>game lets you romance a character the same sex as you
Game lets you romance a character the same sex as you
>website lets you post blank images
I need a boyfriend...
>best romance is locked behind gay relationship
>game lets you romance a character the opposite sex as you
>game lets you sell items
God bless you firefighter
If the gay shoe fits
Are you cute?
And I don't mean pretending to be cute while actually being an insufferable cunt.
I bet he wouldn't kiss you.
I don't think it's very cute to go around calling myself cute but other people call me cute pretty often.
do you get scared when something scary happens in a game or movie? this is very important
No just because I'm too far removed from the action myself. I'm scared of heights and bugs though.
>Yea Forums - gay dating
what a shame
i'm scared of bugs too so i think our life together would be one of sheer terror, sorry