L I T E R A L L Y what the FUCK was FROM thinking?

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What did he mean by this

Stop dying like a nigger. You can also heal it.

Someone sounds frustrated because they're bad.

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Can I get this translated into layman's terms?

As a PC player, this is simply too difficult for me and many other PC players that I know.

someone never played DeS

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git good

Is this basically World Tendency?

The more you die, NPCs get sick and start dying.

I started pretending I was playing a rhythm game and this shit actually got easier

Basically the same, yeah.

there's no way this has that drastic an effect on the story or game so just relax OP you'll be fine. everyone already has dragon aids on my playthrough

I didn't even start it yet and already worried

is it whenever you die?
I thought it just happened when you use the revive

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How do I go back in time?

>giant jew nose
>face caked in makeup
>those fucking eyebrows
Every fucking time

It's if you die after a revive without getting to a shrine.

Some youtuber I was watching claimed he'd tested this and it didn't seem to make a difference if he revived or just died

I actually really like this mechanic, it gives you an incentive to learn the game rather than brute forcing it. It would be really cool if theres a special ending for people who complete the game deathless.

lmao did they really bring back the single worst thing about Demon's Souls??

Is that supposed to be Sayori?
Holy shit.

It can be cured lmao

they didn't bring back DUDE MAGIC LMAO, so no.

there is
if you get a shitty ending if you die at all i'm gonna be pissed though

Your entire game doesn't get harder forever so no.

It's based on the game over screen, i'm about 95% certain. Combat revives did nothing but I started getting game over screens then the dragonrot started spreading across Wolf's face.

If you use your res on death instead of just dying, it gradually kills your NPCs the more you use it.
It's more akin to a DS1 curse because you can heal it away, but it's hard to do.

Quit trying to play it like Bloodborne. It's fucking not.
If you wave your dick at every general/ogre/whatever big bad is in your way right off the bat while underpowered, you'll just get stomped and end up with dead NPCs everywhere.
This is NOT a Souls game. It's a Tenchu game with Souls elements.

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Hi Yea Forums.

Ok, what the hell's happening, why do I keep on getting a banned warning IP blah blah msg?
As for Sekiro, do any of played this on GTX 750? How's the optimization?

770 here (with 4790k)

also curious

>this abomination
just puked

I think half of Japan will die of dragon cancer before I finish the game

>Get ground pounded by Ogre
>try to get up
>lunges, ground pounds again
This game is seriously upsetting.

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Dsp is that you

Is this supposed to be cute?

Its the other eay around. The first res doesnt cause dragon rot. If you die for real its when dragon rot starts.

She is cute to me.

I can't wait to finish my shift today and swing by the store to grab the game.

just start again bro, youre going to finish the game with only 30% of missions complete

With those tatoos? Nah, just slutty.

Just beat the Ogre. Best strat is kill the 3 guys, fucking run and hide somewhere. Eventually he'll unaggro. Deathblow him, this cuts him down to just one HP bar. Stick to his side, and do 2 or 3 slashes, then unlock and run. Repeat

its great. was made for consoles so you guys should be fine

has anybody actually had an NPC die? I've been intentionally killing myself and nothing has happened besides *cough cough*. I'm at 50+ deaths so far

rot doesn't even do anything though, it just changes their dialogue a bit. Are you actually paying attention to their dialogue after the first time you talk to a n npc?

Is there new game+? surely someones beat it by now

Yes, aren't you?

Probably triggers depending on your story-progress.

no, what the fuck. How do you stand listening to the same 3 lines of dialogue more than once or twice before you just start mashing through?

Thank god this game is singleplayer only because you just know they're going to nerf the dragonrot because Yea Forums normies are awful at the game and can't take being pushed out of their comfort zone even for a bit.

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it kills them

are you just killing yourself without progressing through the game?

stop avatarfagging

>Emma literally tells you that people will start dying if you keep dying and dragon rot not being healed
If nothing happens getting a Dragon Rot heal would be pretty useless.

>mad cuz bad

I have a laptop, i5 6200u, 950m 4GB, 8GB RAM, and can play DS3 at medium setting lock 30fps. Do any user play Sekiro on a laptop?

I'm going to say the m-word

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>it kills them
is there proof yet? I've seen every single NPC get infected and not a single one die. And yes, i'm shit. I'm fully aware.

Where are all the cute girl bosses? Its only old hags, freaks or disgusting Bandits in Fundoshi

all i've heard talk about is old lady boss horse dude, ogre and bull. is there really no content.

The game feels schizophrenic as fuck.

Why is everything I fucking do underpowered as shit?
Why am I fucking absolutely forced to do this bullshit trial and error dance whenever I encounter a new enemy?
Why does like 90% of the enemies in this game have some sort of "lul no blocking :))))" move?

No one wants to look at this disgusting amerimutt hag. Stop posting this ugly bitch.

Forgot the Monk, Snake and Genichiro.

playing on my i7 7700hq, gtx 1060 laptop on "high" settings at constant 60 fps. No drops as far as I can tell. This game is pretty well optimized.

idk why do you think that's necessary

I'd neck myself too if I looked like that


is there weapon or appearance customization at all?

>he doesn't know about the ape

>there's hidden doors in this game
>and no player messages
Well goodbye all the cool stuff that I missed! Apparently there are like three more prosthetics hidden in Hirata and the outskirts and I still only have the Shuriken/Axe/Fire. And I've already beaten horse guy and the drunkard.

Why do you think they are not? Yuki-Onna in Nioh was pretty gud.

1. Because you are.
2. It's been 6+ games w/ the same formula. You're still complaining about this?
3. Punish them for using it.

>Yea Forums before the game was out

>Yea Forums after the game is out

Keep exploring senpai, i found some Mist Raven shit that sounds pretty cool but haven't had a chance to try it out yet

give tips please how do i keep pressure up in second phase or am i supposed to play it safe

Fuck how are you supposed to deal with the shield wielding enemies for the drunkard fight? I feel like I'm missing a tool or something. They are so fucking obnoxious.

I literally can’t beat the ogre wtf is this shit from

1. Literally fucking why though? At least let me fight the regular mobs and mooks on a level playing ground, but even they take off more health than I do to them.

2. Dark Souls never actually FORCED you to read and dance around enemies though, most of the time you can power your way or outsmart your way through them with your own abilities. The only real trial and error part of Dark Souls was the bosses. In Sekiro it's literally every single fucking enemy.

3. It's hard to punish them when it's only my second or third time battling them and they suddenly throw it out at me and I didn't even know they had it.


smack with axe, it breaks their shield and turns them into regular trash

get that Loaded Axe son

get that Flame Vent son (and use it twice in a row)

You need the mechanical arm axe to break their shield.

Didnt find the axe yet bit its probably used for destroying the shields.

you can just ignore them

So how do you heal this curse?

Played for about an hour than got a refund.
>90% of the combat is R1 spam
>Feels completely retarded to spiderman your way out of a bad fight, player can endlessly reset combat until they get a good opener
>Plunging kill attack only works when it feels like it
>DS2-tier hitboxes that teleport you into grab attacks
>Level design is a boring convoluted mess
From fucked up bad.

I did though, I actually made an effort to go to every place I could. I even managed to find the headless guy all by myself but I literally don't know where else to look. Even if there is something after Lady Butterfly I'll still be missing stuff.

Like that door that's in the hallway/gate before the second General fight which only opens from the other side, no idea how to get to it.

stop making the same post

you have to be a colossal shitter to get black tendency by accident especially when playing online has a bias towards white.

That clashing sound ,*ting *ting, is starting to annoy me.

>suck at game
>game becomes harder


Can I play this with KBM or is it like most souls games and basically just for controller?

>dude just sneak attack the drunkard after clearing his posse
>clear them all out after 8 minutes of stealth fuckery
>he can see me through a rock, through a house, from 50 meters away, with his back turned
>aggroes the AI helper
amazing, 10/10

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Get in her FUCKING FACE and SMASH that BITCH.

Shuriken her when she's flippin' in air for MAD poise damage, the phantoms give tools when killed so just SLASH THEM UP.

bruh im playing without lb and dpad down and its hard as fuck.

If only there was some kind of 'energy' bar which is depleted upon expending attacks in order to punish mindless spaming. Sadly in the year of 2019 such technology is still beyond us.

kill his buddies, then recruit the samurai helper and 2v1 the drunkard. an user gave me this tip and after 10 straight failures prior to that advice i owned him in one try

>Beat him with the AI helper
>AI helper dies to poison just after boss dies

she recovers her ki so quickly if i go kill the adds though. am i supposed to just deplete her hp and kill her that way?

I've been watching youtube e-celeb playthrough and NONE of them know how to play the game. not a single one of these sponsored pre-release e-celeb know how to parry shit. ALL of them are defensive pussies too scared to attack and keep dodging forever like a cowards they are. JUST LET ME PLAY PLEASE.
go play Ys8 instead.

It means the more you die the more the world falls apart.

Basically you want the good ending? Then git gud. Otherwise everything is going to shit.

your taste is absolutely abysmal my dude

Sounds like a lot of excuses to cover the fact that you're shit at the game.

Think of it like world tendency, except the darker you go the more yurt kills dudes.

I hate to ask for help, but, I talked to this thief guy around where the Chained Ogre is, and he mentioned some flame round thing in Hirata Estates I think he called it. But I haven't been to that place, or even know where it is. Is that later on?

This is a good mechanic to make the player feel bad about losing.

It's similar to how the US Military got soldiers to start caring about their own deaths: by assigning them a "battle buddy" and drilling into them that if they die, their battle buddy will also be likely to die. This is proven to make people perform much more rationally under stress.



Get her HP down on the second phase and poise down in first phase, she recovers like ass when her hp is like 30% so you can poisebreak anyway by slashing mobs and keeping her busy, HP is just safer.

You need to get a bell from the old maid and show it to the nice Buddha next to carver.

so dragonrot increases if you resurrect, but if you just die it doesnt? This shit is confusing.

some broken house earlier has some old lady who gives you a bell

it should be then.. I keep on seeing that mistake more and more, what's happening?

You can resurrect once/twice on spot, but after using them up you have a 'hard' resurrection that counts towards dragonrot and spawns you back at the 'bonfire'.

>if you die too many times you get a cutscene
>if you don't you'll never see the secret

fuck this game

I legit thought I was looking at Anita for a moment.

so the opposite of what said.

thenk. alright time to get back into it.

okay so am I basically supposed to resurrect whenever I die to avoid having dragonrot happen or does dying period make it happen

Well, I've played the game for about nine hours and have gotten/cured dragonrot a few times so I'm fairly confident that my explanation is spot on.

Save your hard deaths for bosses and go back to the checkpoint after you use your on-spot death in the world.

Is the combat same roll/parry spam as souls?

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I only resurrected once and died 3 times to the general in the first area near the shrine still got that fucking message

wtf I think ill have to restart

Resurrect as much as you can, of course.
You can only resurrect once or twice, depending if you can deathblow enough people after the first resurrection anyway.

It increases for death for sure, didn't use revive until after I got the coughing scene.

The first dragonrot is most likely scripted as they want to introduce the feature, you get it and the cure like right afterwards just handed to you.

thats what he just said

for anyone stuck on drunkard

Attached: drunkard.webm (900x506, 2.83M)

>Unable to enjoy things unless there are cute we all know you mean anime/asian girls in it
What a sad life.

>just past the ogre power bombing nigger
>my npcs are fucking dead from dragon rot
>have to fucking start over again
Can't even fucking refund now.

Realistically it has no reason to trigger when you never die for real.

>Literally "run away after r1nning the aides, backstab and then attack once and hold block while walking left" the game

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Just started. Im in the tutorial level. Does dying here affect dragonrot? I pushed the wrong button when hanging off the ledge and fell lol

Sure, but that would be pretty tough!

It is a magnificent life.

Spamming isn't gonna work in this game outside of trash basic mobs.

How do you kill the treasure carp that are just below the surface of the water? They never come up to the surface.

Nice bait bro.
You literally can not just hold block as enemies start using thrusts, side sweeps and grabs to fuck you up fierce.

>Tfw have to juggle three different 'parry' buttons

aw fuck i've been doing the exact opposite because the dialogue from the shrine chick made me think using resurrect was what caused it

welp you live and learn i guess

They are not carps, they are those fishes that hurt you.

Oh. Do the carp not respawn, then?

after they contract it, around how many more deaths does it take for them to die?

NPCs dont generally know the difference between resurrection and dying/coming back to life as it's all 'not dying/resurrection' to them.

What bait? It's how the game works. Are you not walking left?

No, I walk right.
Fuck off retard.

should i buy this game and should i get it on ps4 or pc, big soulstard btw

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Do the npcs die if you keep dying and never heal the dragonrot?

How in the FUCK do you parry big spear faggots? The Shinobi Hunters. Is there a special skill? These dudes are going to make me kill everyone with dragon rot at this rate. Should I just be jumping over their attacks like a ninny?

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>played the game for about nine hours
How long does it take to finish Sekiro?

>have to fucking start over again
no you dont. keep playing and get your bad ending then get your good ending on NG+

Presumably, yes.
You'd have to die a fuckton though as I've died like 30 times and only got stage 2 dragonrot.

it's funny actually I had more of an idea what was happening in every souls game and bb than this heap or shit
it's like when a character gives you 12 lines of terrible dialogue in a row you tend to start tuning them out on accident

>Game gives you helpful skills if you die too much
Fuck you From


theres a stage 2? good to know i have like 3 people infected and was gonna use the shard but ill wait

Yeah dude, buy the skill that lets you use dodge to step on their spear for mad poise damage.

I've had constant progress and beaten about two 'hard' bosses so far, my experience with every other souls game indicates to me that there is at least 20 hours left.

how many stages are there?

>spent 6 hours today playing pirated copy
>steam version is finally unlocked
>can't access my save
fuck i was afraid of this. I might honestly refund it and just play the pirated version lol

Stage 2 as in more people get dragonrot than just the first guys.

How are you supposed to tell? This whole coming back to life thing is retarded

By not being a fucking brainlet dude.

mechanically its not a souls game. its a deflect/counter action game. Perfectly timed blocks/dodges/attacks is the game.

>as punishment for failure, we will make your game literally worse

It's a novel mechanic to be sure, but it's also a retarded mechanic.

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All it does is lower unseen aid and halt NPC quest lines.

send help, jesus christ

You can cure it, though.

Fuck me I knew there was a skill. A dialogue popped up that I accidentally skipped mentioning something along those lines. I'm in the first bell memory thing, so I didn't want to leave. But I don't suppose that matters?

Holy shit bros how the fuck do I kill this dude in the chains I'm going nuts here I heard something about fire how do I lure him into fire

God forbid playing badly gets punished instead of mollycoddled.

huh alright i guess i should use it then. i only got 1 extra shard from the memorial merchant. how rare are they?

>how do I lure him into fire
use your flamethrower gadget

>Literally fucking why though? At least let me fight the regular mobs and mooks on a level playing ground, but even they take off more health than I do to them.

Because you can kill them pretty fucking easily if you know how to kite or train them

> Dark Souls never actually FORCED you to read and dance around enemies though


>most of the time you can power your way or outsmart your way through them with your own abilities. The only real trial and error part of Dark Souls was the bosses. In Sekiro it's literally every single fucking enemy.

Fodder enemies are still easy to deal with. Learn to parry and stop treating this game like dark souls.

>It's hard to punish them when it's only my second or third time battling them and they suddenly throw it out at me and I didn't even know they had it.

Because you're probably not gonna understand it unless someone spells it out for you, allow me to explain how fighting in this game works.

You hit your enemies. If you spam, they parry and counterattack. If you're quick, you can parry them to increase posture damage and kill them instantly. If not, and you're unsure of you can do this simple task, blocking or moving the fuck out the way is the way to go. Holding R1 is like R2s from DS and goes through guards to an extent. If you're still having trouble getting used to the most basic flow of combat, there's someone to practice on back at the hub.

Stealth attacks on enemies w/ 2 or more bars makes a lot of these fights easier jsyk. Use the mechanics to your advantage and stop whining.

Pretty rare but as they cure completely they're alright.
Nah, you can just buy it like any other skill from the bonfire.

no this game is more spammy than any of the soulsborne games

I don't have one. I have a shiruken one and a arrow repeater.

does reviving cause rot or just death?

Chained Ogre? lmao i didn't even knew there was an easier way
>kill 2 adds, 1 stealth one normal
>kill spearguy hiding in the back
>hop outside his aggro range
>hop back in, stealth, 1 node gone
>strong attack+1 weak attack> dodgestep away repeat
ezpz took 2 tries

The punishment should be making you try again, not literally making the game's content worse every time you die.

Just death.

so 1 hour of gameplay instead of 3
big deal

>you can just buy it
God, I hate missing things that obvious. Thank you for saving me more minutes of misery, user.

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Don't feel too bad about it, I managed to sequence break the game by skipping him 'till the boss door and realizing that the door requires a key that's dropped in the area after him.

Here's an additional tip: The purple hidden guy you meet later is super fucking though but oil and fire are good.

>lady butterfly has a second phase
I quit, this limited death shit is too stressful even for me. Glad I pirated.

Dragonrot is fucking kino and only shitty plebs dislike it.

or you can git gud and learn to dodge instead of aggro breaking, pc casual

>game is 7 hours long
>snowy mountain castle is the only region except for memory which is only a tutorial
>big ogre which is basically just a white man and big snake are the only "supernatural" enemies, everyone else is just angry japanese soldiers

which of these are true
i really want to play the game but honestly from what i've heard and seen it might be a scam

>he thinks he experienced the combat system fully after only 1 hour
You have not even unlocked 5% of the movelist yet.

>Yea Forums is now literally populated by faggots who would bitch about the NPC's in DKS1 going hollow if you didn't do their storyline


>game is 7 hours long
>I've been on one boss for 3 hours
there must be like 2 bosses then lmao

yea just dodge lmao

The game cheats and so will I. Go fuck yourself.

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None of these are true, that's just stuff from the first hours or so.

They haven't even met the Headless drunkard of maximum SPOOK

Appreciate it!

NPC's didn't go hollow if you died a lot, which is an unavoidable thing in every game.

it's just death after a revive without resting no?

He's got big hands.

The ogres turn was janky, sure, but his giant fucking bear paw was going to grab the dude no matter what in your webm.

my favourite pre-release sekiro meme

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None of it is true you fucking dumbo. Jesus christ I cannot fucking believe that anyone actually saw that shitty bait and said "huh must be true, i better check". What a goddamn fucking dumbo, jesus fucking christ.

>commenting on an in-game system you are only half aware of
holy shit Yea Forums never change. how can you literally be crying while not even knowing what you are crying about

every single picture and clip i've seen of this game has been snowy mountain castle area or the tutorial memory area, no one has given descriptions OR posted pictures (which I do not want to see for spoiling) so I can only assume that's the only two environments and the game can't be too long if there's only one stale zone that the actual non-tutorial game is set in

You can choose to avoid NPC questlines, dying does not end them prematurely. Grow a brain.

The Npcs wont die or anything. All it does is make your "unseen aid chance" lower. Unseen Aid is the chance that you dont lose XP and Gold on death. They make it seem like some big thing but its literally a non issue.

So are you supposed to run past some of the mini-bosses or what? This game makes no fucking sense. One will take a few hits and do barely any damage then one 10 minutes later will take 5 billion hits and 1 shot you. I'm missing something or this game is some serious garbage. Feels like I'm playing a game with randomized enemy placements or something.

I hope you guys have mastered side-step for Jinsuke Saze

>giant red spider sense symbol that means dodge backwards or counter
>Yea Forums still too casual to deal with it


>Not attacking to interrupt the attack instead


Jesus, this guy was a spooky stealth section
>tfw you can fucking DEATHBLOW on his bigass eye after said section
Fucking beautiful.

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What? I was defending the game and the fact the guy didn't dodge properly.

THIS GAME IS TOO HARD WTF like seriosly all the souls games were so much easier for me

>grow a brain
>still operating off of half information

please please please please please tell me you are trolling.

I REFUSE to believe other zones exist because console gamers have had the game for up to 70+ hours and no one has shown other zones

it's unironically likelier that the game is 30 minutes long than that the game "opens up at halfway point" and "no one has just gotten that far so far" when people have had the game for days

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I'm using the same build and getting steady 60 on max settings.

Well I can show you the rest of the video where I dodge at the exact same time and it actually works.

Holy shit this

beaten dark souls 1-3 even doing lvl 1 runs
Beaten bloodborne too+ chalice dungeons
I literally can't even beat the first boss in this game
I don't get it. I'm dodging and still getting hit.

Attached: How to kill the swamp monster.webm (650x364, 2.94M)

>top ten moments before disaster

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Okay? Then fuck off and don't play.

the dodge in the video doesn't work because he dodged like a tard muffin.

The best way to dodge him is to run or jump anyway.

you sound extremely passionate about this, despite the subject being whether a video game has 10-20 more hours of content

So someone who dies too much is LESS likely to receive help?

Shouldn't it be balanced the other way around?

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I still don't recognize all the symbols on enemy attacks. Has anyone made a pic of all of them?

>Stab him in the eye
>Run away to the tree and look at him flail around like a retard, chuckle to myself.
>Snek turns around and charges through me
>Fall and die

Worth it.


trolls that say the game is good to fool people into buying it have just as much if not more lulz than trolls that say the game is shit to convince you not to play it

Oh, so I guess the game lied when it literally popped up a giant box saying to press B with an analog stick when he tries to grab right before fighting him

No because crutches are garbage and you feel better if you improve from adversity rather than being handed rewards for failing.

So does this mean that I need to Alt+f4 out of the game every time I die if I want the good ending?

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Along with the anti-air guns in the MGSV Skulls missions, this seems too fucking obvious for me to have missed it. Goddamnit

No because you get consumables to cure the disease.

>this fucking thread
Hahahahaha, oh boy


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Again, fuck off and don't play it. No one cares.

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Yeah it doesn't make sense

I thought originally the idea was if you use the revive, you spread the rot, and if you died it didn't matter. But its the other way around, and questionable whether reviving spreads rot too.

Either way you can treat it, I dont think From would fuck over players so hard that you have to play without dying X times to get the 'good' ending, you probably just have to not be fucked up when you finish the game, or let the rot murder anyone (if that happens)

>use the same delivery service for 2 years
>literally have never fucked up once and have always delivered the day after I ordered
>this time I pre-order
>store specifically prides itself on always delivering pre-orders on time
>delivery service completely fucks up and sends my parcel 60 miles in the completely opposite direction
>go online and see tons of people have had trouble with their parcels for a long time and that they frequently lose packages

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How about this:
I think the game is great but I suggest pirating it because it might not be for you.

You need the flame device.
To get it, you need to retrieve a bell in the second area you visit. The woman sitting in a dilapidated building will give you one.
After you get it, travel back to the Buddha Carver. Pray to the bronze Buddha statue.
Travel back in time, get to the area with a lot of dogs and bandits on rooftops. The gadget is sitting in a bonfire.

Alternatively you could just aggro him, hide, backstab the cunt and abuse your revive to kill him.

Last time I trusted FROM and bought the game on release I got bland and linear Dark Souls 3 instead of Dark Souls 1 with environment variety and interconnectivity

Does Dragonrot spread even if you don't resurrect? I don't get this game's punishment system.

Sekiro has really good level design though.

Only spreads when you hard resurrect.

Dying spreads Dragonrot.

ogre is weak to fire
in fact nearly every mini/boss has some weakness that just completely trivializes the fight

Dying spreads it
Reviving does not (probably)

I wish that were the case.

Literally me first time around
I didn't get that you're supposed to become the manifestation of Tarzan to avoid the big guy's wrath
Watching the guy suffer through it was worth it though, 10/10 death

how the FUCK do you kill the carps? i killed one but 99% of the time they just hide too far beneath the surface to even hit them

Honestly I find it "easier" to just interpret the move based on the animations instead of the symbol. It can be pretty easy to tell when it's gonna be a sweep or an overhead, thrust can be hard though

Yeah, good fucking times my fellow patrician of beastly pain.

you have literally no proof of that
does it have environment variety though like
snowy mountain castle
night mountain castle
bamboo forest
rainy castle

They is plural, nigger.

how tf you beat the polearm shinobi hunter. just have to perfect parry everything?

What exactly is the point of doing the perfect parry bullshit? Tutorial says you can do a good attack after doing it, but every enemy in this game just continues fucking you up after making it impossible to attack them back. The stagger bar goes down too fast for that shit to even matter. I don't understand.


Step on his spear or stay back and wait for him to do spear charges for easy jump in + attack damage.

>What exactly is the point of doing the perfect parry bullshit?
Go do the tutorial fights with the undead guy, he explains its mechanics

Yea, no fucking shit. He is a joke, though. The stuff he teaches you doesn't even work on the mini-bosses.

They absolutely do though, what the hell user?

Wait, the desease spreads if you DIE? I thought it would spread if you were a resurrect faggot wtf

Just stay at a reasonable reach and poke him by holding the attack button (which he will obviously block even if he's attacking) and when he tries to attack with an unblockable press circle at the right time if it's a charging attack or do the whole sweeping counterattack but it's pretty hard

Time to restart, you have irreversibly damaged your playthrough. Just kidding you can fix it, dont worry.

I'm trying to fight Snake Eyes Shirafuji. I stand there and perfect parry everything and get in swings when I can and her bullshit stagger bar goes does as soon as I make a tiny mistake. I get it goes down slower the lower the HP, but the HP barely even moves when I hit it.

The only strat that works is running out and running back constantly which would take forever. If that's what the combat is meant to be I don't even want to play this game. It's boring as fuck.


Meant her stagger bar goes down all the way as soon as she hits me once ( which is 80% of my HP in one fucking hit). This game is making me so fucking angry, it's designed horribly.

Oh my, seems like someone is having a bad time.
Maybe practice a bit more, eh? It's honestly not that tough.

>bad at the game

then don't get hit and git gud

> hasn’t got the hang of the new mechanics yet
> it is the game which is wrong
Take a break and try again later user

The game mentions that it can be fixed once the mechanic is introduced, so I assume you will come across it as you progress through the game. I just did the ogre in the first area and basically forcing myself to try and do the boss at Hirata temple that is kicking my ass (even though I can skip it for now I think)

>resurrect faggot
Resurrect is a core part of the game and if you're not using it you're straight up retarded. This is made abundantly clear to you by the fact that you start off with only 1 healing charge instead of 5 like in a souls game

You can cure the disease.
All of these people thinking that they have completely fucked up when Dragonrot spreads are fucking retarded. You can easily just cure it with a number of consumable items throughout the game.


Okay, but you're missing the part that even if you're good at it it's shitty and unfun. I was hoping there was something I wasn't getting, but both kill videos on YouTube are exactly what I hoped it wouldn't be.

Man playing this one made me fucking wish for nioh dodge in game.

That sounds like a interesting mechanic

What would you say, then? He?

I told you bro
I told you about the purple dude.

Oil and fire, oil and fire.

it happened on the first elite for me

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>kill a boss
>jk there's another phase
>kill another boss after 2 phases, he takes clothes off for 3rd phase
>kill ANOTHER boss, execute it. jk, he picks up his head and goes berserk for another phase
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me thrice, fuck this shit

shitty and unfun for you maybe, other people are having fun because they aren't autistic and terribad at the game

Can you heal NPCs after you give them your AIDS?


Cheat Engine


What happens if you use the Heir's blood to resurrect yourself?

I dunno, but that shit is fucking obnoxious. I had to start all over since I jobbed to outskirts nigger 6+ times and sculptor started coughing

Is the gourd seed used for anything else?

you turn homo for him

What's the method on the elite enemies? I'm basically pressing "don't touch me button" and jumping away when my stamina depletes or the warning signal appears.

I'm handling them but it is no fun.

Nice dude, right before you get the chance to cure it.


Isn't the Unseen Aid some useless shit anyway?

>perfect parry
>game has you get hit on perfect frame dodges/parries
>rewards you mashing parry half a second in advance of the attack actually clashing
Fucking kill me the timing in this feels so bad

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Everything is connected

>dragonrot affects other players online

Holy shit it's world tendies all over again

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parrying niggers in this game would be 10 times easier if the camera didnt have a seizure whenever you're fighting more than one dude at a time

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Dumb fag

g-git gud

There are no online features you DUMB I mean silly user that happened to misunderstand.

Someone was complaining they get the bad ending from raising rot?

man I hate this website

>beat 3 minibosses+ left eye of the snek
>on Gyoubu's gate
>still no other prosthetic other than the shuriken
Where did i go wrong boyos? I eavesdropped and heard horses are susceptible to gunpowder, so there must be something relating to it, but where?

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>snek is ancient wyern
>divine dragon is just a gimmick fight

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Have you not done any memories? Did you miss crazy bell lady?

Not a big deal. Less than 1 hour of gameplay. I suppose Emma gives you something for the cure, but I’d rather save it for later. Sumo sanzoku? I hear people dies to him alot

Go back in time or youll get fucked. The gunpowder prosthetic piece is near the area you fight him

>blazing bull

wow what a shitty fight

>didn't grab the bell from the babushka
>missed the axe and flamer from the memory

It's a literal random old woman standing in a destroyed second story designed to hand you a tutorial macguffin, and you still missed it. Start off the second Buddha surrounded by dogs, and it'll be towards your right just before you deal with the first group that can fire artillery at you

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Its purely based on deaths.
t. Got dragonrot even though I never used a revive

where do you figure out what ashina samurai want?

Is it ok go through the dream level straight away? I haven't even finished the first area.

Protip, you can cheese all later mini bosses with fireworks+that one technique that raises enemies posture while lowers yours.

IF you dont want to cheese it then stop focusing on posture and focus on health. Posture raises way too slow and recovers too fast if the enemy is at high health. Bring her to half health and the posture damage becomes worth it.

I swear if I see one more fucking tutorial popup. Holy shit.

Sounds like you didnt do the memory level.

On a related note, the drunkard is the first real boss I've gotten to so far and I'm getting my shit fucked really hard. Is this the graveyard section from DaS all over again where you're supposed to get your ass handed to you, or do I need to git gud?

Yeah you're supposed to be doing them at the same time.

UNGA BUNGA ed through chained ogre, that one faggot guarding the gate and other red faggot in the sea of adds
then the snek's den is too much fun so i just progressed to the area after it

>Start off the second Buddha surrounded by dogs
Holy shit lmao, i missed like 4 previous checkpoints

>Firework tool specifically mentions it scares beasts
>Figure I'll try it on the bull so he'll stop charging for two fucking seconds
>It doesn't do anything
fuck this

The dragonrot heal is to restore your "30% chance to not lose shit on death" buff. Whether or not thats worth anything (it's not), is up to you.

He's already MAXIMUM SCARED dude.

This. The game is just overtuned.

Where are the save files of this game?

Is it appdata> roaming > sekiro > randomnumber?

Im already like 50 deaths in an havent even reached the first boss. Should I restart?

>Side dodge stunlocks u
nothin personnel, obaachan

Where do you see your deaths?

No, dragonrot is a meme that slightly punishes you for bad plays but it doesn't warrant restarting a run. Not in first playthrough anyway

Parry spam instead, this time.

Am I suppose to play this game as a stealth game or can I charge on on multiple enemies?

Dude, dragonrot is seriously being blown out of proportion in this thread. It's practically a nonissue. All it affects is unseen aid.

>Retard wants to backup because of scared from dying

Fucking PCfags
And I play it on PC as well.

Does dodging has not i-frames this time? It feels pretty shitty.

You can charge but it'll be tough.

I still do it because it's fun as fuck.

I want to backup because I'm pirating and lost my dmc5 save already so don't want it to happen again.

I mean you could but fighting multiple enemies is typically a pretty bad idea most of the time. Plus it can attract even more enemies.

Jump has, interestingly enough.
Yeah I just jump to conclusions because it's fun, please humor me user.

i have only died twice, with both times being thrown off the map

There is some iframes but it's either inconsistent or short as fuck.

>literally Weeb of War

I knew this game was gonna be a flop when I saw the shills spamming GOTY IN X HOURS

No, we don't know enough at this point

There's a dedicated item to circumvent Dragonrot and let you continue NPC stories even when they get ill. This isn't Pathologic with real consequences for fucking up in the first hour, this is a modern AAA so you can reasonably expect a good ending if you beat it

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I've died like a million times and I don't see any dragonrot. I guess it only triggers if you die, resurrect and die again?

The game already has a punishment, it's called "dying, going back to the bonfire, and having to do the level again; featuring XP and money loss". Poor-get-poorer game design is literally never a good idea.

>jump has iframes
we DMC nao

What the fuck is unseen aid, is there soapstones or online shit?

Poor-get-poorer is fucking brilliant because it makes you feel super good when you get out of that rut and get good.

If you die you lose half your xp and gold. If unseen aid procs (it's a percentage in your stats screen), you don't lose anything.

It's worthless if you ask me. Just don't fucking die twice.

random chance to not lose your shit when you die

>that swivel
when are we going to get a game that doesn't do this janky shit?

it's halo all over again, gotta protect your little marines

>spam R1 and L1 until the bar is full for meme counter
I'm at genichiro (True) and this mechanic is dumb as fuck.

I love doing that too!

What do I even use money on? I don't need more spirit emblems, I'm almost always maxed on those.

Who's that then?

or just dont change the variables at all when you die because it's frustrating and bullshit. Punishing death by making the game harder is fucking retarded and never a good mechanic.

>snek bullying

Later on you unlock merchants that sell gourd seeds, antidotes, dragonrot cure and other shit

save your coins and try to have 1000 coins to buy the groud seed after the first boss Gyoubu

do tutorial deaths count towards rot?
i fell off a few times

I have like 4k coins.

If I die once I run back to the bonfire like a bitch

its actually really satisfying


You can just commit suicide inside the hub and get through the game using a Cling Ring while being a ghost.

What is this QTE shit doing in my Soulslike game?

don't forget jump and step dodge for perilous attacks!

Killing that ogre without fire was a goddamn nightmare. He's so fast for his size.

Also the first monk miniboss pushed my shit in about 5 times.

Do you have a fake arm?

That feeling still exists without branding the player with needlessly long lasting consequences. What lesson is there to be taught in Dragonrot? "Don't die"? As though the player wasn't already actively avoiding death? Dragonrot isn't needed to teach the players the lesson of "don't die" because losing xp, money, and progress already does that sufficiently.

I swear there's an npc that sells you hints.

Liyerally press a A to awesome.
>it's ok, no, genius, when from does it.

Who's who? If you're talking about the girl, it's lobosjr's gf.

I love when I'm pushed out of my comfort zone.

I never played demon souls. What did world tendency do, the same thing?

And how exactly is "hey dont die" pushing you out of your comfort zone?


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>buy the game because a friend works at Activision and he can get it for just 20 dollars
>find out it doesn't even have pvp
>can't ask him to cancel it
I feel like I just wasted my money bros

If you're grinding a boss then your souls and gold are already at 0, you need something else to keep the motivation going.
Use ure brane.
There's already an user in the thread mentioning that he has to quit because it's too stressful thanks to this, so obviously it's pushing in some regard.

isn't it possible to just jump of his head to dodge this ? i've noticed many attacks can be dodged by bounding of enemies

I only got the gunpowder prosthetic after I beat him, what the fuck. What else am I missing? I have the axe and flamer

Yes, it is.

You have everything you need for right now afaik. The fireworks are great they stun most bosses


The first ogre is bullshit. Some of his attacks track almost 180° after the animation has started, like when he jumps forwards. It looks retarded and it feels like bullshit.

wait so does the DS3 dragon look like this because of dragon rot?

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this "Press RB when lighting" shit really doesn't work
anyone has a webm? fuck phase 3

It's kind of wierd how guilt over getting someone else killed motivates better than the thought of our own deaths. We're just not very good at contemplating our own mortality

Guys is there any way to cheese the Butterfly Lady boss?

That's the from touch baby, like having a shitty dm who didn't account for your choices.

We're very good at contemplating it. That's why we're in denial of it. The truth we already arrived at is too bleak.

I don't get it

What is Dragonrot and why is it so bad if all it is is just a little coughing

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How do I get scrap iron for the upgrades?

use cheat engine to have unlimited ammo and shoot her out when she she standing in the thing.
or jump when she doing the sweeps and play ultra passive

A little coughing develops into a little dirt nap if you're not careful.

Can you get unlimited dragonrot cures or are you better off saving it until the very end of the game to go back and do sidequests?

what's the point of deflecting hits if you can't punish them? the fucking bar keeps depleting and it never stays up, how am I supposed to kill that fucking one armed boss in that tiny room if he keeps comboing sword and kick attacks. I'm mad af

This looks dumb

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probably just a fantasy stand-in for TB, which murdered the fuck out of people in those days

You're supposed to chip away at their health so their posture bar weakens. Then deflect until they break.

It's pretty cool if you're into japanese mythos.

the less heal they have the slower posture regenerates, so usually you want to either go ultra agresive and break their posture or go passive and chip away their heal until they have shit posture

>Soulsborne babies crying over an old mechanic from Demon's souls

>le 56% face
daily reminder that this is considered "cute" in the west

Just imitate the glitchless speedrun strats to a lesser extent. That's the easiest way to do any game.

saved for shitposting, keep em coming

Where is this magical pagoda with the super purple man that I keep hearing about? My exploration sense is garbagr

What are the best skills to learn?

you alright guys, would I be able to play this game on lower settings with an i3 and a 750Ti? (I know, I've just been chilling out on upgrading for a good few years now)

>the eyeglow trails, as if to blatantly mock the Fromfag apologists

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>bad thing in america = it's the WEST
>bad thing in europe = lmao muhamad yuropistan

going by the footage, he's well out of the way of the hands, with plenty of buffer space if this were to have dark souls level of refined hitboxes

Died like 8 times to the first elite because I couldn't find a way to sneak up on him and I have a faulty controller with a busted RB.

Gotta be honest, as much as I like how you can mess with enemies by being smart I dislike how there are fights you can't resolve smartly and just slash away for minimal damage.

Also did I miss something, because that Ogre nigger that does grabs is weak to fire, but I have no idea how to do any fire based shit against him.

if it makes you feel any better, you'll have NZ to include in yuropistan

Yup, did that, Helper bro got killed right as I was dealing the finishing string. ;_;7

flamethrower arm gadget

Ah damn I must of missed it when I sneaked past a group of enemies.

She's born in europe, her parents are greek.

should i wait on my graphics card or just buy it on my base ps4?

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L I T E R A L L Y what the FUCK was SOMEONE thinking?

Wow what an argument!

throw in a few wombo combos with the axe

>beat blazing bull
yeah this game is pretty cool but so far i've just been seeing a few set paths, not sure it's gonna get any bet-
>game opens right the fuck up almost immediately
why did they wait to do this

damn where is it? I also didn't get it

Don't dodge, parry. If you really must, remember to can run, as well as block while jumping.

>run at constant 60fps or sub 30fps

Can I teleport out of the bell dream thing and jump back in? I want to load the axe up.


The flashbang tool is sold for 500 by a merchant near the area with the crazy mother who thinks you're her son. Look for a tent on top of a hill by it. You can reach it from on top of the gate with the dude with the big cannon.

I kept on dying to this one until I just straight up started running around it instead of dodging. Flashbang also helps.


>I know better how to play this game even tho I never actually played this game

Quadruple yikes, disgusting boomer.

As you did stuff in game (such as dying), the "World Tendency" would get lighter or darker. It was even shown on the HUD in the upper left. Certain enemies and items would only spawn at specific tendencies, and different events and effects would appear (such as increased enemy HP, or more souls dropped upon death).
Sounds like Sekiro has a similar system, with NPCs getting sick as you die more.

I don't have ADHD for one

If you are bad and keep dying the NPCs slowly start to die, if it gets too bad you can't use their functions anymore, like upgrading your prosthetics or advance the story until you heal them. You accumulate it even faster if you make use of the insta-revives you get.

Literally git gud

>Worst thing
Tendency was great, you're just shit.

If you lure her directly under that huge statue on the distant side of the arena and she does one of her jump moves she will get stuck in the statue unable to do anything to you. You can't hurt her in that state either, but after half a minute or so she will just auto-die, probably as a measure to prevent softlocks.

The way it seems to be working in Sekiro is really good idea but DeS World Tendency was shit because it ws entirely negated by the existence of Cling Ring and Nexus suicides. All it added was worthless hassle and drivibg people to play offline when they wanted to collect items.

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How do you heal Skyrimrot?

Because From didn't let people show any other areas before release. People who could stream/upload footage of the game were only allowed to show the first 2 areas for 2h. The events were they invited people to play had the same restrictions. And most official gameplay footage was also taken from the start of the game. They just didn't want to show and spoil later, I guess.

Eat some dragon-be-gone flavored nesquik.

There's another castle area with lots of cherry blossom trees and a cave system you at first stealth through to avoid a giant snake but then can come back to and fight the snake later on. There's also what looks like a mountain area but I couldn't beat the two tengu acting as gatekeepers to it yet

IGN guy said it took him 50 hours so it's probably like 15 hours long.

Go back to him for lesson 2, consecutive parries aka, don't stop parrying until the opponent stops.

Any reason not to just reload when you die in this?
It's nothing like darksouls where you had the motivation to get your things back after all and deaths seem like they have real consequences this time around


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Git gud. Learn how to kite his goons and he is easy peasy.

Is there a proper save\load system?

its really easy: you dodged too soon.

Who is this Babushka-looking whore and why is she getting spammed the last few days?

Well yeah, see

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Do you lose half of unspent skillpoints or just half of the xp bar to the next point when you die?


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Just clip her into the statue bro


Nothing's happening. Retards make those mistakes very often, just like your and you're

Looks like you can cheese almost all of the Minibosses fairly easily by just killing all their adds, running away until they disengage, return and stealth around them to get a Backstab off, and fuck off again. They don't recover health until you die so you can just Backstab them over and over until they stay down.

What a great game

That's a blatant lie, I tried that on the red samurai guy in that courtyard and he was full health when I lost aggro and came back for another backstab.

What are you talking about? They absolutely recover health. You can't sneak up on them twice, if they disengage they recover to full health.

I guess there's a fine line between them losing aggro and recovering health then? Or maybe only certain ones recover health?
I just did it on the general on the stairs after the blazing bull and it worked fine

But that's wrong nigger
as long as they unaggro off your first stealth deathblow it regens

>try to avoid big bads since I'm underpowered

brava b team

What do with the sake?

Can you get 7 carp scales in the memory?

Give it to the dude that upgrades your arm to advance the story. If you don't have the option it's because he's too sick from the dragonrot and you need to heal him first

>why do anime characters look white?

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give it to various npcs for lore

Lol, watch frame by frame and you see the fucker turn 90 degrees in 1 frame.

>tfw getting absolutely buttfucked by lady butterfly

Doesn't work, tried that on the sppear guy


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Nice lie, but no, bosses recover if you disengage, the first circle is there for a stealth kill, the 2nd must be fought.

Good try faggot.

>you have to be a colossal shitter to get black tendency by accident
I had to play Demons Souls without an internet connection

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its how you beat flame lurker in demon souls. this is a legitimate tactic in fromsoft game

>that long arm shinobi in the place you wake up in the tutorial
Holy fuck I can barely get past 1 health bar

>Long arm shinobi in the tutorial area

>Poor-get-poorer game design is literally never a good idea

yeah, definitely didn't work for Demon's Souls, the game that put FromSoft on the map.

You go back to that castle later, and he is looking for you/your body. You don't fight him in the tutorial itself, its after your arm is cut off and you return

IGN guy beat the tutorial boss

I went over and found some horseback guy that I beat in one attempt then used his upgrade items to BTFO the butterfly bitch anyways

>Ancient fantasy Nippon
>Ogre has messy blonde hair

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All gaijin are giants in this game, I wonder why?

>fat bloated black eyed jew SJW

best fights are the Generals

Shenron finally lost it after all those petty wishes.

Anybody know how to get to this area? It's in the area with the ogre and I think the path leads to either from or to the locked door in the gate hallway.

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Singular "they" has been used for decades, retard. Stop role-playing as an intellectual online.

Pls respond

they is perfectly fine to refer to someone whose sex is unknown.

How to get the item in the literal beginning cave? I feel stupid.

Probably NG+

double jump

>they've still somehow managed to make bosses where the camera is the true enemy
blazing bull is mechanically toddler tier but fighting the fucking camera is as usual: impossible

take the bell from the old woman after the shuriken back to the buddha next to the sculptor

>doesnt know ching chong

Lmao at ur life my dude

just go play zelda or something dude. half of the satisfaction gleaned from games like sekiro is purely from the tears of retarded casuals like you

Hey buddy, I don‘t want to be the gay guy who tells you what to look for in women, but she‘s not fat or bloated. I know what fat looks like, my mom used to weigh 400 fucking lbs. that‘s fat even for an american woman. The picture you‘re replying to is still an ugly smug bitch, but fat isn‘t the first word to come to mind.

i suck at counters against the spear guys he keep killing me fuck

I literally just got to him, how do you deal any damage at all? He keeps moving constantly

wait for his AI to get trapped in a corner then stick to his side and spam your filler attack until it breaks out
rinse repeat
its a shit boss compared to the fun ones ive fought so far

I haven't played it yet but I feel like the Dragonrot would make more sense on both levels to be spread on all real deaths rather than on revivals. That way not only it make sense with how you're using your slain enemies as the fuel to come back as opposed to taking it from the innocent, it means there isn't a way to just dodge it entirely by taking the full death each time, you would always have the pressure of reviving and surviving afterwards. But maybe that's just me.

Imagine being this perma virgin unable to play a game without a death grip on his dick
Develop some self control

>t. fatty in denial

What's the two icons above your healthbar btw? I get that one fills up with killing enemies but what does it do?

It means you can resurrect.

But that's one of them, there's two.

literally get good: the mechanic

and thats a good thing

I still can’t beat the fucking spear Shinobi hunter even with the dodge upgrade. Fuck me

Do you backstab him to start the fight?

Yea... I just suck

It took me a while even after learning I can half his health before the fight, you'll get it.

I can’t get the upgrade to proc. Every time I dodge roll into him to get the power, I just get stabbed horribly.

Has anyone figured out what the mask fragments are for?

You need to do it about half a second after the red symbol pops up for his thrust.

This feels more like Assassin's Creed than Souls.

You can have more than one charge of resurrection.