Reminder this game will bomb.
>no pvp
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm having fun and nothing you do can stop me, retard.
Souls PvP was dogshit and utterly skilless. At every level in every game it was poise-spamming, r1 stunlocking, parry and bavkstab fishing. Calling that the basics for a perfect fighting game is shitting so hard on the concept of 1v1 fighting games that I don't think anyone should ever make another fighting game ever if that were truly the case.
Thread over honestly, I don't think there anything more embarrassing than playing souls PvP for anything other than the gimmick of btfoing the fuck out of people trying to complete the campaign
Souls pvp felt needlessly tacked on and the only game that Ive ever felt where it was misplaced more was Diablo 2
>backstab fishing and R1 spam is the basis for a fightan
>With Souls' PvP From accidentally created the basics for the perfect fighting game
any torrents up yet
this guys retarded if he think from was anywhere near developing a PvP game on the level of street fighter and not to mention from's shitty netcode, but for real i want to see a fighting game with souls combat. the multiplayer game miyazaki says hes making probably won't be fighting game levels of good competition, but i hope it will be a step closer
>souls pvpfags
Cringe, only ghetto niggers like fighting games.
>be me
>upper middle class #ffffff white boy
>play fightan games
does this mean i can say the n word?
Jesus christ you pvp fags are insufferable.
Only three times in February
>With Souls' PvP From accidentally created the basics for the perfect fighting game
They had 5 chances to get it right and they fucked up with each and every one. Fuck off you stupid cunt.
But the equivalent of a PvP style action game in the truest sense of a fighting game is For Honor and that's a steaming pile of shit.
I don't know who's more stupid. The guy who said it or the guy who screencapped it like it was actually something intelligent at all
duel scene says differently, you fag
Where is all the Sekiro porn?
>all the minibosses can be sneak attacked to instantly remove one of their bars
>dodge dodge dodge dodge dodge as per usual
>a boss fight where you literally follow around a bunch of asshole monkeys who NEVER attack you and try to kill them
Yep this one's going in my FLOP compilation
>Yea Forumsros what are we gonna do this game marketed as singleplayer is actually singleplayer
consider ds1, with the exception of netcode issues which allowed stuff like lagstabs, even if damage canceling and the like existed
you have 4(or 5) different weight classes derived from equipment load and dwgr
weapon movesets have varying range, stamina use, etc, and there are at least half a dozen character builds distinct enough to offer variety
you have toggle escapes for weapons that aren't tuned right (stunlocks) like the gravelord sword, or playing poiseless- this can be both positive and negative but I'll add it regardless
poise damage exists on a per weapon basis, meaning certain combos work versus certain breakpoints
armor has considerable effect on defenses and movement if properly tuned
shields can be utilized against ranged and melee for blocks, setup/parries, or not at all if desired
dead angles are strictly a glitch but add some interesting directional play that could be expanded upon, especially with the vulnerability it can cause you to use one
to say it's not a basis of some kind is selling its potential a bit short.
consider none of that shit mattered because you either played dark bead, estoc, or havels just like everyone else
>implying any of that was relevant when backstab fishing was so much more rewarding
having a ton of mechanics doesn't mean anything. you need balance and a fine tuned meta to have a good PvP game.
I'm just pointing out what was going on in the background, the op image even says it was material that needed polishing.
I didn't, though. """meta"""slaving is boring.
I'll take DS's broken and laggy multi player over queue matchmaking ranked competitive games.
DS2 was a broken mess but it had the most fun multiplayer.
>I didn't, though.
Lying is a sin
Can someone PLEASE explain how the fuck do you deal with the fucking shield faggots?
There are 2 of them on the top of the stairs when you go to the past.
I can't kill Juzou for fuck sake
axe prosthetic
Based and red pilled
>meta """"""""""""""slaving""""""""""""
opinion discarded. you've obviously never played a serious pvp game before.
also most of the shit you posted was build stuff, which isn't really relevant to the competitive PvP itself. it doesn't matter how many characters a fighting game has or how different their attributes are. if the game only has one or two mechanics during play, then its shit.
Souls games aremuch better without PvP or any kind of multiplayer. The only vaguely worthwhile online feature are the player messages, since they can be kind of funny sometimes.
if I opened up either my defunct 360 saves or ptde PC you'd see
>SL50 dex: BSS, heater, bandit's knife, bow
>120 vit gouge: midroll with gravelord/obsidian sword
>120 att/int/fth multicaster
>sl~50 fth O&S spearchucker
>leeroy cosplay
>SL63 dorkmoon pardoner to bully Sl1 sinners
among others
Better than DMC
>competitive multiplayer
I'm so sorry. I hope the bullying wasn't too hard in highschool
If you've ever played a Souls game with online on then you're a faggot. This is a well known fact.
Nah, some builds were just broken in PvP. Any high ranked intelligence build with the moonlight great sword stomped
>inb4 magic protection
I know
Being able to make my own decisions based on game knowledge, and compromise efficiency for personal enjoyment/aesthetics has served me just fine in pvp (and other) scenarios for years now.
The mechanical elephant in the room is BSing, but I've already said that cleaning that up would enable a number of these build qualities to become more apparent in pvp gameplay.
ha ha I bought it sight unseen because of this thread
fuck you. can't wait to never have to deal with fagass pvp
fixing up backstabs doesn't make the game good either. builds/characters don't make a pvp game good pvp game. i don't want to watch people just show up with optimized meta builds and then essentially roll a dice to see who wins. the game needs good mechanics during play that reward skill.
sorry m8 it must be hard being so low IQ that you don't enjoy pushing yourself to your limits in video games. i bet you think DS3 is hard.
Parry timings, unparriable attack use, the occasional shield, spacing, predictions and poise trades, mixups for casters, roll catching, whiffs and punishes, 2&3's guard breaks, unlocked aiming on greatweapons; plenty of inputs can be considered skillful and non-deterministic in a netcodeless environment with toned down BS
Isn't it funny how Redner Group/Zenimax shills now have to hate on From's previous games to promote Sekiro? At the core of it, it means
>sekiro good because it took away a part of the games (PvP/co-op) that the devs were known for
>taking away is good
Also, why do some people get so triggered by the words "PvP?" "Co-op" doesn't trigger them.
>"Co-op" doesn't trigger them
no, but "easy mode" does
I didn't like souls pvp but I liked the variety of playstyles. I am not liking how they are narrowing it down more and more. From no magic and no shields in bloodborne to literally nothing but your sword in Sekiro. Also no armor. Might as well get rid of everything, just make it an empty arena where you 1v1 all enemies.
This. Even I know that's not good for marketing. Do your job better, shills.
Agreed, it's a shame that it'll go absolutely nowhere and just rot on the PTD edition that isn't even purchasable anymore
poor balance doesn't make the mechanics less valid, just makes lower level players less likely to notice them
>>Parry timings, unparriable attack use, the occasional shield, spacing, predictions and poise trades, mixups for casters, roll catching, whiffs and punishes, 2&3's guard breaks, unlocked aiming on greatweapons; plenty of inputs can be considered skillful and non-deterministic in a netcodeless environment with toned down BS
>*runs away with straighsword and turn-and-burns you*
game was fundamentally flawed and DLC weapons broke the PvP even further
Um Sekiro is r1 spamming and dodging. The whole game.
Souls has created a horde of low IQ PVP zombies who won't accept anything that deviates from the formula. Imagine a retard who pats himself on the back for being "hardcore" even though games that are actually competitively viable like fighting games either scare him or he gets his shit pushed in. That's why this specimen prefers to hide behind toilet fly circlestrafe lagstab gameplay. And because he's a retard, he assumes every game by From MUST be a Souls game, or resemble one, even though the company has been making games decades before Demon's Souls hit the shelves.
The game isn't for you. Deal with it, nigger.
Thing is, I had a great time with Souls PVP and i don't attach much egoism to it. I'm also a little older than the usual audience probably; in my late 30's. Since Dark Souls, i make thematic characters and play them as though they make sense in the invaded world;
In Dark Souls 3 my favorite is probably "Cathedral Knight", SL ~35-45 (whatever is bare enough to fully equip the full Cathedral set and Great Mace/shield) and invade in the Cathedral and tromp about smacking adventurers with my mace. I generally will emote and bow, and never estus, and people figure that out right away and there's some great times to be had. A good 90% of the people I invade we have a fun exchange, I win some, lose some, and we part ways. I get a lot of friendly messages. Sure there's that 10% of angsty, angry fuming clowns that need to have a problem, but who cares?
I also enjoy Hollow Thief, the SL15-20 dagger wielding rogue in the hollow village area, lots of rolling and backstabbing and throwing knives.
But yeah; I never run away or kite into enemy packs or generally do dishonorable shady stuff; why would i? Who cares to do that? It's not fun. Fun is engaging someone else in multiplayer and fighting them to the death on RPG characters and having a good laugh.
Maybe i'm just a boomer. I dunno. I have a great time with Souls multiplayer and I think you should, too.
Fucking love seeing soulsbabs seething.
get a job
>Get invaded
>Attacking NPCs
>He lets me finish and heal up with estus
>Bow and fight
>One of us loses without healing
good shit.
Yeah. I have a great time with Souls pvp and always have, I guess I just can't fathom why some people get so angry over it/'Need to win at all costs"; it's an RPG, sometimes your character is going to lose out. It's part of it.
Couple days ago
>invading the cathedral as "The Pontiff"
>SL50 healing cleric in robes and chimes
>nothing but healing miracles on the cathedral knights
>do not try to backstab the player, but try to keep the enemy NPC knights and enemies alive and lead them in glorious prayers
>invaded player figures it out and we go through most of the cathedral this way, making his journey more difficult, letting me go to each pack and roleplay along as their glorious religious leader
>at the top of the cathedral at the overlook, turn dramatically and drop to knees, defeated, and let him pancake me to death, he bows, i die, all of my flock dead
>another sad day in the life of the pontiff
>But yeah; I never run away or kite into enemy packs or generally do dishonorable shady stuff; why would i? Who cares to do that? It's not fun.
this is why anyone who tries to play competitively in a souls game adds the no estus no enemies rules. without restricting the game by adding new rules, the competition isn't fun. however, even with the added rules the competition still wasn't very competitive because souls pvp is fundamentally flawed. this is why the best way to play is to embrace playing pvp not so competitively, as you have done by using non-meta builds and focusing on role playing.
>talks about the players instead of the game
playing on kbm, why does walking forward go at a skewed angle to the left
What kind of fucking loser plays souls for pvp
Please refer back to MathewMatosis video magnum opus to get some perspective on the soulsborne series
SkidrowCODEX has one up. No malware and runs fine.
>plebs who claim souls pvp was EVER "just backstab fishing"
How to spot retards who never played at a high level. Literally just unlock and preemptively R1 swing at whichever side they're running towards. Incredibly easy punish and it works in all iterations of the game going back to DeS.
hes right though. the souls pvp-ers who won't shut up about the pvp being good are cancerous retards who suck at actually competitive games.
>without restricting the game by adding new rules, the competition isn't fun
*blocks your path*
name an actual competitive game that would interest someone who likes the medieval or fantasy aesthetic
From is too normie tier. It might underperform but it's never going to bomb.
Souls PvP sucks and the people who jack it off are autistic and think that it's the only reason people play the games for some reason
imagine seething this hard
couldn't have said it better myself
just because you like the aesthetic doesn't mean you have to claim its good you pvpfag
What the fuck do I press on the keyboard to get items/money from enemies?
Sekiro's combat system really isn't designed for PVP. The deflect aspect will be a nightmare to balance.
that's not what I asked for
until one is provided people have every right to claim the only option they have as the best one
no you do not you retard you can't say the pvp is good just because the aesthetic is good. god pvp fags really do have room temperature iqs don't they
I had to play the entire game without humanity because I played it 4 years after release. Getting invaded 23 times before every bonfire was truly a fun pvp experience,
>attack enemy from 5 meters away
>get ganked by 5 people
Yeah Souls pvp was really good
For Honor, it's been getting better with every patch, just last week they finally fixed getting revenge in 1v1s
It's been like 2 fucking years but the game is almost actually """good"""
Fo76 survival mode. Will they get it right? I can tell you the game was designed with pvp in mind. Will faggots cry about how gay it is or get good?
>FROM game
>good PvP
Tiptop kek m8
Honestly Ocarina of time is a shit Mario game
I will never get over how people act like you can take DS serious on a competitive level, when before I knew a thing about the series someone primed me in on the fact that I "have" to bow to people before commencing a battle, else I'm considered a faggot. Oh and also that spell x is lame and not to be used, and so is that one enchantment for your weapon, and you shouldn't use your health pots either. I remember distinctly being reminded of the smash bros "taunt parties" and thinking this is some whack kiddy game
If you want competitive fighting, fucking play street fighter, where you don't have to pretend and apply a bunch of house rules in order to achieve whatever you consider a fair balance. And when you invade me in dark souls you can stick your bow emote up your ass while I load up my sword with the elecricity buff thing that I've been explicitly told is lame, you larping little shit
>people actually thinking this horribly dumb idea was good
This is why modern gaming is a wasteland with no redeemable qualities.
Let gaming die.
PvP/Competitivefags are the worst
That’s not true at all and you know it.
The fucking Unchained Ogre would be easy if the hit box for his leap grab wasn't actually complete trash.
Don't listen to him, games has Denuvo XXX we are gonna be waiting 3 months for it
Just play For Honor or something; it's what you want and it's actually good.
The problem for most people that like "competitive souls" is the lack of options for things that fit that play style. Saying "play SF5 instead" is only a little better than say "play competitive CoD instead"
But honestly Competitive fans are pretty small. Most players messing around with PvP aspects are doing it for the invasion style shenanigans or faction invasion stuff.
ment for
This or DMC5.
Wich one is shorter?
If you count replayability then Sekiro.
DMC5 because of the difficulty of Sekiro. DMC5 even on DMD is way too lenient.
>to become a bride just enter the belly of the serpent
for a few seconds i actually thought i'd be able to.
lower Steam peak than DMC5 lol
What made it so good as a "fighting game"? according to this guy? I don't play that game.
>this is what pvpfags actually believe
There's better non fighting games that act as substitute fighting games
how do i get rid of the status effect that prevents me from using my prosthetic
>they listened to PVE fags
It's fucking FromSoft
>before I knew a thing about the series someone primed me in on the fact that I "have" to bow to people before commencing a battle, else I'm considered a faggot.
Did you miss the part in competitive fightan where the competitors, y'know, shake hands?
Fuck off. Retards like you are the reason ds3 pvp was trash. I don’t want a polished 100% balanced pvp. I want to do broken shit and shit on noobs.
I still remember the fun times I had in Demon's Souls especially invading new players and shitting on them with scraping spear and casting death cloud
the point wasn't to kill them but to make them mad as shit
got alot of funny hatemail during those years
PVP faggots ruin everything
Do you do that in-game? No. You do that because your opponent is in the same room as you. They don't jump three times after a round starts to wish you good health, good luck and good night.
>Actually believing these things are equivalent
Never engaged in any Souls PvP and played both DaS and DeS offline. It wasn't an interesting system.
>Do you do that in-game? No. You do that because your opponent is in the same room as you.
You don't think maybe the bow is the ingame equivalent to the handshake, performed precisely because you -aren't- in the same room?
user I think you might be socially stunted.
>obvious bait
>waiting 3 months for a game that is 4 hours long with 7 hours of dialogue
no thanks
>no shitty netcode for me to get cheap victories in
Should've read the rest of the post, faggot.