Oh hey remember when you could talk about games and be hyped?

Oh hey remember when you could talk about games and be hyped?


I just want to go back to 2010

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>being hyped
imagine being retarded even for a frogposter

The internet is a tool for political warfare now. Go talk to people in real life if you want genuine discussion; everyone is too afraid to be hated to identify as a supporter of any particular political ideology in person.

2010 Yea Forums was pretty bad too. 2006-2007 is where it was at. 2005 Yea Forums seemed nice too, but I wasn't here back then.

Are there any other image boards I could move to? Yea Forums just isn't usable any more.

don't worry user the world is going to end in 2020 so we will be at peace soon

Fuck off nazi frog poster

Yeah, it's totally acceptable when new developers take over a beloved classic and add gender pronoun options and declare they're changing clans because they were problematically ableist in the original. Let's just keep eating shit.

>dumb frog posting

you're the reason we ended up like this

>"waaaah [x] ruined [thing I like]"
>while posting frog thread in videogames
You're the cancer

The "/pol/ is a containment board" thing is a meme.
Cut that cancer off of this site, send them straight to other shitholes where they deserve to rot.
It has single handedly ruined a good portion of the boards in this site, Yea Forums most of all.

So Yea Forums, who are you voting for in the 2020 democratic primary?

>Cut that cancer off of this site
literally happened months ago and you're still complaining that nothing changed
almost as if it were a boogieman all along

Delete /pol/boys.

This. /pol/ hasn't been contained since 2016.

>4channel boards are all on the home page of Yea Forums
>cut off
No you retard, they can still see the other boards and easily get to them.

>hates politics
>posts politics frog

Wait for america to go on a civil war, otherwise it will get worse, americans maybe love being literal jew slaves but everyone else want just a good product and not stupid censorship

But 2010 was where it started, all these politics.

that's capitalism for you


>fapbait weebshit
>good product

Just report them


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Only underages defend the current state of Yea Forums

>unironically the avg Yea Forums users

who the fuck is defending this shit?

>he comes to Yea Forums to discuss video games
Imagine being this retarded

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Damn I didn't know Reddit was so based.

the ride never ends

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I want to go back, where Pepe's and Wojak's didn't exist.

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go back

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I wish I could make a thread about BFV and have a discussion. I really like it so far, got it the other day, already level 25. All i needs is some more maps.
I love the vehicles so much, i want to hear about peoples loadouts and strats.

>devs force virtue signlaing into vidya
>suprised people talk about it when they talk about vidya

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>Wojak's didn't exist.

Then it'd just be rage faces. "Wojak" is their spiritual successor.

Back where? I'm already here

Modern Yea Forums is so shit that reddit is a comparable option. This is how far we have fallen.

modern Yea Forums IS reddit

Reddit used to be hands down better in every way until ultrafaggot mods added bureaucratic rules to every sub. Now I can only post here. The death of reddit was when they took out the up/down count.

It's even worse because it's extremely obvious that half the retards who whine haven't even played the game they whine about

You whine about women and SJWs bitching about games they haven't played and then this shit happens

Fuck video games I'm just here to shitpost

It's almost like they're two sides of the same insufferable, whiny, triggered coin.

>there wouldn't even be any consolewar threads
I guarantee this site would improve if redditors were permabanned

you gotta make the posts you wanna see user. you can influence the board culture.

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no one replies, or they just say the normal memes

>you can influence the board culture
This. Just call anyone an incel whenever you can and it'll easily catch on. The fact that it triggers autists also helps.

Politics, storefront wars, pepe's and wojak's. This board is for anything but talking about video games.

Off-topic Yea Forums is better than on-topic Yea Forums anyway.

Like any hobby that becomes popular. Its not gonna get better so get used to it

Well sjws decided around 2011 and it ramped up that everything is political, videogames, movies, music, even the personal interactions between people and they made it their goal to turn everything political, because everything has ramifications.
They set the trend and now people on the opposite side have also joined in, so now it's at doubled.
That's just the way things are now, people have to get used to it.

movies and music have always been political, the early videogames were too shitty to have political messages other than badguy is bad.
Now that there are good graphics, they are able to do crazy political commentary like having a black person

>Now that there are good graphics, they are able to do crazy political commentary like having a black person
It's time for a gamer revolt

What's to blame for the over politicization of games? I think it's young people trying to live out their desires of making a difference by using the higher game dev-consumer interaction that social media has brought about. The increased level of communication between dev and gamer allows young people to more easily ply devs to do things.


old people and fox news

>Oh hey remember when you could talk about games and be hyped?
I still do so to this day. What are you an western and more specifically an EA FPS player? You did that to yourself.
I'm looking forward to Fire Emblem Threehouses before that it was DMC5 and KH3. Politics are only involved in games and companies that introduce it and you support with your wallet.


That's because every game is political now. Stop being mad at the symptoms, be mad about the disease

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>get hyped

this is your opinion as neutral apolitical observers i assume, right?

>try to make a decent thread
>it dies in a few minutes
Meanwhile some faggot could make a thread starting with such a blatant shitpost that people can't help but bite it and it reaches bump limit. Hard to ve the change you want to see when anons would rather spend time shitposting rather than discussing.


>video games for 30 years was status quo shit, had politics that everyone (white men) agreed with so they were 'apolitical'
>starting in the 2010's non-white men start to make video games, their experiences and politics trigger a white reactionary backlash

gotta outpost the shitposters with quality threads

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>literally a slide from a presentation held by and for people involved in the industry

Hype is agdq le epik gamer speak. Stop being that way. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment by orgasming over a game 24 hours a day until it comes out.

The problem with that guy is that he understand pol isn't a containment board, yet he doesn't get that this means everything has always been pol.

Did you forget about the 5000 threads about that girl in DMC5 trailers?

If you're talking about Masquerade then you shouldn't blame the board for inserting politics. The devs did that.

Yes, and you know all of their names already.

I mean, they could always migrate to 8 chan.