Most advanced graphics in the history of the planet

>Most advanced graphics in the history of the planet
>All developers use it for is to make trees, mountains and other boring fucking shit I can see if I look out the window

Attached: 1447964426350.gif (400x269, 1.82M)

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Whats this from?

Whats wrong with that? It looks nice.
The question is whether its going to be used at all in an actual game.

Iria: Zeiram the Animation

If this thread hits 50 replies I'll tell you

>Whats wrong with that?
It's boring. Video games are on par with anime for how easily you can have batshit insane visuals.

Ty user

Congratulations you're a huge faggot, now go back to Yea Forums

>tfw op contains something interesting and source is already provided

Attached: 511.png (1063x757, 249K)

fuck off OP faggot

I remember watching this shit on the Sci-Fi channel ages ago.
All I remember is that the black dude died and transferred his mind into a car and the weird alien monster absorbed people or something.

>caring about graphics in videogames
Modern videogame graphics are so fucking oversaturated with bullshit and distracting shit it actually is a distraction from the videogame itself. Fortunately modern videogames also don't include much in the way of actual videogaming and are 99.9999% fucking movieshit that should be discussed on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums.

I found Iria surprisingly boring. Graphics don't make a show alone. Even the live action movie is pretty cringe, despite astounding costume design.

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On the one hand, I think it's always good to have designs that are at least partially grounded in reality to provide cohesion.

On the other hand, I know this is just going to encourage people who are too stupid/lazy to actually understand how to properly design things themselves to muddy the waters further than they already are.

>>Most advanced graphics in the history of the planet

Attached: UNLIMITEDGRAFIX.jpg (1600x900, 217K)

Because fads. PS1 it was fixed camera Survival Horror. PS2 it was Devil May Cry styled action games. Now it's bland Sandbox games. None of those things lend themselves to Anime OVA like Science Fiction universes.

Variety is the spice of life user!
It could be more boring than watching paint dry. I'm already committed!

Attached: 512.png (1280x720, 790K)

A scam. They got millions for it and they didn't do anything serious out of it.

Well, it's not THAT boring, so have fun.

They make it BECAUSE you can see it looking out the window, OP.
Even the greatest painters had to paint something people could relate to. It ain't rocket science.

But sure. Games could look more interesting from a stylistic point of view. It's like that whole 20th century of art hasn't been happening to a lot of directors. Let's have some deliberate portrayal instead of mediocre recreation.

Still funny.

>calling the future of graphics a scam

Because it was a nonsense idea in the first place. The scam was in how they framed it, not in whether they developed it from there or not.

Attached: どうもありがとう.gif (500x280, 975K)

Iria is so cool.

Attached: []picture-standard-anime-iria-iria-picture-7088-jacksparrow-preview-152c97ff.jpg (719x1000, 173K)

>calling the past the future

It's a shame because voxels are cool, it feels weird that the inside of video game models technically don't exist

Wrong. The idea is sound, because it does away with meshes and textures. It's essentially a super-high detail mesh where each vertex has color properties instead of being textured on top. It then does dynamic LODs at difference distances to not have to render the whole mesh at once, so at any distance you have a gradual change in detail.

The actual problem with that is that the super-detailed 3d model with color data you're rendering is enormous in storage size, and its data structure is very intensive to work with on the fly. Modern PCs are not designed to do that kind of work, so it requires dedicated hardware. That's why Euclideon has been selling their tech for Cloud applications, VR "entertainment centers" where each room could very well be using cloud processing services, and recently "holographic tables", which again, probably do the same. It's not going to be consumer-ready for years, perhaps never if it has to catch up to improving graphics.

Attached: lain.gif (359x443, 34K)

In other words, it's a scam

because making computers replicate stuff that only requires small deviations to be replicated in vast quantities and be believable works best with stuff like grass trees and other landscape shit, you could also do it with alien world tier landscape shit you want like something from no man's sky but if you want buildings and shit from a sci-fi world that shit needs to be done by hand

But muh realism user.
Can't have alien looking worlds, that wouldn't be realistic.