How do I get a job as an Epic shill?

How do I get a job as an Epic shill?

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Other urls found in this thread: ass man spergs out about Epic Store/type/ Store strikes again /type/op/ Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/ the low price of $160/type/op/ Valve/type/op/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/ do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/ so far has only countered with/type/op/ Valve made something/type/op/ 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

I would also like to know this
They probably dont get paid much but still getting paid to shitpost must be fun

Depends. How’s your Chinese?

Delete this.

I think they're bots dude.

Do you have experience?

Is Metro 2033 a good game? I heard it’s like STALKER, but with a budget.

move to Bangladesh.

Eat dogs

>some autistic faggot or a paid shill keeps spamming the exact same threads
>retarded mods and janitors do nothing like usual ass man spergs out about Epic Store/type/
Fuck you mods. Because of your passivity is that Yea Forums in general is a fucking shithole.

They probably paid off the mods, after all they could use a raise given their salary.

So I'm not the only one starting to notice all of these Epic threads are obviously made in a template by the same person?

We're not on Yea Forums. Stay mad

You can't write 4channel without Yea Forums, bitchboi :]

If you can get your hands on the original version yes. Graphics still hold up and it's the best written of the three. As for gameplay you're railroaded the whole way and it's somewhat lacking in content but what's there is good. I recommend playing on ranger hardcore for the best experience.

Imagine getting paid for doing that shit and shitposting.

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>not realizing Hiroshima got bribed by Epic to let them run wild here in the first place

>Sybb, Barneyfag and ACFag are paid to ruin threads on Yea Forums

More like STALKER but as a linear shooter with bad stealth sections.

I hope Tencent pays them good for posting this shit every day.

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How many different spam threads do we have now anyway?

A large variety
I will post every screencap I have

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I don’t get it. What’s the meme with Chinese companies from? Why the heck were people in the Yea Forumsidya Gaem Awards spamming “TIANANMEN SQUARE TIANANMEN SQUARE TIANANMEN SQUARE” everywhere?

Yeah, can someone please explain this meme to me? I get the point is to piss off China, but why?

It's all things that are prohibited in China, which means that if someone has these on their screens which are 24/24 monitored by big red brother, they're in big trouble

A company that is Chinese called Tencent owns 40% of Epic meaning that it has a good amount of power in Epic Games
this has lead people to joke about how Epic Games is being lead by the Chinese company and people say Tianmen Square and Winnie the Pooh because the Chinese government sees those as big no nos

Tencent is a Chinese Communist Party owned company which has aggressively and actively pushed ingame monitoring and censorship, to the point the Epic Launcher fully latches on to the Steam Launcher and saves any and all incoming or outgoing traffic from it, including but not limited to, your passwords, your friends, your private conversations, and of course what games you're playing and when.

Tienanmen Square was a massacre of over 10,000 Chinese college students and civilians who were protesting the totalitarian Chinese regime. The event was censored and stripped from all Chinese media and history, and mentioning it is a crime punishable by unpersoning.

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they aren't just a game company, they're also in the movie business. remember the Bumblebee movie that came out last year? funded by Tencent.

And why does Yea Forums care about this company so much?

Have you checked craigslist yet?

Tencent (the Chinese equivalent of Google that has close ties with the Chinese government) has 40% of Epic's stocks, owns Discord and has even invested millions in Reddit.
The Tiananmen Square massacre is a know case of the Chinese government censuring history that displays it in a negative way, and talking about it is a punishable offense. Winnie the Pooh is also banned in China because it resembles their president (seriously).
According to some random Japanese twit, the sole mention of that event is enough for Chinese users to be banned from the platform where the event was mentioned. It's just a joke without real proofs of its efficacy, but people in Yea Forums and other places like to spam it (to the point of being added to the spam filters and automatically banning anyone who posts that anti-chink pasta).

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Because its anti consumer and is introducing the idea of buying exclusivity

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Oh no, the Chinese government is monitoring what we say and do online. This is so much different from the American, Canadian, British, Australian, New Zealand, and Russian governments that monitor what we say and do online.

because the chinese party is pretty damned scummy and prone to trying to take control of stuff.

Says the user of a website that promotes console wars with anal vore and considers PCs a sacred cow.

What’s the real reason, assclown?

They're aggressively pushing ingame monitoring and censorship, to the point it bleeds outside of games, and are using money from the Communist Party of China to buy exclusivity on their store to attempt to ursurp Steam in what is effectively an Aggressive Takeover. It's very similar to what Nintendo did in the 80s. You don't have to compete if you just force everyone to exclusively use your platform. They don't care about making money right now. Nothing Tencent has done is short term profitable. This is entirely a long haul to achieve a monopoly, and even then, not for profit. For censorship and control.

This is a very common shill line, Tencent is also paying lots of people to do stuff like this. Haha just let China spy on you your own government does it haha. Actually, I'm talking to you in both replies aren't I, Chang?

Holy shit Chang lurkmoar.

So is every other government party in the world. But I don’t see people making copypastas about the Amritsar Massacre or the Trail of Tears.

Well if you really don't like that answer then I guess I could give another
There is the fact that despite it being inferior to Steam in nearly every way people still make it out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread and will be the revolutionary best platform for gamers. There is also the fact that it keeps getting shilled here so Anons are getting very annoyed about it.

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>replace one monopoly with another monopoly
So fucking different

paid off probably
on /h/, when fakku threads were spammed and links to pirated versions were actively deleted, it was openly said it was paid avertising with mods consent

Probably because those happened over 100 years ago and everyone responsible is dead now.

Unlike your government where the people who did it are currently drinking 10,000 dollar wine and eating caviar while you get paid five yen to shill their control machine.

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most other governments won't lock you and your entire family up in a horrific jail to die for mentioning they murdered a bunch of people and insist they didn't murder them.

Steam is only a monopoly because it out competes everyone else. Tencent is trying to just force its way into a monopoly by using the endless pockets of China to buy everything.

go read up what an actual monopoly is

You don't get sent to jail for joking about the trail of tears

You dont. These brain dead shills shitpost their advertising for Epic at no cost.

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Yeah. Nowadays we just have assholes congregating on the internet planning to exact aimless killing sprees for their own amusement.

because some people are really loyal to steam and are having full blown autistic meltdowns over epic making moves to become #1

dude, the amount of oppression the chinese government does and random shit that goes on in the world are on two gigantically different scales.

Chang did you even read my post?

This is fucking embarrassing on Epic's part and needs more attention. The fact that they're trying to change everybody's opinion on here through sheer repetition so much that you eventually start to believe it is worrying as fuck and destroys the nice guy act they've been playing at.

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>Steam allows hentai and a free field
>Epic will ban pornography and shock content

Gabe understands the internet, and to a point capitalism, very well. You can never destroy lewdness, but you can channel it, and from that, profit from it.
Epic Boss, until you understand that a majority of PC players are autistic manchildren, then you will never usurp Steam as the top provider, and you will never get their neetbux

sorry i don't see how having to download a free launcher is anti-consumer. or how epic games is suddenly a Chinese company because of the recent tencent investment when they've existed for decades and are based in north carolina

And they're still making "new" copypasta threads:
Mods need to do their fucking job and get rid of these spammers.

My picture has a quote from the CEO himself saying that the developers(publishers) matter more than consumers

Ask the mods for registration form :^)

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Mods don't care he has been doing this for years Store strikes again /type/op/ Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/ the low price of $160/type/op/ Valve/type/op/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/ do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/ so far has only countered with/type/op/ Valve made something/type/op/ the low price of $160/type/op/ 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

The mad lad is STILL spamming.

40% voting power in a company by a foreign nation is scary

What the absolute fuck

What compels autists to do this?

people buy consoles based on what games they want to play, people will use whatever store has the games they want. he's just stating the obvious

This is borderline mental illness holy shit

How do I get a job as a fromsoft shill?

At least Epic shills get paid

You can't say the same to mods and janitors who purges anti-Valve and anti-Steam posts because THEY DO IT FOR FREE

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>hey fuck Steam for being a major success at selling a product and providing a good service even though we're not forced to stay or buy from them due to other places also providing the same product.
>instead let's allow/accept a distributor that's even more greedy and shitty, but also forces our favorite products to be only sold by them so were actually unable to avoid their shitty practices unless we wanna give up our hobby.

It's a surprise how idiots like you function yet make it this far in life without fucking shit over beyond repair for yourself before you attempt to infest that sort of destruction upon others.

Fuck steam for using their success of popularity to possibly make an extra buck or two at the cost of the developers, but fuck you for trying to ruining it even further with your own mentally retarded thinking process that would allow something even worse to rise.

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it's as clear as day this fuck has some sort of mental illness, that's straight up obsession.

Xin Jinpooh

It felt more like the skyrim of EEU survival shooters, diluted but still kinda ok

>2 cents an hour
>14 hour work days
>go to your local food shop
>buy shit tier food
>make your walk back to your tiny house
>get ran over by a car
living the dream

I'm not saying I don't believe it, but proof?

Because their launcher is legitimately documented spyware that checks your OSs metadata and steam account info (which could include saved login info).

>Epic shill looking for a position to argue from

what did he mean by this

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This is pathetic

Based chinkdetector.
Shills hate it when you hold their feet to the fire. Keep up the good work my brother.

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>Could include
It had your login tokens

>Calling people that don't want to install spyware shills
I think he's just trying to cope

>It's actually stealing login credentials
I'm pretty sure at this point some hot shot lawyer could open a public suit for a LOT of money knowing what we do

Yeah hes probably just coping because he is sad about the Tiananmen Square Massacre

be chinense

i doubt you would want to tho, those Yellowniggers are not humans

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I think there’s a questionnaire.
Something like:
If you see a baby about to be hit by the car you’re driving, do you
A) swerve to avoid
B) keep going and hope it gets out of the way
C) swerve to hit its mother too
D) plot straight through it because it helps get you to work faster

>being this much of a pandantic faggot
I wish I could find out who you are

>0.5 cent for each post.
Do you really wish to do it?

Jannies have actually been deleting threads by the dozens, but this dudes just that obsessed.

These shills are fucking losers

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>jannies outskilled by shitposter
You have one fucking job, jannies.

>I'm putting MY game on the bay when it becomes available
Thanks based EGS poster, more free shit to add to my collection

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Actually, swe*ty, you can't :)


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>The EULA is legally binding in any way
>Unsigned document is now a contract
That's not how these things work

Most EULAs have this. It will never hold up.

>those retards saying steam is a monopoly but epic isn't
ok this is epic

Reminder that Hiro is getting paid for letting this shilling slide

chinese fireball, ooooooh

This, his little plan of making phonefags pay to post didn't work so now he's THIS desperate and of course the second most popular board is gonna pay.

What the fuck was inside that truck that it made it go super saiyan

a chinese

>spam post
i thought the 3x repeating ads on tvs were stupid, but i guess it works for some people

If they can afford thousands of $$$ to pay devs do you really think a fucking Yea Forums janitor or mod will pass on that free dosh?

and you are an epic retard

people have been autitstically reposting the same threads over and over forever, and they were not all about games but about random shit like dota vs lol threads or eceleb drama or /pol/lite stuff or whatever
people on here are just fucking autistic

Yeah but no one itt would post anything related to Epic if the threads weren't spammed like 5 times a day, just like fortnite threads weren't a thing Epic Store threads don't have to be one.

If people respond to the threads in an assmad fashion then user is going to continue posting them
The mind of a bored shitposter is a simple place

>the Epic Launcher fully latches on to the Steam Launcher and saves any and all incoming or outgoing traffic from it, including but not limited to, your passwords, your friends, your private conversations, and of course what games you're playing and when.
user please, misinformation doesn't help. That they're fetching your Steam friend data without permission is bad enough without making up other shit on top of it.

i probably posted my question in the wrong thread, , but can anyone here help me out?
is there a particular reason why
wouldn't work? what does the letter after the closing expression indicate, anyway (m or i)?

The dumb part is saying that Steam is a monopoly while support Epic pushing for an actual monopoly by using money to monopolise exclusives.

Most of them die at less than 10 replies though

Steel beams

>Not using 20 different launchers in 2019

Bump, fuck the shills, fuck the paid mods

>he believes the nice guy act
They can't beat steam if they don't have leverage. They are just playing at it for now to get popular. When/if they get as big as steam, they will do the same shit without blinking.

Did you cut off your dick already? That will be your first step.

Be Chinese and a Tencent marketing slave paid .02 yuan for every pro-Epic post you make.
Alternatively, buy Yea Forums Gold so you can bypass catpcha and program a bot.

>nice guy act
Sure, they're real nice.

>it's a "Steam shills complain about Epic shills" thread again

Real answer, this sort of astroturfing is usually outsourced to marketing firms. The key to spotting one is, as shown in your image, repetition of the same image which allows them to use it to track interaction metrics.