Imagine playing this in public

>imagine playing this in public

Attached: nintendo birb.png (1272x884, 743K)

It's for 6-12 year olds.

The bird game actually looks pretty fun


Attached: Switch_NintendoLabo_VRKit_ToyConElephant.jpg (2337x3288, 573K)

>Why is a company aimed at kids producing this kiddie crap?

Why are neckbeards playing super kiddie games?


is that mental or physical age?


>imagine watching porn in public
not every product is designed to be used in public

Literally soul.

i’d smash it (not really) but it’s possible. faking...cardboard

>not metaphysical

Attached: 1523942608888.jpg (720x942, 57K)

I wouldn't play regular VR in public.

>it was made to be played in the sanctity of your home
yeah no shit
looks fun though, even though holding the switch up like that for more than 10 minutes would be a drag

I'm actually impressed with the technology in that particular toy-con. Using the camera to measure distance and angles while the joy-con keep track of their own angle and tilt just so you can have a fairly accurate controller for manipulating objects in 3D space. It's smart. Stupid and cumbersome, but smart.

Attached: 72888343_p1.jpg (800x1131, 761K)

We need to see Mike mattei try out the labo VR kits

Nintendo made VR fun and made a better version of Dreams that's also much much cheaper
Sony literally blown the fuck out

This could be a good Mega64 skit.

if you don't look retarded, you wont look retarded playing the video game in public

It's a KID's toy, of course YOU won't play it, also it's not meant to be played in public.
Fucking retarded incels.

I wouldn't play anything VR in public, not because of some nebulous "shame", but because you could hurt people running into them.

>All those nintentoddlers seething ITT
Huge cope from spending 500$+ for kiddie shit switch huh?
Meanwhile... On pc... I can already play the only worthwhile game without spending a dime lmao

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Attached: come on now.jpg (960x882, 59K)

>On pc
You're not fooling anyone snoy falseflagger.

I'm mad Nintendo wasted the perfect chance to make a "Flying Squawking Shit Factory VR experience" a full game.

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