Console retards

How can anyone be ok with consoles existing? It's like a company selling an overpriced pre-built PC with less functions than a normal one then paying game developers to make games exclusively for them.
It's literally just companies stealing money from you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I pay a couple hundred bucks, and I know that if I put in a disk, or download a game from their online store, it will run without issue. It's that simple for me. I am willing to pay for that convenience.

What issue do you get with a normal PC?

>overpriced prebuilt pc
You're not getting a pc that runs better than an xbox one x for $500.

Use my Xbox One X to play 4k HDR Blu-Rays, use my PS4 for exclusives and PT demo (may hold out on 5 until something good comes around). Use the Switch for, well it's pretty obvious why.

I know my PC will run a game without issue because it was built for gaming, and I paid around the same price that PS4/Xbone cost when they were new with easily better performance (for example, GTA V at 60+FPS while consoles run at


>i've been mislead by people who are paid to post on gaming forums

user this isn't a
>ITT it's 2005 thread
this was never really a legitimate argument outside of facebook grandma's but in the modern world it REALLY does not apply.

Oh and that extra $50 is 10 less than the $60 a year to play online with a console, look at that.
Build a PC and you're paying even less than that. Try again kiddo.

>overpriced pre-built

>Try again kiddo.
Back at you lmao

Ok. I paid $200 for my PS4. I don't play online, so I don't pay for PS+. I only ever purchase games that are on flash sales for under $20. Build me a computer that doesn't use Windows (7 loses support in less than a year anyways, and 8/10 are data miners; also dual booting is too inconvenient) that beats those prices and can play The Witcher 3 at PS4 levels.

Also, include the cost of actually building it, or give a price of it being pre-built, because I'm not taking the time to build my own (remember, I was willing to pay for that convenience with the PS4).

Seething. I can buy whatever the fuck I want, cuck.

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A 550 will absolutely not run faster than an X, let alone match up to an X’s power.

Yes you are
Maybe not in Muttmerica

if you're not retarded and area willing to have your digital blades of grass look less real, consoles are fine. cheaper than PCs senpai

I'm still waiting for a response to this:

Pirate everything
Get a modded windows OST
Build the PC yourself
You saved all the money

I only use handhelds
also I'm cheap

>Pirate everything
Why? I thought games were cheaper on PC.
>Get a modded windows OST
I'm not sinking the time into modding it myself, and I don't trust strangers on the internet.
>Build the PC yourself
I literally said you needed to include the price of someone else building it, as I am willing to pay for that convenience.

See, I originally argued that the PS4 will cost 200 bucks, comes pre-built, and will run every game released for it without issue. I was told that I had a dated mentality. I threw down a price limit, and some simple demands (like I don't build it myself, so it's either a prebuilt or you throw in the cost of labor to your pricing), and you couldn't even meet that demand when talking in vagaries, rather than showing me a computer that does everything I'd want it to do at a cost no greater than $200.

>consoles are using data centers as their hardware, 8k 144fps is the standard
>pc still struggles with 4k 60fps and leaving toaster rigs behind
So much for being a masterrace, huh? The console market has single handedly done more for moving the industry forward than PC where everyday there's an incel outrage.

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You realize that Google said they aren't making a console, right?

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>muh GAMING industry
games are minor entertainment, PCs have a purpose past installing games on them
only manchildren own consoles

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I work as a power plant operator. PCs are supplied to us, but we can't connect them to the internet for security reasons. Still, they do the job just fine.

Tell me, what do I need a computer for, beyond entertainment?

The worst part's you can't buy multiple consoles because buying multiple graphics cards to do the same thing seems economically and morally wrong so you still have to fight in the console wars. Or is that the best thing?

buying airplane tickets, if not you then someone will end up using a computer to purchase them either way, online shopping, checking your stocks and all that /biz/ shit

Anthem says hi

My smartphone handles that.

storage, editing, quickly browsing the internet, dodging bans, creating useful material, access to a ton of programs with functions you won't find on other platforms, talking remotely with friends for free, etc

Editing what?
>Quickly browsing the internet
>Dodging bans
VPNs work on smart phones, too.
>Creating useful material
like what?
>Access to a ton of programs with functions you won't find on other platforms
What do I need that for?
>Talking remotely with friends for free
Riot, Wire, Signal, etc all work with smart phones.

It is. We should have had something like Steam Link 20 years earlier.

I'm a console and PC user but here are some reasons people like using consoles
>fighting games feel more at home on console
>jrpgs feel more at home on console
>party games feel more at home on console
>physical media is nice
>basically no issues with compatibility
>sitting on a couch is comfy
>PC gaming has more of a basement dweller stigma
>some people are just bumblefucks that can't computer
It's definitely a lot of subjective reasons, but consoles definitely have a role.

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>VPNs work on smart phones, too
VPNs cost money and are not to be trusted, aint paying for that shit
>>Quickly browsing the internet
that's a snail's pace in comparison
>like what?
>What do I need that for?
presentations, charts, image editing, accessing information anonymously, torrenting media for free, hosting, watching live television for free, etc

>PC gaming has more of a basement dweller stigma
in the land of the free maybe

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Consoles are cheaper and more streamlined. Also couch gaming > desk gaming.

I don't need to make presentations (and if I did, it would be done at work and I could use one of their computers). Ditto for charts.

Image editing, torrenting media, and watching live TV falls into entertainment, so should be discounted due to the claim made here:
I have nothing that I need hosted that wouldn't fall into "entertainment."

Accessing information anonymously can be done with a smart phone. There are even Tor browsers.

The entire purpose of me having my shitty laptop that I got for 80 bucks 2 years ago is for entertainment purposes.

>PC gaymen

Attached: heh.gif (500x354, 259K)

>Image editing is entertainment
I dunno which is better, you saying that just because you never do anything that you can use a computer for means they're unnecessary or this.

Streaming a game that is playing on a data center/suped up PC is like saying you own a Bugatti because you're driving one in Need for Speed.

>Accessing information anonymously can be done with a smart phone

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It's not in my job description to edit images. Anything not relating to earning an income can be seen as entertainment. I was told that PCs have a purpose past entertainment. I do not argue that this is the case for some people, but it certainly isn't the case for all. Hell, given the number of people who work industrial and retail, I'm guessing it's not the case for MOST people.

Give an example as to how I'm wrong if I'm using a TOR browser that masks my user agent.

>Accessing information anonymously can be done with a smart phone.
>Tor browser means you're protected rite
Christ you really are a consolefag.

How can one be so buttdevastated about what other people play games on?
Also post Speccy, I have a theory only relative poorfags make these threads.

>having a shit build is an issue and somehow not you retard’s fault

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Because supporting those thieves financially is what allows them to exist in the first place.

Yes PC is so great, I spent 3 thousand dollars on my BAS ASS computer and play great EXCLUSIVE games like... um.. heh heh anyways can't wait to play the outer worlds on the Epic™ Store!

>*sucks 2 inch Chinese cock*

Consoles are for children.

I said I want convenience. I was told convenience was not an issue when it came to using PCs, that PCs are just as convenient as consoles.

All I'm asking for is proof by showing me a computer which can be bought for 200 or less that matches the PS4. If it's to be built, the cost of paying someone to build it needs to be accounted for, because it's included with the PS4.

The fact that you aren't posting an image with all the parts I need, giving me a time for how long it would take to assemble, posting someone's hourly rate, and having all those costs come in at no greater than $200 leads me to believe that it's not as cheap/convenient as a PS4.

I have enough money, i want those exclusives. I'm playing all the games I want with no regrets. I also dont want to wait a year before game x moves from ps4 to pc or a few years before i can emulate them. By that time newer games have released and i want to play those aswell