Did anybody play this and if so what did you think about it?

Did anybody play this and if so what did you think about it?

Attached: Ruiner-PC.jpg (1200x630, 364K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fun but short

You have any idea what was actually going on at the end?

Decent at first, rapidly boring and too repetitive even despite its short length. Overstayed its welcome for me, and had a plot that was bizarrely obtrusive while being barebones.

Felt a lot like an attempt to recapture Hotline Miami but it didn't do enough to establish its mood, world, and time period unlike HM which went to pretty great lengths to add environmental and textual detail to validate and build its world. Ultimately felt sort of dry and boring as a result.

Black and red really is a fucking eye hurting combination.

If it wasn't for the cute genki girl hacker chick that ranked your combat stats I doubt Yea Forums would still remember it nowadays. Not a bad exercise of the devs' time but hardly a fantastic one.

Puppy's brother never existed. HER probably never existed either, she was a rogue hacker of some kind controlling Puppy to kill Boss, whom Puppy is a clone of.

Attached: 1553224860364.png (466x574, 288K)

The controls weren't that great either, character lags behind which takes getting used to and aiming is a bit of a pain.

All the artworks are traced


Traced off what?

Cringy and boring

>overwatch fanart

D.Va, Yukiko, Ann (Panther)...

Man that soundtrack tho

I liked Her game.

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The soundtrack was actually really damn good. Ended up picking up the viynal ost

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>high frequency blade
>maxed overload
>"Get them, puppy."

Attached: RUINER-PAX-012.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

I quite enjoyed it but it dragged a bit.

I don't think I ever finished it but worth a try. Cute girl but I felt there was some epic XD twist with her coming but as I said never finished it.

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Wish HER story was explained more. Devs hinted at future dlc but that was a while ago

Attached: benedykt-szneider-benedykt-szneider-her-back-flat-poster.jpg (1152x1920, 319K)

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We will both regret it.

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Played through it twice. Graphics and art style were some of the best I've seen from an indie studio, sequel when?

By far the best song on the soundtrack

she's so damn cute

Devs said they are working on a new game. Not sure if its a new Ruiner tho.

wheres the ejection port on that p90?

Attached: re.jpg (1581x2048, 483K)

It's the future.

Pretty much all artwork is "traced" from something. Almost nobody draws from mind.

Drawing from mind is just tracing in a way too. It's just that the things being traced are laundered through a layer of cognitive distortion


Caseless ammo my guy, this is the future we're talking about.

>he doesn't know about the caseless p90

Could be a caseless smg

I like it but it runs really choppy and seems a bit unoptimized. I'm just running it at 1080p with a 580 and 6600k and it stutters and pauses frequently.

>I like it but it runs really choppy and seems a bit unoptimized.

I have heard this before and have no idea where it's coming from. My computer is 7700K + GTX 1070. I got 250+ FPS on all highest settings in Ruiner, no stutters, no issues, buttery smooth.

Maybe it's an ATI thing?

Fun game, hoping for a sequel sometime.

Kinda ok but at the same time really boring, gameplay is cool and all, but has no replayability

get them puppy

Attached: sofie-ivars-her-2.jpg (1150x1477, 512K)

HER is implied by a few ingame sources to actually be an AI that developed sentience from a monitoring satellite designed to study human behavior.

Attached: Ruiner-Win64-Shipping 2019-03-22 20-20-40-89.png (1920x1080, 642K)

>god i wish that were me

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>artificial superintelligence
>immediately decides to become a cute girl

Why does everyone want to be the little girl?

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To trick dumb dumb idiot heads

I watched a Japanese guy stream this to a small chat of like 200 viewers and they lost their shit when the Hirasawa Susumu songs started playing.

It's pretty impressive that a tiny company like Reikon got Hirasawa

She cant just be an AI. How did she intend to meet you where Heaven fell?

>where Heaven falls

clearly her satellite is going to deorbit and she wants you to meet it at the landing site and extract her

It felt more like the cool demo of what could have been a great game

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I played it, it was good, but gameplay can get a little caotuc, especially at the end of the game

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Still just an AI. In my ending she's a hacker and very real.

how is an AI any less real than a human?

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AI aint thicc

>being this much of a biological supremacist shitlord

it can be if it wants, user. it can be if it wants.

What are you talking about?

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hummm excuse me

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What the fuck am i looking at?

Arena mode

I liked it, its short, pretty fun, the music is excellent

>no nose on the mask

Because cute girls are always welcomed and appreciated when they show up somewhere. When a man shows up somewhere, people's attitude is "What makes you think you deserve to be here?"

kys fat fucker

That's when you whip out your pipe.

Idk but someone mentioned cyber city Oedo last ruiner thread and then I proceeded to watch it nice anime real nice

Great atmosphere, soundtrack, and level design. Okay gameplay. For a twinstick shooter, feels kinda sluggish, at times, and aiming never feels very accurate.

Ill check it out

I tried but I'm too old to be good at it

I really liked the game and found it to be super atmospheric. Sometimes even chilling. Tbh I recommend it to everybody.

Think there is a big enough following for them to even consider making another one?

The lass bossing you around was pretty cute, never finished the game.

they've described the next game they're working on as a "FPP sci-fi/neocyber project" so maybe not a true sequel but still likely same universe

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I wanna fuck punk D.Va.

Not bad. Not my kinda game but it isn't bad at all.

Just as long as it has her it will be alright

Will be sweet. It will probably steal some thunder from the not-so-Cyberpunk 2077.

FPP is just another way to say walking simulator

FPP means "First Person Perspective"

First person ???

Yes. A walking simulator. Name me one FPP that isn't basically a walking simulator

Every FPS game is an FPP game.
Every first-person game with swords/magic/etc. is an FPP game (ex. TES)

Pretty cool but it seems like it really wanted to be an RPG instead of a twinstick shooter. There's a ton of good worldbuilding that goes to waste because the game isn't substantial enough to make full use of it.

Portal, or Talos principle if we go strictly with no shooting mechanic of any kind.

The Talos Principle, Portal?

Shit man we posted the same thing

>It will probably steal some thunder from the not-so-Cyberpunk 2077.
>This is what sunhaters actually believe.

Cyberpunk without environment-destroying sun-blocking smog isn't cyberpunk.

it was one of my favorite games of its year

Pretty cool but I feel like such visuals and sound were wasted by not making it a proper RPG game.

Attached: 8JlnOe7.png (1280x1280, 581K)

got it for $5. amazing game for $5

If your knowledge of the genre is limited to secondary and entry-level shit then sure.

>Hurr durr where's muh deserts and sand? This isn't a real western.

Attached: The Great Silence.jpg (500x273, 19K)

>haha, I bet cyberpunk to you is popular ideas unique to the genre that resonate with people, what a retard

>Without muh pink and neon dark rain at night it isn't cyberpunk.


Maybe it is to a cyberpunk scholar like you, but nothing about it looks appealing.

That's why I love the game, it exposed all the brainlets who only like the genre due to superficial shit.

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I played it the moment it released and enjoyed it a lot, the punishing difficulty and the focus on using the shield bash/dashes to chain kill setups was simple, but fun.

I heard they lowered the difficulty/enemy health after a few people complained and I saw that they added unnecessary shit like "ruiner kills" and got really, really concerned. I'm afraid to touch it now.

A cyberpunk game can easily be one with a beautiful enviroment so long as the central themes are still about Personal expression in a dangerous futuristic corpocracy. For example the corporation in charge might be a bunch of eco-terrorists who create easy atrocities that help the enviroment at the cost of the lives in it.

What you and the mainstream thinks of a cyberpunk setting is actually a blend of two genres: Cyberpunk and Noir.
What you want isnt neccesarily cyberpunk. What you want is sci-fi sin city.

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No. Cyberpunk as a genre depends crucially on the fact that corporations have even ruined the environment and blanketed everything in darkness. It is oppressive and tone-setting. There is a reason every single notable cyberpunk work does it.

>every single notable cyberpunk work does it.

Attached: not cyberpunk.png (1920x1080, 3.21M)

>There is a reason every single notable cyberpunk work does it.

Yeah, like Blade Runner, and... uuuh...

Fun and short, really good atmosphere, music and pleasing artstyle all around, well worth the 10 bucks.
It ignited a femdom fetish I didn't know I had, and I cannot find any material similar to what "Her" does in the game.

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Dropped it immediately though it looked like something id dig. Dunno

Holy fucking cope. Anyways...yeah OP the game was mediocre with pretty poor scenery. Music is great though.

>There is a reason every single notable cyberpunk work does it.
because it is actually happening irl

You honestly think visuals are the only problem? People were looking for dreary atmosphere of human disconnection in corporate and media controlled population, instead they got le wacky chicano sidekick yelling at sassy cunt protagonist who enjoys her degenerate life instead of longing for humanity.

>muh degeneracy

I feel you man
I was put on this planet to be bossed around by a cute girl with enemies

lol shut your fucking ass up lol
made me laugh

>Get them, puppy.

Attached: 1505030937464.png (576x590, 337K)

>It ignited a femdom fetish I didn't know I had,
It's like a "doing the princess' bidding" thing.
Being the attack dog for a cute girl is fun.

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