How to fix Vampire Bloodlines 2

Alright, the announcement confirming fps only completely killed this game's chance at having actual good gameplay. However, I know how this game can be saved, Paradox better be taking notes here.

Make the gameplay third person with action combat. Obviously as amazing as DMC's gameplay is, you can't just slap that into the game, since all the insane air juggling combo stuff wouldn't fit the setting as well as it does DMC and similar japanese games. Here's how it will work:

- Take the basic combat from this gameplay demo

You can have some air combat stuff but keep it limited, no long air combos but have dynamic ways of doing air stuff, such as launching an enemy, doing a few hits, leaping backwards off of them and onto a surface, then leaping off said surface into the enemy and slashing them in half or something.

- allow for delimbing system like ninja gaiden 2, since this setting is meant to be more brutal, also allow for finishers

- full environmental interactions, like grabbing people and ramming their faces into walls, suplexing them onto cars, slamming a car door in someone's face, picking up weapons on the ground, etc

- gunplay should be like mass effect andromeda or gears of war

-for the rpg shit like powers and stuff, adapt guild wars 1 skill system where you can customize your characters skills fully and create unique builds

There, I just fixed this game for you Paradox, now pay me.

Attached: vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-2-preview-5.jpg (3840x2160, 502K)

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I want to climb walls and wear low cut jeans that show off my vampire lady bush.

With my gameplay ideas, you'd be able to. You cant in first person, which is what will KILL THIS GAME.

that bloodrayne video is how the gameplay should look, makes me so mad its gonna be a shit fps wtf

Also there whould be a base building mini-game, and let's be honest, it sucked that you had to choose whether to get persuasion or intimidation, or lockpicking or hacking. That's gatekeeping, and that's a very problematic practice. I'd honestly be willing to dish out some dosh to get some extra skillpoints to experience the game fully.

I wish people like you were the ones working in game design, you are what the industry needs more of.

fuck off armchair game dev.

>fps only completely killed this game's chance at having actual good gameplay.
explain how

Is it going to be an immersive sim style game?

If so, I might be interested even though I never played the first Bloodlines game.

These bait threads are getting so tedious.

Only time I used 3rd person in original game was to look around the corners.

Because third person melee action is superior to first person.

did you even play the first game

Did you? It had third person, unlike this sequel with it removed to follow in cdpr's shitty footsteps.

it was never good

Chivalry, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Condemned Criminal Origins, Dead Island

DMC, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, Dark Souls, Sekiro, need I go on?

Is that a shitty games list? Why would you want to go on with it?

You can go on, but all those games you listed suck, especially in the gameplay department. I'll give Souls a pass but it's not that good either.
Characters moving impossibly fast, with a billion slashes per second in midair with numbers all around is the worst form of combat.

They all have better melee combat than the clunky junk with floating limbs that you listed.

He didn't list it, I did. They're still miles ahead in both feeling visceral and realistic than any of yours.

They don't. Shitting with colors on screen is not good combat.

oh you're one of those "I'm so mature and my games must be as realistic as possible" types, aka anti fun

>realism is the best combat

lmfao fuck no, if you love realistic fighting so much then go join the army or the ufc instead of playing video games

Great, another series that will get ruined by lefty political shit, SJWism, diversitaaaay yaaaas queen.
We seriously live in the worst time period. I just want to get to 2100 quickly or go back 100 years. But I HATE the mediocrity of our era.

Good games can find a balance between over-the-top realism and cartoony mess.

Realism makes games fun because it doesn't break immersion by maintaining internal consistency and physics.
You're one of those "my character needs to be a god-like faster-than-light prettyboy/girl" types aka probably a tranny.
VtMB is not for you. Go play Diablo III.

This is why it needs good gameplay, at least it would be worth playing for that. Otherwise it will literally be a pointless game. The story will suck so at least make the gameplay good.

>bitches about "prettyboys"
>in a fucking game about VAMPIRES

oh the irony

I guess we should go for 100% realism, like the fights all being ufc matches in the streets and everything dies in one gunshot wound. Maybe even have it so you have to pay your victims hospital bills and go to court for murder and serve prison time.

Attached: wtf is this.jpg (800x1100, 293K)

That's how I know you haven't played VtMB. Only there's a whole clan of ugly fucks.

I don't care if the combat is that shit. I'm into it for the rpg and story elements desu

>diablo 3
at least tell him to play path of exile.. come on man

I'm afraid it's not going to be.
It's never going to be as great as the first one, and with that I mean the level design and extreme RPG possibilities it offered, that's for sure.

So you're interested in fighting the forces of Donald Trump and his band of Alt Right cultists to defend your gay black bisexual islamic vampire transexual overlords?

for sure

Sounds good.

I respect your right to free speech.

With that said, shut the fuck up about "FIXING" the game. It's literally not even out yet, nobody knows how it plays besides some reviewers that tried out the demo. And Yea Forums has conveniently ignored any articles about the demo in favor of screaming about how the game is doomed to fail for being a "get woke go broke" cashgrab when in reality, Paradox has had its foot up White Wolf's ass for having been too woke and assumed responsibility for the Vampire franchise.

go on

The fact its first person means the gameplay is guaranteed to be shit.

God Hand
Kingdom Hearts

Cyberpunk 2077 is FPS only too though. Does it need to be fixed as well?

Attached: V.jpg (900x506, 67K)

You posted a bunch of flops with shit combat with 0 depth.
Like really, dead island? of all games?
Genuinely, fuckoff.

3 of those are timeless classics.

All of those games are janky af though. What were you gonna list next? Skyrim?

typical quantity over quality bait. it's not even funny.

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)

Who zoomer are so autistic about third person ?

None of those are janky... did you even play them?
They're all technically flawless. Go to youtube and watch someone actually good playing them.
Thinking those are anything like Skyrim combat just goes to show how little you know about first person games.

there are people in here who don't recognize this copy pasta when it was posted for cyberpunk

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Consolefags and motionsickness fags mainly.

>Knight runs up to me
>Turns his back to me
>looks all the way up
>Breaks his spine doing so
>"overhead" strikes into my crotch

Chivalry was fun before the 2000 hours neets ruined it for everyone else.

look at this console peasant who think he know something about gameplay

Rainbowing is not jank. It's taking advantage of the built-in physics of the game. It's part of mastering the game.

>Game coming in in exactly 1 year time.
>Revamping the entire game and it's mechanics because little boy OP was born with bad eye genetics.

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Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets full first...

Seriously though, what do people have against a game being first person like Cyberpunk? As long as my Nosferatu can send a crowd of ravers fleeing in terror at his awesome dance moves I don't really care.

>Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 taking a firm political & progressive stance, standing for LGBT rights & mental illness representation

H-haha, what could go wrong?

Being in first-person in Dishonored didn't kill Dishonored.

VTMB was always skewed towards lefty politics, you just didn't notice because you were underage at the time

All you have to do is get rid of the politics and that alone will make it playable.

I'm tired of this meme. You think just cause Damsel is a ree'ing marxist that the game automatically is biased towards leftist politics? The game had fuck all to do with irl politics from an artistic perspective.
