So fucking good. I wish I could slap myself for not playing this as a kid. Is Turok 2 just as good?
So fucking good. I wish I could slap myself for not playing this as a kid. Is Turok 2 just as good?
People say that Turok 2 is better than 1.
I'm willing to believe them.
It's in many ways better.
The remaster is great.
It fixes so many fuckups from the original N64 and PC version.
I don't care if the other shotgun is functionally better. This one made the perfect sound.
Glad to see another user is really appreciating turok. Seeds of evil is also getting bought on day 1
The only N64 turok game I played was 1, so I don't know about 2.
The gamecube Turok games are fucking great.
Man, look at all that technology.
2 is fantastic. Though there are some design choices that bring it down. Lair of the Blind Ones is needlessly labyrinthine. And Hive of the Mantids is kind of boring in layout. Other levels make up for these low points.
Retro Studios, who made Metroid Prime, was founded by some of the people from Iguana Entertainment, who made the earlier Turok games.
You mean the Shredder? Debatable. It doesn't always seem to do more damage than a good ol' face full of buckshot. I think how shredder registers damage is sometimes fucked up. Can sometimes only count 1 hit instead of the kind of damage default does.
how come this isnt on ps4 yet
The shredder with explosive shots is busted, because each ricochet causes an explosion. At least it does in the remaster.
True, but I'm mostly talking regular shot. 1 explosive shell really does all the damage you'll ever need anyways.
Got it.
I remember hurting myself with the ricochets from the upgraded shotgun's explosive shells enough times that I'd often go back to using normal shotgun.
What were their thoughts on the remaster?
Turok 3 and turok evolution are better off remade completely with the amount of cut content they both have.
2 has better gunplay for sure, but man navigating the maps without any guides is a bitch and a half
playing through 1 just feels so silky smooth from start to finish. just the right amount of hidden paths and a bit of scavenger hunting but otherwise keeps the action coming all the way
It's the one that needs fixing the most badly. So many little glitches and annoyances. I'm curious if a remaster could make me like it more.
Rage Wars is by default a better game though.
I should probably ask this, thanks to this thread.
What does everyone think of Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion, and Turok: Evolution?
I don't think you can even damage yourself with explosives in the remaster. I don't recall if that was the case in the original.
I personally prefer turok 1,turok 2 has so many boring weapons (3 stun weapons and one useless light pistol, really?), while turok 1 has awesome weapon animations (alien rifle wew)
Also the level layouts in turok 2 are tedious and a couple of keys are bullshit hard to find (that key behind a shootable wall which is so easy to miss)
Turok 1 also has cooler bossfights (mantis!), so yeh. You can of course try turok 2
Even navigating maps with a guide is a ballache unless you were following a guide the entire time. I first played this game with the remaster, and there were multiple occasions where I'd miss a random objective and it would take me literal hours to find it among the samey geometry.
3 had some great ideas. But it's glitchy as fuck. Also the levels kind of suck compared to 2. Felt like a step backwards in most regards. Also, really split about the "2 heroes" thing each with their own weapons. I'm not sure it's better than how 2 handled it giving you an assload of weapons in one playthrough. More replay value, but eh...
They made the remaster.
>but man navigating the maps without any guides is a bitch and a half
Use tab. I neglected it on the first half of my playthrough but it was absolutely essential for finding the areas I hadn't been to.
Protip: Z zooms out, and X zooms in. Default zoom level is trash.
Why is it that Turok 3 and Turok Rage Wars are the only ones that never got PC ports like the rest?
Hopefully Turok 3 gets the same treatment as the remasters of 1 and 2.
And maybe, just fucking maybe, Nightdive Studios ends up fixing the glitchfest that is the PC version of the Turok: Evolution.
The flare gun is stupid. But the tranq rifle is kind of funny. Putting an enemy to sleep and sawing its head off is very satisfying.
I was never able to progress past the 6th or 7th level as a kid, the maps got too confusing and it looked the same everywhere.
Same with 2, but I couldn't even get past the second level, it's a shame because they were pretty fun.
The character differences were not too severe, mostly a few avenues opoened by the hookshot. 3 tried to capture the feeling of Half Life too much and mostly to its detriment; it's a pretty ugly game besides Danielle & really deserves more a remake as says.
Turok 2 is better. 1 is great. 2 is among the best console FPSes of all time. The HD remaster is arguably the best version of the game. Fantastic stuff.
What kind of cut content are we talking? I hadn't heard about this.
Threadly reminder that Turok 3 ruined Adon.
What kind of cut content?
Is Rage Wars worth remastering? I remember the levels being kind of blocky and shitty. I liked more melee centric characters like the raptor though.
In my honest opinion, no. Turok 1 is the best and the others just don't have the same feel, atmosphere, or style. It's an ok game, but not as good.
Wasn't it multiplayer only? If so, no.
I'll be the first to deny that. Something just feels off about Turok 2 compared to Turok 1. Turok 1 feels so much better in the gameplay department.
Yeah, but 2 has its own feel. Port of Adia, River of Souls and the Swamp had amazing atmosphere.
Yes, but it still had a campaign to progress through with unlocks n shit. I don't mind an arena centric game as long as it's fun and polished.
2 is better, more varied levels and better presentation and detail overall
1 feels like the levels are kinda assembled from prefab chunks
do you mean evolution because that game is pretty bad, i'd still buy a fixed up remaster though
I disagree. I found them to be generic, uninspired, and the entire game lacking in thematic consistency.
I'm guessing you didn't play 2 until you were much older.
On the N64, 2 was destroyed by the horrible frame rate. 1 on N64 had an almost constant 30fps which was really good at the time.
If 2 runs at 60fps on Switch then it'll be the superior game. It has a much greater variation and less cheap jump deaths than 1.
>N64 was capable of this level of facial animations
>on switch
It's a shooter. Play with a mouse on PC as God intended.
Conker does it a lot better. Also, Turok 3 was made by another team and it's trash
Get fucked, mustard.
>Conker does it a lot better.
Conker is also cartoony title, which is kinda cheating.
>can't even run an N64 era game on his toaster
nah you get fucked.
Why would that be cheating? Conker can pull off those levels of animation without foggy backgrounds and horrible frame rates
>Is Turok 2 just as good?
Oh buddy...
Post your address so I can kick your ass.
Wasn't 3 made late in the N64's life cycle?
Yes. It was also made by Acclaim Studios Austin and not Iguana, like the first two games.
It's because Turok 2 turned into a corridor shooter with up to 2 enemies on the screen halfway through the game.
Rage Wars remaster with online when? I miss arena shooter.
Rage Wars was fucking garbage
Those people are insanely wrong
No, but it is very much worth playing
Yeah but it was fun garbage, which is still far superior that the fucking battle royal shit that we're getting now.
Anyone remember playing as a raptor in evolutions multiplayer?