Google wants hundreds of millions of people to use Stadia

Google wants hundreds of millions of people to use Stadia.

Do they have hundreds of millions of Stadia racks?
How much do you think one of these bad boys costs? $1000?
100,000,000 stadia × $1000 =

Does google have infinite money?6

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-21-18-30-54.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

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Give everyone in the US $50/year 1000mbps internet

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They only need to keep pace for concurrent users.

So just a handful of onion sucking phoneposters who want to "play" a movie game while they're on the bus to a boba shop.

>tfw realize google was lackinh on hard technical details cause even they don't know how its going to work yet
california is all ideas guys and feels policies.

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They don’t need hundreds of millions of them retard, they only need as many as there are simultaneous people playing at any given moment.

Your desire to steep in rage is clouding your ability to make sense.

OP is absolutely right about high cost of getting this done, but it won't take 1 box per user.

I was making a fucking joke, kid. Pull the stick out of your ass.

Huh... Hard to tell it's a joke.
Jokes are usually funny.

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nothin' personal... kid

Only for an autist. People can tell when something is a joke even if they don't think it's funny, retard. And don't insist you were only pretending to be retarded. Clearly you're from California and that shit rubbed you the wrong way.

A good question that hopefully we'll get to read about. That chassis looks to be 1U. Your standard rack is 42U.
FIVE years ago Sony was using fab'd motherboards that could serve as 8 individual PS3 units for PSNow

Hard to say what datacenter will be housing these, but their datacenters don't go below 100k units.

They count on not everybody using their virtual rig at the same time.
It's how the cloud meme works and makes money.
It relies on averages and charge per use.

Oversubscription - cellular companies do this too, moreso mvno's

>custom processor
Corporate slang for "it's so bad we don't want to share the details"

The proc is being made by AMD, and the news has already boosted them by over 8%

good joke

Yes, I always use reactionary shareholders as my source of tech news.

Ouya 2.0 incoming. fuck google, makes junk for hipsters

seething put spreader

Infinite money you say?

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Onlive 2.0

Dude you do realize you're listening to people who started paying more for Nintendo shares after Pokemon Go, without even realizing that Niantic exists?
oh no no no

Do you realize how much I have made swinging AMD this year?

>OK Google play Doom Eternal
>We're Sorry, but all of our Core Gamer™ Stadia racks are currently in use. Would you like to play Candy Crush: Jelly Saga instead?

You really think 1 rack = 1 player?
Have you never seen a server before?
Do you not know what virtualisation is?

Stadia's going to be a shitshow but it won't be the rack's fault.

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484 gb/s seems like it's fast

Don't worry, Google, I got you covered...

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