Anyone else getting massive problems on PC? Game either wont boot, or takes 10 minutes to boot...

Anyone else getting massive problems on PC? Game either wont boot, or takes 10 minutes to boot, and if I alt tab or click one of my second monitors the game stops responding.

On a 1080ti, 8700k, Win 10, 1440p 120hz monitor and im playing the game fullscreen on my primary monitor. Ive also reinstalled and that didnt fix any problems, got it on steam.

Its fucking 2019 how the fuck are we still getting trash PC ports.

Attached: download.jpg (1908x1073, 437K)

Got a 980 and it runs fine on Max settings. update your drivers and windows. Maybe that will help. Good luck user

Game is shit

>Its fucking 2019 how the fuck are we still getting trash PC ports.
Because fucking consoles STILL goddamn exist because goddamn idiotic children can't let go of these fucking obsolete dinosaurs.

6gb 1060, ryzen 2600, win10
Works perfect, 1080p 60fps.

Runs fine on Linux

>Anyone else getting massive problems on PC?

Why am i not suprised.

>Its fucking 2019 how the fuck are we still getting trash PC ports

Games dont sell nearly as much on PC. Its an afterthought.

Stop alt tabbing and focus on the game for more than 10 minutes for once you zoomer cunt.


>Its fucking 2019 how the fuck are we still getting trash PC ports.
because nobody cares about PC, the devs know retarded steambronies will buy anything they throw at them so why bother making it work? some autist on the Steam forums is probably desperate enough for a game to play he'll probably fix it for free anyway.

The only problem i have is how unfun and uninteresting the game is

have you considered stopping playing on a toaster or downloading games from a well known site that installs crypto miners along with the games?

The only problem I have is the game being not fun

the absolute state of steambronies lmfao

4690k, 1060, win 7, 1080p, no issues here

pm you the fix

Shut the fuck up you pleb no one cares. No one ever will care and PC will continue to get shit ports because there aren't enough of you buying.

Gameplay is flawless but I noticed the framerate drops in cutscenes when the angle changes, does anyone else have this problem?

it runs good fine on 1600x and 1070,but
fullscreen forces it's own refresh rate - sucks
can't enable/disable vsync in game
it also looks weird, something is off with the colors and graphics in general

Attached: 346457645746.jpg (2560x1440, 630K)

Playing on a toaster fx8350, 960 2gb, 8gb ram. 0 problems, 1080p on high, 40-60fps. Surprised it runs so well considering the specs.

>play pirated version
>loads in 10 seconds
ez faggot

stutter out the ass windowed
it's one of those asshole games that don't let your cursor leave the window either

it's not present for me, cursor either. you people really need to upgrade to w10.

Consoles win again

Attached: 1553083282217.jpg (4032x3024, 1.91M)

see now this nigger stealing a physical copy is much worse than a thousand people pirating unlimited digital supply

>small penis
>small game library
>small framerate

Attached: ruggarelldox.png (481x224, 14K)

>age 19

Attached: 1546628044806.png (675x864, 491K)


unplug second monitors

Runs great.
I only wish I could turn off VSYNC so I can max graphics settings without framedrops.
Is there any way to do this without removing the 60 fps framecap?

>"Day 1 pirate"
>"lol I just pirated it. Fuck off buyfags"
>"Only cucks actually pay for games"

get riva tuner and set the fps limit to 60.

isnt the game already capped at 60 fps max also?

Look I hate consoles but you can't seriously expect casuals to pay $1000 to build their own PC just to play video games, and casuals make up the bulk of the market.

Just play it on PS4. You did buy a PS4 for Bloodborne didn't you user?

The second monitor stops responding because the game doesn't use fullscreen windowed mode, but the old kinda fullscreen that takes priority when maximized. Try using the borderless gaming software on steam with windowed mode.

You should be able to force v-sync via the nvidia control panel.

it's a great port, OP just has something wrong with his PC

Seriously my friend has a PC from 2012 & it's running like a dream

Why is OP have such hard times if his rig is high tier? I don't get it.

Got a 1070ti ryzen 5 1600. Just pirated this and works flawlessly on max

On the subreddit, people with 2 monitors were having trouble. Try unplugging the 2nd monitor and trying that way.

Pirated games always run smoother for some reason.


Works for me

Yeah, buy the game pirate cuck