Thoughts on Steam redesign?

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I want to call it fake for having Halo 4 on there, but Halo 4 is actually coming to steam. So surreal


Better than what we have now?

Atleast not as bad as the exhentai redesign

I feel like I will get used to it but it does look quite gray

Looks cluttered. Would I be able to hide Friends Activity? If I want to check what the fuck my friends are doing I'd pull the friends list.

>Atleast not as bad as the exhentai redesign

i just checked right now

oh no oh dear

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>if a name is too big it simply cut off, you can't even know what language you hentai is anymore
What a hell is wrong with those guys.

I don't mind it so long as they don't fuck with the list.
And this, maybe a darker slate color would be nice.


>tfw no friends and this will just be a reminder of that

If I can hide the boxes, I can deal. I do enjoy having game covers to act like a game shelf.

>we want the epic store audiences

It just looks like steam big picture mode. Really pushing the boundaries there Gabe.

what games would you play with Ricky?

I prefer the way it currently looks

>one of the avatars originated on Yea Forums

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>no more top selections
>names all cut off
What the fuck

fucking why

This looks like shit.

> library shows friends activity
Why? Shouldnt it be somewhere in community?

if it ain't broke, break it

what the fuck is this shit
oh god this sucks too
w h y


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Just like the last one, I hate it.

Looks good.
Seems fine to me.

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Click the drop-down menu in the upper right and switch to "Minimal."

They want you to see what your friends are playing without you so you're pressured into buying it.

It looks passible. Not super in your face and not imposible to navigate

>1 friend currently in game in halo 4


It's too busy on the eyes

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>cant see the covers
Fuck off


>browsing without images/thumbnails
It's a visual medium for christ's sake.

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Hover over the link or switch to thumbnail mode, moron.

Looks fine to me.
I think I'm a bit of a minority opinion but I'm always big on huge redesigns because it keeps things feeling fresh.
Wish they'd bother redesigning the entire Steam client itself though instead of just the library and store pages. Like do something with the top bar too.

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It's less fugly but the main view looks utterly useless and it's just copying years old design trends. Can't they come up with something new? Use some of that infinite money and hire some proper talent Gabe, you fat fuck

you must be baiting

>use minimal mode
>jk use thumnbail
fucking retard

Horrible, desu.

Its implied that people automatically go for thumbnail mode. In which case the names get cut off and the top selections are still missing
Fucking retard, kill yourself

I used the 2013 skin as long as I could before it became an absolute pain by having different menus overlapping because I preferred it
This new shit looks like big picture cancer lite

Joke's on you faggot, all I'll ever see is a picture of sadpanda.

it's alright

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Aside from those dumb blue light dots scattered over it, it looks good.

it's everything i hate about modern phone-influenced web design all in one place

>Games I've finished

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>Complain about not being able to read the full titles
>Intentionally use a mode that always made it a hassle to read titles and languages
I'm not the moron here, buddy.

Why use thumbnail mode? Text mode provides more information at a glance in a smaller space and if you want to see the cover badly enough, you just hover over the link. You fags are really inefficient when it comes to looking up porn.


better than the current but too bright for my taste

>Why use thumbnail mode? Text mode provides more information at a glance in a smaller space and if you want to see the cover badly enough, you just hover over the link.
The title is fucking irrelevant compared to the art.

Hey, wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst isn't on Steam. Why is it in the image then?


Steam is forming a coalition with Origin and GoG to take down Epic, obviously.

Also Uplay

I hope so unironically.

>Those categories
I really hope they do update that to make it easier to make and order, when you got literally hundreds of steam games you find yourself making a bunch of categories in order to list them out and doing them manually one by one (the only way Steam allows right now) is a fucking bitch.

That look likes an inconsistent mess

>we want the Epic Store audience

>RPG Games
This shouldn't bother me as much as it does.

That sounds like a japanese crime drama tier plot but i'd love to watch this happen

at least its got a popular section now like the normal version.

>Only 250 favorites

I'm close to 3,000.

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>The title is fucking irrelevant compared to the art.
You can see the cover art by hovering over a link. Not that cover art tells you exactly what's inside the gallery or how good the art in the gallery is.

Point is text mode gives me more galleries to choose from in a smaller visual area and is more efficient.

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>has backlog
is he /ourguy/?

Not too bad desu, Need to give it some time untill I can develop a proper opinion on it

Looks dumber

>having favorites
>he doesn't have 350gb of doujins on his hdd
bruh, even 350gb is smalltime

I can scan a page of manga thumbnails way faster than hovering over each one.

Why not both?

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Hopefully the skin feature is still a thing
I like the layout but it looks a bit bloated. Metro will be delicious with it

Why does this always happen? A website or program has a good, convenient layout but for some reason they have to make everything huge and bloated.

>tfw I use the exhentai phone app

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because if you don't change stuff then people say 'this company is so lazy they never update anything'
normalfags like form over function

>45 messages

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This blew my mind because they did it on the same day I upgraded to Windows 10 so I was confused. I thought somehow the website design had been tired to my windows version and had updated.

I don't really care.
Most of the time I boot up my games from the system tray and I barely use anything other than the store during sales.

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I hope individual library game pages won't be this cluttered as this "frontpage" because it looks terrible. I don't really care so long as I can keep my nice clean alphanumeric master list of 645 games.

Ubisoft is using Steam and Epic to increase the userbase of uplay. They don't care about the winner of this war.

Will it finally fix the page loading lag?

Its been over 15 years, shit shouldn't be based on fucking XP internet explorer in 2019

why do you have a neogaf icon?

Unironically this

Premium neogaf accounts can download their desktop app.


Either way it looks good aesthetically but I hope I can minimize some of the images to the smaller buttons again.

How nice of Valve to remove useful, clear links to Community resources in favor of stuffing big pointless images of box art in my face and a big "what battle royale filled with hacking slav and chinks are my Friends playing right now?" sidebar
i hope they have the option to retain Classic UI

So Mirrors Edge Catalyst is comming to Steam?

Hopefully we're getting Command & Conquer The Ultimate Collection on steam as well

All those people at valve need to look busy and do literally anything but make videogames.

What you're seeing there is a 'no game selected' screen, aka there's no community resources to link to

>HTML bloated shit
No thanks.

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I wonder if Minecraft will come to Steam since Microsoft is releasing Halo MCC.

I like having friend list and library in the same window, I like that they kept the list on the left, fuck everything else though.

fucking zoomers

Looks extremely cluttered but I'll reserve final judgment until I see it in action.

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A pretty new design won't save them from Epic, and their virtuous quest to save PC gaming. Steam need to do the right thing and reduce their take to 10% - 30% is unsustainable for modern publishers and developers that they claim to care about.

Just look at blizzard, they are struggling even with 100% take, how can we expect other companies to do well with just 70%

Looks garbage, top bar wasn't even updated, and library page is way too cluttered. I know it's a library but, most people like their clients to be clean and straightforward.

I'd like them to take big picture a bit more seriously too, they've not had a good redesign for that in years.

Fuck off this a discussion about Steam not your fucking Commie storefront


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That is the ugliest goddamn mess I've ever seen.

Thank fuck I've moved on from using shitty, non-free (as in Freedom), bloated, DRM to shit game stores.

I like a minimal list to choose from. Hope I can keep that.

I wonder if this redesign will help push their streaming and discord like qualities more.

It'd be kinda neat if you can just hit a join chat button on a game's page and you get taken to a dev operated group for real time interaction, maybe with a few more community features?

how can you improve thing that is already perfect?
not by throwing shit at it though

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i only want this if it comes with huge optimization, you know like how when moving a download to the top of the queue starts taking up your whole cpu, randomly moving workshop updates to the top of the steam queue, trade requests still using the old steam friends interface. among other things.

Valve is making alliances.

Better, however that's not saying much as the current UI is somewhat dreadful.

As long as Smoll Mode still exist, I don't see why this would affect me.
I miss the old olive green Steam.

I hope to Jesus they make it so I can put top sellers/new and trending at the top of the page on the store tab, I fucking hate having to scroll past all the curator, discovery queue, special offer bullshit everytime.

It's a command console.

I'm pretty sure that was the point of it to begin with

I don't see the issue
It's a 'home' page, aka where you start now when you first open the library, as opposed to starting at your most recently used game now
Most recent game is right there, big button to launch right away or click on it to go to its page
One row for updates, one sortable row for your library whose size can be decreased with the slider on the right

Yeah i dont see the problem either

I really can see Steam and GOG working together more closely to deliver better Linux support, it'd be fucking amazing if CP2077 has native linux support or a massively optimised Proton container from day one.
Not sure about EA's Origin, though they are underperforming so a strategic alliance might be beneficial to them. Maybe EA's games could appear on other platforms again.

looks stupid as fuck just like every steam redesign

gay, they added a 'trading card' section
i know it's optional but it's still stupid and flares my autism

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God, it looks like a cluttered mess. If I wanted to see the stuff my friends do in their games I'd just pop over to the Activity feed, and we already have the Friends List to see what they're playing, so that's redundancy if I've ever seen it.

I honestly hope they do some massive changes while it's in beta. It needs a lot of work.

Looks good, having recent updates in the library tab is much better than having to scroll through the store page to find them.

I like it.

I love it

It's empty space and nobody scrolls down that much anyways. A bigger complaint is the fact that to go to Discussions you have to go through Community Hub which is an extra click + load times.

Man, the new steam update is looking great!!

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that's a lot of gay faggotry.

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WHAT THE FUCK there's a favorites button? I never fucking noticed it.

Time to start reporting all Epicshit as paid shilling, Yea Forums.

Do it.

looks alright, might uninstall my skin for this


# Unreal Engine - Tracking and analytics domains.

Remember to block unreal engine in host file, so they can't steal your data

>No official steam skins available or even a workshop for steam skins
>All that clutter when you go to your library just to click a game and play it
>45 notifications
>Shit games
>Actually playing games with Ricky (the worst offender)

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I want it to be optional like the picture mode, I'm pretty fine with it's original design and don't want to change it.

Now I'm gonna fit 40% less games on my screen. Thanks valve

Forgot pic

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I prefer the current "boring" one. Maybe if I was one of those rainmeter kiddies I'd enjoy all that clutter.

Looks nice.

i dont give a shit about the look, that's what skins are for, but it will be nice to take all that information and display it in much better and cleaner ways.

I hate it, but the friends list redesign is much worse.

And yet the Steam one looks much better


I hate it.

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What's the 81 mean after community?

I agree, I like the blue-grey it is now better. Green-grey would be best though.
Dude only has 30 games total, including uninstalled. And some of those are games you Don't ever finish. A 13% completion rate is higher then mine.

You only have to do that once though. It's not that bad.

How many games do you have installed at once anyway? I only keep a couple dozen, you can't play more then that at once really anyway.

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so are the finally remove the forced vr category you can't get rid of?


How do you play 52 games regularly? I play like, 4. And then a dozen I just leave on to play with friends.

What's the recommended one?

you can just minimize it, what is the problem?

I think it's the user's username (81 Console), but on the top right it says 'the gish'
maybe the image was edited, who knows

Will it stop Steam from being a CPU siphoning laggy shit show?

Imagine having over a hundred games on there and having no proper list, only those stupid fuckhuge thumbs.

top right is your private account name you log in with, the other name is your public community name that you can change whenever you want.

Might look nicer once they finish the top section.

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>it's real
fucking why??

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Dev console

Put into your browsers url bar


don't do this, it launches the nukes

Wait Halo 4 is coming out on PC?

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Don't do this, it creates mustard gas!

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No it fucking isn't.
Another god damn tab being changed to a webpage. As if the rest of the fucking client wasn't made slower enough already with its tens of megabytes of javascript and html5.

Nigga have you been sleeping under a rock?

Thanks asshole my account got stolen

I like it desu.

You can multi-select games with ctrl/shift click and batch-categorize them though, if that's what you meant. The new design has sorting by tags and creating collections. I hope it makes it possible to quickly list all multiplayer games owned by a set of friends.

windows 8 skin already looks better

I hope it's not as sluggish as that piece of shit big picture.

>start big picture
>startup jingle clips
It's like they pushed out big picture and then immediately abandoned it.

>what the fuck is user talking abou-
>my fucking face when

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I thought just Reach and 1-3 were coming to PC.
I legit had no idea about Halo 4.

i hope its optional and not forced

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what the fuck was wrong with the old one
god this is shit

>go to library
>chugs along at 5 fps while it apparently reacquires all the images since it apparently doesn't cache
Great design Gabe!

You think they'd start support two different interfaces?

looks ok but it could be better. good thing about valve is theyre willing to make little changes and improvements as people demand it.

because if everything isn't designed like it's for toddlers then the average person gets lost and confused and whines about it

It's not even as bad as it was a couple days ago when it first changed and all those new buttons were extremely bright colors. They toned them down a lot but still looks like shit.

>No longer says "new" on items that appeared after you last visited

Pointless redesign aside why would they remove a feature this good? What the fuck?

I hope eze gets updated, I miss being able to see the full titles with the thumbnail layout.
At least the site is still super quick.

Nevermind, just noticed the new ones have the date in bold but it's still a downgrade compared to the old very easy to see system.

>using exhentai
Cuck lol.

Steam's UI is actually using Elagtron (which is based on Chrome) so it will never be fixed

if you think that its going to be optional you are delusional.

I personally don't mind the redesign, guess it makes it look a little bit better.
will take a while to get used to.
Most of you guys are acting like toddlers who are scared of change.

Who the hell thought these alternating shades would be a good idea? Looks horrible.

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hope they make some of the "widgets" optional like the trading cards, achievements, and other stuff