Shit posters eternally BTFO

>Shit posters eternally BTFO
>Capgod is back
Also general DMC thread

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E-Except Street Fighter V.

Literally FOUR FUCKING MONTHS without an announcement.

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You have 3 fucking threads
are you absolute seething at Sekiro?

Not gonna lie user, completely forgot Street fighter 5 even existed

Stay mad souls fag

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Except for Monster Hunter World. Capcom had one fucking job and they released a casualized unbalanced mess. Just because it's on a proper platform now, doesn't mean it shouldn't be held to the same standard as vanilla 4.

Oh, and releasw a GOOD fighting game. SFV and MvCI are grade A kusoge.

Except for Mega Man 11?

how did we from kh3 vs XV to dmc5 vs sekiro?

Except for Mega Man 11? That game was ass.

Doesn't sound that much but i'm glad it's not a flop

>t. samefag
megaman 11 was decent though it definitely could have been better but saying it was ass is just fucking wrong

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I'm pretty sure everyone has given up in sfv at this point. Even commentators and pros are starting to talk about sf6 and they usually get news ahead of most people. If they're starting to talk about sf6 instead of sfv updates then you know shit has gotten beyond bleak.

It doesn't help that kage is a shitty character to kick off s4 that was a half assed attempt at reinventing evil ryu like oni did for akuma, but failed spectacularly because unlike oni almost all of kages move set is worthless and doesn't do shit for damage, completely nullifying his reason for having less health than more well rounded characters.

Its just baseless deflection mostly from one notorious shitposter. Fans between those games don't hold any ill will to each other. I personally love the kh games and the dmc series as much as I do gow or ng.

Its not compared to most aaa titles. But it is outselling the reboot and is easily going to overthrow every previous dmc in terms of sales and reception at this rate. Also since capcom has stopped trying to chase insane numbers with the western audiences like inafune told them to, 2mil as is should be enough to consider the game a decent success since capcom and other companies are starting to address that niches exist and they don't need to sell 10+mill off every series to consider them successful.

shut the fuck up dude literally no one cares about your shitty attempt at making two fan bases fight each other you Activision shill

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i cant take it, unga bunga man has no good gap closer
i fucking hate fighting vergil with this guy

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>hard way
>wire snatch
that should do for normal fights as for vergil, try to stay close to him, when he's staggered use a charged buster arm cause that deals a fuck ton of damage, stack one or two overture bombs on him too. when he DT's, just dodge around and fire charged blue rose shots at the start of his judgement cut. when he uses doppleganger just snatch and r2 buster the doppleganger cause that's an instant kill and one less headache to deal with

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Doppelganger also dies to 1 (ONE) charged shot in DT. Vergil fight was pretty free desu, it is meant as a victory lap

>DMCuck calling others shitposters

Fucking irony

How do you do the double grab on Virgil and his doppelganger? Just use buster on his double when they're close together?

>seething at the fact that dmc 5 didnt sell 100,000 copies like he was led to believe
it gets easier to cope once you've accepted that you just got your ass blasted out user

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as long as you charged buster or DT r2 buster (charged buster does more damage tho) vergil in his devil trigger you'll get the double grab. you can also buster him when he's flying around

why are dmc fags such liars?

remeber how just a few days ago you fucks were going around saying dmc5 sold 3m on steam alone?

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>one dmc fag being wrong
>"every dmc fag is a liar"
literally just shut the fuck up retard

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every dmcuck was parading around at dmc doing 3m, and even after being told it's sub 500k on steam the dmcucks just deflected to "durr steamspy isnt accurate anymore" meme

>you can also buster him when he's flying around
Fuck, really? I don’t know why I never tried that. Couldn’t you do the same thing with Echidna in 4 when she starts flying?

You could do it to most 4 bosses, and you can do it to most 5 bosses too.

> If they're starting to talk about sf6 instead of sfv updates then you know shit has gotten beyond bleak.
This would be REALLY shitty because I LOVE Street Fighter V and wanted it to be good this entire time. I've bought every season pass and a lot of costumes, so, I'd feel a little bit ripped that I "invested" so much into this game only for them to come out with another one. I can't say that it was a waste though, I guess I did play it for 1300+ hours.

It just sucks the game never really got to a point where people "liked" it as much as they did Street Fighter IV.

Yeah you could, being able to buster most, if not all bosses made bloody palace pretty fun as nero imo