One Sony PlayStation 4 Pro for $299 as well as the defining games of this generation such as Bloodborne, God of War, Spider-Man, and dozens more along with nearly every single multipat this gen please.
One Sony PlayStation 4 Pro for $299 as well as the defining games of this generation such as Bloodborne, God of War...
>only worth exclusive
>hard microstuttering
>fps sometimes drops under 20
One Nintendo Switch copy for $299 as well as the defining games of this generation such as Super Mario Odyssey, BOTW, Splatoon, and dozens more along with nearly every single indie game this gen please.
At least post videos with a good resolution.
I wonder if Sony will every get an exclusive that's a 97 or higher.
If frames were cut instead to save filesize pkeks would go apeshit with shitposting
those are
not the kind of games I play
way to drawn out, keep it nice and short instead of ranting like a spastic
Let alone TWO in the same year!
>Super Mario Odyssey
Pile of shit
Pile of shit
Pile of shit
>and dozens more
Pile of shit
>along with nearly every single indie game this gen
Pile of shit
Sony wins again baby
>"Sir, im going to have to ask you to put on a shirt and also zip up your damn pants. I don't get paid enough to see your wang."
>"So either buy one of our many shirts and put that on or I will have to ask you to kindly leave. Thank you."
Great thread
*beats your ass*
Now what bingtendie?
Sonincles crack me up desu
Yeah, I'll give you that, but BoTW, Odyssey, and Splatoon were all Nintendo exclusive.
very based
>PS4 Pro
Pile of shit
>God of war
Pile of shit
Pile of shit
>and dozens more
Pile of shit
>along with nearly every single multipat this gen
Pile of shit
Nintendo wins again baby
>He forgets the cameras
And with that, your ass is now on the 5 o' clock news.
Nice bait
Damn dude btfo LMAO
This, but unironically.
holy fucking shit OP mega btfo
>no spider-man
Huge samefag
This is top kek. I love this webm.
based image
>"Florida Man assaults Gamestop employee, claims purchases of Playstation products will lead to Sony paying for bail"
Xenoblade 2 is only game worth owning switch for, botw can be emulated, mario is ok, havent played smash. Rest are shovelware
Just gonna leave this here and go play some Sekiro while you losers fight among each other.
>ps4's only good exclusive is bloodborne but even that is a meh game for lots of people
>switch's only good exclusives are smash and mario maker, but smash isn't even a real fighting game and mario isn't worth hundreds of dollars
did pc win this one bros?
As casual brainlet, Ive enjoyed all ps4 exclusives, it has been best console this gen with cool ips like horizon, reboots like god of war + psvr is pretty good. Cant beat that package
Honestly agree with this, xc2 and botw are the only games I've really enjoyed on the switch. monolith soft and retro studios (thank God they're on prime 4 now) are the only ones producing top tier games for Nintendo
I own a ps4 because of star Ocean nothing will ever be as good as sotet
>Basednigger rules
Wait until scarlett
It's funny because it's actually true when you replace Sony with Nintendo.
Seriously though, who actually gives a fuck about any of the games mentioned in the OP? Nothing Sony has or will ever produce will ever be able to compete with games that are made with fun in mind, rather than just trying to ape film. See: Smash Bros vs. Snoy Battle Royale Whateverthefuck Starring Naughty Dog Guy and Military FPS Guy
>boasts with metascore
>not even close to two Switch exclusives
just because snoy games are different doesn't mean they are bad. theres a place for narrative-focused games.
Funny part is over half that webm isnt narrative focused. Only GoW, TLoU, and uncharted are narrative focused sony games
Fucking where my dude holy shit, I wish
i never played any of the games in that webm besides ratchet and clank but i can tell you that ratchet and clank was trash.
I should make an updated version of pic related.
>SJW bad
Oh yes, games that are absolute garbage made by morons hired on diversity quotas are exactly what this industry needed. Ha ha fuck white beoble btw !
>One Sony PlayStation 4 Pro for $299 as well as the defining movies of this generation. Total playtime of all exclusives put together? About 50 hours including a lot of cutscenes and walking.
He looks confused, he must be looking for something to play. Too bad he finished each one of his exclusives 10 hours after buying them.
>all on pc
all of these games are bad except one
t. ps4 owner
Payment? Sure, ask my mommy. She pays for my videogames because I am 12.
She buys me everything I want so I'll be quiet while she fucks Tyrone.
All of them were good
t. Ps4 pro owner
you have shit taste
Imagine being this mad