"Nobody will use the Epic Store!" they said. "They'll just stick with Steam!" Yea Forums said

"Nobody will use the Epic Store!" they said. "They'll just stick with Steam!" Yea Forums said.

Who's laughing now?

Attached: stepic.jpg (613x575, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Epic Store strikes again /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/For the low price of $160/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/survey Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/What do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Steam so far has only countered with/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Has Valve made something/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Is 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

Me, as I pirate all the games that are Epic exclusive.

>Say they don't have steam
i.e. Epic crawled trough their disk and didn't find it


>Who's laughing now?

Attached: 3.jpg (852x480, 35K)

imagine shilling for free on the internet for chinese jews

a free game called fortnite dumdum

>i.e. Epic crawled trough their disk and didn't find it
That just makes the data all the more reliable. You know they aren't making it up.

It would not surpise me at all that there are many, many children who do not play PC games at all, but still downloaded fortnite and therefore the ebic store

>4 of 10 epic gays launcher users dont use steam

O i am shakin

Me, at the sperglord who keeps making these threads.
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Epic Store strikes again /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/For the low price of $160/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/survey Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/What do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Steam so far has only countered with/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Has Valve made something/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/For the low price of $160/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Is 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

>for free

Oh, you'd like to believe that, wouldn't you?

Good for you. I pirate all steam games even the free ones since I value my privacy.

How did they get this information? I have Epic and I was never asked about this survey? Did they somehow scan my files for it perhaps?

we already know companies shill here, but Epic's shilling is so fucking blatant

>only people who post about stuff i dont like are being paid!!!

Not do the Steam version, Valve staffer.

thats... not the problem here

Thats like admiting your user base is a minority.

Doesn't that just mean 40 percent of the users are fake?
Why would anyone who don't play games download the Epic Launcher?

>Not do the Steam version
This is what happens when the chink is forced to go off script.

And yet you still have the Steam client installed for some reason.

Because fortnite.

>"w-we ran a poll"


40% of epic games store users are zoomers who only play Fortnite. why should they care about other services?


Of course when ya include the kids that play fortnite, that's a fucking stupid article.

4/10 is a pretty slim minority, especially considering Steam is the biggest game distribution platform out there. It means Steam's monopoly is not as huge as it seems.

You realize that being here is going to lower your social credit score, right?

Attached: 180601RFA-June4.jpg (1000x773, 133K)

Too based for this shit thread

T is fucking THREE letters away on the keyboard from W
taiwan number one

You tried

If 8 out of 10 people use steam.
It means 4 out of 10 people use EGS.
They openly admitted having a small user base.

>claim steam has a monopoly
>claim not that many people use steam
Doublethinking at its finest

I use this site called GOG, bitchboi, Im the one laughing

Attached: 1553239719092.png (1514x1440, 1.01M)

Last time i used steam was for Day Z, the mod for Arma III, not the standalone one.

I uninstall Steam immidiately as soon i don't need it for specific game (which in first place, i never buy Steam games if theres choice). A cancer platform, from the start till end.

Everyone, at you.

but all modern games are coming to steam user.You buy them on consoles or what

Except it's hardly verifiable

>40 percent of EGS users are zoomer fortnite players
not something to brag about desu

that's because they're 12 year olds who only play fortnite and don't want to buy any other games

>cucksteam making fun of anyone
Loving every laugh

t. steam drones.

And after that they claim to shit on Epic since it hinders "competition"

Its pretty awful how shills shit on this board.

How did they gather this information? A survey? Botnet?

Because most who use Epic are Fortnite kids who don't even know what Steam even is.


99% of Epic Games Store Users only play Fortnite

>create launcher for your free2plqy game
>game gets popular
>turn launcher into storefront
>claim people who have the launcher are people using the storefront to impress shareholders

Their launcher goes through your files and zoomers don't even care that much.

Just like blizzard and their shitty cross promotions

1000 killed in 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
Free Tibet
Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh

Remember to sage Epic shill posts.

B-but it's not supposed to send that info anywhere!

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: chinese online.png (540x291, 156K)

>this gets posted
>hasn't been a single post in this thread in five minutes
guess it worked

>Epic planning on enforcing a monopoly where games will only be on Epic
>GOG idiot goes "haha Steam isn't getting the game"
Neither are you, idiot. Epic plans on removing all storefronts, not just Steam.

You can't do the Steam version because it doesn't exist.

If Epic doesn't fear competition, why aren't their stolen games on GOG, Discord Store, Amazon Digital and Humble?

Attached: sketch1553240541021.png (1052x720, 325K)

So 40% of EGS users play Fortnite and nothing else, I expected the number to be higher actually.

what vpn should i use? my provider knows when i use torrent.

Stop bumping these fucking spammed shill threads.

Where are all these people coming from? I thought Steam was pretty much a requirement if you wanted PC games.

So a bunch of 10 year olds who only play Fortnite?

Attached: 1529052095140.png (713x611, 299K)


I don't get why people keep reporting these numbers as if it's fact when there's no way to vet the information. That's like believing the government when they say they don't spy on you.

VPNs are a meme, buy a seedbox, download over there instead and fetch the mongolian cartoons from the seedbox to your battlestation via SFTP. With all the inspection in the world all your provider can see is a SSH connection to a legitimate cloud VPS.

steam and pirates, btw most of those are for fornite

How the flying fuck could 40% of your user base not have steam when you're on PC? The PC game distributor thats been around for like 20 fucking years as the only real distributor. They numbers have to be inflated or something. That's impossible.
Are they factoring in kids playing fortnite off their phone / tablets?

>40% of the lolfartnut kids who only play that one stupid goddamn game don't have any other games and so don't use steam
Are people really so dumb that they can't figure this shit out on their own? Holy hell.

Time for gaming to die. Please let the industry crash and burn.

>40% don't own steam

This is Epic we are talking about
of course they are adding in mobile

here is your epic spammer bro

Attached: failed_indie_dev.jpg (1094x273, 131K)

Fortnite users who are between the age of 4 and 8 years old.


>T is fucking THREE letters away on the keyboard from W
brainlet response. muscle memory made him type a word he types more often, it's a more common source of typos than fatfingering.

>There is an entirely new generation of gamers that plays fortnite on their pc and absolutely nothing else

Attached: 1530065113428.jpg (750x770, 59K)

>publishers will sell games for $50

>40 percent of Epic Games Store users are only there for Fortnite and don't play anything else on PC

>own a pc capable of running vidya
>don't have steam

Attached: doubt.jpg (200x303, 16K)

let's be honest here, Steam used to only be popular for Half Life 1 and 2 then TF2

So, if their user base is 85 million, and 40% don't have steam that means theres about 34 million users that haven't got steam, that's about half of valves' user base.

Hasn't Epic store grown past Steam too? How on earth have they done it, just fortnight hype?

go eat a dog, chink insect

>yeah. $50. thought so.
talking like this makes anyone you talk to want to punch you in the face, even if you're agreeing with them.

They give out one pretty good game every two weeks, I'm not surprised

>Yea Forums says
Why shills insist on posting like they want nothing to do with Yea Forums?

>40% are ultra-normies who installed it to play Fortnite
That makes sense. But can you actually convert these people into paying customers or do they evaporate like all the old people who bought a Wii for Wii Sports?

I am.
I will never use the Epic store. That's a fact!

Steam has well over 100 million users

hello. i'm a dummy and i would like to filter out all OPs and subjects containing "epic store" (using an and operator), but i'm doing something wrong. can someone help me with the regex?
what i have so far:
>/epic store/i;boards:v;op:only
useless, only matches exact "epic store" phrasing
no idea why this doesn't work
no idea why this doesn't work either

Yeah in 2004 and then 2007.

Based, also remember that over 70% of gamers are 40 year old women.

>40 Percent of Epic Games Store users don't have steam
And 90%+ of those users don't have Steam because they don't buy games on PC.

>Who's laughing now?
Take a guess.

Attached: 1552691360763.jpg (1680x945, 296K)

THe fuck did gaben do to sweeny? Eat a burger he wanted at gdc three years ago? All the shit he says makes it look as if he isn't about creating a new storefront to surpass steam, but to use whatever he can find to simply eliminate steam.

>get caught lying that the epic launcher isn't spyware
>get caught with solid evidence that not only is the epic launcher spyware but that it has been using it to spy on yourself and steam data
>literally a week later suddenly they start saying how "WE HAVE NUMBERS SAYING METRO SOLD MORE THAN ON STEAM! and now the shit on OP

How is this even legal? Is it because they're chinese and that the US laws cant do shit to them?


>Epic says

Steamfedoras are mad as hell lmao

Fortnite fags that don't play anything else and are just hoping on a trend and this is news why?

You forgot how Gabe was shitposting Windows and tried to kill it with Steam machine and linux?
Just business.

>implying whatever repost these threads around the clock is "people"
Dumb poster.

And 90% most them are 10-year-old who have no money.

>its another epic store shill


Attached: nyah.gif (430x216, 682K)

Cut off your dick already, american steam tranny lover.

>they’re lying
>they’re effectively spying your shit
>they’re using the shitty sample size of a survey

pick one

CCP sends its regards.

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Can you pick up your own dick, or you already cut it off, american boy?

If they're not using steam by now they're probably not invested enough in PC games other than fortnite to matter. It's like saying smartphones are the future of core games because X% of smartphone owners don't play on PC or console.

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Can't we ask in /qa/ for the mods to do their jobs and perma-ban those obvious shills? It's been going for several months and NOTHING is being done. Or alternatively try to contact the mod on the #Yea Forums channel on rizon? But does it even exists still?

I don't have steam. I will never have steam. I have epic launcher because of UE4, but I won't buy anything from epic unless it works like gog.

They know and they do nothing, they intentionally hate this board, in fact the tranny meme is very real and who knows if many of them are JIDF/CIA/wathever the fuck

mommy call the police they're posting things I don't like

Fuck off. You're ruining Yea Forums.

Are your TRIGGERED or something? You feel OPPRESSED?

>10 people use Epic store
>4 don’t have steam


they don't have Steam because they are Fortnite kiddies. Otherwise where else would the buy all the other games not on the Epic Store or GoG? It's a lot of games you know.

Do people seriously take sides with this shit? Do they seriously stick to one console or service regardless if there are also good games in other places?

Kids only play fortnite, this isn't surprising.

How would they know tha- Oh right.

Attached: I'm indifferent about everything.jpg (980x551, 263K)

>ruining /v

that's like telling someone who stepped in dog shit that they ruined the dog shit

Considering how steam dominated the market, if 40% of the customers epic has do not have stream it implies they are new to the pc market.

That implies in turn that epic's userbase must be tiny.

>40 percent of Epic Games Store users say they don't have Steam
Well duh. It's not difficult to see that many kids got their first foray into pc gaming with Fortnite, and that also means they never had Steam before.

No one since for one i bet that alot are just kids who only play fortnite on their pc and secondly quite a few people care about privacy and shit so will lie about that type of shit just in case any sort of info were to potentially leak as to make it so people will be dissuaded to instead go after people who said yes, since they probably are lazy fucks like most who use same login shit for everything, since they will be the easier marks to steal shit from.

...And? i don't give a fuck what they have on there pcs.

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>faggots more likely to only suck dick and never touch a pussy
whats your point

I don't think the Beifong are behind this one. They might all be dead actually there is no way of knowing.

Nuke china

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keep fighting the good fight

>Only Americans can like Steam
What a retarded fucking post.

This, stop the thread

reminder mods are controlled by chinks

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>Are people really so dumb that they can't figure this shit out on their own?
It's shit you say to impress your shareholders who are way past 40 and have absolutely no idea about any of this.

I bet you posted this Literally nation of mentally ill people.

It's incredible all the data they got from spying on users.


And that's a good thing!

>40% of Epic Store users claim not to use Steam
>40% of Epic Store owned by Tencent

4 people didn't have steam?

I have neither Steam nor Epic.
If a game requires me to register somewhere then I will not buy it.

They don't use the Epic store either, they use the launcher to play Fortnite. Why do you shills always misrepresent everything?

>85mil people usse its store
as in, 80mil have fortnite installed and that's it

I love how in threads where people are talking about not using epic, it’s full of all these reasons and calm discussion of why people don’t want to support it.
And so far the counter arguments seem to be:
>Most people don’t care about all that.
>Fuck steam.

>guys, people will sell their games for less, because they need to share lesss with the store!
no you fucking idiot, they will still make you pay, it just means more money for them

>"PC gamers are all fucking pirates fuck PC" sweeney 10 years ago, before Fortnite started printing him money
>"Steam is a monopoly!" sweeney now
>"Ha ha 4 out of 10 users don't have Steam according to the shady data harvesting we claimed Epic Games doesn't do until it got proven we do it!" -that slavic piece of shit who ran steamspy while working for Epic Games until Valve shut it down
>"We're going to use heavyhanded anti-consumerist tactics to try to cement ourselves as a monopoly because Steam BAD!" -chink bugmen from Tencent
Wew laddy

I couldn't care less about this Steam vs Epic shit, i don't fucking care since i use steam for free games and pirate everything else. If Epic wasn't a blatant chinese botnet i'd use it just the same, but there is one thing that makes me firm in my belief to not touch it ever:

Despite the fact that Epic has literally a money printing machine in the form of fortnite and could do whatever the fuck they want, they still decided to outright kill Unreal Tournament. No skeleton crew, no explanation, no "maybe we'll pick it up later", just fucking straight up killed one of the oldest franchises in gaming history.

So fuck Epic, UT was great and you're a bunch of money loving jewish cunts for killing it. Fuck you all to hell.

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Run shills over with a car when you see them

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>Doesn't that just mean 40 percent of the users are fake?
No, it means that 40 percent of the users are less than 10 years old who only got it for forknife. 99% of those 40% probably don't even know what a digital distribution platform is and just think that EGS is the main menu of their stupid game.

Attached: le epic.gif (540x683, 439K)

>40% of users are either pirates or never cared about PC gaymin during the last decade

Bravo, epic. Got a bunch of winners there

The reason they never cared about PC gaymin during the last decade is that they have literally not been alive for a decade and they have spent most of those years playing with toys on the floor.





40% huh? Odd that's the same as there tencent stake.

>epic said

Attached: 1551916222103.jpg (845x828, 50K)

>a bunch of Chinese don't have steam
>When the term steam game is banned on the Chinese internet

What a shocker

steam users are cucks

never ever lmao

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>A shitload of people who don't really play videogames but got roped into the worldwide fortnite pandemic downloaded the epic launcher but don't have steam because they only wanted to play fortnite
imagine that

oh god 4 out of the 10 users they have?

seriously. if the jew has less money to share with the publisher he isnt going to reduce the price at which his game is sold.
the jew is just gonna take the larger profit margin

and they're all chinese

They aren't using the store though. They downloaded Fortnite and it had the launcher on it. How many of that claimed 40% number have bought a single game? Hell, how many of them have even touched the free games? And outside of that 40%, how many of them only have it for fortnite and free games? They keep putting out these trash articles to make this service look like a success, but where are the actual numbers? 40% is meaningless on its own.

You have to make an Epic account to even play fortnite on console. Their 85 million users is heavily boosted by console users aka kids who don't own a PC to even install steam. What a lying sack of shit. It's the same shit EA pulled with origin

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America bad
China good

>"Yeah we PC Masturbates are sooo enlightened and above consolewars!"
>Have a platform war inside your own platform


It always gets me that someone uses the word "Epic" unironically in 2019

What's so bad about Steam? Seems like a shop just like any other.

They make such obscene amount of money for Valve that they can afford to do anything, including nothing. The Valve company policy is that they will not start any project that a large portion of the work force doesn't want to work on. And when most of the workers agree that they should all sit and do nothing while getting paid, that's what they're going to do. And Valve can afford that.

So I guess it’s safe to assume that Rape Day was an inside job?

Wasn't that obvious? Why the fuck would journos talk about it otherwise? There are billions of similar low effort stuff on Steam, but they get ignored, because nobody ever sees them.

stop shilling

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>40 percent
yeah because they only play fortnite

i wonder how they got that data

Obviously. Fortnut is huge.

>"What? People want to see sale numbers for our Metro boasting? What the fuck? Give them more vague context-less statistics"

This situation kind of sucks. Not because I want Valve to win, no, fuck them, I don't particularly care how much money they take from devs, what I am concerned about is that PC gaming is going through what console gaming already went through every generation.

One big company that monopolized the market is now being rivaled by other company by aggressively advertising what their competitor doesn't have. It's fucking Nintendo vs Sega bullshittery again, except PC gaming is 30 years too late, it's backwards. The only upside is that you don't have to spend money on their respective game launchers for now

Why is this characteristic so prevalent in gaming market? Imagine if your DVD could play Game of Thrones but couldn't play Walking Dead.

Don't worry. The Free Market will decide which company succeeds and which one fails. (Says the shill as his company is being artificially supported by money pouring in from a foreign non-free-market economy)

they spy on sream file. it was in news several days ago.

dont fucking reply to me holy shit i knew how they got that data dont pester me with a you

>not doing your part to humble valve
Nigger, do you want CSGOifact next??

0.1 social credit score was deposited on your personall account

Attached: 1553259286523.jpg (2850x4291, 2.21M)

So? Why do you give a shit?

Because almost every game made by Valve has been good and I don't want them to stop making games. Which is something they have done because they no longer need to make or do anything.

>40% of people who installed the epic launcher only plays fortnite
Checks out

Attached: 182942_662300873785751_844345365_n.jpg (500x608, 29K)

So, they explicity are telling us that they were spying the whole time.

Attached: 1552833885136.png (600x600, 236K)

40% of EG store users are children who started playing fortnite because all the other kids were playing it at school

they even play it on tablets/phones
these kids never even heard of steam because they aren't allowed their own computer
