Where were you when WoW was killed?

Where were you when WoW was killed?

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>still playing MMORPGs

yesterday I ate something pickled and I was like whop

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18 hours

why do ffxiv players get so excited for new expansions when they know 3 days after release they will just shittalk it and say it was a disappointment

WoW killed WoW.
t. someone who was subbed until the second month of BfA

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Where was I when WoW was killed? Playing FFXIV.

So how about that Fan Fest taking place in Tokyo?

18 hours

playing wow since it has actual content

Is it me or is the game feeling a lot deader from the usual?

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i actually quit wow when cataclysm dropped for xiv 1.0

Duh, it's pre-expac nobody's doing shit

I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time the hype is kind of mystifying. All we're gonna hear is a bunch of shit we already knew or guessed at. We'll get verification of a few things the leaker already told us. And we'll hear a bit about the raid tier I guess, which is cool and all.

The hype, for me anyway, ran it's course after the first fanfest. Gunfaggot does not excite me, and the rabbits faces look like they were lifted directly from some shitty Korean freeware MMO. Dancer or whatever is... meh? I'm interested where the story is going, and that's my main motivator until the xpac comes out and I can get into the Savage content.

Everyone is in eureka without you

>island excretions
Where are the portals Ion

We have a patch next week that will likely delimit the drops in Savage. Why bother?

>farming gear for dead expansion that you'll replace in 5 minutes
Why bother?

Wasn't there an alleged upsurge of new players tho? I remember getting insta queues as dps two weeks ago, now even tank queues are taking forever

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you will never roam eorzea for the first time again

Same here. Cleared Uldir and stuff, then ended up finding myself disgusted at not only the narrative, but the gameplay loop of RNG on top of RNG and Azerite gear in general and needing to grind a hundred reps and then you gotta grind one on your alt to have a decent mandatory necklace and just...

fuck all that man
they didn't even add zandalari until just now, 6 months in
they killed the horde and put jaina on a pedestal
I'm never going back and it's WoW's own fault

Your raid gear will probably carry you halfway through leveling in the new expansion.

>doesn't show the duty

What the fuck are you even queueing for

New players aren't queuing for expert, user. They're catching up so they can be hitting 70 right as Shadowniggers drops.

I am easy man to please but fuck man they just can't stop fucking up and the allied races JUST coming out is the funniest shit. Like they haven't even announced yet the next upcoming allied races are and even though they mentioned more are coming out, I am starting to doubt that. All I wanted is my snake bois at the very least out of this shit expac and I won't even get that.

Acting like FFXIV isn't killing itself

Assuming you're alliance you at least got the better narrative that sucks your faction's dick nonstop

We get Mists 2: Horde is Bad Boogaloo- Saurfang Rebellion Edition ft. Nathanos the Hedgehog

Hype for this one in terms of story, job and race is high but everything else is underwhelming.

New Game+ is fucking pointless to most of the population since they've done the story already and most don't care about revisiting it.

The trust system...is just going to be better and unique npcs to do command missions with.

Everything else is the same. OH BLUE MAGE LIMITED JOB. Please enjoy Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers.

Implying Jaina Sue and My First Edgy Makeup: Tyrdane Edition are much better
Face it, it all sucks

The story being fucking awful is actually the biggest reason I quit.

wow already shot itself in the foot when bfa launched


Rastakhan deserved far better. Talanji is fucking boring.

queueing for pvp at this hour lad? also pvp is always dead

when'd Cataclysm come out again?

>The trust system...is just going to be better and unique npcs to do command missions with.
Is this just so new players can do old content with npcs instead of waiting for duty finder? How far into the content are you expected to be able to use it?

It's for new content actually. 5.0 dungeons.

Only or and old?

Enjoy soloing this expansion

only 5.0 at the start, they have said they plan on doing more in the future. However, I assume they're actually programming the npc's to avoid aoe's and do mechanics similar to ghimlyt dark which is the hold up

I was sitting at my computer, excited to see how my specs had changed with 7.0.
Then I logged in and saw what those retards at Blizzard did.
Never forgive, never forget.

Oh. I really thought it was just for older content. Newest content would have the most people playing it so this seems like a lot of work just for people who hate interacting with others considering it will be the easiest content to find people to play with.

Unless it's like a future-proof move where they are doing this now so in the future it's already in place.

it's probably mostly for DPS players who will inevitably complain about queue times

It'd probably be legit faster than with DF retards.

Taking a shit.

This. You'll never have to deal with half hour dungeons that were caused by 0 DPS healers, single pulling tanks, and DPSes who haven't heard of AoE ever again.
Besides it's not like you were talking to them anyway, may as well be getting an AI upgrade.

Leveling in SB as a dps, it wasn't too bad actually.. not sure why they feel this is a problem needing addressing, but I am curious about how much resource time went into it that could have gone to other things

>Remember the Ogre franchise?
>That series that was comprised of genuinely good games and dialogue written by a human being that Squaresoft contributed to killing off by absorbing every talented developer and homogenizing the entire JRPG subgenre
Fuck off, shills.

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Because those shit-talkers are, unlikely as it sounds, a vocal minority and typically voicing the exact same complaints from thread to thread

Let me see your DNCer stances!

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Because negativity is the soul of discussion and it's much easier to talk about what you didn't like than what you did.

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imagine being tricked into playing wow with a japanese coat of paint and thinking it's any different

WoW killed itself, and it has nothing to do with FFXIV

i am not going to imagine this

how does he not get arrested for drawing porn of real children

you sure bout that? im seeing tons of sprouts hanging around main cities and in dungeons.

its actually nice to see, I hope they continue playing

thats why.

this. there has never been a WoW killer and never will be. blizzard will end it

Less than half of them are going to make it to Heavensward. The early game makes shilling XIV a bad idea.

Not playing this because not being able to raid leaves so little content left it's not even worth coming back to do the story.

I used to see many sprouts running around, being actual new players. Now all the sprouts I come across are alts from players from a different data center/world.

the vast majority of content is not in the raids though, it's probably the least raid focused MMO there is that still uses the EQ model

Can't wait for them to dumb down the classes even more than they did in stormblood.

at least they can't possibly make MCH worse right?

good news guys we're getting male viera AND female hrothgar

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This is some galaxy brain shit.

THhought fanfest was in 2 days
Holy SHIT. Gunblade is all I care about but it's still exciting to see the shitposting tomorrow
Viera male will probably happen. If it doesn't, people would be shocked. Dancer is fully expected but we COULD get something else

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So do what else? Craft/gather so you can get glamor? Do your daily roulettes where half of them you are horribly gimped for gear that you don't even need since you arn't doing anything particularly hard?
Is there anything else to do that isn't your own fun like rping?

They already said Viera is female only

I was installing Pandaria.

Nothing was confirmed yet, wait until tomorrow.

>still has less subs than wow which is going through a major recession right now
sure thing buddy

I just want a new healer, bonus points if it's not another caster.

Pandaria was good, fuck off, we didn't know what we lost when Pandaria ended.

No they didn't. How many times do we need to tell you this old man. Yoshi said to fucking read the dialogue we've been given

playing it, in 2007

Reminder to all faggots, Hrothgar are NOT happening

>Beast Tribes
>Custom Deliveries
>Wondrous Tails
>Doman Reconstruction (and Ishgardian Reconstruction soon)
>Leveling alt jobs
There's more to fun than memorizing Simon Says patterns and grinding them out once a week. A huge portion of this game's content is completely separate from anything raid-related and if you take the WoWfugee perspective of "there is only vertical progression" then you're just going to wind up hating yourself, since you're intentionally being blind to the rest of the game because it doesn't boost a number that'll be replaced by crafted shit a few months later anyway.

Also I didn't mention Eureka up there because some Reddit autists have a mental breakdown any time it's mentioned but Baldesion Arsenal is so much more interesting than the formal "raids" since it requires actual planning, preparation, and patience for more than just the bosses.

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Man, I may have not played many Final Fantasy games but I'm heavily disappointed by White Mage on XIV, it's just a generic healer with lots of heals and nothing like berserk, reflect, mini, or blink

>but Baldesion Arsenal is so much more interesting than the formal "raids" since it requires actual planning, preparation, and patience for more than just the bosses.
Imagine saying this about a glorified 24man with a straight fucking face

BA is literally faceroll tier content, just a faceroll that you spend 3 hours preparing for first or automatically wipe because of obtuse and poorly designed mechanics that literally don't even function properly.

>actually lists leveling as a fucking activity

Once the gimmicks were figured out BA became on par with the alliance raids in terms of difficulty, now the only thing setting it apart is that it takes longer to get a clear because raising is RNG and with 54 retards unless you go in with a premade you're going to have idiots wiping to simple mechanics just like in 24mans

Once the world first groups figured out the arsenal's cheap gimmicks they just steamrolled the fight from then on. It wasn't like Ultimate where people got stuck because the mechanics were legitimately complex and required meticulous planning as well as perfect execution. It was just putting the blocks in the shaped holes, only someone put a curtain over the holes so you had to trial and error to find the right shapes first.


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A new Fanfest is coming soon!
Remember to say 'rabbit, rabbit' as soon as the keynote starts for cute and funny announcements!

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"That doesn't count" isn't a rebuttal

Please do not post Tewi

I just realized that Yuki Aoi is going to be in the panel tomorrow, despite having no role in this game. Hopefully she's voicing a new major character for Shadowbringers. Or maybe she's just there because she's Pascal from Automata, who knows.

>Yuki Aoi

How much longer?

>a vocal minority
That's a good joke.

>it's a FGO crossover and we get okita and shuten outfits

>being this fucking pleb

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JAV actress

Dark Souls 2 ruined the series for me. I still have BB, DS3, and even Nioh wrapped in plastic. I literally cannot bring myself to play them.

Both can be fun, and I do like the systems but I'd be hard pressed to call them engaging.
Can be fun but if you did one when they were originally introduced you've done all the new versions.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone call relics fun, and until eureka they "reused" already content with a checklist.
>Beast Tribes
>Custom Deliveries
I don't think I've seen anyone call either of these fun nor have I ever found them particularly engaging either.
>Wondrous Tails
Another checklist for already existing content you would likely already be doing while also making a lot of it pointless for helping new players because everyone unsyncs it all.
>Doman Reconstruction (and Ishgardian Reconstruction soon)
This only seemed like a massive gil sink to me.
I had my fill when they originally came out and only did them because I wanted upgrades, if you don't need gear why bother?
>Leveling alt jobs
Like this guy said , and I implied in the post you are replying to, the low level content is not fun, leveling a class up from zero is even worse because you know you have better skills to come and have to sit through terribly slow slogs in dungeons that are way too long.
This is making your own fun, which I made a attempt at to exclude in the post you are replying to.
Eureka is bad because xiv's combat in a vacuum is bad and more goddamn fucking fates sucks. Even getting to the armor is way too long of a slog for most people to be willing, more of a slog than I'm even willing even more so with how shit the relics look.

Shotacon midget who voices many popular Japanese characters

She voices Pascal

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uh wrong thread

better than talking about No Content XIV: A Shitstorm Unflushed


are you hyped for WoW Classic?

King's Honor, my friend.

Yeah I can't wait for them to prune even more skills and make all the jobs I enjoy playing fucking braindead, fuck off

There's a reason why Classic WoW is a thing, people are tired of themepark tunnels with raiding being the only light at the end of the tunnel

Viera benchmark tomorrow or we riot

>it's a FGO crossover
Fuck that.
It's a Symphogear crossover.

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No happening. Benchmark will be released in May.

Not everyone is able to digest this grinding
Gathering becomes meaningless when you get your BiS gear with pentamelds and hordes of bot begin to flood the market and you can't fight undercutting bots.
>other than eureka
Even if eureka it should take less than a week if you are not mentally retarded
Less than 30 min a day
>Beast Tribes
Literally 20 mins a day
>Custom Deliveries
LITERALLY 10 minutes a week, WOW, much content
>Wondrous Tails
Can be cleared across a week after doing duty roulette -almost- every day
>Doman Reconstruction (and Ishgardian Reconstruction soon)
read custom deliveries :^) I save allagan pieces for this one
time-gated, hunt trains happen every 6-7 hours, and you are shafted if you are not part of a hunt linkshell/discord
>Leveling alt jobs
From all the years I've been playing this shit I have found only 1 (ONE, UNO, 一) decent roleplayer who roleplays for fun and not to try to please people across the internet
This is my main, right now I'm making potions on my main account because selling gil is quite profitable on this game filled with literal mouthbrathers.

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It'll be in May sped.

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t. literlaly never touched savage let alone ultimate

>There's a reason why Classic WoW is a thing
>people are tired of themepark tunnels with raiding being the only light at the end of the tunnel
That's LITERALLY what WoW is, vanilla or not.
It literally codified themepark MMOs.

ERPers are too brainlet to memorize more than 2 patterns that don't involve sucking virtual phalluses only to be told they are finally good at something in their life

Meh, as long as they remove the key bloat for SMN, I don't mind. Seriously, there is no reason dreadwyrm trance/deathflare and summon/enkindle bahamut to be separate actions.

Pointless because money is worthless.
Pointless because money is worthless
RNG as fuck and unreliable.
>Beast Tribes
Literally worthless, doubly so once capped.
>Custom Deliveries
Pointless because money is worthless.
>Wondrous Tails
Yoshi's way of saying "We're too lazy to make content so go do old shit for months on end"
>Doman Reconstruction
Serves literally no purpose whatsoever.
Entirely depends on your server and is pointless outside of wanting shitty emotes, irrelevant riding maps, or outdated horrible looking gear.
>Leveling alt jobs
The only thing on your entire list of shit that is actually worth mentioning.
This has nothing to do with the game whatsoever. You don't need to play XIV to roleplay.

Grab a fucking dictionary and double-check what theme park means.

Raiding wasn't even touched by 80% of the population in vanilla. Leveling is the main experience, which was freeform, fraught with danger because of pvp, and took teamwork/social skills to do well at. I've played XIV for like 5 years, and I spent 2 weeks on a private vanilla wow server having a blast, then I put it down to wait for classic, the two are not even comparable.

This is schizophrenic design at it's worst, they removed also half of DRK's unique kit, but then they have literal clone buttons on SMN? They fixed the thing with WAR's buttons in 3.0, why is this a thing?

>literlaly never touched savage let alone ultimate
You're joking right? Savage and Ultimate are the very definition of pattern memorization.

>RNG as fuck and unreliable.
You should've said "Pointless because money is worthless" instead, people do these mostly for money

But I ERP, do everything that brianlet casual retard listed, have Savage clears and nearly cleared both ultimates. I've probably done more content than the retarded Yshtola nigger has, he's just a retarded brainlet who's butthurt that he's too shit to also do serious content in a game he apparently loves so much yet is unable to devote 4-6 hours a week to for a static or PFs. Just like every other casual, it's the fox and the grapes; he's butthurt that he doesn't get dyable raid gear or the titles/mounts from the Savage fights and is the sort of person who would unironically ask for story mode Savage like that one retard on the OF if he was just a few IQ points lower than he is now.

If you only want to play WoW classic for raiding, then WoW classic isnt for you.

>he hasn't experienced BB
A pity, the game almost borders on art. And I'm not shitposting, the wardrobes, architecture, atmosphere, that scene with orphan. Just beautiful.

They're not reliable enough to be pointless because money is worthless.


You've never touched Savage or Ultimate, there's a reason even the most retarded of players can perform perfectly in BA, yet even easy fights like Guardian are absolutely 100% unable to be cleared by PF without joining an X/8 static group or getting absurdly lucky. There's far more to it than just rote pattern memorization even if you go into the fights overgeared and using other groups' strats like you would if you were progging the fights now. Especially in the case of Ultimate where every player has to understand every mechanic in order to be able to adjust on the fly and every mechanic has incredibly tight execution requirements.


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i was undead rogue
"wow is kill"

Wherever I will be when WoW Classic drops
Y'all sleeping on it

>You've never touched Savage or Ultimate,
Stopped reading there.

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Even if money was useful, maps are an awful way to make money due to the shit changes they made to them in Stormblood. In HW it was a straightforward 50/50 chance to progress on each floor, and you started getting valuable drops on the 4th floor. In SB you don't get anything valuable until the final floors of the thief maps. So you have the RNG of the 50/50 chance to progress on each floor, then RNG to get a thief map from the instance, then the 33/66 chance to progress each floor of the thief map, and THEN you have to get good RNG on the drops on the later floors of the thief maps to even start making good amounts of money from it. You can literally do a dozen maps all at once, and do every thief map you get from all those maps, and come out with everyone in your group being about 200k gil richer on average and that's being generous and assuming you don't even go in with a full 8 people (making those dozen maps take about 3 hours or so to do). There's just no reason to do maps at all anymore with how fucked they are in SB.



I'm not paying $10 to prove your dumbass wrong

it's going to be bad tho
i legitimately want it to be good because i want wowfags to have a nice thing for the first time in years, but it's going to be bad

My dude Shifting Altars is literally the fastest money making method in the game, you get like 50k minimum per spin if you don't lose and it can go way higher.

The only thing that will kill WoW is Blizzard and they're doing a great job.

Not him but you couldn't pay me to deal with statics. Fuck playing vidya on a schedule. Shit just feels like a job at that point.

wow killed itself
there has yet to be a post-wow mmo that was better than wow was 2004-2010

Then keep making shit up on the internet, retard. If you had actually done ultimate content you wouldn't post absolutely fucking retarded bullshit about BA being "challenging" content in comparison

Not the guy you were replying to but man you are pathetic.

Based even posting that was going too far already for scum that will move the goalposts anyway.

imagine being so fucking poor you think 50k is a lot of money

I didn't post shit about BA being challenging. I said Savage and Ultimate are fucking pattern memorization, because they are.

Imagine playing on a shithole server where it isn't.
>be on Balmung
>go through Altars one time
>can get a 380 weapon and a couple of accessories for any job in the game

>Leveling is the main experience, which was freeform
You fucking followed the yellow exclamation marks to level cap, and even if grinding spots existed, they became obsolete in a few levels when they became gray.
>fraught with danger because of pvp,
People can roll on PvM servers, and world PvP will be DoA outside of UD rogue memelords ganking on STV because of BGs.
>and took teamwork/social skills to do well at.
WoW became popular BECAUSE you could easily solo to level cap.

You are praising the same leveling experience that people hated so much a decade ago they dedicated a whole expansion to remake the old world.

That's objectively wrong though, but you would already have known that had you actually touched them and not just looked someone up on lodestone.

Having pugged a lot and done statics, I'd much rather deal with varying levels of static drama than pug, but with animals that I have to keep a eye on and ears open for and needing to be able to drop what I'm doing every 15-20 minutes for 5 minutes or more makes trying to do anything serious for long lengths hard.

Just stop man. I'm not even him but this is just sad. Go play something else because and take a break.

>Spend 2 minutes crafting one (1) item
>Make 25x what you made in Altars
Thanks for the chump change though nigga, I'll use it to wipe my ass.

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Fuck off, retard.

Not that guy but it's absolutely pattern memorization and nothing else.
t. healer solving every fight by making excel spreadsheet assigning abilities to mechanics

Sure, bub

Why would I want to play a 15 year old game that wasn't even good when it was new?

Why would you play a nearly 10 year old game that wasn't good when it was new, and only marginally better than it was when it was rereleased?

>morning threads are always upbeat and amusing
>night threads are full of complaining and pessimism

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NA trannies vs EU chads

OP text is attracting WoWfags.
At least this thread doesn't have genderlock shitposting.

I can't remember where I was when Lich King was released.


As always, EU players being salty shitters.

It also implies that xiv has done much more than reuse mechanics/models/skeletons since 2.X.

XIV is the Dark Souls 2 of MMOs. Complete unplayable dogshit in 1.0, but mildly decent after it was overhauled and released a second time.

Fuck off yourself faggot.
This game is piss easy and anyone can do savage if they take the time to learn the strat and make the necessary preparations. You having clears or not won't suddenly mean your life has any more worth then it has now so no need to act like it's some sacred kind of thing not anyone can get with a little effort.

Because it's an MMO that doesn't expect me to treat it like a second job to get anything done

Why the fuck are you projecting so hard? I said the content is difficult (objective fact) and that it takes more than memorization (objective fact). You're the one making this about some dickwaving contest because you're butthurt that someone doesn't like your shit grinding instance.

>At least this thread doesn't have genderlock shitposting.
16h until I can laugh at whoever was wrong.

>doesn't expect me to treat it like a second job to get anything done
It would need to have something worth doing first.

>that it takes more than memorization (objective fact).
Yet you still have to explain what is it that it takes (spoiler: nothing, you just memorize the pattern and you win)

There's not a single video game ever made that has anything worth doing in it.

>WoW Classic
Not shitposting here I'm genuinely asking but why is this a thing? I'm not too familiar with the mmo scene so that's why I'm asking. To me it just seems that if something like this is being made and people are actually hyped for it there must be something horribly wrong with the product it's based on.

I don't need to, because you're the one who made the claim dipshit.

Then your original argument is irrelevant.

Mogstation bullshit:

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I logged into patch 3.2, didn't realize it at the time, but holy fuck that patch ruined WOW forever.

>Daily quest grinds became excessively cancerous to the point where people are grinding TOC shit to this fucking day
>First patch to completely invalidate the previous tier completely with dungeon content
>First patch to introduce heroic mode raiding
>First patch that they allowed Ion Hozzikostas to design and somehow didn't fire him over the failure that was TOC, probably because it was the first patch where people could do 'high end' raiding with a PUG and actually complete the raid

It's just boomers letting nostalgia get the better of them

As someone that was curious about the game this fact is actually really disappointing to me.

i-is that sepulchure?

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>These could have been Little Ladies rewards

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>we want Fortnite audience

And you are a faggot who should hang himself (objective fact). People like you can say what they say like that because they don't play anything else then XIV (objective fact). There are tons of games out there that are much harder then XIV (objective fact) and you were the one that was sperging out against some user saying that he didn't know what he was talking about since he has no clears and when he BTFO'd you you had to move the goalposts and cry like the bitch you are (objective fact).
Unsub from this game and unsub from the game that is life faggot (objective fact).

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>classic wow as example of a non-theme park
>not Ultima Online

Please make MCH feel less one-note or make wildfire actually feel like there's a payoff to it.

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Don't forget the gold saucer, baby.

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Funny, whenever EU wakes up the discussion quality drops. Are you saying NA trannies are all night owls?

Implaying they aren't nigga, FFXIV is the entirety of their life. They probably sleep 2 hours a day if at all while chugging energy drinks

They're all neets so what do you think

gonna switch my sleep schedule so I go to bed at 5pm then

>Are you saying NA trannies are all night owls?
I thought that was obvious.

No one as WHM used those fucking abilities both online or any ff game.

More like they should remove wildfire and buff everything else to compensate. Trying to cram everything into wildfire is what is wrong with machinist if you ask me, Just makes things needlessly complicated and if you fuck it up your dps takes a nosedive.

just don't fuck up.

I wish DRG got a dragon pet like in FFXI, or hell maybe something like SMN's bahamut that attacks whenever you use a GCD. Imagine having a fucking massive dragon behind you like a stand

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>wow if you fuck up you don't do good damage
Perhaps you should try RDM

>Group DPS pushes boss into phase transition before Wildfire can go off


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It's WF, the way overheating works, the coinflip 1-2-3, and the lack of oGCDs together that make it boring. I honestly get more annoyed with the downtime than anything.

Imagine a better pet system in this game

Fuck when happens though. Only way to stop that is to just hold off your WF and wait it out, doing far less damage than everyone else.

Imagine no pets at all.

Here are some FACTS for you faggots
1. Hrothgar are NOT happening
2. Male Viera ARE coming
3. The new job is going to be DNC, a healer
4. G'raha will not be coming back
5. Matoya is not possessing Y'shtola's body
6. Sadu is best girl

Literally only agree with 6.

MMO's are all garbage.

Not saying I fuck up but I was kinda talking with the general playerbase in mind. Most people that play MCH don't know what they are doing and you'd need at least half a brain to do decent dps and that is asking a lot from the XIV playerbase. You know they are going to casualize it.

>6. Sadu is best girl
Was believable until this.

>4. G'raha will not be coming back
>5. Matoya is not possessing Y'shtola's body
>6. Sadu is best girl

Get rid of the scions or I don't give a fuck.

>le wow killer meme
I’ll tell you in 50 years

>1. Hrothgar are NOT happening
>2. Male Viera ARE coming

>trannies caring about male characters
Are you retard?

>G'raha will not be coming back
Yeah wrong again they won't do anything more than a passing reference if you did CT if they do anything at all. They are not going to make content that requires to do optional stuff that isn't MSQ to play and/or understand the new content. Fuck I remember doing the coils back in HW since yoshi-p said those that did would see more than those that didn't and it ending up to be 1 or 2 lines with that being all there was to it

People wanting male viera are good 'ol fashioned faggots.

Return to Ivalice literally contains setups for the upcoming MSQ, fuck off, it's assumed you've at least capable of running duty finder dungeons.

and that's honestly what really pisses me off. mch got into reddits crosshairs and everyone starts parroting how busted they are when there's nothing wrong with their playstyle, it's literally just a bursting job and that's it. if you can't keep track of your cds that's on you, if you fuck up your flamethrower and cooldown too early that's on you, if you can't do 6 gcds in your overheat that's on you (and your ping). but if you do manage to do all that it's a satisfying job to play and which is why it's my main. people will bitch about ping but any other job gets hurt by ping just as much as mch. I only hope that JP doesn't complain about mch as much as NA and EU does otherwise without a doubt they'll turn mch into a shitter job.

Well at least you fucking did coils and got to experience that and see the flames of truth.

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JP complains about MCH a lot but they generally complain about how it's aesthetically bad (to them). Like, you'll hear JP complaining more about gauss barrel and the lunchbox than about how it requires specific conditions to perform well.

>Coils isn't on the normal raid roulette
haha it's not like i wanted to experience them or anything without it being a complete joke.

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Of course, Japs don't have to worry about lag fucking up everything for them

Tell me when you finish that time machine user.

They're not fights you can just clear on normal raid roulette, they're closer to SB Savage.

It's not satisfying. That's why I want wildfire to have a bit more oomph or give me more than 1 button to press in the meantime, or give us something more to do with the turrets than just sit and forget outside of blowing it up for your full wildfires.

Dancer will make me actually try this game desu

Doesn't matter you won't get anything more then a ''hey it's me fran from the ivalice raid remember?'' and that will be it and you know it. They won't ruin the experience for boosted players or lock the new msq behind old optional content.

XIV is shit
WoW is shit
Classic is a step in the right direction but the game needs to advance from Classic, not wallow in it
Purge MMOs and start anew

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I agree about how the gauss barrel clashes with every single gun except the outsider but the lunch box doesn't bother me.

overload doesn't add to wildfire damage. you want to use it with TA/dex pot+hypercharge or just before boss downtimes that are at minimum 15 seconds long. I do agree that the turrets are underutilized though.

>or lock the new msq behind old optional content.
Just like they never locked 2.5 MSQ behind previously optional hard mode primals oh wait they did

Queue for mahjong

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>spending literal hours playing shit that rewards you with nothing

Mahjong is when I knew this game was completely fucked.

Yeah that was my bad. You just use it so little it's annoying. Making the turret a full on pet and having wildfire collect a bit more damage would fix my problems at least.
I think the barrel looks alright with the ironworks repeater.

I've come back to the game and I'm doing Eureka, beyond the first area Anemos or however it's spelled, what do you get from the next three areas? A relic weapon upgrade I assume,but does your armour upgrade again too?

Maybe I'm just being a pessimist and I hope they indeed do it but somewhere I don't think they will.

A minigame that was made in the devs spare time? Not Eureka? Not BLU?

The reward is having fun

>spare time
>game dev
pick one

Fun is a buzzword. Please don't use it.

>FFXIV thread

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> devs spare time

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Amazingly there are people who play games without needing a steady income of gay swords.

I have no fucking clue how to play gook dice or whatever

>spare time
really think about this for a minute

yeah, typically they play games that aren't MMORPGs

If you are not a nip it's not fun and even that is debatable since I'm sure plenty of nips thought this was a waste.

haha i got you! i was merely pretending! haha suckers!

This is true, but something you can play elsewhere just as easy without paying a subscription for while calling it a positive point for the game is a bit silly, no?

he can't keep getting away with it

Adding a minigame whose rules already exist was barely any effort to begin with.

It`ll be fun if they remove damage and tank stances altogether. Its the only way for devs to push the 'respect of content' since tanks cannot pull an entire dungeons anymore and nobody uses tank stances in an end game content. For example, give PLD 2 new traits like 10% reduction of damage and +35 potency auto attacksAlso im just shitposting

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>since tanks cannot pull an entire dungeons anymore
That is where you're wrong kiddo

There actually aren't really any good places to play mahjong against english speakers. The few people who do use tenhou which is a moonrunes-only client.

Mahjong is unironically and sincerely more fun than raiding

>Mahjong is unironically and sincerely more fun than raiding
And this is the problem. You shouldn't add games that are more fun to your game when people lose interest you should try to make your own fucking game more fun

>Mahjong is unironically and sincerely more fun than raiding
I don't like mahjong, because I never got how to play it.

>paying 10-15 a month so you can play mahjong in a game where only >10k people care about mahjong

You can actually play mahjong on free trial

why the fuck are you installing xiv for mahjong

They won't and they shouldn't. The thing you mentioned with no one using tank stance in endgame is good since that means players know the fight good enough that they don't need the stance anymore.
And WAR babies will cry about it too if stances are removed since they will mostly butcher and fuck up WAR because of how much of it's toolkit is tied to stances.

I happen to like playing the rest of the game too so it's plenty worth it. It's not even hard to get mahjong matches in the afternoons but the queues die out at this time of day.

I can totally see them doing that since they changed cleric stance from a stance to a pretty meh buff.

that's where you're wrong pal. so many gates until you clear the trash.

need to take a nap so i'll be up for the keynote

>And WAR babies will cry about it too if stances are removed since they will mostly butcher and fuck up WAR because of how much of it's toolkit is tied to stances.
Literally all they would have to do is revert the change of having Inner Beast and Steel Cyclone turn into Fell Cleave and Decimate and rework Equilibrium/Unchained. Those are the only abilities that are tied to their stances.

well nobody gives a shit about defiance. deliverance is the only stance you're in realistically so it's not like getting rid of the two makes a major impact.

>And WAR babies will cry about it too if stances are removed since they will mostly butcher and fuck up WAR because of how much of it's toolkit is tied to stances.
Make fell cleave and inner beast 2 separate actions, make steel cyclone/decimate into a single action while keeping the beast gauge. Wow, that was hard.

So is it 8:30 EST or 9:30 EST?

Remember when
>Aion killed WoW
>DCUO killed WoW
>TERA killed WoW
>SWTOR killed Wow
>Wildstar killed WoW
>GW2 killed WoW
>Rift killed WoW

Wow is a literal walking corpse that cannot be killed by anything other than itself, which it's been doing

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They want less bloat not more. Don't forget they have to add like 5 new skills or else the Americans playing this game won't feel like they are steadily growing stronger when leveling.

If I did my math right, should be 8:30

I would, but I haven't played in awhile, and while I'm sure I would know the basics, the people that still play would probably be really good at it, and I would never get a chance to win, so it would be a pointless endeavor.

I remember when BFA killed WoW.

Any tips for this week's fashion report?

>WoW is a walking corpse that can only be killed by healing magic (its own patches and expansions)

goodnight frens

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WoW won't die, even if it's killed

Wait till the cat bitch from reddit uploads their image so you can save the image the guy that crops out said cat bitch's avatar from ''her'' image.

While removing 2-3 lower level skills and making the leveling experience even worse than it already is.

I'm American, I fucking hate when they add new abilties. Every class needs at least 5 skills pruned. BLM STILL has Freeze, no one has used that shit in the entire history of this fucking game.

This is fucking cursed.

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Lots of people that have been playing all the while are taking a break before the expansion since there won't be any new content anymore and mostly everything you can do now will be relatively irrelevant, but at the same time the forums and Reddit are absolutely overrun with newbies and returners just starting (again) in time to be ready for the expansion when it comes out. I'd say the two groups about even one another out


Ill take 40 asahi masks, thank you

>brings up americans for no reason
Yep it's euro hours.

I'm new to the game and these threads, what is this respect the content shit people keep saying?
Like where did it start?

WAR is already near the bottom for action bloat. Saying they want to have less bloat doesn't mean every job is getting the same changes for it.

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I would like to but I am shit and can't read the pool worth shit yet.

Forum shitters that want to do the bare minimum, mainly.

If devs want you to respect content, why don't they make the content need to be respected?
Make shit hit hard enough that your tanks need to be in tank stance and your healers have to constantly heal, and doing this makes your DPS have to keep a standard of damage for a dungeon to be completable, what's the big fucking problem?

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Those kelly edits are always great.

They have to balance with the fact that the average player is shit at the game.

Because shitters, that's why.

Where did that phrase come from though, did yoshida say something about people not respecting the content or some shit?

I probably have it saved somewhere but I can't be assed to find it but there is this image of a dev explaining to European devs what they have to do to make a game successful and the point I mentioned was one of them. Other points were things like dumbing down everything as much as possible, having a lot of tutorials and having some form of character creation.
So no I didn't bring it up for no reason.

If they did the normies would not be able to clear shit.
I have seen players that are so bad that it legit baffles me, like a smn that was out dpsed by his fucking buncle because he kept spamming the heal.

Average player is shit? The average player wouldn't be able to do a proper rotation even if the game perfectly told them what button to hit next.

This. "Why not just make savage harder then?"
Because then Gordias happens.

No, it came from forum shitters trying to justify themselves.

I'm ready for an MMO that doesn't want to handhold literal retards
Any day now

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Black Desert Online.

Is it worth dipping into FFXIV now to kill some time until classic releases, or nah?

>Sadu is best girl
>mfw her japanese voice

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>If devs want you to respect content, why don't they make the content need to be respected?
Because when they tried that it nearly killed the game a second time.

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other dps refuses to aoe a large pull
>other dps refuses to goad or anything when you and the tank are the only ones AOE-ing

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Yoshi was butthurt about people destroying the joke that was ARR's expert dungeons by speedrunning max pull and destroy everything with Flare.
Which was why he nerfed AoE and started putting up gates every other pulls and told the players to respect content more.

>If devs want you to respect content, why don't they make the content need to be respected?
Devs don't care, it's just shitters making excuses for why they don't want to do well and why it's okay to waste others' time watching netflix and spamming 123.

>forum shitters
FFXIV forum muppets are truly in a fucking league of their own.
>I as a WHM wont cast Holy EVER because I am a HEALER I will also never cast Regen because it is not lore friendly!

Naisu joke.

I don't even know what I had for breakfast last Sunday and you expect me to remember where I was 5 years ago?

This is quite literately why I stopped playing tp classes in dungeons, sure doing bosses was fun because I had to give a shit about aoes but just playing blm instead and having a braindead rotation for everything was so much easier.

Gordias itself would be perfectly fine if Manipulator didn't exist. If f the Nisi Cheese wasn't a thing you could have counted the groups that cleared it before the next tier on your hands, the fight was just way overtuned and ridiculously boring to a point that nobody really wanted to even put attempts in.
The only ones thinking Living Liquid was part of the problem are the armchair raiders on Reddit and the official forums.

>The only ones thinking Living Liquid was part of the problem are the armchair raiders on Reddit and the official forums.
You mean the ones the devs actually pay attention to?

I can't wait until they just axe TP.

>Fight with five different phases, fairly tight damage checks and unprecedented requirements for positional and CC coordination wasn't part of the problem
Just because it wasn't actually broken like A4 doesn't mean it wasn't devastating

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>Play as WHM with a SMN and a BLM, spam holy like a god, not one mana shift ever
Its not just TP or MP, people cant use role actions for shit, I mean what legit reason could one ever have for NOT using diversion on boss pull?

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I'm sure they will fuck it up harder than if they had just left tp in. I'm not sticking around to see it first hand but I'm sure I will hear it through the wind.

You can use all 10 of them now, there's no excuse.

>what legit reason could one ever have for NOT using diversion on boss pull?
People don't understand why it's good to. Sometimes they literally don't realize that because nothing in the game tells them that those things are good and important. I'm not kidding. Look at the TP bars in the party list for example. Not only does nothing indicate they're TP bars, nothing draws attention to them either, so people don't even think to look at your TP to even know to Goad you in the first place.

I liked manashifting when playing a caster, but most healers didn't eat through enough mp to be worth it most of the time.
Diversion I've legit seen people say without sarcasm "if I pull agro from the tank, the tank is shit" to justify them not using diversion, and this is someone that was at the time actually doing savage.
It feels like most people in this game are mouth breathers on a 25% oxygen tank.

It was a tight and very well designed fight. It was tuned to be just barely possible if everything goes right with day 1 gear, the DPS checks weren't actually that tight at all once you geared up a bit.
The problem was that the more casual and midcore demographics saw people on twitch struggle with it day 1 and reaching the enrage after awful attempts with the boss barely being half dead, and immediately went on the barricades. It only spiralled out of control from there and eventually people were straight up submitting big reports because of mechanics they deemed bugged even though they simply didn't understand them correctly.
It was a very fair fight, probably one of the best in the game, that thanks to people like Xeno and MrHappy just got an absolutely terrible reputation.

>9/10 dps don't use it
>5/10 don't use it even after you tell them to use it
>8/10 that do use it after their opener anyway
Tanking is suffering.

Feels good to be the 1/10 who uses it on pull and every time it's off CD.

Well I remember actually doing it myself, week to week. It was very punishing on mistakes, which is the part that turns medium-skilled players away. Tanks had to be on fucking point at all times with positioning and swaps, there was literally no room for recovery if your tanks fuck up at all. Coordination checks for the hand in Cascade 2&5 and coordination check for the whirlwind phase were insane and absolutely not doable with randoms. The fight was also pretty lengthy and much, MUCH faster than anything in Omega. Was it fair? Yes. Was it too difficult for the playerbase that was coming off FCOB? Absofuckinglutely. I saw raidgroups fall apart right before my eyes, even some of better ones, not because of Manipulator, but because of Living Liquid. Pugging it was unimaginable.

I was visiting my mom in england when dungeon finder dropped in 2009-ish

FFXIV has no bearing on WoW, it's an MMORPG designed for people who have never played MMORPGs
Anyone who actively plays MMOs can see how awful FFXIV is

>Anyone who actively plays MMOs can see how awful FFXIV is
What else is there to play? WOW, XIV, ESO, GW2, that's it. If you play Korean clones you're fucking subhuman anyway.

>it's an MMORPG designed for people who have never played MMORPGs
So just like WoW then.

You can play NPCs until you shake off the cobwebs. Also you still sometimes run into total beginners in ranked who are just doing it for the challenge log.

>Playing BLM
>Use diversion/lucid dreaming on cooldown during a whole dungeon
>tank still loses aggro without ever leaving shield oath because it's apparently too hard to use flash more than 1 time.
>At the last boss tank says "mind your aggro guys"

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>Clown fight on normal
>3 Casters get blown of the platform
Surecast SURE is hard
On the other hand not all roll actions are usable, if I ever see someone casting drain I will rage.

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There's really nothing and it sucks. I want to scratch the mmo itch but haphazard play times doesn't make much viable in the current market.

Not even surecast, swiftcast is designed for shit like that.

Surecast has a shorter cooldown.

>People want dancer because they think it'll be "different" from the other three healers
Yeah and Yoshi will finally unfuck MCH instead of forcing it to be a shitty mirror to BRD.

Not sure what the point of cross class / cross role skills even is at this point.
Just remove them and give each job a thematic version of the useful ones like shadow skin and foresight instead of rampart for all tanks.

>but foresight was different
I know, it's an example.

>FFXIV has no bearing on WoW, it's an MMORPG designed for people who have never played MMORPGs
Anyone who actively plays MMOs can see how awful FFXIV is

kek right now I'am having more fun in XIV then I ever did in WoW and the fucking kicker. all I'am doing is leveling my professions and making money. All done leisurely at my own fucking pace waiting until I feel like finishing the MSQ.

And unlike WoW the classes in this game have some depth to them and require some learning.

T.SMN, MNK, DRK and a poor shaman real tired of blizzards bullshit.

>Yoshi will finally unfuck MCH
They said they are working on it though, unlike DNC which is mostly people's wishful thinking.

>wishful thinking
It was leaked by someone who has been right so far on everything.

I sometimes miss my mistweaver.
Then I boot up WoW, look around and nope the fuck out.
There's nothing you can do that's fun except for leveling another alt and it's a crying shame.

Not exactly right about blu.

We WILL be getting a healer no doubt, it doesn't matter.

I would be even happy with Chemist.

Not the healer part, the "it'll be different" part.


And it will be another boring caster that likely won't be worth using for at least half a year after release.

They said they were working on it going into SB too, and look what we got.

Still mad about it.

What do people think Dancer is going to be like?
Is it just going to be another BRD-like support just melee this time and thus useless since nobody will want to crowd bosses even more and the other high DPS melee classes are more useful in actually killing things?

It's just people trying to make the discord leaks seem more legit than blufevers, don't acknowledge them.

>tfw some of those thematic versions got canibalized for the role actions

Instead of playing 10 masterpieces they waste hundred to thousands of hours in one single game doing the same thing for years kek

Play whatever is fun nigga.

Mid-range healer with dances being auras that give benefits to the immediately surrounding allies, kinda like how BRD Songs used to work. You have to manage your MP to keep optimize dance uptime while reserving enough to be able to still heal.

Im not forcing anyone, I was just pointing a fact

You also say that like people don't play both.

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Yoshi is cute!

Actually if you play MMOs, you'll see why FFXIV succeeds. Consistent content drops + predictable content cycle + fanservice up the ass + player skill over gear + story that isn't ass = active sub count peak during Stormblood release. People come back to it and feel right at home constantly. A friend can jump back in, get a full set of crafted and just immediately experience the game. Progress is reacquired in a heartbeat, effort in the game is repaid with zero RNG bullshit that korean games have, or the daily grind of most MMOs. You spend at most 1 hour a week to cap out tomes, a few hours for Savage, while Ultimate fulfills the poopsocker need.

No korean RNG, no korean jankiness, none of the constant streamlining and flipping on its head of WoW. FFXIV, ESO, GW2 are legitimately the only western MMOs worth spending your time in.

Tried playing FFXIV again and God damn is it just so fucking boring.

Bit excited for ESO's expansion though

>Western MMO

go away shill

Should I?

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What's all this shadowbringer/warrior of sarkness bullshit about?

Overheat is the most unique entrance to a burst cycle in the game. At most, it needs to be more friendly for high ping players. The class itself is unique so I don't think it really needs changes. The actual dps difference between the two is minimal to begin with and only matters for 99th percentile speedruns. Dismantle is the best mitigative ability in the game.

>player skill over gear
This is the part I like the most.
90s-00s gookclicker mmos can go rot in hell.

The issue is wildfire, MCH's dps should be spread more evenly and not packed into squeezing everything into a small timeframe

Or at last making that gameplay loop more fun. Theoretically i'd like something that resets or lowers the cooldown of wildfire but reducing wildfires damage.

It follows western game design. Korean MMOs highlight gear RNG, gear over player with +1 - 15 and often carry League of Legend skillshot bullshit with pseudo-brawler mechanics.

Yes, what else you going to use MGP on?

The issue is nothing to do after the wildfire bursts.

>>player skill over gear
>when a i300 healer can technically outdo a i400 healer because they dps
>when a i350 BLM can outdps i400 dps in dungeons

That's what I mean, you're basically spending the rest of wildfire's cooldown waiting for it to come off cooldown, even SAM who's a majority of it's DPS is based around Hagakure isn't like that.

Well I don't especially want the mount but if there's stuff I want that comes out later it'd be nice to have the MGP to buy it right away instead of having to save up again.

I guess. What did you do to grind out MPG anyways?

It can technically happen and does happen but it still shouldn't.

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Fashion Report, most of the challenge log (just not the 10/20 chocobo races or any of the verminion ones), jumbo cactpot and a few mini cactpots per week, plus if I happen to be in the gold saucer and there's a decently fun GATE on I go do it. That's all really. Nets about 150k per week.

>player skill over gear
FFXIV doesn't promote player skill, every single job is just simon says with the devs, a competent player can figure out how to do their rotation competently in 20 minutes (because the way you're meant to play it is the only option for anyone with more than one braincell) and there's very, very little that can actually interrupt you unless your left hand isn't on WASD all the time

All that's left is openers/reopeners and knowing beforehand when to pop your CDs

What FFXIV DOES promote is party knowhow, you need to coordinate a lot of things with your team, which can be challenging for random groups, but if you have a static the game has very little room to actually git gud

>someone makes a statement or post their opinion
>someone responds with the exact opposite opinion and writes a short story explaining why they are wrong
>every single TIME
>the thread
whats wrong with you people?

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brainlet post.

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That's a guy who fights a lot. Casual and even joking in a moment that would be an adrenaline spike.

You really didn't understand what you quoted.

I won the jumbo cacpot like three years ago across three characters and I've still not spent it on anything. Let me assure you nothing good is ever coming out. As soon as I can afford the cactuar I'm getting it (although too be fair unlike you I actually want it).

Can we go back to shitposting about Crsytal tower and the new race.

It follows Japanese MMO design

Which character?

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NO! you are gonna sit here and discuss the intricacies and pitfalls of xiv's design as an mmo and you are gonna like it!
Also, see me after class...

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Right with a different hairstyle.
Lalafell and lolita outfits doesn't really mix, it always looks really off, they are better going for more casual looks

>even considering be a potato

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I fucking wish that dress had sleeves.

When is the next content reveal?

Fanfest starts in like 10 hours I believe, so tons of expansion details then.

13 hours. You won't miss it, it's going to be a shitfest.

WoW is having a ‘’Free Weekend”

some people are just so desperate for attention they’ll go out of their way to start an argument even if they don’t really believe the point they’re making

>it's going to be a shitfest
yep, just 13 hours till that aids ridden incineroar poster strangely vanishes after he gets btfo.

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Desperate as fuck

You get 100-200k per week easy with little to no effort and it takes them more than 3 months to add anything worth buying to the gs since most good stuff gets put on the cash shop instead of ingame rewards as seen the complete absence of anything being added to the achievement vendor, fuckall event rewards and 1 gs addition every 6 months or so.

>Implying Blizzard won't DDos the server as usual

Will they talk more about gunbreaker at this fanfest or do i have to wait until the media event near the expansion launch? Dont remember how it was in HW

I fear that we have to wait until the 4th of may

Yeah... I thinking the same, we are probably getting races and what this raid js about at the fanfest.

They said they will be announcing the second class, ie dancer, and show off more viera stuff.
Anything more is a guess at best, though I think it's a pretty safe bet they will show off roughly how Gunbreaker will work and give us an idea what the ShB raids will be.

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I want to be friends with Soken.

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stop being so cute, yoshida

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All these fucking dance emotes.

Will they show the SHB main menu today? Or a preview of new music?

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Who is that ugly american


>American Community Director
Not sure what kind of position this is.

was rhis guy wearing anemos gear pentamelded with mind

Nope, shit gear and un-melded

>From Saturday, 23 March, 2019 at 1:30 to 3:00 (GMT)

>JP Fanfest is at midnight for EU

God I love living in the region that SE gives the least fucks about

NA gets fucked most of the time since all of the maintenances happen during their evenings

Posted this in another thread but the thread didnt really get any traction:
Haven't played in a long time. Supposedly theres a server merge of some kind soon? Does that mean I can jump ship and get on a better server for free? Current one is filled with incredibly vocal trannies and gays who really don't know when to shut the fuck up.
I'm EU if its relevant.

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Who the fuck invented Squadrons?

>Have to minmax like an autist to train the squadron properly and also have the right races and right classes to meet the requirements

>1:30 to 3:00 (GMT)
is 3:30 to 5:00 my time
is 2:30 my time

First one.

Let me guess you’re on Phoenix or Odin? EU gets fucked the most by the new server changes, if I were you I’d switch to either an NA server or JP server

Not a merge, a split and it's happening on the 1st of April. And yes, everyone gets a free server transfer.

Yes I'm on Phoenix. How fucked does EU get? Is the game playable at cross-continental ping?

What? I trained them randomly and i always the right comp for the mission.

>qs at 2am for a lvl 70 dungeon
>complains thats theres no newbies around

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You can pretty much ignore and send whoever you want, as long as you meet two of the stat requirements.

I'm gonna write user on my list if sleep past the first hour of the keynote. I'm trusting you on this one.

Not him but i explicitly remember it being mentioned that they used a well known pre-existing mahjong engine for it, it's literally just art assets, they really didnt do much to implement it

Ping only matters at the 1% top tier content. You can do savage and even PvP just fine on NA if you’re in EU. You will clip skills a few times and you will have to dodge attacks earlier than other players but it’s no big deal

should i play this?

High ping is tolerable as long as you're not playing a job that expects you to double weave a lot.


Alright, I'll think about it. Care to explain why EU gets fucked so badly?
I play NIN and RDM, was also leveling a BRD when I quit.

You will probably be more fucked by lack of players during the time you're playing than the ping.
If you're actually thinking of playing in NA think about if you will be able to play during NA prime time.

EU gets split into two data centers, both of which will have approximately 50k people each since the maximum limit for SE’s server infrastructure is 100k on one data center. Chaos will become the French infested data center and Light will become the German infested data center.

>I play NIN
I'm sorry

Queue times are the same if not lower on NA due to the sheer amount of people playing at all times, even at EU hours

The issue with the EU DC as it stands right now is that despite the overall population being lower, the number of servers means the population density is higher than its counterparts and the DC can only handle so much, thus the incoming split.

Who the fuck cares about queue times if PF is dead?

are you playing it?

WoW died before weeb WoW was even released.

ah fuckit, I play on NA servers despite being EU and it being a bit quiet in the middle of the day is a small price to pay to not have to deal with the french fucking up mechanics and nobody being able to tell them to stop being stupid.

Wait, whats the actual problem? Non-englishspeakers?

Reminder there will be no males confirmed tomorrow and the Japanese won't give a fuck

I'm just ready to get the purchase out of the way and be comfy for the next 3 years.

Its tonight.

I won't give a fuck either, all fapbait races pale in comparison to my highlander.

I'll resub when exp drops, now there's nothing to do.

They'll give a fuck but not immediately. They'll politely clap for the announcement and hang around the area until the day is over then sperg out online once they're back in their hotel rooms.


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The problem is that after the split each DC is only going to have approximately 50k players each, so we're both going to have the smallest DCs across any region.

Oh, and what do you play? do tell.

I see, so the issue is lack of players? Do the DCs in NA have higher capacity, then?

I think he means the fact that Shad did draw some porn of an actual real child actress one time, that little girl from Logan
He took it down though when they threatened legal action

anyone mind telling me why people make arr pony farm parties when you can just steamroll the trials solo at 70 while also not having to roll against other people?

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even faster in parties
fight done in less than 10 seconds

No, NA will be split into 3 DCs, but they have overall about 260k active players while EU will be split into 2, but they have around 110k.

Sperg out about how much they love bunnygirls maybe

Maybe I’m doing something wrong but it took me like 5 minutes trying to solo Ramuh Ex at 70 (although I was only using Shire Gear)

how long until fanfest

has there anything groundbreaking been announced so far for this expansion pack? Or is it just continuing the same old mmo formula it has like the previous expansions?


Less to do with capacity and more to do with overall population. The way the split in NA is going to happen should ensure each of the 3 DCs have roughly 80-88k players each.

As I said before, EU's technical issue at the moment is player density because all 100-110k of us are in 10 servers within one DC.

Okay, thanks. I'll give it some thought as to whether or not I transfer, then.

How the FUCK do you level up the Chocobo? It takes motherfucking ages and it’s only level 3

There's a challenge log that gives you big chunks of XP that will scale with its level.

you stick to the weekly or feed it food hourly but even then its shit, its a long term goal
heard about people getting more exp using blu and switching jobs though

I maxed leveled it when leveling BLU, but I think they nerfed choco exp gain rate when you're on blu.

okay so in 11 hours?

i almost never worry about races, classes are just so i have the right stat mix

Yeah man it's always funny how "Yoshida is a hack"-tier posts always start up around certain hours and ~25-35 unique IPs clock in all at once around the same time that starts up. Clearly those niggers are the majority in threads with ~125-150 unique IPs on average.

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Actually no, they raised chocobo EXP-gain to match BLU's across all jobs. na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/9d4b0a562150be00542fa0d953382ada951713af

Oh, then it's very easy to level up it now.

Just had a guardian in the normal raid roulette. It's been a year since sigmascape came out and I still got the same lagspikes that ruined the fight a year ago.
I'm guessing it's just the fight that's simply fucked rather than the servers melting due to overload.

works on my machine just fine. either something wrong with your tracert or the instance servers just crapping out that time.

yes yes im sure your tomboy highlander is the best thing ever since sliced bread and all the cats and au ra are stupid for not being like you

So what if we combined Diadem 1.0 and Eureka Pyros/Hydatos in order to create the ultimate cross world NM hunting zone except without releveling and you can swap jobs freely without penalty.

i hate mmorpgs these days, nobody talks to you or anyone else at all. sure tradechat is active but aside that there is no social aspect. such a huge and populated open world but you still feel so alone. take me back

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people talk to me in the world on my server

post yfw they're revealing the races and HROTHGAR pops up on screen only for the official render to be a viangaa-tier shitpost

>implying that is a ffxiv thing only

If anything, I expect Hrothgar to be in as the next beast tribe race just to meme that hard.

I'm still mad that they didn't turn on be of the new EU data centers a frog and kraut containment DC. Just throw moogle and louisoux to Light and rescue Phoenix and Odin back to Chaos.
Would solve every problem I have with the playerbase.


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Classic WoW is going to lose to this in reviews.

A lot of classes were in their best state in Legion. Especially in 7.1.5 where AK was up to 52, you could fill up your AP after 2 dungeons and get all your artifact traits, a lot of classes felt completed and better to play imo


Yoshi should btfo of everyone and tease Hrothgar, Male Viera, and Dancer just to quash all 3 then announcing Chemist or Geomancer. The salt would be legendary.

"We were actually joking with female viera, they're not going to be a new race. Please enjoy Blood Elezen."

>There's no content!
>Here's a list of content.
>But I don't like that content!
Then argue that raids are the only fun content, dumbfuck.

>edgy elezen with sharp teeth

i'll take 20

I would love to see a vid of you soloing Ifrit as a non RDM dps

Content is subjective.

Just become a lalafell, your pet experience will improve.

I thought it was funny.


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I remember when I first bought heavensward I got to the start of it and just quit the game because arr and its glut of crap content just burned me right out. Three months ago I bought SB and went through both expansions, it was such a fuckin trip. Loved it. They should really go back and fix that shit with arr, it's the poster child for a game not getting good until 60 hours in.

Not the same user, but the fact that the SMN has to hold back his dps so much kind of defeat the purpose of going as a dps.

Ah i forget that they're weak enough that you can use Titan to tank now

That's kind of cheating since you can use Sustain but what im saying here is that if you dont have RDM/SMN levelled then you're playing a DPS without a heal and Ifrit will eventually kill you with his stacking debuffs

everybody need to hold dps on ifrit and leviathan

There's really not any getting around DPS-gating mechanics with the EX primals, you will be held back no matter how high your level is once their HP reaches a certain percentage. You're going to die instantly if you refuse to keep your dick in your pants.

yeah i used smn for most ponies but ramuh when i used rdm

Even when doing bahamut solo as rdm you have to hold back dps. But that's mostly so you could skip one mech with your burst.

I think Yoshi did a great job with his mmo
Would trust a new ip to him/10

Nice try Yoshi.

one can use paladin/DRK too

Literally WRONG.

Leviathan only does 40k on the transitions so you can easily power through it.
Ifrit only cucks you if you time your 10% burn badly but if you play it right you don't need to hold anything, if you're bad and can't do the timing you can just burn to 20% then only do that last set of nails, the earlier sets of nails you can just power through as he only does his immune explosion spam for the last one, the earlier sets he only does the immune explosion once before continuing on with the fight.

The only fight where you actually have to hold is Ramuh.

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