Me playing games as a kid: haha this is fun despite me failing

me playing games as a kid: haha this is fun despite me failing

me playing games as an adult: i need to win, i need this achievement

why can’t i just enjoy games lads

Attached: 95728C75-2A1C-4EE6-8146-9FD8B5535114.jpg (751x773, 374K)

Games are no longer made to be enjoyed.

>caring about achievements
You're still a kid, stop lying.

I only ever try for trophies if I've beat the game 2 or 3 times and I'm looking to spice it up. First run should be totally blind.

Man these mousepads are actually horrible to use and extremely unergronomic.
It's like they exist solely to slap your dick on rather than to actually use as a mousepad.

games stopped being good when gaming/the internet became mainstream. it's not about making a fun game any more. it's about business, profit and trying to appeal to the average brainlet.

Attached: 9stm.png (1428x382, 165K)

You're just a jaded asshole

Stop playing bad games.
Go back to your roots and find what you used to find fun about your favorite games and go from there.

I bought one and it really helped stop the annoying feeling I got in my palmaris brevis when I was on the computer for too long

Attached: hand-muscles-2.jpg (800x800, 67K)

>me playing games as an adult: I've been playing for thirty minutes and I'm tired is the game almost over yet so I can go back to doing nothing

Attached: 1552442679182.png (760x839, 760K)

>me playing games as an adult: i need to win, i need this achievement
I've been like this since I was a kid

Artist name?

It's a mousepad, not an art piece.

>me playing games as an adult: how can I jerk off to this?

Attached: 1542482666502.jpg (1024x572, 35K)

i bought this mass pad and that asshole stank

can you describe the smell

exact opposite happened with me, when i was a kid i would stop playing a game if i was shit at it and now im like Hell yeah i love games! (even when i suck)

i also do not play new games.

When I was a kid I always tried to discover all the secrets in games like Zelda or Starfox. Why ? Because it's what you do when you can get only 3 games per year.
Nowadays I only care about the secrets in DS 1-2-3 because I like the setting, and quickly move on other games (thanks Steam sales). I never got Platinum on a game because I simply don't care about that kind of shit. If I want something hard or competitive I play MP.

Yes and someone drew the art on it

What is even the point of these mousepads?

when I was a kid I was able to beat rayman
now I couldnt get past viking mom
where did my motor functions go to

Space mom and eat at joe's are the only actual hard parts of the game though.
You probably just forgot how much patience you had as a kid.

when I finish jacking off I make sure to take a big fat shit right after

Achievements/stats/leaderboards/etc killed off playing games purely for fun. It's all about epeen and more notches on your belt, now.