the game. There is such a huge disconnect. The characters have to slide in place so ND's movie wannabe animation reel can play out.

Compare this to a real game where the animations and gameplay sync up perfectly. This is far more satisfying than the shit ND does where they basically take charge of the gameplay.

Attached: nier-run.webm (852x400, 1.97M)

That's not what we are discussing though faggot, I could give a fuck how it effects the gameplay. This thread is based purely on how a game looks.

>Literally just a video of a character running
Wow you really showed him

Best looking grass only on PC

Attached: comfy161.jpg (3840x2160, 3.64M)

Anyone remember how Eidos Montréal hot btfo by fans when they mentioned that they wanted to design the melee combat in Thiaf around Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes movies?
Yeah I know it's Tactical Espionage Action. ie. Schrödinger's Stealth that only becomes Tactical Espionage Action when someone calls it out on its bullshit

how can snoygoys compete

Attached: comfy188.jpg (3840x2160, 2.88M)

I still don't get why Ready at dawn chose to destroy all the quality of the great graphics they pulled off by pulling tons of filters on it after already butchering it with that hideous letterboxing

Attached: The Order_ 1886_20170829162148.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Probably for an extra few frames per second

What's the point of VIDEO GAME ANIMATIONS if they just shit all over the principle of said medium?

Attached: Nier_PRE_Launch-ENG_UK_Multi_06_Mod.webm (616x347, 974K)


Attached: Uncharted™ 4_ Fine di un ladro_20160514163148.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

I've never played a ND game, but can anyone here actually confirm that they shit all over the medium with their animations or are we just blindly hating because Yea Forums told us to?

Because for one, your hack-n-slash animations look like fucking shit. And secondly, the topic of the conversation is based entirely on looks. Doesn't matter the quality of the gameplay.

nice cutscene

Attached: Tom Clancy's The Division® 22019-3-17-21-8-41.jpg (3840x2160, 1.18M)

>or are we just blindly hating because Yea Forums told us to?
this one
The faggot whining probably hasn't played them either, because the animations work perfect around the gameplay designed for the game. Melee and gunplay is really simple in Uncharted, good animations only enhance it.

God of War looks worse than Ryse.

Attached: God of War_20190110104427.png (1920x1080, 3.43M)

Some of the animations are overdone and when you're doing melee combat you're often teleported to the nearest enemy so they aren't that good.

Judging VIDEO GAME ANIMATION in a complete vacuum is fucking retarded. A game with good animations is a game that has animations that complement gameplay. Not one that shits all over gameplay so they can show off their fancy animation reels. If you're making animations a separate thing from gameplay, you have shit animations in your game.

Just use melee in any Uncharted game. Drake and the enemy just slide into positions so the animation reels can play out. It's extremely awkward when you're actually playing the game because it doesn't line up with what you're doing.

being teleported to the nearest enemy would be a gameplay issue, not an animation issue
this isn't necessarily a bad thing, lot's of movies and video games use overdone animations because realistic ones usually don't look as good as you might think

Rockstar has really outdone themselves in this game
Hard to believe it runs on 7 years old hardware

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181124011133.png (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Resi7 looks better than HZD but I guess given the scope that doesn't really count.

>you're often teleported to the nearest enemy
>Drake and the enemy just slide into positions so the animation reels can play out
Any proof of this, because I've beaten U4 multiple times using melee a lot of the time and this has not happened to me.

looks barely better than gta v on PC

Attached: Tom Clancy's The Division® 22019-3-20-19-46-5.jpg (3840x2160, 2.39M)


Attached: Clipboard01.jpg (836x362, 57K)

I can confirm. You want to do a basic punch with Nathan? Congratulations he's throwing a haymaker for some reason.

Wow you're fucking dense if you still don't get the point, gameplay is not a factor in this discussion no matter how much you sperg out. Sounds like you're just extremely upset that a game you don't like has good looking animations.

>being teleported to the nearest enemy would be a gameplay issue, not an animation issue
Ok so the animations you are bragging about are only a thing because the devs chose to shit all over the gameplay to show it off. A good game has animations that make gameplay feel more rewarding and satisfying. ND does the opposite. When their animations play out, it's like control is stripped from you and you look at a glorified cutscene play out.

I'll never understand people who think Horizon Zero Yawn has amazing graphics. The animations are ridiculously bad, terrain textures are WoW tier and generally the textures are shit.
Lighting can be good at times. That's pretty much it.

I refuse to complement animations in any game if it came at the expense of gameplay. It sends the wrong message. ND still hasn't grasped why animations are important in an interactive medium. They probably never will.

>Deflecting this hard
I feel sorry for you

Attached: Uncharted™ 4_ Fine di un ladro_20160530185353.png (1920x1080, 3.76M)

Not that guy but like someone else has reiterated multiple times to you, this topic isn't really based on the quality of gameplay. Uncharted has good animations, even if they do shit all over the gameplay.

Well I doubt anyone here really gives a shit what convictions you hold towards the gaming industry

Depends on the location, in some places it looks very good, in some it's meh

Those animations are only "good" because ND overrides gameplay to make it happen. My point is that this is enough to classify it as bad because good animations complement gameplay, not obstruct it. Judging animations in a vacuum is useless to me.

I don't think you're supposed to play any PS4 games. Just look at them on shill conventions and then buy them.

If shitty movie games count, then why isn't Detroit in the list?

Okay, thanks for sharing
They still look good, and that's the entire point

Because the vast majority of players on PC are using toaaters. There are a zillion more people with a PS4 than with an NVidia 980 or higher.

Video game animations is more than just looking good.

>Notice how there isn't a single PC game?
I think you might be confusing the PC platform with something that adheres to the concept of "generations"

But the 2018 pick was rdr2

All those games run at 30 FPS meaning they aren't the best visual looking games this gen. Games run in motion which is a huge aspect of their visuals, meaning the lowering the framerate will allow you to throw more shit on screen, but the game LOOKS worse at the end of the day.

Ocarina of Time was held as a game with huge vistas right? Well the game ran at 17 FPS in europe and that takes away the massive environmental awe the game was going for. Framerate isn't just about performance, lower framerates will make it harder to see what's going on in the game and make it less comfortable to play.

>b-but I don't like the gameplay so that means the animations are bad!
What are you, 10 years old?

Hmmm why though? Division 2 is a seamless open world game running at 4x the resolution than Uncharted 4 on PS4 and yet it still looks better than the screenshot you just posted of a small house.

Attached: Tom Clancy's The Division® 22019-3-17-21-9-22.jpg (3840x2160, 1.19M)

No shit, but this topic is strictly focused on looks as multiple others have told you

>2019 game looks better than 2016 game
Truly shocking

user gets it. 30 fps games are ugly as fuck to me because they look so choppy in motion. TLOU:R looked better to me on PS4 than UC4 since the former was so smooth in motion.

The list in op includes nugow, there's nothing fucking special about the design in that, it just has a lot of triangles.

Attached: Marvels_SpiderMan_20180907112030.jpg (1080x1920, 628K)

Ryse looks better than God of War and that's from 2013. Not an argument.

>whereas to get a game that looks as good as that running well on PC you'll have to spend a lot more.
1080p and 30fps is RX 470 tier. Literally kill yourself.

Nope. If you want to discuss animations in a video game, then you should be doing more than just looking at them in a vacuum. You should be judging them in context and how well they are implemented in the actual game. Because that's what makes good animations in a game. Not how realistic it looks but how it is implemented in context.

Ya know besides the female faces (which I hear they fixed) what I saw of Agony looked pretty good.

But user, if they did that, how would the console be able to run them, don't you want them to run on all relevant platforms, like a gamer bro, who doesn't want his other gamer bros to go without vidya?

Attached: 1552474164584.gif (540x501, 1.56M)

>Ryse looks better than God of War and that's from 2013
I don't really think that's true
But feel free to cherrypick worst God of war screenshot with best Ryse 4k screenshot because it always ends up like this anyway

Attached: God of War_20180529024336.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

>then you should be doing more than just looking at them in a vacuum
that's the 3rd time you've said that, explain specifically what you mean by that.
Because in a thread based on graphics alone, you seem to be the only one sperging out about the "muh quality of gameplay!"
Think of it this way, if this was a thread about good looking food, people would be basing their responses based purely on the look of the food, hence the topic.
You'd be the retard screeching about how it tastes like shit even if it looks good. You might be right, but it still doesn't fucking matter.

Personally I like the witcher 3, every time I look in the distance I feel like I'm looking at a moving paining, on ultra.

Because the PC has to babysit for shit pcs, while the ps4 and xbox are free to make the best possible shit they can.

Make no mistake, if someone wanted to make THE BEST looking game, the option of where to make it would be the PC, sure, only 1% of all PC users would be able to play it, but goddamn it would be amazing.

>if i post deliberatly bad SS game bad
>if i post deliberatly good SS game good

There is game X and there is game Y.

Game X has animations that are very nice to look at, elaborate effort has gone into making them so. However game Y while having simpler animations are so much better in gameplay. Said animations respond perfectly to what your character is doing and you feel like every part of the animation is in some way a response to your own input.

Now tell me, which one of these games have superior animations? The one that looks fancy at the expense of interaction or the one that feels great to play at the expense of visuals?

Attached: 1461736937167.gif (176x200, 36K)

You seriously believe that DF will say that TLOU beats out ray traced games like Metro: Exodus?

On the topic of visuals, obviously the one that looks better. Are you retarded?

You're autistic

Making the whole discussion retarded. Good animations is more than just "looking" good. But sure I'll fold.

Attached: spearofchaos.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

You joined in at your own will, it's not anybody elses' fault that you're too stupid to grasp what's even being discussed

what kind of retard made this list? the fucking ORDER 1886 for 2015? im laughin so hard im dying here lad nvidia had to drop the 980ti just so people could play the witcher 3 at 60 fps on ultra at 1080p.

I always felt like the EA battlefront games had the best looking graphics in terms of environments and vegentation. It really does a good job at capturing the feel of Star wars that I think no other games have done. Too bad the games are shit tho

Except if you're looking at animations irrespective of how they affect gameplay then you might as well just be comparing the animations of two cartoons shows, not the guy you replied to by the way but I do think he has some what of a point.

>Except if you're looking at animations irrespective of how they affect gameplay
No fucking shit, it's almost like that isn't actually the topic of discussion

The Witcher 3 looks like shit

Attached: TW3 exp.jpg (1080x600, 196K)

>20 fps games look prettier in screenshots than 120 fps games
Oh fuck stop the presses

By what metric? BotW is better than GoW.

are you actually blind

>Notice how there isn't a single PC game?
>Notice how there isn't a single good game?

Attached: JUST.png (307x256, 77K)

It isn't really fair to compare PC with PS4 games when PS4 games are all 30fps locked with dips (every game on that list)

How are discussing graphics threads about such platforms even a thing?
PC wins by default since it has the better hardware.

Sure you guys have nice looking exclusives but if those ran on PC, the PC version would look and run 10 times better.
Theres no way 300$ hardware competes with 2000$+ hardware.
Like what the fuck do you think Sony does magic or something? Theres no magic involved here.
PC has better hardware hence it wins. Simple

Attached: 53092615.gif (379x440, 140K)

Uhhhh weeeehhh another shitty GoW screenshot of the main character and nothing else

Is the environment so ugly that you have to hide it?

Attached: God of War_20180502121730.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

meanwhile 6 years ago..

Attached: 20190102160231_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.68M)

so this....
is the power.....
of pscucks........

Attached: 1490826508569.jpg (1920x1080, 239K)

>tfw can't relate to console/pc wars because you buy whatever you want because you budget your life out intelligently
>a console is literally like 300 bucks lmao what
literally just get a job

Attached: 87454342328769.jpg (970x545, 77K)

That looks uncanny as fuck, like Pixar-style animation but placed on realistic models. Capcom does way, way better animation work. RE5, DMC4, DMC5 all are way more convincing.

GoW looks good, deal with it

Attached: God of Kino.jpg (1080x1920, 298K)

If i made a game that was just a benchmark tester and uploaded it to steam do you think DF would give it best looking games?

Also why are their no stylized games, sure these are all high graphic fidelity but best looking games i would say includes artstyle

I love MGSV and don't care for Uncharted, but you're wrong on this. It's just a case of cinematic vs arcadey.

Lol I knew what this screenshot would be as soon as I glanced at the thumbnail

that looks fucking terrible though, the lighting on the ogre is atrocious.

>A girl will never look at you the way Anna looks at Artyom
Genuinely awful feeling. The wedding scene on the train carriage was lovely.

Capcom is only just catching up (on behalf of all of Japan) a full 3 years later

Attached: melee fail.webm (1280x720, 3M)

But what you're criticising is not animation, that's rendering and 3d art.

then why fucking post it. dont claim best looking game, post a picture calling it kino then use a picture that looks like absolute fucking shit.


3 years later? RE5 came out before Uncharted and has better animation, at least apart from facial animation. Uncharted 4 smokes it there admittedly

Playing these games in order the improvement in titties was marked. Wish you could get a lapdance like in Last Light.

lol no, RE5's animations are stiff as shit

Attached: Z.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Are you kidding? KCD looked like shit. NPCs walked around without heads and the weather effects when it was raining were literally jpgs of lightning. I don't care all that much about graphics and even I felt embarrassed to be playing a game that was so visually awful.

Attached: animation.gif (400x225, 2M)

>Infamous SS
>The Order 1886
Literal movie
>Uncharted 4
>Horizon Zero Dawn
In some instances it looks ok
>God of War

Why did you post that picture

Also that's better than Uncharted 4, the human body is not made of spaghetti noodles and people do not move as spastically as squirrels

Vroom vroom "games" don't count.

No more sickening graphics anymore ,your post makes me sad,no more Crysis,only shitty 30 fps console games


Attached: pc.png (920x900, 212K)

lol, owned

>RE5 has better animation than Uncharted
You're delusional

*slides 20 feet in to an uppercut*
*enemy glides back to me to get punched again*
who considers this good game play?

Were animations not a factor at all? Horizon has some of the worst I've seen in an AAA game.

I forgot half these games even existed.

mid range gpus are

gpus are fuckin cheap now, i got a 1070 with 2 years of warranty left on it for 250 bucks

I don't agree with them but ray traced shit is so boring. Who cares how realistic it is when there is no charm or soul

1070 should have cost 200 when it came out.

Kingdom Come deliverance looks amazing if you can run it on max settings and use Reshade / Sweetfx

Imagine buying a pc


DF considering none of these games have any real style to them just good graphics

but how else will I play all those drm'ed up console ports that come several years after the original release?

RDR2 made GoW look like shit

Attached: afa (1).jpg (600x696, 30K)

rdr who? Now that's a game I haven't heard anyone talk about in months. Maybe years.

But dude, you can pay over $5000 and play ANY Nes and Snes games!

stfu retarded pcfag

>the weakest console has the best looking games 5 times in a row
So much for xbone one x and 2k gayming pc's huh?
>inb4 switch
Not a console

>rdr who? Now that's a game I haven't heard anyone talk about in months. Maybe years.
There have been at least 2 threads about it in the last 2 days.

>sonybro arguments

Attached: High end prices.png (700x571, 54K)


Slippy, slidey, jerky, and spastic are all words that can be used to describe Uncharted's animation.

Sorry you fell for the meme, maybe try using your own eyes and brain next time instead of trusting industry mouthpieces

me too

The filters hide it's flaws, the textures on those planks look pretty bad for example, hard to spot when it's so blurry though

All so-nigger arguments are: exclusives

Imagine paying to use your own internet
Imagine paying 60 bucks for the only proprietary controller that works
Imagine paying 2k for a TV that has built in post processing you cant disable

Imagine being unable to even just play music in the background LMAO
Imagine being unable to actually chat
Imagine buying 50% remade games and now even a remade console


Attached: 1541598470444.jpg (500x669, 55K)

that's just a static house in one level where you do nothing, Division 2 is open world

And in gameplay, this feels terrible because animations have little to do with input. Capcom are superior.

I'm sure it looks good in movement but goddamn that incredibly obvious supersampling of literally everything is grinding my eyes into a paste. What is it rendered in, 320x240??

what a retard holy shit

Attached: 1552810851712.gif (320x240, 2.15M)


I’d say most of the game’s look comes from the strong post processing. The actual texture and model fidelity isn’t too special for a game from its time, and ever since the first gameplays came out it seemed like something that could be replicated with an ENB

>Being this mad

Enjoy upgrading your mousemat for $10000 in six months so you can play those N64 games bro

Imagine typing all that and thinking you made a point

Imagine thinking PC's are worth it

Imagine not getting the highest rated games every year and the ones you do get are shit buggy ports

They're literally just overglorified console port machines. PC will always be an afterthought. AAA developers will always have their full support and attention aimed at consoles

Attached: 1547493116367.jpg (400x400, 24K)

>being this defeated
nice arguments bro

(x) Imagine paying to use your own internet
(x) Imagine paying 60 bucks for the only proprietary controller that works
(x) Imagine paying 2k for a TV that has built in post processing you cant disable

(xD) Imagine being unable to even just play music in the background LMAO
(xD) Imagine being unable to actually chat
(xDD) Imagine buying 50% remade games and now even a remade console


Thats not true though

Prove literally one of those wrong :^)

Enjoy paying $150000 to buy a new keyboard to reply to this comment

>cucksouls actually buy what journos tell them to buy

PS4"Pro" lmaooo

>ad absurdum

Just say you cant
Just say "I still cannot play music in 2019"


I just realized that the keyboard I'm currently using is 17 years old. How many console generations is that?

This guy should really wear glasses he's nearsighted as fuck

>this gen
>Ryse and Infamous SS in the same list
OP is a dumbass.

what the fuck did you use to type that just now?
your ds4?

Unabashedly based

Where's the first Star Wars Battlefield?


dumbass here. how come no one has made the next Crysis? would it really be that expensive?

My phone which does everything that pc does but without making me spend $45000000 on an operating system

>cucksouls are phoneposters

sasuga plebbits

reflection wtf r u doing

Attached: SS.png (247x507, 192K)

you do realize phones are more expensive than keyboards right

Yes. PC as a platform is not worth the investment for AAA graphics tech. Everyone would just pirate the game. Crytek tried to keep making money at least off their engine for a while but by 2014-2016 they were restructuring, shutting down studios and downsizing majorly

Show me a popular phone that costs as much as a basic low-level pc ($8000)

Iphones 1k$+ cost more than entry level pcs which are 600-700 and 100 times better than any console

Actually Infamous can run at like variable 45 fps, you can uncap the frame rate in the options

No you fucking nancy faggot, I enjoy games the most knowing people can't play them on other platforms. Eat shit, PCfag

$1000 wouldn't even buy a PSU. Please stop posting these lies.


I don't buy that's a real list. Titanfall 2, The Division, and Ghost Recon Wildlands look better than half of those games and they aren't the best looking games either.

All those games look like shit, they just fool your eyes and brain into thinking they look good.

ah bloo bloo

You can buy a 25 watt PSU for about $1000

no i htink its 20k

hold up
is it true cuntsours cant play music or videos on the side?
Not even the pro/X remasters?


The plug for my pc alone cost $16000

Why would you need them to do that? Do you not have a phone?

that's because PC isn't for MUH GRAPHICS

Why tlou2 when dmc5 looks like actual real life

Yes it is. It's literally THE graphics platform.

Nice lie bro, there's no article or video of them stating this shit

>Dwigitwal Fouwndrwy

Does this game run like ass while driving like the first watch dogs?

>no ass creed
if there's one thing they do right it's making good looking scenery