Nu-Valve is so fucking embarrassing

>Lets make our own controller
>Lets make our own hardware
>Lets make our own OS
>Lets make a new engine based on our old one
Hasn't happened and will probably never happen
>Lets do VR
>Lets sell movies and TV shows
>Lets make a card game
>Lets make a real game!
But sir, all our real devs left years ago.

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Other urls found in this thread: make our own controller/image/E6KmM2BK8aFNc5QbaXYvqg/type/op/

>But sir, all our real devs left years ago.
Stopped reading right there.

Cannot disagree

You're getting old and afraid of change, it's ok, you don't actually give a shit about any of this, do you?

yeah me too, cause it was the end of the post

>let's maintain our PC monopoly

God bless Epic, Tencent and China

I actually like the Steam controller and use it regularly though. Same with Steam Link whenever I feel like vidyaing in my living room.
My Vive is great too.

I'll give you everything else though.

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>Let's sell porn games

>>Lets make a new engine based on our old one
>Hasn't happened and will probably never happen
OP confirmed retard

5 star post user

They do okay with dota at least. This is coming from someone who has been playing for 10 years though

There's new source engine?

Jesus you epic shills are really going out right now

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Reminder to sage and report Epic spam threads. make our own controller/image/E6KmM2BK8aFNc5QbaXYvqg/type/op/ make our own controller/image/E6KmM2BK8aFNc5QbaXYvqg/type/op/ make our own controller/image/E6KmM2BK8aFNc5QbaXYvqg/type/op/
Reminder to sage and report Epic spam threads.

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Source 2. Only game using it so far is DOTA 2

>Hasn't happened and will probably never happen
DOTA 2 is valve's most popular title and it runs on source 2. neck yourself

source 2 exists, dota 2 uses it along with artifact, most of The Lab

Why do Yea Forumstards spell neo as "nu"?

At least they're trying new shit instead of just letting themselves stagnate while cranking out shithouse derivative cookie cutter sequels out every year like 99% of modern AAA game developers do now.

Would be nice if they'd quit fucking around and make HL3 already though.

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let's agree to disagree.

>>Lets make our own OS
What I would give for this to have been successful. I'm so sick of there being no vidya OS alternatives.

Proton is our last hope for gaming to be saved and Valve is funding it.


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I don't give a fuck about epic but who the actual fucking piss stained retarded pant shitting fuck thought putting a fucking trackpad on a controller was a good idea?
Fucking kys retard.

My favorite joke was
>Let's censor weeb games (because we made the mistake of hiring a feminist)
>Let's backpedal as hard as possible and allow actual porn in Steam
>Let's backpedal from our backpedaling and start blocking porn games now
>Let's not have any consistency or integrity whatsoever

>At least they're trying new shit instead of just letting themselves stagnate

Dude, they have already stagnated to a point where only thing they CAN do is update Steam. That's the point. They TRY new things but they don't have the talent anymore to stick the landing with any of them.

Dota 2 is on Source 2 user

to be fair shit like Rapeday should not be on the store.
Not on the grounds that it's edgy shit trying to garner attention but because it's an asset flip.

Literally just have quality control based on compliance in the game's assets, code and playability.
Then ignore how explicit it is up to the extent that the law permits (i.e no CP or footage of real beheading obviously).

It's not that hard.

>to be fair shit like Rapeday should not be on the store.
>Not on the grounds that it's edgy shit trying to garner attention but because it's an asset flip.

I agree but we both know Valve blocking it had nothing to do with its lack of quality.

Anyone have a backup link?
valve is making a new headset with foot tracking

artifact is going mobile they're changing the engine to unity

>At least they're trying new shit
>linux os
>steam box
>card game

dang, the epic shill went hard on this one

perhaps, but I think a game with rape could have justified itself a lot better if it had an apparent quality that could justify it.
There ARE games on Steam with rape as a narrative element, they just aren't shitty VNs made with Affect3D stills thrown together in a day to troll the system.

>Thread dies for this bullshit
I hate the both of you guys. I can't believe we've sunk so low we're fanboying over stores rather than the games themselves. The stores are not your friends, they don't care about you, and only want money.

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I'm getting Metro for free, but I'll just pirate it so I don't have to download your shitty store.

Everyone defending the epic store is a shill, anyone pretending to be neutral is a shill too. Just like you.

What was the channel that hosted it?