Hey V give me your best Devil May Cry Memes

Hey V give me your best Devil May Cry Memes

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epic user, truly epic. You want to post it on your facebook too ?

Vergil did nothing wrong.
Urizen killed those civilians, not Vergil.

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top 10 best DMC memes that cured my depression (funny)

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Good meme bud.

Yeah is a fucking Jojo reference!!!!

say no more

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I like Devil Trigger and MGRR soundtrack, gib Yea Forums recommendations

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Way to ruin the joke

MGR:R is closer to Butt Rock.

>When you enable Japanese voices, Nero sometimes says ORA! with his devil buster

Can I get the non mobile fucked version of this image?

That’s not a JoJo reference, you reatard. Ora roughly translates to come on.

Need an update to pic related.

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>inb4 it's shit

yes it is you retard everything is a jojo reference

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The tree killed them.
Urizen just happened to be the strongest demon to seize the throne, otherwise anyone else would have done it.

Is Langdon safe from trannyera? I haven't heard any new development in the last 2 days

He’s safe. They tried to delete everything.

Sounds like you never played RE4. Go steal yourself a copy sometime, nigger.

capcom or trannyera tried to delete everything?

Capcom gave no fucks.
Trannyera tried to delete their threads

Sounds like you've only played re-releases like a retard

Trannies. They really are despicable.

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kek fuck resetfags. Good thing there's still images saved. Can those guys on resetera even get in trouble for shitting on capcom though? It may be a shitty opinion but its their shitty opinion to make.

They might not get in trouble with Capcom, but they definitely got in trouble with everyone else for trying to slander Reuben like that. He’s a bigger man than most for responding the way he did too.

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What did we do to deserve a guy like Reuben Langdon?

I don’t know. But I’m glad we’ve got him.

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>but they definitely got in trouble with everyone else for trying to slander Reuben like that
but like how can they? Why would they bother deleting the reuben threads, its a non-issue that isn't important enough for them to get in trouble in the first place I think

holy shit dude is that a motherfucking jojo reference?!?!

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I heard that news about them going after Reuben got out to other sites, like Reddit, Tumblr, and Facebook, when the first threads about Resetera attacking him were still up here. Needless to say, they weren’t very happy with what the trannies were saying about Reuben, and made their displeasure known to them.


Based Reuben will save us from the chemtrails and free the aliens that only want to reveal that we're living in a simulation.

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The V Walk vs The Nero Stride.

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Remember those boxart days?

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Thank you, user.

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Did they put the meme dance in the game or not?

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As an Amaranthe fan, I tell you it's shit.

So V is technically nero's dad
I miss him. I want V back ;_;

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>vergil was raped by a loli
Some one really needs to crack down on those loli rape gangs.

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Autistic Vergil mems are the best.

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Man, these are funny

angeljasiel on Deviantart has it all, most are too big to post here

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That’s because it’s true.

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Pretty good

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>clan nephilim

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>Itsuno did the dance with a bunch of fans
>Itsuno freezeframed on this exact frame of the trailer when pointing out his arm
>Dante became a literal fucking cowboy after the brokeback comparison

If this isn't meme magic then just fuck my face.

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epic bang bang XDD
Why is this fanbase so fucking autistic



>that mouth

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What if they remastered DMC and DMC2

Someone do a version where it's night and he can't sleep because he keeps dreaming about Dante calling him dead weight.

Name a fanbase that is not autistic.

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>tfw no SFM

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DMC2 has to be completely remade to not be bad. Touching up the graphics won't do much to improve it

Source: twitter.com/Frostmacht/status/1075517166529712138

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>that jiggle physic

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where is the can of monster?


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>john lennon walk
I love and hate this

Is there a version of this with Monster instead?

Fucking lost

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>implying the cup isn’t filled with monster

cry more fag
i'll cry with you

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Every fucking time I swear to god. Would be easier if they made it so holding LB does DT and tapping does breakage

Yo, when are we getting the soundtrack up on torrent sites?

i tried

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I didn't even fucking know they were smaller boobs, I thought it was like scales or some shit. Didn't know they shoot lasers either I thought only the eyes did that.

Someone posted a zip that wasnt a torrent download, 5CDS took me 4 hours because ausnet. It worth it tho

we need more powerade Vergil memes

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Reminder that V didn't know Nero was his and probably thought he was Dante's spawn
We got him for one game, so I'm happy. Hopefully he'll be included with BP in the future and they expand his moveset.

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GARAGE is the best bg track

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No bulli shadow kot

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You're wrong. Nero clearly states Yamato did this.


No memorial photos for Nidhogg and Mission 08 Urizen?


Mp3's sadly

>vergil ddnnhg rnng

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Fine then bigger, post your image macros.

What did he mean by this?

you fucked up, this should've been a loss

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I'm currently on my SoS run, all other missions (and bosses) have a memorial photo, you got two if you S rank the mission. Somehow I didn't get one. Just checking if everyone else the same?

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Weird, I'll try again later. Thanks user.

I can't remember if my SoS run had it, but I definitely got some during my DMD Nidhogg mission.

Can't believe I got an S rank. I went into Nidhogg with only 20% of my hp and only took one hit the whole fight which didn't even kill me.

I instantly read it in his voice, it was like natural. What a chad.

what you mean i fucked up? i didn't even make it

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there's too many

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We really need a post release version
With tons of Furies, Lusachias, and Judeccas

Damn, demons look like THAT?


You know, i could totally see Vergil being so autistically obsessed with world conquer that he's a complete fuck-up in bed and she basically had to rape him to get some results.

And Nightmare.
And Nobodies.
And actual Vergil.

shadow catto slow and fatto

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Can I get a quick rundown on them?

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Imagine him crying for MOTHER to saving him from her.

320 MP3

>mouth big enough to fit penis and balls

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forma del seething

I just changed the button config

Why shop out the source in case they draw more?

>Vergil is basically Dane from The Quiet Man

This is my new headcanon and you cannot change it.

fucking annoying

He just wanted to be protected.

Vergil is for femdom

Then he should’ve used protection.

>getting started on DMD
>"it can't be that bad, people are probably just exaggerating"
>die for the first time ever as V
>die multiple times in a row, in fact
Oh boy.

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Abuse auto-Griffon, reading to spam nightmare, and shadow side-steps/skewers

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Simple: we suffered through DMC2, and thats our reward

>Mundus bow to the Spardanoffs
>In contact with demons
>Possess cuhrayzee-like abilities
>Control Fortuna with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & demonic towers globally
>Direct descendants of the Legendary Dark Knight
>Will bankroll the first cities in Hell (Spardagrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of combo research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Spardanoff babies
>Both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Fortunan monasteries & Area SSS
>Ancient Order of the Sword scriptures tell of two demons who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of combo videos and unprecedented style with them
>They own Devil Arm R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Spardabots inside you right now
>The Spardanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of The Savior to the Order of the Sword. Who do you think set up the meeting between the Sanctus & the Satanist high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Satanist leader's first trip to Mallet Island in history literally a few days later to the Spardanoff bunker in Vortex World?
>They learned fluent jump cancelling in under a week
>Nation states entrust their pizza with the twins. There's no pizza in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Spardanoff
>The twins are about 4 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're absolutely crazy about it.

So you've found the lizard gangbang

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Lizards are niggers.
So it is written.

Not him but dealing with Proto Angelos were annoying as fuck.
And those goddamn judeccas. Mission 14 with V is arguably the easiest next to the mission where you have to fight Nidhog

>mission 4
>second fight has a behemoth pop up in a pretty small space

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Yup, it's Proto Angelos in particular the give me hell. They take so damn long to kill, and losing focus and getting tagged once drains 1/3rd of my health.
>the one fight right before the Nobodies in Mission 9 that has two Proto Angelos and two Death Scissors

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They forgot trish

I did the smart thing and killed that thing quick unless I risked giving that thing DT if I killed the bats first.


>Gets shot 5 times

>Two Angelos
I had their faces get stuck on the cliff where they can't actually go up and pelted them with attacks. Still took a fucking long time though.

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6 times.

Are we talking about a game or you user, cause I forgot which one it is

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>accidentally take a left instead of a right later in the mission
>a behemoth appears in a narrow alley
>Hell Judecca right before NEEThogg

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Updated Artemis to include the tiddies
Gilgamesh's legs
Donte strapped to the van or nailed to a cross

Caught me off guard

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I can't S rank M18.

Doesn't he bodyshame a Succubus and then says fuck you until he makes her puke?

>get to boss rush DMD as V
>side dodging like no tomorrow
>Shadow gets there and only pokes it a few times before Goliath decides to charge across the entire arena while Shadow has to take its time teleporting there
>dont want to risk teleporting there as V to get Shadow to teleport and attack sooner
why the familiars have to be so fragile

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so can i freely dip out of SDT with quad S aslong as im on SSS? or is there like a cooldown period for it?

Pro tip: skip any fight you can't get a good score on. Just do the following fights.
>enemies right after Griffon
>the three red Empusas and enemies on the steps leading up to him (treat this as one fight)
>Shadow and Griffon
Ignore everything else, it'll just lower your Style average.

>Verginof, he got Yamato in his arm
>He got eet?


He slapped a can of soda out of some guy’s hand for no reason other than to be a jerk.

I thought he knew the drink was fucked and was trying to help?

Vergil didn’t even cut it. He just ripped it clean off.

You have 4 or 5 seconds to drop out of it before the QuadS effect ends
You can go right back into it, though

If he was trying to help, why would he just slap it out of a fat guy’s hand like a douch?

DMC5 felt too easy for me, enemies are too easy to stagger and you can hit them for ages once airborne. I kinda miss the first one difficulty.

Is DMC3 hard or is it style based like 5?

Didn’t he assault a bouncer?

>only 2 million
it's over bros....

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He can't just tell the guy it's demon jizz, he wouldn't believe him. Slapping was his only option.

>Verginof, we had to rip it off
>You ripped eet off?


4 million

Or, he can just not do anything.


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DMC3 is harder but still style based. Try DMC1.

That's why he's the hero and you're not.

You posted the wrong image, user

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Did you only play Devil Hunter or have you challenged the hard mode or DMD?

The hero that destroyed the city and let demons into the human world?


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He tried his best.

>Nidhogg splits himself in 3

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When does he split himself? I killed him and he just had ordinary mechanics on DMD.

Doesn’t change the fact that he causes the apocalypse.

Nah man, he freed humanity. It's a rough freedom but it's better than slavery.

Is it really?

I've read enemies don't get more aggresive or get new attacks, they just get a damage and health boost, I'm not sure how that would make the game more challenging rather than grindier.
I also don't like being forced into playing 3 diferent characters, nero and V didn't click for me.
I've already played 1, 2, 4 and 5 that's why I'm asking about the third

Yes, now humans can be slaves to other humans instead of demons; as it should be.


After he DT'd for me so he was basically dead

Enemies do get new moves and more aggressive on SOS and DMD in 5

why would you NOT play 3? are you unwell? were you dropped too much as a child?

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V is the worst character in the game.

Basic enemies don't get new attacks (to my knowledge), but they get more health and attack, and the enemies you fight change depending on your difficulty. What used to an Empusa Queen might be a Behemoth, and what used to be a group of Hell Cainas might now be accompanied by a Hell Judecca. Bosses also get new moves, with Vergil being a great example. His Rapid Slash changes into a delayed two-hit rising attack on SoS, he gets a move where he summons a bunch of Summoned Swords above you that rain down, and he will Judgment Cut four times in a row instead of three. On DMD, enemies also get their own version of DT, where they get increased resistance to stagger.

Gameplay wise, yes. And yet, still absolutely fantastic. My god DMC5 is great.

t. nidhogg

What do you think of this one boys?

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I want to feed Danteko pizza.

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The gang's all here

>Nero revs Red Queen in the intro cutscene to the Urizen boss fights
>he actually gets an Exceed charge

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Hearty kek

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Did anyone made SICP version yet?

they cute

this is great

Should've been "still a faget" or something for continuity.

>Now having three targets rather than 1 and 4 distractions

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The game came out during the golden age of videogames, I was busy with other shit.
Also young dante looking like he has downs and the game cheesy atmosphere were a turn off

This ends with pic. starts a new saga.

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This is fucking me up. Why are the two and bottom rows left to right, but the middle is right to left?

>tries to ape the Card Crusher format but swaps from L->R in first row to R->L in second and back to L->R in third because dumbass newfag comic maker is dumb and new

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I just got DMC4SE since it was free on Xbox , I'm playing it on the hardest difficulty available and I haven't played a DMC game in 10 years, how fucked am I?

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Well, what happens after that? Go on

Breddy fugged.

You mean Legendary Dark Knight?
Prepare to get fugged

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I always thought it was 'cause Vergil fucked off after giving Dante the note.


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You’re fucked.

Because whoever made it just traced over card crusher without rearranging it.

is this the best gauntlet weapon in the series?

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No doubts.
Now I'm mad that Dante told Agni and Rudra to shut up, it's much better to have the arm be an hype man

Bar fucking none. I love style swapping from rock-em-sock-em-robot into kickboxing styleman.

Anyone has the so it is written meme where "so it" is written in the book

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Thank you

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im still not sure if i find furies or judeccas more annoying, but i'm leaning towards furies.

Anytime, user.


I swear one of yous must have Itsuno's stance
the Vagabond one

NanoMonsters, son.

human mode is so fucking boring

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>tfw series newcomer who started with Human and still had some minor issues
Feels bad man. But this game is fucking great.

He told Balrog to shut up too. Both broke the rule but Balrog is more fun to be around.

Furies are cool, Judeccas are annoying because they just keep teleporting away.
Furies are fun with Dante because it forces you to git gud with RG (or just use royal revenge), with Nero they are trickier but using gerbera standing attack is doing me good.

Same, working through the higher difficulties and I can feel my style improving

fuck you now i want agni and rudra with separate ignitions for flame and wind
flame ignition increases damage
wind ignition makes your moves faster
having both means its a FIRESTORM

it's an edit with this
I swear I downloaded it but I can't find it

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it's great for learning the mechanics if you're new, but going back to it after beating the higher difficulties is a slog

fuck 2bfp

Lawnmower mod wen

>Double blade is now a full form
I didn't know I wanted this

What tbe fuck were they thinking with this concept art

eh, i get that. but i dont know, furies are pretty annoying because even when you parry them you only have around a second to deal damage to them and they have pretty large health pools. because they become invincible again so quickly real impacts are rarely an option either. judeccas are equally annoying plus they spawn their goons but at least they are a lot squishier from what i can tell.
don't worry man. i'm pretty fucking good in 4 and have no issues there on dmd whatsoever but the first run on devil hunter still gave me a run for my money. and i personally find dmd in 5 much harder than in 4, probably around the same difficulty level as 3.

I wish there were more fun "good" demons like griffon, i love his bants. Does every single demon just have a hateboner for sparda and a lust for power?

His stance has no weaknesses.

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Yes. Considering the chicken wasn't even a true demon in 5, literally all of them are shitfaggots. It's why adding humanity to demons makes them actually worth a shit. Half demons are the master race.
Quarter demons are dead weight though.


>concept art
user, that’s in the game.

>when your boomer uncle blows you the fuck out, so you SEETHE for literally a month and get a cool robot arm just to prove him wrong

Well what did they mean by it

Donte cut himself open to feel his heart to see if can call himself human.
His words, not mine.

Why is Vergil/Lady so patrician?

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>implying mere ropes course restrain a son of sparda

3 is a fucking masterpiece


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>stabs tab into chest
>Sin Monster(TM) Trigger

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How do we stop this man?
He's just too powerful!

You can’t.

I see what you guys mean, I was having a hard time for the first mission, then I got to the ice monsters in the second mission and I've been stuck on it for like an hour, any tips?

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elaborate on what the hardest difficulty available is. legendary dark knight? son of sparda?
is it a new savegame or do you already have everything unlocked?

Step down in difficulty until you git gud, obviously.

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fucking nice

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As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish

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This was unironically a fucking great line.

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>so is prison to the nigger
how did bingo get away with this?


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>He who chimps out and claims "dindu" breeds pestilence... so it is written.
Damn, V, do you really think it's okay to read from Raimi's poetry like that?

Ya got good taste, user.

Kamelot is always a good pick; their newest album The Shadow Theory has electronic elements and stories to it. My favorite album of theirs is Silverthorn, though.

You may also enjoy Nightwish and Starcadian - though the latter isn't as heavy as Devil Trigger and MGRR; it's more love songs than anything.

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Honestly, DmC’s soundtrack was pretty good

Reuben is too pure

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Not the tracks by Combichrist though.

>Vergil fucking a random girl in exchange of info about Sparda
So Vergil is a literal slut?

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I'm still dissapointed there was no cross-promotion with Monster whatsoever

Just add

Was the DMC remake really bad


>Cowboy hat
>Fuck you
What else did Itsuno give the fresh take on?


Protected AGAINST the random Fortuna stalker lady. Too late now, he lost his virginity to her and had a kid.

I fucking love this chuuni's pose every time before a boss fight starts

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It was a passable, if extremely basic action game and a fucking spit to the face of the DMC franchise.

>he doesn’t like how old is your soul

Lord of the lost? Dragonforce, perhaps?

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Devil Sword Dante is summoned just like DmC Rebellion.

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You talking the Jojo Torture Dance, or the gopnik-esque Devil Trigger thing?
Either way, answer is no

Honestly who gives a shit about what Langdon does/says outside of the game? This is stupid

Oh shit, it's Don King


Apparently, Resetera cared enough to talk about ways they could get him fired and ruin his life in other ways.

I accidentally deleted my DMC special folder.

Especially Monster™ edits.

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why are you black?

Sounds like he's in to some weird cult shit

Tripfags are all niggers. You didn't know?

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>photos taken moments before disaster
The disaster being Nero backhanded like the dead weight bitch he is

Its currently backfiring.
Langdon is too high profile.

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Attached: Cute Dante.png (1181x1077, 370K)

*record scratc*

Yep, that's me. You probably wonder how I ended up in this situation.

Well, it started like all good stories do. With a woman. A nameless lady in a city called Fortuna...

Attached: aint crazy no mo.png (865x570, 484K)

Someone post the V one

Legendary Dark Knight


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>The death of Griffon, Nightmare and Shadow shook Dante so bad that after the fight he climbed down the entire Qliphoth, ate a Sundae, and went back up to fight Vergil

here are some old ones: gaming.youtube.com/watch?v=HX1PVUyj-TE


Sounds like something an AI would write using keywords

>tfw someone posts your meme

Attached: 049.jpg (553x441, 28K)

>summon sperm activated when his demon blood recognized her ovulation was at maximum motivation for power and childbirth

Which thread did they try to delete? I googled the VO and found a 13 page thread on Trannyera talking about the guy. Is that the one?

Thank you, partner!

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wE ArE EVeN!

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does anyone have the video with the music?

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I think so.

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I enjoyed DmC Dante reboot, thought it was fun.

except this is what he actually said, and idiots made jugdements based on clickbait headlines

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Same , got over 50 hours in there , almost SSS ranked all DMD missions

Nerdy mod when?

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Funny thing is, Donte really does have a half-decent design. Reasonably down-to-earth, but with enough flair to be memorable. If it was for any franchise other than DEVIL MAY CUHRAZY, it'd be pretty fucking solid. I can't even disagree with most of what's written here; it's just that all that dumb shit on Dante is fucking perfect for his wacky woohoo pizza man character and the bullshit retarded world he lives in.

with sound here

Attached: Boomer E1M1 (no sound).webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

He had better designs in the concept art.

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Balrog's distortion is pretty funny in photo mode

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quality scene

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I'm starting to think Nero has some issues with hands

I fucked up, I don't normally crosslink

He really fucking didn't, though. Those are awful. Nigger has goddamn Chucks on in two of those.

Not really. Cerberus, Agnis and Rudra, Bael/Dagon, and I think Echidna at least didn't really give a shit about Sparda. Nevan lusted after him and Geryon's just a horse. Nightmare also just "is" if I remember right.


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Lol. all "news sites" do anymore is obfuscate and lie. That anyone reads resetera seriously is one of life's greatest jokes.

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It’s not as bad as the original reveal Donte’s hoodie.

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Middle age biker beta design dante is the best DmC Dante

This is true. The demons running around said they wanted the fruit for themselves. They weren't working under the command of anyone.

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I'm kind of surprised DMC5 actually took out items.

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I kekked.


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from schoolshooter to hellboy oc


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I really wish they just did their own thing so that you could look at it and go, "Yeah, I can sort of see this happening on the other side of the world in DMCverse" instead of just poorly regurgitating 3's plot.

It's strange that 4 is almost more of a reboot than DmC.


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Virgil's life perfectly summarized in a single pic

How come photo mode isn't an industry standard?

Shit's fucking great

What’s Nico laughing at? She smokes too.

Attached: why do you always get the cool shit.png (1920x1080, 3.26M)

>you are all Jackpots
That doesn't make any fucking sense. There's no "dead weight" anywhere in that picture and that's exactly where it should be.

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It is an industry standard by now, you doofus.

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. . . no, no.

Remember when people thought this game had dick physics?

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>and there came the shitfest of facebook memes
We had a good run, lads

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Someone post Nero punching Dante


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Pretty sure other creatures than humans have hearts too

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Does anyone have the gif of Nero styling on Credo, taunting him and then countering Credo's sword with a buster?


the climax of one month of butthurt

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>was 12 points from S ranking mission 10


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Dante got shit on so much in DMC5, I love it

Why is 10 so hard? I hate it. Even on SOS it annoys me.

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In like 2 weeks, that is far from bad


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i know the feeling, i got it now tho

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>have played through M10 8 times between DH and SoS
>still can't S-Rank it in either difficulty
I don't even know anymore, man.

Attached: 1357436662384.gif (245x245, 924K)

It’s the Hulk argument ‘

Attached: DisapointedDante.jpg (1080x1459, 172K)

>still cant S rank 08 beacuse i keep dying to urizen

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don't take damage

You could cut me in the mountains
In the cold fat rain
We could fight amongst the qliphoth roots
As we burn in hell
It wouldn't give us any closure

Now I know what song I'm doing for the next musical.

Attached: KillstheDante.jpg (1813x2893, 486K)

Here's a hot tip for ya', 'cause you're probably doing it wrong.
Skip as many small fights as you can and only fight large groups of enemies. Those first two groups of 3 and 2 enemies respectively? Run right past them.
The way the game measures your style at the end of a mission is an average across all of your fights, so getting into small fights where you can't get a good style rating will just lower your average.

any advice for mission 15?

>Donte really does have a half-decent design.
If only he didn't look like a recovering meth addict who sleeps in the nearest ditch

Attached: mvci donte.jpg (1920x2755, 338K)

Gonna try this. Thanks.

But there's really only two places I can think of where you can skip. The first two zones lock you into the fights.

Later on you can skip some small empusas but with them I think you can summon the special red orb empusas that I can get SS on fairly consistently.

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im pretty sure that head isnt proportional even by idealised standards

You might be onto something

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>look mum I did it again

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>make fun of Jeb Bush
>this is allowed

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>Vergil used to be a curious and quiet boy who enjoyed reading and poetry
>Dante was spoiled, obnoxious brat who used to ruin Vergil's books, doodle in them and use as a target practice
How did Dante end up actually likeable?

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Dead mom.

Being okay with the deaths of innocent humans makes a dude tend to be pretty unlikeable to most humans.

If you think about it, both of them are potential scary liabilities with ridiculous power levels that rival nukes. Dante is just the slightly less deadly (to humans) option.

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does this count as a meme?

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Dante doesn't kill people because of his power autism

Stop listening to furries

She's between Nico and V

Donte's face being busted is the main problem aesthetically.

What will Vergil's EX taunt be
and why is the napoleon the only right answer

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Is this the canon appearance of Nero's mom?

Zoomers need to be executed

>hip thrusts
Yes, please.

>implying this isn't a safe word type of situation

Did Sparda have a SDT form?

Considering the Sparda, Yamato and Rebellion are literally created from his power. Yes, it's his normal DT.

SDT literally mean True Devil Trigger so i dont think he have it.

Sparda had human trigger

Nico modelswap for Dante/Nero when

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Since when does Sin mean True?


Because it's actually Shin en.wiktionary.org/wiki/真#Japanese

He has tape on his mouth.



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What were these degenerates even mad about this time?

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>go trough the discussions on DmC steam page
oh man

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Why don’t they say DmC?

visually it wasnt terrible, some parts were total clusterfucks ill admit but i remember being really entranced with some of the segments where donte goes into the fake world pretty seamlessly
still didnt play it but it had pretty neat looking world design in terms of the visuals, didnt it have a color script too?

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Because they're retards that don't understand the difference.

Imagine saying this is better.

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What did they mean by this?

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Walk The Dinosaur.

Being gay is not okay. And Trannyera still defends this game.

Aeden with the truth

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The good God of War game vs DMC. I approve.

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>Leon with white hair

MC Hammer

Why does everyone on the right look like they’re having fun and goofing around with friends, while everyone on the left looks miserable?

That’s why Leon can dual wield in 6.

The city of Red Grave is writing health warnings instead of profanities and threats like Limbo City. Double whammy because it's also a message against smoking, which Donte did in the first trailer.

Hey there Woolie