Why are gamers outraged over Epic competing with Steam? Is that not an example of the free market you defend so much?
Why are gamers outraged over Epic competing with Steam? Is that not an example of the free market you defend so much?
>The Epic Games Store is unsecure and controlled by the Chinese
>disables antivirus to run cracked games
Most people don't care. But there's a vocal minority on Yea Forums who thinks Steam is "the good guy".
>m-muh botnet
>m-muh chinese
>m-muh spyware
Yeah, Steam is equally as bad.
Just buy your games at whichever SHOP sells them cheaper, you daft cunts.
>The epic store doesn’t have the features steam does, so I’m going to pirate the game, where there will be no steam features
>>The Epic Games Store is giving data to Chinese KGB
>proceeds to use Google and local ISP
they're both bad
One i do out my own will the other is done without me knowing, big difference there, still gotta thank Epic for sponsoring me to pirate their games.
>Free market
Go back to the hole you crawled out of. You shilling bugmen
> Brings consolized exclusivity cancer to PC.
> WhY R gAmeRs sO MaD OvER COMpeTIshun!?!?!?
You fucking infected us with this shit. We told you a thousand fucking times that exclusivity is fucking cancer but you didn't listen and now youve fucking infected us.
You fucking stupid pieces of shit are like fucking antivaxxers. Fuck you, you goddamn retards.
I sincerely fucking hope that if you've ever purchased a console you get fucking shot in the dick you stupid piece of shit.
I hate you so fucking much.
Epic lost their credibility when they dropped the new UT for some flash in the pan bullshit BR garbage that appealed to mentally deficient eight year olds.
Fuck off, Xi, we know it's you and we won't give you our data.
>EGS doesn't allow crappy games
I sort of feel sorry for that dev.
Eh, I pirate almost everything anyways
Based Marie.
That would be Steam, lol
Except nobody is competing, you brainlet.
>Competition would be releasing the game on both Epic and Steam, then consumers will decide which version they want more
>Epic is instead bribing developers with so much money that they're in the black even if their game sold zero copies
This is not competition, it's corporate wankery while the consumer is left to rot outside of the equation.
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Great Chinese Famine
Cultural Revolution
Winnie the Pooh
This right here.
Consoles are the downfall of gaming and introduced many scummy business practises over the time which slowly carry over to PC.
If indie devs are so concerned about their cut, why don't they just raise the price of their game on Steam to equal the numbers out?
Steam is a better store in terms of features and player communication, the Epic store sucks in comparison. We don't want to use a lesser service, they're forcing us because Steam is controlled by greedy motherfuckers....
Daily reminder that Epic Games completely locks you out of your account if you get banned in Fortnite.
I don't understand how people can defend epic giving bribes for devs to lock games on their own store.
Ubi/Origin/Battlenet all had games developed by their parent company or companies having games published by the parent company. With epic store it's not a case of that, it's a case of ''enticing'' developers to not distribute the game everywhere else, and even that, would not be so bad, but making a publisher change their mind 2 weeks before release? fuck that
Based and Trumpilled?
Caring about Epic's store means one of two things:
1. You're a paid Epic shill.
2. You're a dumb FartnutBR kid.
Either way, leave. One means you're a paid shill which is against the rules, and the other means you're underage which is also against the rules.
Steam is no better because it's bloated DRM botnet spyware, but the number of HEY GUYS EPIC STORE IS BEST threads on Yea Forums is just pathetic.
>if we annoy you with our endless repetition of the same template shill topics you're sure to use our shit right
Lol youre such a faggot and dont know how competition works
steam is fine you silly GoG shill
Why can you faggot stop making shitty thread like this?
I want to bury my face in Marie's pantyhose-clad legs.
Gonna borrow this image
>posts proof
>insect unable to understand it
>Steam is "the good guy".
But it's the truth. if not for steam, digital stores would never be so good with so much features.
If Epic store wasn't blatantly anti-consumer nobody would mind.
# Unreal Engine - Tracking and analytics domains. datarouter.ol.epicgames.com et.epicgames.com et2.epicgames.com udn.epicgames.com etsource.epicgames.com
Remember to block unreal engine in host file, so they can't steal your data
the egs launcher is buggy as fuck and tends to crash or make your system unstable.
>most people don't care
That's not proof of anything, you mongoloid.
Prove that getting banned in Fortnite locks out your EGS account or fuck off.
Steam feels more anti consumer to me to be honest
Id be fine with steam if they would bother with curating their fucking store not letting any shitty flash game on it
>>m-muh botnet
>>m-muh chinese
>>m-muh spyware
>Take legitimate concerns
>Put "muh" in front of it
some of us aren't ok with our personal data being stolen by chinks
I'm outraged over them bringing console exclusivity cancer to the PC
No, it doesn't. Haven't got a problem with it yet. If anything Steam has more stability problems at the moment.
The difference between consoles and this shit is that you don't need to drop $300+ bucks to access them. You just need another launcher. It sucks, but is a mere inconvenience compared to consolefagging.
what games is this actually relevant for? I still play ut99 sometimes
Most people in general barely care about pc to begin with why should they care about a store? Steam drone are gonna flood epic store once it closes down because there aint no integrity in these retards
But GOG has had exclusive games for years.
Steam gathers the same amount of user data. Go do some research before you believe in the shit you read up here posted by steamshills.
How many fucking times are you going to make this thread? Kill yourself.
And this is what happens once the insect is forced to go off-script.
>cuck platform thread 1047#
>All those places you can buy it from
>Can still only play it if you activate it on Steam
>Epic is the only place you can buy it
>Can only play it if you activate it on Epic
There's literally no difference, user. In both instances you're tired to a digital storefront application.
But steam = GOOD
epic = BAD
You're a fucking grass eating retard who doesn't understand competition. If the consumer has NO CHOICE, THERE IS NO COMPETITION.
Anything that uses unreal engine, the old unreal enjoys may not have telemetry but may as well block it anyway, serves no purpose other than stealing your shit.
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Great Chinese Famine
Cultural Revolution
Winnie the Pooh x2
Oh, ok then.
>Steam gathers the same amount of user data
Prove it.
Steam scans itself without asking? OH THE HORROR
> Apologetics
Fuck off retard. There is no difference whatsoever. Both are part of the slow encroachment of corruption onto capitalism that eventually spirals into full on corporatism that just because Dystiopianism a la idiocracy. I don't care how reasonable and nuanced you think you are, you're fucking wrong and fucking stupid which is why you're fucking wrong.
fuck off
china bad america good
It’s probably more of the fact that people don’t want a fragmented marketplace and don’t want to install 15 different pieces of software to allow them to play another 15 pieces of software. It’s like installing multiple operating systems just to play games that only work on that version. It’s possible, but quite annoying.
Based Marie Kondo.
Are you illiterate or just pretending to be retarded? It's right there if you would fucking read and not let all those english lessons go to waste for once.
No they haven't. Some developers have chosen to release their games only on GoG or Steam for convenience. Neither GoG nor Steram have never BRIBED a dev to ensure exclusivity.
# Steam Client domains. redirector.gvt1.com www.google-analytics.com crash.steampowered.com gds1.steampowered.com gds2.steampowered.com gds3.steampowered.com gds4.steampowered.com
The fact that you're paid to shill Epic store is one reason.
Steam is why PC games have been even able to be as successful as they have been in many cases.
>grass eating
Here's how you know these are actual Chinese shills sitting in China employed by tencent, pretending to be westerners
>Just buy your games at whichever SHOP sells them cheaper, you daft cunts.
Nah, I only buy my games at GoG now.
It’s like it’s the 3rd line or something. I’m half awake and taking a shit right now and I even understood it.
>post a random picture of who-knows-what
Show me your blocked EGS page, you fucking dimwit.
That's not what a bribe is.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
They are imposing an unnecessary inconvenience (and winnie the pooh brand spyware) for their own benefit. with no benefit for the consumer. why would anyone who isn't an Epic shareholder be happy about that?
inb4 deleted because it works
>blaming console players
No-one asked for exclusivity on PC, but that never stopped companies from
>You're an Epic shill because you're saying Epic is bad and it isn't competition
Are you a fucking retard?
>Just buy your games at whichever SHOP sells them cheaper, you daft cunts
The difference is that these days you can only buy games from shops that you have to have as room-mates in your own apartment, and I only have room for one (plus the new guy keeps looking through my laundry)
>it works
Sure, buddy. Be sure to post it more then.
>The account has been banned for misconduct in one of our games.
I know English probably isn't your first language but surely it can't be as hard as those moonrunes you use to communicate
>random picture of who-knows-what
So both. Good to know.
You're an epic shill because you accidentally let slip asian phrasings, no westerner uses the term "grass-eating", lmao
>people actually defend Steam
Lotta loyalty for a hired games!
>Definition of bribe (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb
> to influence the judgment or conduct of (someone) with or as if with offers of money or favor : to induce or influence by or as if by bribery
Ad hominem doesn't hide the fact you're a fucking retard who spouts propaganda without proof. You fit in with the rest of Valveshills perfectly.
>Why are gamers outraged over Epic competing with Steam?
> Is that not an example of the free market
But user, Epic is using monopoly like tactics so they don't have to compete in a free market.
As far as I know, Steam never paid publishers to sell their product in exclusivity. Epic is just buying products to screw the competence
> B-but Steam is a monopoly!
It is not.
Steam has competitors in the like Origins, Uplay, Bethesda.net, Battle.net and most consumer friendly, GOG.
And not just launchers, stores too. You can get keys from dozens of stores. and see different prices and sales.
For the Epic games, on the hand... Is Epic or nothing. No market, no competition.
But is not just that, you also have the fact that Epic is anticonsumer or not consumer friendly, at least. And of course, let's not forget that they bound to Tencent, which is responsible for making China into a bloody Orwellian nightmare.
I'm not defending Steam, I'm just saying Epic is worse. The fact that they need to buy exclusivity for some games highlights it.
>Influence someone's decision with massive swaths of money
>Not a bribe
Show a picture of a blocked EGS page. Is it too much to ask?
not him but 20 seconds in google reddit.com
>inb4 hurr iT dOeSnT cOuNt
who cares you got BTFO
Pretty sure I live in Bongland, and eating grass is fucking retarded, hence why I say you do it.
>I'm saying Epic is bad and not healthy
Thanks for proving the point further that you are, in fact, mentally handicapped.
>proves once again he's too stupid to read, let alone comprehend, simple words
Keep going, my sides thank you.
They took away the one game I still care about so it's a pirate's life for me
I'm sure you can do it faster next time tough.
reddit BTFOs your shill ass. imagine that
>Being this retarded
Go all the way back to the first post you replied to and click on that image.
If you're very observant you'll notice there are words on that image. If you're an advanced human lifeform you can then read those words and realise how stupid you look.
the only thing wrong is moneyhatting games for exclusivity. if that didn't happen and epic actually rubbed two braincells together to try beat steam at the feature level and using theirr money to instead offer games at cheaper prices none of these stupid threads would exist and you wouldn't have to sit around posting them everyday.
>it is true fellow westerner, that I, which again is not from the middle kingdom, uses the phrase "vegetable eater" as a pejorative, thus I have proved that even waitu piggus use such terms, of which I am one
chink actually bad my friend
Dude, I'm Asian and that isn't a phrasing anywhere.
Steam is better than the free market. Don't try fixing something that isn't broken.
That's not proof of it tough. Do you even know what you just posted?
Do you know what moving goalpost means? You won't scream your way out of this one.
Same. I was looking forward to and going to buy Phoenix Point. Not anymore though, fuck both the devs and Epic, pirating it is
>I want evidence!
>Have some evidence
>I want more evidence!
>Have some more evidence
Cope some more tiny man
You aren't even trying anymore Chang.
>Vegetable eater
No, grass eater. Because, you know, you'd have to be fucking retarded (like yourself) to eat a type of plant that provides humans with no nutritional benefits. Hence the statement.
>I am saying Epic is bad
You know your act is terrible when you have to actively defend your wording as "totally normal and natural".
How can someone be a shill for Epic when they've said from the start Epic is bad? Have you considered that you may possibly be retarded?
How could CONSOLES FUCKING DO THIS TO US!?! PC has only ever brought the GOOD STUFFS to gaming:
>paying for your internet twice.
>physical DLC.
>always online.
>paid betas.
USA - nation of people with mental illness. And they too attached to their big corporations.
It's not that I think Steam is good.
It's that I think Epic is bad.
Epic isn't trying to compete with Steam, they're trying to bribe developers into only selling on their platform thus forcing people to use their store.
>General directory servers
>Google analytics
>Redirect host
>Crash alert host
Do you really know anything about webservices?
there has not been one instance of evidence in this entire thread. The picture itself has a "The account owner requested that the account be disabled" line. We don't know why, what and where is it from.
It's not proving anything, but you retards jump on it like it's 100% genuine stigmata. As expected of Valveshills.
>Do you know what moving goalpost means
>moves it again
You most certainly don't. But keep trying brainlet. Maybe someone will fall for it.
You know you're retarded when you over-analyse an on-the-spot insult and completely miss the part where the person has been saying "Epic is bad" since the start of the thread.
>Why are gamers outraged over Epic competing with Steam? Is that not an example of the free market you defend so much?
It is the exclusive side of things. Since essentially people really dislike an extra step or two uneeded until now to do any sort of shit. Dont lie my man and you will agree with that about somethings in your life.
So people got used to a single platform essentially getting all people wanted big or small. But now with the epic store people will no longer have that convenience. So people do not like things taken away from , or at least in feeling that way, and hence people now needing to keep track of and manage logins and whatever the fuck the epic store adds alongside the steam one is just something many dislike.
Since many a nerdo feels the fact that something not up to par feature wise like steam losing out to shit they care about to another less up to par storefront is a hassle. A tiny ass fucking hassle but still a hassle. And so again shit until recently was mostly on a single place that was convenient to many now have lost that and all are all mad about losing said convenience
Is this the next epic Candlejack me-
>That evidence is not evidence because I say so
Sounds like a Chinese court
Steam killed PC gaming with its trash indie and early access bullshit. Epic sucks too.
PC games died in 2005.
>post evidence
>insect doesn't compute and has to ask for more
>gets multiple links proving it
>doesn't know what to do and starts REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing
kek, at least you're entertaining.
I saw faggots like you doing this last thread. Blatant Chink shills trying to make everybody paranoid by saying people who hate Epic are in fact shills pretending. Neck yourself.
Yet almost everything you posted had it's beginning on a console or mobile device.
It's not evidence, because it doesn't prove anything. But, please continue the ad hominem. I'm enjoying the level you Pcbros represent.
No it didn't. All that shit began on PC.
Why does this get deleted?
Chinks with Yea Forums passes complained to the jannies.
>The picture itself has a "The account owner requested that the account be disabled" line
>We don't know why, what, and where is it from
This fucking guy...
That picture is literally what you see if you try to access the EGS with a blocked account. Youknow, the magic "evidence" you've been asking for. Your reading comprehension is legitimately at the level of a 4 year old.
Because it's a retarded meme and brings literally nothing into the discussion.
>All that shit began on PC.
It didn't but I'm not suprised a joomer would know about it.
Because gookmoot is a chinese lapdog
Hiro moot needs his shekels.
>That picture is literally what you see if you try to access the EGS with a blocked account.
How do I know you're telling the truth? Can you find me a webm of someone trying to log in and this window popping up?
That can't be the reason because we've had trash console wars posts for over a decade. Try again.
Fuck off Chink.
Nobody else gets tired of having this conversation? It doesn't matter if you dislike Steam or GoG but if you support Epic then you're just a retarded shitstain, I don't even need to explain myself because chances are if you are a retarded shitstain epic shill then it would be like talking to a brick wall
How can I be a Chink if you're posted your epic Tiananmen Square Protests pasta?
Learn to read fucking idot. Almost all of it didn't began on pc. Paying double, p2w, skinnerboxes and physical dlcs ahd their origin on consoles and mobile devices. God, where do you illiterate retards that should be in school then wasting their life away on a basket weaving forum fucking come from.
>Paying for your internet twice
>Physical DLC
>Began on PC
Paying for your internet twice(like with Xbox live or PSN) was literally never a thing on PC. Paying a monthly subscription for an MMO is a completely different thing.
And PC basically went full-digital by the time DLC was becoming a thing. On-disc DLC is definitely a console thing.
>paying for your internet twice
Because tards have been sleeping with steam for around 15 years. For many PC gaming would not exist if it wasn't for steam.
They're sad creatures, pity them.
Yep, I miss true rpg's and point and click adventures the most.
>multiple links already posted that prove it
>t-t-they don't count because I don't like the site
You really need a new playbook, seeing how helplessly you flail around once you have to go off script.
What everyone's been sleeping with steam cuz it's fun and she sells it for cheap meanwhile an epic I have to sit down I have to pee I have to wait I have to eat I can't just buy it and then go I have to buy it and let them collect my data not fun plus team has more games than Epic and I mean you could critique cat games or whatever you want but that's still playing the game maker in front of their own steam own personal boundaries which is good
B-but Steam is the good guy here. Don't you remember how they've bravely tried to push paid mods down our throats? How they literally had to go to court to enable basic customer rights (refunds)? Gaben can't do anything wrong, even though he hasn't made a game in 10 years which wouldn't be a complete failure.
Are you actually browsing the titles like a retard?
Your "proof" is linking someone else who says "it's true", which isn't proof. I'm sure even a retarded person like you will understand it one day.
True RPGs I got a game just for you it might just be the most popular game in this genre
It did. Literally everything there began on PC. PC patented everything from skinnerboxes, to paying for your internet twice, always online, and pay-to-win with MMOs in the 90s. Lootboxes, physical DLC packs started with WoW in 2005. Cosmetics sale started Paid betas started with Steam. Streamed eSports started with arena FPS. Anything to add?
Literally everything there
Because people are retarded and feel a sense of loyalty through buyer's remorse and s
Stockholm syndrome.
Do you remember when you owned the games you played? Most underage zoomers don't know better, and scoff at good alternatives like gog.com because they have spend thousands of dollars into Valve's shit.
I just wish the games as a service model would implode. All of gaming's cancers gone in just one swoop.
>paying for your internet twice
What the fuck are you even babbling about?
I only remember how they pushed Steam on all Counter-Strike players by buying and closing WON. Truly the good goys.
People are outraged because Epic is consuming on the producer side of things, which means fucking over the consumer. For now it's merely by narrowing their choice of platform for certain games, but if Epic's gambit were a success and they somehow supplanted Steam, now you have a platform that's totally stripped the consumer of any voice. No ratings, no tagging, no feedback forums, etc. All of these are things the supply side wants dead because publishers and bad game devs loathe nothing more than criticism of any kind.
I'm also just going to note that low cut they're taking now is unsustainable, by their own admission even, IIRC.
But yeah, TL;DR competition on the supply side is bad for the consumer and bad for competing platforms. Generally when people speak of the merit of competition in retail, they mean competition for consumers.
The poster in this picture is fucking delusional if they thing developers are gonna lower new game prices to $50 when they know they can get away with charging $60. This is by far the most retarded argument in favor of Epic I've seen so far.
Why don't zoomers know anything?
If it's Skyrim then no thanks.
Are you retarded? Am MMO sub means you pay to use your own internet for (((sever access fees)))
2005 WoW
>physical DLC
I don't... even. What the fuck is your damage? If you're talking about buying expansion packs that's not "physical DLC" and it's so much older than WoW you retarded zoomer. Also WoW didn't even have microtransactions, how could they possibly have lootboxes?
I don't need another launcher@service on my PC and Epic is only making Steam worse by buying exclusive rights to distribute some games and (presumably) stressing out shareholders so they force shit decisions like resent redesign.
What are you talking about you fucking mongoloid, there isnt "consolized exclusivity" between launchers, no-one is forcing you to choose just one, you guys are just a bunch of crybabies
That's literally nothing like "paying for your internet twice"
just dont cheat in videogames fucking retard, you cant get banned for saying the n word on Fortnite because there isnt a game chat
Except that's totally different from XLive and PSN. With those you have to pay a fee to do literally anything online. That's paying for your internet twice.
With MMO subs you pay a monthly fee to play a specific game. Server fees are a relatively small part of it but MMOs are constantly adding new content and that costs money to develop. That's why they need an ongoing business model, subscription fees provided that without the exploitative bullshit that micro-transactions are.
They are forcing you to install their cancerous shit on your computer, though, eating up both RAM and HDD-space for literally no benefit
>keeps going just to prove again how braindead retarded he is
WoW card game was the first form of lootboxes and "amiibo-like" physical DLC packs. It was released in 2006.
>bribe developers to exclusively sell on your store
>this is competition
Even after all these years consolefags still exist on Yea Forums?
Jesus Christ.
I'm down with Steam because I don't want to lose my library or use more launchers. Valve are not the good guys, they are lazy fucks disconnected from their client base. Epic, on the other hand, are aggressive faggots that care not for their client base.
None of that matters. You're still paying to use your own internet. The service has changed but the origin hasn't.
Just like Steam? Do you know that you dont actually OWN Steam games right?
>People are outraged because Epic is consuming on the producer side of things, which means fucking over the consumer.
That exactly the short-sightedness I expect from Yea Forums. Let me explain it to you.
If a distribution platform fucks over publishers and devs, they don't just quietly nod without doing anything. They want to make up the lost money by shitting out bad practices like tons of DLCs, season passes, pre-order bonuses, early accesses and such. I'm sure Valve had a huge role to play in creation of the current Jew-oriented state of vidya industry.
If an electric company rises their prices or the oil prices go up it's ALWAYS the end customer who pays the price, not the companies who make products.
>steam gathers my friendslist from steam
>steam gathers my login credentials for steam
I guess they don't teach logic in bugmanland, would cause you all to actually question things
Why do joomers pretend to know shit about something when they clearly don't?
I'm 30, Chang
I already answered these:
Anything else zoom-zoom?
The WoW card game was a physical TCG you braindead retard.
Steam has still NEVER EVER bribed a dev to exclusively sell their game on their Store. I could buy any game that's on Steam on any other platform that the dev has FREELY CHOSEN to sell it on
>gets called out for being a joomer
>immediately proves it
iirc valve isn't traded publicly so the only real shareholders are upper management
This, if a game you want is only on steam, then you should ask the devs or publishers to put them on other stores.
Already answered them:
Anything else, brainlet?
So... like Battle.net, Uplay, Origin and the like?
Oh, I'm sorry. I meant to say:
The lootbox portion was tied to the MMO. People bought entire cases looking for spectral tigers you fucking mong. You wouldn't know because you weren't there, but I literally worked in a singles shop.and dealt with it first hand.
You don't own any game, even physical copies.
I'm all in favour of defending steam, they've made some good decisions like deciding not to deplatform in the past and instead letting users decide what they see. But that doesn't mean I'm going to grill epic launcher just because it wants to compete, let it. It'll eventually follow the same paths as steam in an attempt to compete.
I answered that too.
I've backed up every single statement. Anything else?
I guess I'll ask. Which ones are joomers? It's getting hard to keep up with all these rhyming age demographics.
>Just buy your games at whichever SHOP sells them cheaper, you daft cunts.
That's Steam you stupid fucking weaboo.
>Battle.net, Uplay
Oh my, what a retard you are.
>Anything that requires additional fees online is "paying for your internet twice"
Yes, definitely. Everything online should be totally free. Being forced to pay additional fees to do anything online is "paying for your internet twice". Being forced to pay to access a specific game is not. You can still do whatever the fuck else you want to with your connection.
Is joomer a Chinese thing or what?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Yeah, just don't let the fact that the TCG was physical and played with cardboard cards stop you from claiming it was PC games that introduced lootboxes and physical DLC in games.
Fucking brainlet.
Google the error code you faggot
There are lots of people who get randomly banned for killing the streamers and dabbing on them or banned for some other reasons.
They can't access their games anymore
Is it so fucking hard to understand?
It's similar to Guailo, used as a derogatory for people that aim to prevent Chinese domination
It's people born immediately after the Great Cultural Revolution
Fuck off Sony cuck and stop giving your opinion on PC gaming.
Exclusives are fine if they're actually funding a game that would not otherwise exist.
Not just buying up existing games and locking them behind your shitty storefront.
You're retarded. Valve has nothing to do with the rise of DLC, season passes, etc. First of all, DLC has always been around in the form of expansion packs for PC games, long before Steam even existed.
Second, Steam takes no more of a cut than any of the console manufacturers do to publish on their systems. They're not fucking over publishers and developers, and painting it that way is incredibly disingenuous. ~30% of your sales is a perfectly reasonable price to pay to sell your game on a paltform that's willing to host, distribute, and manage the sales of your games for you. I guarantee you just as much if not more went into doing all that physically with their own resources back in the day.
Third, you completely ignored the last part of my post, retard. Yes, producers will inevitably pass cost down to the consumer, but they very rarely pass their savings down once those costs go down again. No business in their right mind is gonna reduce prices if the current prices sell just as well. We've opened pandora's box on $60 pricetags, DLC, microtransactions, etc. There's no going back and Valve has nothing to do with that.
And again, Steam isn't fucking over anyone, publishers are just being greedy shits and bad indie devs are being salty that they can't market their shitty games to save their lives.
I was promised a game releasing on steam and gog, i got the game releasing on epic then having a one year of waiting before its out in the promised places. If that's not anti-consumer then i dont know what is.
>Everything online should be totally free
You paid for the fucking game already you retarded shill. You can't access the game you paid for with your connection, which is exactly like console sub.
I'm a piece of shit and the only reason I don't want Steam to have competition is that I already spent over $3000 on my steam library over the past 10 years.
I don't want to move to another store after I've dedicated so much to this one, and the idea of Steam going down after another company comes in really scares me.
That is literally their strategy user.
>use the same arguments over and over.
>fatigue sets in for the regulars and they stop arguing back as hard, devolves into uninformative 'fuck off' posts.
>newfags visit thread for the first time and see the shill's argument almost completely uncontested.
If you're getting tired, just make a simple informative pasta or image that you can dump in a thread without actually engaging them.
shoo shoo insectoid chinks
oh i am laffin
There's a huge difference between selling your own first party games on your own platform and bribing third party developers to NOT sell their game on other platforms.
Because AVs are getting paid sometimes to detect cracked bins :^)
But usually nothing happens
Yes user, paying $40 should give you access to 15 years of ongoing content and server maintenance, fucking greedy ass devs, right?
This is totally comparable to having to pay fees to play games which rarely get patched and when they do it's just a few bugfixes or paid DLC. And a year later you have to pay $60 for the next iteration of the game.
>Valve has nothing to do with the rise of DLC, season passes, etc. First of all, DLC has always been around in the form of expansion packs for PC games, long before Steam even existed.
You're the retard here. It has everything to do with the establishment of the Games as a Service model. Yeah, expansion packs existed long before Valve opened Steam, but you used to own your games. Forever. Steam has contributed to the normalization of shady business practices in the industry through digital distribution.
Digital distribution as STEAM sells it is a cancer that needs to die. Along with Origin, the Epic Store and every other digital distributor that doesn't let you OWN what you purchase. Fuck them.
Nobody played the card game at all. You weren't born then and don't remember. People would just crack packs looking for videogame DLC and give the CCG cards away. The game had 19 mainline sets over 9 years, but only had tournament support for a few years—this is because nobody gave a fuck about anything but WoW mounts.
The WoW CCG was the first real lootbox system, the first real cross-promotion buy-in system, and the first physical DLC packet system unless you wanted to count something like Barcode Battler.
>people defended this faggot
>people still defend this faggot
>someone will quote this post with a meme non-argument to defend this faggot and then pat themselves on the ass for it
Nobody actually cares about it.
It's the same back when Battlefield 3/4 didn't come to Steam despite BadCompany and it's Vietnam DLC being still available.
It's people being outraged by the media and Epic Games uses it as PR, very successfully because sheep will be sheep.
It's non-issue, if it will fail it will fail and people getting mad over it is just the outrage culture.
epic will literally steal your email
2 of mine got stolen
1 was only connected to epic games store
this happen to anyone else here?
I dont care about epic competing with steam. I care that they are aggressively pursuing exclusivity.
>actually wanting DRM
People tolerate Steam. Only dumbos like that shit. I don't want two fucking Steams on my computer.
Competition is lowering prices to benefit the customer. Paying producers to only use your storefront isn't really competition that benefits us. I know Epic wants to get an install base but this shit blows. I'm still pissed that I bought the Orange Box and had to use Steam to play the games; that's the only reason I even started using this fucking program.
Your cognitive dissonance is showing.
MMOs release shit in expansions which they charge full price for user. Why should people be forced to pay some bullshit service fee after they've paid Devs for every piece of content?
I know you don't like it, but these services are basically the same corporate greed and MMOs set the trend when you faggots were willing to slurp down skinnerbox trash for 10$ a month.
it is the free market it's just pc gamers are so used to taking gabens cock they don't want nothing else.
Epic Store is anti consumer, with shitty security, shitty business practices and sold out to Chinese. But at least they pay companies if their games sell below an expected amount so I'll be pirating all games that go on Epic.
if epic spark joy, then go for it
>Heh, I'm so glad I joined the master race. No longer shall I quarrel with the peasents over frivolous things such as "console wars" yeeeugh
>Also regularly participates in platform war threads, OS war threads, Mac threads, etc.
Why does Epic even need to bribe for an install base? Isn't Fortnight huge?
>free market
>limited to two (2) stores
>meanwhile you can get keys for steam, uplay, r* social club, origin, and gog from dozens up dozens of stores each with their own sales and deals
uplay alone has 90 stores worldwide to get keys from
are pc nigs this retarded, cs-go a fucking PC GAME is responsible for the hype of loot boxes, not to mention free to play but no blame muh consoles cause they cant cope
It was, but Apex is the new meme at the moment. I haven't heard much about Fortnite for a while.
Because Fortnight gamers only play fortnite. To actually get an audience they need other games.
>cs-go a fucking PC GAME is responsible for the hype of loot boxes
>le reaction reply with no retort because he can't think of anything
pcfags everyone
>it has everything to do with it
>except the very beginning that kicked it all of
He fucked up. Lootboxes go back to WoW in 2006.
How is he wrong?
csgo became free to play last year. long after the loot box boom
consolefags everyone.
An inferior service is using bribes to increase its amount of exclusives. Its seen as unethical and allowing a service that doesn't offer as much the only option for some games sucks ass. Epic is wildly spending and continuing the service may eventually face cutbacks that can affect service quality and possibly download speeds suffering.
On the other hand: It may lead to indies and other games being funded and allowed to finish instead of being released half ass. It may also lead to steam improving its rates for game companies so fewer companies will make their own launcher in the future.
After that there's Maple Story too. CSGO came later.
>Lootboxes go back to WoW in 2006.
Sure thing samefag. They didn't but I doubt a loomer would be able to simply google and educate himself so keep on believing wahtever you need to tell yourself to fall asleep.
Steam isn't perfect but I won't give epic a handjob for existing especially since the superior GoG exists.
the free market is for fags, give me $1000
>works for me :^)
Sure, I agree that digital distribution is cancer. But you don't know what "games as a service" means, it has nothing to do with Steam. You're conflating that with the old quote from Gabe about Steam as a service, aren't you? That's okay, I'll spoonfeed you. "Games as a service" simply refers to the continued monetization of a video game long after the initial release/purchase. In other words, microtransactions, usually. Which were pioneered and normalized by Korean MMOs, not Steam.
Digital distribution is shit, but Steam by far does it the best. They have better prices and treat their customers better than any of their competition, on top of giving customers an avenue to voice their feedback to developers. Maybe if other storefronts courted the consumer this much, they'd get big, too. Oh, wait, publishers don't want to court the consumer, they just want us to pay up for whatever they serve us without any complaint.
Fuck off with your misdirection. Nothing you've said dispels my initial point that Epic and their supply-side competition is anti-consumer as hell.
Hurr most people don't care about games either. Dumb fuck stop making worthless posts
Uh, I think you're forgetting about TF2. Which makes me sad.
why are you so obsessed with the concept of owning some digital data anyway?
>hurr steam go under me lose game
yeah because that wipes it off the internet for eternity?
>GoG and Origin make you use Steam
>Steam buys exclusive rights
Okay, Chang
>they didn't
>u..use google
them post some sources you dumb nig or get the fuck out it's past your bedtime
>Why are gamers outraged over Epic competing with Steam?
we are not, we are outraged about epic being a trojan and doing anti-consumer exclusive bullshit.
your post is strawman and gay.
womanlets give birth to manlets
The hype of loot boxes started with Overwatch actually. TF2 crates and CSGO boxes existed for years before it but they barely spread out and didn't use the term lootbox.
Cue Overwatch and almost immediately afterwards every AAA dev adds these "loot boxes" as well.
>free games are bad
name 1 (uno) game that is legally bound to be featured exclusively on steam and nowhere else
Oh really, Steam scans itself?
What a fucking revelation.
Jesus Christ, Epic shills are retarded.
>china bad
>google analytics
I mean I know bugmen are retarded but this shit gotta be a bait. good one 10/10.
also this doesn't prove anything.
Here you go zoomie. Here's your unspoiled CCG card mount lmfao
I would say you're close but it really did blow up with csgo overwatch came out in early 2016 but youtubers and twitch streamers would pull in millions of views from cosgo around 2015-2016
>china bad america good
this is unironically true. lived in USA for couple of months and it was fucking great.
They usually are. Name a good one that isn't some shitty braindead grind fest.
Because the logical conclusion to Epic's practices is that a worse version of the console wars are brought over to the PC market and absolutely nobody wants that.
I want to fucking murder the guy from the second pic. he's the embodiment of being a beta cuck.
That's not disproving anything I said loomer. Not that you'd be able to understand it as you've made it quite clear that even a toddler is mentally above you.
>"Hey here's a hundred thousand dollars, don't put your product on our competitors store"
Poor sportsmanship at best
>Just buy your games at whichever SHOP sells them cheaper, you daft cunts.
Your entire post is retarded but this takes the cake, have you ever even used steam? have you seen the steam sales? it's almost always cheaper
Fucking retard
where I was most people were white and the 'spics' and 'niggers' I met were actually pretty nice and chill
>Why are gamers outraged over Epic competing with Steam
Are these threads made by epic shills? Cause this is exactly the kind of thread I'd make if I were a filthy shill; just let the other side make fools of themselves while the lurkers watch and judge.
>Competition is bringing console exclusive cancer to pc, a platform that was all about choice
Go back to bed, ming
Apex is dead rest in piss stop dreaming brainlet
Because its inconvenient, but I understand why everyone is ready to jump ship from steam, the reason why steam became the darling of the digital distribution market in the first place was because it had all the games, and every developer found that just selling valve licences to distribute on their platform is extremely lucritive, even if valve is getting most of the profit, and indie devs got a ton of extra exposure thanks to steam's market place.
But then Early Access, Unity asset flips and other shit started to flood the market place and Valve decided not to curate the content that gets added to the store, not understanding that is exactly why Atari crashed in the 80s, too much shit in the market place makes people lose interest in your store front. On top of this, valve's cut is too high these days for what you get out of steam as a distribution service, valve used to get you a ton of sales, now, you're lucky if you're getting sales even during a promoted steam sale, and at that point your cut is so small its almost not worth it.
Meanwhile epic is willing to PAY people for good games on their store at the moment, and the market place on Epic Store isn't flooded with shit that takes away exposure to your games, so as a developer who actually gives a fuck about their games, Epic Store isn't a bad option in the short term, which is why we're seeing everyone signing the year exclusivity deals.
As a consumer, yeah, it sucks, but as someone who's used steam since it came out, Steam is fucking archaic, and has been shit these past few years
Also Steam does everything fucking Epic Store does, its DRM, its analytic farming, its just as much spyware as Epic Store, the difference is one is essentially owned by Tencent, and the other by a private Washington state based company.
>all these fuckheads not realizing it's just pushing away people to pirate the fuck out of their shit because of pushing spyware
99% of all free games are whale games, very few of them are actually good without sacraficing game development for cash shop shit.
Enraged customers are part of free market too.
not true but even whale games aren't inheritable bad, as long as it's not pay to win. take path of exile for example it's a great game despite their business model relaying on whales to buy cosmetics
Steam scan your computer if you opt for the hardware survey. It's like penis inspection day. Meanwhile on Epic Store
wh-what's going on here
Yeah but for every path you have a billion games that are shit, and POE's model is based on cosmetics, but they still have gameplay driven cosmetics that IMO are better then the store bought ones, and they don't sacrafice gameplay development for cosmetic development, most cosmetics are just made from assets that they add into the game as regular NPC models attacks, ect.
steam: can we check your hardware for a survey?
user: no
steam: ok thanks anyway
epic: *steal your private files without asking to get edge on competition*
epic: also you must use us because we paid off some devs to only publish the games on out platform instead of providing a better service
fuck epic.
>theres no difference between 1 and 10 companies spying on you
What are they doing with this info?
Like lets say they scanned my pc.
>hmmmmm this guy likes card games
>he goes to /fit/ fat people threads
>he occasionally jerks off to hentai but prefers 3d milfs with big tits
>hmmmm he listened to jojo opening on repeat for 3 hours while fighting virgil in dmc5
Like, who needs this info?
Chink government
Steam get 0 (zero) cut if the key is bought outside their store.
>we also raise the price for you with no regional pricing and pushing the transaction fees onto you
Yeah fuck the chinks, Nanjing was justified and Mcarthur was a fucking dildo but he should have been allowed to go full nuclear on the chink insects
fuck. and worst part he's probably rich thanks to that. world ain't fair man.
Yea Forums has been so conditioned into being battered wives that they unironically think Steam is still good
I don't think there would be anywhere near the shitstorm if Epic wasn't paying devs to pull some slimey ass shit like what the Outer Dogshit devs are doing, didn't have literal botnet running the background while the launcher is up, and wasn't ran by a chink company with close ties to the chink government.
Not good. Better.
wait what?? I knew they were stealing files but wtf this shit with dlls they change? it's a legit trojan not just stealing some info.
fuck China and epic
Vote with your wallet.
If you don't think it's a big deal that's fine.
If you do think it's a big deal that's fine.
Companies care about ROI.
If Epic keeps paying for exclusives and it doesn't make them the money they wanted the pattern will stop.
If it does work and exclusives keep happening, steam will step up their game and we have competition.
If any of you cared about the PC space you would be buying your games on GOG instead of steam when it's available but I know most of you don't.
So I doubt you really care about PC, you're just loyalists.
Lots of advertisers or other data aggregates use it. Mostly for marketing. It's like a census on steroids.
steam are pretty ok, and at least they are not a spyware that pay off devs for exclusiveness.
You're either retarded or a blatant shill. Hard to tell these days.
All the shit about the oversaturation is shitty games on Steam is overblown. Yes, there's a metric ton of them, yes they're really low effort shit, and yes they helped crashed the industry back in the 80s. But it's not the 80s anymore, the same conditions don't apply here.
First of all, back in the 80s the average consumer had no way of discerning the quality of a game before buying it. Magazines don't necessarily count, because the majority of consumers aren't gonna be paying extra for a magazine subscription just to tell them which games are any good. Steam, on the other hand, has user ratings to immediately tell you what the rest of the userbase thinks, on top of screenshots and videos of the game proper. Sure, some hack devs will incentivize undeserved positive reviews with free steam keys, but you can still see with your eyes how much of a piece of shit it is and people burned by these will quickly rate them down to warn others.
Second, and I know this has been meme'd to death, but ET deserves a huge chunk of credit here. It wasn't just that there was a ton of low effort trash, it's that one of the most heavily marketed and anticipated games of that year turned out to be trash. Nowadays if something is going to be THAT bad, it'll be telegraphed from a mile away as it'll show through pre-release footage and what-not. Most people can tell whether or not they'll enjoy a game by watching it, generally. The modern industry has had its fair share of blunders, but nothing on the level of ET. Besides, you can't return video games you've played anymore.
>Steam is fucking archaic
As a console refugee I can attest that it's better than any of the big three's digital storefronts, while epic's is significantly worse. Just because it looks cleaner doesn't make it better. Modern web design is shit, anyways, everyone would rather their layout be clean than accessible, it's fucking garbage.
We're already voting with our wallet, numbnuts. You think the people really bitching about Epic are actually paying them too? What kind of statement is this?
How does someone live with themselves while doing this inane, embarrassing shit?
Maybe they don't have shame.
I'm just saying the market forces will take effect sooner or later.
Epic has money to burn right now, but if a pattern of these exclusive purchases emerges where it doesn't make sense anymore they just won't do it.
Not that guy, can anyone name like 5-10 games that are on steam and that can alsobe bought for other launchers (not gog)?
My memory is shit and I can only recall Dead Space and Bad Company 2 as of now.
his parents must feel the same kind of shame that parents of porn stars feel
the guy makes six figures by doing this stupid shit
Can we please ban all these chinese bots that work for tencent? it's against the rules
Why does GoG not count? Also for the launcher does not mean it is exclusively available on that launcher.
That could take years, if Fortnite continues to be as profitable as it's been. A determined party just needs to throw money at their platform until it sticks. That was literally Microsoft's strategy for making Xbox gain a foothold in the console market.
fucking spider nigger poster, get lynched.
That's literally the argument you gave me.
>it doesn't work properly
>works fine for me
>"works fine for me :^)"
The Year 2026
After the success of Epic game store, Epic has bought out a declining EA. The same year Tencent through shear buying power and Corperate espionage Tencent has become majority share holder of Disney. Now almost all US media has to conform to Chinese standards. Later in the year the North Koreans cross the DMZ and Chinese boots land on Taiwan. The US sits back helpless as its Pacific Empire is swept from under it. The US unable to fight back least they risk economic collapse by the Chinese government and their bought American companies. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand can do nothing or risk their housing markets from all the Chinese investment. The Chinese plan was well thought out and executed, using the West' s own economic system against them to usher in the Chinese century now made reality.
>have you seen the steam sales? it's almost always cheaper
I have and if you buy something full priced on Steam, you're retarded. Steam sales bring it down to competetive level with other shops. Not even mentioning grey markets.
This, Steam's fees are passed on to the consumer. 30% of the price every game paid to secure updates and see paid for specials of the week.
I'm not saying GoG doesn't count, I'm just curious. For the most part GoG is filled with indies after all.
this is a legit possible and scary scenario, thanks to cucks agreeing to epic and other Chinese scum bullshit.
>implying devs will sell games cheaper if they'll have a bigger cut
Ebin. It's all greed, they don't give a fuck and will still sell them for $60.
>That was literally Microsoft's strategy for making Xbox gain a foothold in the console market.
and look how that turned out.
>ebin literally buys exclusivity
>Just buy your games at whichever SHOP sells them cheaper, you daft cunts.
Apply yourself
>kick a well known streamers ass in fortnite
>they get you banned because there's no way you could lose
>permanently blocked from the epic game store
>literally every website on the fucking planet you visit uses google analytics
They were ahead of Playstation until they squandered their foothold chasing the Wii and making an underpowered spybox. And they still did irreparable damage to the industry as a whole on their way in and out.
So yes, Epic could fail miserably if they go full retard and squander their footing, but regardless they're going to damage the industry while they're here thanks to their pro-publisher, anti-consumer practices.
People were always
>yeah I'm all for a free market let people compete!
But really it comes down to
streamers were a mistake
>FagmiralBarfroo emote
Kill yourself nigger
What they want you to think
What actually bothers them
>No memes
>No inventory
Don't trust Steamfags
I don't feel like explaining economy, but Steam also "buys" exclusivity, by being a monopoly. Developers didn't have a chance for their games to reach a wider audience without sucking Gaben's dick. Until now I mean.
The vast majority of titles on Steam aren't available anywhere else. That's what I would call 'exclusivity'. You can call it a " dev/publisher choice", but I call it "not having one".
No one is defending STEAMs faults, but people don't like epics bullshit. The people shilling EGS are just contrarians who want a reaction because unless you're a bugman there is nothing it offers steam doesn't do better for the CONSUMER. The devs get more money from EGS, the consumer gets 100x more content on steam. We're seeing right now how greedy game companies are. I'd write more but no one would read.
>What they want you to think
but these are all validated facts.
>thinking people aren't worried about china
>thinking people aren't worried about botnet
>thinking people aren't worried about spyware
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Great Chinese Famine
Cultural Revolution
Winnie the Pooh
How many does Vavle/Steam fulfill again?
This. It's just mutts and NSA-bots chimping out.
>but Steam also "buys" exclusivity
that doesn't change your idiotic post though. You can't buy it from the shop that sells it cheaper if it's not ON other shops, you numskull.
>The vast majority of titles on Steam aren't available anywhere else
Show me 3 that aren't valve properties IE; CS:GO, TF2, L4D.
Here we go again, how do you people ever expect to be taken seriously when you parrot words used by other retards that have no understanding of the word?
>The vast majority of titles on Steam aren't available anywhere else.
Name 1 (uno) game that is legally bound to be featured exclusively on steam and nowhere else.
Steam is the easiest place to get shit published. Otherwise their games either wouldn't be released outside of their own site where nobody would see it. Postal 2 and many other good games were part of Greenlight yet greenlight also had a ton of shovelware too.
Half-Life 2
>Valve legally prohibits themselves from publishing their game on other stores
Fucking retard.
Try again
Wrong. Valve could distribute it anywhere if they wanted to.
uh uh uh
They're not "competing" in a way that's relevant to the consumer, you drooling chinksect. There's absolutely no added value for the consumer in the Epic store, Epic themselves acknowledge it by outright paying developers for exclusivity, as opposed to offering consumers and developers a better platform for games and letting them flock to it, naturally.
You'd have to be a clueless retard to believe that Epic opening a digital store makes them some kind of a paragon of consumers and developers.
>he thinks console exclusivity is coming to PC
>own steam and x amount of games
>in 10 years EGS releases a game actually worth playing
>no torrent available
>click "download EGS" and then play the game
>steam is still on my computer with 30 years worth of games on it
>Having a monopoly is better than/different from having 'exclusivity'
Who actually thinks like this?
All recent ubisoft games, moron
Doing good so far
>there have been over 30 EGS shill threads
>some people still dont understand what a monopoly is
steam is not a monopoly and its pretty scary that people still dont know why
the image explaining it perfectly is literally in this thread
That's a shitty example because you install ubisoft launcher regardless, retard.
You play yugioh?
not him, why does that make it a shitty example?
installing something is not exactly challenging or inconvinient
if there was an epic game worth playing (and they didnt crawl through my data) i would install it pre-emptively
Why doesn't Steam just improve the publisher's share in response? It would be an instant game over, I don't think they even need to match Epic's 12% cut, even going down to 20% would be a gamebreaking considering Steam's reach.
Getting almost a third of an income from the game is honestly ridiculous and I can hardly blame the publishers for looking for alternatives desu, even if I'd rather pirate their games than install chink botnet instead.
Blatant anti-consumer practices are not competing.
dota 2
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-EIGHTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.
Why has no publisher changed to Epic organically then?
>Getting almost a third of an income from the game is honestly ridiculous
How much do you think distribution costs?
Because technically speaking those game aren't on steam, you can't play them using steam only. You can buy and download them from steam, but you won't be able to play them if you don't install ubisoft launcher.
Meanwhile, you can buy, download, and play them using only ubisoft launcher.
mate the fucking spyware
>Id be fine with steam if they would bother with curating their fucking store not letting any shitty flash game on it
How is that even anti-consumer? If anything it's pro, shit quality selection or otherwise.
Because that 12% cut is not feasible in the long run, and means Valve would have to cut the regional pricing which directly kills their cheap prices in Eastern Euro countries.
>I don't feel like explaining economy
>but Steam also "buys" exclusivity, by being a monopoly.
Of course you don't feel like explaining economy because you don't know dick about it.
I'd do just that but Epic keeps throwing money around and making their shop the only one with the game. Drink bleach dumb anime poster.
huh? you still havent made a point you know
love the escalator thrown in
people really need to stop falling for these bait threads. Anybody shilling for Epic is just baiting. Epic got absolutely nothing going for it but moneyhatting devs for exclusivity.
There's plenty of games that EGS shares with other storefronts though?
They're paying off certain publishers for exclusivity because otherwise there'd no reason for them to limit their product's visibility.
>only steam key
Such as? The ones they paid to give away for free for?
>Is that not an example of the free market you defend so much?
Free market is buying one console and being able to play all the games. Thats pro consumer heaven where you pick a console based on features and service that appeals to you the most.
What epic is doing is the retarded console peasantry we have now:
Want to play games? Too bad, buy 3 consoles and pay for internet twice for each of them.
Exclusivity is cancer and only benefits the service supplier not the customer.
I'll rephrase my initial question so that it's easier to understand for people who have issues with logic.
Can anyone name like 5-10 games that are on steam (meaning that you can buy, download and use them to full extent without the need to download other launchers) and that can also be bought, downloaded, and used to full extent for other launchers (not gog)?
Such as Axiom Verge, available literally everywhere.
I always used to say Valve needs competition to get off their asses, but I absolutely despise the way EPIC is doing it. Them being financed by the chinks doesn´t help, either. I don´t even want their free games.
>The existence of GOG automatically destroys any argument I might have so I'm going to arbitrarily disqualify it.
Olympic level mental gymnastics.
Just like how digital releases are cheaper than retail since you don't have to deal with retail.
Yeah, so the ones they paid for to give out for free.
Thing is, if Steam/Valve dont get off their asses and start doing something again they will be left behind. Epic is barebones right now, where will they be in a year? As a decade and a half Steam user I hardly use it anymore. Nothing to buy on their sales. Epic on the other hands have some interesting titles coming and will get more. Steam is in trouble here...
Chinks bribing developers so they can spy on their customers, and the devs are equally at fault whether they claim ignorance or not.
i despise epic because they are just using brute force methods to get a userbase rather than actually taking the time to make a good platform for consumers thats feature rich
For a board which is butthurt everytime someone brings politics into video games:
>I don´t even want their free games.
you sure are bringing politics into video games.
>can anyon mention 26 games that are on Steam that is also possible to buy on other stores (except the ones that also sell it)?
>feature rich
you mean bloat?
Did you take the wrong happy pill this morning?
God damnit, user.
I'm not arguing here. To make it more clear, I'm actually against epic here.
When I was asking this question, I was simply curious, and partly was hoping to get more examples of solid games which can be bought and used on steam AND other platforms, so that I can present these games to epic shills later. I even named Dead Space and Bad Company 2 from origin. AFAIK, Skyrim also must be the case. Idiot weeb.
Excuse me user but you look like stupid as the shit.
The problem isn't that torrents arn't aviable, even because lmao 3 days and metro is cracked, problem is i have to let someone to spy me, selling me something on a fixated price and LITTERALY PAYNG to not allow to sell anywhere else said games.
Even then, funny how they make these "tractatives" when the game is almost out, cancelling it at last time from the steam store where it was actualy going to be published.
Doesn't sound NOT EVEN A LITTLE scummy ?
Who the fuck are you quoting?
Steam is not much better
bloated piece of shit controlled by jews
>shopping cart is bloat
>cloud saves are bloat
>achievements are bloat
>user reviews are bloat
>mod support is bloat
>automated refunds are bloat
epic is planning to include all these features but they are just trying to brute force competition since they cant stand own their own feet as a actual competitor
No refunds and no sales.
Thank the gods im a Linux fag. I cant even install this shit if I wanted to.
>games are on egs and pirate bay
That‘s not exclusivity.
>>shopping cart is bloat
the fuck? you're saying there's an online digital storefront without a fucking "shopping cart"?
>>cloud saves are bloat
>>achievements are bloat
>>user reviews are bloat
>>mod support is bloat
>>automated refunds are bloat
*refunds you in gaben pissdollars*
I buy games, I play them. I don't need anything else. fuck digital storefronts.
yes, the feature of a shopping cart will be added in around 4 months to the epic games store
If you loudly disagree with someone you'll recieve a mountain of evidence. If you ask someone to do your research for you you'll get told to fuck off.
So... fuck off and do your own research.
>shopping cart
are steamcucks really this desperate?
How is more choice bad for the customer here?
Steam had a de facto monopoly on pc games, and only now it's being shaken up.
It's not like the customer has to pay a fee to Valve or Epic to use their platform, unlike the streaming service war going on with Netflix, Amazon and Disney
Okay, we're friends now.
Come back when Epic has just as much store features as steam
>1 gen considered good (360)
>latest gen tapping out, throwing games on console and Switch
Epic shouldnt last that long
as someone who's not up to snuff, what constitutes as a "shopping cart"? something that lets you buy several different stuff at once? why would you ever do that? on videogames nonetheless.
This. Adding more isn’t so bad.
if devs decide to switch over to EGS because of their 12% share, as opposed to Steam's 30% share (which some are doing already), then Steam is royally fucked.
no amount of UI updates to Steam is going change the fact that devs get more $ per sale for the same price on EGS than they do on Steam
and the best part is, it's good for customers in the long run, because a lower cut per sale allows the developers/publishers to sell the same product at a lower price. kind of like it was with Metro: Exodus. in the US it was sold for $60 on Steam, but on EGS it sells for $50. despite the $10 reduction in price, the publisher still gets $2 more per sale ($44 vs $42 respectively).
and in the end, how much are you more likely to spend on the same game, $60 or $50?
yeah. $50. thought so.
the only way Steam can stop this inevitable switch of devs over to a platform that leaves them with more money is if they decrease their share % from the current 30% to somewhere close to EGS 12%.
I know I'm putting my game on EGS when it becomes available to all developers and selling it there for $8, instead of the current $10 on Steam, just because the lower cut per sale will allow me to do so.
we saw a similar reaction back when EA made Origin: fanboys used any excuse to shit on it just because Battlefield 3 wasn't coming to Steam.
it ranged from "anti-consumer practices" to "malware", to "spying on you", to anything else under the sun just to shit on them.
did it work in the end? fuck no. 90% of the same people that boycotted Origin went, bought Battlefield 3, and happily played it.
Why would you need a shopping cart for digital goods? It's not like you can save money in shipping if you buy multiple things at once
the only things Steam has going for it in terms of deterring people from switching over to competing platforms is emotional attachment and Steam Workshop (the only noteworthy feature).
you might ask, how are people emotionally attached to Steam? it's simple, people spent money on Steam:
1. they bought games on Steam
2. they spent money on their useless fucking Steam level
Valve either knew what they were doing in advance when they added these Steam levels (increase emotional attachment, thereby ensuring more fanboys), or they just added it to make more money.
either way, it worked to a degree in getting people to prefer Steam over competing platforms.
HOWEVER, when a competitor with a big enough mindshare comes along, all of that goes out the window, because absolutely NOTHING is going to make up for something like a much lower share cut.
whether you like it or not, EGS coming along and stirring up this much shit is a GOOD thing. because for us, developers (especially indie devs), it will hopefully mean a lower cut per sale.
and to you, the customers, it means a lower price for the same game. (not every dev will lower the price of their game(s), of course, but there will be many cases of lower prices for the same games on EGS than on Steam)
in the end, this competition is a win/win to both sides. except for Steam, now they have to decrease their cut per sale, or eventually their 30% cut per sale source of income will dry up and they will be forced to either make games again (e.g. half-life 3) or decrease their cut per sale, or both!
yeah, thats probably the best descriptor for it, my issue with the egs lacking a shopping cart is because it feels like one of those basic level design things. when there are big sales on steam i tend to just pick out a bunch of games and buy them all at once
So you can buy games during sales and put them on your backlog.
Or if you're a cheapskate/poorfag with morals who only ever buys games during sales but actually plays them. It's just more convenient to
1.)browse for games
2.)put discounted games you like and will play within a few months in your cart
Instead of going through 8 separate checkouts for each individual item.
idk, for convenience purposes so that you can buy several games at once? it's what I do on steam
>where will they be in a year
Right where they are now.
They've outright stated they're not going to fix or improve anything.
>Old good
>new bad
I don't care for either one, I just don't want dozens of game shop launcher plague my PC.
You are literally the blackest retard gorilla nigger bugman and I hope you die in a sweatshop
steam boomers are assmad that zoomers are using epic store
its just like in my IRL animes
You meant to say "Muhnopoly
>Epic Store
Its like if M$ tried to sell other games through the Minecraft launcher.
>what is monopolistic competition
Read Chamberlin.
I hate Epic Store too, but its existence was predictable.
Free market = many competitors + many buyers
PC providers:
1. Steam
2. GoG
3. Some other shit
Adding Epic doesn't make it a free market user, it's an oligopoly at best.
More like a contestable oligopoly in fact
I run multiple clients already just to play apex. I just don't like epic's approach of using exclusives with nothing else and also datamining steam users data.
If they're doing this within the first year of the store already, imagine what else they'll do?
Also the absence of forums is basically creating a hugbox for developers. Expect even more political opinions being injected into games now that they can do it criticism-free.
>and in the end, how much are you more likely to spend on the same game, $60 or $50?
>yeah. $50. thought so.
you're dreaming if you think your games will be $50 instead of 60
devs will take the bigger share and charge you the bigger amount and epic will have their back the whole time. it's the corporate way of doing things, basically "fuck the consumer, they're just dumb sheep"
>epic shills astroturf on Yea Forums for over a month
>every fucking day the catalog is covered with chink shill threads for epic
>expecting me to not be annoyed and want you to fuck off for thinking I'm a retarded gullible westerner who will fall into tencent's lap
because noone would buy indie trash for 60 bucks
your own fault for playing shartfight in the first place lmao
It doesn't even make it an oligopoly, Epic store is borderline irrelevant in terms of actual digital storefront market share. Currently, all they're doing is perpetuating shitty, consumer unfriendly practices with title exclusivity, they haven't and likely will never become an actual competitor to Steam, as there's little to no added value in the Epic store itself.
but posting steam threads and shilling for vlave since Yea Forums exists is OK
Steam isn't legally bound to keeping the Orange Box exclusive though. Same way EA games are on Steam, they just choose to keep their own titles, not pay someone off to do so.
Don't forget every key selling site. Steam takes no cut from keys sold outside of steam, but they will host it. Plenty of ways to get a game for that's on steam, only one way through Epic.
People seem to miss that what Epic is doing is how most Chinese do business. They're doing it in Africa now. They strongarm an industry by undercutting competitors (ie. cheap steel) or pay more than everyone for a resource (iron/coal in Africa), resulting in them essentially being the dominant market force. Wait until Epic gets bigger and established and see if devs keep getting 12%. Give it a few years and those free games will disappear too, just like on Origin.
They have a big roadmap full of functions they are going to add. They are not going anywhere. When they add the same functions as Steam have why would any dev care about Steam anymore?
Fuck steam.
They started banning loli and nazi stuff.
That's some bs and I don't support that. DRM free for me from now on.
No DRM free version? I pirate.
kill yourself you disingenuous chink, i have never before seen shilling of this magnitude on Yea Forums
EVERY day the same shill threads holy fuck I am sick of it fuck off
thanks hiro
>calling me a chink
ok retard
op is a cucksoy
fucking Epic shill, don't you ever dare posting koakuma for your shilling, faggot
>get mad
>start calling people chinks
nice nigger behaviour
>i have never before seen shilling of this magnitude on Yea Forums
ok buddy
go to any archive site and search "steam sale" or "steam"
literally 1 bajillion threads
fuck off retard
using it to sell you shit, selling your data to advertisers, spammers, and chinese hackers.
Epic steals your root certificates from your computer, which means they could, with some effort, get any passwords you have.
>Steam isn't legally bound to keeping the Orange Box exclusive though.
reread the question and answer
>Epic steals your root certificates from your computer, which means they could, with some effort, get any passwords you have.
Do you even know how certificates work or are you just repeating the bullshit someone else made up?
>Steam sale threads are shilling
What else could explain people wanting to pay less money for videogames. You must legitimately be in the double digit IQ territory to not see the distinction here.
yeah and people posting about free games on Epic is shilling by your logic
does Epic Store have a regional pricing or something? cause I don't think it's supposed to be this low. (it's around $20 on steam for my currency)
oh no no no!
There hasn't been a single worthwhile Epic exclusive anyways.
>this is what insect people actually believe
>its pro consumer to sell games without executable files
>its pro consumer to sell shitty asset flips
Next your gonna be saying its pro consumer to sell mods to existing games when Steam inevitably tries that mess again.
People don't like needing to have multiple programs running in the background just so they can play their games. Should you not have them both running, then you'll miss any patches for said games. Which frankly removes a lot of the convenience that was offered prior.
I love how posts like this get ignored but the ones calling people epic shills and steam shills get tons of (you)s
Holy Fucking bugman batman
>Basic QOL features of online shopping are now "bloat"
>Community features and workshop is now "bloat"
You guys are actually the most retarded fucking bonobo iq drooling faggot shills I've ever seen. No one wants to use your shit store. FUCK off.
Next it's going to be that a search bar and text on the platform is unnecessary bloat,
You proving his point