Fuck this fucking trash game. It's fucking hard and not even in a fun way. It's annoying and frustrating to the point of insanity.
Fuck this fucking trash game. It's fucking hard and not even in a fun way...
Other urls found in this thread:
A refund
go play kirbys epic yarn.
Is it really that hard
Yea Forums whined yesterday the game was too easy kek
Yeah. I'm sure it's mostly having that dark souls mindset but fuck this game doesn't give you any break
Is it 60fps locked even on pc?
yeah, and it's fucking boring as shit
all you do is parry
you have no other viable form of defense (dodge is just for unparriable grabs, jump for unparriable sweeps) and it's your main means of offense
there's no way to evade attacks while learning their timing and tells
you just walk up to everyone, stand around, and eat shit 10 times until you can hit the 100ms parry window for every fucking hit in their long-ass combos, and if you miss twice you die
git gud
It's honestly not really that fun, it feels really limited in what you can do and the movement feels slippery and not precise at all.
Not the greatest From game.
I've died to the same elite 110 times now. I think I've had enough, this is too much.
welp. I can't beat Jouzu. I guess im not as good as I thought.
From is gonna nerf the shit out of this game within a week because it's not gonna have any legs like this. It's INSANELY difficult to a point it's no longer fun.
you are such a whiny faggot.
>you have no other form of defense, other than these two other forms of defense but those dont count
fuck off with this, you've already been spamming the threads.
>put effort into cool shit like having M80s in your fingers and a ninja star dispenser up your ass
>use it to break up combat flow and allow for flashy variety
>some retard refuses to use them and complains about the game being hard
Holy shit. Firecracker is the most OP shit in the game and you get it ridiculously early on.
>the movement feels slippery and not precise at all
Maybe it's because I've been playing RDR2 which is ass when it comes to controls, but it sure seems precise to me
they're all fucking useless except the shuriken
>new ip
real brainiac here
The game is still in my mail box but apparantly if you just play it like a souls game you're gonna get wrecked. Just play the game as how it's intended to be and it would be easier.
where are you having difficulty
ive roflstomped through to flaming bullshit and every time i hit a wall I just go a different route and come back
can I get the axe before Jouzu
I'm too scared to ever use tools because every enemy in this game kills you in 2 hits and poises through everything. What the fuck is the point of the flamethrower when you have to get into one shot range to use it?
yes now stop whining so fucking much.
they're not. the axe is great. the firecracker has a lot of utility. the spear is less great than the prior two but it has its uses for vitality damage.
yes the whole point of the level is to give you more shinobi arms to use
yeah dude
explore around and eavesdrop, you'll find it
you get both fire and axe before jouzu
It's an optional area, it's the very beginning where Kuro gave you your sword. Big dude with a spear. Absolutely fucking ridiculous and I've spend hours and hours trying but I'm done with the game now.
how do i get there
>you have no other viable form of defense (dodge is just for unparriable grabs, jump for unparriable sweeps)
My fucking god dude. You claim that your only form of defense is parry, and immediately in the very same sentence you contradict it by listing 2 more, but at the same time you are trying to dismiss those based on...what exactly?
I stopped reading here, there is no way someone this retarded has anything to say that is worth my time.
the axe is in a small temple within hirata estates. right outside this temple you can eavesdrop on two soldiers debating whether they should torch the temple.
It's just weeb Assassin's Creed 2 where the secret to beating the whole game is to just spam counter because they're going to block your combos anyway. I'd be okay with that but there's dumbass decisions like "parry doesn't interrupt their combos" and "the levels are just open enough that you'll think there's a side path to explore but it was just a slight detour back to where you were"
explain to me how you're supposed to stand still and mash parry when you're getting buttfucked from 6 different dudes at the same time while some dickhead archer shoots fire arrows at you
Ashina castle, side entrance. It's pretty obvious.
>the fucking camera during the burning cow fight
You can hold L1 to block, retard. Use that to brave the combos and back away before your stance gets destroyed. You can learn the combos this way.
Am I on crazy pills or some shit? Shurikens do like 5% damage to either meter. I used them like once and never again.
You're meant to kill a guy, run away until the enemies reset like it's World of Wacraft, then go back and kill one again. It's tedious but that's what people enjoy apparently.
What the fuck are you talking about you moron? I swear you're a retard who has only played for 4 hours or something. There's enemies later on that will posture break you in a single missed deflect and there's enemies that straight up hit you THROUGH blocking. Dumb cunt.
this is basically all jap games
i guess because they never really had PC gaming culture, so it's all console shit, ofcourse world is going to be like that, and the gameplay too. with some fine japanese autism on top ofcourse and there you have it - a true japanese experience 10/10 feelings on the fingertips
what was I supposed to do in that fight?
I basically just tanked.
Is this better than Bloodborne? Gonna get it tomorrow
How did FromSoft fuck up something as simple as parrying when a game from LITERALLY 6 YEARS AGO did it 10 times better?
>already died 50 fucking times
This shit is frustrating now
>the game is really simple, just do X
>however, the game is badly designed because if you just do X, then the game punishes you
Imo the combat is really satisfying. 3 hours played so far and it feels as hard as ds3
>dude like only parries work dude like its the only defense xD
There's dodge and jumping, you said it yourself.
>lol dude whatevs anyways dId YoU KnOW there's only parries for offense dude lol
There's abilities and the arm tools. Plus dodging and counterattacking, plus jumping and attacking.
>lol dude whatevs
Kill yourself.
does the game keep count of your deaths?
How is the parry here bad and what makes MGR's parry better?
How come all the men look white
Are you retarded? He listed those two examples to show that 99% of the time you won't be doing them.
I'm getting contradicting statements from this board. Everyone saying that the combat is pretty shallow and that all you have to do is parry but then there's many others that are saying you can't do that too causethen the game will just punish you for spamming it
Which is it
Yes but not much
Just here to ask if there's any way to stop it telling me what an item does every single fucking time I pick one up. I know god damn well what a fistful of ash does for the 90th time you gook cunt
>3 hours played so far and it feels as hard as ds3
nobody believe in your bullshit
Jesus man, try upgrading shit and getting further into the game. Bows in Dark Souls did shit squat except for pulling enemies for like 90% of the game.
the bodies of your friends will serve as a counter
the game's twist is that the japs were the real aryans all along
>beat all the soulsborne game since Demon's pretty easily
>play Sekiro few hours
>get raped every minute
I'm starting to dislike it
Normal game:
>I could use the dodge function to create space, raise my defenses to tank through, or go for the reversal
This game
>I will push a specific button exactly when I'm told to, kind of like a QTE where the button prompt is left off screen
Pretty much, the game doesn't commit to being a Souls combat game or a Tenchu stealth game so it barely dabbles in either and is very shallow. Imagine if parrying in Dark Souls equated to just doing a regular block at the right time and that fucking up just made you block an attack anyway, then couple that with infinite stamina.
lmao wow
It's weird that people are saying "you can only parry" but also "parry isn't very good" or some user in this thread literally going that it just won't work on some enemies
Do people here honestly think people won't finish the game by the end of tomorrow?
>There's abilities and the arm tools. Plus dodging and counterattacking, plus jumping and attacking.
not him but you forgt most important thing...
I've always been very bad at perfect parry / perfect blocks.
Is the parry window large? I'm afraid I will be terrible.
So the game is very very easy then? Why is everyone acting like this game is hard?
Yeah it's just unreal how hard it is. They just said fuck it and made it as difficult as humanly possible.
It's very very strict against some enemies.
And did someone forbid you from using jump or dodge to get away from your enemies or use your block here or something?
Because it awfully doesn't sound like parry is the only option no matter how you spin it.
>all you have to do is parry! so ez!
jej, good luck with that
what the hell shitposter-san ? I thought the game was 3 hours long.
Those who say it is easy are just shitposters who aren't actually playing it.
This game is not fair at all
It's not frame perfect but it's strict. The real fuck thing is after the tutorial a party doesn't throw them off balance right away, you have to counter each hit of the combo successively until they break.
because everything one shots you if you do get fucked up and there's 70 enemies per area that all see you the moment you stealth kill one of them.
git gud
the parry window is pretty generous imo but there's something about the feedback you get from landing it that doesn't feel very satisfying
Imagine being a bigger casual and shitter than IGN
>waito piggo said rike hard game, we make very hard game, waito piggo now no rike hard game
It is.
>not him
Yes him
no fucking way
yeah but says that
>Imagine if parrying in Dark Souls equated to just doing a regular block at the right time and that fucking up just made you block an attack anyway
>block an attack anyway
>infinite stamina
this game is absolutely EXPOSING Yea Forums
worse than gaming journos at games
damn Yea Forums are a bunch of whiny bitches.
Yes, the game did. Block becomes useless after a couple hours of game play when you get thrown off balance in a single strike and your dodge does not give you space. In some cases you can grapple away which works, but it's not consistent enough to be considered a real alternative to the not-QTE
>There's enemies later on that will posture break you in a single missed deflect and there's enemies that straight up hit you THROUGH blocking. Dumb cunt.
you can still block MOST attacks not everything, like with every move in your defense
dumb cunt
It's confirmed, man. Yea Forums is full of casuals that can't deal with a game that even an IGN journalist found easy.
Can you imagine how sad this situation is?
>infinite stamina
You can't block forever.
>prosthetic tools are literally just a means to deal with particular enemies
>guessing game of parry, dodge, jump with tough enemies
>boss fights are 99% running and dodging for your life, 1% attacking the boss
>never feeling like you are progressing, and every hard fight you win feels like pure luck
shit game. go back to making RPGs fromsoft.
It's unsatisfying and inconsistent. The game breaks its own rules with what you can parry, whats unblockable and what you can counter attack after so often.
i heard there's a skill that heals you every time you land a death blow
how the fuck do i get that and where should i be dumping my points into
Yea Forums is going to get fucking exposed when a streamer beats the game in under 24h
>baby speak
ladies first
Did you really expect zoomers to be any good at games where you have to actually pay attention to enemy patterns?
I have this same problem in soulsborne and sekiro is honestly the hardest game i ever played
Nope. You have a posture meter. It's just purely a block meter instead of impeding sprints and attacks.
damn Yea Forums really is shit at vidya
You are really dumb, did you know that? You just confirmed that there are actually a lot of defensive options, and there isn't one option that will deal with everything.
How do I git gud, I don't understand this game and it's frustrating.
That's exactly how you sound, child.
Any tips against butterfly?
I mean it was always gonna get high scores no matter what because "Souls" is popular with the normies.
But you're still right.
Damn look at these bad boys i'm sure they already beat the game
>i guess because they never really had PC gaming culture, so it's all console shit,
Oh you mean janky as fuck fps games with garbage combat that takes no skill, and a game so shit you have to literally fix the developers laundry list of mistakes by installing hordes of mods to make the game at least somewhat passable as a finished product?
Finally a game to expose dodge roll spamming shitters.
Perfect block is the master race.
Well i have not idea what the fuck you are doing but im making progress and i have died plenty of times. Learn from your mistakes.
just use cheats and then post some screenshot from some hard stuff in the game, then add "you mad nerd? all this while doing a triple backflip inside my cabrio Lambo from my 10/10gf's room, shit was so cash"
says the child
>spam R1x100 to break boss guards
>spam L1x100 when it's his turn to attack
yawn as fuck
I'm not feeling it, it's like playing DMC but you can only use Royal Guard but it's also not as satisfying and you only have one weapon with an extremely limited moveset.
step 1. don't play it like dark souls
>prosthetic tools are literally just a means to deal with particular enemies
Situational abilities and tools are bad?
>guessing game of parry, dodge, jump with tough enemies
You have plenty of time.
>boss fights are 99% running and dodging for your life, 1% attacking the boss
I thought people were saying it was just parries?
>never feeling like you are progressing, and every hard fight you win feels like pure luck
Keep digging deeper. It's just sad at this point.
>soulsfag loses his crutches (levels, summons, builds)
>can't beat the game
Like pottery
except no need to perfect block here, you can literally spam L1
perfect block would be dark souls parry.
Should I offer some sake to the sculptor
Juzou barfed his gas breath on me and now i can't use my arm stuff, how do i get rid of this
How to dodge the terror beam at Shichimen boss? And the big orbs are a bitch
t. hasn't played and spouting bait posts
if you play like its a Souls game you WILL get fucked. this absolutely isnt dark souls.
It's weird to see some people hate on Sekiro and praise Souls in the same breath as if the latter had great combat depth that wasn't also just "do X mechanic"
the number one advice is learn to deflect
hit her once after she attacks and leaves an opening. throw shuriken at her when she stand on the wires.
No shit, 100% serious:
I was hyped like fucking hell for this game, but ive played like 4 hours yesterday and i don't feel it anons, i'm just not impressed, what is fucking wrong, does it get good later or what the fuck? Maybe ican't enjoy games anymore, but not really, i had fun with DMC5 even tho i never played any dmc and i wasn't even hyped for DMC5
>parry window is really strict
>lmao you can just spam L1 to parry
So which is it, retards?
>"you mad nerd? all this while doing a triple backflip inside my cabrio Lambo from my 10/10gf's room, shit was so cash"
are you having a stroke
What? I thought he just used poison, and poison was just a DoT.
You sure you have enough spirit emblems to use your prosthetics?
>need to hold a button to pick loot
wtf couldnt they make it automatic
>Games gives you the three options but two work with too low of a consistency to be considered viable and one of those is using a traversal technique in place of a really weak dodge, effectively leaving you one thing to do
>WOW! You literally just said there's the three options
I sincerely hope I just took some dumbass bait and you're not actually this retarded
I shitstomped my way through Bloodborne in 15 hours blind. Pretty sure I’ve spent 15 hours in this and not even beaten the 2nd boss. It’s fucking haaaard
One is playable and fun the other is a boring frustrating piece of crap
Yea Forums - casual pieces of fucking shit
That's what it was, i'm just a retard
maybe dmc 5 just controls better? I never touched sekiro so I have no idea. That or maybe lack of weapon variety?
No. Everyone complaining about the difficulty is going into it this with a dark souls mindset. To be good at Sekiro, you have to unlearn some of the habits Dark Souls has ingrained.
DMC5 is like absolute peak action game so this was always going to compare poorly.
they're just pissed cause they can't cheese it in this game and have no crutches to help them
You're on Yea Forums, duh, it's the former.
Yea Forums kids will always downplay the difficulty of the game to make themselves look more hardcore.
So what I'm reading is I should completely ignore what the game taught me and never counter-attack after a parry?
B-b-b-b-but Bloodborne was awesome! I loved being encouraged to hit R1 when taking damage to regenerate health and parrying from 400 meters away so that it removes all risks from mistiming it! It was absolutely kino combat!
cry more casualfag
wow this is crazy.
I really thought this game was gonna be amazing.
sounds like it's a gigantic failure.
gonna have to pass
I think they are getting confused between the two parries
there's the perfect parry like ds against trash mobs that does an instant counter
and the spam L1 against boss who spams attack
so your usual boss fight is like this
R1 R1 R1 R1
L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
Input lag.
Game doesn't have a vsync option so I can turn it off either from what I've checked. Would probably make for better inputs and help a lot at parrying.
Then again the From formula mixed with parrying has always been the definition of unfun
>die in order to figure out patterns
And then you do that for about 40hours until you figure out every pattern. Then you clear the game in 10hours tops. The learning process in these games isn't fun.
the game feels like a small game they made between 2 big releases desu
theres only one moveset, the talent tree is small and useless, it feels like a prototype more than a game
Because you're probably shit and dying alot. DMC5 base difficulty was piss easy compared to Sekino
Has anyone fought this Seven Spear Ashina guy? How the fuck do you beat him.
sekiro really cleared up everything about Yea Forums
i though Yea Forums is hardcore because no one complained about dark souls n shit, but turns out these fags just over-leveled everything, used shields\ugs and played with friends like total bitches. sekiro caught them completely off guard and they cannot even cheese anything.
you're so pathetic Yea Forums
>you can literally spam L1
Let us know how you feel when you get past the low tier trash mooks from the first hour of the game.
It is, compounded by the fact people are used to dark souls/bloodborne mechanics. This game requires a completely different mindset.
I still can't get used to it after 5 hours. The miniboss with the spear kicked my shit in like 10 times.
Enemies are really aggressive and can swing a bunch of times consecutively. So if you try to just wait for them to swing, dodge, then wack them a few times like you would in a souls game, then you're just gonna get demolished.
You gotta attack and you gotta deflect.
not happening, the ogre is LITERALLY impossible
dmc is an action game with controls that suit an action game
kekiro is a souls game LARPing as an action game with controls that don't suit either fucking genre
I'm enjoying dmc 5 on dmd, demon hunter was a joke.
>Situational abilities and tools are bad?
Yes? If you don't have the Axe prosthetic equipped, you literally can't fight the shield enemies.
>I thought people were saying it was just parries?
yeah, good luck with that on butterfly.
The combat is pretty much the only thing I like about the game so far, actually. I find it very visceral, skill-based, and enjoyable.
My problem with the game is the lack of character customization, obtaining armor/weapons, etc. My main motivation in Souls games, as stupid as it may sound, was to get new armor and to look like a badass and to find whatever weapon fit my character or play style the best. In this, you're a red dude with a sword the whole time.
I don't really appreciate losing that element of the game, even though it's been obvious that it is coming since they dumb it down with each iteration.
No shit user you fucked up. You think dark soul games are about fun? nope it's about autistic kids getting there rocks off i'm super hard/try hard fake difficulty garbage. Do yourself a favor and get a refund and play better games or taste.
Dodge forward and to the right.
Nah, if you played PaRappa the Rapperr you'll be fine.
some practice with the undead really helped me with that nigger. his spear thrust parry window is very generous also
Game journos that are laughing stocks of the community got through the game and there's no difficulty slider for easy mode, while chuckle fucks here have already rage quit because they can't play the game like bloodborne. Let that sink in
This game is more like Nioh than other souls game
1ms gamuuur monitor + wired controller and I still feel like there’s lag to my parries. Fuck it’s so infuriating having delay on something as crucial as this
>Yes? If you don't have the Axe prosthetic equipped, you literally can't fight the shield enemies.
How do you know there aren't more tools available later than you will need to constantly switch up to handle different enemy types? Isn't that a good thing?
absolutely not buying this piece of shit then.
the verdict is in: it's hot garbage.
yes i've seen that shitty jersey shore pasta a bajillion fucking times now and it doesnt make the slew of buzzwords and braindead memespouting he managed to cram into a single sentence any less retarded
There's a guy later that does that spear thrust 3 in a row and if any of them hit you instantly die.
I praise neither for combat.
game reviews often don't finish games to write i review you know
i highly doubt niggers at ign did that
Just from your babblings, I gathered 5.
Feel free to eat shit any time.
>b-but the others don't work for me most of the time so they don't count!
Fuck off, I'm reasonably sure at this point that you are just shit. Go spread your lies elsewhere.
sekiro is not an rpg
you play a defined character here
Wait a second, just yesterday Yea Forums told me it’s casualised garbage with ez mode revival that you can finish in 13h.
I'm honestly shocked journos managed to beat this, like unironically surprised. I'm having an INSANELY difficult time and I'm not even treating it like Souls. I just think the game is extremely punishing. The only I do different from journos is beat my head against the wall until it breaks, I refuse to skip an area for later just because I can, if I encounter it I try it until I beat it and that's extremely challenging in this game.
All games are just "do x mechanic." Mario is "just jump on them" and Doom is "just shoot them." The difference is those games let you feel more in control. This game tells you how to play it. "You will push L1 now. Now push circle. You didn't do that? Get fucked." It's more comparable to Dragon's Lair than Dark Souls.
I think a few game reviews mentioned they haven't even finished the game yet. Pretty sure the gamespot review was like that.
the fact that some enemies are unkillable without certain prosthetics is retarded. nothing you say will make me think otherwise.
>hurr you can spam parry to win
>but you also can't cause the game will punish you
I’m sue I’ll finish it in 50 hours as well, that doesn’t mean that the first 5 aren’t a lesson in masochism and retraining yourself.
Has anyone run into the (what I think is a) one armed shinobi with a purple shawl who kicks like a fucking mule? I stumbled onto him and he absolutely rapes me every time. I feel like this is this game's version of the greatsword black knight. Really drove me up the fucking wall trying my best and getting obliterated anyway.
This game is even hard. Big ups Snort Ranklin.
early enemies you can spam parry
later, absolutely not.
>No shields, no poise thru every attack and no white phantoms
>Yea Forums exposed as casualfags
Only ps4chads played Bloodborne, and when the rest of Yea Forums gets to play something as brutal they cry like little bitches
The absolute state
I was hoping this game did not have that stupid souls thing where the enemy just magically rotates mid attack to where you dodge.
Whoever thought that was a fun mechanic? Were they afraid dodge mechanics would be broken otherwise? Then just make the dodge shorter or some shit.
I killed 2 shield enemies at the hirata estates without the axe. You just have to bait out an attack and smack them. Only takes 3 hits.
Cleaned the monks area and at the tomoe boss, you?
I see, so you have never played a video game in your life. Guess Metroid sucks because you need a new beam attack or rockets to deal with certain enemies. Go it.
They probably mean you can use parry to beat anything. But even that isn't true, there's unblockable grabs in the game that can't be parried. And parries definitely need timing to work properly or you will get guard broken.
This makes Bloodborne look like Epic Yarn
If you block forever you're gonna have a really bad time. If you continue to fuck up your parries you're gonna have a bad time.
Gonna have to agree friend. Let's leave these pissant faggots be. They don't deserve games anyway. Fucking sit in a corner and die you waste of air shit skinned cunts.
>This game is more like Nioh than other souls game
at least it plays and controls better than ninja blade, right?
90% of the game is parrying and the other 10% is getting one-shotted or stun-locked until you keep doing the former
I like it because all the steamers raging at it and getting stuck on literal non bosses for hours
how do I git gud at Jaozu. He fucks my shit up.
there's NO FUCKING WAY critics are saying this is easier than Souls games
use your shinobi skills to fuck thrust-shitters
Is there a fight later in the game on that grassy hill we fighting at the very start of the game
jolly coop with a dude at the water
It's tighter than Dark Souls. At least it feels that way to me. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of how to play this game. Only played it for about 2 hours.
Is there any penalty to using the Divine Heir's resurrection thing? I opted not to thinking that's how the dragonrot or whatever occurs but it still happened to me anyway after I died a few times.
>looks like a gen 7 game
>plays worse than a gen 6 game
more like Sekiro: Steam Refunds Twice
I can beat Bloodborne in under 12 hours. I played for 12 hours today and I got fucked by minibosses for the majority of it. Sekiro is many, many times more difficult than Bloodborne, Souls or Nioh. It feels comparable to Master Ninja difficulty Ninja Gaiden to me in how relentless it is actually.
>sculptors idols every 3 feet
please tell me it's not this bad the whole way
jump over his dive attack, keep him lower than you on the stairs
Bloodborne fucks your shit up so much it makes souls games feel babys first game. But yeah half Yea Forums never played BB and now bitch Sekino is hard
No. I've been playing for the last 5 hours and have beaten 5 minibosses and 1 boss. You just need to learn to be more agressive and calculated then dark souls, and you will be rewarded.
The game is harder, but not downright punishing unless you're retarded. A lot of dipshits struggle on the spear miniboss, when there's a specific skill you learn to shield break spear-based charcters early on. for the ogre miniboss, you can eavesdrop and learn he's weak to fire to easy lower his health down to the 2nd bar, and so on.
tl;dr - literally get good at the game and stop bitching. you idiots are struggling aganist the easy bosses
>it's fucking hard
he dies immediately, even if I kill everything else.
wtf kind of critics did they get to review this game, did they play further than the early 2 hours? this shit is so hard i'm shocked there's no reviews complaining.
How far in are you? I think you'll be eating your words.
ninja blade was actually fun
don't worry, you'll have 1 minute respawn runs
This game is harder than Bloodborne.
People on Yea Forums talk shit, but are worse than fucking DSP at playing games.
I guarantee you more than half of these shitters wouldn't be able to beat Nioh either.
Have you beat the second spear elite? He's the real genuine cheap shit. The one in the starting area where Kuro gave you your sword.
after a while you'll stop thinking about dragonrot
you're gonna die at some point and theres an item to cure it anyways
if you think of this game in terms of playing it like Kirby's Epic yarn then it's easy
Does the game have replayability?
Ng+ or other?
In order to keep him alive, for the first 10 seconds focus on the 3 guys that attack him. then ignore the shield guys and whack at the miniboss because he will constantly flip from targeting you to his friend, allowing you to win easier
I found Nioh pretty easy compared to this, I'm not baiting or anything either? Maybe I just don't get it. I've done 4 main bosses so far (ones that gave me an achievement) and the difficulty ramps up so fucking hard it's crazy. Like the first 3 areas are nothing compared to what comes after, there's a literal Touhou boss in the game.
>theres an item to cure it anyways
Thanks, user. Good to know.
Ive died to early mini bosses in Sekiro more than I did to Orphan, Maria or anything in the chalice dungeons.
>Yea Forums hates it so much for being so hard
Damn so it's actually good then
>It feels comparable to Master Ninja difficulty Ninja Gaiden
this can't be serious right?
i'm loving it more than souls
>there's a literal Touhou boss in the game
picked the fuck up
no, im saying I killed all the adds and then brought him in for the boss and he died immediately.
>not punishing
>miss one party against anyone and lose 90% of your health
>die an lose half your xp and money
>also fucks up the npcs it’s the definition of punishing
BB was a joke. I 1-2 shot every boss in the main game. The DLC was kind of a bitch, though. Sekirko is way harder than the BB DLC. Shit hits way too hard and you do no damage. It's retarded
The game isn't amazingly difficult, it's "just" particularly punishing. There's a difference there.
in order to get to NG+ you need to beat the game
But shitposters are right, aren't they? Just parry dude lol.
if you cant kill ogre just circle around him, dont dodge backward, most of his moves wont hit you
I died over 50 times to him before I gave up, what the fuck is the trick to him? His timing on mikiri is WAY stricter and feels like it's frame perfect.
Get gud
There are two easy ways to beat the shield enemies without the axe
1.bait out their charge that gives up their back long enough to break their posture and execute
2.use the spiral combat technique to hit behind them
3.hit their shield twice and step dodge to their side while they retaliate
I'm sure there are more with techniques that I haven't learned yet
Yeah, you need to hug the boss so he doesn't just shieldbreak your friend instantly. Practice dodging his moves, you'll need it for the next boss
If you're losing 90% of your health in one hit you're in the wrong area, also
>dragonrot does literally nothing
i dont honestly remember, he didn't seem bad to me. I think I rolled a lot.
Good luck anons, I played for 6 hours straight and need to sleep.
Hearing Yea Forums getting asspained is pretty amusing after the countless shitposts about how Activision was going to casualize the game. The Souls games and Bloodborne are literal babby tier in comparison.
You can run faster than they can turn. Sprint around them and do a running attack.
It looks silly but it always works
>There are two easy
>BB iframe
>sekiro no iframe
sekiro is shit
Combat is fast and visceral.
You die in 2 to 3 hits. At the same tame you have to keep on the pressure to break the enemy's poise and deal a deathblow or huge damage.
Fortnite zoomers can't handle it.
question about dragonrot, does it apply to resurrection deaths or only full deaths when you ran out of resurrections?
DMC5 is an action game made by a good director. Sekiro is a Tenchu/Souls hybrid with bad controls that don't fit
I mean Nioh is super cheeseable I had no issues at all, did the entire game with spears. You can so much damage by stacking the damage buffs makes everything a joke.
Never played the DLC though, is it worth it?
Learn the mechanics you fucking retard. You can train with the dude near the temple.
How to get past Butterfly? What a bitch.
Killing the small guys as fast and safe as possible so you and the dude who joins you can actually do some damage to him. Oil and flame prosthetic should help for adds. Also you should have an extra drink from omthr gourd by getting the seed from the general dude at the second bonfire
>RPGfags getting blown the fuck out when trying to play an actual action game
It's everything I wanted and more
Same. Idk why but me getting my dick kicked in this badly is making me more motivated
Even IGN is laughing at you hypercasuals
That's how bad you are
>hit their shield twice
Bad advice. After hitting their shield once they may already do a guard bash which will block your next hit and do a little bit of damage to you
Roll a shitton and do small amounts of damage. She has a high shieldbreak meter
This is a poor man's Nioh. It has better level design and literally worse everything else.
so is this the dark souls of Ninja games
So am I the only one who fucking loves this game and it's hard difficulty
>tfw get my shit pushed in a spear wielding monk
>Everyone at the temple is now sick
Where is the option to commit sudoku in game
I remembered another one while I was typing
Ive been saying it for month. This game is FINALLY flushing out all the plebians that used crutches like heavy armor, UGS, coop and greatshields to beat souls games. GET EXPOSED YOU FUCKING CASUALS.
How the fuck do I beat the first Ogre? Whenever I dodge, I get Dark Souls 2 teleported to his grab anyways.
Fuck even looking at their health bars, look at the poise bar. Parry their shit and the game gives you a one hit kill
Game is amazing btw.
Is it? I breezed through bb and das remaster on recent playthroughs
Does anyone else think this game is a little bit too easy?
there is no way
It’s not an action game. Anyone comparing this to Bayo or DMC should be slapped. Not even Rising or Ninja Gaiden comparisons are apt. It really is its own weird little thing with its own rules.
Nioh had good combat and literally terrible everything else
I had far more trouble woth DMC5 on DMD than I'm having with this. I think the main issue is that DMC5 had a good director that used the first playthrough as a huge tutorial and then took the training wheels off, while Sekiro juat says "fuck it, game design is hard"
How do I put the dub?
>It’s not an action game
Yes it is.
Had the same issue. Jump back instead of dodge
Really? The main game was pretty easy, but I don't know exactly where, they started throwing 3 bosses at once and I literally went "fuck this gay shit." Might have been the dojo stuff or something. The DLCs ramp up the difficulty by a fuckload from what I've heard.
>IGN trannyjourno exposing Yea Forumslets as even more casual
>try to play like its DaS
>get shit on
>whine about it
This is like the early Nioh threads all over again. Maybe try to adapt you crusty nostalgia anons?
sekiro is a pleb filter
It seems like it can be either once or twice. Sometimes I hit them once and they try to retaliate with a bash but sometimes it takes two hits to bait them out. It's definitely not the optimal choice but it can work
Stuck on the centipede.
Jump out of the way. He has a ton of reach.
He has two different types of kicks. A single kick, and a kick that can combo into two additional kicks. It's hard to tell which one he's using so I wouldn't try to punish the single kick.
For his grab attacks and everything else, dodge backwards (twice if needed), hit him twice, repeat. I think you can dodge everything else this way.
many critics are saying around 50+ hours
you can parry in any direction without any problems (apart from camera sometimes), even when you're surrounded by 6 or more enemies
How are people having trouble? I just stealth/run away/repeat, or spam parries to 1 hko
Xbone and xbox controller are not recognized. Anyone knows a fix?
Alright now THIS is based. You get some respect IGN
Nioh had godawful level design, loot, and enemy variation. I hope Nioh 2 does those things better because the combat is fucking ace.
werks on my machine. Pirated version too.
Might be your drivers.
>Easiest time I had in the game was against the first real boss, that guy on the horse
I don't really get it but I'll take it
The enemy that kicks my ass the most are those samurai minibosses with the 2 handed katanas, fuck em
Xbox One Controller or DS4 to play this on PC?
I have both
nigger this game makes DMD on DMC 5 look like Epic Yarn
Dodge forward and to the right.
so I pirated it and my quick items is a black box that has nothing in it and cycling does nothing as well
is this some anti-piracy ruse or did I fuck up my install somehow?
Look at this retard that didn't even play the game and is shitposting about it
>the talent tree is small
That is why you have very many of them. If you had played the game, you would know there are more than 1.
>inb4 the pirated version has the difficulty turned all the way up to 11
>inb4 it's the unlocked framerate meme from DaS2 all over again
Xbone pad unless you're a handlet.
That only works for the cannon fodder, which aren't a big deal anyway. You can't stealth kill minibosses. You can take one of their health bars off that way, but if you run away to reset your stealth they will get their health bar back.
do you have any items?
You guys realize that the review copies ran on the day-0 patch.
Who would've thought that in ONE MONTH Yea Forums would get exposed twice for
A. Being complete brainlets (Baba is you whining)
B. Being complete casuals (Sekiro whining)
someone should make a screen cap with all the post here with that to add to the hilarity
nice attempt at cope you shitter
I'm also at the start just past the prosthetic arm part if that has something to do with unlocking it
>curazy nigger cope
nevermind I'm fucking retarded, I forgot to assign them in the other menu
I'm 6 hours in (near the end) and can confirm. I'd say Sekiro is about equal to Kirby's Epic Yarn difficulty wise.
Yea Forums sucks at games, confirmed by Yea Forums
Fuck no
oh yeah, tell me more how you got through the game with a D rank, damn you're such a pro
Friendly reminder that if you have motion blur turned on you're playing the game incorrectly
Yup. It has the most retarded difficulty curve and the best representation of "artificial difficulty™" in the series, although when I made this thread most of soulfags were saying "it is easiest you are just not good at the game and have not learnt new mechanics".
>I 1-2 shot every boss in the main game.
I really fucking doubt that. You'd have to do stupid amounts of grinding to do that much damage to the bosses.
I don't understand why they introduce enemies you can't properly fight yet, then give you the prosthetic tool that makes them trivial later.
Shield guys are absolutely a non-issue with the axe, but they're a nightmare if you don't have it yet. Same with the ogre. Who designed this shit?
this game hard
I have the axe and I still haven't found any shield guys.
>game actually punishes you for dying
Bloodborne is insanely easy, man. Being able to arry from 100 feet away carries no risk and hitting enemies in the middle of taking damage rewarding you with regening your health is honestly casual as shit. Maybe the chalice dungeons. Maybe. Main game? Nah.
i didnt use the flame on the ogre and did it one try
just sprint away from the grabs, its actually incredibly simple.
never played any souls shit, this sounds like it might actually be good
they're right around the corner
What are you talking about I beat the shield guys with just my sword. Are you retarded? Just wait for them to swing and then while they're open you can hit, just like DaS
They're in the "past". Get the bell from the woman in a ruined house (a bit before the first ogre), then pray at the budda statue in firelink shrine.
I already went there, that's where I found the axe but I went back to present day to finish up that level.
how the fuck is it not an action game? I mean it's not a spectacle fighter but how is it not an action game? It's definitely not an rpg.
Sure you did hotshot. Sure you did.
But it's literally impossible. Some user shitter on Yea Forums said so!
Only have on PC, does ps4 pro and xbone have graphics settings?
We found it boys. We found the ultimate casual filter.
Nothing more satisfying than the literal tears from all these PC faggots complaining a fromsoft game is too hard.
That grassy hill from the beginning, can we explore it later in game?
should I be parrying Jaozu? It doesn't seem to do anything when I do.
so glad i didn't pay for this desu
I am a huge souls fan but I hate this weeaboo story, cringy characters and setting and the gameplay is fucking boring. A million other games have perfected this type of gameplay already what the fuck are FROM doing?
Ok sodapoppin
He's autistic.
Everyone knows the tears are from bloodborne sonybros pooping their pants because their casual ass game didn't prepare them for a REAL MANS game.
>move the analog stick in the direction of the attack
Seething incel detected
I don't disagree, the setting sucks. Cliche as fuck Japan. Muh cherryblossom muh wooden pagodas muh samurai and onis
I think you forgot what an action game is, user
if you have trouble on ogre than just lol. enjoy the rest of the game.
Is there really input lag? I've been scratching my head at times because I would swear I hit L1 on time but no parry comes through. Hard to tell if it's my shitter imagination or you're right.
Is there enough carp sacles to buy both the combat art and the mask from the pot dude? I only have 5 and don't wanna get cucked out of the mask, whatever it does
Only literal incels think Bloodborne is hard.
I'm still early in the game. i have over 1000 gold, haven't died yet (aside from resurrecting) What should i buy now? Or should i hold off ?
Cope more sonysperm
Chalice dungeon bosses are harder than anything this game has to offer
I am enjoying it so far. But I am really let down with the stealth aspect. They made all this fucking work to have a stealth system and its fucking close to worthless other than free kill.
>a 3hr easy as fuck hack and slash with copy pasted basic as fuck enemies has a simplistic parry mechanic that works due to their simplistic as fuck enemies
>a 40hr action game with way more varied enemies and more challenge uses a different system
You couldn't out yourself as more of an "instant gratification" zoomer if you actually tried. I TILT DE STICK IN DA DIRECTION! LOOK MA, HE GOT SLICED IN HALF!!
>tfw died to the spear faggot and lardass faggot way more than lady butterfly
I beat him, loved that fight.
>he goes in for the thrust
>mikiri him
>give it a second and he will go in for another attack or two
>parry those
>he gets knocked off to the side and you can slash him in the back a few times
rinse and repeat, the mikiri timing might seem weird at first but you don't tap it once the sign comes up, tap it closer to when his spear is almost about to make contact with you. Also something I learned in the loading screen is that pose is harder to be regained when an enemy has lower health, so if you're really really having trouble just take a bunch of cheap shots until you can get their poise bar up really fucking fast
the anti shinobi guy? I am on him right now
Anyone saying it is easy only played for less than 2 hours
I have a question about this games world, is it open like Souls/Bloodborne that i can go back where i want when i want or is it more levels like?
>A million other games have perfected this type of gameplay already
Only ign said it was easier than dark souls you fucking retard every other website said it was harder. But you negative shitposting crybabies got tunnel vision on the ign review. Keep in my all these faggots crying and ragequitting ITT will claim that they beat all the bosses first try in a couple of months
Enemies aren't punching bags you style on while the rest walks around casually around you most of the time and their ai dies when you turn the camera away.
you can't hold off. you can't run from a boss arena, you win or you die
buy emblems
It is like soulsborne yes
just like BSS in Bloodborne
when it came out
>dude you're lying there's no way you did it on your first try with no vials left and only 1/3 HP by baiting hooks and dodging to the left
then later
>hahaha you died to BSS? nigga just dodge to the left!
It's more annoying than difficult. The action and stealth approaches don't really blend together all that well.
I need a new game to sink my teeth into. Should I get this?
Loved DS1 and BB, didnt like DS2&3.
>uck this fucking trash game. It's fucking hard and not even in a fun way. It's annoying and frustrating to the point of insanity.
Its exacly how i felt about Nioh. Is Sekiro the same? (I love Souls games)
>uses dodge correctly and dodges grabs and normal attacks alike
>dodges directly into attacks like it's dark souls 1 and you have 15 free itrames at the press of a button
So if the ending requires for this curse that spread when you die to be gone, why can't i just
>Get all the items that remove it and keep them until the end of the game
>use them at the end of the game
>The curse is gone
>Good ending
Main Menu -> Language
The Jap voice acting is atrocious. Everyone sounds like they're just reading off a script
It is objectively superior to every souls game and has single handed gatekept all the casual trash on Yea Forums, locking them into the cuck cage of eternal cope. Don't get it if you're a little girl who needs their big brother to bear the hard levels for them.
Not even close.
so am I not supposed to be fighting Jaozu right now? Should I have already upgraded my health/etc? He is just absolutely rocking me even when I kill all his henchmen and use the npc.
it has the dark souls 2 syndrome of pitting you against 10 enemies + miniboss so you spend 30 minutes running around killing random mooks and then 1v1 the miniboss
Rot allegedly disables NPCs until you cure it, so if you want that new shinobi tool you're SOL if the old dude has aids
>no moonlight greatsword
shit game desu senpai
if you die too much with someone cursed they die for good excluding the temple people.
That's exactly what happened. Some trolls are going "Yea Forums exposed!" but every other user site agrees it's insanely hard after the first couple hours.
The reviewer obviously only played an hour. They've been exposed if anything.
I have the same question. I went into the Hirata estates as soon as I got the bell from the old woman. Am I early?
Lube him up then burn him
I am getting my shit fucked up so bad here. It feels like i shouldnt be here but maybe that's just how hard the game is.
disable it with the control panel retard
I made it up to Jaozu and stopped for the night. Going to sleep on it and try tomorrow, if I fail enough I'll just try some other time.
>The reviewer obviously only played an hour. They've been exposed if anything.
l fucking mao
thats the biggest case of COPE i've seen in a while.
how does it feel being worse than journos?
Yes. Sony tards will say no.
Yeah that's how I felt abou tnioh when they started putting those duo bosses and since I didn't knew about the cheesing stuff at all
lel imagine having IGN cause this much asspain to casual Yea Forums shitters
I didn't see anyone whining about Baba.
Not really.
I'd say its close to being on par, but just not there.
BB is DS formula perfection.
SK is too different for a direct comparison and a bit too wonky in some areas.
>It is objectively superior to every souls game
>doesn't even have invasions
>has no replayability
>has no weapons to find
Firecrackers casualize Long Arm centipede minibosses
lol not even the same league
This is asscreed: japan
Much better than bb, the areas are much more interesting and fun to explore.
You know what, in many ways it feels like Souls and more like AssCreed. I mean, that's literally what they added to this game.
This. BB is a 10/10 and Sekiro manages to be a 9/10, could've been a 9.5, but the stealth and other shit are just too hastily thrown together.
But PC and Xboxfags will of course proclaim that its the best of all, due to sour grapes. Just like they did with DS3
It pretty obvious you haven't played the game. Are you poorfags trolling to feel better about yourself?
Guess you're not jouzu enough
wait, shiggy is in this game?
Not even close, only better than dark souls 2 MAYBE
>the areas are much more interesting and fun to explore.
haha ok that made me laugh
And raven feathers
so is the gold only useful just to buy spirit emblems ?
I'm trying to understand how can anyone have fun playing this game
It's just frustrating, nothing fun in fighting against multiple enemies and not being able to do anything because the targeting system is fucking trash and then losing all you've collected
yea mate, dealing with reality can be tough eh?
parry is easy against most enemies but the old lady has insane timing so you have to literally memorize her combo
>stealth around killing enemies one by one
>engage remaining ones/miniboss in combat
what more do you fucking want?
at least you're not this retard who is probably trying to brute force everything
I think the problem lies in the fact that Sekiro's combat can't compete with the perfection that is DMC5's combat. And you played Sekiro right after.
Yea Forums - snoyggers, salt and casuals
no. the game is insanely difficult in unsatisfied way. not like any soulsgames. its a game made for "REEEEE PLAYING INSANELY DIFFICULT GAME MAKES ME SO HARD THAT ME IS SPECIAL" retards.
Do you even have the ability that lets you jump on thrust attacks?
Damn, I wasn't interested in the game at first but seeing everyone on here crying like little bitches I might as well get it. Seems like everyone used summons and broken builds after all.
>friend is stuck on ogre boss
>he's complaining about artificial difficulty
>tell him to look around a bit or try thinking of a different strategy
>he spoils a boss for me
>tfw this game made me realize my friend is a shitter and I don't like them
>no longer friends with them
Is this game the ultimate pleb filter?
>run into room
>10 people aggro on you
>fat boss with flaming sword chasing you
>run behind their own house
>they all de-aggro
>can stealth kill 90% of them and leave the boss alone
>This ogre's grabs
This makes me want to uninstall if they've STILL not gotten competent enough to fix the tracking.
Why did everyone start playing games in borderless/window/whatever mode, whats wrong with normal full-screen?
>Clear a bunch of enemies on the way to a boss/mid-boss
>Takes a good amount of time since I want to conserve health/healing items for the boss so I try to take them out one at a time
>Boss is surrounded by a ton of normal enemies
>Have to take the time to clear those out too
>Finally time for the boss
>He kills me in two hits
>Have to clear all the enemies out again
>Last a little longer, still kills me in two hits
>Rinse and repeat until I've finally seen enough of the boss' moveset to know the parry timing for each of his various combos and the correct response to each of his big red death shit
Doesn't feel very fun, desu. It's really the stealth mechanics, I think. I don't want to take on every single motherfucker at once but more often than not it seems I'm forced to either handle multiple enemies at once or run away after a single "stealth" kill alerts several others and wait for them to reset.
its just die and retry autism, thats not what I call difficulty
if you want actual difficulty play a multiplayer game
lol he counters it
If you take people says "yes" for granted, please keep in mind that there are idiots who unironically say that DS2 is the best souls game and even better than Bloodborne.
how is blocking compared to metal gear rising? does it feel good or just frustrating?
Has anyone even beaten half of the minibosses without first stealthing half their health away?
Sounds like you did him a favor if you're that petty.
No senpai, this game is harder than your regular soulsborne and if you buy it you will regret
tabbing out to their tranny discord and help pages is easier that way
>enter lady butterflys arena for the first time
>think im under some kind of illusion and use snap seed
>useless till round 2
I've died to this bitch 6 times now and I don't know where to get more snap seeds. I already got the 5 that you get from the straw hat gnomes.
>whats wrong with normal full-screen?
The average Dark Souls II player can beat Sekiro without dying, win Evo, and solve this question in less than a minute: youtube.com
>mfw maxed at 4k at 60fps with my 2080
Games fun as well. Pretty happy so far.
can't disable vsync
>t. my former friend
If i'm that petty? You literally spoiled a boss for me out of anger you retard.
In the Hirata estates? I got fucked in the ass by him, he has as ton of health and posture and hits like a fucking truck
there will be a vendor, but his entire stock is about 2k so i'd suggest buy emblems with everything you have and use purses to trade with vendors.
>everybody talking about bosses and I can't even beat the hammer guy with the baby face near the beginning
this game is juicing me
it's fun though
Are there actually people in this thread right now who haven't played bloodborne?
How poor can you possibly be to not have a PS4/PC setup?
Sekiro so far is great but Bloodborne is on another level
I think we can all agree
Dark Souls >> Bloodborne >>>>> Dark Souls 3 > Demon's Souls >>> Sekiro > Dark Souls 2
I am actually kinda scared of playing this game now that everyone is crying how difficult it is, it is really that bad and not fun? I platinumed Bloodborne and DS3
What Yea Forums needs to understand is that Dark Souls didn't work because of its difficulty. The difficulty was interesting, but the hook is giving the player an incentive by allowing them to upgrade their character and find secret treasures. By removing the RPG elements, From has removed any reason for the player to endure the difficulty. Simply being a hard game in a vacuum is poor design.
>difficulty I like = real difficulty
>difficulty I don't like = artificial
you can kindly go back to DS3 PvP where you belong
Yes, his gimmick is breaking your guard with kicks and then one shotting you with the kick. Comeback to him after you kill horse dude and use the shuriken when he goes into the air
damn you were right. Thanx
Souls fags got by R1 spamming and overwhelming enemies with attacks. Now they actually have to think and time their attacks and dodges.
You also can interrupt some attacks if you hit the enemy during the animation, the very first miniboss in the "normal" game shows you that.
its not that bad, the combat is just different than the souls games
Yeah. Maybe I'm here too early, I've only got the 2 prayer beads so far. I dodged around him and smacked at him for over a minute without dying and still couldn't break his posture.
Demon's Souls = Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 3
Dark Souls 3 is the Skyrim of the Souls series.
The tears are going to be delicious.
>It will stomp BB fags
>It will stomp "summoning is the real game too, because the devs put it in" souls fags
>It will stomp the overleveled babies
>Gascoigne will look like child play next to the first mini boss which is made so you can learn the mechanics
I'm sad I can't watch these threads because I want to avoid spoilers, but it sounds like a fun week ahead of us.
If you did that without summons and r1 spam you'll be fine.
I too miss finding a straight sword that looks slightly different from the other 20 straight swords and has the exat same moveset as every other straight sword
>Bloodbornefags get upset that they can't dodge and R1 spam on enemies or rely on cheap weapons to finish the game so they spin the narrative that this game is on par with Dark Souls 2
Loving every fucking laugh
The no summoning and levelling part is the fucking best, people cant just cheese the whole game
No its comfortable, the combat just works and no retarded action delay.
It's BAMHAM but slightly harder.
No. It's just different. People are approaching it like a Souls game when it's entirely different.
You have to play more aggressively. The game requires you to learn to deflect. It's not much of an option if you want to progress.
Honestly feel like playing Bloodbourne again after having read this. This uninspired weeb tier traditional Japanese universe is fucking boring and the last 6 bosses have been just people with swords spouting anime at me.
how the fuck do I mikiri dodge
I press the dodge button but it just do a normal dodge
If you want a hard game, go play the NES, you zoomer fuck. Modern games have to actually give the player a reason to play through the difficulty.
it ravages your ass but in a fair way. if you missed a hit you missed a hit. no retard shit from dark souls when you have to parry REALLY SPECIAL FRAME. hardest part is not trying to dodge roll though. it's all about parry here most of the time. when you start to get - the game becomes fun kicks in. beware of hearth attacks when reviving and fighting with your last silver of health though.the game stresses you out all the time telling how much of a fag you are for dying.
>You have to play more aggressively.
Yeah, nah. Until you've chipped down a (mini)boss' health there is no point in playing agressively because you will NEVER break their posture meter.
It also doesn't help that you die in 2-3 hits.
Without RPG elements, there's no reason to play the game.
Bloodborne > DS3 > Sekiro > DS1 > DS2
Never played Demons souls
It's different. I don't think it's THAT hard, it's just that Souls autists are struggling to learn the new systems
However it is definitely the most mechanically demanding. You need a certain amount of reflex and defensive awareness that the other games don't really require.
You need to dodge into the spear
Dodge when you would otherwise parry.
Only works against thrusting attacks with the red symbol.
>dude lmao i wanna cheese and overlevel
so called """"""rpg""""""""" elements are the worst part of dark souls series and exist only to cheese shit.
5/10. It's pretty weak bait. You get points for being early before it gets played out.
>DS3 >
kill yourself.
maybe you would end up keeping to fight with same boss during fucking 4 hours. just watch some twitch stremers's play. its ridiculous at this point.
I was finding it fine until the broken grabs started.
I'm so sick and tired of From's shoddy coding with this shit.
>Game says to side step to avoid grabs
>Do a side step
>Boss literally does 90 degrees spin mid air and grabs me anyway
>His drop kicks do it too
DS3 > BB > DS2 > Sekiro > DeS > DS1
maybe if you're a souls babby who depends on jank to win a game
>Best bosses
>Great DLC
>Great PC port
>Great music
Fuck off autismo
A game whose reward for difficulty is the challenge is a shit game. Again, go play NES games, faggot.
Kill Ingeniously.
You can upgrade your character in Sekiro to get new prostethics, more health/attack, new moves and prosthetic upgrades
Progression exists, just not a level-based grindfest that allows you to brute-force everything
Get fucked
>Let me just ignore the fact that there's tons of other weapons
You tried
>bloodbabbies mad they cant parry cheese and iframe through everything
this game is already 11/10
Fuck off back to lebbit and stay there, DS3 faggots.
it's pretty easy if you're patient and understand that it's different from souls.
you don't have stamina and you pretty much depend on parries to attack.
the parries only occur if you time a block well enough.
>implying 99% of NES games aren't trash fire garbage
take your meds grandpa, maybe Sekiro just isn't your speed anymore
Oh yeah let me just pull out 20 curved swords that all share the same two (2) moves and have a virtually similar moveset to a straight sword, just with more dex scaling
The only reason anyone who is not literally crippled, physically or mentally, can get below A on Demon Hunter is not realizing that there are checkpoints on every boss fight and using golden orbs, or something.
As someone who loves Bloodborne, let me tell you that you're full of shit.
Parrying in SK is great.
Yep, if you treat it like Dark souls or Bloodborne, this game will seriously kick your ass.
What is the difference between helping Kuro and obeying the Iron Code
Holy fucking shit, there's no customization, faggot. The point of an RPG is that you can make the character in the way you want. Meanwhile, Sekiro is the same no matter who plays it, no matter how many times it's played.
>treasure drops
>stat allocation
>spell trees
>fashion souls
Otherwise there's no reason to play. This game is going to bomb hardcore, and I'm going to piss in your face when it does.
Thank God it runs like ass on my PC. No need to burst my blood vessels over this game.
everyone point and laugh
So how long until people can actually talk about the game's problems instead of being yelled over by the drones?
>By removing the RPG elements, From has removed any reason for the player to endure the difficulty. Simply being a hard game in a vacuum is poor design.
you do realize games like ninja gaiden, dmc, bayonetta... exist and that they are very popular and highly regarded among gamers and critics.
its harder than min maxing dark souls with OP weapons, its easier than trying to play darksouls for the first time and not knowing how its leveling system works
Personally im way better at this than i ever was at dark souls and you can cheese so much stuff by running away and then stealth or jump killing them since you dont really need to fight most enemies just take them out
>actually it does
cry harder
Go play NES games, kid.
Yea Forums truly is full of casual from reddit.
>Kirby's Epic Yarn
I'll need someone to sit down and explain to me how this became a comparison. Though not a hard game, it isn't the easiest game out there either.
DSP run when, i cant wait
wtf are you talking about retard, what does NES have to do with anything. I'm just pointing out how stupid you are for thinking games aren't allowed to be difficult unless they are RPGS
Why do I feel like you're talking about the headless guy?
Confetti my dude.
Any dataminers know what the parry window is?
progression =/= customization
Difficult games have to reward the player by allowing them to sculpt their character. This game is cookie cutter.
It's definitely way harder than Soulsborne. A random mini-boss can destroy you faster than the hardest Soulsborne bosses. It's also possible to lose your way into a corner because you lose 50% of your (unspent) money and EXP every time you die (unless Buddha decides to give you good RNG), and you have both replenishing and non-replenishing healing items. Oh and if you revive too many times then NPCs start to get sick. Thanks Miyazaki.
Also some bosses have a ton of tracking on their attacks. Fromsoft still has a grab problem.
It feels like Miyazaki borrowed a lot from Dark Souls 2 for some reason (lifegems, lots of enemy hordes, dodge has minimal i-frames, oversized grab hitboxes, etc). Obviously Sekiro is a lot more polished though.
>fashion souls
>my made up /vg/ term absolutely has to be in every game!
Holy fucking shit, if all you want is a game that's difficult and nothing else, go buy an NES. Go play one of those impossibly hard platform games that reward you with
>Good Job!
when you beat them. But modern games and modern gamers have moved beyond that. Overcoming challenge is not a reward in and of itself.
no idea but it seems way wider than dark souls as i always sucked at it in dark souls and find it easy here although enemy wind ups do make getting the timing harder
I just destroyed Jukou the Drunkard. I jumped over his sword, kicked him in the face, set him on fire with my Vash the Stampede robot arm, and slit his throat.
>having trouble with Gaijin Orge at all
You're bunch of fucking casual, go back to Fornite
The combat is a clear step up from BB.
Levels are very open and expansive but they don't seem as tightly designed and controlled as BB.
>Overcoming challenge is not a reward in and of itself.
yes it is, this is one of the core pillars of tons of video games.
It's Dark Souls with a couple rule changes.
name ten
no they litearlly dont, there are tons of hard games that dont do that. smups, hack and slashes, rhythm games, and pretty much any game with difficulty settings.
I love RPGs but not every game needs to be it which you clearly think or is it safe to assume you play on easy any game that isnt an RPG you can grind and over level
How good are you at Bloodborne?
Does no one really like this game? I think it's pretty amazing
I'm pretty good but will fuck up every so often
I'm doing relatively okay. Can kill most minibosses in a couple of tries.
I'm not really having fun with this type of combat though.
Monster hunter
System Shock
Hollow Knight
Talos Principle
Dark Souls
>reach large group of enemies
>run away and wait for them to deaggro
>go in and stealth kill one
>repeat until they're all dead
10/10 stealth mechanics. Still fun but one has to wonder why they even bothered to give mini-bosses extra enemies.
This is not a customizable character. You unlock skills over the game. You're basically Adam Jensen. It's a design choice not a flaw.
I breeze through BB but this game is giving me trouble, mostly because it's so different.
Dude, I don’t know how long you played, but if you’ve already beaten 4 bosses, you’re not having that hard of a time.
not only that but you can kill the minibosses with the same mechanic which just makes them parts that take longer more than anything
At least with mini-bosses you can only pull that once, if they deaggro they heal to full.
thats true although it makes those fights so much easier
>All the casuals exposing themselves
Yea Forums is dead
>run into room like a bull in a china shop
>the 10 soldiers inside decide to attack you
>run away and hide
>come back and kill them quietly
Attack between parries and it builds up pretty fast. Just need to make sure you can parry when you need to.
>How to spot someone that hasn't played the game
You can take off one of their health bars. If you retreat they get that health back.
So stealth will only do half the job. The game basically expects you to do this anyway.
All I hear is "I'm mad because I can't overlevel and cheese anymore".