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Other urls found in this thread:

It's gonna be a logo and a message to watch for the next persona event. Never get hype for Atlus livestreams

Inb4 some shitty dancing game sequels, unnecessary weebshit, also more retards claiming announced features and mechanics announced are new to the series.

Probably Vita port.

Last stream there they abused Teddy was great

I wanna abuse Teddy's ass

inb4 it's another announcement for an announcement

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In Alice suit?

Japan barely knows what steam is, they won't discover epic for another 5 years and that's being generous

What are the odds of it being a second version? I know that's something they usually do but I doubt people will pay $60 for what's basically the same game with a few new cutscenes and a dungeon

>Mushi Mushi Epic desu
>Prease taek mirrion dorrar

the Japanese are already rich, they don't need your fucking handouts

Yes, but not exclusively


>Mushi Mushi Epic desu
>Prease taek two mirrion dorrar

They will shill the April festival

Who care about this SJW game.
>MUH racism is bad
>MUH reference to Michaek Jackson

This post have potential

There are people that will uninronically believe this.

In what part am I wrong?
>Muh women discrimination


Attached: persona5.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

>take money
>part it over
>forget about it and never update, steam version gets updated though

Meant to reply to

It won't be an updated rerelease unless it's also a port
Seeing as they already showed PS logo, it's a spinoff

>coming to the following systems: PC, PS3, PS4, Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Virtual Boy and special Scratch N Sniff edition
>but absolutely never to Switch
Sorry, bro.


Atlus can't stop smelling their own farts. Just release a trailer on youtube and shut up. Tired of watching fucking Nico Nico streams and entire concerts just to maybe see a new thing.

Only interested if they let you take the wardens out on dates and do some vague, unspecified activities in your room

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>being ported to PC and Switch

Then what the fuck is the point of this?

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Yakuza and Nioh had those too, they haven't meant shit for years now.

I remember nioh also having one of those KEK SNOY EXCLUSIVES ALL COMING TO THE SUPERIOR PLATFORM


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detroit become human had it too.

The PS4 version is only on Playstation, so it still works.

In the case you didn't know. P4G is one of best selling game franchise and it's main reason why people still cares about Vita. Even Atlus must realize that they can make big cash from P5 port thanks to P4 fanbase

Makes sense that you can only play PS4 games on Playstation.

Hahahahahaha oh man he thinks that matters anymore

Japan would also never use chinese products because they hate them

How much of a shitstorm would there be if it actually got ported to the Switch after all that never ever posting?

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Yea Forums would be pretty unusable for a while.

What are the chances of P5R PS3 version so i dont actually have to buy anything

Teddy a shit, gimme Morgana or Jack

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Same chance as Persona 5 Dancing on PS3 user.

What made Persona 5 so boring and forgettable compared to previous games?

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why does Morgana have a parachute??

P5 blows its load really early.

To slow his fall.

main cast barely interacted with each other outside of the mansions
cute freeloader btw

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But user, all persona games are incredibly boring. Everone plays them only as dating sims.

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season 2 soon

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I have a hacked Vita and this isn't going to happen.

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
Also unlikely to be a PC port as it'd be more likely they'd port the base game instead. BTW no romanceable loli twins no buy, you filthy gooks.

persona 5 on ice
persona 5 characters in the shitty mobile game
persona 5 mobile app

SMT DxA collab

You really don't want to regret buying a Vita, do you?

>all these fags thinking they will get it on PC or Switch

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They rereleased P3 as FES on the PS2

>Shitsona on PC
Either give me SMT or fuck off.

Here you go faggot

I played all of them back to back. In terms of best characters/ more memorable it’s

>In jap land
>26 hours

Isn't that shit like in an hour or so?

I hope you've been watching their VY series!

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just emulate them you tard

Played it already, can't wait for the devs next game with the elf from Record of Lodoss War.

That's look similar...

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Switch exclusive, nice.

It’s the 22nd in Japan.

I meant SMT V of course, don't wanna wait until 2030 when the switch emulator is finally usable.

Persona started on PC so i dont see why they wouldnt port it.

The entire gimmick is that they're Phantom Thieves but they barely do anything thematically appropriate for that besides one or two palaces. The cast hardly gets together to interact because of the IM mechanic, which is realistic, but lame in a video game. The best arc in the game is the first one. The main antagonist and the secondary antagonist are both downright lame.

Yeah they let Joker into smash for nothing lol

sakurai has a boner for persona


It's been 13 years since that happened
Every enhanced rereleas from Atlus since then has been a port

Akechi was a decent antagonist until he went all I AM SILLY. Should've just played him straight and made him a real rival character.

Well... tendies know the feel after bragging about Persona 5 being a WiiU exclusive for month before it was first revealed

Technically, they can still update content though DLC but i doubt it will happen even what this user said have more chance to happen


It won’t be on switch. Their audience is on Playstation. Deal w1th it

Fair enough, and I liked him until the epic tweest, but yeah, his writing towards the end is just too laughable to forgive.

it means at the time of publishing, not forever you brainlets

akechi WILL be redeemed!

Inb4 anime second season trailer and a new trading card/gacha game.

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Is the anime even any good?

>new trading card/gacha game.
Why would they compete against themselves when there is already a SMT gacha game?

That means fucking nothing

Calling it bad would still be too kind

No it's shit. The only good thing to come out of it was Kawakami fanservice.

It's about as good as the others. Nothing really worth watching for if you played the game, but passable as a show.

different genres attract different players

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Fine. I don't care.
Atlus writing is never good and he's already a usable party member.
They'd better give him a bit of a buff if they redeem him though. He's no Naoto.

Which makes me start to second guess his claim that Nintendo chose the list of candidates for him to narrow down. Maybe that's why he was so wary of having him shown off first and at the VGAs, worrying that it'd contradict his "Nintendo list" claim he'd made weeks earlier?


Not that user but the betrayal in P3 has been the only one to ever surprise me in a vidya and could have really meant something if they didn't end up going full "I AM SILLY"
Fucking nips please learn how to write you're killing me with this garbage

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I own a Switch and PS4, and I honestly hope it doesn't come to it Switch. I don't know why Nintendo fans are so desperate for P5 when they are getting SMT V. Ungrateful faggots.

Nah, I doubt it would be THAT bad. Maybe for the first hour or two, but it would die down relatively quickly.

>not even a single Japanese games on epic game store.
Yeah I don't think so bud.

>they are getting SMT V
yeah that's right, so shut the fuck up dipshit.

I hope Japan never goes to epic. HELL I WOULD EVEN USE a dedicated launcher for the game at this point rather than use epic

You don’t see playstation users bitching about a port of SMT V. You shut the fuck up manchild

Isn’t the simplest answer that it’s just a rerelease with some new content. Atlus can’t seem to figure out DLC so they just put out a “GOTY” Edition and pretend it’s a brand new game.

I’d be surprised if this isn’t just Persona 5 FES

Yea Forums would be flooded for a while.
Persona threads would go the way of Monster Hunter threads and be destroyed by console war retards forever.

You do realise that announcing a P5 port doesn't mean it's coming straight away, right? You'll have to wait for that too. And let's be real, there are people begging for P5 on any new persona or SMT related video instead of asking for new info or progress on SMT V. I have no idea why they are so obsessed with P5.

You do though

>You don’t see playstation users bitching about a port of SMT V

Attached: excuseme.gif (216x288, 728K)

There's many possibilities and they're all equally possible. A re release with added content, ports to either full multiplat or either PC or switch (which guarantees at least one more million copies for atlus; you'd have to be a retard to let this opportunity pass). It can also be a fighting game, though I'd save that for this EVO, or it could be some goofy shit like a racing game. Atlus has filed several domains for persona 5 so nothing is out of the question
I'm expecting a re-release for PS4/switch/PC and then the arena game reveal at EVO this year

>re-release for PS4/switch/PC
This would make the most sense, but knowing Atlus it wont happen.

>I'm expecting a re-release for PS4/switch/PC
LOL why are you setting yourself up for disappointment like that? P3 FES never came to any other console. At most it'll be a vita port with added content like P4G.

Say Hi to your Persona 5 R protagonist.

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Atlus are too lazy to do that

>how to make me lose interest immediately
not playing as some waifubait femc that forces me to date men

I'm not setting for shit I got a PS4. I'm just thinking about atlus' best interest when it comes to money. Porting a PS3 game shouldn't be hard and they would be really REALLY close to selling 1M units in each platform, maybe even more on switch
Sure this shit would get the most cancerous week (or even month) of shitposting and falseflagging but persona's success gives more dough to get other projects going

If a switch port happens I will fucking burn my Persona 5 limited edition. I refuse to share games with fat manchildren. Cap this

>They did it once in the past
>Every game and port after didn't

>raped by cops in questioning room at the beginning of the game

Persona is a series for fat manchildren
You are probably a fat manchild already

>"I refuse to share games with fat manchildren"
>Said the Fatlus, fatly

I want more customization for party members.

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>no results

They could have done all that with the other Persona games, but never bothered. It won't happen.

No other persona game blew up like this one, especially in the west, plus switch is also a big hit in japan so that's another entire userbase within their own demographic

i want to believe

>5 better than 3
Shit taste, P3 crew was most distinct in nu-Persona. Yukari and Junpei alone are better than entirety of IT and PT.

We'll see.

>Doesn’t want to date Yusuke?

The PS logo at the beginning of the trailer kinda kills it but whatever

There's no doubt in my mind that at least half of these "virtual youtubers" are guys with voice modulators

This does raise a question I don't think people ever thought about.

At the time it felt like a no-brainer, like, yeah, ONLY ON PS means it's exclusive to PS, but with Nioh, Yakuza and Xbone titles, what exactly is legal coordination on this? Doesn't having claim that this product is available only on consoles of this brand imply false advertising retroactively? Was this decision on Sony's part or Atlus's part to include this? Are there any consequences for still printing games with this boxart that include this line?

On the bright side, Persona threads are already bad, so it wouldn't be that significant a downgrade for then to become worse.

This is one of the biggest urban legends. Since LoL, Dota, Fortnite, etc. PC gaming has been pretty popular in Japan. Its not the early 2000s anymore

Your age

Junpei is, but he carries that whole game. Almost everyone else is forgettable outside of their good designs.

It would also save JRPG threads because then everyone could make their own opinion of the game without console war bias and shitposting. That's one of the reasons why exclusives are cancer, they kill discussion.

To land on your dick

Why hasn't P4G been ported to PS4? It's easy money for Atlus.

I'm not a faggot and autism is not a desirable trait.

I want female Joker and be able to go agressive lesbian on Takemi, and then cheat on her with any other random whore.

Same reason why MGS4 still PS3 game

Pc/xone/switch version with upgrade so the sonygers who haven't bought it but love to brag about "muh exclusives" shit blood with rage

Atlus get their shit solid. PERSONA=SONY
Those Q games came on 3ds because they wanted the etrian odyssey people to buy them. simple as that.
Stop begging like retards

They are announcing Persona 5 Arena tomorrow since tomorrow is also Toushinsai/Arc Revolution Cup 2019

I want to be mommy Kawakami's little princess.

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P5 is more perfect on Vita

P3D and P5D is proved that Vita can handle P5 engine just fine. it would be real waste if P5 port never happen

>P3D and P5D is proved that Vita can handle P5 engine just fine
Those are not in P5 engine esl-kun

What means 20? Which timezone?

They ceased official vita support so is difficult to believe.

used to be like that, but most have been weeded out because companies are hiring actual girls to voice their characters
standard business model now is they loan them an iphone, assign them a mass-produced anime facerig and hopefully they get views

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>Chinese store
>Japanese game

Read an history book and you will know why it will never happen.

LMAO who?

I have persona 5 on the ps4 but I'd probably buy a switch just to try the switch version too

26 hours from when he made that post. So, Saturday 7am EST. adjust for your own timezone.

Right. They're so forgettable Atlus can't stop bringing them on to their newer games. Your taste is absolute shit. Mitsuru, Akihiko, Shinjiro, Yukari and Junpei are all much better characters than the casts of P4 and P5.

It'll probably run like shit and look like shit

>Persona 5 will be the first mainline Persona game to release on a non-Sony platform
>Persona 5 will be the first mainline Persona game to not release on a portable platform
Which will it be?

Fuck off, it's the beat Persona game and one of the best games on this decade

You're a weeb who thinks Japan is a perfect country and started seething when the plot questioned that.

>epic store exclusive
Imagine the shitstorm

How many hours left

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So just don't play the femc route, you autistic fuck. Why does it matter to you if other people are getting what theh want if it doesn't change the game for you?

Where did they imply I had a choice? They said that was my P5R protagonist.

Where the fuck is the stream being hosted


>tfw no FemJoker/Kawakami/Takemi lesbian threesome

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No it won't, Eric
Switch is more powerful than the ps3

Money changes everything


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If you still think a ps3 game that got ported to ps4 would run like shit on a switch you're fucking retarded and need a nice scalp massage with a bullet as soon as possible


Doubt it, remember, Arc System Works delayed P5 Arena for Granblue Versus

Attached: 9-lowain-joins-granblue-fantasy-versus-playable-character.jpg (700x220, 45K)

Switch struggles with XB2 which isn't as good looking as P5.

imagine being so full of soi you actually think and underclocked first gen tegra shit is better than the ps3

I hate Yea Forumsermin so much that I would rather root for the tendie.

Xenoblade 2 zones size is easily more than 30 times larger than Persona zones with less loading screens

>Imagine being so full of soi
You're the one using a snoy console, not him, also you have no fucking clue as usual

It has been 3 years already so I'd say it's an equivalent to golden or FES

So what? It still looks and runs way worse. Anyone can make some big ass empty zones, what matters is how it looks and the density of content, which P5 has more of.

>Then what the fuck is the point of this?

To pretend that it still makes sense to make exclusives for PS4. It really doesn't.

Making ports from Xbone and PS4 to release them on Xbone/PS4/PC is so cheap that outside of deals with developers they are just better off making them. Remember that even FFXV released on PC and KH3 releasing on PC is not at all out of the question.

Everybody should remember that after the clusterfuck that was last gen for PS3 and 360, with both having considerable losses (reminder that PS3 was the single biggest moneysink in the entire history of videogames to date) both Sony and Microsoft allowed third parties to essentially design their systems, and they chose about the same things.

That means nothing at all. 2 INT was being generous. Clearly you're a 0 INT

>brave bilingual
Whats so fucking brave about this?

Ok, thanks for letting us know you haven't played none of the two games

actually, it could be happening. datamining for smash shows that joker does have a second title, like characters like olimar/alph do, and it went by a girls name iirc, so there is most likely a female counterpart to joker in smash. it would explain why they havent shown anything yet, maybe theyre waiting for an official female joker reveal and then they will finally show gameplay.i mean what else could it be? they cant give another phantom thief jokers moveset.


I can see it, they were retarded enough to port the Catherine remaster to it.

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Do you seriously think they'd release P5 content without joker in it? He's the poster boy of the series

That would make me cum buckets, not gonna lie

that sounds kinda painful

this is more likely than you think.

I would buy 5 copies of that shit just to dab on switchniggers

>Emulate ps3 just to play this game
>It is ported to PC when I already put over 30 hours on it

Any way of importing the savefile?

incoming account deleted

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I'm willing to bet P5 requires like half the processing power of X2, to be fair.

How many hours left?

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I wish they ported anything else other than Persona, to be honest (any of the other PS2 SMTs, 1, 2, if..., whatever). Even if it makes for a big shitpost war, the game's just not good.


Wouldn't even be mad, because that's how they can actually compete instead of buying exclusivity for mediocre games.

Burger Palace. I beat the boss and then never played the game again. I was having a decent time up until that point, but that just took the wind out of my sails and I haven't been able to get it back since.

If it comes to Switch or PC I'll buy it day one

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He's dropping, P5R is actually short for Persona 5 Royale.

It's never the devs who include the "Only on Playstation" label, it's always Sony who include it. Also it's inconsistent, some territories have the label while other don't have it.
Anyway it's pretty clear that it's only applicable at the time of release, so even if the game end up bieng ported elsewhere it doesn't really matter
And PC ports aren't much of an issue, Sony themsleves don't consider PC as a competitor

It won’t come to switch

>mfw Switch port and no PC

Attached: laugh33.png (438x437, 203K)

Nigga that aint even real

It won’t come to switch


it won't come to PC either, ATLUS is just too based

>b-but Catherine
old shit nobody cared about, it was easy cash


If there was a Switch port, you'd be able to play it on PC anyways.

You already can through the ps3 emulator, cant you?

I mean, no other Persona game has been on pc, I don't see why 5 would be different
Jokers now already on a nintendo home console so out of anything, Switch is most likely

drops to 25 FPS on top of the line PC, we need fucking native PC port

>announcing an announcement for an announcement

wtf do you consider top of the line? i can play a smooth 30 and sometimes 60 on an i5

>smooth 30

Ah, it's been so long

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Guys face the facts
You will not get a switch port

I'm betting money it's this

Same as on console, so yeah

Downright false.

I miss her lads

Persona 1 was on PC.

that's dogshit, you could play at 120+ on native PC port and with no stutters, there are bugs and shit on emulator, I don't want to play on it

so when can we expect the follow up smash news?

>what is cloud

>there are bugs and shit on emulator
What? I played P5 like 4 or 5 months ago on the emulator and there wasn't a single emulator related bug aside from shadow Kamoshidas hair being fucked for some reason (but still very minor).

Shut the fuck up

Attached: lanky-kong-dab.png (690x388, 211K)

>PS4 logo on the ATLUS official youtube channel trailer
>still thinks is not exclusive
No need to be rude.

Can't wait for the shitstorm tomorrow

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>Tendies get Cuphead
>Get Persona 5 right after too
Sonybros would never recover.

>it's just an enhanced version with an extra confidant

Attached: 1542835332304.jpg (648x960, 49K)

I just want to be with Yusuke

Source: my uncle works at atlus

Gays not welcome

>doesn't count!

what the fuck do these stand for?

i wouldnt care gonna pirate it anyway, like every pc game
cant wait for some porn mods tho

Actually, It's PS logo so it can be Vita exclusive.

Shitty spinoffs so they can milk it for years.


Isn’t it related to hair data or something like that? It could be an alt based on his Punishment Cop (crossdressing/drag) outfit from DSN.

Persona 5 Racketeering
Persona 5 Sex
Persona 5 Masochist
Persona 5 Blow

She a cute ! And in Smash too !

I bet P6 will be trash cuz this game is mainstream now so the Art police will be a knockin

>All those fucking So(N)yboys seething they'll lose another game
Lmao, get fucked.

I wonder if Playstation would still be the go-to weeb game console with all that censorship.

Screencapping this for the announcement, can't wait to see you Shitch niggers get fucked again

>the Art police
The what now?

it leaked

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>he doesn't know
FF7 is being ported to the switch you absolute mongoloid
Your argument means nothing

Come on, not this shit again...

Persona 5 Red
Persona 5 Steam
Persona 3 Microsoft (XBOX)
Persona 5 Battle

Day one buy

Speaking of, that's releasing in 3 days


but it doesn't say it's timed exclusive and doesn't have * for additional information on back of the box or something
isn't it false advertising?

>Get BTFO and shit your pants because you'll lose Persona
>L-Look, i-it's bllodborne kart

It's going to be a "fucking nothing" SEGA Fes announcement.

I have it on my PS1 and can play it on the go on PSP, I don't really care about it tbqh. But it's still nice for people to have another option to play that game and never find out about the compilation.

P5S stands for Switch user

>Live on East Coast
>Just wake up, eat some breakfast, take a shower, then log onto youtube to see the latest trailer

I already went through Datsa Nugu, I can't take another Atlus livestream

Pretty much. It'll just be a 30 second ad saying to look out at Sega Fes.

>such a great shitpost will be rendered obsolete once we figure out what P5R actually is
It hurts.

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I like it better than at least 4 but there's a lot of things I have a problem with:
- Main cast barely interacted with each other
- No real opposition challenging their viewpoint. It's not until the very end of the game that they suddenly realize that "Wow, brainwashing people is actually not cool!"
- Dungeons becoming more and more straightforward as the game advances, you never have a palace with a level design as complex as the Castle
- Last day feels extremely rushed, especially since they tease that there's more coming up by talking about people controlling Shido only to drop everything and trim it down to "LOL GOD"
- Obvious cut content, on top of nothing happening for a month, the gap between the xp tables of Futaba's palace and the Space Station are so big that there's no way there wasn't another dungeon planned to happen either between the two or after the space station (but in that case the station took the table of the missing dungeon)

I like spending time with big bro!

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Have fun being late to the party while everyone's already way ahead of you. again. Fuckin PC fags will never learn.

>Only having one thing to play games on
What kinda faggot are you?

calm the fuck down Sonybro, nothing is announced as of yet, maybe we'll only get enhanced game for PS4, ATLUS is too based to bow down to PCpoors

who says that

when was the last time they announced some new game content at the end of an animation

Never ever. We've been over this time and time again. But then again you're probably false flagging so you can laugh when it doesn't happen

not even the FF7 remake and 3 YEARS after he was released for Sm4sh

>wait 21 days for Futaba to wake up!
For starters they need to fix shit like this.

>lemme just skip ALL of January and half of February too

>wait 21 days for Futaba to wake up!
well canonically it’s like 3 days

Why are you so desperate for a P5 port? Isn’t SMT5 going to be exclusive for switch?

>Presentation begins with typical conference stuff
>President thanks the fans, devs talk about how much stuff they're working on ect.
>the time comes
>room goes dark
>screen turns on
>crowd loses it's shit
>P5R moves to the left while the rest begins to fade in
>Please look forward to it!

Attached: 1551005395031.jpg (597x597, 32K)

Portability is nice for long ass RPGs

please no

Then why isn't it actually 3 days

the game expects you to do confidants first

they need to tweak stuff to make deadlines and shit feel more natural.
Doing the dungeon/palace the 2nd or 3rd day and then having like two weeks of "nothing happens" is dumb as fuck.

A poorfag you dummy

why is it still so easy to win against snoys?

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God I wish that were me

Yeah, like the time veetards believed some random faggot """""leaker"""""" saying P5R was gonna be Switch exclusive

Doing the dungeons 2nd or 3rd day is already dumb as fuck, why would anyone do this?

Don’t forget that after Akechi dies and you don’t send the calling card, you still get a cutscene of Akechi selling you out to the cops.

Still haven't bought it even though i have a PS4, after FES i always wait for the final version of the game desu.

Getting to the starting line, gimme a sec

Attached: Cainhurst.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>dude we're going to get expelled we need to change this guy's heart
>nah it's cool bro I'll do it in 2 weeks I wanna watch a movie first

They give you the option to. If they wouldn't want you to do it on the 3rd day then they shouldn't be allowing you to do so.

>Getting hyped for a commercial after the anime airs
Lol, thats a good way to set yourself up for massive disappointment.

You have a deadline though.

>dude we'll get expelled if we don't finish exploring this castle in a month
Were you the type that always did his summer homework in the first week?

some of the deadline consequences are literally life and death situations and I'm supposed to believe you'd rather watch movies and chat with some church slut than the magical brain invading adventures with your friends to save your asses

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Not him but yeah, so I could just slack and jerk off the rest of the time

Yeah what a load of dumbasses lmao

dude it’s a video game. nothing will happen before the deadline.

But the characters keep moaning about going to the palace, and if you go several times during the month you lose valuable time during the day.

Hmm, considering the game has more than 1 year since announcement, and the dev has been busy with that touhou sakuya metroidvania, i have serious doubts that the lodoss game will be completed.

I'm talking about in character
In terms of gameplay, why would you not do it as soon as possible, you don't know if the dungeon will be long and need you to leave at points or to rest so you could end up without enough time and lose all your progress

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because joker is a cocky bitch

How can a shoestring weeb game like Caligula manage a remaster with a female protagonist but Persona won't?

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All the dungeons in all Persona games on a calendar system, except maybe the very first ones in each game, take max. 2 days to finish.

But even if it took 5 tries, you don't have to wait until literally the last day, just until a day with no social stuff.

P5 can't work with a female protagonist. The interrogation, the way people see joker as a delinquent, Kamoshida, and such wouldnt make sense with a girl.

With Joker coming to Smash this will absolutely not happen.

because playing as a girl is gay

Post more guys

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Both games do have silent protagonists, but Joker is far more defined in the story than Caligula's protagonist so it's easy to do a gender swap for Caligula and far harder in P5.

Where's MGSV on Switch/WiiU?

Is that an actual cover art for P5?

I hope they at least let you romance Yusuke, Goro and Iwai in P5R

Commiefornian snoys can keep that one

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Did Ryuji and Mishima piss in your cereal?

That characters look way too familiar but I don't remember the anime, what was the name of it?

inb4 fightan game

Kekkai Sensen

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On your knees bitch

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b-bros.. i can't wait

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Man I just watched that show 1 month ago, how the fuck did I forget about it? It was also pretty good.

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It'll be pretty based seeing as the Sony ponies have already showed their hand with all the "NEVER EVER" shitposting. So they can't even pull the "we never cared about that game anyway" card.

please god

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i wanna fuck teddie

But i thought Persona 5 was a Wii U exclusive but then it was a highschool cringe shit and the real game was Persona Q?


I can't fucking wait for the tears when it's just Persona 5 Racing.

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Ryuji and Yusuke are way more likely since they suck Joker's dick so hard already

If I play as girl there, can I fuck other girls

thanks for betatesting

>Sony had never had a timed exclusive before

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I've quit games 10 hours in because of this shit

That for sure would please all of the 4 persons who bought a PSVita

If P5R goes PS4/Switch but SMTV stays Switch exclusive should Sony fuck with Atlus in some way?

It’s not fair.

If a game becomes available on different platforms for more people to play, how is that a bad thing? You console war faggots are fucking retarded.

Why cant Switchfags just spend a hundred bucks for a PS3 to play the game?

user... it's dead... I'm sorry...

Atlus is medium fry, would they care?

>generic PS logo instead of PS4
>they just released catherine FB on the bita
it's coming and switchfags are gonna be seething for months.

PC gaming unironically exploded in Japan the past few years. Even more so with the Sony censoring

Sony doesn't own the IP so they can't do jack shit. They only have a say if they own/co-own the IP or possibly if they funded the project or depending on whatever exclusivity deal they got. Even if they didn't like it, it's not likely they'll do something about it because at the end of the day, more sales for the companies that supply their games = good. What's good for the devs is good for them.

This would be hilarious, but it won't happen, unfortunately

Why are you making up retarded lies a 6 year old could see through?

How low is your IQ? Really, like, do you get stuck in Zelda puzzles a lot?

>but it won't happen, unfortunately
I'm willing to bet money that it's gonna be a PS4 + vita release again.



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I don't know but we're getting FF7 for Switch.

I hope you're right

Why would the Japs support the Chinks? Don't they still hate each other?

It's smash joker gameplay time!

There is no point.

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This is most likely correct answer here

It would be so fucking ridiculous for P5 to arrive at Vita I kinda want it to happen. The people craving it on their Switch just don't know how mediocre it is, they should stick to demanding info for SMTV.

>h-haha it w-was always shit
cope harder


I mean, he finished like 4 games at a pretty fast pace since pharao rebirth+.

>useable switch emulator
More like 2020.

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Atlus has no problem supporting dead hardware
they released persona 4 on the fucking PS2 in 2008

You should've asked that back in Melee when Kojima directly went to Sakurai to ask him to put Snake in the game.

? I've already played it on PS3, it's a pretty lousy and overlong game. A Vita port would be hilarious.

user, Yuzu is made by Citra devs.
And look how long it took them to get games to playable state.

And Golden on the Vita in 2012

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if by 'how long' you mean 'around a year and a half to make Supermario oddysey around 95% playable WITH DLC included'? then yeah, it took A LOT.

I hope not cause no way I'm going to play this again after pirating it on ps3

and yet it was their main cash cow for years
It's gonna be P5 with some new bitch and an accompanying vita port because it's trivial to downgrade PS4 games to vita.
Just like they did with catherine a couple months ago
switchsois on will be on literal suicide watch.

Dame, I got to try that next time I fight him. Fun tip, he is extremely vulnerable to rockets after he does that thousand cuts move. You can get 3 or 4 shots on him.

>thread dissolves into blatant port begging

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Also, PS3 was already corpse when P5 come out so i don't see why they not gonna port it to Vita

>I-I'm not upset that Switch may get P5

>i don't see why they not gonna port it to Vita
Well, for one it would probably either run like shit or fry the system. But that hasn't stopped developers on Vita in the past, so let them go ahead.

god I cant wait for the switchsoi sea of pink in a couple hours

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>Heist-themed battle royale where the objective is to steal the main treasure with your crew And not the shitty version Fortnite did
I mean if you made it a 30 player with squads of 5 then it'd be cool.

>Konami porting a bunch of classic collections forwards
>Thinking they won't do it for MGS HD when it's already running on Nvidia Shield

Money can make you whore yourself out if its for the right amount.

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Emulation doesn't count and besides that the only Nintendo game you're losing is a sub-par Sonic one.
PC and Switch is the way to go. Even though I use my PS4 more than my PC but hey

This so much, say what you will about SEES and their cover excuse but they actually did what they said on the tin.

MGS would be sweet, but I'd rather absolutely any other franchise owned by Konami.

It feels like confidants are available more often after the change of heart

>Atlus can’t seem to figure out DLC so they just put out a “GOTY” Edition and pretend it’s a brand new game
FES append version was basically DLC

Castlevania is getting a classic collection, as is Contra, and they're doing a bunch of their Arcade games too. Since there's 8 Castlevania games and we only know 1,3,4 and Belmont's Revenge so far, so maybe we're getting some not-yet rereleased ones included like Aria of Sorrow. I imagine since they're doing that under the guise of their 50th anniversary or whatever, they'll bring more legacy titles to modern platforms.

not sure why you included wii u in there

>But that hasn't stopped developers on Vita in the past
Agreed, if Koei can port Attack on Titan and Toukiden 2 to Vita then P5 port is just piece of cake for Atlus

>Emulation doesn't count
It actually does

those games are still relatively unpopular

at least I know that lol (world's second most popular game) only has like 100k players in Japan despite the game even having Jap dub and commercials there

>Also, PS3 was already corpse when P5
Which is why they also released it on PS4.

Oh, yeah, I know that (Castlevania is apparently getting two collections, so 16 fucking games, no joke). But I'd rather ANY other collection from Konami than MGS: Suikoden (specially this), Gradius/Parodius, Goemon, Silent Hill, Far East from Eden (less likely since it's an acquisition from HS, but a man can dream, right?)...

P4D already ran on the P5 engine before P5
the larger issue than processing power is storage space, you can't shrink persona 5 to 4GB without making it very ugly

but the game is on ps3 and pc

Any news on the stream?

Not considering that is being thrown in as a "lost exclusive", whereas the others are all ported to PC.
Also the Wii U version was the one that was being emulated back when people cared about BOTW. Emulation's perfectly valid and is how I played the M&L remakes because fuck picking my 3DS back up, but it doesn't count for what that image is specifically conveying
Gradius would be fucking rad. I guarantee the MGS one will happen because it's easy, but I reckon we'll see more later in the year.

>P3D and P5D is proved that Vita can handle P5 engine just fine
Yeah, a game which that only requires to render one stage at a time and some animations is definitely proof a full fledged PS3 game can run on it. Yes, Catherine is less resource intensive than P5. You'd have to compress the shit out of P5, also.

>Not considering that is being thrown in as a "lost exclusive", whereas the others are all ported to PC.
The point of PC is playing games on better resolution/framerate/etc. so if emulation can play a game better than its console counterpart then the pic is valid

>very ugly
That's sound like every Vita port games

I'm used to it now so i don't mind

dumb EOPs

>Tfw own a vita and a switch
>Tfw GUARANTEED a port
Suck on it losers

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>The point of PC is playing games on better resolution/framerate/etc.

I mean you can move the goalposts around as much as you like for a bait wojack image but whatever

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Owning both is a matter of natural evolution, after all.

Not an argument. Eat your food, it's cold already but you can finally eat now that we let you, faggot.

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>Persona 5 Roux, a rerelease with a bunch of new extras similar to P4G and P3P
>Persona 5 Racing, a kart game
>Persona 5 Rumble, a fighting game
>Persona 5 Revengeance, some edgy hack 'n slash game with Akechi as the protagonist
>Persona 5 Redemption, some spin-off with more lawfaggotry
>Persona 5 Ryuji, a kusoge

You're one year too late, bro

>You have to play a game within the first month of release or it's invalid

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>hmm should we port our game to the deadest handheld ever made or one of the most popular consoles right now

wow what a tough decision


>Persona 5 Ryuji

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They did just that for Catherine. Never never underestimate Atlus' stubborness.

Yes, because the world needs more AkechiXMC pics/doujins

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We do.

Take a shower fujoshit

smash fags don't know shit about joker they need the port just so they can feel better about maining him

Persona 5 Royale

shit pacing
characters were mediocre
the city wasn't comfy at all
story even cornier than P4
the instant messaging shit was fucking awful, so much pointless dialogue just repeating exposition. I started skipping them halfway through

I just cannot see them ignoring the Switch, especially because of Joker being in Smash. It doesn't matter how graphically gimped the Switch version would end up being. There's no way they won't release some sort of port.

That being said, if P5R is going to be a similar thing to P4G, I'd prefer to see them at the very least offer the new content as DLC for the base game. Being able to play P5 on my Switch portably would be kind of nice but I'd probably still rather just stick with the PS4 version I already have instead of having to shell out another $60 to get the new shit.

>Persona 5 Rooty Tooty Point and Shooty

>some sweaty nerds genderswap
gets old so fucking fast

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Do you like JRPGs, user? If yes, recommend me one.

You can like JRPGs and not like Persona in general. It was sorta a step back from PS2 era JRPGs in general.

Why does Atlus have such a fucking boner for the Vita?

Can't they release their fucking games on Switch?

Sorry, it was not my intention to be agressive,
I was legitimately interested in your opinion.

I just did! I like being clean.

They sometimes have this weird sense of "platform loyalty" (in terms of companies as platforms rather than specific consoles) for certain franchises.

Not the user you were speaking to, but I personally like the Suikoden games, which I mentioned earlier; SaGa (these are a bit hard); or regular old SMTs (III, Soul Hackers, Strange Journey), alongside Etrian Odyssey.

I don't have the most original taste in the world lol

Atlus is slow worker, that's why we always feel like they trying to release their games on dead console. Reminder that P5 is originally planning developed for PS3 only.

I believe they already have a plan for Switch port in mind but it won't happen anytime soon.

>I believe they already have a plan for Switch port in mind but it won't happen anytime soon.
I mean, it would be completely inept of Nintendo to just put Joker there without any plans to bring the game into the system when they could've easily picked a more universal character for Atlus like Jack Frost (which fits much better with the game anyhow)

Not sure if you want to bait me into "revealing my tastes" so you can shit on them
if you're genuinely curious; Trails in the Sky trilogy for story/immersion, Grandia II for combat, DQ11 just because its so fresh and high quality
I'd recommend Xenoblade 1 but I think it has probably aged badly if you've already touched 2. Much more enjoyable experience though
Growlanser Wayfarer of Time if you want something suprisingly good for being semi-obscure
I don't think I need to recommend any FF game

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Just like they needed to have Cloud, Ryu, and Bayonetta on a nintendo console because of smash OH WAIT

Joker is in Smash because Sakurai likes Persona, that's all there is to it. Despite having literally nothing to do with Nintendo or being requested or anything, Nintendies will eat up literally anything Sakurai shits out for them even if it's a literal PS4 advertisement

What is this point even? Ryu and Bayo were on the console. The point about Cloud is solid, though, although one can imagine a moveset for a Jack Frost far more easily than for a Chocobo or a Moguri, and in terms of human characters Cloud is the most recognizable by far. Also, by the time Cloud appeared in Smash, FFVII was already more than a decade old. Persona 5 is a very very recent game in comparison.

I'm sorry that you can't see a new revolution in how games are being made and played in Japan.

It is most likely just a revision right?

Yeah, it's just a Golden/FES edition.

>Persona 4 Golden (week)
>Persona 3 FES (tival)
>Persona 5 R (?)

>all this shitposting about being ported AGAIN
Holy shit, every 6 months you guys are running down to the mosque and praying to allah for jesus to port his games. Just buy playstation if you want it so bad. And of course, after you people shitpost unrivaled amount leading up to the playstation announcement all threads for the actual game get deleted.

His series is a formative part of gaming, plus it began on and had a long stint with Nintendo, including continuing spinoffs. Cloud himself is just the most known face of the entire franchise. I don't get how people struggle to process both these facts as being true at the same time.
Same as above, although he himself has had many of his mainline appearances on Nintendo platforms.
It literally became a Nintendo exclusive franchise like a year before she was added, you dumb fuckweasel.
See, he's the big anomaly. Unlike Cloud, whose game has been significant for decades, Joker is only getting in as the flavor of the moment choice for his series, plus he's had only one appearance on Nintendo before his arrival (Cloud at least has had FF and KH spinoffs on Nintendo).

Thank, user, really appreciate
your opinions. I've played Suidoken and it's a series that I really like.

You may imagine that not, but I'm not like the shitposters who infect Yea Forums all the time. I really come here to discuss games cause I believe that anonymity is able to bring the best and the worst of people, so we can at least take something useful without being blinded by the facades of the users. As for the games, I really enjoyed Xenoblade 1. Xeno 2 was not my cup of tea and I still need to play DQ11 :)


>flavour of the moment choice for his series
It makes much more sense to think it as a SMT candidate than a Persona candidate, since most of the characters in mainline games are obscure and they seemingly don't allow mascots (Jack Frost would've made such a better character)

Well honestly, that "platform loyalty" philosophy of theirs sucks, and it's something that Capcom, Square-Enix, Sega, and believe it or not, Konami have giving up over the few years, thanks to their support to multiplatform games, and PC releases.

I really hope that ridiculous "platform loyalty" of theirs dies a painful death, and start getting on the level of every Japanese company that are in fact with the times. Especially now that they're with Sega.

This ain't the fucking 80s anymore, Atlus. Nor the 90s!

>Owns a vita, switch AND 3ds, in case of extra bullshittery
All smiles here

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Well you asked me in the context of me criticizing the game in the OP, so I figured you'd want something to attack me on since ad hominem is hard to do when you haven't revealed something about yourself yet. Thats why I was wary
I appreciate your optimism though lol

Nice try, Epic won't allow any anime games on their store. The Windows 10 store, on the other hand...

>all of them
>only lists 3, 4, and 5

holy fuck Yea Forums is mentally disabled

And then Bloodborne

Attached: 1548080062277.png (313x388, 209K)

>h-h-he's an SMT rep I swear!!!!

Attached: Screenshot_20190322-123354_YouTube Vanced.jpg (2220x1080, 269K)

Persona Valentines

>the idea the game is for ps4 never sets in

Oh, didn't remember that. He's kind of a gimmick then, isn't he. What's with the agressive tone?

persona started at 3

if you idiots like persona so much why now just get a playstation

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It's because I really liked P5 and just wanted to hear a recommendation from someone who did not like it, that's all. Thanks!

They do. SMT5

It still wont be as funny as that Mystic fag imploding on twitter when the PS logo came up. People were actually so fucking mad, they were posting pictures of the logo and saying "fuck this fucking fuck shit!" Like they expected anything elss. Those are REAL fucking console warriors MAD that a game is getting more stuff on the platform they dont like. Even though it still might come to switch they were mad that PlayStation would also be involved.

Give me a good reason why this won't be the usual Atlus shit where they add a new endgame plus garbage girl and some new confidants

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Sakurai didn't choose the Fighter Pass characters. Nintendo did.

>Can't they release their fucking games on Switch?
They could but they won't. They have very strict rules over what goes into what company's console apparently.

>Got a ps3
>persona 3 4 and 5 on the same console.
I have no regrets

Based and redpilled taste

>on atlus official channel
>Ps logo iin beginning
>Its pc, vita, switch and xbox ports guys !!!!

When will the stream start?

Dhriwbdkw disjxkwnzjdidiwhxy4 udisjdjdjfjdhdhdhekscbnpapaozkxnapapapsndba jaizcjfjwoa2r9zx 110a9wws xh as oqkdj fees 1ttid

>PlayStation Channel
>tomb raider PS4 logo
>see, it’s ps4 only!!!!11
Just wait, nigger.

Because it's actually Persona 5 Racing

It's annoying because these same people don't care about SMT or Xenoblade. Why the fuck didn't they get a playstation to begin with if they want Persona much more than those?

Sorry. It's just... You have no goddamn idea how many other people have tried to spin him as an "overall SMT" rep. It gets irritating.

I do have to wonder, during Sakurai's interview about P5 after Joker's reveal, how often did SMT even come up?

Right. And Bayonetta won the ballot and Ridley is too big to be in Smash.

This. I got 3ds xl for smt iv/a and others andSwitch for smtv. People just are retarded
After newest ova airs

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Funny seeing the seethe that PS gets exclusives, but bring up switch games being ported and people rage saying you have to buy a switch.

Did you even readw hat I said? PS logo was on Atlus channel. And that teaser is not on other console cbannels

This is why everyone want Vita port to happen so we can play P1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on one console

>on atlus official
But glad you admit SMTV will be multiplat

>falls for my bait
I just want to stirr up shit

Of course they will show only the PS logo on their fucking channel you retard

The first one is already wrong so (maybe) it will be the second

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W-Where do you live? Wanna meet up from time to time to talk about Persona?


I see. Meet you here at 4!


It's a fighting game retards

>3 months of teasing for a fighting game

Atlus is retarded did you forget?

why are switchfags so desperate for atlus to announce p5 for switch?

Catherine is the last Atlus port to that shit. Book it.



Fuck off, you pleb.

They don't have any good JRPGs

Most popular version of SFII was Super on SNES

Not at all, it was true at the time. Resident Evil 4's original copies said "Only on Gamecube" as well.

I mean, yeah, they're retarded, but I think this would rather be announced during an ArkSys event rather than an Atlus one.
Not to mention, even someone really retarded would probably see how bad it would be to announce it now, considering ArkSys already got GBFV and KlK in the works.

SEETHING steamnigger

>not blurry enough
>no semen meter
are you even trying

Because it will happens and makes so(n)yboys fume

Catherine don't come to west because Atlus know it won't sell but that can't say the same to P5 cause literally 95% of Vita owner is P4G fanbase and they are main reason why Vita is still breathing

And when it doesn't, sitchnigs will fume and we get a shitpost pass for years to come.

See, either way a win

i always thought the FES meant For Everyone's Souls

i’ll put on my lacy unmentionables

Now that the thread is dying I'll leak that they won't show a platform again just the sony logo. This is because the upcoming games are for an unannounced sony hardware. Can you solved the riddle?

I honestly wish that Atlus would start publishing SMT and Persona games on other platforms, because then every game series I'm interested in can be played without owning the censorshi-, I mean Sony console.