>you will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the first time ever again
You will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the first time ever again
No but I can drop it half way through again
And that’s a good thing
While I don't think BotW is as good as people say, the first 20 hours or so were seriously one of the best video game experiences of my life.
I barely knew anything about the game when starting out. The anticipation and sense of wonder really can't be understated. Too bad there was no real pay-off though.
But I haven't played it yet.
This is true, i recently tried replaying it and it felt pretty meh the second time after I already knew how everything works
>"First 20 hours one of the best gaming experiences of my life"
>No pay-off
Dear God...
I know this and it makes me sad, but BotW was literally the first video game in YEARS to give me hope for the video game industry -- and specifically for Zelda games, as well. I think the last time I played something so enjoyable was probably Xenoblade, and before that, Half-Life 2.
The first 20 hours is still not even half of what I spent on the game.
The rest were mediocre or even bad. Can't say the game was good when the only reason I enjoyed it was because I was hoping to find something that wasn't there.
I haven't played it yet, I'll look up the state of the emulator soon.
it felt really empty to me and there was literally zero endgame content after the final boss
I dont need to
Vinny pretty much showed me everything I could ever get from it while being more entertaining than the game itself
It's especially sad because the first time is literally the only time you'll have fun, and trying to replay this game is a fucking nightmare
Same. First time I ever watched a stream rather than playing the game myself. Don't even feel like playing it now.
Saved me about $300.
>the only reason I enjoyed it was because I was hoping to find something that wasn't there.
based and redpilled
nintendo will def make a quick sequel like they did for oot and mm
i'll play botw2 for the first time
Actually this. I unlocked all the towers, did a lot of shitty shrines and 1 "dungeon" and never played it again.
Actually because the next Zelda will be the same except better, it'll be like playing it for the first time again.
Any remaining shrines
Additional DLC shrines
DLC hidden treasure content
Master Sword Trials
Korok hunting to see the whole world
Christ, what more could you expect? A whole new continent to explore with a new series of bosses?
>Watching a game is the same as playing a game
literally what
>Christ, what more could you expect? A whole new continent to explore with a new series of bosses?
nah more like hunting and crafting to actually be something to do rather than barebones and trivial. there is literally nothing to do other than chop logs down and ride them with the time freeze thing
Played for 15 minutes
The most awkward, shit controls, shit gameplay garbage I've played in a long time.
Never goddamn again.
Fuck modern gaming and fuck the idiots who keep it going despite its obvious flaws.
Let gaming die.
Pay for filler
Pay for a horse reskin
Pay for filler
No, it's not the same. It's about $300 cheaper to watch it.
>see someone praising a game
>overcome by a mammoth autismal urge to bash the game, spam buzzwords and brag about how you watch e-celebs
This is postgame content to you?
None of this is substantial and might as well be randomly generated. In fact if it were it'd be better.
>>you will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the last time ever
I'm doing that right now though. It is enjoy enough but extremely overrated.
>Mass replying
Kill yourself, faggot.
>see someone criticize a game you love
>have a bitch fit
every time. fucking toddlers
Same thing here. I think I am becoming a fucking normie. This game earned an "eh" from me, while I was playing 80h of Odyssey and loving every bit of it.
But then that cost gets subsidised when you add more bing bing wahoo to the system
Not only that, luckily I never have to see or play it again
>buy game for 100
>play until bored
>sell for 20 cheaper on kijiji
>do the same for the console except 50ish cheaper
literally play any game you want for less than 100
No thanks.
Thank god, it was trash
>praising modern games
You don't play enough old games, kid.
You're now required to play only 80s games for the next two years. Come back after then and play this pile of garbage. You'll understand.
He's right though. Like, what about OP instigated all the autismal assblast in response?
Normies actually enjoyed BotW though.
a lot of people i know finished all the shrines before fighting the final boss. master sword trials were a fun challenge but it came out long after i beat the game so the master sword upgrade didn't even come in handy. now that i think about it i don't think i ever used the master sword in the first place. motorcycle DLC was stupid because they didn't add "GTA stunts" or anything to do, it was just a goofy thing the devs probably made for testing and then just threw it in the DLC bundle.
don't even act like the korok quest was worth a shit
>get hit with legitimate criticism
>"l-le buzzwords!"
Imagine being this naive
>you'll never play bored in the wild
feels really great
Literally anything in a game is "filler" if it's not mandatory to win. In other words, the post-game content you so desperately crave is filler.
>Plays for 15 minutes
Yeah, you're not convincing anyone you bought a game only to play it for 15 minutes, and then dropped it. You sound like a console war fag.
I'm sorry you're poor.
It gives you a literal treasure hunt and it's not good enough for you? Shit, this is the stuff I lived for as a kid. It's fun as fuck piecing together clues and trying to find a unique, hidden treasure. Who cares if it's not the most powerful item in the game? It's ~fun~
Within 5 minutes, someone will post the ''0 days without Yea Forums seething over BotW'' picture.
>But it's fun
That isn't an argument, retard. You saying something is fun is worth exactly as much as me saying it isn't fun.
>literal treasure hunt and it's not good enough for you
Yeah, it isn't. I don't really care for collecting every single little collectible like agility orbs in Crackdown or the hidden packages in GTA:VC.
Because the game is mediocre and without the Zelda skin, it would not have done well.
fuck man I think about this a lot, they added in the DLC and the hero mode and I've had a hankering to play but I know it'll never ever be like it was the first time
the game had problems, no intelligent person would argue with that, but exploring the world and the nooks and crannies for koroks and discovering the shrines hidden in the sides of mountains and climbing slowly to the top of death mountain and walking out into your first shot of zora's domain and watching the sky fade away into darkness as "lost woods" appears on your screen while the music starts up
or just running into a skeleton horse and seeing if I could climb on top, or riding halfway across the map to the bottom left corner because it was the only place I hadn't been, or finding Tarrey Town and thinking of the potential, or seeing the horses run on the open plains in the south and jumping on each to find the best one
I have all these incredible memories and they're perfect the way they are, but fuck me do I wish I could experience them again
I will because I haven't played it yet. ;)
Unlucky dood
See the difference in how people enjoy this game boils down to intrinsic/extrinsic rewards.
You're more likely to be the type to grind for a 1% superweapon because your sense of fun comes from an external motivation -- having the best, strongest weapon.
Whereas my sense of fun comes from the goals I set for myself. I choose the things I want to accomplish and decide to do those things. I enjoy the game without having to worry about whether I have the strongest weapon or the most powerful armor. I enjoy the game because I climb a peak, look around, and spot a new point if interest I want to explore. Maybe there's nothing actually there other than its aesthetic appeal, but it fulfills the sense of exploration and curiosity deeply rooted in the most primal, survival-based parts of my brain.
Shut the fuck up Matthew.
I'm still playing it. Whatcha gonna do now op
>game from [popular series] would not be popular if it were not from [popular series]
Is this a real post? Does someone out there actually exist that's this retarded? Can anyone else see this? Am I going insane?
Wow, look, an actual intelligent poster on Yea Forums. Welcome, friend, you are 100% fucking correct.
I would have loved to seen the massive breaking of jaws resulting from the big, open-mouthed collective yawns of gamers over "Breath of the Wild Original IP" if it was released that way.
I enjoyed BotW on my first playthrough, but that doesn't make it a good game. I won't even discover anything for the first time again. I won't ever anticipate finding cool new dungeons and bosses, because I know they aren't in the game. There is no reason for me to really play it anymore since that intrinsic value is gone.
I can still play and enjoy other games for their gameplay, even if I know them inside and out. That's not the case for BotW because even the gameplay isn't that interesting anymore.
I play Zelda games because I enjoy the adventurous exploration, good dungeon designs and interesting bosses. BotW only really had one of these things.
>Not having to feel such disappointment again
Thank Christ.
So... Basically, Google Maps is a fun videogame for you?
What a trash post by an oblivious poster. I bet you've never even played the game.
Twilight Princess was garbage, and Skyward Sword was a solid 7/10.
Breath of the Wild is a fucking masterpiece. It saved the LoZ series
I guarantee you all of the comments people are making about why BotW is a bad game can be applied to their favorite games as well.
I'll be skipping it, more likely than not. Firstly, because it likely will be a switch exclusive, and I have no interest in purchasing one. Secondly, because I was seriously burned on BOTW. It left a huge stain on the series for me, and I don't trust Ninty to not repeat their biggest mistakes.
Well consider this you inbred fuck.
Replace the Zoras with fish people, replace the Gorons with rock people so on, I think you get it.
Now when you factor in that this game does not play like a traditional Zelda, fucking tell me it would have done as well.
>B-b-b-ut you can roll a boulder onto enemies, its so much fun!
if it had a Ubisoft logo on it, (Which it might as fcking well) v would shit on it hard. Fucking MGS5 is a better open world game.
I played it for the first time last month. The first ten hours were fantastic, the remaining 40 hours were tedious and boring.
>Reddit spacing
>Reddit opinions
>Fucking MGS5 is a better open world game.
user please, all you had to do to be right was to not go full retard at the end.
>Skyward Sword was a solid 7/10.
All of these negative comments could be applied to Wind Waker too. Lots of empty space. The dungeons will always be the same, the bosses will always be the same.
The bosses in BotW were the only difficult bosses I've ever encountered in a Zelda game since OoT when we were all still getting used to moving in a 3D environment.
And the claim that there is more "adventurous exploration" in other Zelda games is just fucking laughable. That's what I mean when others point out the flaws in BotW -- often times they ignore or aren't aware of these very same flaws in their own favorite games. It's a biased view.
Good. This game is trash.
Thank fuck the game was shit
Great Plateu was the best part of the game, game goes down hill from there. Maybe they could have doubled the size and kept the quality. Constantly discovering new things and ways to play keeps you playing the game, but once the tricks wear off, there is little to keep you invested in the game.
I've done two playthroughs, the game shouldn't have given you as much stamina as it did. My second run I tried getting the master sword early, which meant I played a good chunk of the game without a upgraded stamina bar and I have to say getting around the world was far more engaging. The extra stamina just makes climbing another monotonous thing you do, instead of a challenge to scale great cliffs.
Reddit loves BotW. I know, I look at it on my phone while I phone post here. :-)
Had a friend who was a Nintendo snob. He's a trany now.
Both empty worlds
both outpost bullshit(MGS5 being better)
At least MGS5 had good music. Nvm, at least MGS5 HAS music.
Weapons dont fucking break
>The bosses in BotW were the only difficult bosses I've ever encountered in a Zelda game
I thought they were too easy
My favorite game is NieR. Say what you want about that game's flaws, but it was jammed pack with things to do and had an amazing story and soundtrack.
Zelda dwarfs NieR in size, but there's not a whole lot of direction in the game, and anything other than playing through the story has diminished returns. Deku seeds are pretty much useless beyond getting a handful of weapon slots, Health makes the game easy, and once you get great weapons, you don't want to waste them on stupid bullshit, so you just avoid scenarios that aren't required.
Tarry town was extraordinarily satisfying, however. Hands down my favorite side quest in a Zelda game ever. But, Ninty had to fuck that up, too, by not putting a warp point right in town (which is the only town worth going to once you complete the quest).
>I play Zelda games because I enjoy the adventurous exploration, good dungeon designs and interesting bosses. BotW only really had one of these things.
You're going to have to tell me which of those it was because based on your post it wasn't the first two and yet the few bosses in BOTW were also shit.
I just played it for my first time. I got like 34 hours into it right now I think.
Very good at first but now I'm just starting to ignore all enemies if they're not huge bosses that I don't what their loot is. Now it's just a walking and gliding simulator.
Nobody sings the praises of Windwaker. Even the people who liked it ok at the time will openly admit that Assassin's Creed Black Flag did the open world parts better.
>you will never get to play Breath of the Wild for the first time ever again
03 March 2017 was such an amazing time.
The only great Zelda was the original. It went downhill quickly afterwards.
Seeing an interesting location on Google maps and having the ability to almost instantly visit it in person? Yeah, that is interesting to me. Pic related: ancient ruins in the middle east that I found on my own on Google maps and traveled to. They're essentially "undiscovered", in that there's no tourist path to get there, tourism is essentially off-limits in the country I'm living ATM, and the area has never been excavated. It was cool as fuck.
It's human nature to want to conquer new peaks, gaze over vistas, explore settlements, and scout new locations, dumb dumb. We literally evolved over millions of years to do these very same things.
This. It's an okay game, but felt no real urge to actually finish it once the novelty had worn off.
Will probably come back and finish it one day, but it will be a while before I will have felt like it.
BotW ost was fine
It was a good day. I had just emptied my balls in my gf and I found some retard to pay me 55 dollars for this shit game. Only a 10 dollar loss. Not too bad.
From the moment I chopped that tree to cross that gorge on the plateau I knew I was in for some comfy good shit on my new portable console
If you enjoyed it why do you bash on it so hard? If your experience with the game was extremely good, why do you feel the need to devalue that positive time with it because it didn't satisfy a bunch of criteria you made up (or had impressioned on you) AFTER the fact? I just don't get this extremely common trend, it looks to me like people are trying way too hard to fit in.
>p-people only like it cuz zelda
Pic related.
A cat walking over the piano and jumping off every 15 minutes isn't "fine".
I like that the game was minimalistic in music, but don't kid ourselves, the ost was nothing to write home about.
>Twilight Princess was garbage, and Skyward Sword was a solid 7/10
literally the exact opposite my dude
yeah pretty much but the first play through was still pretty great
Stopped playing when I realised I was playing just ANOTHER by-the-numbers open world game
>Walk from waypoint to waypoint
>Climb towers to uncover map
>Complete side challenges for skillpoints
>Do pointless busywork for some reason
I'm sick of these games and I got duped by Zeldafags into this one thinking it would be different.
Tarry town was extraordinarily satisfying, however. Hands down my favorite side quest in a Zelda game ever. But, Ninty had to fuck that up, too, by not putting a warp point right in town (which is the only town worth going to once you complete the quest).
There's an orb that allows you to set Earp points. And that's funny because I thought that Tarrey Town was incredibly unrewarding. Rehashed characters selling rehashed products. It was the only part of the game that I found very disappointing (other than the divine beasts)
big boring
>Twilight Princess was garbage, and Skyward Sword was a solid 7/10.
Do the cartoony graphics sooth your autism?
>Go clear a dungeon, get item
>Use got item to access previously unaccessable area to progress
>reach final boss, defeat
Literally anything can be presented unappealing if you break it down to its basic elements, it's such an incredibly shit "argument" to justify why you don't like something.
>mfw playing it right now for the first time
climbing trees and shit is really fucking cool
if the next game is basically this with more traditional content like the hookshot i'll be happy
I'd play it again before I'd play FFXV. I'm trying to think of another game I've already played that I liked less than BotW, but I just can't think of any. Meanwhile, I'm just about to wrap up NG+5 on Bloodborne (still gotta beat the Orphan) and Ace Combat 7 for the 5th time (2 levels left).
I don't really understand this mentality for long-form games like BotW and Skyrim, I play those games for so long that when I do eventually go back and restart them I've forgotten a lot of the shit in the games and so it ends up feeling like I'm playing them for the first time again, there's some aspects I still remember like the main quest of each game but the side content I usually forget.
Did you just accidentally copy and paste your pre-prepared reply to yourself?
It was nice having a goal, and that goal's payoff was that pretty much every item you could want were all being sold within 15 feet of each other.
Also, learn to greentext, dude.
It is an argument when I said that I am sick of that open world formula. I was convinced by others that BotW was the second coming, when it just the same old crap
But user, you can fuck around in that game, that means its fun. that autistic fat dunkey said so
Ah, of course you're a gameplay > graphics guy.
No, they both had pretty gameplay. It's just that Skyward Sword's was better than Twilight Princess, which was, at best mediocre, and at worst monotonous, empty, piss-easy, and shallow.
But I wouldn't expect you to have the mental capacity to dig beneath the surface of anything.
wow I wish you hadn't posted that. I just watched the trailer and there's no way this game is ever coming out without a massive downgrade to both graphics and number of objects on screen
>dev team includes members of the Hawken dev team
And we all know how well that went
There is no game that is the "second coming" you autist and you're not only retarded because of your lack of taste but also for expecting anything like that because of hype culture.
And stop talking to yourself.
> cartoony
Skyward Sword is more so the middle-ground between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, not as drab, dark and dreary as the latter but not as chibi and cartoony as the former. SS Link is fairly close to TP Link visually if you ask me and the Deku Baba generally seems relatively unchanged, the Bulblins in TP are admittedly better looking than the Bokoblins in SS although that being said the WW Bokoblins are better than both.
I think SS went for a more artsy themed world, if you look at the backgrounds especially they're more akin to paintings than true cel-shaded like in WW or realistic like in TP.
Skyward Sword ages a lot better than Twilight Princess, outside of the main characters from TP the rest of the models, textures and backgrounds haven't aged too well whereas the artstyle of Skyward Sword though it doesn't have as much staying power as Wind Waker's it does have some degree of staying power thanks to the combination of simpler and cleaner textures and a more palpable colour palette.
Wind Waker's ocean had more content than BotW's fields.
>It was nice having a goal, and that goal's payoff was that pretty much every item you could want were all being sold within 15 feet of each other.
So once again, the reward was "here's some stuff you already had access to." The time you took establishing Tarrey Town could be spent warping to the various locations and gathering supplies 200 cycles over. It was one of the worst examples of payoff in BotW vs time put in, and you claim it's one of the best features in what you claim is an otherwise mediocre game.
>Also, learn to greentext, dude.
Typo one time and it's the end of the world.
Feel free to give me a better payoff in the game. Tell how it made it better for you.
When someone makes arguments like this, I genuinely don't know if they're trolling, or if they're really so fucking dumb that they don't know any better. Is the population getting dumber? Or as I grow older am I just becoming more aware of the sheer number of people who seriously lack any critical thinking abilities whatsoever?
>the ost was nothing to write home about.
It wasn't Nier Automata or Halo but, it was fine. Kakarino village stands out
>There is no game that is the "second coming"
>In a thread gushing about how BotW is the best game in years
>lack of taste
>disliking a by the numbers open world game after playing dozens and giving up on the genre means I have no taste
You can't even argue how BotW is not how I described it, so why are you even arguing with me. You're nor gonna change my mind.
Tarrey Town is how you get back any unique armor you lose and how to get back the Hylian Shield when it breaks.
People are trying to justify caring about any game released in the last ~20 years by saying one is marginally better than another one when they're all really fucking shit.
Warp item made it easier to travel and return to important destinations
Costume treasure hunts granted effects like stealth as well as cosmetic effects for Link
Motorcycle made travel easier
Koroks increased inventory size
Those are just off the top of my head. You could mention others that grant you items easier to move in snow/desert, teach you about existence of great fairies, etc.
>>In a thread gushing about how BotW is the best game in years
The first 20 replies are all shitting on the game, what are you talking about.
>>disliking a by the numbers open world game
It's not 'by the numbers'.
>You can't even argue how BotW is not how I described it
Because you will believe what you want to believe. You won't stop believing that it's the "same old crap" if I wrote a 2,000 word literary analysis on every mechanic in the game that's different from other games because you're a faggot that's already made up his mind. How hypocritical.
It really didn't. Then again, I also think OOT ost was nothing special either, and I always get an army of autistic rabid fans screaming at me how i'm wrong.
>da gaem is empty
>zelda is boring
>if it wasn’t zelda ppl wouldn’t liek it
>its medioker
That’s not criticism.
I guess you can always call criticism you don't like "not criticism" and call it a day.
Doesn't make you any less retarded though.
Except Yea Forums contrarians would have spilled their onions if it was a new IP unrelated to Nintendo. You only hate it, ironically, because it’s a Zelda game.
We just disagree then. It's fine
>It's not 'by the numbers'.
>You won't stop believing that it's the "same old crap" if I wrote a 2,000 word literary analysis on every mechanic in the game that's different from other games
Still waiting for you to convince me otherwise of how it's basic structure is different to your standard open world formula. It is okay to to say something other than whining how I'm not gonna listen but I know you're couldn't convince me because I know I'm right, and you started an argument for no reason.
I guess you can always call mouth-diarrhoea you like "criticism" and call it a day.
Doesn't make you any less retarded though.
>Warp item made it easier to travel and return to important destinations
Didn't matter much to me. I might have liked one for Tarrey Town, but that's it.
>Costume treasure hunts granted effects like stealth as well as cosmetic effects for Link
Only one worth a shit was the climber's gear, to get around the boring endurance mechanic.
>Motorcycle made travel easier
That's in DLC. Wasn't impressed with the game, so I'm not getting DLC. Consider it dismissed.
>Koroks increased inventory size
Just sink them all into weapons, and once you free up 2 full rows, you're better than "good." And I wouldn't even care about those if the weapons weren't made of glass.
So there's a reward I'd like 1 of, a reward that's manages a shit mechanic better, a reward hidden behind dlc, and another reward to manage a shit mechanic better. Great list!
I'm curious what the next game is gonna be like, there's so many things they could do. I want the next game not to take place at Hyrule, I wanna explore a new world.
I hate it because it's a bad game. But you're so blinded by Nintendo/Zelda love that you can't see that.
Modern gamers, for fuck's sake. Stop this madness. Modern games are shit. You're all now required to play only 80s games for the next two years. Come back after then and you'll 100% agree with me. "Why did I ever think modern games were good," you'll say.
But bitching and regurgitating buzzwords is not a critique. There is no substance to any of the complaints from
I remember seeing the Guardians for the first time in the 2014 trailer and thinking how fucking stupid it was that Zelda was starting to implement futuristic technological robot shit in the series but then they became my favorite new enemy in the game.
>but beamos statues and gohdan and shit existed in past zelda games hurrr
Yeah I know, shut the fuck up.
>Posts a multiplayer crafting survival game to prove that if indies made BOTW it would be liked
i still havent played it since CEMU refuses to work :(
>I hate it because it's a bad game
Do you expect anyone to believe this when you opened a thread about a Zelda game because OP said he loved it just so you can say some retarded asinine shit like “u only liek it becuz it zelda”?
Easily the greatest game of all time
Nigger it’s a video game
It can’t come out of the screen and suck your dick
I honestly didn't care for it. It felt like any number of open world games. The physics were really fun for a while though, by far the most enjoyable part of it, but then when I was over them, an hour or two after getting off the plateau, it felt more like a chore. The roaming npcs, the bosses, all very cool, but not particularly motivating to continue on.
Not counting things that are on the actual islands(including mini-games), Wind Waker's ocean has:
>Giant squids
>Sunken treasure chests
>Rupee collecting mini-game
>Turret ships
Compared to Breath of the Wild(again not counting mini-games and towns), which has:
>Yiga Blademaster
>Yiga Footsoldier
>Enemy camps
>Stone Talus
>Stone Pebblits
>Korok puzzles
>Sheikah Towers
>Huntable fauna(too many to count)
>Mountable fauna(again too many)
>Treasure chests
>People in need
And I'm probably missing a few things. It's really not comparable.
Though, people tend to exaggerate WW's lack of meaningful content.
Really? I JUST started playing it a few days ago. The USA version from WiiU helper doesn't work but the EUR version does work. Are you sure it's CEMU though? Have you tried a different game?
By the way, if you do get the EUR version you gotta delete the USA version or else it won't appear. And yes, you gotta edit whatever you edited in the USA version again. I say that because some people edit the game profile and other CEMU settings for specific games.
>getting angry at hypotheticals
Man that's too much hassle...im a lazy ass,i already spent a day trying to get it to work and it always froze on the start, screen goes white and then nothin,pisses me the fuck off
>you will never be a gullible retard again while slowly realizing BotW doesn't live up to any expectations
this isn't nostalgia. Its stockholm syndrome.
This "I hate it therefore everyone else should, I am truly enlightened" is straight up NPC tier autism. Fuck off, seriously.
Good, learning all the strats was a pain in the ass. Breakable weapons were trash btw.
That filter really pisses me off. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to mute the colors in a zelda game?
The problem here is that you just listed literally everything that BotW has to offer in the entire game, except for the guardians. Whereas the ocean is only a part of Wind Waker.
Dont argue with botwtards, it's pointless.
>Divine Beasts? Hyrule Castle? Towns? Never heard of 'em.
Shame we never saw interactions between the different groups of enemies in BotW, I would love to have seen some Bokoblins have built a mini-fort around and on top of one of the Stalker Guardians and ride it around terrorizing lesser Bokoblins and Hylians. Maybe have Lizalfos riding on the back of a Moblin and they jump off to attack Link when he gets close to try and overwhelm him.
You could also have Lizalfos swimming alongside the Molduga in the desert, attacking Link with their electric fields, similar to the boss from Wind Waker, Molduga where its spawn would distract Link from the main threat.
It just feels like the enemies were very separate from one another, you never really see them properly interact outside of a few very minor instances like the Bokoblins and the Skywatcher Guardians around one of the towers.
>This one is bad
>Literally nothing new
>This one is good!
Fucking retard.
>Only one worth a shit was the climber's gear, to get around the boring endurance mechanic.
Stealth and swimming are useful too. Cosmetic is more important than "THIS AGAIN, BUT THIS TIME OVER *HERE*"
>Warp item doesn't matter to me
It's inherently more worthwhile than being able to buy diamonds in a different place.
>Just sink them all into weapons, and once you free up 2 full rows, you're better than "good." And I wouldn't even care about those if the weapons weren't made of glass.
"Just do this and then you're done" and "it wouldn't matter if this mechanic didn't suck!" are not compelling arguments. Expanded inventory space is more worthwhile than Tarrey trash. And Tarrey Town wouldn't matter if you didn't have to upgrade your weapons! (See what I'm doing? I'm using your dumb argument against you)
Once again, you give no good reason for why the Tarrey Town quest is useful either than "I like it and it takes these things from here and puts them there".
Arbitrary selection criteria, GG. You like it simply because you like it -- nothing more, nothing less.
Keese is the plural for Keese, it's like Sheep
Divine beasts was what I meant when I said guardians but I fucked up the name. You already listed the guardians, after all.
Hyrule Castle is a joke that can barely even be called a dungeon.
>Hyrule Castle is a joke
Now that's a hot (and extremely retarded) take.
I would have excused the smaller enemy pool if they at least interacted with each other in meaningful ways as you described. Pic related is a Guardian literally ignoring me to btfo a bokoblin using bomb arrows that accidentally shot the guardian instead of me. I wish the game had more enemies squabbling with each other like this and not seeing Link as literally the only target.
Hyrule Castle is the best dungeon in BotW though, I do agree that it is a joke in terms of difficult since thanks to Falco and Sharkboy you can skip 100% of it due to some bizarrely placed waterfalls, I think it would've been a good idea if they had sections of the Castle where you had puzzles relating to the four divine beasts which you had to complete which would lower a barrier around the throne room (or whatever that place Ganon was within), that way you can force the player to explore, the layout is actually really good if you go exploring, it's one of the few locations in the game with actual caves and has a very twisting and winding layout, I still feel I haven't fully explored that place and I've been from moat to spires twice as of late.
I've been wanting to play it again recently, tell me what kind of run I should do?
No master qu'est because fuck damage sponges honestly.
>Didn't mention camping NPCs, wandering stores, "platforms" (lmao), Blupees, Lord of the Land, Skeleton horse, horses, Ice Talus, Fire Talus, dragons, etc., Etc., Etc.
>You will never play a generic open world game with nothing special about it besides the fact that it has Zelda in the title again
>Hyrule Castle is the best dungeon in BotW though
only dungeon*
> I do agree that it is a joke in terms of difficult since thanks to Falco and Sharkboy you can skip 100% of it due to some bizarrely placed waterfalls
I didn't do this but I still thought it was a joke because the only thing stopping you from climbing over everything was some easily circumvented gunk and turrets that can be easily dispatched. Meanwhile if you go the intended way as I did on purpose you just get more of the same enemies and a few rooms where you're locked into fights with the centaurs. Wow, amazing. And then I walked into Ganon's room by accident because it doesn't even look like a boss room from outside.
Here's my reason for liking Tarrey Town: It felt like an actual reward. You built a town and populated it, and it was built in such a way to where you wouldn't have to run all over the world just to see if a specific town happens to carry the item you want. Furthermore, you don't even have to run all over town. It's all there, feet away from each other. Hell, you don't even have to open a door. It's convenient on top of having the satisfaction of actually doing something that creates something new.
And yes, having extremely brittle weapons requires mitigation. The fact that there is mitigation (collecting fucking seeds to give to a retarded fat tree with maracas) is stupid, and, beyond 16 or so seeds, pointless. It would be better if they just made the weapons more durable, instead of gimping them to make you wander around a fucking ocean of grass hoping you'll stumble upon 1/16 of what you need in order to not make the game a little less shitty.
I'm not even going to bother going into the rest of your post, because it's very clear that you value things that I find worthless (mitigations to inherent weaknesses and flaws in this game), and I value things that you find worthless.
We both think each other's tastes and opinions are shit, which is probably why you like this game, and I prefer something akin to NieR (for questing, story, or music) or Xenoblade X (for exploration).
Yeah enemy squabbling is one interaction but I'd love to see interactions beyond just "these enemies can attack one another", I'd like to see a hierarchical structure between Bokoblins, Lizalfos and Moblins, I feel the Lizalfos are more befitting of the Scouts and Archers than the other two so it'd make more sense if they were the sentries, I think the Lizalfos would sort of be the outcasts and the other two species would try to avoid them, I imagine that Moblins would likely bully Bokoblins, maybe stealing food from them or wacking them on the back of their heads, the Moblins would probably also try to dominate those skulls that they live in, pushing Bokoblins out of the skull when they're going to sleep, the Lizalfos could also sleep on the ceiling of the skull without the Moblins noticing.
It'd also be neat of the Moblins tried to size one another up so they'd roar at each other and bash their weapons against their shields, weaker Moblins like the Red and Blue would back off while Black and Silver would stand their ground possibly breaking out into a fight.
You could have the Lizalfos prey on Keese if they're nearby, using their long tongues to catch and eat the Keese, perhaps if they eat an elemental Keese they become that element., maybe the Bokoblins chase the Keese around like a child chasing Butterflies whereas the Moblins just see the Keese as pests which they are, since the Keese could try and steal the food that the Moblins and Bokoblins are cooking.
That's just four enemies mind you, you've also got Chuchus, Stal Enemies and the Mini-Bosses which I think should have complex interactions alongside those four species, I can excuse the Yiga since they're Sheikah (and probably Hylians too) so they wouldn't want to interact with monsters. However it would be cool to see them sneaking around near the towns and trying to sell bananas to the various races, I think it'd be pretty funny if you found Yiga in Goron City trying to sell to the Gorons.
BotW still has towns, it has dungeons, it has side-quests and mini-games.
Wind Waker has about the same overall content, but BotW's is spread out a lot thinner.
I didn't even find Tarrey Town when I played it.
>no real pay-off though
What do you want, more instant gratification?
>ywn be accepted into a tribe of bokoblin, invited into their encampment and be treated as one of their own after offering them food while donning a bokoblin mask
It hurts, lads
I was that same way but just go to sleep and watch yourself gladly do it tomorrow lol
I'm pissed, because I think I checked out almost every house in Hateno except for the construction dude's house, so I had to look it up. Only thing I looked up in the game, and it left a really sour taste in my mouth.
BOTW is an absolute masterpiece for like the first 2 hours, then you discover you have already done everything and the rest is garbage
>Modern gamers, for fuck's sake. Stop this madness. Modern games are shit.
Shut the fuck up, dude, you're not some kind of guru. Old games were shitty, too. You need to wade through dirt to find the real gems, and that's how it's always been. If you're gonna pretend your post is worth the letters it's written with, at LEAST post some actual arguments
>'muh traditional dungeons'-fag
>hates rooms with enemies that you have to kill to proceed
Bitch there's no satisfying you
Oh shit yeah the masks forgot about those, imagine how those interactions would work with Link, Bokoblins would be scared of the Moblin Mask, Keese would be afraid of the Lizalfos Mask, the Moblins would just punch Link without even realizing he's not a Bokoblin.
Going further still, I think the Lynel would be like a training psychopath, if there were Moblins or Bokoblins near a Lynel it'd try to spar with them but because the 'blins are lazy fucks they'd try to avoid the Lynel only for it to chase them across fields, the stronger Moblins might actually spar though although then you'd get to see the difference in skill between the two since despite the raw strength of the Moblin the technique of the Lynel is much more advanced and it could outmaneuver the Moblin. The Lizalfos would probably practise ambushing on Lynels and you'd see Lynels fending off the Lizalfos although not using its weapon instead using its fists to ensure it didn't kill its sparring partners.
If two Lynels met (I know where two are close to one another in the overworld) they would definitely spar with one another. I think for the other mini-bosses, the Talus similar to my much earlier post about Bokoblins using a Stalker Guardian as a mobile fortress, they could do the same with the Talus (not the Igneo Talus though), as for the Hinox though, I'd imagine they'd be the top dogs of the mook monsters, Bokoblins would be absolute underlings to the Hinox and the Moblins would be subordinates, Lizalfos might try and hide on the Hinox's back and attack Link with an ambush if he tries to flank the Hinox, maybe if the Hinox gets low on health it might just pick up a Bokoblin and eat it restoring some of its health.
There are so many things in the world that I'd have never seen if not hunting for the seeds. For example, the stone talus in the middle of the enormous crater, which implies they fell from fucking space.
is the DLC any good? never got around to pirating it.
I don't play video games anymore watching streams is just as good :)
Was it Luminous? (I haven't run into such a location yet)
you've done everything in every game ever in the first two hours though. name a game where you haven't experienced everything in the first two hours and you've named a poorly designed game
Nah, just a regular one.
>open world game
>world is empty and dead, 95% grass plains
remind me why i'd want to try it again
aww that's a shame, would've been cool if it was Luminous, maybe even a special luminous that gives it a reddish-purple glow instead of the green-blue glow just to add to the weirdness of such a location.
>gngn why won't ennemies interact with each other
>proceed to show an example of ennemies interacting with each other
Have you really never fucked around on Google maps?
Oh well I didn't bother completing it anyway
> 95% Grass Plains
You're not wrong but you're not right either
The game is more so;
45% Grassy Plains, 15% Wetlands, 7.5% Volcanic, 17.5% Snowy/Mountainous, 5% Jungle, 10% Desert
The overall environments of the game are however surface level, there's rather little in the way of depth to the environments, the Wetlands in Lanayru look like the wetlands in Necluda, Akkala's the only area where the Grassy Plains have some difference from the rest, the Gerudo Desert has no elements of arid areas it's either valleys & cliffs or dune deserts with ruins. I feel like if each region of the game had 8 or 9 micro-biomes within it that could fit into the general theme of that region but were distinct from one another would give the game a massive advantage in its environmental design. We got shades of this in Faron where you had the Damel Forest which was very forest-jungle, then Lake Floria which was more aquatic and lastly the Atun Valley which was more barren being a middle ground between Grassy Plains and Jungle but given Faron isn't an important region it's fairly easy for one to miss this.
>reading comprehension is hard
>Skyward Sword better than TP
In what fucking universe?
I remember spending the warm summer nights of 2017, sitting out on back porch, playing BotW and watching the sunsets with an ice-cold beer. Literally now of my most cherished gaming experiences.
I literally dropped it after the first Divine Beast because it was the most empty/bland Ubisoft Towers experience yet.
Give me some FUCKING dungeons to explore and not some bear cave with a goddamn rubiks cube in the corner.
>most empty/bland Ubisoft Towers experience yet.
>tfw Far Cry 3 has more dungeons than BotW
desu I don't think I ever want to play it again, it was pretty great the first time, but that realization that there really wasn't much to actually find in the world killed the wanderlust
Like, sure there were a few cool things to find, the first time seeing a dragon, eventide isle, the mazes, shit like that. But I kept finding these really cool locations and getting excited to see what kind of cool shit was hidden there and it was always just a korok seed or a shrine.
I enjoyed the game, but I really doubt I'll ever play it again, maybe I'd do a hard mode run and get at the DLC finally but I doubt it. I'm mostly just waiting for the inevitable Majora's Mask style asset flip that will focus on adding lots of content since the engine and shit took up the vast majority of the dev time for Breath of the Wild.
>Ah, of course you're a gameplay > graphics guy.
Literally what's wrong with that?
>Ah, of course you're a gameplay > graphics guy.
What kind of faggot isn't?