I will play every game posted in this thread
I will play every game posted in this thread
Have fun.
This game feels like a fever dream. It’s like really low budget Dead Rising and a real time RPG plus Fortnite.
I would play it again but my laptop is garbage.
Pathologic, so you know you'll never trust a Yea Forums meme ever again
Primal Rage. Power Stone 2.
Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
Pepper!'s game
space station 13, come on /vg/ and start playing
woodle tree adventures
Colony on armor games
blast corps
How can i prove that i'll play every game?I genuinely will.Do i need to complete them?
My dick.
have fun
Life Is Strange, have fun
is this game still up?
NES Legend of Zelda 2nd Quest
It's called streaming/recording it dipshit
>Witch hunter eats hordes
>Eats elites
>Solid boss damage
>Superb support
>Excellent kiting ability
>Solid ranged options
Why is he not considered good?
I doubt you can even find some of the games listed here. For proof you can timestamp yourself playing it. Include your penis so we know it's you.
I think that one full playthrough of each should be fine.
Are you going to do this in order or what?
Btw talking about two not one, haven't played yet but planning on buying next sale
Dont get the redux, the old version works fine on modern systems with the patch.
Tales of vesperia.
Final Fantasy X
mein nigger
I haven't figured out how.Maybe a yt channel? i'll record and post it when done
He's fucking amazing now. People who think he's bad must have stopped playing months ago or are smooth brains who can only play zealot.
Don't stop until you get at least a Z1 Raviente weapon.
Play Mothlight
Desert bus
Now you’re in for the real shit, OP.
Watch the fuck out.
That's the scariest boss I've ever seen. How do you defeat it?
this guy has a good pint post your conditions aswell
How come?When i google desert bus pen and tellers smoke and mirrors comes up is this the same game?
No you wont and you’ll never acknowledge that.
Fo76 just came out with survival mode but fo76 sucks so I don’t know if it’s a good idea.
Op here i've heard of this it's the game running makes you lose health.
Unreal Gold.
dink smallwood
>he doesn't know
>Fo76 just came out with survival mode but fo76 sucks so I don’t know if it’s a good idea.
is it beatable?I really do want to play every game itt.
Imagine having to wait years to play the game “right”. If you are still balancing a coop game a year after production you fucked up.
aware me
You can finish the game yes.
good luck, OP
also you have to beat deadly premonition now
holy based
Game was shit tier god tier controller set though
rest in peace, OP
yeah rest in peace my dick
God Hand
Also, I really doubt you’re going to play every single game in this thread.
I fucking will you faggot post any game I'll fucking beat it
>We Know The Devil managed to portray self discovery, discovering who you are, coming to terms with it, and struggling with adolescence in such a way that you relate to the main characters even if you're not gay or trans
>They release this power fantasy garbage that shits on anybody who isn't a lesbian afterwards
What the fuck happened?
quake 2 ffa with the client from tastyspleen
Grim Dawn
>quake 2 ffa with the client from tastyspleen
what are you talking about?also pls no modded games i'm computer retarded.
Sorry about everyone recommending shit games, lol
Lion King for the Sega Genesis.
I don't mind
Reccomend me the hardest single player game you know
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
do it
on further review apparantly this isn't modded so ill do it.
Literally hit it until it dies. It also attacks with woman's semen
Ronde for sega saturn
Ghosts 'n Goblins
I'll make a yt channel,I won't do commentary since user.Should i link once i'm done all of these games or?
Real life.
Hunt down the freeman
Good luck, op. Rest in piece.
too hard
Make the channel and link it.
Also, you now have to play Anachronox.
Final Fantasy 15
Team Fortress 2
you fell right into my trap
I've already beat this recently too.So i'll be able to do it fast again.
now you have to
Mars war log
There's been a lot of trash in this thread, but for the love of god don't make OP suffer like that.
Well, op is pretty smart and skillful at getting the (you)'s. Very good, tovarish. Very good.
Shit wrong image
how easy is it to connect controllers to emulators?
Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter.
Here's a hidden gem that only the realest of gamers know about. It's gonna change your life.
just go to options -> input -> and then figure it out from there
>real time zombie RPG plus Fortnite
So fortnite Save the World?
desert bus
Desert bus again.
Dwarf fortress
Dirty Bomb
I hope you have an entire day (24 hours) free to just play Desert Bus, because that's how long it will take you.
once or all 3?
All 3. Desert Bus takes 8 hours to drive through.
right after that..Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Timestamp and tripcode with some shots of you playing, installing, etc.
i'll just make a yt
Where’s the Youtube channel, OP?
Also, No More Heroes (wii).
soon i'm eating rn and it's hard to type.
gameplay is trash
SMT Nocturne
welcome to hell, motherfucker
featuring dante from devil may cry
how do i make a youtube with no phonenumber?
b-but muh autistic murderhobo adventures featuring his cute dragon girlfriend and cuhrayzy music
I don’t think it actually requires it.
only twitter requires a phone number
>Verify your phone number
For your security, Google wants to make sure it’s really you. Google will send a text message with a 6-digit verification code. Standard rates apply
I don’t think it needs it though. Pretty sure you can use another email for verification instead.
You can skip it you dumbshit. I can't believe I have to explain this to you.
For his dumbassery, OP has earned himself another playthrough of Desert Bus.
I can't skip it
Pick up the phone booth and die
Here's an actually amazing game that no one ever plays user
This one was alright. Don't play the sequel, though.
In that case, I take back my playthrough of Desert Bus. What the fuck is this shit, Jewgle?
good pick
I'll figure this shit out i genuinely want to do this.
Will you be posting a full game list and progress at a later date?
9001 mudkips edition
Gitaroo Man
I'll make a few threads but i need to find out how to make a jewtube without a phone number.
Should I make one after every game?
I’d be interesting if you typed up at least a paragraph per game with your thoughts on them.
Killer is Dead
I will in the op post.Should i comentate a bit i've never done anything like that so i might not.
I might make a thread once every few games as to not shit up Yea Forums.And I'll talk about the the games in a few posts in the beginning.I won't trip becuase user and trips are cancer but i'll link to the youtube to show i've finished.
The Void. Seconding Pathologic, as well, but unironically.
Like voice over the gameplay? Only if you’re good at that kind of stuff, I’d rather have no commentary than bad commentary. If you are any good at editing you could do a video review for each game you finished instead of recording the entire game.
I'm no good,I won't ruin it trying to be funny.No do i want subscribers I just want to have fun.
Can't you just click "next" and proceed? Also try a burner number from a number generator website
My favorite game. Gotta give you some good stuff too.
Quantum Break
Grezzo 2
Superb taste
Samurai Shodown V Special
total recall
It won't let me click next.Like it goes red and asks for a number.
Which one?It's not feasable to play all of them.
and all the newfags trying to help him with it ...this board is newfag central imonly here cuz banned from my board
>calls others newfags
>can't ban evade
God Hand
cool greentext newfag
The Secret World MMO
Is this real?
Half-Life 3
Okay so i made a youtube finally
good job and good fucken luck lmao
Have you given up on life or are you gonna be doing this over a long time?
How do i change my name?on yt?
Just feel like trying games out desu.
Gone Home
My channel.Remember my sacrifice Yea Forums
I intend to play desert bus back to back aswell.Is there a limit to how long yt videos can go?
30 hours, I think.
So it's doable
Elite Dangerous
Win conditions: get elite rank in at least one of the categories, then fly to Colonia.
Use wantever ship you want.
Godspeed CMDR.
how long does that normally take?
Way too long if your trying to do videos. Idk user just play some elite dangerous and try to hit elite in something. Shouldn't take that long. Im pretty sure elite rank in exploration can be done in a day of just flying and scanning planets and selling the data, but it wouldn't really be fun.
I just wanted someone else to play my fav autistic space sim to be honest.
Just googled it
I also think 2 to 3 years to reach Elite by playing regularly. However as Liqua, suggested in a thread, reach Elite is not an end but a beginning. And I agree with that
I don't have that much time man to play for years.
Monster Gamu 2
So i probably won't do games that aren't beatable or expect hundreds of hours.Read op post i'll play all games itt if a game takes 1000 hours ofcourse i cannot finish it.
A minimum of one hour per game!
God Hand?
Make sure its the 360 version and not the wii version., theyre seperste games. Its actually really fun. Good luck OP
Stuntman on PS2.
Should be easily completed in half a day or something, but it's fucking great.
ITT: OP goes bankrupt or gets very good at emulating and safely torrenting
Based Caim
Thrill Kill.
I dare you.
Op here i'll start in a few days.That let's me figure out an order and how everything works.I'll link to this thread and make threads occasionally.Scratching off names as I go along.
good luck fagget. do blackwake first
World of Tanks Tier five and up.
vr chat
Half life 3
System shock 2
Arx Fatalis
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Thief Gold
Deus ex 1
these are my favorites, now that I passed the torch to you it's time to never come back to this shithole
good luck and all the best
>System shock 2
>Arx Fatalis
>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
>Thief Gold
>Deus ex 1
I have played all of these already brother
A mind forever voyaging
Baba is You
Rape Day
Any of the streets of rage games, aside from remake.
Cave Wars. It's a classic.
Darkwood is worth playing
he said games not movies
Raw danger. Genji: Dawn of the samurai
King's Knight
Action 52
The jig is up, faggot.
Superman 64 (finish it)
Good luck even finding this shit.
Every single game in here is known where the fuck are the unknown games.
Bet im the only asshat who played this shit
Tales of Vesperia
Xenoblade Chronicles 1
op here this blew up way bigger than i thought it would i thought this thread died already i don't know how anyone can play all theses games.No seriously people will post until bump limit it seems.
Bad Rats
play Overlord
I mean i'll definetly look into every game and i haven't heard of a lot of them,it's just one person wil bump this thread until it gets to 400 posts.I added up the hours and we have easily reached 300 hours of gameplay minimum itt i thought maybe it'd be less.I don't know maybe it is too much.
sounds good
>Here's your ludo, bro.
Super Mario World.
just stretch 'em out over the year or something
you a youtube now, you a big boy
reminds me of fable
Persona 5
Ys IV: Dawn of Ys
Banjo-kazooie , thank me later....
S4 League
Shoop Da Whoop Hentai RPG
I feel like everyone in this thread is assuming OP will finish each game posted. He only says he will play them.
Custer’s Revenge
The legend of Zelda: the faces of evil
I feel like theres no point.It's not for subscribers anyway for memes?
A lot of people thought that. Anyways i deletd the youtube this thread has been up for almost 6 hours i thought it was doable in the beginning but now there is more games than everyone on Yea Forums has played it's just not possible.Didn't mean to waste anynoes time it's just shit got way too big.I'll definetly go through all the games i just hate the feeling of having to stream for you guys.
Has there been any shmup representation yet?
enjoy the games tho
op never delivars
the op is going to fucking die before he'll be able to complete all of these
This is the one.
Try Cho Ren Sha 68K
Not sure where is the best place for this but.. I'm searching for an old survival game. I don't remember much of it than the camera is similar to isometric style and that you're a robot or something that crashed on an alien planet where you have to survive and scavange, there's toxic rain from now and then. Please help me.
/vr/ might help more
Have fun.
Thanks user, will try there cause I'm really interested in finding that game for some reason.
Still accepting?
Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass/LISA the Painful, my two favorite RPGMaker games also very easy to pirate. I would have recommended EarthBound, but it seems it's been covered.
Sonic Robo Blast 2.
Mother Russia Bleeds
Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the Frog
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Auto Modellista
Tekken 7 until you reach red ranks.
OP please play the first Men of War, also, subbed and waiting
Play Thief: Gold
I love the 4 player co-op horde killing genre. Don‘t tell people those games are bad. I need more of them to be developed and updated
Blue Whale Challenge.
monster island
metal arms glitch in the system for gamecube/OGxbox
isn't that just a reskin of the chrono trigger main boss?
>he deleted his youtube channel
He's not going to play any of these games and he's probably underage too.
Suck my dick you frogposting redditor
There's way too many games now.I deleted my channel.I could have done it but there is literally 500 plus hours worth of games now.I thought the thread would have died.Sorry to dissapoint.I'll go through the games to see how they are expecially men of war but there is legitimetly way too many games itt thought it would have been doable .I have found some neet games like smt nocturne from this thread so i will play the good ones.
it's just not feasable now.
At least record the ones you have interest m8, most of these obscure games have no gameplay uploaded on jewtube
Liru: Wolf Girl With You
>500 hours
>no feasible
>2 hours a day= 14 hours a week
>35 weeks of games to play
>35 weeks of uploading content to youtube
The algorithm would love you if you actually wanted to start a small channel with this.
god tier
Long live the queen
Agony Unrated