Ok Yea Forums the suicidal thoughts are kicking in again after almost a year of being gone

Ok Yea Forums the suicidal thoughts are kicking in again after almost a year of being gone
I feared this.
What can I do

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Play more dmc

What's the main reason for your suicidal thinking user?

Hop into a video game and play it like mad, new file or getting to 100%, until you pass out.

Yeah, I want to get the platinum trophy, but after that I kinda fear that everything will feel empty

Where's your motivation?

Talk it out with someone

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A lot of reasons I guess, my best friend and I don't talk anymore, I'm not a very sociable person, I mean, I got friends, but kinda feel that no one really cares for me, I just got my degree and I don't know what to do with my life

i live with them everyday, living in a third world shithole with no way to get out and having no money to do anything but buy the very minimum amount of food to survive gets to you, i wish there was a way to assure i would die when i attempt suicide but im scared that i will end up living somehow and that would just make things a hell of a lot worse for me, i wish i knew how to get hold of a gun and just blow my brains out

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This game was really the only thing I was looking forward to, I really love it, can't stop playing it since it came out, it was worth the 10 year wait

I feel you m8
Same here, 3rd world country, and the salaries are a fucking joke, I thought of emigrating to Canada and start a new life, but I don't have the balls

U wont get to play dmc6 if u kill urself

painkillers, or better yet seek professional help. Im in the same spot

I wish i can help user, but i'm just as lost as you are.

Time to find love op don't be shy and give it your all. You should also find a professional.


You cant love anyone if dont love yourself, and being suicidal implies having no ambitions.

Porn makes me feel like shit

You still need to play xenoverse 3 and blue reflection 2

Buy one day and night in the fine hotel in the safe part of your town, browse some net/read a book/etc. in the lobby area till you are borred then go for a walk during night see how does it do for your mood to be someone else, someone who is just passing by your life

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