It's deus ex MD all over again

>it's deus ex MD all over again

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>all these fucking pre-order/dlc shit already
Has there been any gameplay footage shown yet?

One more to add on the pirating list.
I seriously understand pirates now. Games should be sold with everything from the get-go.
They want to steal as much as they can ? Well they'll get nothing

Yeah you get to spend points on lootboxes

>it's OP being a faggot again

first they make the business roadmap with dlcs and other shit, then they make the game

>normalfags finally getting redpilled
Took you long enough.

>24 hours early access so pirates can play the game before legit customers

too complex, I'll just get the CODEX edition

I'm really happy scummy practices like a season pass before announcing a release date is still rightly hated. I'm sure you could spin in some way to say it's okay, and I hope Nintendo doesn't do it or Yea Forums will find a way to spin it quick.

No wonder you fags blow your tops over nothing. Yea Forums is populated by low IQ brainlets who can't even read.

>24h early access
How did this meme become popular?

Why do you even give a fuck? Like the rest of Yea Forums you are going to pirate the gog version anyways. Probably with some lame excuse.

>release date: April 2020
>season pass
>story pack 1/2/expansion
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped

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that's about only here

people often see this as "plans to support the game post-release (and that's a good thing)"

People started realizing that preordering digital goods with infinite stock is pretty silly. Need more incentives.

Literal incentive padding.

I like that meme personally, it's often the reason games get cracked before they're even officially released


based jews

And I hate this.
I mean sure, if it's a multiplayer-centric game then all the power to you, support it until the end of time if you can.
But for single player I despise the fact that I'll HAVE to revisit a game a year later if I want to see all of it. Just give me the whole thing now and move on.

I've pirated for years.
Just didn't bother too much lately because of how shit it became.

No, just slightly frustrated. But two minutes after I close this tab, I will be fine again. However, you will remain a retard. Cheers.

>dev/publisher does scummy shit
>people realize this and decide to just pirate
>shills on Yea Forums REEEEEE like the biggest autists
I'm loving it, senpai. It's about god damn time.

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This game is going to be pure jank. I can feel it

just more reasons to not get games at launch anyway

doesn't help that they're also a buggy mess at launch

But for Dark Souls 3 i didn't mind it.

it's a joke about pirating it you stupid fucking mutt

Keep seething, Schlomo. Have fun with people buying your shitty game for 5$ and unlocking your 500$ dlc with third party.

Not him but what's the joke? The pirated version always come with all the dlc.

>it's Mankind Divided all over again
>still acting like Mankind Divided was bad
>being mad that the middle of a trilogy didn't have a complete conclusion
You faggots shit on the second best Deus Ex game so hard that we might never get a sequel because microtransactions that didn't even affect the gameplay balance.

Fuck you.

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>not waiting until it's dirt cheap on sale
All of that shit will be available forever, there's literally no rush in buying day one let alone pre order.

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Wow sven so cultured quoting Churchill. I still won't buy your cuck game as long as Annie Mitsoda is writing it. Kys.

>season pass before game is out

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You misunderstand, and your confusion leads you to look like a fool.
Mankind Divided had one of the most fucking retarded preorder/special edition schemes of all time.

Guessing you weren't around for the choose your special edition shitstorm

no it doesn't, that's only the few rare games that someone actually bothered updating

"all dlc" is nice and good but when the dlc isn't actually released yet, that doesn't really say much

He's talking about the marketing scheme you stupid fuck nugget. The marketing killed dxmd despite it being the 2nd best game in the ip.

>low IQ brainlets who can't even read
If you could only see the irony.

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You don't understand, you dumb fuck. The thread is about the ridiculous DLC announced even before we had seen any gameplay. Kill yourself or l2read you fucking reactionary moron

>not simply pirating it as a fuck you to greedy publishers

>tfw million DLC and shit released
>check to pirate
>only an ancient version from around launch is laying around
>state of up to date version: [NOT CRACKED]

The complete editions(the actual full game) get recracked all the time.

All of that extra useless shit can just be modded in

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What if you die between the time the game launches and before all the dlc is available?

>complete edition gets DLC later on


maybe I buy the complete edition in 2 years.

Only game I know of that did something like this is FFXV and that game is shit anyway so who cares.

You're retarded if you thought paradox would not find a way to Jew this.

What fucking DLC? Cosmetics that you can pirate considering it's a GOG title? Who gives a fuck?

Or are you bitching about the downloadable CONTENT and the expansion pack that is even more content?

>jew this
>releasing two content DLCs and a fucking expansion pack

Good god man get it together.

You clearly don't know what happens when you put DLC and Paradox in one room.

Forget it, Yea Forums is a hopeless case. But I will take comfort in knowing they live pointless, hollow, miserable existences. Next time you fall into an existential pit, remember: you deserve this.

Nice English, lol

have you never seen a Paradox game before?
Should have expected this shit as soon as you saw they were the publisher.

I believe you mean cut content you were supposed to get in the first place

call me when it's some real expansion that's done maybe a year later of work

I do but I save my outrage for outrageous things and this isn't one of them

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>this level of butthurt

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it was sjw shit just like this one is going to be sjw shit

Will be pirating everything because I always do reguardless of the game

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You're so dumb lmao, quit trying to save face

yea, except it's the tranny edition this time

I actually pay for an animelab subscription but I have to wait hours after the episodes are uploaded to horriblesubs to watch magical girl spec ops asuka legit.
I had to wait a fucking month for the MLP movie to come out in Australia, the film had been leaked in full 1080 the entire time but I touched it out because I wanted to see it in cinemas instead and it ended up being shit anyway

Fuck delayed releases of every variety.

You mean like the section entitled EXPANSION, you absolute dumbfuck?


Don't let them ruin more franchises & make money off it

This is what you're upset about? You fucking retard

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Is that your way of saying you pre-ordered already?

Human revolution gave a fucking massive cash boost at the start of the game if you pre-ordered it.

>insect proves once again the lessons were useless after all

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Tbh I think people can get upset unnecessarily sometimes
I don’t mind different politics from what I agree with in media, the key is it being entertaining
I don’t mind playing a tranny if there is some interesting reason to be one and it can effect gameplay somehow, or else if it’s just a tidbit about the character.
Issue is when it becomes less of a game and more of a dull lecture by some black lesbian soapbox character about how me the player should be dancing the “correct” tune


Poor tranny. Is the combination of gaping wound and hormones making you particularly unstable today?

Speaking of sjw shit can somebody explain exactly what this Chechnya business is?

>Making people pay for commentary
I wanted dev commentary to come back but not like this.

I don't think it would matter since I would be dead, besides nothing in fiction is compelling enough to make you go "nooo I never got to play/watch that piece of media, I wish I consumed it earlier" before dying
Would probably be more worried about my life being over and my family.
And if there is an afterlife, I would lose no afterlife sleep over missing out on a game made by modern developers, let alone a game that's not even out and has so much content cut out of the game and sold separately, on it's first day of announcement.

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>day one DLC
>3 fucking expansions already to milk you of money

fuck this shit I'm out

Why isn't this in the standard game? They clearly already have it planned or made long before the game comes out, why separate it from the game?

>wait for the MLP movie

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Certain someone wrote illegal fiction

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Then they realise that they wasted their time when sales don't reach anywhere near expectations.

God it was such a disappointment
Great music though, animation wasn't too bad either.

I sure hope the Deluxe Edition exclusive Jeanette Outfit won't be the only slutty outfit in the game. Not gonna pay extra to get some vamp whore roleplay going.

Just mod it nigga

>paradox game
are you really that surprised?

Chechnya business?

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Oof! As in you should kill yourself for being a degenerate who wants to fuck a cartoon horse.

Based retard

Unironically preorered Bloodmoon. I mean, come on, it’s my all time favorite game.

Uhhh it was always like this, retard.

If this is what I think it is then the writers for the table top game tried to be a little too woke with some of the bullshit they put in about some sort of homosexual holocaust allegory which ended up getting a foreign government involved. Basically they fucked up big time and are lucky they aren't all gulaged.