

Love how this game makes /pol/ seethe lmao

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Other urls found in this thread:


its happening

what is

Still mad it isn't The Outer worlds team/Obsidian making it. One single writer, neither of the directors and the team that made "blacklight" makes me a bit nervous. Wish we had more information on the team.

user I...

Be prepared for Shilling until release, then magicly all threads disappear. This is an advertisement board.

PS: Its gonna suck, it wont feed your nostalgia, it's made by pink haired feminists and jews

Fuck Paradox and kill trannies

In b4 manchildren with low serotinin levels cry about not feeling included in the video game scene.

Who here buying Blood Moon Edition?

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>bloodlines was always hippy sjw shit

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Reminder that White wolf YouTube Chanel is full of extreme pro divesty identity politics and trannies talking about how there should be more lgtbqtripple+ in the games

no physical edition? damn.

I'm gonna buy it from my local torrent website

They already got personal pronouns and a gender slider, what more do trannies have to cry about to feel included?

Already pre-ordered the Blood Moon version on GoG. It's the first game I've pre-ordered since since Half Life 2.

I'm getting unsanctioned

You forgot

I'm getting the free complete edition and mods so I can kill every vampire tranny in game

>I get to see a sequel to my favourite game of all time. and see /pol/ BTFO all at the same time.
Stop user, I can only handle so much joy.

Yeah but the lead writer is the same lead writer and designer of the original VTMB, and he also said his top priority was making it feel like Bloodlines, so that gives me hope.

But Avellone can't write worth shit any more.

Couldn't you kill literally every NPC you dont like in Bloodlines?

you go girl

If they get rid of Malks then I won't even pirate.

Where to pirate bloodlines 1?

You couldn't kill anyone important.

They just announced the game and they're already cutting and reselling content, why is Paradox so fucking Jewish?

He became the meme

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I too will be enjoying the blood moon edition.

Game will most likely be shit because of paradox, but every single fucking retard complaining about sjw shit doesn't know anything about vtm.
World of fucking darkness is a shitty fucking sjw setting from it's inception, with gays, global warming environmentalist werewolves, anti corporate mages, the universe is literally post modern and reality shifts based on global consensus.
What the fuck is your issue retards?

why? Obsidian are fucking awful

Fuck it then
I kinda assumed it in my mind because of Tim Cain

the internet

>shit because of paradox
but they make pretty decent games user

the more I think about it the less I care about sjw shit being in the game. It's all going to be portrayed through characters in the game, which is alright. Not as if you can't disagree with people

wasn't Boyarsky the lead designer? IDK user, when Paradox got the IP, and was still buddy buddy with Obsidian then they hired Boyarsky I got pretty hype. Now they have no anderson, no Boyarsky just one narrative designer. I want it to be good. and the trailer was cool. But I am also skeptical when I see "Preorder now!" before anything but a teaser trailer.

>being hyped for this poz'd trash

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Couldn't you kill children in Fallout 2?
Now look where we are.

We hate trannies and furries

You're acting like the original didn't have LGBT elements...
The only people who will be annoyed by it are underage /pol/acks who haven't played VTMB.

What was the last good thing he wrote?

Eh, only trannies

Yaaaaassss slay queen

>He didn't try fighting in the Giovanni house
>He didn't meet the secret boss

Not even Long Dick Johnson can write, and he had a fucking long dick, thus the name.

Fuck off redditfag

Is that because you're confidant that you're going to enjoy it, or that you can get a refund if you don't?

Even though the game is gonna be pozzed beyond all heck, I still feel a bit smug correctly predicting that it wouldn't be an mmo game. People were getting so sure it was an mmo because of the cosmetic items.

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Because Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are two of the three founders of Troika and besides the other Troika/Black Isle guys there they also have a good track record, you dumb shit poster.
Should add to this that I hope Schaffer is working on the OST.
IDK my conspiracy theory is that Obsidian was going to make it and then it fell through.

How do I into Toredor gunner

More like decend into shit (((user)))

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Man the reveal trailer was fucking bad.
Only good thing was Christina Hendricks.

cringeworthy joke

why the fuck would you want them to do it lol

Not only big, but also [CRAZY] if true


>Because Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are two of the three founders of Troika and besides the other Troika/Black Isle guys there they also have a good track record, you dumb shit poster.
so? Obsidian as a whole are shit game studio who have made terrible, underwhelming games since New Vegas. A couple of names don't make a game, especially if they're only writers

>6 clans
So, brujah, gangrel, ventrue, nosferatu, toreador and malkavian?

good thing it isnt actual gameplay

Step one: Build up your firearms skill and Celerity discipline
Step two: Wait until you're around 2/3 of the way into the game to start getting guns that aren't garbage
Step three: Turn on Celerity, whip out your gun and destroy everything while dodging bullets

>Be Toredor
>Buy gun
>Don't miss


You won't be so cocky when you see actual gameplay

Every single edition of world of darkness has been garbage

You should have let him go through life with out ever knowing.

World of darkness is a tranny setting

>on PC PS4 and XBOX One
>PS4 and XBOX One
>Vampire: The Masquerade

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Five clans are listed plus a "bonus" clan, whatever that means. Each has an image. Looks like Toreador, Ventrue, Brujah, Tremere, and either Nosferatu or Malkavian to me. As for the bonus one, I have no idea.

if they cut my tremere niggas out I'll be mad

for sure there'll be DLC

Has there been any word from Jason D. Anderson?

No you retard, the game specifically has no combat zones around important characters.

Every single edition of world of darkness on top of that was always SJW, this outrage is weird.

already did
fuck pol

It needed to live up to its name I guess

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Yeah, it's pretty clear that it's another console to pc port.
Either gonna get it for 5 bucks on sale or pirate it.

Using memespeech to show the world that you can't even follow a two post conversation without getting things wrong is really retarded, user.

You could kill most of them, including every human, but some kindred were only approachable in places where weapons/offensive disciplines weren't allowed. Clan Quest mod 4.0 changes this however and allows you to kill everyone if you want to(with some sweet bonuses too). But the Anarchs, the Prince/the Regent and Bertram can only be killed at certain times in order to avoid breaking the main quest line.


Shit game then
Shit RPG at least

Stunning and bravepilled

Ghoul Waifu confirmed?

But see, the plot twist to Carna is in the Lore details. Reimagined bond is essentially the same Ritual as the Transubstantiation of the Seven, the ritual the Tremere elders used to force loyalty to the clan. With enough uses, the ritualist becomes absolutely subservient to Carna whether they want to or not. Despite that, I do think the whole "Tremere = Patriarchy" bit is pretty silly.

Oh no this is completely unrealated to sjw stuff or even really the game, I'm just flexing my /tg/ here
Every single other OPP/WW line is better then WoD

what else should I level up

all of the important NPCs in the game were in no-weapon areas

Not true you can see the videos where they talk about changing course and addressing the issues you summed up.
They did change and for the worst

Playig VTMB atm. Where does "the cab driver is cain" theory comes from?

>it's fine if the game is sjw shit cause the first game had a single gay character

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From the ending

>/pol/tards are always sperging out about muh fake sjw gamers who don't actually play games being professionally outraged
>/pol/ constantly sperging out about a game and setting they clearly never played or have even a basic understanding of

I don't know, the Bloodlines 2 on the title is major red flag that they're banking on nostalgia. I'm not sure about the devs too.

Its trash.

still think hunters are the baddies?

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you'll get it by the end

I can feel the hype in my body. Things are about to get Toreador up in here real fast y'all.

Why boner bros

> the original was made by trannies
You know how I know you're not from here?


Is 2019 the year of gaming, bros?

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A game by a developer that has only one MMO shooter in its backlog. What could possibly go wrong

Because you're a fag, (((bro)))

no 2020 is

Why did you spoil yourself with theories when you haven't even beaten the game you idiot.

So what happened with this site?
They showed it in the stream but I dunno what kind of shit I was supposed to do

Interdasting. No hype, but I'll keep it on my radar from now on.

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Well Tim Cain is a fag, but that was after the VtMB, plus he is the oldcore gay not the nuage faggot

What are you doubting you retard, this isn't a case of someone changing their politics. White wolf and world of darkness as a setting as was always left wing shit of its time.
The theme of vampire is young ones being oppressed by old ones, werewolves are about environmentalism/global warming and how people are evil and should treat nature better, mage is about reality being a social construct etc.
This isn't a vague summary either, all of these themes are literally openly stated in the books since inception.

Unfortunately I don't think we'll ever get a soundtrack as great as the original VTMB. Schaffer admitted himself that he could never top the original VTMB soundtrack, even if he was assigned to do a sequel, because he made that when his life had completely gone to shit. The Hollywood theme was made the day after he got released from prison.

Wait till you finish the game

Yes, just like I said in the post you responded to...

>not true the post
Their YouTube channel literally talks about them changing course and addressing more pro sjw shit, all shills are saying otherwise are either delusional or astrotrolls.

>not true the post
Their YouTube channel literally talks about them changing course and addressing more pro sjw shit, all shills that are saying otherwise are either delusional or astrotrolls.
White wolf did change course and hired tranny writers specifically for their books. It's way more politicized that before and the rpg is close to dying now

Pirating because fuck this

carna is pretty cute tho

>See march 31st
Get excited that a company actually announced a game at the proper time and getting ready to preorder
>see 2020
hahahahahaha nah I'll see ya in another year after they actually show some good footage

>VTMB2 actually exists
>it's pozzed
Monkey paw does it again!

damn had no idea.

Yes, because they became even more sjw. The short story of the setting is that it was leftist version of every current time at the time which created extremely cringy fanbase.
There were complaints about trannies not being able to join certain clans and shit like that, when trannies were already in the setting. What happened is that the setting became even more sjw.
What are you complaining about? Tell me one thing that isn't true in my post, all the themes I listed are literally canon.


>not true the post
Their YouTube channel literally talks about them changing course and addressing more pro sjw shit, all shills that are saying otherwise are either delusional or astrotrolls.
White wolf did change course and hired tranny writers specifically for their books. It's way more politicized that before and the rpg is close to dying now

Simple, we just get Schaffer to go on one of those prison field trips they do for misbehaving high schoolers.

>A couple of names don't make a game,
I mean they literally made Fallout, and then left and did all the Troika games. But hey whatever, they work for Obsidian now, and we hate them for some reason. ( I don't know why, PoE was quite good, even if the troika guys had nothing to do with it)

We're going home bros

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Vampire The Gay Parade

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Did you even fucking read the setting or their books? Magic works literally because reality is a social construct.
Tell me, was WoD not leftist for it's time already? Are you insane? Every single writee at White wolf was leftist always.

>first person
My body is ready.
Are fags all mad about it like they were at CP2077 for the same reason?

Did you just make the same post three different times?

No monkey paw here, nuage Paradox would never make a good game and seeing how the rulebook gone to shit anyone really wishing for a new VtMB is stupid or a tranny

Don't listen to the idiots talking about the end. They never figured it out on their own and is only regurgitating stuff they read online. There is literally nothing in the end that points towards him being the father.

Only the Malkavian can get a hint to who he truly is and even then it's not set in stone and you have to make the correct dialogue choices for it. What makes people convinced it's Cain is because the filename for his model is cain.mdl.

> it's a parkour game like ass creed
for real?

Does the original hold up? I heard the game was incredibly scary so i avoided it growing up

Why are people bitching about us being a thin-blood? If this is a sequel to the first game you pretty much have to be a thin-blood if you're going to be newly embraced.

I can finally suck protitutes in back alleys again and eat rats ... it almost sounds too good to be true.

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>Magic works literally because reality is a social construct.
you're really stretching far to make a connection here

As long as I can play as a Republican I'm fine


That's literally the fanbase of the setting, they have always been leftists. The church is evil, old people are evil, business is evil, reality is a social construct, that's the setting since day one.

nah trailer is just flashy. I doubt the game looks anything like that either. Given the type of budget Paradox would give.

The number of bugs really scared me

Yea Forums would blow a fucking gasket if they actually met any of the oldschool full on larping vtm fans

I'm confused how we're going to pick a clan if we're a thin blood.(They've stated picking a clan comes after being a thin blood for a while.)

Just play the first game lole

genderfluid rats to boot

hopefully my bros

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Hollywood kike bloodsucker here

>business is evil
Whoa there, slow down with the antisemitism.

I hope you play you as "thin-blood" but aren't actually one, like in the first game which allowed you to resist LaCroix's domination.

Because people are stupid. The rulebook makes it clear a thinblood can diablerize their way to full Kindred status.

>roasting a roastie

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>paradigm shift in politics
>company on the left 10 years ago is somehow same company now without changing
You know that's literally impossible? You can object to these changes and still refer to their old course without agreeing with their new policies

Bloodlines was problematic

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No I am not, collective consensus is based on post modern ideas of how we perceive reality. The bad guys are fucking Newton and objective people because they are trying to turn world into concrete technocracy while good guys are free thinking open minded postmodernists of various shade.
How is any of this wrong?

One doesn't exclude the other. Besides, I've been a fan of WoD since like 1996 or something. Even if it only turns out half-decent I'm sure I will still enjoy giving it a proper chance.

Any clans that end up being dlc will be free. Or so they've said.

>Love how this game makes /pol/ seethe lmao
Love how they're living rent free in your head.

How is this going to work

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anyone else suspicious about low price? Bloodmoon costs 30$ in my shithole

Yeah and then be exiled from Camarilla and hunted like a dog.

I wished that it wasn't a remake so it wouldn't taint the original. So I'm good.

Vtm fanbase is so fucking cringy.

Camarilla allow Blood Hunt victims to be diablerized

what the fuck is this shit

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Considering this is probably late final nights it could just be some weird antediluvian master plan bullshit.

Paradox does that cause they cut 90% of the content and sell that as dlc for 300$.

The fan base is split between owod and nuwod and this only made it worse.
>but muh anecdotal tranny friend
Yeah me and my friends still like owod does that mean everyone does?

Good thing I havent bought a single Paradox game in 10 years

I remember a time when shills at least tried to hide their shillery.

>didn't like that your character could only be hetero or at most bisexual in the first game, based on the intro
>second game goes way beyond fixing just that
The fucking monkey paw.

nah it is full price in Canada.
You probably just live in some shithole where nobody can afford games.

>yfw you realize that having consent was always the way to get the best blood in the original game

But that is not what's going on. I'm not a leftist, in a conservative orthodox Christan in Eastern Europe.
First of all most of the current complaining is weird as fuck and pretends that WoD wasn't already leftist to some degree. Second of all WoD created this cringy fanbase, it is their setting and it's only logical that it would continue that way even further.

nuage shills dont care about Masquerade since you're not entitled to your games

Do PC games even get physical releases anymore?

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Excuse me sir, can I suck you co...I mean, blood?

That's the cringy fanbase of wod

really inarticulate way of saying "its just a game, remember to get consent IRL"

Maybe once we see gameplay.

The ones that matter do

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I don't know who you think is split. Requiem is pretty much dead, they updated a ll the OWOD stuff. Minds Eye is pretty much all OWOD now. I've been playing since the 90s, no one fucking liked NUwod or Requiem or any of that shit. At the Grand Masquerade , like 10 percent participated in the nuwod shit.

sometimes for Limited Editions.

Post this in the description next time please. It's from someone who played a demo version of the game.

>"The beginning is certainly familiar, in a way that made me kick my feet like an excited toddler. Just like the first Bloodlines, you find yourself on trial after being embraced (that’s ‘turned into a vampire’ for all you lame nerds who aren’t familiar with World of Darkness lingo). You were turned without permission, and representatives of the local vampire clans bicker about who was responsible and what should happen next. Then you’re tossed out onto the streets, weak and alone, and have to fight your way to safety in a run-down apartment downtown."

>"This time, however, you were only one of a big group of people who were illegally vamp’d in a mass siring event, you only escape your trial because somebody firebombs it and kills all the lieutenants there, and downtown is now… Seattle."

>"Combat looks orders of magnitude better than it was in the original, including throat-punching melee attacks, a backflip over the top of an enemy’s head, and grabbing guns on an ad-hoc basis. There was a very nice animation of the character finding out their shotgun was empty and tossing it aside. But I was assured that, beyond the tutorial level, there are opportunities to avoid combat by figuring a way around it in the environment. We are encouraged to look at the world as a vampire, i.e. 15 foot high walls are easily scaled, chairs can be mind-levitated away from doors, vents can be traversed as a cloud of smoke. You can also try to talk your way out of a tense situation, of course."

>Hard Mode: Your character cannot replenish blood from any source without first obtaining consent
>Consent cannot be acquired through use of dominate
>Ghouls can never give proper consent, nor can any vampire blood-bonded to you

You do understand bloodlines is about degenerate freaks killing each other...

feel free to post one

Really jannies, a ban? Just like old times, am I right? Pic related, the red square is me~ That's right jannies and trannies, your worst nightmare is now real. You wanted a gator and now you've got one. I was silent for YEARS but I swear to god if you niggers pull another purge out of your ass simply because someone dared to question the narrative, I will make it my sole mission in life to shit post all day today. And the next day. And the next day. And the next day. Wvery day until your eyes fucking bleed and you Zoe Quimm all over yourself in rage. You have been warned. Fuck niggers, FUCK trannies but most of all? FUCK JANNIES!

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Yeah to be fair they have to say shit like this whether they believe it or not, or else they get someone claiming they think it's okay to commit sexual assault or something

Cancer. Saged

If you set fire to a house, it's only logical that it burn down. Does that mean I'm not allowed to comment on the burning house? Can you just fuck off back to discord already?

You'll play as a gay communist vampire trans woman and you're gonna like it!

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It's not changeling, or werewolf so it should be fine.

You have to go back

>consent to feed
Mod it out lel

>a backflip over the top of an enemy’s head
I really want to see that

thats beyond gay thats like gigagay
why even start that topic if you're so insecure about your product it's just a fucking videogame

Being lefty and making fun of righties when they were socially dominate makes you sjw shit.
Didn't you know?

Shill your tranny game harder newfag. No one wants you here, and no one will play your crap dlc she game.

Your marketing already failed


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Even if there was a split, it's irrelevant at this point. Requiem isn't getting any new releases. Masquerade 5th edition pretty much killed it.

>chairs can be mind-levitated away from doors
so that wasn't just put in by the retards that made the """cinematic""" trailer
lorefags halp, which discipline is this?

Please don't try to join the conversation if you don't know shit about the setting

It wouldnt suprise me if Malks are the bonus clan and they're part of a post launch update, considering all the extra work involved, and apparently there's way more dialogue in vtmb2
It's not terrifying but it's got its moments. Instead of going for scares the game went for a really tense and bleak atmosphere. The game is 100% worth playing if you like RPGs, it's easily one of the best of all time HOWEVER you must install the unofficial patch, the game is completely broken without it. It's also incredibly replayable, the different clans are all different and the way they do it is awesome. Picking a nosferatu turns the game into a stealth game, and malk playthroughs are absolutely hilarious and are the perfect ng+ clan. That said those two arent good for a first playthrough, but all of the others are.
Use the unofficial patch, the GOG version of VTMB comes with it, it's that necessary to have a good experience.

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I'm not shilling it, you stupid faggot, I'm calling you out for being a fucking retard newfag who posts just to announce sage.

Or they could do what any sensible person would do and either ignore or simply tell those people off instead of enabling them.

>dlc clan
>day 1 dlc
>only 5 clans to start
>filled with low is identity politics

Absolute faggotry. Way to rape the corpse.

is there native linux support?

Anyone know who this might be?

Attached: who.png (498x340, 133K)

>reddit the post

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Wouldn't it be all cold and soft? That makes me wonder what Jeanette does to you.

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Its mommy

>nuwod is shit
So how would you still argue that white wolf hasn't changed?

Thinbloods are shit tier blood diluded degenerates

It's SJW, I'll pirate it if it's fun.

Imgaine the smell
Like an bucket of dead fish

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There's a reason only the really degenerate vampires fuck

your mom

>Vampires with Thin Blood Syndrome possess exceptionally diluted vitae. A character with Thin Blood Syndrome must expend twice the number of Blood Points necessary when using Disciplines and other vampiric abilities, cannot form blood bonds, and have a portion of their blood pool which can only be used to wake each evening. In addition, thin-blooded vampires generally have great difficulty Embracing others, and more strangely, those who do survive the Embrace often do not awaken as a vampire until minutes or hours later.
now fuck off you fucking faggot

After Obsidian scammed Paradox with Tyranny I don't think they'll ever talk again.

>more political shit in games

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Ok it’s been a while since I played the original, but holy fuck how the hell will the masquerade work with cameras and cellphones everywhere?

Also why is there so much dlc. I could care less about the politics unless they really shove some ‘lel drumpf’ bullshit, but the dlc is wacky. Why is Yea Forums all of the sudden defending dlc and preorders before the gameplay is even shown?

What the fuck happened to this board?


Tell me one thing. Is there malkavian playable character?

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>Five clans are listed plus a "bonus" clan, whatever that means
Considering it's Paradox we're talking about i wouldn't even be surprised if it's a literaly bonus behind a paywall.

>when you try to read a wiki to own someone but don't bother doing anything other than a quick skim of a single page

Nobody knows yet

Yeah but I get the feeling they think most of their audience is those woke types, or they are that themselves

>scammed trannies of money and delivered a shitty game the trannies were hopping to make an ip of

are Obsidian /ourguys

Vampires can focus the blood they feed on to make then warm to the touch/appear alive/function like a human. All bodily fluids are blood at that point though... It would be messy.

The CEO of google is a ventrue

> Why is Yea Forums all of the sudden defending dlc and preorders before the gameplay is even shown?
Because instead of just ignoring the retards discussing politcs, they have to be baited.
I feel like the pulled one on them with this two, the timelines make it seem like they thought Obsidian would make it. And this trasheap studio deving it, had to be a backup plan.

Probably not, since malkavians were "problematic".

Probably not

Don't forget
>Wrote in the contract that Chris Avellone would be writing for the game, while at the same time trying to get him fired from the company, not letting him write anything in the end

tabletop autists please neck yourself
if you think muh tabletop is a reason for abhorrent game development choices please double neck yourself

The game is explicitly mentioned to have a theme of technology vs tradition that even the ARG was centered around, so it looks like they're going to be going in-depth about the relationship between vamps and the surveillance era.
Yea Forums defending the mountains of preorder shit is pretty fucked, but unfortunately that's the way the game industry has been going for years.

The only thing problematic about malks are fishmalks and nobody wants them

So when is the game coming out?

I can't tell if this is satire or real

What the fuck. Are they seriously expecting people to pay money NOW?

*Star Citizen intensifies*

In the pnp rpg vamps can use up a little blood to get hard/wet and warm their bodies up for sex. Although it's mostly only toreadors that do this because most vamps have low sex drives and drinking blood is supposedly 10x better than orgasm.
I haven't heard about this, what happened?
The playable clans haven't been announced but the writers we talking about how they'll be approaching mental illness with more sensitivity so theres a good chance malks wont be as based as they were in vtmb because it would be "punching down", pic related.

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>it is vital


March 2020, maybe.

I'll probably check it out solely on the fact that Mitsoda makes a comeback, but I'm not holding my breath since he didn't do anything relevant for the last 15 years.
Hope the leftie shit will be kept to a minimum but shit like doesn't make it look too good. Will probably give it a pirate and then get a physical if I like it.

Just like every FPS dev has to put a disclaimer that it's bad to shoot people with guns, you fucking retard? This is an 18+ game anyway, don't treat your customers like retards, this is just pandering to snowflakes.

I can't help but imagine Jeanette trying to tie a splint to your benis so it will stay up right, and it's making me giggle!

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You werent a thinblood in the 1st, just a neonate/ fledgeling. By points at character creation you were a 9-10 gen, i think.

>this is just pandering to snowflakes.
thats what I said


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>lgbt shit and political story confirmed by fat tranny dev

no thanks. ill pirate it when the dlc/season pass is all out and its patched nice and good.

> store.steampowered.com/app/532790/Vampire_The_Masquerade__Bloodlines_2/
The game is available on 4 storefronts (including their own), but steam shills want to preserve Valve monopoly at any cost.

Removing the mental illness shit from malks is literally the best thing you can do for them

They basically pulled a Colonial Marines with the budget and It's from somewhere in docs.google.com/document/d/1CDN-5QjGGKnQa4Bycmtn3AVtb-c9UfSqPmYQhzHlaVI/edit

How can a game be SJW when the protagonists are literal predators who penetrate their victims without consent every night?

Attached: 1515946211716.jpg (600x779, 97K)

>Pay money in hopes of getting a space sim where YOU CAN DO ANYTHING
>Pay money in hopes of getting a vampire something something game set in some tranny power fantasy world

Paying in advance is always stupid but you should get the idea why ScumCitizen generated 200kk

Attached: THE_MAN.jpg (3934x2213, 1.67M)

What kind of modern music do we want in the game that evokes the same kind of feels but period appropriate?


Attached: 1552729345296.png (123x133, 26K)

They literally admit to trannying their game in the fucking title of the thread. I will be shitposting NON-STOP when the sales figures come out. Count on it.

Pajeets can't be Ventrue, they're Nosferatu

>why the fuck would you want the Troika guys to make a sequel to Troika's best game.
Gee user, I dunno.

>Sarcofagus table
Customizable haven confirmed?

Attached: UNSANCTIONED_HalfSize.png (616x484, 475K)

>Troika's best game.

That's Arcanum uncontested


Attached: D2P66mGWoAAa_Gv.jpg large.jpg (1166x1644, 199K)

This. Everything stinks these days, looking forward to anything is a fool's game.

And the meritocratic, right-leaning Mage government has to keep all that retardation from ending the world.

Oh man, I just realized the two old frenemy Chinese Assassins would be considered unacceptably unPC today.


>All that dlc

No thank you

GOTY confirmed
now with trannies so

Don't worry, when Star Citizen comes out in 2047 you really will be able to do anything
VTMB2 on the other hand...

>Stop Sign item
On one hand that makes me smile.
On the other what the fuck is it doing in a special pack?

>Yeah to be fair they have to say shit like this whether they believe it or not, or else they get someone claiming they think it's okay to commit sexual assault or something
No they don't. They don't have to say that. Here's a tip for anyone in the industry. The idiots who will whine that you're a monster don't matter. They're something less than human and their only joy in life is asserting ownership over people in a game of social dominance. Antagonize them, never apologize, and watch them screech until the blood vessels in their brain hemorrhage. Laugh, for you are free.

Attached: samuraihannya3.jpg (1536x2048, 508K)

>muh SJW
Did you faggots even play the game?
Anarcs were pretty much libtards on steroids.


>jeanette outfit
b-but I thought the sjw devs wouldn't let us have that

>Use the unofficial patch, the GOG version of VTMB comes with it, it's that necessary to have a good experience.
VTMB is -75% on Gog atm

Reminder that you can't suck NPC's blood without their consent.

Attached: IMG_20190322_112343.jpg (1344x271, 58K)

Use auspex on him you will see. Also, his sound files literally have cain in the filename.

A lot of stuff would be. Some people are severely downplaying how much different Bush era leftism is from today's.

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Can't wait for the epic story of oppressed transblack people during the industrial revolution.

Lol what is this? A game for cucks?

>Trial By Fire
I fucking loved that game when I was a kid.
Then I went back and replayed it as an adult I realized child me had fucking shit taste. It really wasn't good.

Attached: Trialbyfire.jpg (245x298, 24K)

yeah okay rise up some more, I'm sure that'll work out for you

Attached: estro.png (583x487, 121K)

But will I be able to be a tranny vampire fighting the evil white corportative vampireoverlords with my vampire buddiecommunist friends?
This is important

It literally says in that post
>even if your roleplaying character doesn't provide consent it is important that you provide consent in real life
>you can't suck NPC's blood without consent
Why does Yea Forums fail at basic reading comprehension?

Who the fuck is Hardsuit Labs. I'll assume they're trash and the game is garbage until it's out.

Attached: 1553227276020.png (800x600, 485K)

>On the other what the fuck is it doing in a special pack?

>preorder goyim! if you dont you are a bigot! support our sjw lgbtv political narrative!!!!!

Attached: 1549011115024.gif (554x668, 11K)

I just bought Blood Moon edition. I hope Rudi isn't included. I just fucking love vampire games man.

dumb question.
But does the money go to Acitivision or Paradox?
I need to know, cause if it is Activision, I am just gonna pirate it.
If it is Paradox I am gonna pirate it

Attached: vampire 2012-04-08 19-36-27-29.png (1440x900, 620K)

Gotta keep the controversy machine grinding onward, even if it isn't something worth getting mad about in the first place.

It isn't about rising up. It's about sitting back and smiling.

>pre-order now
just so Epic buys it in a few months? nope


They said all clans would be free, even clans they add post-release.

Those guys suck ass now. I'm glad they aren't involved.

I don't have an NPC-getting-mad comic image for this, but pretend I do.

the next vtmb doesn't have to be a vtmb. I am not worried at all. Lets see what comes

Attached: nut to me hard.png (600x900, 593K)

Attached: vampire 2012-04-08 19-40-48-55.png (1440x900, 496K)

Killing Floor devs

>patriarchy -10pts on self
>mental health -90pts on self

Make a brand new steam account, preorder it. Sell the account when it goes EGS exclusive. pirate it like you do everygame.
Hookers and blow for weeks

Pretty solid then. Generation only go so far anyway, Jack is 11th but old and experienced enough to punch above is weight class. Being a pyromaniac amongst fire fearing vampires help too.

even more impressive they kept that out of the original

Attached: oIo.jpg (1166x846, 145K)

>Those guys suck ass now
you base this on what exactly?
I don't play Diablo, so I cant comment on its world design or lore.

Attached: vampire 2012-04-06 23-08-20-82.png (1680x1050, 285K)

Obsidian went to shit after Avellone left user.

>Play as a thinblood

Sweet, i can hang around a burning bin at the sea side all day.

Maybe the real oppression was the eternal gnome we all suffer under, who we found out about along the way.

I'm thinking of pre-ordering Blood Moon but it depends on how much it costs.

Would this be acceptable in the sequel?

Attached: unnamed.png (1262x994, 1.28M)

Avellone is worth shit nowdays. He writes for every other shitty game and it's fucking nothing. Obsidian are shits for treating Avellone the way they did but that doesnt make Avellone a good writer. Well maybe for videogame standarts only

>Killed every gnome a came along on my 2nd playthrough

felt right

I'm just gonna wait for all of it to come out before I actually buy, since I wanna play it all in one long playthrough, I don't normally replay games, unless they have absurdly fun gameplay or something.

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Nobody gives a fuck about your whining, you dumb fucking nigger. Get it through your ape skull you moron.

It's unlikely that this will end up EGS exclusive.
1. It's already on the EGS, which means they've already talked to Epic and put the game up on other stores as well.
2. Epic said the exclusivity bullshit was just their launch strategy and the game launches in March 2020.
3. Paradox have their own store, locking the game out of that wouldn't be very smart.

imagine you can fuck anyone in the game over. Wouldn't that solve the issue of not liking a group of people? Isn't that the point of vampire. Fucking idiots over you don't like for real good. Rape and kill people you hate... I think somewhat like this they always discribe their handbook. This D&D game is different because we go for conflicts of human race into the darkest pits... whadda whadda whadda

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Sorry to all the contrarian shitposters but this looks incredible.

100% no

Sawyer is still there. Regardless I am more interest in their aquisiton of Troika guys, and Cain getting back in the director chair with Boyarsky, than anything to do with Obsidian in and of themselves (though they obviously have more proven people in the RPG world)

Based and redpilled.

>all day
Shit that reminds me that some thin bloods are daywalkers and others can even have children
You can count on the former but not the latter probably, trannies are sensitive about not being able to procreate like people (as seen in the last AssCreed game)

>Never ever.

Attached: Feels like it's time to go.png (386x399, 236K)

Attached: bloodlinespantsu.png (1443x896, 907K)

I hope Paradox do the right thing and cut the Steam version. GOG is fine, they are cute and harmless, but Steam and Valve are doing actual harm to the PC games industry and need to be content starved

what about innuendos and sexism? Or just sexappeal?

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MC is going to have only friendly or woke dialog choices.

That's fucked up Tyranny had a lot of potential, if they had more time/devs they really could have fleshed out the story and given it a proper ending.
Make sure you torrent the gog version of the game, it comes with the unofficial patch, and the unofficial patch is 100% required to make the game playable, especially on modern systems.

Wait so, is the game a direct sequel or not then?
If it is, from which ending of the first game does it part? Is MC a different character than the first game?

Can you mindbreak her to fuck the fat mysogonistic old man?

Attached: Vampire_The_Masquerade_Bloodlines_Beta_Demonstration.webm (400x300, 596K)

Valve has fucked Bloodlines once with their half baked source engine at the time, gave them no support and made them rush the game then Activision ultimately killed Troika

I fucking wish. Why does anyone have hopes for this in >the current year? It's all fucked.

I'm growing sick of this growing trend of special editions that just have the most banal shit. 90% of the time it's all cosmetic shit that I wouldn't even use anyways even if it was in the base game.
I guess on the upside that also means that I am almost never tempted to buy special editions anymore.

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where is my season pass?

What I suspect they mean by that is that the clans will be free WITH the new story DLC. Johan will never give the customer content without a catch. Never.

If they do it like they do with CK they'll just update the game to have the bear bones of the new DLC but all the effects and use of it locked out. You can run into Tzimisce, but you can't play one/use any of their powers.

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Anarcs make sjws boil my summerfriend.
Did you forget about the friendly neighborhood gun dealer?

ive never played he first game, is it more like gothic or like morrowind?

Stop telling people to torrent gog because of the patch. That shit is always outdated, he'll end up having to install the latest version anyway.

The only confirmation I've heard is that 'it happens in a world where VTMB happened'
Not sure they've actually confirmed any specific events beyond that

Is she showing her brests?

Sounds fun, preordering right now

>Play a Malocusian tech mogul that turns her dilapidated office building into the center of a information and equipment trade network.
>Most fun my playgroup's ever had with an rpg
>Requiem dies
Fucking gahennafags


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It's nothing new. It's Tipper Gore and Leiberman shit. Prudish fuckwits trying to domineer culture. Except they don't even realize they've become what they've once mocked. They're jokes.

Attached: rexjacket.jpg (1393x1129, 156K)

>Johan will never give the customer content without a catch.
>he thinks Johan has any influence over Paradox's publishing wing

Thread theme debofnight.andcuriouser.com


>preorder bonuses

Attached: e54c6684d5b6491c9adc93181c8f9169.jpg (1152x1536, 271K)

Wew didn't know WoD was so based.
Also Newton was an alchemist as well so I don't think he was a complete objectivist.

Attached: hk pc physical.png (900x600, 251K)

Like this?

Attached: 1517193767659.webm (768x432, 2.65M)

It's more like the first Deus Ex.

damn its just like the sims 4

I don't remember anyone being gay or trans in VtMB honestly.

Option 3 is clearly the season pack, it says it includes 2 story DLCs and an expansion for the game.

Quck my friendly eagle, fly high and rain death upon all trannies!

Maybe they'll just change it to "Mentally disabled" instead.

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Remember when you used to like videogames Yea Forums? Remember when your first instinct wasn't to think about lgbt politics?
I sure don't.

I think so, yes

would be even funnier

>literal day 1 news about the game talk about 3 'tiered' launch versions to buy and a season pass
>and this isn't AAA, but a sequel to a niche cult classic
It's the kind of tired that sleep won't fix.

That's a mod, isn't it?

Oh fuck off you are exagerating. You /pol/faggots are just trying to find a new subject to shitpost over.

yeah, it's nice how they stayed independent from white wolf and did their own thing which turned out to be a master piece

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>start as thinblood
...why? Thin bloods are for all intents and purposes shit. Unless the MC is just some kind of chosen "top dick" thin blood that is able to master shit even though no other thin blood can.

This. The dumbasses should have done it as a kickstarter and retards would lap it up.

Yeah. Not much a fan of that. I fully expect a hollow cash grab used to pawn garbage.

Attached: article-0-1304EA9E000005DC-378_964x711.jpg (964x711, 99K)

Attached: arcanumdumbeddown.png (354x438, 161K)

>Unless the MC is just some kind of chosen "top dick" thin blood that is able to master shit even though no other thin blood can.
its a video game so yes

Where my malkavians at?

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>They just keep going when a random person shows up.

Vampires can move blood around with magic and they can control their temperature with magic and they can harden their bodies with magic.

This but unironically

That tummy looks so good

You know the thing where vampires have to be invited into a house to enter it? Maybe something like that. Having to seduce people before you can kiss their necks.

Don't open it phaggot.

>CTRL+F trannie
>16 results
>CTRL+F tranny
>12 results

why does this game trigger the /pol/ ?

>meme knight
>viral knight
>we paid people to viral advertise on reddit and Yea Forums and you idiots fell for it knight

shit game

Nearly everyone was bi, if you played a seductress female char. But this is a good thing.

I hope they didn't make jaenettes bewbs smaller. Easy to spot when a developer/artist fails

Attached: 1550679600265.jpg (1000x667, 82K)

Remember when the very first game reveals weren't about how the game will have a multitude of pronouns for mentally handicapped?

Any chance they'll leave a nod to Deus Ex in the new game?

Attached: jc.png (432x454, 268K)

seducing without consent is rape.

But only sawyer isn't enough appearantly.
I'm just hyped because they have been getting the old guard together.

>all included in the torrent


Todd, working on arcanum ... not sure how I'd feel about that.

Attached: Feels Hopeless.jpg (600x600, 250K)

>it's happening
>in $currentYear

Probably going to be a microtransaction riddled clunky "they'll patch it" mess

nah its pretty damn good

>th-that one doesn't count because I don't like it
lol mad

posting the only relevant part of the trailer btw

Attached: vampire mommy.webm (1920x1080, 1.07M)

And dropped. He and his wife are SJW cancer.

The original VtMB played loose with the lore too for gameplay purposes. For example why couldn't LaCroix dominate you in the end? How did you become so powerful so quickly? All of the disciplines also got tweaked, especially Animalism, Thaumaturgy, Dominate, Dementation, etc.

Obviously, for a secret society of people turned into immortal, asexual bloodsuckers, gender identity is a very important issue.

>why does this game trigger the /pol/ ?

Attached: 1536602188692.png (1052x631, 229K)

Thats a tranny.

Are they even gonna be in the game tho? I mean, unless it uses your old save game to continue the story with past events being relevant, then I suppose she might be, but otherwise, they'll probably leave anyone that could have died/had important changes happen to them, out of the story

Attached: Wait a sec.png (500x500, 106K)

>Season pass for an unfinished tech demo
Lmao no thanks

>I'm just hyped because they have been getting the old guard together.
Same, that is why I am kinda sad they arent the ones to make this.

Seducing is asking for consent. Takes two to tango.

yes, like real life and done right for the audience of the game

anyone got a side view of jeanette?

Attached: 1518358540018.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

SJWs have no issues with women dressing like sluts if women want to dress like sluts.

>PC only

dead on arrival lol

Attached: 794988E9-B206-474C-9D1D-7909E553020F.jpg (1024x1024, 65K)

I doubt it because it doesn't make sense for her to pop up in Seattle. She's Baron of Santa Monica

What's more likely is someone like Pisha or Beckett because they wander from place to place

Play with WESP plus patch. IT is a must
Basic is too basic now, plus has tons of cool stuff, almost all of them were uncut from base game, so hardly any fan shit.

And please avoid spoilers. You really really want to avoid spoilers.

As Jack says, its never sweet as the first ime

Their outfits are a deluxe edition bonus item, so probably not in the game.
We are also in a different part of the country in this game.

So this is the new meme pic that is used to shit up these threads. Welp, it was good while it lasted, see you at the launch.

I'm just triggered because jannies banned me. Never played the first game, might eventually. Not playing the sequel until I know for sure about the level of wokeness inserted. But go ahead, throw your money away on a newly announced game with no gameplay, only to wait over a year just to find out It's a shit game. Make sure to get the best edition, wouldn't wanna miss out on all that "story", would you?

Attached: 1551013028768.png (556x628, 69K)

yeah you are right, it's a different character (the player) wearing just the same outfit. Still bad designed bewbs suck, no matter whos they are. If they do not get this right they will fail

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have sex

Attached: 1540134613066.png (771x723, 680K)

I laughed. Surprised Bethesda isn't making This game as well. Poor Black Isle guys get to see a bunch of randoms keep making sequels to their games.

I unironically didn't know about that character till you retards spammed it and I did several sessions of the game with my friends. Just admit that you niggers are looking for a new thing to obsess over.

>AAA games still haven't managed to match this level of expression and personality
Fucking wizardry.

>triggered by /pol/ being triggered by trannies

Have a thing for necks, vampire user?

Attached: 1552556892786.gif (270x270, 499K)

Regardless of the second, whether will be good or bad or with or without trannies you must play the first game. If you like rpgs and/or deus ex.

I am no longer here

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I don't understand why you'd make a trans character in a video game that lets you be either sex. What is the point.

Avellone definitely worked on it in secret.


I only played Bloodlines once, as gangrel. Who should I do next?

>thinking this is a bad thing, and not good
>actually being a console baby

Attached: 4525.jpg (373x359, 19K)

Yeah a hir by the name Jay C will warn you about a bomb

You know we are allowed to discuss the game without preordering right user?

Rent free.

moi cuz its super cheap here only 30$ lmao

back to redddit kiddo

Attached: fuck off jew.jpg (640x638, 41K)

better question, why are you searching for trannies?

Maybe they can work on Bloodlines 3, or Bloodlines: New Vegas if things go well. They've worked with Paradox before

Makes sense, I've only played as a dude but it fits.

Malkavian. Your second run should always be Malkavian

Not even worth a pirate then. What a shame

Because there are losers who sit in these threads and get immensely upset that people are criticizing their game

I say we boycott the game if male malkavians can't wear the jaenette dress!

No your first run should always be Malkavian

do us all a favour tranny

Attached: TransgenderSuicide.png (589x323, 14K)

Avellone had nothing to do with the first one.

>random retard who didn't even play the first game comes into the thread to shit it up

This is why nobody likes /pol/acks.

Wasn't VtM an unfinished game?
At least they can release updates this time.

no YOU stop

I like both, so I will. My shitty 2007-tier toaster can probably handle it, right? It plays Witcher 1 just fine.

no they and a whole team of people made fallout

Yeah but Obsidian is owned by Microsoft now, and things arent exactly peachy after Tyranny I suspect...

>Play with WESP plus patch. IT is a must
worst tip ever given. Vanilla is how it should be and is a master piece. Plus patch has not nearly the quality of the original and drags it down very much.
If you do read any spoilers for the game, you ruined it yourself and don't need to play it anymore.
Use plus patch if you must after you finished the game. But never on first play through. Plus patch adds so much stupid and childish content that doesn't fit the game it is depressing.
Try any clan you want for like 30 minutes. Try malkavian. Playing through the game with malkavian works only right the first time (because of spoilers). You don't have to, but it quite a ride. If you finish the game with any other clan first the malkavian run will be completely different for you for the rest of your life. This is okay, just be aware of that. And again, avoid spoilers!

Attached: 1532503630466.jpg (600x926, 283K)

>Never played the first game
Ok, retard :)

An interesting thing I read is that an expansion will feature "The vampires greatest threat" what do you think that is?

Attached: 1552986213874.jpg (640x480, 50K)

if trannies wanted to be either sex they would make the effort to look the part, not the half-assed monstrosities most of them flaunt themselves as

Bloodpill me on the devs. Are they any competent at all?

Explain to me then why it should be on a platform not meant for video games

>Vanilla is how it should be and is a master piece.
Vanilla is broken and literally unplayable if you choose Nozzy.

it's called season of the wolf

The oldfags?

Attached: gVnMt4YiFXQ.jpg (565x603, 43K)


>Never played the first game
by first you mean second. I mean there is vampire redemption and then there is bloodlines. Or you mean bloodlines1 even thought there was never a bloodlines 1 because bloodlines 2 should have a different name I guess. This is weird. You know what's the weirdest part here? YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THROUGH BLOODLINES EVER :D AHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!

Attached: 1533327451689.jpg (1783x896, 197K)

No, they're not

>you aren't allowed to discuss vidya you haven't played. Thanks for clarifying, time to ban all of Yea Forums I guess.

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ATTENTION! Please, everybody, if you wish to continue to participate in this any further please HAVE SEX.
Because everyone deserves warm and love of human companionship. Even you.

The writers.

is andrei anybody elses favourite character?

Attached: andrei-vtmb.jpg (1600x900, 213K)

Ventrue, ignore plebs.


Sure, if you're offering

I believe so yes,

I can't emphasize how WESP patch is a must you mostly cannot run vanilla on the first play, i had more than one people who wanted to try ''vanilla'' the vanilla is fucking broken, INSTALL WESP UNOFFICIAL PATCH it is basically fixed vanilla.

Also avoid spoilers like plague.
I dont know, personally I find that basic is too basic as of now and plus is %99.9 original dev stuff that was uncutt. So you can say some of the cut stuff was deserved to be cut, maybe I would have suggested a ''medium'' option if there was one,
but if its basic vs plus I would rather go plus. Again personal opinion

I also think you should only play as malk in your second playthrough, it is really nice to see how being a malk changes both your and others perception of you.

A very small team, a large section of which now work at Obsidian. But yeah maybe having a different janitor in the office makes all the difference. Director/producer/writer/lead programmer/systems designer/graphic designer don't matter. It is just pure coincidence every game they made together has been amazing.

Fuck off, tranny

>be born with a brain condition I didn't choose
>Yea Forums hates me and wants me to kill myself

Vanilla is bugfixed and without mods... It's the basic gog installer. When you add no mods/plus patch. I played this game for over 10 years I know what I am talking about.

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They literally made nuwod cause Christianity is 100% true in it’s most base state in owod. (strictly protestant tier though)

Remember how this is literally the only part you're focused on because you're psychotic?

it's not

I can already feel the jank

I don't support preorder culture, doubly so that it's over a year away + any possible delays. Preordering something with no supply bottleneck is stupid.

Damn I appear to be dumb, thanks boss.

Legs or GTFO

Tremere if you want to shit on the whole world with blood.
Malk for epic memes.

Was it autism?

The tape and house level always spooked me. It was quite well made in my eyes.

Attached: 1748262307367.gif (400x300, 600K)

I hate when people say the ocean house hotel is the only scary part of vtmb. The snuff hunt is scary, the cementry is scary, the claustrophobix nosferatu hideout is scary, the hospital is scary, the drug den is scary, the giovanni hidden place starts scary.

>posting some random pic and complaining about sjw is discussion now

Just admit that you faggots are obsessed.

>Remember when the very first game reveals weren't about how the game will have a multitude of pronouns for mentally handicapped?
They aren't. This is just what you go out of your way to look for. Which is fine, weird hobby but okay. Just spam it somewhere else.

Attached: load size.jpg (726x430, 33K)

>black anarch in Seattle
I'm not seeing the issue.

>be born genghis khan, the way you are, and kill 10% of the world population
>be pol pot, the way you are and kill all intellectuals
>be stalin, the way you are and be an asshole to everybody
abloo bloo nobody likes me wahh wahh
you're not alone

Same as with Cyberpunk, the sun.

I'm the /pol/ user here and I fucked 4 guys, one of whom is black. Still have sex with him sometimes, and he's more redpilled than me. Can I keep posting now?

Don't feel bad, noone gives a shit about trannies, just the niggers who put them into games (badly I might add, name one well written tranny)

>Love how this game makes /pol/ seethe lmao
why would a vampire rpg make any seethe?

Remember not being a faggot?
Of course you don't/

Doesn't it come with wesp's patch, dumbass?

>Battlecruiser 3000 A.D.

>I also think you should only play as malk in your second playthrough, it is really nice to see how being a malk changes both your and others perception of you.
playing malk not going blind into the game feels extremly different from knowing what is going on as malk. Malk should be confused about what is going on, so it only works when the player doesn't understand anything, like a real malk would not understand the voices.

Attached: 40-update52-34.jpg (800x600, 68K)

I don't hate you, user. Just be strong, carry yourself with dignity, and don't be a whiny little bitch. If you do those three things, you can only succeed.

Hot dickgurlz in my games are fine.

Didn't you read the thread my man? People are losing their fucking minds arguing about vampire obama

And you saw a specialist that confirmed without any shadow of a doubt that this is the case, yes?

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Ghenghis Khan was based and showed the power of the altaic race.

Not bad, made me laugh.

>This is just what you go out of your way to look for
Buddy, they talked about pronouns even before talking about clans.
Get your head out your ass.

Look up Chinbotsu doujinshis. You won't be the same again. ;0)

Fictional women can't chose to dress like sluts and men finding them hot is rape.
"Sexual liberation" only applies to themselves, the shit ugly purple haired trannies nobody wants to fuck.

I don't care about your fucking illness, actually falling for that "treatment" is a choice you make yourself. It sucks that genderswap isn't a thing, but you can't do shit about it.

>name one well written tranny
Edwin Odesseiron, technically.

Lmao the gog version comes with the unofficial patch already installed you mong

AGP is just another fetish user

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*everything he touches turns to shit and stays that way for the next 800 years*
woah truly a superior hero

Seducing without consent is the purest form of love.

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>Doesn't it come with wesp's patch, dumbass?
holy shit we got a very stupid individual here. The bug fix has nothing to do with wesp you stupid dog. Holy shit you are stupid....

I hope this has Linux support like every other Paradox published title.

How do you feel about horror movies in general?
Don't see anything to like about him.

It could be an interesting experience sure.
You can play a clueless malk and then wonder how the normal interractions would turn out, or you could be a clueless normie (that is not a malk-nosferatu) and then find out how a malk would turn out.

I don't know I'm more into ''let the newbies have plus+normie clan then enjoy malk'' philosophy. Malks have the highest unique dialogue recations from npcs (not counting their own dialogue which is totally unique). It might be more memorable to play a normie first than a malk.

Then its just me.
Man time flies fast, I remember playing this game at New Year of 2005. Loading times so high I was reading dragonlance at the side...

>a black gay Muslim

all they forgot was to make him disabled and a trannny face it that whole character is just woke garbage

The people pushing this shit aren't people who happen to have sexual dysphoria, they're fucking social terrorists pretending to be mentally ill to fuck with people and companies.

My heart goes to all 4 of you.

>its shit because trannies
Oh no, mentally ill people in VTMB, what a fucking shocker that one is.

>Lmao the gog version comes with the unofficial patch already installed you mong
How much did you parents hate you, that they locked you in the basement your whole life and fed you only shit?
Bug fix and plus (wesp) patch are two seperate things. One makes the game stable. The other adds (not so good) content.

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Don't tell me you're one of those true patch hipsters.

I'm getting hard a fuck about being a tranny... in vidya of course. Fuuuuck. I'll create a cute/ pretty boy and... and make him transfer... fuck. I'm going to fap to my creation!

This is better than those sissy bbc trainers.

>Remember when the very first game reveals weren't about how the game will have a multitude of pronouns for mentally handicapped?
Was it this time?
I just saw the trailer and got exited. Then I remembered how fun VtMB threads used to be
I come here and its just "lgbt this, trannies that"
I was wondering about how they are going to update the actual gameplay or if the writing will stay good. Or clans and shit
But no. Apparently I missed the most important part somehow.

You are probably not even wrong. Its probably going to be just a sjw shitshow
But I forgot and genuinely got exited.

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they talk about pronouns as a feature

it's dead jim


never played the first and dont really see me playing this. but maybe time will change my mind

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I can't wait for the mod scene. All I ever wanted was to capture a q.t. vampire hunter and mind break her into becoming my Ghoul blood doll and body guard.

Next you'll say that you were merely pretending to not have a functioning brain.

I mean, as long as they'd be obligated by law to point out that they used to be a man before starting a relationship/intercourse, what ever, if not, then I guess you'd just have to start asking everyone if they were born a girl before you date them.

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>but maybe time will change my mind

the WOKE shit is only going to get worse

from my experience it is best to play around with nosferathu for 30 minutes, restart the game and play through with malk. Then play through with a different clan. That way you get all extra dialogue and you can play malk now again too to see where all the spoilers were.
But in the end newbies should just play any clan they want. The game is good. The only thing I can't recomment is plus patch. That added content was cut for a reason. Don't ruin the first impression. You can add plus patch later if you want more content.

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so it's gender neutral bathroom, again?

>a real malk would not understand the voices
What makes you say that? Malks are supposed to have meta knowledge of what's going on around them. If you play malk for the first time you're just as confused as those around you.

This is my 4th time repeating myself but I cant stop evangelizing this game

If you like rpgs and/or deus ex deffinetly play this, with WESP patch.

its time you zoomers know about world of darknes..

>Don't see anything to like about him.

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I loved the first one, then realized it's a game about degenerate, blood-drinking monsters. ie jews.

hey kid: the bug fix patch existed before wesp did a thing.

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How are they "problematic"?
>approaching mental illness with more sensitivity
At least they mentioned it at all. Maybe malks will be out of politics and not having a stake in all of it. Just a mad clown.

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If this has online multi, I'm raping you in the bathrooms with my gigantic tranny dickerz!

But I WAS only pretending to not have a functional brain

Nah you got me mate, I was wrong

>no titty jiggling malk girl

As I said above, if there was a patch between basic and plus I would reccomended it but I feel there are some good stuff in plush patch which makes the meh parts more bearable. Really depends on your taste.
But you might be right that if you play with basic you might want to try plus next time, i doubt people who played plus would want to play again in basic. So there's that

The important thing is spoilers though, it is hard to avoid them in this day and age.

I like Rec, mirrors, the descent, final destination and the VVitch.

What about you?

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aint a zoomer just not into vampire stuff. i think i would play some gothic before again

Toreador; Malk, Nospheratu. Would probably be what I'd go for.

>>I get to see a sequel to my favourite game of all time
>different company
>different people
>different sensibilities

I loved Fallout 3, a true sequel to Fallout 2.

At least you have the balls to admit it.

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Vampire, both the game and rpg is a politics game more than a horror game imho
Not the poltiics of SJWs and trannies that people talk here, but the politics of young and old vampires, of clans, of generations , of sects, between other supernaturals

If you don't know much about vtm Do not think it as some weird twilightesque fantasy simulator for middle aged wives. It is at the end of the day is politics.
Thats why methinks avodiing the spoilers is utmost important. As it can reveal a lot of stuff.

I wouldn't go high humanity for the first time. It's not as fun.

I just never got around to it because I have an ancient shitty pc from 2012 and too many games.

yeah, I tried nosferathu first playthrough too, but stopped after 30 minutes, as not going on the streets was not what I wanted. I wanted to be part of the world to better replace my real life. That's why I stopped nosferatu and switched to malk for my first playthrough.

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mid-low humanity edgy Gangrel is a great playthrough.
You get all the Beckett content, and you can rape the snail with protean.
Also when the beast hits, shits about to go down

>makes his haven in Copenhagen
Copenhagen is 0.4% black so it seems like a really odd choice. And Muslim (4%) and unabashed queerness (that at least makes sense).

I am not into vampires and not into occult stuff. I doubt most people like vtmb because of vampires. vtmb is something very different, as the tabletop is supposed to be. You coat something you wanna say in something fun. That's it.

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I should do at least one play through where my humanity isn't consistently maxed.

this but unironically

That's what I did in the first one tho, was nice guy toreador and I like it.

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You fucking wish
How retarded are you?

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