Is it good ?
Discovered this a few days ago, I hesitate if I should get it or not, want some operator kino game
Is it good ?
I just got it last week, big world, lots of shit to do if you dont mind the open world shit. plenty of guns, lite mil sim shit, fun with friends
It kinda remind me Far Cry 3 with the outposts and side missions, is it as good or better ?
>Is it good ?
In solo is merely ok.
In coop is a lot of fun.
don't expect much depth in the tactical department though.
It's Mercenaries with "stealth" and "recon" mechanics. Fun as all fuck but not much depth. It's pretty operator though. Go be a shady government agent overthrowing a foreign Latin country. Pretty Billy Waugh tier.
It's fun as fuck honestly. Surface deep, maybe, but if you can make your own fun and [spoile]roleplay or play realistically and not stealth everything[/spoiler], you'll love it.
It's clunky as fuck, but the shooting mechanics are fun. It's quite a shallow game and very repetitive, it's always: enter base, shoot enemies, hold E to finish mission over and over again, the game has no depth whatsoever.
>Dusty has someone holding his horse's reins for him
>Billy's horse stays still out of sheer respect for its rider
Operator doesn't even begin to describe that fucking legend.
Play it on the highest difficulty to get something more akin to classic Ghost Recon, it's still not as hard but is pretty fun. I have already played through it twice and I'm currently doing a third coop playthrough with 2 of my friends. The AI companions are very competent if you're gonna play it solo.
>Operator kino
Once in a while you get some real kino moments in game.
>Do a night time raid on a coca plantation.
>Thunderstorm rolls in.
>Snap necks and take suppressed shots while it's pouring rain. Lighting screwing your night vision periodically.
How could the game be made better?
I suggest not letting the pistol have spare 200 rounds. Also not letting the player switch weapons through the menu at any time.
i managed to play this shit 80 hours with a friend. i couldnt play more than 2 hours on my own. make of that what you will.
I played it entirely singleplayer and I really liked it. Probably my 2nd favorite open world Ubisoft game, after Assassin's Creed2.
Been playing it on and off again on my own and enjoying it. Lots to do, maybe too much but that's why I play a mission or two when I feel like it.
They've been patching it and adding bonus missions relating to other Tom Clancy games of recent years and the fucking Predator. Also added a photo mode and the ability to fully customize your team mates
What's the best AR?
tar 21
>AI that isn't fucking dogshit
>ballistics that make sense
>enemies visible outside of 2-300m after scoping in
>AI that isn't fucking dogshit
>ghillie suits functional
>AI that isn't fucking dogshit
>deeper weapon modding
>more complex missions
>AI that isn't fucking dogshit
What the fuck. Why? I don't remember it being special in any stats. Meta stats, not the horribly incorrect in game stats. I use the british bullpup. L118A2 or something. Reason being is it has 3 shot kill and relatively low bullet drop for an AR.
Anyway, the best non custom pistol is the M9. The best pistol hands down is the boss version of the 5-7. Best SMG is probably the P90. All the shotguns are bad unless you are fighting within 10m. Best Sniper depends on whether you are going for infantry or vehicles. The m14 is great for anti infantry.
They're all useful and accessable. Just go with personal preference.
Also, take the stats with a grain of salt. A lot of the starter guns have crap stats but are actually comparable with later guns.
Big world 80% of which is filler nothingness.
It's the literal definition of "fun with friends", ie you'll be bored out of your fucking mind unless you're doing dumb shit with a group.
>repetitive grind for mission intel
>repetitive grind for weapon/skill/rebel op intel
>repetitive grind for resources/skill medals to upgrade perks
>repetitive grind for guns/attachments
>20fps on console
>awful stuttering when driving unless you turn your render distance/general gfx settings down and play in borderless on pc
>tons of cosmetics locked behind paywall
>narco road is fucking retarded and never should've happened, don't buy it
>fallen ghosts is still $15
>terrible heli/plane controls on pc
among general performance issues bc ubi can't into optimization
If you have people to play it with then yeah it's worth $17.
I know. I've read the charts and seen more youtube testing videos than I should have.
It's pretty fun. I mostly dress in all green and run around with a P90 and a SPAS-12.
And it's as close to a good Stargate game as I'm going to get.
Is this worth a pirate? Or is it one of those "online-only" shit where you have to use Uplay to have fun
I just played some old cracked version of the game. Used hacks and stuff to hit max level immediately and get max resources. It's okay.
I really liked the separate multiplayer 4v4 mode.
>picking guns for stats over aesthetics
The only pirate version I could find were from 2016 and didn't have all the new stuff (did have the DLC campaigns, though). I do wish I could have played the DLC missions, but whatever.
>tons of cosmetics locked behind paywall
to be fair you can get all that shit from doing daily/weekly challenges now, but it's still a pain
What's the Yea Forumserdict on vehicle physics in this game? Do you take it at face value and just call them atrocious like they are, or do they cross over to "so bad it's good" territory? For me it's the latter, had tons of laughs on voice chat because of the retarded driving model causing stupid shit to happen.
Practical is asthetical. I grew a fetish for long barrel guns because in Future Soldier it was always a straight upgrade to use a long barrel and a downgrade to use a short barrel. Wildlands did a good job of making short barrels more useful by making them reduce time to aim down sights, though.
I just think it's bad.
yeah that was one of the things i thought they genuinely did well, it gave sbrs and smgs their own niche
Shit, but I got used to them after a few hours.
I can drive most land vehicles decently.
Except the APC. Seriously does nomad shotgun a beer right before he straps in.
The helicopter controls were very good though.
The plane controls sucks. Like I wish there was yaw controls.
Just remember that a short barrel invariably makes it take one more bullet to kill.
So bad it's good. A friend got it for me on xtoaster back at launch and there was one point where I hit a rock on a dirtbike at a weird angle and flew across the fucking map then died. I'll see if I can find it.
The pirate version is so outdated that it's not even worth it. Paid version has tons of cool new stuff that make the game more enjoyable.
Yes. It's all gameplay, if you like sneaking around and downing tangoes it's great. And it's actually fun when they spot you and the silencers come off. Thank fuck you can climb over almost anything and the grenades are very crispily throwable, with lines showing trajectories. It's MGSV without the boring, though I'd like to be able to hide bodies.
>the virgin bike crash vs the chad learning to fly
The new stuff is weapon/vehicle DLCs and a grand total of like 3 DLC missions. The pirate version gave me everything I needed to realise that I don't need the new shit. You still have tier 1 mode and the DLC campaigns.
It's fun with friends and solo if you have a good imagination. I feel like I'm pretty autistic/childish when it comes to role-playing in games, but hey I have fun
>playing solo
>pretending I'm in a fucked up pmc
>dress my character very casual and local with minimal tactical gear and use the weapons of the enemy
>kill civilians who get in my way or slow me down, also kill them when I need a car
>no such thing as collateral damage
>use insurgent ambush and IED tactics
More comfy option
>have target
>dress and outfit my character for the given environment, including matching camo to the area
>use all my resources to mark enemies and weaken the enemy infrastructure
>then post up as far away as I can be on a mountain overlooking target area
>start dropping enemies with a silenced sniper rifle making sure I take them out without alerting others
>send in rebels periodically to distract the enemy and have them expose themselves
The snowy areas are especially comfy for this
>pretending I'm in a fucked up pmc
it's the CIA in latin america, no need to pretend
It's so fucked up how you can kill anyone you meet and it's fine, but if you want to fuck a single bolivian woman with your 3 buddies, it's a crime.
The pvp is great but no one really plays it, Ubisoft should make the pvp standalone and cheaper. It blows literally every BR out of the water.
it's straight up one of the worst games I've played since destiny 2. it's an utter nightmare.
In paid version you have the DLC guns in main campaign, you can customize your buddies, you can use the Russian special forces dudes from Siege.
I was about to buy it but then I noticed a small word that was careful hidden in the corner, 'Denuvo'.
Sneaky bastards
Honestly? Hardest difficulty with friends is the only way I found it super fun.
Quality physics right there Ubisoft...
driving 2wheelers downhill in that game is like driving a maglev