Do you guys think the devs should spent just a bit more time on this game?

Resident Evil 2 was quite a good game but it really did seem kinda incomplete with the whole B scenario, especially with how the characters face off against the same enemies and the lack of spiders and crows.

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Really felt like there were some missed opportunities with all the concept art that they had

Attached: re2-poison-ivy.jpg (1260x710, 151K)

Lab should have been much longer too

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Indeed, my dude.

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OG Resident Evil 2 can never be beat desu

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I just want my Extreme Battle mode damn it

Attached: Extreme_Battle.jpg (500x375, 194K)

How is it that a small Japanese development team who barely spoke english made a more coherent story in 1998 than the 2019 team that had actual hired writers......

Let hype-hypnotized zoomers say what they will, but the RE2/019 was flawed and rushed as fuck.

Another 6 months of dev-time, all to make the A & B scenarios be as distinct as in the original, plus implement some decent, expanded Zapping system, would made the experience 200% better already.
Restore the cut enemies, add a couple new ones, and figure out some other balancing systems besides bullshit bullet sponges, and it'd been practically perfect re-imagination.

Dedication, artistic understanding of things, and "soul".
Team-Silent was pretty much the same, and they created some of the best westaboo titles of all time.

>the fucking factory was planned
>was going to be huge new section

Yeah man. I think I got my hype really high up for the game.
It already sold more than 5 million copies so far (including PC copies).
Maybe we can get some director's cut version in the future.

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What a missed opportunity. Sad really

what hurts the most is knowing that they most likely rushed the release as they really wanted to drop the game during RE2's 20th anniversary in 2018, but failed to deliver it in time.
Should've just made it into a summer 2019 title instead.

Attached: re2m classic inventory 1.jpg (770x450, 62K)

Which is so fucking stupid
Who gives a shit if it comes out on 19th or 20th or 21st anniversary.

Also I would have loved if THAT was the UI in the game.

Finished it on Hard with no hud on my first run.
Dont feel like playing it again.
Good game tho.

But they added the orfanarium!!!!!!!

Maybe a battle mode, but they should just put their development time into RE3/8

Which was barely explored and had no enemies.
I was expecting some zombie children

Jill in pure HD

Attached: axxau6sg07c21.jpg (720x970, 69K)

Most devs don't care as much, user
Back when PS1 has shit graphics, they made do with kickass ideas/story and beautiful pre-rendered backgrounds
Now it's all about graphics and making things "look realistic"

A bit more time maybe,

The main Gripe for me was just that the B Side game for both sides was just a waste. As much a Meme as Mr X has been, having the two scenarios with a bit more difference would've made it more enjoyable.
Oh and Claire and Leon didn't interact much,
So like, In the A game, you hit a certain point and you get a call from the B player going "Hey i moved that X in Room X theres a door behind it its clear now"
Then in the B Game you actually do that.

Now thats out of the way.

she looks like she fucks asian guys

oh wait...

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No. 3 solid years of development was a long fucking time. Im happy with what i got.

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Christ almighty, stop posting this shit in every RE thread. besides she doesn't even fuck this guy.

Attached: Cucked.png (617x376, 43K)

Fuck I wish.

>they actually had a cool concept of a facility out in the woods

Damn, the concept art alone looks awesome. Missed opportunity. The labs are too sterile and the sewers are too chaotic, an industrial in between these two would've fit nicely.

I knew the lab entrance being right inside the sewers was the result of the game being rushed.

>remake a ps1 game from 21 years ago
>have a much larger development team this time around and probably relatively much larger budget
>still barely remake like 75% if the game
what went wrong

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They had freedom back then, they worked more like a group of friends creating something than an actual development team.
It's the same case with Silent Hill where the art director and writer all had a say in how the whole game was supposed to look and feel.

RE1 had the same thing, the scenario writer was the one who explained to the team how the game's atmosphere was supposed to feel and he oversaw the entire development, he didn't just write the script and went do something else like it happens with modern hired writers.

Thanks to this level of autism, things ended up highly detailed and interesting.

Obviously, but they never intended to do B routes to begin with. They only did it due to backlash when people were mad they didn't do it.

7 had a factory too and we didn't get to explore that either. fuckin hell.

The RE2 factory is something i dream of ever since the remake was announced and finding out they actually planned to create it but ended up canning the idea is just painful.
The entire concept art looks awesome, it's more or less what i had in mind.
Hopefully in the RE3 remake they add similar areas at least.

A scenario was almost perfect, but B scenario definitely felt rushed.

Yes, the B scenarios are extremely disappointing.

It definitely did feel incomplete. 2nd run felt completely pointless since there's no zapping system. I agree with the one user that suggested the campaigns should have been longer. Mods are the only reason I replay this now. I still prefer RE2 over REmake 2.

I seriously hate when devs always cut out the potentially good stuff.

This was also a huge disappointment as well. They should've at least added different game modes instead of 4th survivor rehashes desu.

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