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Other urls found in this thread:

It's been ages since I've seen one of these


>the bull fight doesn't have realistic testicles

I expected better of you From.

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>not posting the full picture

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>Get sparkler weapon
>It's a get of gang rape free card

I laughed, but then I thought maybe you were genuinely mad that there are multiple threads about a newly released major game.
please alleviate my worry user.

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The red ogre at the start if fucking me up

Maybe it's because I was playing Nioh while waiting for Sekiro to download, but I'm not liking Sekiro very much.
Granted, I just arrived to what I think it's the equivalent of Firelink shrine and practiced a bit with the immortal dude but the movement feels stiff and the combat fees, I don't know how to describe it, automatic of sorts.

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>when there's already yaoi of wolf and the lord

Have you tried these fixes?

works on my machine ______:^)______

>finally beat tutorial Genichiro
mmmm yes...sweet dopamine
I'm gonna be really fucking pissed if theres no reward

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>Maiden in Black
>The Fire Keeper
>Plain Doll

Emma joins the team.

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how should I use fistful of ashes, also how do I give Emma my seed?

Did most people here buy or pirate?

Three hours in. I wasn't expecting the Tenchu vibes to be that strong. Checking the area for lonely guards, seperating guards from a group and striking - I'm loving it.

ayyy lmao

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Where is all the Sekiro porn?

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The game fucking sucks. I really dislike how it basically demands you use stealth. Playing this right after playing DMC for 230 hours feels really fucking bad.

why are you comparing Sekiro to any soulsborne game? Do you also compare Armored Core to them as well?

Is there a good way to separate guards? I've been sneaking up behind enemies and instagibbing them and then running back into the shadows.

Fuck ranged opponents, I've died so many times to those fuckers.


what the fuck bros im so happy I thought fun video games didn't exist anymore

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Can a nigga get some tips for Jouzu the Drunkard

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>ogre dives three times in a row
alright fromsoft.

>I really dislike how it basically demands you use stealth.
You what if anything it encourages you to get gud at the combat over the fucking stealth

whoops didn't mean to quote

2019 has been great for vidya.

I stole it and got bored in 40 mins its shit im lmaoing at the fags thAT payed LOL

How does Japan keep fucking doing it?

>Everyone talking about ultra hard shinobi hunter boss early in the game
>Dont remember any boss
>Look it up
>Its a regular fucking spear enemy

Kek Yea Forums thanks for the laughs

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I'm still surprised over how good RE2R was. I honestly think it was harder than the original game.

Is that Rocco?

>those fucking grabs
I thought hitboxes were supposed to be good this time around. Nigger is homing in like crazy.

>ogre grabs me
>when he throws me over his back i fly off a ledge
alright, i chuckled. wish i recorded it.

>fighting lady butterfly
>stuck on her for hours
>finally beat her
>that's just phase 1
>wasted the snap seed before that cuz i didn't know how to use it
i'm gonna call it a night

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>it basically demands you use stealth

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Its like a repeat of 2017

IT'S NOT A """""""""""REGULAR"""""""""""" SPEAR ENEMY

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How THE FUCK do you get the item in the back after that water passage in the first area?

Don't worry, you'll see it more often.

When will we get lewds of the trap

Spear guy has the most broken hitbox i am considering dropping this fucking garbage game

how the fuck do I stop it from forcing 60hz refresh rate in full screen? and why the fuck it doesn't have borderless?!

I think I'm gonna skip on this one. I didn't really know what to expect because I avoided shit about it until now. Watching some streams of it, it just looks like it has the appearance of difficulty right up until you figure out how to consistently parry and that's the game. I haven't really seen the game ask for more than that + occasional jump or dodge.

>get to juzou
>has half a dozen adds standing around him you have to kill every fucking time
>"""""stealth""""" is shit because you get one deathblow on a mook before everyone is alerted
>whats his dick NPC is completely useless
yes very good game memeazaki

Anybody find this?

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yeah I know. I demolished the shinobi hunter and I didn't even fucking sprint around cheesing him, this ogre is horseshit.

not him but i havent seen any sekiro threads in the past couple of hours that werent just shitposting

it does feel like the options are very limited, but i too just reached that part so i cant say for sure

Its in the first area of the game. I fought him once and got killed by his Aura of bullshit. Gonna go back when I get stronger

>it has the appearance of difficulty right up until you figure out how to consistently parry and that's the game. I haven't really seen the game ask for more than that + occasional jump or dodge.
Literally what did you expect from a souls game? It has never been more than that.

literally taught to parry and you can't do it

Don't feel so bad user. I wasted the snap seed on that one door down the stairs thinking it would open it

Bit of advice for Lady Butterfly. When she jumps on those wires, just before she attacks, hit her with a shuriken and it knocks her down and does posture damage. Also, just as phase 2 starts, stand right in front of the statue. You can get a good fue hits in as she spawns.

I like that this game actually makes me feel like a ninja.

Somehow this looks even more simple, and it being reduced to a just single player experience means itll be difficult to have any longevity. Like another poster said, coming off of DMC5 this looks like a snoozefest.

Just started the game. Isn't right bumper a bit too weird for attacking? Anyone changed it to triggers like in Dark Souls? Or it's better left on bumpers?

shield guys ruin the flow of the game

Noticed wolfs arm before he loses it still looks insanely stiff lol

Nioh is more of a soulsborne game. Sekiro is nothing like those (well at least the similarities are superficial).


Get the axe and fuck them up.

Don't worry user, it gets worse. The clunky as fuck movement, jumping and horrible ledge grabbing gets real fucking old real fast and the game doesn't know if it wants to be a Souls game or a Tenchu game so it ends up being both, but in the worst possible way.

Get hyperarmour axe in the hirata estates

Just axe em boi

The drunkard mini boss is too fucking hard jesus christ

You cant blame people for comparing them.

Having a ton of fun and I've always hated souls for being I-frame abuse the game: super slow edition. This feels far more enjoyable.
They probably didn't pick up the thrust deflect skill. If you try to dodge instead you'll find that that nigga a lot of tracking and wonky hit boxes. Before I commited to just deflecting him to death, I tried to side step his charge thrust and Wolf just fucking teleported sideways onto his spear. If you fully deflect his multi thrust attack though it destroys like 70% of his posture bar so the fight ends in like 20 seconds.

>basically demands you use stealth
the stealth in this game is fucking shit

You throw ashes in people's faces. Its pocket sand.

>Isn't right bumper a bit too weird for attacking? Anyone changed it to triggers like in Dark Souls?

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You can cheese him if you bait him over to the point where the spear guy spawns. Make him follow you to the ledge-side of the wooden fence with the red tarp on it, then run around to the inside of the fence and smack him until he dies.

Any mods to remove the fucking awful vignette?

You get it when you're damaged, you get it when you're sneaking, it's shit and needs to gtfo.

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Maybe he meant the bored/yelling guys meme
Shit i forgot what it was called

He's talking about the gaijin 4koma meme, you dumb fucking zoomer.

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He's pretty easy once the adds are gone. Just hit him 3 times, then dodge left. Rinse and repeat.

Why does this game run like ass on PC?

I have a 1080ti in my desktop and it's still choppy as fuck.

What the fuck is up with the giant white snake?

how do you open the fucking door

>head to the left of me
wtf?? there's no path to the left of him

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Is there going to be any point to replaying it?

you didn't play tenchu lol

look up bro

For anybody that is struggling with the blue elite samurai just past the upper tower shrine, when he does the double slash that kan insta-kill, just double tap deflect to deflect both hits. Does 50% posture damage. (Or you can use the poison blade and cheese him by running around the room.)

Either your CPU is bottlenecking it, or your GPU is fucked. I'm getting 60fps fine on max settings on a 770. Check your temp as well.

Not him, parry makes the fight easy sure but hitboxes do seem pretty fucked up in general so far. Enemy homing mid attack is annoying. Sidestepping downward swings is a total gamble right now

Go back to fortnite/apex legends/Pubg/Overwatch/Rainbow six/Cod 16/Battlefield V you skill less faggots.

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Go left. Kill two. Use Stealth. Kill shield. Kite. Kill trash. Invite samurai to the party. Double team Jouzu. Win.

If G/CPU is overheating, it will also start throttling its perfrormance to keep the temperature below critical. Happened to my last (old) CPU.

ive hit a wall at the boss of the first memory, ive nearly killed him twice but he consistently fucks me over

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>and it being reduced to a just single player experience means itll be difficult to have any longevity
>he plays souls for the multiplayer
You could have just said you were a faggot.

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You seem outrageously butthurt about people not enjoying a new video game. Why?

At least we know you aren't an R1 spammer.

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Nigger I own every fucking Tenchu game there is, hell I own three different versions of Tenchu 1 because they all had different levels/layouts/features and the official disc of hundreds of Tenchu 2 fan missions.

I fucking WISH Sekiro had Tenchu tier movement and ledge grabbing, sure Tenchu is full tank mode, but it's mechanically precise, you know exactly what you can grab, how far you'll jump etc you can take one look at the environment and know exactly what you're going to get and how to deal with it.

Sekiro is an absolute nightmare of having no fucking idea if you can grab a ledge half the time, your double jump doing fuck all but getting you stuck on a wall, the sprint jump fucking STOPS you at some edges meaning you can't consistently sprint jump off of a ledge, not to mention the side/back jump in Sekiro has a set distance that you can't even fucking vary making it even fucking clunkier.

Reminder to change the dodge / dash to RT, Guard to LT, Grapple to LB, attack to X, and tools to B

it's funny because that's not even an actual boss. the real boss in the building behind him will fuck your ass.

Okay my friend is playing on a razer laptop with a 1060. More than sufficient according to the requirements and even on lowest settings it looks like 15 fps.

10 minutes ago he was playing dmc5 in 1080p with max settings on the same machine. Wtf? Is there some known issue with Sekiro and PC?

>actually having a problem with the shinobi hunter
Just mikiri counter what the fuck.

How are the loadtimes on PS4?

You should pretty much have the game down in like 2 playthroughs for souls games. Why the fuck would I continue to focus on the single player after it is exhausted? Don't tell me a Dark Souls game was remotely difficult for you after 2 playthroughs.

Are you joking? I'm running it on a 3GB 1060 on a laptop and it's a consistent 60 FPS on auto settings while I had to drop DMC5 to low to play without slowdowns.

The only game I have ever done more than 2 playthroughs on is the first dark souls. I'm not seeing the problem here user. 2 playthroughs for me is at least 100 hours. Money well spent.

Alright. I did the Ogre, didn't kill the Hunter dude, and I have no idea how to open the stairs.
I absolutely wasted the snap so I hope this doesn't fuck my shit up later...

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Why when I am destroying the game with the default controls?

Where do you find upgrade materials like iron?

If you peeps are struggling on Drunkard and Butterfly you are gonna hate the Ashina Castle boss. Makes them look easy as fuck.


>There's a story present, at all
>Soulsborne fans jizz themselves worldwide at this masterful writing because there's writing there at all.
The story in this game is beyond fucking stupid, not to mention the actual delivery of every single line could not sound more bored and tired. I actually had to turn sounds off because the characters talking during cutscenes was putting me to sleep.

>fighting Jinsuke Saze
>finally got him down to low hp on his second bar
>die, revive
>he instantly does his double swing and i cant parry since im fucking standing up

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soulsborne multi is ass outside of invasions, which are 90% dealing with complete faggots
>brazilian / taiwanese cheaters
>gank squad
>some guy with king crimson ping
>someone trying to cheese you over and over
>someone who literally only does turn and burn
>another gank squad
>hugging the bonfire
shit man I could go on
I did a lot of invasions and had a lot of fun but looking back those 200 ish hours of playing multi had maybe 20 hours of fun in it at best

>IGN beat the tutorial boss you're supposed to lose to
Have you, Yea Forums? You're not worse at video games than IGN, are you?

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>english dub
here we go again

I had to make sure it was using the correct GPU. On Windows 10 type "Graphics" into search and look for graphics settings.

Add 'app' of Sekiro from your install folder, change the setting to "High Performance".

Thats what my issue was.

Is anybody else having problems trying to stream via mixer or twitch? I'm using the built on app via Xbox One X so is it just Activision blocking the game?

>cant play with a controller because only one USB slot works and i use it for headphones
>tempted to spend $60 to get it on xbox and better frames (lel)
save me Yea Forums

Play with different people then. PVP events from here or /vg/ threads have always been fun. People around here who just sucked at PVP or live in the third world convince themselves the single player is worth half a shit.

this wasnt clear. but not unlikely

you dont know that for a fact unless youre him.
imagine being this elitist over a meme lmao

I don't get this game, at all. I'm fighting this "Ashina elite" guy and he one shots me and he takes forever to die. This has to be easily one of the hardest games ever released. Also I really hate how it's a thousand times more punishing to die in this game than it is in Souls games.

>Xbox One X
I think I know what the problem is user, you're a faggot.

So is this game just Bloodborne 2 with even less RPG mechanics and no PVP? Haven't played yet but
>same dodge instead of roll
>exact same font
>emphasis on fast strikes and mobility

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>try and sneak around the area after the staircase Ogre
>either spotted by riflemen immediately or that little shit with the gong
>enemy literally wont stop looking and pretty much just walks off the ledge Im hiding by
I know it's not a stealth game, but why give the option and have an area full of enemies like this if you're going to be spotted from a fucking mile away by some goblin.

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I found your problem

that guy is basically orphan of kos ng+7 as a normal enemy. the game is obscenely difficult.

>emphasis on fast strikes and mobility

this game is pissing me off.
can some one tell me what the point of deflecting is if all it does is keeps me blocking against enemies long ass combos for longer than just simply blocking? why wouldn't I just simply doge to the right and at least get a hit or 2 in?
I just did the guy on the horse boss and after 3 tries of fighting him using deflections I just started to lazily block his attacks then went in for my short combo, then dodged away to let my meter go down.
Now I'm doing some faggot in the beginning area and I see literally no benefit to deflecting his shit. He just keeps piling on his combo if you do, but if I dodge to the right I can get 3 hits on his ass.

>play with different people invasions? duels are fucking lame, dude. lower level (sl40-60) has some good variety but the meta duels are always complete fucking wank.
>hey I looked up a guide, here's my build that is virtually indistinguishable from yours
>now let's ignore basic mechanics like mobs and healing and the fucking level so we can spin around each other :))
SL60 aldritch faithful on a luck build was a fucking blast, though. can't talk shit about that.

No. The dodge is terrible in this game and the emphasis is on standing there and hammering parry.

Oh thanks doctor.

Anybody else can help?

mechanically its nothing like a soulsborne game

Well you see user, the game is terribly designed and poorly fucking balanced.

I hope that helps.


the point is to do poise damage. you can deathblow enemies with low life or low pose.

This fucking enemy does 50% of my health on blocked hits, one shots me if he does hit me and has 2 bars of health. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Your dodge is too shit, everything is shit.


Is it just me or does the balance feel way off in some parts?

i love how soulsbabbys cant git gud at these amazing combat mechanics.

nah bloodborne is ez mode compared to this
also, dodge doesn't do shit. you need to parry, often and consistently.

How do I deal with the purple ninja guy that jumps down off the roof in the Hirata Estates level? I have the same question regarding the Headless guy earlier on as well.

the poise does not build for shit with deflecting. my dodge and attack method is more effective at that as well.

Seriously tell me how the fuck I beat Ashina Elite whatever his name is. It's 100% fucking impossible.

holy fuck lmao
the game is based around doing large amounts of damage through breaking poise
if you're trying to chip away at health like a drooling retard then yeah it probably won't be fun at all
fuck me, what is up with Yea Forums lately?

Learn to parry
That is the entire video game. The split second gameplay of you parrying an attack is the entire gameplay loop of this game. You parry until you can kill the enemy in 1 cinematic killstab.

I just marathoned to the part where you meet the merchant. How do I like it so far?

Soulsbabby here. I'm getting my boipussy stretched and I love this shit. This so far is their best game. Not sure on the lore yet, but the gameplay is the best.

why does my game run so shit? playing on 1080p and even dropping it down to 900p it's 35 fps at most on minimum settings

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The developers said don't expect fucking dark souls.

Its more of an action game, not an RPG.

Its the same advice doctor its not really helping.

Pls respond.

come back later
fuck this guy. firecracker his ass.

It's a casualized Bloodborne with jumping and stance breaking without the souls system to level up and equippable attacks + platforming and instant respawns

He damages you when you fucking block. You're literally not allowed to miss a single parry or he one shots you. If you're too slow and get a regular block you die too. I get the feeling you fucking retards have only played for like 4 hours rather than the 18 or so I have played, the game gets WAY harder because they start slicing through your block.

I tried playing it like Bloodborne and got assfucked for like 5 hours. It's not that.

I'm also considering unbinding the dodge button so I don't rely on it.

lol its significantly more challenging than any souls game, in particular bloodborne (the literal easiest soulsborne game)

simply dodging and then wailing on bosses is staggering them and ending fights faster than deflecting.
I'm pretty sure what I'm doing is effective.

Try getting past the first area, retard.

ive restarted the game everytime one of my npcs gets cancer and it's starting to get unfun. thanks for making your game inhumanly possible from you fucking hacks.

as someone who only ever played DS3, got up to the pontiff sulivan fight, beat him first try, said "Alright that was fun I suppose, I'll play the rest later" and never played the rest later,

would I enjoy this? looks fun, removing the bodyrun shit and having actual stealth along with the new posture system
never really liked the souls gameplay of r1 spam and dodgerolling and the lack of an upfront story kind of turned me off

Anyone knows how to transfer saves from CODEX release to legit version? I really liked the game so I bought it

when should I use dragonrot restoration?

and none of that bitching changes what I said.
Learn to parry, that is all this game is. Nothing else matters. It is that simple.

You gotta be really fucking aggressive.

use xce360 dingus


Fuck this is awkward.

>wailing on bosses is staggering them and ending fights faster than deflecting
know how I know you haven't actually tried deflecting?

Post your best webms

You need to become elite yourself.

Simple as.

>mfw those worthless Japs at FROM software still can't code their games to work above 60fps

FUCK this shit feels so stuttery in comparison to DMC5 at 140 fps. Now that I have so much overhead regarding my graphics card are there any good mods or visual upgrades worth looking into?

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pls respond :

I'm not good enough to learn perfect parry timings for every single attack with no room for failure, show me fucking footage of you killing this guy you moron. People like are the fucking worst.

Except you can dodge infinitely and literally jump to trees or higher places to save your ass and one every five enemies will actually have the means to hit you if you climb some place they can't hit you

I enjoy the game but I don't enjoy getting one shot, it's just a cheap way of making the game more difficult. I'd be completely okay with getting 2 shot but every thing at this point just kills me in one hit and it's not enjoyable.

nigga, I just did destroyed the horseback boss after I stopped deflecting. the fuck outta here.
and show me a webm of you wrecking the swordsman in the beginning area and I'll shut up, and go get better.

>heal is UP on the d-pad


you can have multiple save files right?

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I was being intentionally broad with that statement. I also love soulsborne games- just wanted some (You)'s.
But I will say soulsborne players who cant addapt to this game are hilarious when they complain since the entire culture is gitgud

I can't get this bullshit QTE combat down, god damnit. Why couldn't they just make it like dark souls?

>play bloodborne
>run past things with 0 consequence
so you're admitting that it takes objectively more work? thanks

I'm seriously begging you games for tips, how the fuck do I beat Jinsuke Saze, I've died over 50 times to him now. He's so unbelievably difficult I don't know what to do anymore.

>Simple as

fuck off, britbong faggot.

I've missed the tutorial about looting. There are coins floating above enemy corpse. Have I already picked them up or?

user, your PC is ancient.

hold square/x

its funny because the most effective strat for the horseback boss is to deflect more than you attack because parrying his attacks does huge amounts of poise damage
sounds like you're not actually parrying

he spams the shit out of that vertical upward and downward slash attack. just deflect that over and over.

And you can pull single enemies in Dark Souls 1 and backstab them within 5 seconds. These games aren't hard. Bloodborne is only barely harder. Literally has regenerating health to reward R1 spamming, I can imagine if this game made that mechanic first you'd shit on it calling it "casual" you dumb biased Sony nigger.

spam whirlwind over and over. note he might occasionally hit and one shot you but the bonfire is literally in front of his room. took me 110 attempts


>Play Sekiro
>Stealth Kill two guys, run away if found till they forget where you are, go back and stealth kill them
It's not harder

Codex Save is in Appdata/roaming/Sekiro. Steam version will probably be in My Documents like the dark souls games can't deflect it, it still does damage even if you do.

>AMD CPU pre-Ryzen
>GTX 760
Omega yikes

How tf do i set my weapon in fire with fire prostetic tool?

>I'll just play the pirated version then buy the legit one tomorrow
>it's tomorrow
>I really, really don't want to replay all this fucking horseshit again because a lot of is was just frustrating and not actually fun

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>play bloodborne
>literally run past enemies who have 0 ability to react in time
lmaoing @ yr desperation


you can easily just block any of his combos and when he jams his weapon in the ground then I can get a number of attacks on his ass. I did that 3 times and he staggered.

>tfw when cant get past the WWE smackdown champ
I know his moveset but he always suprises me with a suplex FUCK.
I'll try again tomorrow.

Name me 1 (one) stealth game where you can't abuse this mechanic.

When does dragonrot set in after the scripted one? I've probably died a dozen times and still no coughs

You can. It's just a rhythm game.

>buying a game you don't think is fun

I dunno why everyone is giving you meme faces but I changed to the triggers, bumpers start to hurt my fucking fingers when I'm trying to parry bosses over and over again

Anyone figured out what you get for carrying 3 pellets?

is there ANY reason at all to not be standing perfectly still during combat and just waiting for attacks and reacting accordingly then spamming R1 in between? sidestepping seems to be completely pointless

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>Ignore the post and rewrite what I said in the previous post
Why even bother at this point?
It's obviously simplified for a broader audience just like Bloodborne is a simplified Souls game

cant you just move your savefile into the folder?

It's why they should stop making stealth games. It's never fun.

>Only have one confetti

Am I suppose to deflect the shinobi hunter? Because I abuse deflects with everyone else I run into but the game seems to arbitrarily negate every other deflect I input with this spear faggot.

Anyone else just not feeling this game?
The story gives me no sense of intrigue like past soulsborne games. The level design feels very random cluster fucky but somehow like a series of hallyways at the same time. The combat is basically nioh with less options and there's not much customization beyond choosing prosthetic arm abilities and combat skills so far.
I just don't feel the incentive to carry on after playing a couple of hours.

Its probably scritpted at certain points in the story. Ive died over 50 times and nothing has changed with me or the NPC's besides the Unseen Aid chance lowering, Im starting to think thats all the rot does.

its not demon souls

You get 3 pellets. Don't really know what you're expecting

listen up lads, if you are used to dark souls your first instinct is to use the dodge


you want to use...L1. A LOT. It builds posture on a parry, and parries are not frame perfect. example: enemy spams attacks, you spam L1 to parry. But if you spam be mindful of your posture.

This is how I beat the butterfly lady, attack and parry to build posture for deathblows.

basically you have to unlearn your "roll for all attacks" memories for this game.

I beat this fucking Ashina Elite cunt but every single one of my NPCs has cancer now and I'm out of everything. Think I'm done with the game, this was final boss difficulty level.

This game does not like being alt-tabbed out, soft crashed both times I did that. It doesn't even have PS4 prompts. WHY DOES IT HAVE GYRO THAT CONTROLS THE MOUSE? You'd think after all the dark souls games From Software would learn how to make good PC ports, but this is really getting on my nerves.

Sidestepping is to avoid unblockable grabs.
Also, if you just stay still and don't attack the enemy might back away and regen posture so you have to attack too.
But generally, yes, you're supposed to parry instead of dodging. Dodge spammers coming from Souls games will have to relearn combat.

>"play" bloodborne
>run past enemies because why wouldn't you lmao

>play sekiro
>sneak around and pick your battles, pick off enemies to challenge a miniboss on better footing, get those sweet upgrades

I mean it says
>A pill case full of these pellets would also serve as a battle charm

holy fucking shit you are stupid

Blocking isn't going to stop them from grabbing your dick.

>Think Dragonrot will be this cool game changer
>It's just Hollowing and cured the same exact way

Every item in this fucking game is just a renamed DS item.

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From needs to knock it off with this multiple health bars shit.
40 minutes massive health pool don't make a fight more interesting.

yeah this part was pissing me off but you have to get past your stealth OCD and realize that the game doesn't score you. What I ended up doing was going to the right and wall jumping up to the grass patch. The rifleman will see you but if you hide fast enough he goes to yellow, then you just go around and stab that little pan fucker in the back and you're home free.

>he doesnt know

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>You can't jump from roof to roof literally not giving a shit about enemies in Sekiro
Just admit you're baiting

How do i set my weapon in fire pls help

ive played 8 hours and the only environment ive encountered is the snowy ashy mountains.
is that it for environments...?

How the fuck do I beat generals?
I got by the first one by stealth attacking and then dealing with him, but the second one has lackeys.
I pick them off and end up in combat with him having two healthbars.
I got the combat down alright, but they have such a wide moveset with basically little to no build up that punishes you for the smallest mistake.
The kicks and jump overhead slash are particularly annoying.

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I'm really disappointed that the long range enemies act exactly the same as they did in souls games, meaning they will blindly fire at you through a wall like they have x-ray vision until you leave their zone.

good luck getting upgrades without engaging mini bosses lmao


Pls respond

the stances they take telegraph the attacks they will use
the "little to no build up" is preceded by a giant neon sign telling you what to expect

So you bought a game that was inspired by Tenchu, a stealth franchisie, and was shown gameplay months in advance before release, and then proceed to complain about inherent flaws of the genre. Kill yourself.

The bell is so early on in the game how the fuck do people miss it?

Anyone playing this on an older system? I'm limited to a GTX 780 (non ti) for another week. Should I wait?

*quick draws katana*
nothing personnel
*double slash*
>10 frames have passed

In all honesty he's just a tutorial for side-stepping

i got it. so theres ashy mountains and the estate? thats all?

This game honestly isn't pretty enough on PS4 Pro to justify 30 FPS. A lower quality 60 FPS option for the Pro would be nice. Otherwise, cool game, haven't gotten very far yet.

once you play sekiro the way you are supposed to (use the parry, dont use the dash a lot except for grabs) you will love the game 100x more

remember, you CAN spam l1 but if you do that your posture will go up a lot quicker, but it's safer to guarantee quick parries. if they are slow hits, just hit l1 for each once.

also I just realized I did the estate first and there are two possible paths early

>jump overhead slash
Through a shuriken at him when he jumps.

be aggressive, get in your attacks at every possible moment you can

I guarantee they will find DS3/BB leftovers in the game assets when people start picking it apart

Moving forward sounds really fun, replaying this unbalanced mess from the start again doesn't.

Confirmed working? Because it usually doesn't.

There's a skill that allows you to step on their blade with a dodge. Buy it at a shrine. I was confused, too.

and one more thing, posture bar > health bar

you can kill the enemy before it hits 0. full posture = deathblow = 1 bar gone instantly.

>Any mods to remove the fucking awful vignette?
There game JUST fucking came out nigger. Wait a day or two

I don't get how to make mikiri work at all.. What the fuck do I press? Sometimes I just mash circle/b and it works but sometimes it doesn't.

I agree, it looks to me like this game looks worse than Dark Souls III even though performance is pretty much the same

you can practice it at the undying dude near the shrine

so this game sucks

You CAN'T block Perilous thrust attacks.
You CAN deflect them.
(You CAN'T dodge them???)
You CAN learn Mikiri Counter to dodge into them to inflict more posture break than with a regular deflect.

What do I need for the firecracker arm? I have gunpowder but that isn't unlocking anything new

do it forward, towards the opponent

>fall of cliff
>die for real
>lose half my exp
>want to drop the game now

youre actually proving yourself to be the double digit iq.
gg user

I hate how when I fuck it up ONCE I just instantly die because this enemy one shots you.

So what do you lose beyond half of xp when dying?

I thought the timing was going to be hard, but if you get to the training guy it turns out that you have a lot of time before you see the actual kanji for the attack and press Circle/B

Hopefully, if it's like that then I don't get all the fuss about it being game breaking

Don't fuck up.
Half of your money. And your sanity irl.

npc questlines

You have no options in this game. I just beat the Butterfly lady and with the exception of her phase change gimmick I just literally stood still and press L1, over and over. The only different thing was jumping when Simon says jump. It's a shit combat system that doesn't allow you to be creative in any way.

your dignity

I just did a backstep during the stab and it worked, I think it works either way (towards or regular)

Yeah go fuck yourself, the damage in this game is comparable to an SL1 late souls game with calamity ring on. Did they say anything about this beforehand? The amount of damage you take is absurd and I don't like getting one shot, no one does.

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So I just press b when the kanji shows up? It's not working against this enemy.

>see huge white snake
>view slightly obscured so move into the open to get a better view
>its not like he's going to attack me

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Honestly the only thing that's bugged me so far is that the hub doesn't have its own music so far. That's kind of fucked up.


parries are not frame perfect, you can spam it for flurries but that will also raise your posture more than a single press.

Anyone else got to the Ashina Castle boss? This cunt is kicking my ass royally.

Has anyone found Genichiro since he fucked off after you beat his ass?

they're basically frame perfect man.

I'm pretty sure that's his point; the shield dudes only exist to justify the axe being in the game, and vice versa. They aren't strong, they aren't aggressive, but they're enough of a nuisance that you need to deal with them, which *requires* the axe.

if it's a stab/thrust it will work, if it's a sweep you have to jump.

Half an inch is lost off your wiener IRL

I do enjoy that walking into the temple cuts the music in a pretty clean fashion

when do I use dragonrot cure?
half your money

You don't press it when the kanji shows up, you press it when the enemy attacks you after the kanji shows up.
It's not there to play simon says with you, it's just there to signal you an unblockable attack is coming. But you still have to time your deflect/dodge based on the enemy's animation.
Like the red eye glow in Revengeance, if you played that game.

Is this game just more soulsborne shit?

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if you single press l1 you will not gain posture on yourself

but, if you spam it before it hits, the parry will work BUT you gain posture on yourself.

>Die instantly upon reviving because your body was in the middle of a hitbox and you have no revival i-frames
simply epic

There is an NPC at the top of a cliff close to where the ogre is, basically right next to the crazy woman who gives you the bell. He sells the prosthetic for the firecracker that you can buy

Ign, polygon, kotaku rtf, all reviewed and finished the game.
Let that sink in.

Is death the thing that progresses dragonrot or is it the ressurections?

hahahahaha this was supposed to be a better game than DMC5 when it's just dark souls 3 with all the options ripped out and literal spiderman tier stealth gameplay and literally nothing else

don't make me laugh, this is as big a disappointment as DS2.

>half an inch
But after one death I'll create a fluctuation in the universe and my balls with turn into a black hole.

What's with the fucking tutorial prompts every other second?

What the fuck is the point of the kanji then, it's just confusing.

fucking snek

I've seen more people say it's death in general than resurrection

what a hideous creature. and kind of, in aesthetic and background mechanics, for the most part. it at least has a coherent story, so theres that.

At least he's not single digit like you.

Videogame reviewers fucking love playing games by the rules so I don't doubt it, maybe they understood this game. I refuse to play fucking simon says with enemies and I refuse to partake in any stealth. I wanted an action game, not some fucking garbage "kill an enemy, run away, kill another enemy run away." game.

Fug I guess sculptur man is gonna croak then

Why would they draw Lord like that? Looks nothing like him.

I just explained it to you.
The point is to tell you the NEXT attack is unblockable, and NOT to tell you PUSH BUTTON NOW. You still have to observe the enemy movements yourself.

how do i unlock the door at the end of the memory? was gonna use the snap seed but worried i'm gonna waste it

>Current item is displayed in a tiny window next to your Hunt- I mean Shinobi Tool
>Muscle memory constantly makes me think "oh tiny window means its next in my inventory, better scroll to the left to get it"

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>die a million times
>keep getting rot shit
This is fucking dumb, the game is already fairly difficult and punishing and some hitboxes have been fairly wonky, is lowering the chance of unseen aid the only negative from these?

This unironically is harder than Bloodborne DLC on NG+7 and the game kills off npcs if you die. Orphan of Kos is easier than any of these elites and I just tested it by killing him on NG+7 once again. You guys have fun but I'm not this masochistic. I can't believe they put this dragonrot shit in, absolutely absurd.

I doubt he dies from it.
I think From would understand how frustrating something like would be for the majority of players.

>Just beat the bull

Fun game. Of course I'm only at the start, so I hope it blows my mind later like Bloodborne did.

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Have you killed shinobi hunter fag?

NPC death and locked content unless you cure them.

>stab the snake
>"Yeah whatever now he's locked in an endless thrashing animation I already know that"
>Snake actually recovers and starts to chase me across the tunnel
Fucking cool, they actually fixed him

how hard is it

just git gud user

If Dragonrot progresses to its final stage you automatically get a premature game over screen and your save is deleted.

You pretty much don't have a dodge. You're supposed to parry everything.

He says not to worry about him because he isn't normal. Dragonrot wiped out a whole shitload of people the last time it swept through Ashina though and Emma was not around to make a cure.

>You mad?

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Literally who?

ever played a ninja gaiden game? it's like master ninja ng black. on default.

Not very


So you're going to end up fighting youkai at the end aren't you. The little troll under the bridge in the intro kind of spoiled that for me

>This is harder than Bloodborne
I hope you're being ironi-

>game can be completed in 3 hours if you don't fucking suck dick at it
Oh nononono how could this happen bros?

pretty damn hard but nothing insane

you're fucking with me
wow, great, nice , I love being locked out of shit for not being an autist with insane reflexes that beats every boss the first try

I think? I got the spear guy, the secret shinobi at the pagoda, the big guy on the bridge and the drunken fuck before the door. Did I miss one?


Why the fuck do I have to hold X to pick up the money from corpses? Why wouldn't it just absorb into you automatically?

He's just a little shithead, you see them in the open not to much after.

It's explicitly "death" as in "respawning at the bonfire". I deliberately avoided ever resurrecting and I still got dragonrot.

there're a limited number of consumable items that heal them autismo


I can't believe they made a game that's basically about using frame perfect just frames over and over to kill enemies. It's basically asking you to do the Daigo parry on Chun Li every time you fight an elite, it's hilarious. Probably the most difficult action game ever made.

let's see you beat every boss without 10+ deaths, jackass

Pls respond

>Buy a Tenchu like
>Surprised it's not a pure beat them all.
Your fault, really.

Yea nigga you didn't play Tenchu stfu

The fucking Unchained Ogre would be easy if the hit box for his leap grab wasn't actually complete trash.
I can dodge everything else but that

It kind of is only because in Bloodborne you have more heals to recover from fucking up, even at the start of the game you can have a bunch of blood vials and the rally system lets you get back in there

You have to fight a couple of tough enemies and bosses with 1 chug of the gourd, little health to start while learning how to optimally play

Anyone know where to find more Dragon Blood Droplets? Apparently you can buy them later but I was clearing the memory out and died a bunch to the boss

how to beat owl?

I think the weirdest part is theres basically no range limit on it, you can WHIRRRR your loot from halfway across the map. It even automatically sends excess items to storage, so theres really no reason it shouldn't auto-pickup loot.

Exactly, it is a bizarre mechanic.

deflect it retard

I hear you, man.


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I'm done, this is too hard. Maybe I just don't understand it but literally one shot if you get the Simon says wrong is not fun. If you're gonna make a game where you just stand still and press the button as the prompt comes up at least make it so you can fuck up a few times. What the fuck is even the point of your character being able to move? This game might as well have been Punch out.

It IS harder than Bloodborne, but not in a good way. Sekiro unfortunately follows the kaizo school of game design and has everything instakill the player in order to balance out the resurrection mechanic.

You misunderstood my post.
Bloodborne is the easiest game of the series, so the comparison with it was silly.

Unless you want them specifically to stop the xp/gold loss on death dont bother using them. The rot doesnt effect anything but the chance to keep xp/gold on death. Wayyyy later in the game the rot comes into play but you can just use the dragon blood at that point. NPCs wont die, you wont get locked out of anything.

You cant deflect a grab retard

Fuck this consumable system for prosthetic. Knowing my autism I'll never use the arm and will just hoard all those prosthetic consumables

Can anyone please , please help me.
Every ~ 30 seconds of gameplay the game will hitch for a few frames and continue working.
Would anyone please tell me what the solution to this issue is?

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It's a pretty bad game to be honest. Not bad per se but not "seKino" at all, a 7/10 at most. The controls suck, the hitboxes suck, the enemy AI sucks, the exploration sucks, combat is repetitive as fuck.

People don't realize BB is actually VERY generous toward the player. A very average player like me can cheese the game by farming blood vials and leveling up when things become too hard. No such thing in Sekiro.

you will have enough spirit emblems for any situation so long as you buy them at a regular interval

Except it isn't? Nioh is completely balanced around dancing around with combat stances and being quick on your feet. It's built off classic action games like Ninja Gaiden rather than that stupid "lol dodge2win" shit

excellent bait I almost replied earnestly

You can restock very easily by killing some grunts. Just use them fag

Yeah, sure. We're psychics.

>NPC's won't die
all I needed to hear, thanks user

God the combat is so fucking boring and repetitive. This game is gonna get slammed once the new From game shine wears off.

I'm pretty sure fans of DS are gonna hate this game

parry window is too generous

Where do you buy them?

>Only way to efficiently break enemy posture is to counter their red strikes
>Only way to counter their red strikes is by recognizing the attack during the wind up
>Only way to do that is to simply see the attack multiple times
>Only way to do that is to endlessly eat shit because every red attack you fail to properly respond to is a guaranteed death
>Repeat with every new enemy and boss
So this... is the power... of Miyazaki...


Attached: gyoubu.png (960x539, 391K)

it's shit like this that makes the game so janky. I've flown over 10 times to a pit in different places when grappling. The fucker just can't grapple into the posts, he flies straight to the pit. Tenchu 1 was a better ninja game by a mile

What's your pc specs my man? My first advice would be to turn every to minimum and then slowly up the settings to see if anything sets it off.

>nioh is like ninja gaiden

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

sculptor idols

his grabs are ds2 tier he literally rotates 90 degrees mid air Im going to pop a fucking blood vessel

ur mom was too generous last night

Ok, heads up peeps. Ashina Castle boss has 2 forms. You don't heal in between.

How in the world do you beat the wizard dude in the caves (the Shichimen Warrior)? I got the confetti but I can't get close to him.

And that's a good thing.

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t. I never played Nioh or Ninja Gaiden
Nioh is basically NG but without jumping on walls

The entire combat is just parrying long attack strings. That's all you'll ever do, and if you fuck up twice you die. It's fucking hard, man. Not fun in the least, either.

>Wolf's entire Moveset is just a stripped down 1h Katana moveset from any Souls game (except somehow worse)
>It's the only moveset in the game
B-but at least we have jumping

Thank you for your help.
I have a 1060 GTX and i7.
I tried messing around with the settings even down to 1080p on Low and the hitch still occurs consistently.
Again thank you so much for the suggestion.

Get fireworks.
Get the bell, go to the shrine, pray to Buddha, search the bonfire.

What the fuck

the bad kind

Has anyone beat this Seven Ashina Spear something fuck? Insanely difficult.


Are there any definitive indicators of "shit nigga u better unrot those npcs RIGHT NOW dog"

i don't get how they fucked the combat up this bad. why is so poor, i'm honestly really sad right now because i was looking forward to this game this much and what we got was this repetitive no creativity allowed shit.

In ds4windows check the "hide ds4 controller" option. It worked for me

Fine for the most part. Until you reach the Ogre. Then it's some jank ass 90 degree one frame instakill grab move bullshit.


that samurai general fucking grabs you from the air. fuck this shit

I feel bad for all the soulsfags who went in blind and are getting buttfucked with the combat

this, holy shit, I fucking love royal guarding and parries and all of that shit, makes you feel like a fucking boss when you pull it off, but I've never played a game where you don't have any fucking thing else

every other game I can think of either gives you some fucking form of evasion so you can actually learn the tells and rhythms without dying five times to each and every combo

>failing at simon says
The absolute state of Yea Forums.

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After a certain amount of deaths you will get a pop up saying NPC is effected by rot, which lowers Unseen Aid Chance. Apart from that you dont need to worry about it.

>Simon says combat
Exactly what this is. If I see people shitposting with this all the time I wouldn't even be mad. It's true.

This game is pretty fun :)

I'm gonna quit, fuck From for punishing you by killing off NPCs if you fail. Take my experience away but this is some lame shit. Fuck you for making me buy this.

Buy it and continue playthrough on the pirate. Then when time comes for a second playthrough run the legit one.

this is a retarded design choice, it encourages people to stop and grind that bar to full before a bossfight just in case they might die to it, really bad system compred to their previous games
same, also missclickin on up with a xbox controller is a constant pain in the fucking ass while scrolling inventory
It's tedious, outside of combat you're hiding, in combat you're waiting.

Dodge forward and to the right. Thank me later.

It's more Tenchu shit.


who the fuck thought this bullshit would be fun

So it’s a QTE game, basically


wait what you mean there's no other punishment for dying too much other than lower unseen aid rates? I thought NPCs would die and you'd get a bad end.

Please tell me we get to use something else besides the Katana later on.

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Anyone? Please.

>This game is literally simon says evolved


>Yea Forums crying cause it's too hard

based but bluepilled

multiplayer games take infinitely more skill than asscreed: japan edition

Trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it,

Simon says REFUND IT

where is corrupted monk

git gud

he's not exaggerating
your only defense against non-grab attacks is parrying
your main means of offense is parrying
literally all you fucking do is parry until they become vulnerable to the instakill, and sneak around and instakill the mooks from behind

Do the combat arts ever become useful in some way? All of the ones I've seen are far worse than just using the charge attack, even the 5-hit one from trading scales.

You really think anyone is far enough to know that? You're being trolled in 2019, fucking come on.



I'm pretty much identical to you but without hitches. Try updating any/all of your drivers, especially nvidia, but I did a quick google search and there's a lot of things that can affect it. I'm assuming windows 10? The control panel for nvidia can affect things, like if vsync is turned off.

what? it's best combat from done
souls combat is boring, this one is fun

I got to this point without many problems. I think a lot of people are overthinking the combat or dodging too much when each evasion tool has a specific use. However, Ashina is where shit gets REAL. I also had a bit of trouble with the spear general miniboss when you return to the first area

can Jouzu's attacks be parried?

It effects the ending/npcs but only at the end of the game so you dont have to use any of the dragon blood shit to cure it until the very end either. So you can ignore it for the most part if the xp/gold doesnt bother you. You will know when you have to use the dragon blood.

Simon says GIT GUD

Fuck off shitposters. I knew parrying was too high skilled for the normies and "gamers" of Yea Forums. This game is on a higher level than souls games. Demands more from you. Is that so bad?

>This fucking enemy does 50% of my health on blocked hits
>show me fucking footage of you killing this guy you moron
You want footage of someone killing this guy?

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Any tips for the Centipede Giraffe? Am I supposed to not be spamming deflect during the flurry?

anyone know how to fix washed out colors? game looks weird.
also this piece of shit forcing refresh rate

it's just blocking over and over

Looks like Bloodborne is From's best game still. BB is a true masterpiece amd it's hard to beat.

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What the fuck I thought it was the first boss

Everything that's not a grab or a sweep can be parried. Giant swords, giant black cocks, giant white apes, you name it.

>mashing dodge during every fight
>realize its 100% better to just sprint away

ok thats what im doing wrong then. I figured his attacks were unparryable since his sword is so huge.

>Looks like Dark Souls 2 is From's best game still. DS2 is a true masterpiece amd it's hard to beat.

I give up. I've died over 50 times to the same spear guy now and I can't do it anymore. Fuck Mikiri counter.

If the attack doesnt come along with a gay red kanji it can be blocked.

turn off the automatic rendering adjustment

>it's just R1 spamming over and over
>it's just backstabbing over and over
>it's just parrying over and over
Holy fuck, so Yea Forumsfags only like DMC dial a combo combat or what is it with you dumb niggers?

it's first from game where the parry timing is spot on for my reflexes, it's not ahead of time like in souls it's right on frame

Demands you to wait in place for 5 seconds to get a light to flash so you can press a button to wait another 5 seconds for a light to flash?
It's not hard, it's just shit design

It has to be perfect parry though, not a regular guard.

I'm assuming there's at least 100 people on Yea Forums who's died enough to see the consequences of it by now

I believe you because that's exactly what I wanted to hear.


>Looks like Armored Core: For Answer is From's best game still. ACFA is a true masterpiece amd it's hard to beat.

>clearing the castle
>go on top of the tall pagoda building
>suddenly a huge empty battlefield with a single item sitting in the middle of it
i ain't fallin for that one

I don't get what you're supposed to do when you're fighting 5 or 7 enemies at the same time. I can't mikiri counter while countering 5 other guys at the same time.


>how do I parry?????????
Lol it’s MGR all over again

Its fine bro just go in dont worry about it

You shouldn't be fighting 5 other guys shitter

Learn to stealth

bro i bet its a gourd seed

you are supposed to move.

>killed all the minibosses except the headless ogre
>afraid to continue because i know i have to fight LADY BUTTERFLY or HORSE
oh no

Youre not supposed to be putting yourself in a situation where you're fighting 5 at once

I bet ghost of sashimi can handle 5 other guys

Considering how the combat system literally doesn't work once theres more than like four dudes present, your only option is to never be in a situation with more than four dudes.

Not him, but of course you can phrase anything like that. The difference is that blocking or parrying repeatedly is a single button press whereas R1s and Backstabs at least make you feel like you're doing something.

Parrying is the cheesiest, laziest thing you can do. It breaks pretty much any fight once you know how to do it. Then they went and built a game around it.

you're supposed to kill one, run around for a minute, sneak in and kill 1, run around for a minute, sneak in and kill 1 ad infinitum

it works though, you guys are shit at positioning.

Fuck that, I'm not playing the World of Warcraft run away till the enemy resets game. Every single fucking enemy is in vision of another enemy in this fucking area. You CANNOT stealth kill one without being seen, show me fucking proof of it being possible in this specific area, you're bullshitting. I've been trying this place for like 5 hours and I'm so done with it.

Just run away.
Inb4 muh honor. You're a shinobi, not a samurai.

Doesn't work. You get the same failed data error as souls only this time the replacing save at the loading screen trick doesn't work. Even fiddling with accountid it doesn't work.

>trying to get this last fucking carp so I can buy the combat upgrade

Can I have some of your specs and what framerates you guys get?

Everyone else seems to have managed

I wish MGR had decent parry controls though. Pushing the stick in a direction is just shit.

horse is a cakewalk user
just throw some fireworks in the mix and keep close
parry all attacks
beat him in under 3 minutes

MGR had good music


>*Four red strikes appear*
Have fun guessing which one is which bro

I haven't hear anyone talk about this area yet.

>Fromsoft keeping track of save data in offline game
Fucking Jews

What area?

>Parrying is the cheesiest, laziest thing you can do. It breaks pretty much any fight once you know how to do it. Then they went and built a game around it.
Except the game constantly throws shit at you where you can't just parry. But of course
When that happens, right? Christ.

i dont have fireworks

Streamer suck at this game

go get them faggot

buy fireworks

Yep like user above I bought the game after playing about 5 hours of the pirated copy. I just now restarted and what took me 5 hours I've done in just under 2.

No, nigger, it's not like that. You don't have a too strong option. You only have one option. The parry is your defense. The parry is your offense. All you do is parry. The whole game is just parries. You can't do anything else. There are only parries.

They gotta see what's fun so they can nurf it; like poise in the souls series.

>Yea Forums sucks at this game

i dont know where they are user, don't be rude

Anyone remember where you get the prosthetic pyromancy flame? Asking for a friend haha


Seven Spear Ashina. It's the area of the very beginning. I CANNOT bear this spear dude and you have to reclear the entire courtyard everytime you want to fight him. It's not fun to fight an elite, get one shot, then have to fight 9 enemies again with how slow the combat is in this. It's fucking ridiculous and I'm genuinely angry for the first time at a videogame.

>Except the game constantly throws shit at you where you can't just parry.
No, you're still parrying it, just with a different coat of paint.
>Press guard right before the strike connects to deflect!
>Press dodge right before the thrust connects to counter!
>Press jump right before the sweep connects to kick!
It's all the same shit

holy shit you doubler nigger just buy the fireworks from the vendor in the first area, you can see the cannon guy from his little mountain

Anyone figured out how to kill Carps quickly? Some don't even surface

Try getting past the first 3 hours. Dodging > counterattacking is a great offensive move.

>press button
>thing happen
it's all so tedious...

is the third skill book worth getting first? from scale-aleen?

>tons of stealth sections just to avoid pic related
>at the end of it you can hid in one palanquin
>proceed to DEATHBLOW the shit out of snek's peeking eye

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this desu
I'm done with video games

I actually have a video of clearing that and I can tell you 100% that you can stealth it and not even have to take on every enemy. I fought him right next to the building he starts at. I wound up using oil and the flamethrower to stun him a bunch because he counters mikiri and was probably one of the only fights to give me a truly hard time. But the enemies leading up to him are nothing

No it's really not lol. I've beaten 4 real bosses so far and 3 of them I have literally stood still and mashed parry. I've got them recorded and I'm posting a big video later.

Post your character builds, Yea Forums.

>that random purple guy in hirata

this is where the real Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice™ begins

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So why is everyone just telling me to counter him? It's a fucking ridiculous fight.

the underwater fish that nip you in the dick aren't carps and give fuckall rewards

>sword combos do minimal damage to either bar
>Actually leaves you vulnerable to counter attack
>Whatever, I've played Assassin's Creed, I know the counter kill deal
>Human enemies act really defensively
>Have to wait 5ever for them to sack up and swing
>Ogre types are a whole other bucket of worms

i dont really like the stealth focus and the way from makes their action games feels better when theres an rpg behind it
i wish i had bought this on sale

In the memory

Sorry if you're too much of a brainlet to distinguish between traditional distinct defensive options (Parry, Block, Counter, and Dodge) and Sekiro's "Press one of three buttons before an attack connects to perform the same functions".

I dont know. Im sure its possible but wrecking hitbshit my wsy yielded better results. Hold on

you can attack cancel into a parry. I just mash dodge left/right+attack and then parry when they attack.

i think that's one of the hardest elites in the entire game actually. just go there later

Add this

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why is the lock on so fucky
why is running so weird
why do i get keep getting shot from every direction
why does dodging and jumping put me so far away from the enemy
why does dodging occasionally do jack shit

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>press button
>thing happen
it's all so tedious...


>Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice™
>Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice

>No it's really not lol.
>lol I decided to do this 1 thing and succeeded lol clearly that thing you are talking about isn't a good move lol
Yeah okay. I'm looking forward to your video, I'm sure it will be as fun to watch as the Bloodborne videos of people staggering bosses from 20 feet away with gun parries.

New thread

This fucking purple guy


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It's Japanese, so unrefined but not really 'hard' by design.
You need to lock on and juggle between an undeveloped movement system.
Just imagine playing Ocarina of Time except you get 2 hearts and less sword attacks and can only deal damage after deflecting Ganon's blast back to him.

>i-i-it's not hard! just "unrefined"!
Every time.

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What do the snap seeds even do in that fight? Just dispel the shadow clones?

Kill the hunter. Go forth. Talk to your dad and go back to the stairs.

I disagree, having to manage shield bois in the middle of a big pack of enemies is a good challenge.