Keep your political right wing bullshit in pol

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Other urls found in this thread: the masquerade bloodlines gog/1/ pol boogeyman/


>There is no "racemixing" between clans

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>gender sliders

Kill yourself, tranny.


Why are discord trannies shilling this game so hard?

How would you handle Malks in the sequel user?

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>pre-order when its 12 months away
haha no
>first blood pack pre-order
>civil war sabre
Time to be a confederate vampire because nazis are banned.

Trannies are gross and race baiting politics is cancer. This game is pozzed.

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gender pronoun options
Does this make any sense? Trans want to be called she or he. Only really ugly people use this shit. Hell I remember the trannies years ago just wanted to be called woman
I swear I don't get SJWs

>sjw crap
hype died as soon as it started

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>inb4 Queer Black islamist picture

Pretty excited tbqh, will have to wait more to see what's going on in the game but as of now kind of hype tbqh. Been waiting a long time lads

Lurk's the man, wish he streamed bloodlines more

I have not seen it what is it.

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6 more years libtard

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>Personality type menu
>Most are "normal" with various gameplay quirks based on their mental illness
>One option lets you go full Fish Malk


I guess it’s the necrophiliac fetish to dig up a corpse and rape it.

>implying it's only liberals that dislike trump at this point

Just to keep the shitpost going. My friend once made a character who was a Jew Mage that was studied/tortured by the nazis. As a joke i made a nazi officer who defect to america to continue his researchs after the war was lost. The banter was fun.
But no, fascists are evil, what business do you have playing as one? Giving your blood to people and making them your slaves is fine, drinking blood from people is fine.its only evil being a fascist. That is what is written on the 5th edition. Thats how retarded those writers got.


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The Tremere shall rise again

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Yeah and fuck furries too

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>Developer: Hardsuit Labs
>Publisher:Paradox Interactive

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How they did in the first one. The ‘oracle who can’t express the truth they see in words due to a curse of tongues’ is actually pretty cool, it wasn’t fishmalk that people bitch and moan about, and it really makes a second playthrough as a Malk worth it. They handled the non-player Malks perfectly too.

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Fuck I might. It sucks but at least it wont fucking preach to me

>can choose your pronouns
>devs openly say it is going to be political
>also implying epic wont buy exclusivity a few weeks before launch

>Hardsuit Labs
>Blacklight: Retribution
>Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

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I bet the combat will be fun but desu I think I would have been just as, if not more happy with a Harebrained Schemes isometric x-com clone and we'd probably get more games produced more quickly.

>unironically shilling dlc and preorders before game footage is revealed.
>identity politics forced in the game

How is anyone excited for this?

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>haha no
Already did it.



>can choose your pronouns
don't give a shit, as long as Brian Mitsoda is at the helm I don't care
>devs openly say it is going to be political
the original game was political, they shit all over Bush and Republicans, plus they said the politics will be more like "art vs commercialism, technology vs tradition"
>muh epic
don't give a shit about console wars: pc edition

why are you shouting in writing, you mentally impaired autist?

is he okay?

>ask Yea Forums if I should pirate the game
>"just pirate it bro"

But where?
And which mods?
Is there a guide or something?

I think you're giving nazis too much credit. They didn't invent clannishness, elitism, or exclusivity.

based subhuman poster

So the mele in first person will be solid as fuck. Nice.

Who cares, you select it once at the beginning and never deal with it until your next character.

Why the attack on right-wingers? Did I miss something?

It's your money

Oh god no. The cringe-inducing levels of topical politics is going to make me recede into a puddle of disgust.

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I think this is the fastest that a game has gone from reveal to hype to complete anathema on Yea Forums and it's fucking impressive.

Sure showed them huh?

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gog version comes with the fixes installed

You are the cancer killing modern games?

>not wanting gender pronouns and current year politics crammed into a game where they don't fit is pol
You grow up in a lead painted house?

reasons to dislike trump as a conservative/nationalist:
>has gotten nothing for the wall
>increasing H1b/2b visas
>done more or less nothing to stop opioid epidemic
>failed on obamacare (more on traitorous congress/Mccain)
>banned bumpstocks
do I need to continue? You can like trump for making people mad but seriously supporting him at this point right now is silly. Call me if he gets anything from his national emergency, but I won't hold my breath.

WHAT'S THE ANSWER FOR TenderBeta Live Event Special

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someone give me a rundown. what's going on?

He won't be for long, there's a bomb implanted in the book

Saw this coming.

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Shills defended it for like an hour. Then the trannies prob stopped paying them.

>we will never have comfy VTMB threads again without r/the_donald shitposting

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likely an extremely over-sensitive left-winger, lashes out at everyone so he gets banned from reddit but can't get over his childish politics

guarenteed snatched by epic right before release

Thank the devs!

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Ya know, as pozzed as this game is going to be at least we got that cringe kino fest that was the live stream. That was pretty good.

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V:tM always shat on Republicans, you just don’t see it because the most recent game was during a completely different administration. Like trying to remember the atmosphere during the Iraq War.

>implying anyone will still be playing fortshite in 2020

lmao they will be broke by then

Big vampire milkers confirmed.
/pol/ is mad cus the UI designer was a dyke.
I preordered from GOG.

t. didn't play the original bloodlines
Why does /pol/ pretend to play video games?

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Are the devs holding you at gunpoint, forcing you to shitpost?

Political games call for political input :^)

But dude, now I can be an obese transfemale malk Pagliacci

That's... pretty nice, to be honest. The shooting in Blacklight wasn't bad from what I remember of it. I never played Chivalry before but I hope the melee combat was well designed.

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Say something Malcolm

VTMB, one of Yea Forums's all time favorite games, is getting a sequel. The sequel will feature SJW propaganda, genderfluid POC fighting The White Man and other assorted nonsense.

Is T_D holding you at gunpoint, forcing you to keep them in your head rent free?

What if the game is self-aware about it

How about keeping your political left wing bullshit out of games?

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It's a bunch of /pol/ shills and newfags who didn't even play the original game whining about it. This isn't anything new either


I want to beat the shit out of zombies with a severed arm again.

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Not fucking canon

Do they mention actual meaningful character creation mechanics or just this pointless self wank shit?

You know it won't be.


>Jokes and satires are now political commentary
You can also make the anarchs feel like idiots for being commies, but you wont post that right?

Chivalry was a huge meme that dominated the FPS Melee scene for a hot minute. It’s good gaming.

I should probably finish the first game then, hey?

They aren't in my head, they are in my thread. Fuck off, retard.

>occasional one liner about Bush and rethuglicans
>compared to devs talking about they are going to politicize the entire game and they already confirmed that identity politics are important to them

because cuckservatives can't stop from leaking their shit all over Yea Forums

Jesus, talk about a monkey paw

Shit, I'm sorry, that was albeist of me. I meant, Gravitationally Oppressed.

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What live stream?
That shit's pretty ignorable and in character. I don't mind a couple "rethugliKKKan" jabs. In this politically heated climate of the vidya industry, I can see this getting pretty pontificating and dead horse beaten.

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>the severed arm mele weapon skin is a pre-order bonus
Sucks to be you.

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If that said "Trump" instead of "Bush" you'd all be crying about it. The game also shit on Republicans too. You clearly didn't play the original game, why do you give a shit about Bloodlines 2?

vampire shit has always been left progressive stuff

You have the rest of your lifetime to do that, because the second one won't be worth playing anyway.

Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion sound like meaningful character creation mechanics.


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Do the Anarch part next. The one where you shit all over them for being retarded.

I really don't. It will for sure have a lefty slant but I can live with it.
Here's what we know for a fact will happen
>the poz will be much less than people think it is
>the cases where it happens will be spammed nonstop as if the entire game is like that from start to finish
people said this same shit about far cry 5 and I didn't see anything as bad as people claimed

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A seedy punky game is getting a seedy punky sequel, but user is a conservative christian now, so he hates it.

I just meant that I'm pretty sure vampires can't actually be fat. Supposedly the embrace sheds off most excess tissue and vampires are universally trim.
Maybe things have changed though. I have no idea how muscle mass works in this respect.

All they did was port chivalry to the ps4 and xbone, they weren't the developers.

>ask a question
>receive answer
>get upset


HYPE. Say goodbye to comfy VTMB threads for at least a year, though. /pol/v/ can't deal with people being genuinely hyped for a game unless it's Nintendo. Expect a lot of OH NONONOs

After interacting with some people that I suspect have mental illnesses and maybe being a little crazy myself, I'd depict craziness as Sabbat level malevolent. The complete opposite of current trends. Only it wouldn't be obvious at first. All Malks would be unrealiable as fuck. If they seemed stable, that's when you really have to worry because you can't count on how they're going to fuck you. I.e. a Malk chick that seems nice would actually have borderline personality and would one day start declaring her hatred of you and plot with your vampire enemies to destroy you for an imagined unforgivable betrayal.

But like some sick joke fate always seems to be on a Malks side.

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You literally posted a pic of a dialogue OPTION. It's been literally under 24 hours since reveal and the devs have made it clear that there's an obvious line between right and wrong, and that they're aiming to be progressive.

Probably shouldn't have proked them in the OP, fucking worthless retard.

It was one or two jokes scattered throughout the game
This new shitpile seems to be making it the primary focus of the game
If I wanted politics I'd watch the fucking news

Sounds cool. It was a legitimate question. Thx.

Jesus fuck that strawman.

Could someone post clan designs?
Lost the links.

There you go

so how long will this take to be a finished game with all the inevitable dlcs? 2022?

>compared to devs talking about they are going to politicize the entire game and they already confirmed that identity politics are important to them
Yeah and the "politics" they listed as an example were
>art vs commercialism
>technology vs tradition
Who gives a shit. Meanwhile in VtMB the objectively good faction outside of MAYBE Strauss are called the anarchs, which has a woke commie vampire that whines about the establishment and is led by a Hispanic vampire.

>fuck my life's so bad with low unemployment and no terrorism

they did invent getting btfo in wars tho

The scrapped designs?

You mean like that last thread, that was full of "if you don't hate video games you are a muslim" tier wisdom?

Are you not mentioning the part where they talked about pronouns for a reason

There's a difference though with how Ubisoft presented Far Cry 5 though. Ubisoft didn't say the game was going to be political. THey didn't make a huge deal about gender and progressive values.

Damsel is flat out portrayed as an idiot and you can happily yo Cammy if you want. Hell you can disagree with her and still go Anarch and have her grow to like you hy end game.

What people are worried about is the developers deciding certain things are right and wrong choices based on an insane far left political stance that is going to shit on anyone not in lockstep with thier views

how is it a strawman if it says hes a jihadi aka islamist aka radical

Not even /pol/ outside of /ptg/ defends Trump anymore because he keeps shilling for Israel, lmao

It's up to the devs. The more incessant their inclusion of politics the more faggotry will be raised in the threads.

>this was good

why not

There's not going to be any fucking discussion about this game on Yea Forums or /tg/ that isn't just going to be /pol/ bitching, is there?

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Fuck skins, it has to be a legitimate arm.

You've never been to Europe, have you?

Is there ever anything else than /pol/ whining?

>a game actually releasing simultaneously on Epic and Steam
I guess Epic realized they weren't actually creating competition with their "exclusive" horseshit

>you make a /pol/ tier post
>you get sent to /pol/ for it
>your response is to imply the guy sending you is a jihadi wife or whatever

Strawman as fuck, my fellow strawkin.

>technology va tradition

What does that even mean? Tradition means a lot of things, and many of its meanings are not entirely incompatable with technology.

please be good, please dont let it be pozzed
politics is fine as long as it's multi demensional

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>here's your games journalist turned senior writer, bro

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Yea Forums is hyped, /pol/ is disappointed
the only time /pol/ gets excited is when a whitoid does a terro- i mean a lone gunman spree

Sounds great. Customization in rpgs is fantastic, right Yea Forums?

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For at least a year.

Its been like this since tender was released.

no one other than politicians like israel anymore. this is because of trump

/vg/ is always an option

>devs force their personal politics in a game
>>stop talking about politics, Yea Forums!

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Have you? Are you saying this is a common sight?

I guarantee if you just swapped "Bush" for "Trump" there would be thousands of threads whining and crying about it. Yea Forums is filled with babbies who whine about everything except the actual gameplay of the game

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wtf are those weird padded overalls

Yeah, and? Is that the hill you want to die on? “This game has pronoun selection and I DONT LIKE IT?”

does that picture represent your post?

>"i wish devs would stop shoving politics into video games"
>"but all i ever talk about is politics in video games"

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among other things.

Now do the Anarch dialogue options you fucking hack.

I don't remember anyone bitching about Dark Souls' gender slider.

Do we still get a slant-eyed waifu in the later missions? This is important guys I want a not-Yukie or Mr. Ox.

>Forcing personal politics on a game.

Fucking get over yourself.

>that chat shitting itself as soon as politics is brought up
Even Twitch zoomers know this is gonna be a shit show.

Based genderqueer BLM vampire poster.

So? I don't give a shit. I'm more interested in the fact that you can select different body types. As long as Brian Mitsoda is the lead writer and it feels like Bloodlines I don't care about a minor feature like that.

>being this triggered by game choices

Paradox Interactive encourages incest, baby murder and literal genocide in their Grand Strategy games.


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Pushing a mechanic behind a social message that less than 1% of the human population gives a shit about seems a bit masturbatory

>option to shit on the right
>none to shit on the left

The one where Damsel says communism would work for Vampires? What about it?

I live here and I do see white chicks with immigrant men on occasion, yes. They walk several steps behind their men just as Islam commands, carrying the groceries while the man carries nothing, as Islam commands.
You will dismiss this but that is the truth.

But the political left wing bullshit is a ok m I rite? Fuck off with your le pole bogeyman, faggot

jesus christ this is going to be a shitshow

I hope you realize how dumb your post sounds right now.

Based milfy city poster


No you don't understand, a pronoun selector will LITERALLY ruin the game.

Sounds great. I'll be curbing my expectations until we know more about it however.

I can't speak for /pol/ but I hate leftists shit. But I don't give a fuck about Trump either. If someone chooses to talk shit about Trump I feel literally nothing. I hate blue haired dyke SJWs screaming about white patriarchy oppression. ANd I hate Neo-Nazi /pol/ fags screaming about white genocide while shooting up mosques filled with innocent bystanders.

Both are putrid communities and I hate them equally.

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/pol/ is SEETHING

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You’d think secret cabals of blood-sucking immortal apex predators would build up some very fucked up views on how things should work, right? That’s what tradition means in this context.

>leftists fuck up yet another part of your childhood

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It's quite important to that bit of the population so I don't really see a problem with announcing it.

So you'll be playing as a fledgling again then, I take it?
I get that you being a fish out of water used by everyone was part of the point of the first game, but I always wished you could've played as some centuries old vampire with a cool backstory.

>>Gee I kinda don't care about some game designers political ideas in my 90s themed gothic horror vampire game focused on existential dread

>>Fuck you go back to/pol fascist with that independent thought shit

These ones where 8 persons per clan.

Fair, but we don't know the degree to which it will be prominent. It could be just something they're saying for brownie points or it could be literally the entire game. We don't know what it's going to be like for at least another couple montsh

>filled with innocent bystanders.
actually that mosque was reponsible for radicalizing some ISIS fighters lol

Please refrain from posting my vampfu in the future, thanks.

Wow, it's almost like nobody gives a shit about Bush or ever did.

Half of their stream and pre-announcement info is talking about inclusivity and modern politics. You are delusional if you think they meant traditional vampires and not traditional values

you know, for a group of people claiming they want more freedom they sure do get their feelings hurt quickly

>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
>It’s definitely taking political stances on what we think are right and wrong

>conveniently leave out that they're taking a political stance on art versus commerce and technological advance versus tradition
You /pol/niggers are just as bad as SJWs when it comes to deliberately taking things out of context

Playing as an old vampire would be a bit weird in an RPG but having a pre-determined background such as starting as a ghoul or coming from a revenant family would be neat.

what's the general consensus about the unofficial patch?

pre ordered from Steam
/pol/ can suck a fat dick

I'm pre-ordering the best goy edition, might buy a copy for my friend for his birthday too.
>muh SJW
>muh leftists
>muh genders pronouns
>muh female writers
Don't care, I think I'll still enjoy it.

Shut up discord tranny, VTMB NEVER addressed contemporary politics! I know because I'm a TRUE GAMER

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Your childhood was already leftist, if you mean World of Darkness and VtM:Bloodlines.

I enjoyed Kingdom Come Deliverance despite disagreeing with the politics of its head creator.

Maybe you could stop being a whiny bitch and accept people can have different thoughts about things and still make a product you can enjoy.

>You start as a Thinblood
>Later you get to choose your clan
How the fuck does that work?
Isn't your clan set the second you are embraced?

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The only way you react to video games is if it has politics in it. You don't even play, you just complain. You are the tumor, the cancer, the Trojan horse. Recycle yourself.

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That's right and it's the future of gaming so deal with it.


Why Steam? The GOG version will be DRM free.

Devs say we start as a Thinblood. Personally I think they mean Catiff

Its why we see so much in the trailer.

Then we pick a clan later on, instead of it being a choice made at character generation.

it's a baby carrier my dudester

For a first timer the Wesp patch Lite is considered the way to go. Plus patch adds some cut content (very unpolished) and makes some balance changes so that's only recommended for a 2nd playthrough.
There's also the clan quest mod, which uses an older version of Wesp's patch, and has a ton of new fan content. Quality varies considerably, strictly for bloodlines vets who've done multiple playthroughs already.

i can't wait to play as black muslim homosexuel queer vampire that gets to beat right wing wh*te "people"

Politics in video games is fine if its my politics :)

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Do the Anarch dialogue options now.

not anymore nazi

Nope. Thin bloods are barely vampires.

>not posting the dialogue option to shit on republicans


Finish your fucking transition, faggot

people who resort to this sort of posting are unironically the reason why Yea Forums is so unbearable these days.

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>thinking complaining about sjw influence is a political stance every time
You can't deny the quality of things they're involved with are lowered drastically as a direct result of their warped sense of reality that keeps them from valuing whats important in making a game. There is plenty of validity to being concerned about their involvement.

I think you end up diablerizing someone. As a plot point it's pretty neat

For real, there are a shitton of lefties and liberals who enjoy Lovecraft despite giving most /pol/ users a run for their money. You fuckers can do the same.

Do they still have that shitty old taxi and that charming taxi driver?

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Looks like it's going to be fun. It's a good sign that Yea Forums already hates it for entirely stupid reasons, usually that means the game's guaranteed to be fantastic.

t. newfag

trolling outside Yea Forums is a banable offense

Sure, but at it's current stage the approach their taking with talking about it brings negative implications to what might come later. If the writing is spot on I don't think there's anything worth complaining about. Having a slider certainly wouldn't change my experience from that of a binary selection if I just stuck to the extremes of each side. There is something to be said, however, about writers that seem to overemphasize the real world context of their project, rather than the actual fictional world in which the story takes place, being that they often write like shit.

Why do you keep bringing this up? The only overt reference to real world politics is Damsel inelegantly promoting communism. It's a fucking joke, just like the Bush administration shit.

Cain being the taxi driver and only Malkavians realizing it (and FLIPPING THE FUCK OUT) is one of my favorite secrets of VTMB.

I hope they continue that.

Though wasn't it implied Gehenna was like literally weeks away by Bloodlines, now its 15 years later.

Did it get delayed or just ignored?

When has that fucking ever been a good or bad sign, you contrarian faggot?

complaining that people other than white males exist is a political stance
and liberals run the game industry (and technology at large). conservashits are injecting their politics into gaming because they hate the hobby.

>why do you give a shit about Bloodlines 2?

they don't give a fuck about games, they just want to shill their batshit crazy whites only ideology on as many people as possible and Yea Forums is pretty much the perfect place for that as it's the second most active board on Yea Forums

Want to know how I can tell you're just barely 18 years of age?

You know that any time a game developer expresses the vaguest of unwoke opinions they get witch hunted by the games media and a bunch of fags on twitter and Reddit. And Kingdom Come didn’t even have politics in the game itself.

I don’t like it any more than you do, but these fucking idiots opened the box and now we have to live with it because if everything is political and politics is the most important thing, they’ll turn every single game into a battleground for their ideas.

You live in a fantasy world where you'll get your game but the person being insulted will be changed. The reality is that they're removing Malkavians because you're not allowed to talk about mental illness. THAT is the level of political bullshit we're talking about, not your pretend strawman.

They’re going to talk about the in-game story stuff when they have more game to show, right now they’re feeding us the overarching themes.

5th Edition which this seems to be based on retconned Gehenna away again.

I don't know much about the lore but isn't that basically cannibalism in a vampiric context and super taboo?

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Remind me there was a character in VTMB that guards the graveyard full of zombies and he asks you to have sex w/ him right? Wonder how he's doing rn. Hope I can give him a booty call this time

They aren't removing Malkavians though? I'll check the 5e rulebook right now. It was in codevelopment with Bloodlines 2.

>KC:D maintains historical accuracy without any politicization and gets branded as white supremacist propaganda
>Journalists and tranny armies alike throw a shitfit and run black PR campaigns

>VTMB2 hamfists actual leftist propaganda
>"Stop being a whiny bitch lmao"

These double standards get real tiresome.

Attached: 1552882631150.jpg (831x799, 55K)

>hehe, this game was always politically leftist! Look at my carefully curated screenshots!
>why do you want me to post the screenshots that show they were taking the piss out of everyone? It’s just a joke bro!


Well feel free to think the sky is falling.

The notion of getting butthurt about politics (by the way the devs mentioned it'll be political like "art vs commercialism, technology vs tradition" ) in a World of Darkness game is the funniest fucking thing in the universe to me.

World of Darkness has ALWAYS been political.

Yeah, I don't really know much about V5 though so maybe that's changed since V20

got it, thx

When the only criticism shitposters can find is entirely stupid, that usually means there is no non-stupid criticism or else they'd be posting that instead.

I disagree with that approach. Best of luck to them though.

Yeah, Romero. He was voiced by mitsoda actually

Yeah that's Romero. He'll only fuck you if you're a woman. Guys have to find him a prostitute. Funny enough he's voiced by the lead writer and I did not realize until the stream tonight that it's just his regular voice.

Its a videogame you autists. You're meant to have fun.
I swear, i dont even see the distinction between sjws and pol anymore. You all just start RREEEEing as soon as something triggers you.

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Malkavians are still there.
They have domination like they had in 1st and 2nd edition instead of Demention as clan discipline now tho.

Extremely. Kill on sight if its proven they've done it. Its why I hope they go the Catiff route instead. I don't wanna be a filthy diablerizer.
Ah I see, well after reading the Gehenna book its for the best.

You are retarded to the core if you ever believe that they wouldn't inject contemporary politic into the game you humongous retard.

I think life was simpler when I was younger.

>gets branded as white supremacist propaganda
By 50 crazy people worldwide, and we all laugh at them.
But then another 50 crazy people on /pol/ project the insanity onto every single other person. How about the two teams of crazies do mortal kombat somewhere, and leave us alone?

You’re forgetting how everyone here defended KCD, and I’d bet many of the people who did so are also defending VTM now.

It's politics in your videogames.
Plus, liberals aren't communists. I don't recall them making fun of democrats or Jon Stewart.

>user used to be abused as a kid by his cuckchristian pastor
>now he's the pastor and diddling kiddies


Nah that would be communist and anarchist in the Spanish Civil War.

okay that sounds great and all but why did they choose to unveil with a cinematic trailer? checkmate fags

>VTMB2 hamfists actual leftist propaganda

Mind sharing your copy of the game, retarded frogposter?

dont know if it was already mentioned in this thread but in the livestream they talked about having NO BETA due to wanting to be spoiler-free.

>between sjws and pol
Yeah, because only extremes exist. Fucking retard.

>Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines had a few dialogue choices poking fun at republicans, advertising wasn't political
>Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 has the developers talking about their personal politics with the game's announcement trailer
I'm nervous

>RPG with characters and graphics that don't look like dogshit
what's the catch?


I live in Sweden and I have never once witnessed this. Sounds like overblown bullshit to me.


first game made me cringe too much and now this is full sjw, i dont know if i should wishlist it

Learn basic reading comprehension you fucking idiot. And yes, World of Darkness has always been political, and it’s why they were niche in the 90’s and why their company got fucking shitcanned by paradox.

Also gender theory is politics, something you avoided mentioning for the obvious reason that it would work against your attempt to play off the politics.

>When the retarded shilling isn't effective

Attached: v talking garbage.png (758x716, 183K)

/pol/ only likes a game if it allows you to play exclusively as a whitoid gunning down browns and blacks

>Keep your political right wing bullshit in pol
Only if they keep political left wing bullshit out of the game

>if it's a game I liked then the politics was just a joke
>if it's a game I've never played but want to dislike then the politics is actually serious
Uh huh. Reminder that Troika was also a California-based studio

Attached: nin.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Do you think V:tMB2 is going to be the same way? Politically agnostic besides a handful of carefully curated moments? Because that’s how these games always go, and that’s how Paradox works. They’re not nearly as woke as you want to think they are.

Why is that a problem? Because you cant handle an opinion you disagree with?

where did they confirm mods

You are mentally ill, my dude.

It's made by Devs who only made online game flops and published by Paradox.

>replying to obvious bait

If you live in Sweden how come you're speaking English? Checkmate, Börje!

>what's the catch?

Attached: 1551899596828.jpg (600x665, 149K)

Behold the retardation of the average /pol/ poster.

Adding a simple slider control should not take more than an hour-two of dev time. Maybe some characters will react to it, which will take even less writer time.
Also, it's a roleplaying game, the big point of the genre is to explore characters that you won't ever become irl.

Replace /pol/ with "the vast majority of gamers".

he reacts negatively if theres politics in it, otherwise he can enjoy the game without feeling annoyed

not very hard to grasp, average quality bait, have my (You)

Paradox is just publishing it, and WoD doesn’t have the best track record.

were those called WORLD wars? didn't think so faget

But that dude makes sense. I don't need the injection of queer Islam, that's a bunch of contrived horse shit.

whats that supposed to imply


So might as well just kill yourself because the only possible way to "power up" leaves a literal scar on your soul that everyone can see and will auto hate you for. Yeah sounds like a great idea, clearly these devs really care about story and lore in this single player rpg

So how do you think clan gangrel will differ from the previous game? I really love being a bat boy so I hope they make the hand to hand combat better.

Maybe just dont play it if it triggers you so much.

>that jab from Jeanette about a stick up Therese's ass


sounds right up trump supporter's alley

Bloodlines 2 looks fantastic

Attached: xochi-mochi-x750.jpg (750x563, 190K)

Are you implying your screenshot is somehow politically divisive? Is there anyone who doesn't think that rich exploit the poor?


I really don't mind if the writers want to include political content. I'm not fearful that they're going to forget that it's a vampire game. In general though, I would say the first game is as political as the early editions of Vampire. Which is to say that it's generally approving of being socially liberal and forward-thinking (repressiveness being part of the curse of vampirism) and jadedness towards millenarian causes. But that's about the extent of it. I don't think the Bush jokes were serious attacks on the Republican party.

>Therese likes anal
I guess it's confirmed.

It's just Nines's opinion, Strauss has a different one, neither is told to be true

>When you're retarded but you need to be extra retarded.

>has gotten nothing for the wall
The recent veto said otherwise and the wall have always been constructed

>increasing H1b/2b visas
Lowest amount of application of H1b visas you twit

>done more or less nothing to stop opioid epidemic
There's a reason why you're seeing the lowest drug use during his administration my retardo friend.

>failed on obamacare (more on traitorous congress/Mccain)
Literally got rid of the mandate which the was the main part of the cancer that is OC

>banned bumpstocks
lol nogun detected, you can literally purchase bumstock right now you retarded fuck

>do I need to continue?
Yes do show your retardation further

Goth/black metal hasn't been a real thing in over 10 years, not sure how it can be contemporary with the size hub world atmosphere

And you have a screenshot of such a thing being in the game or...?

I actually really enjoy that dialogue. Here's the rest of it.

“And so do we! God. You see my skirt and makeup, and
just think ‘slut,’ don’t you?”
“Of course. Are you not?”
“Yeah, but how many nuggets of
gold do you think I pried from the
ghoul I was screwing, the repressed
warlock I loosened up, or Prince
LaCroix when he was bouncing up and
down on my love gun? Bang. Bang.”
“You… God, you disgust me. I
acquire intelligence through visions,
through sampling the blood, through
debate, business transaction, reading
emotions, drawing out uncomfortable
“You wear the suit, I wear the
stockings. We’re mentally impaired as
a clan, but hell, if it allows us to both
lower our inhibitions and get a little
dirty to do what must be done, I say
bring on the personality disorders. It’s
like a cocktail in my head.”
“There is nothing wrong with me.
You’re the one with the special needs.”
“Oh, you need your daddy just as
much as I do.”
“Shut up. Shut up. For one night,
could you go without mentioning that
we’re all headcases and instead focus
on what we accomplish?”
“Sorry, sis. I guess there’s two sides
to being a Malkavian. The visionary
and the maniac. We’re a good team!”
“I hate you.”
“You hate us.”
“We hate us.”
“I love you.”
“I love me too.”

It's ironic how when you shit on people they get upset huh? Me and you are smart for noticing this

The thin blood might just be another character.

I meant regressiveness. In general, older vampires becoming out of touch and stuck in their ways is portrayed as a weakness.



>it's just his opinion!
So? If a vampire in this game criticized Trump there would be threads whining about it, it would be
>lol it's just his opinion just ignore it it doesn't count

Yea Forums what help I'm so confused there is too much in my brain what do I do?
Do I preorder?
Will it be bad?
I don't think I can be subjective with this game.

What's with all the resetera faggots? Go back to your containment forum.

The more people fall for bait, the more bait gets posted

I don't think I've ever seen quite so many seething trannies in one thread before. Really makes you think.

Attached: 154236223680.jpg (749x749, 346K)

*wouldn't be

It is WoD, what did you expect? There is a sect of mages who can alter the nature of reality by paddling each others asses.

>Do I preorder?
>Will it be bad?

Preordering is for retards.

>when he was bouncing up and down on my love gun
Hold up

Attached: 1544077767774.gif (300x300, 172K)

fucking hell. please stop ruining shit with political garbage forced down our throats. i just want to play a fucking vampire game. not some social justice crap.

fucking hell you are making me a god damn nazi because its gotten to the point where i'm so fucking tired of political bullshit everywhere that i just want to exterminate anyone that does anything political. i just want it to fucking stop.

if i want to hear about fucking poor inner city black vampire kids getting shit on i'll watch fox news or cnn or msnbc or abc or nbc, or FUCKING ANYTHING AS ITS EVERYWHERE.

In the 5th edition they haven't changed much, aside from leaving the Camarilla.
Theres a new mechanic where they can temporarily gain animal features when they go into frenzy though.

Now that's great writing. I hope they deliver this to the new game.

You’re the one claiming the dialogue options are the explicitly political parts when nobody else is. They said for this game they’re taking stances and being political as developers, which is different from a character in the game doing so.

because only sonyp onys like that game and all three of them are on /pol/ still

Can't wait to play one tbqh

Attached: qt314.png (679x554, 585K)

>Therese accidentally calls you Daddy in bed

Attached: 1534910581850.jpg (640x360, 47K)

What the fuck? APR 2020 release? So it's fucking nothing till then

Will Jeanette return? Probably not, she is too anti-SJW.

Attached: image11.jpg (900x720, 54K)

>keep your political right wing bullshit in pol
The Christchurch shooting was a result of unchecked mudslime immigration and it will only get worse from here on out.

No it's already confirmed that the PC is a thin blood without a clan and that you power up over time and pick your clan/disciplines . Thing is that's not how this fucking works at all, you can't just vampire better without doing some fucked up shit that would be pretty impossible because you're basically human with sharp teeth and the thing you need to eat can slaughter you

>playing American video games

Now this is the dumbest shit I've seen from this board. I've been here for 11 years and and in every single "sequels you want"-thread there is vtmb 2. Now no one gives a shit because of a fucking slider? Get your shit together you fucking faggots. And no I'm not mad, I'm dissapointed.

>not wanting to get pegged with a strap on by Jeanette
What? Are you gay or something?

i feel sorry for these cucksurvatives tßh
they have no enjoyment in their shitty lives

Thats a good attempt, try that on /pol/. I'm sure you could get them riled up.

A long as this character is not presented as having the "good opinion", and that there is other characters with different opinions, I don't give a shit

I'm not paying for my daily dose of propaganda. You'll have to come after me yourself

If you put political content in your game it should be subtle and smart or at least so naive and banal, thst it can't be taken seriously, like in Mankind Divided with it's extremely basic message of "Pee-pee, poo-poo rasism bad".
Although I don't understand why should the all-powerful immortals be concerd about pathetic problems of their food. I thing vampires should have more serious problems of their own insted of human political parties, gun control, gays etc.

>politics confirmed
aaaaand dropped. fuck this shit. every game gotta be political nowadays because ORANGE MAN BAD. so glad I'm redpilled right now.

2016 broke Yea Forums.

Where's that chart that shows the influx of users during the 2016 election?

Also doing that gets you fucking murdered, it’s a big no-no.

>its the muslims fault that they got shot in their church


I hope they include that animal features trait and limit sociability a bit more. Gangrel felt a little too tame in Bloodlines.

>liberals run the game industry
No they don't, they run the US based AAA studios which these days produce nothing but shit. You think nips and slavs are liberal?


Oh no, they would bring her back alright. They would love her unconventional fashion, make-up, and mental illness. They would just take away her tits and ass, and have every other conversation be about misogyny or incels.

Is there any confirmation that we're going to be able to join a clan at some point or are we just gonna be some sort of super special thin blood with thin blood magic bullshit? If yes to the former, is it going to be diablerie?

Attached: 1548054314871.jpg (500x1150, 130K) the masquerade bloodlines gog/1/
really not hard user but I'll spoonfeed you

>mosque in Christchurch

Ya, that’s where one of those should be.

One day they'll realize their mistake.

Attached: 1587978165718.jpg (1024x789, 132K)

>The recent veto said otherwise and the wall have always been constructed
l m a o
zero (0) miles of new border wall have been constructed, just repairing of existing fencing. Trump SIGNED a bill that also expanded catch & release limiting the detainment facilities of ICE. Not to mention illegal border crossings are at a ten year high!

>Lowest amount of application of H1b visas you twit
And yet Trump makes a big speech at CPAC about how we need more immigrants than ever.

>There's a reason why you're seeing the lowest drug use during his administration my retardo friend.
Not true at all, opioid use has been going up steadily since before he took office

>Literally got rid of the mandate which the was the main part of the cancer that is OC
Ok, retard, but the rest of that garbage is still there with no sign in sight of getting removed or fixed

Go off about your Trump support though pal, tell me more about how based n redpilled it is that Trump recognized the Golan heights as Israeli territory and gives more money to them than ever lmao

What the fuck were the devs even doing all this time, working real jobs?

Why would she

I don't think it will unfortunately, real shame since the postrock & triphoppy vibe really fit the genre

Just turn off your brain and have fun bro hahaha

>source: my ass


>we want x game that isn't full of stuff we hate
>why don't you guys want y game full of stuff you hate?
Gee I dunno pol boogeyman/

You know it runs much deeper than just having a slider.

I doubt her tits would be a problem

Attached: 1553226153408.png (1486x1270, 1.21M)

Wtf? What's the sect called?

>complaining that people other than white males exist is a political stance
So is the opposite of that you nigger retard

>and liberals run the game industry (and technology at large).
Ah yes I remember Sid Meier, Will Wright and fuck even Gary Gygax are all transkins modern liberal.

No method has been unveiled, but it has been confirmed that you choose a clan at some point in the game, rather than in character creation.

The Anarchs are objectively the most organized "good guys" in the entire game. The only other "good" faction you can take outside of being independent is Strauss. Nines basically saves your ass multiple times and is portrayed as heroic, the Anarchs help you in the beginning when no one will (Jack), LaCroix is portrayed as objectively evil and crazy, if you side with him you die, you have no opportunities to kill or harm any of the Anarchs outside of a few small jabs to them in dialogue. Strauss also fucks up by letting his enslaved gargoyle go free and you barely have any interaction with him outside of that while you have continuous interaction with the Anarchs. The game is clearly heavily biased towards the Anarchs from the get-go

making a few jokes about bush =/= shitting on republicans. It wasn't even out of place because of the setting

>and liberals run the game industry (and technology at large).
why would you be proud of that lmao, it's all fucking dogshit

Nah it's mostly shitposters and triggered /pol/tards.Same thing with the Cyberpunk game, they'll all play it.

"Ways Out

Straddling the line between mortality and vampirism, thin-bloods
have a choice. While they do not
age, and can thus stay thin-bloods
indefinitely, most of their kind
sooner or later chooses the day
or the night. A thin-blood who
manages to commit diablerie on
a “true” Kindred absorbs not only
their power and spirit but also
their lineage, turning them into a
13th generation Kindred of their
victim’s clan.

The Camarilla occasionally dangles this prize in front of dusk-born who show themselves
capable of running the dirtiest of
errands and surviving, offering
up a Cainite sentenced to a Blood
Hunt as sacrifice.
(Part I found interesting, from the same section)

Conversely, every thin-blood
knows someone who knows someone who returned to the daylight. The story usually goes that they became mortal again by clinging
to their humanity until they could
hunt down and end their sire, thus
ending their curse. Of course, any mortal who
knows about the Kindred is a threat
to the Masquerade."

Alright cool, thanks.

lol all those boyz are oldhats my friend. We sat by and let transies and the like weasel their way into position of power because everyone said "oh just ignore them and they'll go away"

Yeah, after pirating it.

her outfit returned, only $69.99, preorder today :^)

5th Edition brought in a new mechanic called Blood Potency. Diablerie is one way to increase it but not the only one.
Besides, i wouldn't mind a story where the protagonist commits diablerie. There's story potential in it.

>The Christchurch shooting was a result of unchecked mudslime immigration
theres barely any fucking muslims in new zealand, dude forgot what country he was in

it should be where the worshippers are
or do you also oppose christian churches in china? maybe you want all churches removed from istanbul?

I am gonna be honest I am a bit triggered and weary. When Paradox first got the IP, they were super close and working with Obsidian. Then Leonard Boyarsky came to Obsidian and I got really hype, Troika getting the band back together for this. Then Outerworlds got announced and I gave up on it. Now Paradox is powering on ahead with it with the guys who made Blacklight? Do they have Anderson? Mitsoda was only one of many writers, and it was directed by Boyarsky and Anderson. Maybe I just got over hype when I thought it would be Boyarsky and Tim Cain making it with Obsidian. Still Avellone has done some good work, even if he has nothing to do with the game. So basically The VTMB team is making a game for Obsidian, and the Obsidian writer is making a VTMB game?

Fuck I'm hyped for this. Also Yea Forums is literally fucking unusable now with this constant politics faggotry.

And where's your proof

I was thinking of playing it before the details surfaced, but now I'm not even going to pirate it.

And I forgot to add, this is the same faction that has the woke commie vampire who rants about fighting the establishment

>politics are shoved in every game
>it's Yea Forums's fault that people are talking about it
Games are literally fucking unusable now with this constant politics faggotry

2004 was a different time, you could make little jokes about politicians without everyone flinging shit and getting outraged. Since 2016 everyone in the US went full retard and now everything has to be hyper political and everything has to be a statement. And I dont care that theres gonna be LGBT shit like pronouns or minorities, that's just retard /pol/ shit. That's not objectionable to me, especially in a game set in Seattle in 2018, that's just realistic. That said, I dont want to have sjw talking points rammed down my throat because I want a game with a good story, not a political manifesto. That said, if they do go sjw I hope they go extreme social justice so they end up just looking like idiots and I get to laugh at the rage here. Can you imagine the anger if an anarch meeting had the progressive stack?

How is Seattle? California in the first one was comfy af.

>put politics in game
>people talk politics

>this releases
>writing is dogshit because lefties can't do atmosphere or writing
>they wonder what went wrong

Are you people legit too stupid to have seen the very obvious politics in the original VtM:B
It wasn't fucking subtle

>for a sequel over a decade too late with zero of the original devs on board and zero gameplay shown
you're worse than the retards who were excited for metroid prime 4 when it was announced.

>Why is that a problem?
By your same retarded logic, /pol/ would have no problem expressing their political opinion itt then and no amount of autistic screeching from leftist retard would change that then.

Bros, Im thinkin im going to be preordering the most expensive edition right now. On based steam

Attached: 1551369343488.jpg (996x776, 62K)

This is the future of VtmB thread. Full of political "discussion" and larping. I really fucking hate /pol/cels and OP for baiting them.

>How is Seattle?
There's a tower there.

I never thought I was gonna say this, but you guys should come to /pol/ more.

>shilling Scampire Jewline: Trannycalypse

Only fair if they keep the political left wing bullshit out of the games. No? Fair game then.

>Once all the /pol/ shitposting goes away the only conversations left about VTMB2 pre-release will be intense debates about whether Jeanette has a penis
The cycle of life

Nah it is literallu just internet niggers from pol forcing their shit

This, bruh can't do shit right. I like what he said in 2016, but that is clearly far removed from what he says and does now.

I supported America first, not Israeli first with nothing getting done in 3 years despite a fucking miracle of the house and Senate both being Republican. We totally lost.

So you don't mind politics then do you? Why don't you like them here?

I’ve been to Seattle. It’s alright, lots of homeless though. Kind of dirty. Not super crowded.

I don’t really like American cities.

there'll be a thread in /vg/ when the game actually has anything to post about. Yea Forums is just a containment board for frogposters.

I already miss the comfy threads we used to have.

Is there an imageboard anywhere that's like 2011 Yea Forums? That's what I want back.

Nines is also extremely manipulative and even if you side with the anarchs he doesn't warn you at all about the 400 pounds of c4 hes got in the sarcophagus rigged to blow. He saved you because you were a pawn in his scheme again the LaCroix and the Camarilla.

>when politics are in games it's fine
>when politics are in game discussions it's pol
Interesting opinion

He's actually not bullshitting, and the NZ news removed the article after the attack. You should be able to find an archive of it though.

We're still getting goth waifus, right?

It wasn’t a total loss, we got the Supreme Court judges out of it, but it is a massive kick in the balls.

Is there a beach though?

>come to this cesspool of ultra right wing extremists and get brainwashed!


It wasn't Nines who rigged it tho it was Jack.

>being anything but a containment board for people too autistic for even Yea Forums

VtM has been political since White Wolf Publishing's V5 Camarilla handbook debacle.

lol im betting the /vg/ threads will die shortly after the game comes out like Pillars 2

So if I'm a good boy I get to be a slave and commit a horrible crime that doesn't wash off? Yeah not such a great start for an RPG but maybe that's just me

Yeah not really seeing how waiting around will somehow increase how much vampire juice you got in ya but whatever. Aren't those the same books with all the lgbt and sjw shit that got canceled and caused a big issue?

I do agree though, actually having a story where you can commit diablerie would be highly interesting but I just can't see them ever pulling off something like that well. I mean even after eating someone you're still at a huge disadvantage since you got every vamp on your ass forever and they have hundreds of years of experience on you

She was mocked by Shelter for it, who saw her as a dumb college kid

what exactly do you think the two drunks on the scotus are doing for you? are you the chairman of a PAC?

Yeah, real shame. The shit he said about online deplatforming was the worst "Just be good" like fuck off man.

Yeah Trump definitely did some good, but not really what we really wanted out of him

The fuck kind of name is mitsoda. It looks japanese but it's probably european in origin.



and the twin towers were notoriously a breeding groud for white power nazis who were just about to attack israel but the based muslims saved mankind

Yes, and it literally true. In fact, i think that screeching only motivates them more.

Are you a fucking retard?
Anyway talk about trying too hard when you find yourself mixing gay and muslim together, what a joke.

Have you taken a fucking look at the world. All around you are the effects of political polarization, this shit is not normal and will only get worse as time goes by, for both the left and the right.


Attached: 14357851317850.png (1280x759, 876K)

>go to website
>go to clans
>five and "bonus"
they better not fucking meme me and take out the malks

>posts are about video games instead of munching tendies
>"s-s-stone cold steve autism!!"
settle down, nobody's taking your wojaks away

yeah but the christchurch thing is actually true

Stops your bloodsucker tranny degeneracy.

Attached: file.png (1000x541, 789K)

If you seriously thought that everyone that was right of bernie sanders was being brainwashed you'd be treating them like victims and not attempting to ruin every faucet of their life

Fuck you, vtmb was my childhood and i am righter that it gets.

White Wolf also got shitcanned by Paradox. I’m tentatively hopeful the game will be even handed, but I won’t be suprised if it isn’t. Avellone is usually pretty level.

OK I'll try

Attached: 1466139737294.gif (260x260, 2.01M)

>Supreme Court judges
That had very little to do with Trump and was entirely a machination of Mitch McConnell and the Republican party refusing to let Obama appoint a judge. Trump actually did the Republican Party's busywork for them, much like how he signed Paul Ryan's tax bill

just like to have all my games in one place

>politics of now
Get ready for Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Madness network in the form of orange soapstone messages.

how weak is your mind that you get "brainwashed" by /pol/

state of lefties

Go and shoot some more innocents /pol/ you dumb motherfuckers, it's literally all you're good at.

They’ll abort roe and I would cut off my fucking arm for that.

>it's somehow the /pol/cel's fault Parakikes hired a bunch of zirs to poz their game for them so that they could squeeze the most out of both the old crowd yearning for a sequel and the new crown looking for a progressive narrative
Action and reaction, nigger.

appreciate his love for MMA, not a fan of having kids fight but he's a big sponsor for gyms and shit in the region. Chechnya/Dagestan has some killers

So, are you going to defend garbage just because you associate it with your childhood? Not a new concept, mind you.

Pronouns shit is the lowest bottom of the barrel retardation they could possibly implement. It's a fucking joke for tumblrtards, not serious politics.

So from what I can tell this is at least using the Classic WoD setting, right? Because the New one was irredeemable trash.

>getting brainwashed on /pol/
How can you be so weak-minded ?

People that are brainwashed don't tend to realise it. Like yourself.

>preordering games in [CURRENT YEAR]
When will you idiots learn?

Attached: 1526399340862.png (408x818, 152K)

It's not like there's a limited quantity of digital games. You could wait to order right up until the last second and still get your pre-order perks if you absolutely must. And you have the safety of knowing you're not locked into buying something that's shit if the game starts going tits up.

how do you know you aren't brainwashed?

Yeah, politics in games are fine. Why not?

My conspiracy theory is that Obsidian was gonna make it and it fell through.

there are no tumblrtard politics on cyberpunk

you must be a 250 IQ centralist, I should also go read horseshoe theory

>everyone who has shifted further to the right over the years obviously has to be brainwashed

Not when they go full retard. Which this game is likely to.

>paradox shill thread
Instant preorder!

Attached: 1542782888459.webm (460x250, 262K)

Anything after gehena is shit,the new clans have been shit since 2006, also things change; did you know that in the 1st edition malkavians could summon fairies, ask them for favors or traverse the fairy realm and believed to be fishes ...yeah some things change...
Pick related, a fishmalk knight in his undies bleeding into a goblet while some guy fondled a dead fish. From the dark ages first edition

Attached: Fishmalk.gif (323x207, 59K)

no way
i dont believe you

Define full retard and why is it a problem

that is supposedly true but they were still innocents, probably was a small clique of radicals


>The only other "good" faction you can take is aiding a literal pyramid scheme that will never even let you join.

I disagree with Strauss being good. Also the Anarch doesn't give a shit about you. They only want you because you've proven yourself to be resourceful just like any of the other sects. The developers themselves said that staying independent is considered the Good Ending.

Hope it's a good game

Now stop right there for a moment. Nobody knows if vtmb2 is garbage because its not out yet. But i defenetely can be excited for the sequel I've been waiting for 16 years.

Not gonna lie this sounds pretty awesome.

>seedy, punky sequel

It's going to be Dishonored meets Twilight

World of darkness is extremely left wing setting. I live in Tbilisi, Georgia and Mark Rein Hagen is literally my neighbor, I can post photos with him if you want.
He literally created vampire the masquerade, and he is a liberal centrist Hillary voter fat cuck.
Every world of darkness game ever was always SJW, the setting itself is left wing on a metaphysical level.
What are you niggers talking about? And I bet I'm more conservative than majority of you shitty evangelical fucks since I'm an orthodox Christian.
What are you surprised by?

>1200 Christians slaughtered in Nigeria
>no one gives a shit

>50 Muslims killed in NZ
>time to sound the call to prayer in solidarity I guess

Huh never realized that
Oh shit I didnt know that mosque was one of the radical extremist mosques. Good on Tarrant, he took out a den of snakes

that pic is what the NZ shooter posted on infinitychan before his attack
just so you know

They probably didn't want crossover with Changeling. First ed got retconned to fuck and back man. Not that I'm endorsing all their changes. Saulot was supposed to be the closest thing the vampires had to a redeemer but then they went and made his origin story edgier because it's world of DARKNESS xd.

That's literally world of darkness, who are you people? Wood created all the gay shitty tropes that Twilight has.

hello brother

Mark left a long, long time ago.

Nobody gives a shit about Africa, and if they did they would stop caring the moment they found out those were Nigerian Catholics.

Even with SCOTUS being made more conservative, it'll do very little good for awhile. We'll probably get three SCOTUS.

That's really the least Trump could do, he had so much power for years and he wasted it shitposting on Twitter and watching Fox and Friends. Do you understand we could have reformed half of the outdated laws and regulations of this country?
That's definitely my biggest problem, when online censorship is at its worst and only getting worse by the day, he signs a bill for college campus free speech. We could have used that in 2016 maybe? He has no clue about real issues or how to deal with them if he does realize it. Hes killing his own fanbase by refusing to regulate anything.
At best he just goes on his Twitter and bitches out against companies well doing jackshit.

Well, if all we had is the neutral trailer, you could just be excited. But we got more info on top of that, and a lot of it doesn't sound good.

>game comes out
>not overly political but still some injected new-age twitter politics
>writing is dogshit
>lefties pretend they don't get what went wrong

Attached: images.jpg (247x204, 9K)

cuckolded retards

I can tell you're a regular retarded YangGang right away with this retarded untrue garbage.

>zero (0) miles of new border wall have been constructed
kek, new 55 miles of wall have been constructed on top of improving existing infrastructure along the border you humongously retarded figure.

>Trump SIGNED a bill that also expanded catch & release limiting the detainment facilities of ICE.
Which means that illegal immigrant get deported faster you retard. Once they got caught and processed at the nearest facilities they got shit back to Mexico. Christ the amount of stupidity of not knowing basic procedure is astounding.

>And yet Trump makes a big speech at CPAC about how we need more immigrants than ever.
I didn't realize making speech is the same as actions and result.

>Not true at all, opioid use has been going up steadily since before he took office
and already slowing down during his term. This is more of a social fuck up than anything.

>Ok, retard, but the rest of that garbage is still there with no sign in sight of getting removed or fixed
Removing the mandate is enough to not force people into that garbage scheme and now that its imploding, more people would go out seeking alternatives to OC than enrolling it.

Your post reeks of retardation which is natural of any anti-Trumper as seen itt.

lol you din't even try you dumbshit

Attached: Wall is being built faggot.jpg (3072x1694, 244K)

All the signs are there, mate. I'd be as happy to have a sequel as the next guy, and I've already voiced my butthurt in three different threads, but it already looks like shit from what (little) we know.

There are two threads for this game on Yea Forums. One is about the politics or whatever.
The other is this hype thread. Please just pick which one fits you and go there.

Their outrage is selective, and that's why they're so fucking vile. I'm a fence-sitting retard, and even I find myself shifting further to the right as time goes by.

why was he memeing during the whole thing though

How up your ass do you have to be to put out preorders without showing the gameplay

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I hope this isn't the case, but you're probably right

>he signs a bill for college campus free speech
The worst part about this, is that often times it's not even the colleges themselves stopping it. It's the college republicans or whoever folding to external pressure, leaving people like Nick fuentes hanging in the wind and shit


I'll never give em a single penny after what they did to hearts of iron

I’m not saying I’m happy I’m just saying it wasn’t worthless. The Supreme Court justices were important enough that I can live with the disappointment of the rest of his failures.

damn what do you know, /pol was right again

Hopefully this will be the first game to feature fully nude gay sex. Take that /pol/.

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>blind hype when there are things you can actually discuss

can you guys post more goth titties instead of arguing about politics

It's honestly really telling how many people sperging out about this are mad that they can't play their fishmalk

Is Twilight "seedy and punky"? No? Blade and Underworld lifted way more off WoD than Twilight but these fucking millenial devs were raised on disney trash so they're gonna water this fucking game down of any actual substance and atmosphere and just do Bioshock Infinite but at night

vtm is all about politics though

>kek, new 55 miles of wall have been constructed on top of improving existing infrastructure along the border you humongously retarded figure.
wow nice wall, great job trump
fucking retard

>Which means that illegal immigrant get deported faster you retard. Once they got caught and processed at the nearest facilities they got shit back to Mexico. Christ the amount of stupidity of not knowing basic procedure is astounding.
lmao no they don't
they get released into the country until their trial, and surprise surprise they never show up

>and already slowing down during his term. This is more of a social fuck up than anything.
And he's doing nothing about it

You reek of cope and zionism.

Agreed. Things to discuss like
I am not blindly hyped at all. However, if this thread is not for you, then I can show you how to hide threads newfriend.

What's wrong user, you don't like your in-depth military strategy game turned into a reddit meme pop-history simulator? What's your problem?

I'm gay and that would be fine if I can have it. What I don't fucking want is some queer european black muslim telling me that his people wouldn't throw me and my boyfriend off a roof given the opportunity

But he created the fucking setting essentially and he is still in contact with white wolf faggots, does contact work do or their new game and shit like that.
The point in trying to make is that WOD is a pozzed liberal pro environmentalism anti capitalism even in some ways setting. Mark and his like him were fucking sjw even way back then.
What exactly are people seething about? Have people even seen the fanbase?

>Q1 2020
>if not late


Vampire politics, which is vastly different than the endless stream of culture war shit we're dealing with today. But since this game takes place in modern day it'll probably just as lame and exhausting as real life

anne rice invented the modern vampire
>Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
>Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
Jones was killed alongside Australian Christopher Havard, whose parents said he was introduced to radical Islam at the Al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.

Attached: mosque shooter radicalization.png (697x633, 268K)

Whipping Boys

I just want to know what is the difference between what is going on now and all the sjw shit in all of world of darkness? WoD is a literal sjw setting.

>Have people even seen the fanbase?
You do realize the people shitting up these threads have never heard of VTM until tonight right?


i thought it was about being a monster, sucking blood, and people centuries older than you using you as a pawn for shady plots

>gimped if you decide to manually manage battles because no planning bonus and a nonexistent oob
>if you use the automatic AI the game shuffles divisions around in the most autistic and retarded way possible, ofteimes leaving sections of the front seriously undermanned or just fucking empty

I hate hearts of Iron 4.

>1 guy


no thats the brainlets analysis of the plot

You wish.

You're all really showing how little you actually knew about vtm


you had me up til then nigger

Man watching you get BTFO is more fun than this shitheap will ever be. Your list of criticism gets smaller and smaller by every post.

>wow nice wall, great job trump
fucking retard
>hurr durr 0 wall being built
>actually there's new wall being constructed on top of renovating old ones
>hurr durr that doesn't count!

>lmao no they don't
its amazing time and time again shows that you literally have no proof of this.

>And he's doing nothing about it
Do you even read the article that I've shown you? Of coure not, then you wouldn't make that retarded post of yours.

>You reek of cope
oh the irony


>article literally says two, one kiwi and one aussie
>he thinks there weren't more
>he doesn't know the entire mosque was under surveillance by several governments, including US and Israeli

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1 what
what do you even mean cuck

The core of vtm want seediness and punkyness, it was being a vampire and the rules of masquerade/clans, everything else was a general aesthetic of the time and if your were to play game of vtm in 19th century it wouldn't be punky but vampire part and masquerade part would stay.
It seems like you guys don't understand that most of the shitty gay tropes about vampires are also from this setting.

he means just because it was 1 guy that dieded that it doesn't matter

So what the fuck are you going to discuss from that. Your options are

It's the dev team. A different one. It exists. They're making the game. Want to discuss their personal lives?

>on PC PS4 and XBOX One
>PS4 and XBOX One
>Vampire: The Masquerade
it's gonna be shit, screencap this.

Attached: 1552073561651.png (1276x714, 788K)

No it's not vampire politics, WoD was openly politically environmental, sjw, anticorporate etc.
Very very blatantly even universal metaphysics are sjw.

For god sake, you're literally the cancer killing this board and vidya. Why can't every game be like Company of Heroes, Dawn of War or Warcraft? 0 politics at all and these game all have a healthy discussion.

Don't worry my guy, in 4 years we might even reach 100 miles of wall!

Oh, forgot to mention he cut funding for e-verify by 8%. Really fighting to keep immigration under control isn't he?

You sound like an acolyte of Charlie Kirk

>so angry somebody agrees with the guy hes arguing with
Might wanna take your pills buddy

>kek, new 55 miles of wall have been constructed on top of improving existing infrastructure along the border
Ok it's a 2000 mile long border
>The US Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) has said this raised enough money to build approximately 100 miles of "border wall system".
And then you'll say
>but trump will get the funding
It wasn't on the government reopening bill, and at the most he can pool 8b dollars together, not that it wasn't already veto'd. The wall will take 23-27b to finish.

>Once they got caught and processed at the nearest facilities they got shit back to Mexico. Christ the amount of stupidity of not knowing basic procedure
That's just not how catch and release works you idiot. The release part allows them to go anywhere, which is a big part of the problem.
I'm sure Mexico has the best facilities and institutions.

>I didn't realize making speech is the same as actions and result.
He's said it numerous times now. He had numerous CEOs and companies shit on him last year for being anti immigration and saying how it "interrupted their work force"

Yang at least discusses modern issues and doesn't dilute politics into esoteric arguments that would have been useful 30 years ago.

Attached: 1553189586570.jpg (1024x1024, 106K)

VtM is Anne Rice for horny nerds, Twilight is Anne Rice for horny tween girls

Not to mention again, he does absolutely nothing of value to help people being deplatformed on social media, and fills his cabinet with neocons. Trump is compromised, get over it.


what if I don't care about any of those things?

>Why can't every game be like Company of Heroes, Dawn of War or Warcraft? 0 politics at all and these game all have a healthy discussion.
You just know someone's going to make a retort that everything is political. From Warcraft to Animal Crossing to Puyo Puyo to whatever even if it doesn't make any damn sense.

Attached: Dofn9QcX4AAhbdm.jpg (1000x968, 163K)

holy fuck i'm hyped

based Satan

Not the guy your arguing with but the opiod crisis in america is based around it unprescribed usage from existing addicts.

Trump did jackshit for the opiod epidemic. The lower prescription nummers come from sensibilisation by cdc campaigns and the frontline.

Dont attribute good policy by technocrats to the Orange idiot.

Exactly, theres so many more pressures then just unis. Theres interest groups funding all of these campus organizations and if they smell something they don't 100% like, they fuckoff until you do what they want. Nick is king, his shows the past week or so have been great.
SCOTUS is suppose to reflect society though, and as we get more liberal and diverse, even conservative judges can only go so far.
I could live with his failures if they weren't so easily fixable. He just needed to get off Twitter and do work.
Can you imagine being the far most powerful man in the world, and choosing to spend all your time autisticly being a shitposting boomer?

WoD fanbase is full and always was full of weird leftist women with rare actually hot Goth girls. WoD probably had the most female fans out of major settings from my experience, I think it has to do with the general vibes of the setting.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm saying that WoD had it's own Twilight like crowd.

good to see a fellow nicker on Yea Forums

Getting a third conservative justice would be a huge fucking deal. Republicans would control the supreme court, right now they have a majority but Roberts is a swing vote so you cant be sure. It would mean dems cant push their most destructive agendas like gun control. And it would possible for the first time a long time that roe vs wade could be rolled back, along with infringements of the 2nd amendment.
Wait for first impressions when it launches, until then theres no real reason to think about it desu.
That's what really gets me mad. I hate how the left rallies behind a religion that would have us thrown off cliffs, decapitated, or burnt alive if they could. Oh wait, that's exactly what happened at Pulse and happens to LGBT people in Muslim dominated countries. It's so phenomenally fucking stupid that still feel like a chump for being such a dem all this time. They didnt actually care about us, they just wanted another group of minorities that shames members of their group for not voting with them. If you had told me 10 years ago I would vote straight ticket Republican I wouldnt believe you and now here I am siding with the party that wanted to restrict our rights because we're importing the most hateful people on Earth to our country.

Boy all these posts sure are about vampires.

Literally for attention

Hes been comprised since the start in my opinion. Jared Kushner alone has always been a raging lib who sucks foreign dick. When trump's family is globalists, its hard for him to be a nationalist.

>Don't worry my guy, in 4 years we might even reach 100 miles of wall!
Ah yes just like the infamous Great Wall takes century to finish.

>Oh, forgot to mention he cut funding for e-verify by 8%.
Why fund for further more e-verify when we can already tell which one is illegal and which one isn't with precise accuracy. This is why illegal crossing have been the lowest its ever been

>Ok it's a 2000 mile long border
And? DO you retards think that 2000 mile border can be built in just 1 year. If you actually go to school then you'll realize that the Great Wall takes hundreds of years to be built and the Gaza wall also takes decades to finish.

>It wasn't on the government reopening bill
Why do you think he shut the government wall down faggit?

>and at the most he can pool 8b dollars together,
For the 2020 national budget, it doesn't include the billions he already got from the national emergency which is why you're seeing news of new wall being built despite congress.

>not that it wasn't already veto'd.
I was talking about Congress trying to stop his NE and then he veto'd that shit like a true man.

>That's just not how catch and release works you idiot.
Jesus Christ do you even read the guidelines, its literally on ICE website you retard.
>The release part allows them to go anywhere, which is a big part of the problem.
No they fucking don't, if that were the case you wouldn't see the highest deportation under Trump of which you do.

>I'm sure Mexico has the best facilities and institutions.
For detaining illegals sure.

>He's said it numerous times now. He had numerous CEOs and companies shit on him last year for being anti immigration and saying how it "interrupted their work force"
And yet he had the lowest amount of H1b application in his term.

Get a clue retard.

Not him but Nick is king

Literally /ourguy/

Lol you retarded shills don't even try. Can't wait to seeing Yang lose just like any other democratic retards the tranny discord shills here.

>Ah yes just like the infamous Great Wall takes century to finish.
>And? DO you retards think that 2000 mile border can be built in just 1 year. If you actually go to school then you'll realize that the Great Wall takes hundreds of years to be built and the Gaza wall also takes decades to finish.
the amount of cope here is unfathomable

>Why do you think he shut the government wall down faggit?
Yeah and how'd that turn out lmao

absolute moron. You're making shit up at this point