Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 - Comfy Edition

Are you hyped, Yea Forums? What Clan are you going to play as first?


Why is every new video game thread in Yea Forums like this:

>political bait
>mainly (minor) "bad" things about the game

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Dead on arrival also the trailer fucking sucks. How the fuck can you not make a decent trailer for a vtmb game?

Toreador is the best first playthrough

I'm very hyped for this and can't understand why Yea Forums isn't

>that music
I guess everybody forgot that goth and industrial are the only two acceptable genres of music for vampire stuff.

I really got tricked playing the first game, was expecting some classic like deus ex and Thief when Yea Forums shilled this but holy shit was it garbage

I was hoping they would rehire the previous composer.

industrial died in the 2000s
perpare for a game full of generic ambience and dubstep

They kept the original writer. This is a good thing.

I already preordered the most expensive edition bros.

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You must be fun at parties
go have sex

Of course I'm playing Malk first.

>industrial died in the 2000s
Just because it went underground again and doesn't play on the radio anymore doesn't mean it's dead.
Combichrist, Aesthetic Perfection, Night Club, Nyxx, William Control.
Even the newer generations are keeping it alive.

Reminder to buy it on GOG if you aren't gay or homo.

This is pretty neat. I actually just played through the whole game a month ago. Excited to see another

>can't understand why Yea Forums isn't

it's not another retarded party game smash reveal or some animu chick discussion

As a seattleite I'll probably play this game just to enjoy how they've rendered my city into the masquerade game.

I find it funny that the ridiculous ferris wheel on the waterfront has managed to become an icon of seattle though.

I just want a good game.

I'm that simple

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>[Not Actual Gameplay] disclaimer
>but it's cut to look like 1st person gameplay
Did someone make the usual misleading bullshot trailer and then Paradox chickened out and put that disclaimer in?

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I would've preferred no game at all

May as well start another playthrough of the first game. Should I use the basic or plus patch? Haven't played the plus patch in many years so I'm not sure what has been added and may not even be able to tell what is from that patch. Which clan should I pick? Are there any visual improvements you'd recommend?

Based and vampirepilled

get ready for boring ass characters with obnoxious vocal tics who take themselves way too seriously

this is how a lot of games are announced now.
It's 100% obvious that all those 1st person segments are pre-rendered, probably outsourced to a CGI studio who were given some artwork to work from.

It really is stupid though, I'd prefer the trailer be completely stylistic and not pseudo gameplay at all, if the gameplay isn't ready yet we will wait for it.
Being deceptive like this just looks bad.

it already was underground, now its under-underground
combichrist is from the 2000s

>Are you hyped

The game's set in 2020. I like the genres but it wouldn't fit

I used plus patch when I first played. I haven't played without it so I couldn't say what the difference is

>shilling Scampire Jewlines:Trannycalypse

>preorder year before "release"
>prerendered trailer with no gameplay
>DLCs and game pass
>microtransactions cosmetics
>tranny shit
yeah, no

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The guy who make the plus patch is insane and has moved from just fixing and restoring cut content to adding new (generally considerd terrible) content.
You're better off playing the lite patch unless youre so starved for content you're willing to play anything VTM related.

I'm both hyped and terrified. VtM:B is one of my favorite games of all time and I've been dying for something new in that vein for 15 years now. But without even knowing who's making it I'm afraid, because I don't think a game like that could be made by anyone at all in this era of politicization and simplification. Sure, VtM:B was political, but the adjective "political" described a different scale of engagement in 2004 than it does now. Iraq caused a lot of division but not nearly so much autistic screeching from all sides.

Plus Patch alters the gameplay too much for me. The additional music is nice, but all the ability nerfs can fuck off.

we get sticky for shitty smash roster reveal and not for this?

>2020 - March/April/May
>Unreal 4
>25-30 hours
>high replayability - different clans, decisions, man or female, romance, characters past etc.
>Modding is possible - Skyrim 2.0 Porn here we come
>man or woman - usual character options
>can choose a characters professional past (before he became a vamp) - gravedigger and copper are some options >has influence on dialogue
>can choose a Clan, but not directly at the start
>it plays in Seattle
>Story like the first game comes from Brian Mitsoda
>we got illlegial turned into a vampire and the "tutorial" is about us being sentenced to death in a Camarilla courtroom
>mainly ego perspective (first person)
>we can walk walks and are basically like Spiderman (enter a girls window on the 2nd floor to "eat" her - jump from people from above)
>character system/attribute = like in the previous game, based on the World of Darkness system, but even more active skills
>disciplines(clan) = powerful spells like in the first game; turning into fog or into bats; even more and different spells depending on your clan (for example blood magic)
>resonance system = every person has an emotional mood; we can sense it as a vampire (red = anger; yellow = fear etc.); changes options and also changes your own character depending on what blood you consume; if you eat a lot of angry people you will become stronger

>[Not Actual Gameplay] disclaimer
>Release Q1 2020
Less than a year from release with no gameplay for an open world RPG means it's confirmed shit.

That sticky was a containment thread to protect the rest of Yea Forums from smashbabies spamming 20 threads in a row.

>I find it funny that the ridiculous ferris wheel on the waterfront has managed to become an icon of seattle though.

seattle literally has nothing else to show though

pretty much.
Even Outerworlds put some hudless gameplay into their reveal trailer, with a gameplay 30 minute video soon after.

Don't they also have a tower

I'm not going to pretend I'm not a little bit worried about the end product. I dont trust paradox, and we've yet to see real gameplay. The combat animations shown in the video didnt feel like they had real weight behind them either.
But at the end of the day, its a fucking vampire game, set in Los Angeles. The premise alone will always keep me excited. Hope it delivers, because I loved the first to death.

It's not openworld I dont think

Man I've not been following industrial since 2009 and I recognise most of those names.

*set in seattle
There's potential for more than one city though, although i doubt it.

It's hub based, not open world, but yeah. Having such an elaborate reveal and not having any actual gameplay, not even the usual "in game footage" tag is a little... odd?
Please it sounds like their scope is way to wide. I'm a little worried.

yeah the based needle

here is your ((((game dev)))) bruh

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There has to be a reference to this guy though

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It's common these days to start with pre rendered then build up more hype around a gameplay trailer. It makes sense when you think about it, it effectively gives you two reveals instead of just one.

>now have both CP2077 and VTMB2 to look forward to
Nice. I'll watch the trailer later when I have time but so far upturning my expectations that Paradox means it'd be terrible.

I was just expecting some in game footage, especially considering they showed that 15 second clip of the pier last month.
Oh well, I can wait.

Yup, I'm super hy-

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Yea I was super hyped earlier but now thinking about the reveal details it all looks kinda shit. The underground parkour (pre-rendered anyway) looks like Dying Light, which is not really a good sign. But aside from the dubious looking combat concept, that environment looks too flat and not stylized enough.

All the characters in motion we see are prerendered too and not indicative of what they'll actually look like in game most likely. The only close up of a face we see in the screenshots looks really ugly and lacking detail. We probably won't get the equivalent of VtMB's facial expressions or music. Hope we at least get a Deb equivalent/TV news reports and good customizable havens.

Take it to the gorillion other /pol/ threads. Or better yet, take it to /pol/ and fuck off out of Yea Forums.


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Dont forget Trip-Hop. After all, the theme song is lifted from Massive Attack.

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if they were to make a sequel i always would have wanted them to adapt to the times and not try t replicate the 90's feel and aesthetic from the first one, it never works like that.
it can work even if it's dubstep and if done right. VtMB was about a certain period, the whole tender promotion thing heavily suggested them including more current shit, so no more DOS computer hacking.

Finally a pic from actual game to stat shitstorms.
That gay-muslim-vampire got boring.

You have to admit, its a good scam. They teasted people for long period of time with their arg to build hype, just to finish it with "preorder now" for a product that does not exist.

Why even bother actually making games if people are so easy to fool for money out of their wallet? Somebody right now is ordering "collectors edition" with "all the dlcs and expansion" for a game that does not exist and will not be released for a whole year (which, can safely be extended for up to 1 more year of delays) and has no ingame features/screenshots made at all.

Hardsuit Labs is the developer.
Which is a little interesting, they've been developing it for almost 3 years, maybe more, according to Chris Avellone's linkedin. He lists having worked there from April of 2016, until August of last year.
Paradox acquired a 33% stake in them at the start of last year. They must have been really impressed with what they saw of the game.

cringe game. Have sex you retards cultural marxist

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It helps that you probably have a lot of devs that actually want to work on the game. Labors of love tend to turn out well

>Not actual gameplay

Preorders are refundable . Like on steam you can refund at any time up to 2 weeks after the game release if you havent played for 2 hours. Pretty sure even epic lets you refund preorders

And the never ending monologues.

thats the point of why making such long wait time. After 3 months preordering becomes a hassle as it can't be done directly, and devs hope majority of people just forget they paid for it in first place

They can also just indifenitely delay the game release

The main Hardsuit guy they talked to sounded like the studio was determined to pitch a Vampire game as soon as Paradox acquired the rights. I'm cautiously optimistic after hear how passionate the team sounds.

>Hardsuit Labs is the developer.
Dropped, they made shit games like BlackLight.


Did you idiots miss all the politics in the first one? Or in the table top game? its always been like that..

There's a difference between subtle and in your face. Nowadays devs generally lean towards the later

>Implying they even read any World of Darkness books in the first place.

Shouldn’t forget we are on Yea Forums.

>no actual gameplay
>the only thing we really know is from generic Dev interview advertisement
>but Paradox is already offering pre-order bonuses and goodgoy deluxe packs

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Don't pretend you played either.

WE ARE GOING HOME Yea Forums, we are actually getting a new Bloodline game in our lifetime

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Been a long time since I've been excited for a game coming out. Feels good man

They didn't play the first one. They're only in these threads to get triggered.

>Unreal 4
Oh boy, I bet this is gonna be another pirate bay exclusive

why is the "Someone shat on my head" hair cut so popular with she-incels?

>can choose Clan
Has there been any info on what Clans will be playable though?

It's a pretty weak announcement, for sure. Not even gameplay. Just some shitty corridor trailer with nothing interesting to see.

Well into the trash it goes
I'm gay and even I can't stand this pandering bullshit, it's all to push products and stupid flagfags eat it up like tyrannies eat up suicide rates

This. Neo-Yea Forums is filled with zoomers who never played the original.

What tranny shit? I didn't notice it...

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Toss it in the fucking fire, for fucks sake. I was so looking forward to this.
And seriously
>choosing your clan
nigger, it's not supposed to be a fucking buffet. vetting fucking clans and choosing the one you want? wtf is that shit?

Is this all they care about? The game could be dogshit and they will still praise it if it represents their degeneracy in a positive light.

I hope Paradox do the right thing and cut the Steam version. GOG is fine, they are cute and harmless, but Steam and Valve are doing actual harm to the PC games industry and need to be content starved

Lets look at the history of Hardsuit Labs:
Blacklight: Retribution and they did port-work

Hmmmm, seems they may be a LITTLE bit inexperienced. Are the people behind Troika involved in anyway? If not, I have no hope, especially when you consider how much microtransactions and bullshit Paradox is going to force.

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LOL not really. His disgusting wife is also on board.

I need a new computer for that.

I wonder if this one will have some bullshit meta-excuse for why your character is on par with lower generation number vampires and faith-hunters like the first did.

One copy of Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2: Blood Moon Edition, please.

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It's a fucking accouncement trailer you little bitches

They were even denying it was Bloodlines 2 until now.

It clearly wasn't even designed to be an Alpha or gameplay demonstration - it's quite literally "No really guise, we are actually doing it this time!"

>mental illness
This is something we should be proud of...

nothing bad can happen. We still got the original.

Someone post the gay Muslim vampire sjw tranny

Yes ma'am

Mitsoda is lead writer, Avellone also did some writing for this.

>6 Clans options on the game's page
>one of them is "Bonus"

You better check your words, sir! One copy of Monster Hunter now, please.

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>he doesn't main a tranny Malkavian

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>"Don't call anyone!"

>Are the people behind Troika involved in anyway?
All founders except J.D Anderson

this is the studio behind the game lmao
they only left their one "green" game on their website after rebranding

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>social politics in my vampire politics game

vampires are gay, and you are all fags for liking them.

I honestly feel nothing.
Mainly because Paradox is involved. If it's good I'll buy it but till then I don't care.


Was that Christina Hendricks?

>we decided to make the malkavian a gender locked transwoman

Of course not, I main a non-binary toreador incel.


Definitely a high testosterone's game choice.

>nobody cares
Newfags out.

I think it was maybe based off of her but not literally her. Sometimes concept artists will use famous people as reference and they transparently end up in the finished product (like how much TLOU 1 ellie looked like ellen page)

VtM has literally always been like this.

>Seattle based dev
>Seattle setting

Well... at least it's not Portland?

It is fifth in Steam stop selling. But sure. DOA.

garbage trailer

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>can choose a Clan, but not directly at the start
Doesn't really make sense, you inherit the clan from whoever sired you.

I wish CDPR had bought the rights to WoD.

I hope this is on Linux, almost every other Paradox published game is on it, so i really hope this is.

>Modding is possible - Skyrim 2.0 Porn here we come
great I can't wait for another PR disaster

I'm a bit concerned at how much they use the expression "thin-blood" when what they are describing sounds a lot more like caitiff vampires. Yes I know they can sometimes overlap, but not always.

I understand though, what they're trying to do from a gameplay standpoint, but the "Caitiff who chooses his own destiny" approach is less viable effective for clans like Nosferatu or Ventrue (for different reasons).

Fans being concerned is understandable, because the first Bloodlines was so fucking good and used the lore in all the right ways to create an awesome experience, and like lightning a bottle, everyone is afraid it won't happen again in the same fashion. Meddling unwelcome real-world blatant political posturing is something that tends to kill immersion too. We all want this to be a good game so much. Hold me bros.

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Might be interesting if they actually let you eat another vampire, but Paradox won't do that.

There's literally ZERO chance it will end up even remotely good or even simply fun enough to play
I mean please describe a scenario when this ends up good

We can be certain 2077 will blow this shit show out of the water.


Who the fuck are those devs though?

since they're adding lgbtq shit does that mean there'll be another mission with a mad doctor but one who gives sex changes

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You know, I would understand if some effeminate zero-testosterone guy wanted to be a woman, but why do trannies always tend to look like quarterbacks? Does excess amounts of testosterone mess with your brain or something?

I'm really hyped. Don't know what clan I'm gonna play first, depends on which clans make it into the game - looks like there's gonna be just five clans plus one from DLC.

If my fav Toreador is in, then of course I'm picking that. Even though it's gonna be mainly FPS, I'll still take some time to make a cute trans girl in the character creator. Looks like it will allow a fair bit of customization, and you can pick your pronouns too, which is important for a trans character. I feel like the Embrace is actually pretty close to a transitioning, so it's nice that you can explore both in the game.

I know I'll have crazy fun with blood magic, which is a staple thin-blood discipline. It's really brave of the devs to make the character start as a thin-blood, seeing how in the past this group has been discriminated against even though it's not their fault they were born this way. You can't play all game as a thin-blood though, and here's another metaphor for transitioning - when you finally get to pick your clan. I think the writers will come up with some cool mechanic for that, like raising your own gen when you finally realize that you really were a higher gen deep inside all along. Just diablerizing someone wouldn't be very nice but then again maybe they'll just add some unlikable old nazi primogen to diablerize - nobody's gonna miss them!

I hope your character's background will have a real impact on your life after the Embrace, giving you choices like continuing political activism campaigning for the rights of mortal minorities your character did in zir past life, which I think would be fitting for a Toreador.

Man, I'm so hyped for this game, I already preordered all the day one DLCs and story passes.

dead on arrival

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Thats kewl, i just play a lesbian vampire anyway.

>every malkavian character is a tranny

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Why on earth is it preorder for ÂŁ50

>Why is every new video game thread in Yea Forums like this
the gamergate movement was a mistake and enabled an obnoxious minority to spam their fascist bullshit all over the floor in the name of free speech

It's something to do with V5, IIRC. Thinbloods are basically weaker offshoots of the Clans that don't come into their full powers until something specific happens.

here's your cute lesbian vampire bro

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>trannies dont exist

I really wonder what the gameplay will be like

Simply because of time passing, it won't play anything like Bloodlines. The RPG elements could be the same if the writers are all there (which they seem to be), but the gameplay itself, the action etc will hopefully be a lot more fluid than Bloodlines.

Bloodlines is legitimately my favourite videogame, but the melee and shooting is fucking abysmal

btfo, lmao

Being able to play a tranny should be malkavian-only.

Attached: Tourette.jpg (1600x1200, 252K)

I want to lick Tourette from head to toe

Newer editions belong in the trash tbqhm8

Even her std-ridden vagina from having unprotected sex with kine every night?

/pol/tards infesting the board are just butthurt and SEETHING is why OP.

>people who disagree with me on anonymous anime forums are trannies
Rent free.

maybe you just aren't told which clan you are at the start? You start the game, run around for a bit, then decide how you wanna play and which clan you've been brought into. Since the game is first person, that still keeps Nossies in the loop.


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but it was literally already there

>he thinks im not a tranny myself
rent free for life indeed

Nah, I'd rather play Bloodlines 2 when it comes out. Unlike bitter jaded broken retards who refuse to take off their red hat and enjoy their hobby lmao.

>“If you look at Paradox’s other products there’s obviously a strong commitment to the fanbase and user-generated content and modding and stuff like that,” said Kipling, adding that it would be “part and parcel” to their approach when making a true successor to Bloodlines. Paradox are also known for their post-launch support, which includes Bloodlines 2. I don’t know how much DLC there will be, but I do know that some clans will be added to the game after launch, and that these will be free to all players.


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>Of course I'm playing Malk first.
The developers have already declared that Malks shows mental illness in a negative way and are going to be designing the game with a "2019 perspective."

for me, it's Ravnos.

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>Outing yourself this bad

l m a o


>I recognized the scent of your blood young Cainite. Very potent... greater than our last encounter. I could smell it, even through the flood of our fallen brethren. Doesn't that make you wonder...

What will be the excuse for a lowly thin-blood bastard gaining sudden power when your character inevitably levels up?

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>not santa-monica

hype killed

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I guess, there will never be a definite answer to this and it has to be looked at like with the same procedure when you look at handicapped or mentally retarded people. Each case has to be looked at individually because most of them won't be alike.
I'd say there are also two sorts of trannies. The ones which stem from real gender dysphoria caused by defected chemicals in your body and alike. And then there are these late of age trannies like the one in the pic.
These probably stem from mental breakdowns or hardship in life. Socio-economic pressure is definitely a component which brought new mental diseases.
My gf meant that it can also be suppressed gender dysphoria and people only now feel free to come out with it. But I'm not too convinced here. There is definitely a social stigma with coming out, gay or tranny or whatever, but when coming out and so, you can also easier than ever start a new life in a different city now than back then.

I met a tranny who transitioned in her early 20s. She is doing alright I guess. But haven't seen her in a long while.

I'm not a doctor, so it's only guessed.

When did Yea Forums become so shit?

>(political) larping in every 2nd post
>every 2nd post seems full of repressed anger/sexuality
>everything is bad

This is probably going to be full of sjw shit about gay Muslim trannies fighting the evil white male nazi patriachy

why would you want it to be a direct sequel to a game with multiple endings that change everything?

nosferatu but not hyped

the protaganist would be called pic related

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Outing what, that I play video games? This is Yea Forums - Video Games, my partisan friend.

I hate idiot streamers that play malkavian as their first blind playthrough, and retarded followers who have never actually played the game encouraging them to do it.

>teenage rage
Just go back to plebbit/resetera and stop infesting this site with your inane drivel.

this game costs around 20 bucks in my currency for some reason, and about 35 for the Blood Moon edition

I love the american south west

every other region is shit

meme-attle is for soibois

feminine male vampire? well i never!

as much as i love VTMB, im not gonna pre order, but im excited
"but ive waited so long to see it again" pretty kino line

is he a vampire?

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Why melee focused?
At least this means tremere btfo

Why can't /pol/ just fuck off and stop inserting themselves into everyone elses hobbies and interests

>Malks shows mental illness in a negative way
Sounds good.

nice bait

Nice projecting

I woke up this morning excited to talk about the long awaited sequel to my favourite game, and then all the discussion I see is morons shit posting about trannies

>no fishmalk
>no stopsign

why bother

single player game


pick only one babby

In the first game. They've said they're redesigning them with modern sensibilities for the sequel, as well as removing hookers and other things.

but have you played the game or are you post larping

Looks like Kotaku and PCGamer both put out articles on the game. They got to see a 30 minute gameplay demo. In summation:

>You start the game as a thin-blood after you're shipped off to Night Court like in the beginning of Bloodlines 1 but shit happens and you escape (as do many others) before you are executed
>Clan selection happens later in the game and there will be (completely free) new clans added post-launch.
>You can interact with the world a bit more and they encourage exploration (phase through vents, pull weapons away, climb walls, fly, etc)
>Some fan-favorite characters are back
>Combat is faster-paced and one person's impression was that guns are more like temporary tools that you toss after running out of ammo
>Your background during character creation can have gameplay effects (e.g. a cop will have a different experience if they waltz into a police station)
>People's personalities are part of the bloodsucking process which then provides various bonuses (combat, social, etc)

The game's pitch happened shortly after Paradox acquired the IP in 2015 when the devs creamed their pants and rushed over to talk business. It's probably been in development for quite some time aow. Given the Q1 2020 release I'm thinking we might see that demo or an updated version of it at E3. They've assembled a great mix of writers too. Good stuff.

Melee in fps sucks shit, it NEEDS to be third person action like dmc and similar games

>developers pushing their own political agendas is in no way indicative of the quality of a video game and doesn't deserve to be discussed
Must be nice living in the brainletsphere

yeah guyz, pay us sheckels for promise of a nonexistant game, eventually... preorder nau!

>watching trailers
>exposing yourself to anything before experiencing the actually media

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>Clan selection happens later in the game and there will be (completely free) new clans added post-launch.
Literally over a year before launch and they've decided that they're not going to finish their game. Bravo.

>>You can interact with the world a bit more and they encourage exploration (phase through vents, pull weapons away, climb walls, fly, etc)

And people told me DMC style combat with air combos doesn't fit? Now what, pussies?

Thanks for keeping us updated (((user)))

Nothing more pathetic than a self hating gay trying to earn the approval of /pol/

13 clans is a shitton of clans, user. Even the original VtMB could only squeeze in 7 playable ones

this entire post is copied straight from reddit

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>no stopsign

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Some people will never be happy no matter what you do

>>Some fan-favorite characters are back

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Just wait a few days, user. You have to remember there's a large group of people on Yea Forums that latch on to any type of shitposting that's popular at the moment for fun without any intent to even talk about the game in the first place.
Almost every game announcement has some sort of "controversy" that Yea Forums loves to blow up for a little bit and then move on to the next.

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Is there salvation from this curse anywhere?

Can some Slav studio maybe make a proper Vampire game, even without WoD license? There is no hope for this one.

No I'm not hyped. Prepare for 50 dlc, shabez goy.
Although they are still better than, may Allah forgives me for uttering that word, CCP, because those faggots were not even able to not kill their only game with power of their own retardaton, so anything they would have done in Masquerade universe had zero hope to be good.

Gameplay doesn't make an RPG, atmosphere, quests and dialogue do.
If this shit feels like you're walking into the church of far alt-leftism to be indoctrinated no ammount of good game feel and name dropping characters will save it.

welp all my hope for this game is gone now

>One copy of Vampire: The Masquerade® - Bloodlines™ 2: Blood Moon Edition, please.
There you go, fixed it for you.

Attached: (((she))).jpg (1068x601, 95K)

>Takes time to waste on this pointless shit
You can keep this garbage.

Attached: 1534304693774.png (381x384, 208K)

>no dinosaur preorder item

Attached: vtmb dino.png (399x418, 71K)

Alright, now explain to me why dmc style air combos dont fit this game. You can fly in this game now. Now what?

>There is no hope for this one.
But we still haven't seen any gameplay.

Man, steam forums for this game is such a shitshow I'm actually enjoying it. I love how this game is equally popular among right wingers and sjws.

the right cant meme

>no info on the game
>no gameplay trailers
>the preorders and special editions are already up
I already have a feeling that the game will suck ass

were there any tranny characters in the original game?

>No more making fun of malks because they have mental illness

fuck you paradox

Oh the ironing.

>Masculine subversion
What does they mean by this?

You're a complete fool if you think they're going to be releasing free DLC

Whaat? Cain and Boyarsky are working on Outer Worlds

They did

Is it really that hard to find a competent dev team these days? We are talking about fucking Bloodlines 2, and this was the best they could come up with?

>VtMB shits on Bush and Republicans
>no one cares
>VtMB portrays the Anarchs, the faction with a woke Che-Guevara wannabe commie grill that's led by a Hispanic who lived during the Great Depression, as the objective good guys who regularly help and save you while Lacroix, the wealthy elite is objectively evil
>no one cares
>Bloodlines 2 mentions the advancement of technology as a political theme

Attached: 1539902439773.png (1399x1718, 481K)

There is actually alot of info on the game, just hard to see past all the /pol/ shit

They just take whatever they want you to do in real life and label it masculine in order to subvert impressionable idiots. It's not exactly subtle.

>Vampire game set in 90s russia
>Union fell, vampires that were in hiding are now in full force
>Vampire wars for control over the mob
>Western vampires trying to settle it for the fresh blood

might be fun

Attached: vampire mommy.webm (1920x1080, 1.07M)

>/pol/ shit
Yeah, couldn't possibly be that this pandering shit irritates everyone but you insufferable faggots.

>VtMB portrays the Anarchs, the faction with a woke Che-Guevara wannabe commie grill that's led by a Hispanic who lived during the Great Depression, as the objective good guys who regularly help and save you while Lacroix, the wealthy elite is objectively evil
you're desperately reaching here

>VtMB portrays the Anarchs, the faction with a woke Che-Guevara wannabe commie grill that's led by a Hispanic who lived during the Great Depression, as the objective good guys who regularly help and save you while Lacroix, the wealthy elite is objectively evil

I don't need to justify myself for calling you a retard, your words speak for themselves.

This is the same assclown that got Miami Hotline 2 banned in Australia.

Attached: bloodlines2buttfacesjw.jpg (800x600, 58K)

>Silent Storm engine

How have I never heard of it!

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What is the piano player trying to convey with that expression at the end?

Would you fags still buy it if it was a epic store exclusive?

Temper your expectations. The studio behind the game is not Troika. Yeah they got a writer or two, but this is what the studio has done in the past.
Judge accordingly.

Attached: D2P66mGWoAAa_Gv.jpg (851x1200, 131K)

>caring about nuBloodlines
What's your preferred gender pronouns fellow 4channeler? Thank god based Paradox are letting you pick them, even if it costs 120 dollars to get all the content!

I bet 5 bucks that there will be a lazily written Vampire-Trump

fuck no, epic doesn't have regional pricing, I just bought this shit for literally half the US price

that hes a vampire


this game is fucking DOA

Whoa what a track record!

Attached: 1535316595167.gif (300x300, 192K)

Trannies weren't really a thing then. You can make a joke about the Bush administration, and when you make a "confession" to a uncaring bartender one of them can be you voted republican once but that was mainly it iirc. There was radio and TV adds mocking both Democrats and Republicans.

Fuck you, too.

Go away

Mine is jew/ajew

>shadow ops red mercury
Solid bargain bin fps, you can get it for like 1 dollar on steam

t. didn't play the game or were too retarded to pay attention
>Nines saves you from getting executed by LaCroix
>Jack gives you advice and helps you when none of the other factions give a shit
>Nines saves you from getting ambushed by the Sabbat in Hollywood
>Nines protects you from one of the werewolves and kills one of them single handedly
>LaCroix betrays you and calls a blood hunt, everyone is out to get you except for Jack, who helps you
>Anarch quests are mostly centered around helping the city, LaCroix and Strauss quests are mostly about their own self-interest
It is impossible to ally with LaCroix or Ming without dying

You barely interact with Strauss in the game outside of helping him fix his own fuckup with the gargoyle

You can never screw the Anarchs without screwing yourself (siding with Ming), the most you can do is give them the finger after helping them anyways by getting rid of Lacroix

You can never kill the Anarchs while you are required to kill Lacroix and Mign in nearly all of the endings

The Anarchs are almost objectively portrayed as the good guys and in a positive light outside of a handful of comments by Tung

Why are VTMBfags just as bad as obsidiots, in they'll eat up whatever gets shit out regardless of quality because "muh Mitsoda/Sawyer"?

Attached: _Blocks your path_.jpg (1080x950, 29K)

>Why is every new video game thread in Yea Forums like this:

I honestly stopped coming here as my main board around 2011. I mostly pop in for really big announcements to relive some of the hype and actually talk about released games on /vg/. Too many newfags who have an agenda that treat games less like a hobby and more like an agenda flooded these boards. I just don't have time for that shit.

Attached: 1322247419425.gif (400x267, 119K)

>The Anarchs are almost objectively portrayed as the good guys
aren't they ultimately trying to dismantle the vampire leadership in LA though? isn't that an objectively bad idea?
t. don't know much about the lore

It's true there's objectivelly good anarchs in the game but it's not the ones downtown. The only people who don't move a muscle to fuck you over are Beckett, Isaac and Velvet.

Strauss is also a traditionalist conservative and benign.

both side were feuding because the camarilla was new to LA

its a big clusterfuck. anarchs claim they were around long before the "leadership" showed up, but who really knows what the truth is, only that the anarchs dislike the oppressive authority of the camarilla.

Its legendary slav junk. You probably did not hear about this one either.

Are you retarded? Lacroix is the only one who fucks with you, plenty of other cunts don't leave you be just fine. And your "good guys" are subjective as fuck, they were never the good guys for me in my playthroughs, just another faction filled with more cunts m8.

It's not difficult to understand that 2004 is not 2019. 2004 wasn't a fucking lecture and dictating to you about real world nonsense, 2019 will be, because the preceeding years have been.

by all means keep escalating it though
>shit happens
>gets called out
>waah everyones a bigot
>new announcement
>they ham it up even worse
repeat ad infinitum.

Completely different because without that sticky literally 90% of the board was full of threads with smash autists thinking their own opinion mattered enough to warrant it's own thread on whether or not said character should be in or not instead of posting in any of the other threads. Even with the sticky they were still spilling out.

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goodbye VtMB2

Stop pretending to whine about games you haven't played

Based. Too bad its buggy as fuck

They were the fags on stage announcing it, and the trailer outright mentions how the "creators" of fallout are working on it.

Reminder Ventrue is the best clan because you can win battles by literally just telling your enemies to kill themselves.

Attached: reaction_76.jpg (699x694, 190K)

All this politics talk and I just want to know if I can fully bullshit my way out of every confrontation this time without having to dump combat points into sewers.

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>brainlet that doesnt understand how marketing works
Content distillation, you get this now to get hyped and in a month or two you'll get first glimpse of actual gameplay content. They serve you the content slowly so they can maintain the interest over a span of time

Toreador party lover masterrace checking in

literally most of them in the game was using you except a few.

>Avellone also did some writing for this.
It's gonna be shit. Avellone hasn't been good for years, he did one good thing (torment) and has been riding off the success of that ever since.

Just watch Upyr (Упыpь) bro

based, its the best way to play, everyone who disagrees is just salty they didnt experience the confusion and fun of a blind malk playthrough

>being hyped about any game in 2019 based on pre-rendered cinematic

Anything in Vampire can kill "enemies" by simply a fact of being Vampire. What matters is only fighting bosses, and they spit on your puny magic.

Guns > Vampire powers

Shit story
Shit writing
Shit gameplay

This game is gonna be what? Gimme an S, S! Gimme an H, H! Gimme an I, I! Gimme a T, T What does that spell?


there was nothing subtle about directly stating that republicans or bush are evil


Don't count on it.

>attention for LGBTQ itentities and mental illness
Love it how they finally understand what they suffer from. This just proves that homosexuality was suppressed through history for a good reason, you shouldn't encourage mental patients

>imagine wanting to play as a bloodsucking crossdressing faggot while still listening to a dead music genre
meanwhile based mage chads fucking vamp whores left and right

Attached: swole_wizard.jpg (662x960, 130K)

You have shit taste, no surprise seeing as you're a reddit newfag that played those games decades after release

Will they at least avoid american race bait politics?

LGBT shit I don't mind and I already dislike capitalism.

Attached: 1524813111261.gif (487x560, 671K)

Sceptical but optimistic

Except I have played it, extensively over the years, crying won't change that faggot.
Jack isn't any faction, he does what he pleases. Nines does save you, because he wants to use you, it doesn't make his faction which is full of retarded cunts magically "good".
And who gives two fucks about their goals? Helping the city or self interest or researching shit just because they feel like it, nobody gives a shit there's no difference between them. You're fucking vampires.

Also getting rid of lacroix doesn't actually help the anarchs in the end anyway, lacroix just gets replaced, camarilla continues business as usual. The only thing the anarchs are portrayed as are not currently in power, so obviously literally anything you do that causes even the smallest change in the power structure benefits them

Not a chance.

>Jack manipulates you from the very start for shits and giggles
>Brujah anarchs are consistently depicted as short-tempered and crass, with an unrealistic view of politics that will only lead them to an unlife of eternal struggle
>Anarchs use you as an errand boy as much as the camarilla, only they don't give you money or status for it
>Strauss is a man of class and knowledge, and is forthright with you about your place in the chain, doesn't sell you pipe dreams of an impossible anarch free state

While Lacroix is the clear-cut antagonist (and they had to make it that way so that the ending would have the climax of the tower exploding) the camarilla is not portrayed as completely hopeless, with Strauss as a viable alternative for the leadership. The game goes out of its way to tell you that everyone thinks Lacroix is an upjumped jester with no real power, and that EVERYONE is manipulating you constantly, even if they smile politely or seductively. The malkavian thin-blood even goes as far as telling you you can only trust Beckett and Mercurio, and she's right.

Isaac manipulates you, Velour manipulates you, Jeanette/Therese manipulate you and are batshit, and they are all anarchs. If you can't grasp that the game is telling you that the anarchs and their utopia are full of shit, then I don't know what to tell you.

I thought it was these guys

Attached: Screenshot_20190322-105823_Chrome.jpg (1440x2960, 813K)

except they didn't. it was a fucking radio show that was entirely about being humorous. you'd have to be a retard to take that as a serious statement

State of fucking newfags
The hype is fucking real, holy shit. I'm thinking of going Malkavian this time, just because you have no clue what's going to happen the first playthrough and whether the voices are lying. Follow-up malkavian playthroughs are never as good as doing it the first time.

Can you make Donald Trump as a vampire in this game?

>being this autistic
I don't watch spoilery trailers either but there's no reason not to watch this.

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Just clearing something up that I've seen in archived threads.

The Camarilla does offer sanctioned diablerie to some thinbloods for service rendered.

No, you're the one fighting the big companies.

>Are you hyped, Yea Forums?
No. This game is going to be pozzed garbage.

this, the game quite explicitly spells out "everyone is an asshole" and "Don't open it"

This is why the only good end is the unaligned end where you literally give everyone the finger and walk away. It's also the only end where you aren't fucking murdered in the epilogue.

Isn't it common knowledge that POTUS is the head vampire

>RPS staff as "Senior Writers"

Attached: 1536901799966.gif (400x222, 494K)

oh fuck off, literally every thread has screens off dialogue where you can equate bush and republicans to monstrous vampires

>It's also the only end where you aren't fucking murdered in the epilogue.
But that happens in neither the Camarilla/StrauĂź nor the Anarch ending


>gender pronouns
day -1 pirate

He is correct though. Just finished replaying VtmB another time and its very very overrated game. The only good thing about it is the setting and ability to play through multiple times with different clans.

The game is very shallow and unfinished. Only Santa Monica is halfway done, it starts going down in Downtown and Hollywood already is a mess revealing all weaknesses of the game.

The combat is actually very rare (until late game) and bad - monotonous and not challenging in any way.

The story is meh. there litterally is no personality and motivation for MC and no storytelling per se - every quests is like 2-3 lines sending you somewhere just because. Only emails are the decent part of writing. The Gameplay is actually nothing special at all - not differed from pretty much every game later, maybe the hub gameplay was rare at time, but length not.

It is essentially cheap Deus Ex rip off. Arcanum wins as Troika Games work hands down in terms of writing/game, even though being as unfinished.

Its a very very poor game, that is a "must play" certainly - but solely for atmorsphere and until you stumble upon its many many weaknesses.

>Night Watch
This looks super pleasing.

kys, you have no future and you will die miserable

>even if they smile politely or seductively.

I guess this is the new discord spammer game. Going to be fun to see the same disproven shit posted over and over just to farm (you)s

Don't the Camarilla later kill you too? I never got the Anarch ending.

Yeah, we know its an fps so the combat will be absolute rancid SHIT, just like cyberpunk 2077, another game ruined by it being an fps

>equate to monstrous vampires
>whilst playing as vampires
>that you don't think are particularly monstrous whatsoever
really makes you think lad, really jogging the old neurons there.
you can keep spouting the current HURF DURF CAMARILLA EVIL BAD ALL THE WORST OMG shit that modern wod writers spout, but it doesn't actually make it so. Most wod players don't hate the camarilla at all nor think they, or vampires, are monsters.

Not that I'm aware of.
It literally ends with StrauĂź keeping the sarcophagus in some warehouse and you probably becoming Sheriff

So Dying Light 2 is VTM:B2?

I never thought I'd see the Night Watch vidya posted here.

>Brujah anarchs are consistently depicted as short-tempered and crass, with an unrealistic view of politics that will only lead them to an unlife of eternal struggle
How? There is no actual quest or cutscene that shows them fucking up for being hot-tempered. The only thing you get is a few offhand comments by people like Tung and Strauss. Meanwhile you have an actual quest to kill LaCroix and Ming and you have an actual quest to fix Strauss' fuckup
>Anarchs use you as an errand boy as much as the camarilla, only they don't give you money or status for it
Yes but their tasks are centered around improving the city. LaCroix's is based on retrieving the Sarcaphogus for him and Strauss is about covering his own ass

Out of all the factions the Anarchs are generally and objectively portrayed as the most helpful to you, and you also interact with them the most next to LaCroix. You barely even interact with Strauss at all and the only "negative" aspects about the Anarchs are told to you by people biased against them, you never see anything bad about them or are introduced to it through gameplay

>Maxed out charisma
>Start game with a small loan of 1 million dollars
>Starter home is Trump Tower
>Build a wall to keep the Anarchs out of your city
The mod scene is going to be amazing

Attached: Imagine.jpg (501x501, 139K)

>that you don't think are particularly monstrous whatsoever
I'm not even that guy but holy fuck the game is very very clear about vampires being monsters.

This. I honestly don't mind about LGBT and it actually fits in the Vampire setting. Being alternative goth/punk and shit. Just don't do the retarded race bait shit, or make 'empowering' characters just for the sake of it.



>vampire hunter outfit for preordering
>can't play as a hunter
What did they mean by this?

Attached: 1540155682378.jpg (800x800, 117K)

yeah definitely that Trump would be a Ventrue.

>at the end of the game
Nice source you have there. You don't do 2 fucking character creators for that


That's wrong though. They confirmed that being a thin-blood is to introduce you to the vampire world so you can make a more informed decision about what clan you want to join. It's designed to replace the questionnaire from VtMB

How studio as shitty as that could make Blacklight Retribution?
Some interns we too good for company and left after they realized this?

Trenchcoat + Katana hunters are a meme

Do you have a source for that? I'm watching the stream and so far Brian only said that you play as thinblood so even lower in the society.

>removing hookers
Never said that
>removing Malks
Never said that, Malks are also in V5

They just said they are going to be more careful about portraying mental illness. AKA no fishmalks

they said you join a clan shorty after not end game you autistic faggit you basically get 2 character creation times

Donald Trump IS obliquely referenced in the Vampire source books, but given White Wolfs political leanings, you don't want to know how. And posting it here would just start a /pol/ shitstorm

The final redpill about VtM is that the vampire factions are just jews trying to out-jew one another.

>They just said they are going to be more careful about portraying mental illness. AKA no fishmalks
Which is good. Though for all people bitch about Malk portrayal, the Doctor was a great example of a Malk.

>AKA no fishmalks
And that's a good thing

Making fun of right wing retards is completely different than identity politics.
There were no gender spectrums and pronouns in the first game. Malkavians will be severely gimped in this game, no way they'll make mental illness funny again.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he's either a Ghoul, or incompetent stooge for a secret society that is controlled by the Camarilla.

>Good guys
>In WoD
>In VtM specifically
Everyone is a villain, you can just choose to be less of a dick about it.

>Playing as walking blood packs

I don't doubt she would if she could. But that's not the vampire's nature.
Really, Beckett is the only one who doesn't see you as a threat or tool in any way, and that mostly has to do with him being by far the most powerful vampire you meet (other than allegedly Caine) and a prideful loner.

I can't find an image of the book clip now but he's mentioned in a blurb about Hunter Societies selling supernatural creature shit on the black market and buying magic drugs to get his dick hard so he can fuck his daughter

It would be interesting to play as a hunter or werewolf for a expansion pack or something like that.

Attached: 1533561989593.jpg (432x432, 82K)

Everyone in that shitty bar threatens to fight you and I bet nobody actually does because they ran out of time.
It, ironically, fits with them being all talk and no action.

70 threads, about the same game, but hey, unlike cyberpunk it isn't 70 threads laughing about the sun.

Attached: well now.gif (253x230, 84K)

Hunters kinda shit all over everything that wasn't a Mage in oWoD once they got some points in their shit.

I am pretty sure that's Hunter:The Vigil aka CofD

Will she return?

Attached: 14-13.png (1012x681, 1.4M)

You forget about Isaac's quests of paying tribute to him like a bitch, Velour's quests where you put her turf in order for her and shit, do I even need to bring up Jeanette and Therese. All of those characters are anarchs, in the same vein that Strauss is camarilla.

no shit when it got announced today

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with them

Attached: 1550581764054.jpg (325x325, 16K)

Yeah but not showing any skin

Maybe we'll get another ghoul GF.

Attached: Feels Hug.png (1500x1383, 126K)


Found it

Attached: 9677b53d87b0dacbf3ffdeb357d0acc2c8af110acad0791e06401e5f786165fa.png (340x520, 365K)

>And posting it here would just start a /pol/ shitstorm

Idgaf, post the book.

>We want to be more tasteful about mental illness in Malkavians
>Neonates choose their clan
after reading that bullshit fucking dropped desu. I'll just keep using the tabletop where my choices aren't made for me on how politically correct I need to be while role playing as a literal fucking monster.

>I was so looking forward to this.
Then your as big of a fool.

Glad I was let down early

It's just the same SJW/Alt-right kikes fabricating outrage over literally nothing. Yea Forums went to shit when goobergate and r/trumpies came over here to vent their teenage rage.

Yeah that's Vigil

>Are you hyped
No. Not yet. We got no gameplay, and it's a Paradox game - which the complete experience will cost 250 bucks. So for now, I have no reason to be hyped

>Some people in the bar have inflammatory comments
>You have to kill LaCroix
>You have to kill Ming
>You have to deal with Strauss' gargoyle fuckup
>limited time
So? That just means they prioritized the Anarchs being treated well over everything else

How does any of this disprove that the game is clearly slanted towards portraying the Anarchs well? In terms of action they are the only ones who ever consistently save you. When LaCroix calls the bloodhunt no one but Jack helps you. When you're a new fledgling no one but Jack helps you. When you get ambushed by Sabbat no one but Nines helps you. When you nearly get executed it is specifically Nines who helps you.

Malkavians, Toreador, Nosferatu, Gangrel, Ravnos, and Giovanni are all problematic so expect to see them watered down for PC culture.
Brujah will be the most heroic clan with the most developed NPCs and most punisment for antagonizing, because "resist"
Ventrue will be villains and you'll get shat on by everyone if you join them.

Im mostly hyped it exists. Kinda dissapointed in the studio choice. Should have been something with more of a troika connection. Don't really see enough to have a proper opinion. But shit is 8 months away so...

Christ, see anyone that writes this kind of absolute dogshit tripe, I reckon they should be forcibly prevented from ever writing for anything ever. This is criminally cringe.

They were Zombie before they changed names to Hardsuit Labs sometime in 2014 or 2015.

Aren't Toredor always going from one passion to another? Even if she did care about you currently it'll eventually wane and she'll move onto the next thing.

I hope not.
I don't think they would have skill to make her return actually well done, or enough will to not turn her into meme/idpol spouting mess.
Also 1000% no attractive tits.

Eh I'd fuck his daughter too.

>existing after the week of nightmares

I can't wait until you play this game on day one (because you pre-ordered it like the spineless faggot that you are), only to find that we were absolutely right.
Your tears will be delicious.

Only thing that will make me drop this game is if they have race politics honestly.

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> I don’t know how much DLC there will be, but I do know that some clans will be added to the game after launch, and that these will be free to all players.


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They literally showed Ventrue or Toreador tits in the trailer

I recall them saying something about how Brujah can be neo nazi's, so I doubt that. Gangrels will just be made into the dindu nuffin clan.

>current year rhetorics
way to kill the hype

>Isaac's quest
Is over a haunted snuff tape where people in his city are getting murdered
is over protecting the Masquerade, not hiding her own fuckup
Hardly count because they are technically both Anarch and Camarilla

>a child's fantasy
It's time to grow up. And I mean it in a good way. If you act this strong over a fucking video game, you must be horrible to be around in real life.

>thinking they won't

I hope you don't think the Malk pc was a good way to design a malkavian.
The good thing was the foreshadowing but holy fuck did it spawn a resurgence of fishmalks

I said this last thread. But it really seems like they bought the license with Obsidian in mind and then that fell through, and they went "well shit, we still wanna make the game"

You're not wrong. That was fanfic tier writing.

is the original actually worth playing? I've heard that the combat is absolute dogshit

The entirety of the Downtown act is you cleaning Nines' shit from the fucking sewers to Brother Vic because they're toothless losers who can't keep their turf safe.

Yes and yes.

In this industry you need to wait for the release to be sure.

>taking banter seriously
My god, how many faggots are one this board?

>over protecting the masquerade
By having the player clean up her dirty work instead of dealing with it himself.

I enjoy rpgs and appreciate a good setting, but I do want to actually enjoy gameplay

Mmmmm fucking Ivanka with supernaturally-powered erections.


The original is very worth playing. The combat is not good by any means, but I still found it fun after you get used to it and get some points in shit. Early on combat is real bad, but you don't necessarily have to do it then

I'm hyped as fuck also ventrue is best clan.

wait what?

holy fuck i never thought this would happen

VtM BL was my favorite game. Who are the people behind this? is it gonna be garbage?

Because the curse prevents them from having sincere and deep rooted feelings.
That's what I meant with "if she could". She literally can't love you even if I bet she (and all of us) wished she could.

And Mitsoda said: “This is the sequel you have been waiting for. It is going to be Bloodlines, as you remember it. But better.”

Anons, I think I might actually be hyped
could it be?

Attached: 1531578030084.jpg (2880x1620, 1.63M)

Probably not, since you don't go in the region that she/they control, from what I understood. At most she might get mentioned, if the game uses your old save.

Senpai... this is a (formerly) White Wolf related product. White Wolf has been ((woke)) since before being ((woke)) was a thing

>By having the player clean up her dirty work instead of dealing with it himself.
Yeah, but it's not a Masquerade violation that she caused, though, unlike Strauss. And you do this shit with every NPC regardless

Worth playing? Absolutely.
Is it a good game? Absolutely not.

You can't consider drivel as banter. In the end, it looks just like some alt-kike faggot backing off with "I was only pretending to be retarded.jpg" or spamming "tranny!". Idiotic. Put some effort into banter or don't write at all.

You are like a little baby
Watch this

Attached: file.png (700x1312, 1.05M)

The combat isn't incredible by any means, but it works. Dated it may be, but it's not quite THAT bad, at least in my opinion.

>AKA no fishmalks
Okay I'm pretty new to this setting (only played VtM:B). What are fishmalks?

t. contrarian

>we can walk walks and are basically like Spiderman (enter a girls window on the 2nd floor to "eat" her - jump from people from above)
They won't let that happen that's rape

Attached: 22312145121.png (600x606, 229K)

*slaps with you a fish* ahAHAhahaHAH I'M CRAZY
*runs off*

>(x) Doubt


>the fucking spiderman wallet
I actually respect Requiem for this fiction

Cara "Hotline Miami 2 triggered me" Ellison.

Obviously there will be 70 threads. Don't you know the cult status this game has? It's literally one of the most adored games on Yea Forums. There being 70 threads shows you it's not just a minority either.

It's when people go overboard with their malks and make them too lolsorandumb.
It's a term for tabletop characters.

>(and all of us)
Speak for yourself faggot.

Looks intersting. I played the original and p&p version. I'm curious how the ruleset and lore have changed. Pre-order price is too high for me, so I will be waiting for sale

I can't remember the last time I saw somebody backpedal so hard.

I mean...if you've ever actual been apart of the VtM rpg community you'd hardly be surprised by this shit. It didn't ruin the first two games, it won't ruin this.

Malks have a sanity drawback. Fisk malks are players who choose lol so random crazy over stuff like my character has ocd or some regular mental illness.

How is that portraying mental illness in a bad way? Sounds annoying though. I always hate the "lol so randumb" character in RPGs. A buddy of mine played one in our D&D campaign. Luckily, he died and switched to a different one.

>could it be?
No. What makes you think Mitsoda didn't go full soi since the first game?

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Malkavians have a bloodline curse that causes them to gain dementia or insanity disorders, in return they gain supernatural insight into the world and sometimes the ability to see the future.'

Because Malkavians are insane, they tend to attract players who wanna be LOL PENGUINS OF DHOOM HOLDS UP SPORK LEL wacky XD, even though that's not really what they're all about AT ALL. So it's a flanderization. The name is a reference to this picture from the sourcebooks

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don't get too hype about Mitsoda
did you play Dead State? the writing is atrocious

Because that kind of mental illness is not nearly as common as you think it is. Most crazies behave completely differently, not to mention that playing something like that is just extremely boring.

I am a fan of the first two games. So more of the same does not scare me.

oh no
she's a belligerent political activist even by RPS standards

Sure but they can avoid it in the game and instead focus on bashing capitalism or whatever they want.

Race baiting only appeals to actual racists.

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What makes me most happy is this will harken the return of VtM generals.

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t. literal backpedal


yeah but they are gonna be /pol/ infested now. Have fun!

monkey paw right there

Says the literal homosexual who wouldn't like goth vampire stripper mommy being in love with him.

This is the perfect kind of fucked up

>Beckett is the only one who doesn't see you as a threat or tool in any way, and that mostly has to do with him being by far the most powerful vampire you meet

Wait, Beckett is more powerful than Jack, the sheriff, Andrei and Pisha?

they'll get bored of calling it "SJW shit" and then, fingers crossed, only people who care will be left

This, retards want to play The Joker. People with brains realize they could play Batman instead.

>as the objective good guys
I'm pretty sure the game tried it's hardest to portray them as unstable angsty hypocrites
only Jack was more or less a "I just do my own thing" character

>Race baiting only appeals to actual racists.
So the entire democratic party and their voter base.

yeah but race politics specifically wasn't part of that
the old sourcebooks couldn't stress enough that shit humans bicker about mean nothing to vampires, it's just not part of their identity
now we have race / religion / gay activist vampires, i'm sure i don't need to post Rudi in this thread too

>Paradox publisher
>feminist RPS writers
>this bullshit
I can't stop laughing

>it didnt ruin the games that were made in a completely different political climate, so this one totally won't be shit
>right guys?
>we're still hype for our social justice vampire game right?

>they'll get bored of calling it "SJW shit"
You are far more optimistic than i am
The sheriff is just brute force.
Jack is significantly older but higher generation. It's unclear who'd win
We don't know much about Pisha same with Andrei

the idea is the bloodline curse relates to the Malkavians going insane because they KNOW TOO MUCH. Their insight is too high. They gained their curse because their originator, Malkan, tried to transcend reality by destroying his ability to filter it so he would literally perceive all things. This drove him completely bugfuck insane, and this passed down to his Childer. All Malkavians are connected by the Madness Network, which is a sort of pseudo hive mind that whispers to them secret truths (or lies) as perceived through the multitudinous layers of reality - which may or may not be pertinent to YOUR layer of reality.

Yeah, the issue with Rudi is he's still concerned about "mortal minorities" which is awefully goddamn dumb/wierd for a Vampire; and in a correctly run Game would be an example of how fresh-born-wet new he is; still thinking like a human about dumb human shit. But then, Vampire is about that Journey where you slowly drift away from your humanity and then wake up one night centuries later and don't even recognize yourself and the dead hooker isn't even a concern, just Tuesday

>fingers crossed, only reddit tourists and resetera discord trannies who care will be left
if thats the hill you wanna die on, sure

i'm gonna Sabbat Nosferatu this shit up

>Because that kind of mental illness is not nearly as common as you think it is
I know it isn't, but it still exists.
>Most crazies behave completely differently,
Yeah I know, but it's pretty hard to play shattered sanity if you have no experience with it.
>not to mention that playing something like that is just extremely boring.
100% agree. And obnoxious for the rest of the group. Maybe if you played it in a way where your 'wacky' nature only comes up when in extremely stressful situations and that there's something deeper rooted below it or whatever. I have yet to meet the guy that does 'wacky crazy' in a good way in an RPG. There's this DM of another group that I know, who is apparently very skilled in playing a wacky antagonist. I really want to join their group to experience that.

Instead of race baiting they should clan bait, it's more tasteful and fun.
>getting talked down to by ventrue

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>developers pushing their own political agendas is in no way indicative of the quality of a video game
It's not. Next.

the previous composer sad he wouldn't be able to make another soundtrack like it ever again.

he did it all in 2 weeks after getting out of jail

Thanks for the insight user. I knew from VtM:B that Malks hear voices which do not always tell the truth, but I didn't really know the lore behind it. Again, thanks for the explanation.

That would be problematic user

Oi, cunts.
Do we have a pastebin for bloodlines.
I wanna try it out now and don't wanna go through ancient text boards.

in your dreams gaiboi
VtMB is 2nd-3rd favourite game ever, if the only fun i'm getting out of the sequel is screeching about how it's full of far-left political garbage, then that's what i'll do

These games have always been SJW to people on /pol/. You have commies and gay characters, therefore it's SJW.

Pic related is all you'll ever need.

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nah. They will just find the twitter feed of everyone involved in it and just scour everyday for some screencaps.

>different political climate
the far left has been spouting the same shit since the 60s, calling them SJWs is the only thing that's different. I'm telling you, the same people in the VtM rpg groups all believed and spouted that shit in 2000 as much as they do now. Everyone was a genderqueer snowflake prooun vampire, the game always attracted these types.

Boku no thanks, my pico.

the exact story has changed across editions, but you have the gist. They hear voices, which may or may not be telling the truth. The Malkavian PC in the original VTMB is sort of half fish-malk (with their weird singsong cadence, FUCK YOU STOP SIGN, their bizzare text etc) and also half well done Malk because they know things they shouldn't and REALLY unnerve the people around them.

For a better example, the thinblood on the santa monica beach who tells you not to open it? Malkavian. She has visions she can't make sense of. It's like that, just weaker in her because she's a thin blood.

>jet black Assamite qts

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He's 7th gen. Jack is strong through age and experience, but 10th gen. Pisha, Andrei and the Sheriff are strong because of their clan/bloodline, but still way less potent.

You will play nosferatu, right Yea Forums?

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Fuck nazis and fuck pol

How rent free do you have to be

I hope there's some cute black vampires to romance

I unironically agree

What gen is the player?

What's the source of Rudi btw? People keep posting the screenshot, but never provide the source of it.


I agree but going too hard on the politics would only hurt the game.

install Wesp's mod and don't spread your xp too thin
apart from that, play as you want
there's really no need to read guides and shit, actual gameplay is piss easy so you don't need to minmax

>the people creating the game have no influence over how the game will be made
Literally you.

>no gameplay shown
>old devs are totaly here, implying they were good
>2019 politics
This is cyberpunk 2.0 vaporware.

Pretty sure the Sheriff is 7th gen.
He's using a level 6 vicissitude power

And up until 2016 you could just call them retards and tell them to shut the fuck up.
Now they own the media and disagreeing with their bullshit gets you doxxed and fired.

>What Clan are you going to play as first?
I've really become a fan of Toreador lately but they said the combat will be melee-oriented so I might go Gangrel to make the most of it. I know that guns aren't completely missing but still. I also can legitimately see Nosferatu being completely dropped as an option.

>look guys! Its left!
>libtards lol!
>why are you all playing the videogame? youre all libtards too!
>i-im h-having f-un i swear!

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it's from some v5 sourcebook, possibly the core rulebook

Based vidya supporter.

for an audience that was never gonna buy it, if they played bloodlines today they'd complain too

>the far left has been spouting the same shit since the 60s, calling them SJWs is the only thing that's different
Yeah, no. I've been left my entire voting life, but I've been put away as nazi lately because of my 'toxic' viewpoints (such as being obese excluding you from being healthy, or that being transsexual does not give you additional rights). SJWs are a thing of the past decade and they've been growing in force. The left is nothing like it was in the 60s, stop pretending you'd know.

>Are you hyped, Yea Forums?

No. I'll wait to see more of it before thinking it might be good.


do you even know what vaporware means? it's going to release just might be shit

I didn't imply that. Are you retarded?

>>mainly (minor) "bad" things about the game
paradox publsihing isnt a minor thing, and neither is fucking rock paper shotgun writers

Bloodlines was political as fuck though. I would hate for them to play it safe cause politics in videogames is a touchy subject for fags who dont even play them.

>ps4 and xbone

I somehow doubt it but other than that it was a very nice trailer.

the PC's power and ability to use disciplines is far in excess of what it should be, since iirc he's something like Gen 8 or damn near thinblood. This is explained either via unintentional Diablerie, or through Caine being there (where too...?) juicing you up during the game for the luls.

uhh the majority of western media is owned by a far right mogul what the hell are you talking about

ahem, your US centric view of the world is showing, stop reading /pol/ and thinking fat americans on tumblr represent anything the rest of the world calls 'left'

SJWs don't buy shit so I guess we already know how well this game will do.

What is best way to get into lore? (Played only VtM:B)

Well, not to generalize, but a vast majority yes. Not to say the other side isn't equally racist, but at least they're not pretending like they're the ones who are actively fighting it.

I'm excited about shovel wielding brehs

is that why its already top seller on steam?

It's a loresheet from the core.

I think some leftist things and lgbt belongs in the game but going too hard on it would be bad for a game with a normalfag target audience.

No one except amerilards enjoy screaming about race.

read the RPG books, /tg/ has pdfs

There isn't a single right-leaning media outlet in mainstream media today.

someone should also post the passage where they forbid you fom playing their game if you hold right-wing beliefs

is this real?

Attached: juNoDxT.png (1430x804, 284K)

I'm Dutch. The American media shitflinging is slowly drifting over here as well. A party that 'won' the local elections is being called alt-right like a derogatory term. I don't agree with their viewpoints either and think the party leader is a windbag who has no idea what he's talking about, but the polarizing nature of America's politics is seeping into our pores as well. I've been called a nazi by Dutch people for saying that HAES is bullshit and that transgenders don't deserve additional benefits (like their own bathrooms, or people NEEDING to adress them correctly).


Someone should learn to read. And it's probably you.

>opressed and repressed minorities in vampire society
Why the fuck would vampires care about sex stuff anyway?

>I can't accept reality

>have to pick your political alignment when creating your character
>I give zero shits about all politics
Just fuck my shit up


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>would be an example of how fresh-born-wet new he is; still thinking like a human about dumb human shit
shows you how little the new writers care about the game
politics absolutely take precedence over the game for them

Because the people writing them are cultists.
It literally makes no sense but you gotta make up others to fight against when you write propaganda.

>i'm a nazi

>I'm a onions-filled NPC faggot who is posting this from his cuckshed because the bull is visiting.

>I've been called a nazi
This will continue until people in general stop caring about such labels.

probably the best way to some them up in just one word

Yes, but it's from a newer edition, one fans don't like as much
They wouldn't, which in a reasonable game would be evidence of how wet behind the ears Rudi is.

Yes, you are.

>something like Gen 8 or damn near thinblood

Gen 8 is absolutely nowhere near thin-blooded, what are you on about. Disciplines up to level 5 are congruent with 8th generation.

>Misogynistic elders
jesus. I'm not an expert on the lore, but doesn't their entire society revolve around power?

Because vampires don't fucking drop everything they believed in or cared about when they get embraced.
It's literally a theme that most vampires become stuck in what they believed or cared about as a mortal. It's why the entire system is feudalic, because every old shit with power basically grew up in the middle ages.
Fuck there's a long and pretty great section about the relationship of Faith and Kindred in the Camarilla book

Attached: file.png (522x492, 52K)

New thread:

need more context on this; I know the company closed and reformed as Hardsuit Labs in 2015, but did all of that involve a serious change of management and development team?

I really hope the devs that made these turds aren't still there

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Yes, all this crap doesn't make sense unless the vampire was literally sired fucking today, and someone sired today other than the protag shouldn't be a power player in the setting.

Why would you link the subtle thread in this dumpster fire faggot?

>If you don't like this lying slut you are gay
Dumb faggot. I fucked Jeanette and wanted to waifu that asian demon hunter. Jeanette at least doesn't try to hid the fact she's a slut.

>all this crap doesn't make sense unless the vampire was literally sired fucking today
I thought that's what it was implying.

>and someone sired today other than the protag shouldn't be a power player in the setting
You realise this is for the tabletop right?

I'm sure all this shitposting about "progressive" views are just Yea Forums overreacting, r-right?

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it will be nothing but sjw crap won´t it?

Yeah, Rudi doesn't make sense there either. He's literally the character the original books adviced you not to make because you'd be on blood hunt or a Sabbath altar immediately.
But politics matter more than a consistent game for the cultists making all the new games.

Honestly, I'm not so worried. VtM was always over the top so even fringe leftist drivel like this is going to fit in the setting.

Yes, that much is clear, but it's compounding bullshit that the character is a fucking baby borderline thin-blooded neonate and elders fear him because he brings the revolution or some such crap.

wish arkane studio was behind this one. dishonered was in gameplay terms very similar to bloodlines.

I saw this yesterday and genuinely thought it was fake, I didn't think for a second it could possibly be real. I think I replied with something like "this is well made, looks real". But now that I've seen I wish it was fake

Well, to be fair, even the dumbest little tadpole can start a fucking jyhad by agitating. You don't NEED power necessarily to lead, just powerful backing to keep from getting crushed. And Anarchs (and especially Brujah) tend to be hotheads who follow their "hearts".

I completely agree the way it's written is dumb and is out of touch with the tone and realities of the setting. I also fully admit my rationalizations about it are just a salvage job. But it CAN be salvaged, at the very least. When the writers wrote, they were probably in exactly the kind of mind you worry they had. But, you CAN still fear someone starting shit, even if they themselves are a bit player. Vampire society is just that volatile.

spasibo user!

Mate there's been writing about a thin-blood revolution since the original Gehenna plots of VtM.

>it CAN be salvaged
Yeah, starting with some Muslim faith-hunters who stone this fag to death.