Guys, how do I get my daughter to play videogames? I want her to be a cool gamer like her dad...

Guys, how do I get my daughter to play videogames? I want her to be a cool gamer like her dad, but she doesn't enjoy them at all. I thought kids liked Nintendo stuff, but she always looks bored even playing Mario Odyssey

She asked me if there was a Frozen videogame
I think I'm losing her

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Piss off, kiddie diddler

You're raising a Debbie, may aswell commit an hero at this point.

>a Debbie
I can't keep up with these incel memes

Your daughter has the right idea. Maybe she should be raising you.

You dont have one, but if you did, let her like what she likes instead of trying to force your faggot hobbies on her.

OP doesn't have a daughter he doesn't even have a girlfriend. He may never have had a girlfriend.

You can't force it into her, if she doesn't look at you playing videogames as something cool then you already lost her.

I tried to do the same thing with my niece but her mother made her an insufferable bitch just like her.

holllys shit, i cringed!

Are these hapas? How come female hapas are pretty normal yet the males are 100% deranged incels like Elliot?

Also, a Sekiro thread died for this.



asian men are basically only good if they're super athletic body builders (still going to get small dick jokes no matter what) or if they are rich, in USA culture basically only ones that like asian men are asian girls more or less, unlike how asian girl white boy is most common interracial group even in front of black guy white girl

>censored plate of something
God damn it dick, shut up.

hapas are so cute
god i'd breed these little bitches.

kys nonce

imagine having all three of em just blowing you at the same time and cumming on their faces
very nice

imagine having tyrone and juan taking their time with your hole in prison

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i can't imagine that

imagine their little butts though, just bent over for you.
very cute.

>people who fetishize asian women are not pedophi-

Is this some gag where they cooked something horrific and it has to be censored?

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Imagine sucking on a long thin black pipe.

Die, paedo.

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nigga don't temp me

Make her transition to male.

From the context I guess Debbie is a completely uninteresting run off the mill grill with no personality or own opinions, while Stacy is an obnoxious basic bitch bimbo. So basically every woman on the planet that doesn't slobber over your vock is arbitrarily either one or the other.

this, why would you want your kid to waste their lives playing video games

>a completely uninteresting run off the mill grill with no personality or own opinions
You telling me these don't exist? They are literally everywhere.

>the mind of the average american

But she just finished transitioning to female

You post like the Indian youtube pedos who resulted in google's new policy of all videos containing children having comments off.

True. Everyone is bound to fall into this catagory from *someone* else's pespective.

Where? I want one to just kinda order around.

Those chicks literally just want you to roleplay as her father during sex, and that's their darkest secret. These bitches are plain.

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>reddit meme

So goddamn cute, christ.

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>Debbie is a completely uninteresting run off the mill grill with no personality or own opinions
Aka, the ideal woman

kill yourself pedo

Any college campus. Maybe women are more interesting in other countries, but in the U.S. have of them have the fluoride stare at all times.

I just want a cute daughter i can make pancakes for, pat her head, and let her sit on my shoulders when we go to the zoo is that too much to ask?

Don' t force you faggy hobby on your child.

Congratulations, she show early design of being infected by normalfags diseases.
Your daughter if left alone will love disney and become western roasties in no time.
Let her watch more anime, and cut her from any normalfags channel.

>fluoride stare
Fluoride is perfectly same, you anti-semite

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Let her figure out her own interests. You don't start liking things by getting them shoved down your throat. She'll just end up hating that shit.

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>sucking on long big pipe bad

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That's right, just let the media and the school system raise your kids
All children are smart, and parents are dumb!

What a fucking leap.

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This is cute, I hope I can get an asian gf and make hapa babies with her

There’s a Frozen world in KH3. You can also pick up Disney Infinity with all the content digitally

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Hmm, maybe making games only targeted to a male audience is thre problem.

But where did i hear that from?

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Hi user, you might want to try easing her into games. Let her play some girly games first, maybe a dressup game or a fashion designer game, or whatever they're interested in and then once she is used to the controls, let her sit beside you while you're playing games and see you enjoy it. Then, you can let her play for a bit
Make sure there's a set timer for it, maybe 30 mins or an hour and then you continue playing. There might be a chance for her to want to play again after already having her chance.

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I wonder who could be behind these posts

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i totally agree it's just so problematic am i right my fellow twitter tranny?


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>muh tranny boogeyman

Probably theres a name written in ketchup so it's censored

Let her pick her own hobbies.

oof, imagine being a white "woman" right now.

Why can't you white women just step down gracefully? You had your time on the top but now you've been replaced, and you only have yourselves to blame.

marry, hug, fuck

Wait, what's this?

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>think they are woman
it's literally a larping tranny, check the archive

>has to add men of several differences races because he can't find enough white men comments
this is really sad

one of the left is a fake reproduction of the right with the genders switched.

>i-it's fake guys!!!

Trust me, 99% of the people making fun of racemixers are straight white males

Asian men are so unthreatening to any other ethnicity that they may as well not exist.

>It's all angry middle aged women mad at a girl being considered beautiful
Fuck me, that's some hardcore insecurity.

No u dumb sataniaposter

Nintendo should make a game where you play as Peach

Nothing wrong with that

>mfw I actually achieved a petite qt asian gf and live in Korea

Anything is possible bros.
Do wish she had bigger boobs though but DFC is nice too.

Start by getting her good video games like Etrian Odyssey, nothing better than adventuring in an all loli party

>Her dad

and then you woke up

Figuring out our own interests is something we don't do as a child

>I want her to be a cool gamer like her dad
> her dad
How did you convince her to enter your van?

With that attitude you'll never achieve your goals, friend.

worth mentioning too
>susan scrofani

If you raise your daughter on dumb shit she'll bring home a deadbeat loser with the same dumb shit interests. Do you really want that you moron?

Force her to master every build in Dark Souls 1 when she becomes a teenager introduce her to the tragedy of life that is Dark Souls 2. Finally when she is an adult and has some serious insecurity issues, introduce her to Dark Souls 3.

During this important phase in her life only play Bloodborne and call her a shit eating scrub.

She will become a more rounded human being in the long run and not decend into normie tiered garbage like Fortnite or Minecraft.

dab on whitet*ids

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Hapas are cute.

Shut the fuck up, Onsokumaru

>too beta to hug her
I bet he asks permission for kisses too

So many white women are getting CHINKED. It's kinda gross.

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keep saying that to yourself virgin fag *dab*

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>trying to teach your game to like something (video games for you)
>not letting your kid just play how he / she wants
>not letting your kid discover the things they like
You're part of the problem.

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>black people invent jokes about white people, chad, stacy, becky, etc
>people act like "incels" did

>men and women far from their prime being angry that good looking men and women exist
>men and women that were never good looking being angry that others are good looking.
Water is wet.

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my mom always told me to marry a nip girl so she would have beutiful mixed niece and then she died 1 year after so I'm still single

>even Liberal Asian women who complain about White men like Constance Wu, still prefer White men

Got to step up your game Asian bois

My mom told my sister to get a white bf, I got so angry at her

>liberal women are pro racemixing
Imagine my shock

>imagine using an ugly chink to prove your point
the absolute state of white*ids

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I have the feeling this is a pedo thread.

If you're white I guarantee you they won't look like the ones in the OP.

You're wrong. It's /pol/ thread about how racemixing is bad.

>tfw no cute hapa daughters

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asian chads get what they want
wh*toids betas get what they can

no it's a wmaf cope thread

/pol/ is always okay with race mixing as long as the girl is attractive or just japanese

The couple on the right looks better
They seem to be genuinely happy

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>everything has to be political
Is there a bigger sign of newfaggotry than turning every fucking discussion into /pol/ shit?

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Or maybe they won't like any video game for very long, smelly whore.

Which one of them gives the best suck?

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lmao dude the girl looks like a fucking baboon with a receding hairline get your eyes checked